1978 11 15 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1978 e Roman Roos called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, Pat Swenson, Tim Stone, and Mal MacAlpine. Dick Matthews came late. Craig Mertz, Bob Waibel, Mark Koegler, and Bill Brezinsky were present. MINUTES: Jerry Neher moved to approve the October 25, 1978, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Jerry Neher, Walter Thompson, Pat Swenson, and Tim Stone. Mal MacAlpine abstained. Motion carried. e SKETCH PLAN REVIEW - CHRISTMAS LAKE WOODS: The Centurion Company is requesting to subdivide approximately 11 acres on the southwest shore of Christmas Lake into 21 residential lots. The property is located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Pleasant View Road and Powers Blvd,and is zoned R-l. Sanitary sewer and water are available to the property. The City Engineer and Assistant City Planner walked the property. They recommended Minnehaha Creek Watershed District review the plans concerning the storm water run-off. A representative of McCombs-Knutson was presentoto expl~in the proposal. The average lot size is 20,800 square feet and the four lots that front on Christmas Lake average 30,400 square feet. The property would be serviced by two cul-de-sacs off of Pleasant View Road. One cul-de-sac will require a variance in its length due to the topography of the area. Bill Brezinsky - The topography of the site, we believe, would preclude an entrance at, any other point than where the western cul-de-sac is shown. This is about the only point where you can enter the property and still maintain the ordinance required grades. The two cul-de-sacs could be connected but it would be a useless connection because of the steepness of the grade. The run off should he directed to the low'ponding area with an overflow pipe to the lake. Some of the lots will drain directly to the creek. We have had problems with that creek before and I don't know what kind of restrictions we can make on the development of these lots so that there won't be that much more drainage going into the creek or what improvements to the creek bed itself should be required. A lot of these drainage questions would be answered when we see the final grading plan and also after the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has a chance to look at the plan and which we would recommend. Tim Stone - When they do come back I would like to see a little more definitive information on exactly where the intersection of Powers Blvd. and Pleasant View Road is. I would like to emphasize your concern about the drainage. I would hope that whatever information that we do get on the drainage is fairly specific. e Jim Meyer, area resident, was present to state his objections to the density of the proposal. Dick Matthews came at 8:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting November 15, 1978 -2- SITE PLAN REVIEW - COUNTRY KITCHEN: Country Kitchen International is proposing to construct a restaurant on property located east of .- Dakota Avenue known as Outlot 2 Chanhassen Estates. The property is .., zoned C-2 and sewer and water are available. The proposed plan is adequate to ordinance standards for the number of parking spaces, however, the southeasterly most two spaces encroach within the setback for parking areas as required by ordinance. The proposal does not meet the threshold for watershed district review as it is 3/4 acre. The property will be leased from the owners of Outlot 2. The sign for the proposed development must be reviewed by the Sign Committee. The Assistant City Planner further recommended that the westerly most egress onto the property should be eliminated to give more stacking room from the frontage road to Dakota Avenue. Terry Savchek, representing Country Kitchen, Gene Reilley and Robert Mason were present. Terry Savchek - We had a short informal meeting last week and I talked with Mr. Mason after ,the meeting and it is his understanding that if they develop the property to the east we will have cross easements rights with Mr. ,Mason so we would like to leave the parking as is. -Bob was~talking about closing off the western curb cut. Initially we would like to request that we could have this curb cut until the traffic became severe from MTS'and then at the discretion of the city we would elect to close it. At the moment we dontt-feel it would be a stacking problem. We will ~ try to keep as much of the trees as we can. We have - plans to put our own. I brought a picture of one of our typical restaurants so you can see how the decor will fit in. The trash area will be enclosed and bricked so that it won't look unsightly. Roman Roos - There is about 9.6 acres in Outlot 2 of which this is approximately 3/4 of an acre. The thing that I am really concerned about is the expanse of the parking area bein? one solid blacktop area. _ I have to go along with staff s feeling about some kind of a buffer in order to give us some way of breaking whatever development we might find east on that property. I think it is a very good use of the land. Pat Swenson - As I understand it, this would be facing Dakota so actually the landscaping would be facing Dakota and the station across the street, according to the map T see here what would you propose between the building and Highway 5? Are you planning any planting there? Terry Savchek - We do have some small plantings,there. I believe there l are some trees there now. If anything that is there is salvageable we will keep it. Pat Swenson - I think that would be rather important tome.. .We have such a conglomeration of things facing Highway 5 and I ~ am a little concerned about it. .., Roman Roos - Last week we were talking about existing trees on that location. I am talking about some of the older trees a couple of them are dead but some of them are very very sharp and they felt they could work around a couple of the trees. . Wi - '- /----.... -,' '. Planning Commission Meeting November 15, 1978 -3- has the is no This is, Bob Waibel - There is no public hearing involved at all. It proper zoning. No subdivision involved. There conditional use permit as it is not in the CBD. by our ordinance, a site plan review. Tim Stone - There are some issues which I haven't heard addressed. I see some light standards being shown. I don't have any clear indication of what kind of shielding or baffling devices are available on that. Roman Roos - I think their use of the land, I would have to go along with Country Kitchen, is a viable use of the land. Tim Stone - No disagreement on that. Roman Roos - I don't think &0 as long as I have got a chance from a commission point of view to be sure that some of the points that we have brought up would be in there. The intensity of the light isa very valid point. This piece of property is about 200 feet from the property line of the existing dwellings to the south. Bob, there is one other question we talked about before you came down and that was the buffering on the eastern border of the property. Eventually if you were to make another development to the east you might tie that parking lot together and that's something I definitely would not want to see~ Bob Mason - Why? Roman Roos - It would be too much blacktop for the amount of development, actual building and green land area. I really don't know what you are going to put over here. . Bob Mason- We don't either.but we do know that if 'something goes in they are going to need parking and it's 'a lot better to gave cross easement parking for adequacy of parking than for everybody to have their own little thing. Gene Reilley - Certain type of retail use have different peak parking periods. Roman Roos - Let me recap the concerns. The first thing we are concerned about would be the daletion of the .curbcut. Do it now. The second item we wanted to talk about would be the elimination of two parking spaces in the southeast corner. Terry Savchek - This would not-be a problem to us. Roman Roos - The intensity of the lighting in the parking area. Terry Savchek - They do now have a subdued lighting system that they are now using. Bob Mason - Your main concern is that the lighting come pretty much straight down. . Roman Roos - Another item we brought up would be the saving of the existing trees that we can on that property. Another would be the enclosing or the continuity of the facing of the northern property to enclose the trash area. Sign review. Establish lease lines that would discourage cross easement parking. Gene Reilley - Wouldn't you be able to control that when we would come in for the use on the other piece of property? Bob Mason - The thing is though that in talking about the cross easement, planning commission's change too and I hate to see us eliminate something today that we might or might not want and have another planning commission come along later after we can't even make the change with Country Kitchen any more and not get a cross easement if we so desire. Roman Roos - One nice thing about taking each proposal as it comes in an outlot development is you can control the landscaping Planning Commission Meeting November 15, 1978 -4- on each and everyone. Anytime you put 'landscaping in a parking lot you make it much more attractive to the general public. If you have cross easement parking you have no way of putting landscaping in whatsoever. It's almost :impossible:toconsider this in total we have to take a look at this one section. As an alternative, possibly a couple of curb cuts there so that you have access into the parking lot. That's a different ballgame. We have to have some of break point.' I think something like that could be covered under the next proposal that might come in. Tim Stone - I would likedto add one more. That the landscaping of the project be consistent with the photograph submitted. Tim Stone moved to recommend approval of the sketch plan as submitted with the eight comments as setforth'above. Motion seconded by Mal MacAlpine and unanimously approved. ~ .. VARIANCE REQUEST- SUPERAMERICA.SERVICE STATION:' Superamerica has submitted building plans to the city to add a 8 x'lZ'foot metal storage shed to their building 'located at the lower Y. They want to store existing equipment that is presently left outside at:night and subject to vandalism and burglarly. A variance is requested to Ordinance 45. Craig Mertz - The issue of intensification, focus on the fact that the zoning isC-3 and service stations are permitted in that area. The non~conforming is the fact:that your Ordinance 45 says we don't want to issue a building permits in unsewered areas so you are:intensifying a commercial use in anunsewered area and not the fact that you are making a service station any worse or better. Mal MacAlpine moved to recommend the Council grant a variance to Ordinance 45 to allow the erection of a metal storage shed at the SuperAmerica Service Station. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved. - Members felt it is not an intensification of the use. It is putting under cover those things that they normally store outdoors and they have experienced some vandalism and burglarly of 'these items. AMEND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - HANUS FACILITY: Mr. Hanus was present seeking approval of an amendment to his conditional use permit-to allow Minnesota Roadways Company in his building on West 79th Street.as Eggan Van is no longer in the building. Minnesota Roadways is a road sealer operation with ten trucks and two small asphalt applicator trucks. No asphalt material will be stored on the premises except in the liquid asphalt distributor trucks. Members discussed parking of the trucks and felt the best location would be in the northeast quadrant of the property. Some of the equipment will be stored inside as well as repairs will be done inside. The Assistant City Planner will prepare a proposed amendment for Mr. Hanus and Planning Commission review prior to Council review. ' LIAISON TO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION: Pat Swenson was appointed ~' Planning Commission liaison to the Park and Recreation Commission. . e- ~" - Planning Commission Meeting November 15, 1978 -5- BLOOMBERG PROPOSAL - SOUTH LOTUS LAKE: The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board has received a petition with the required number of signatures to petition for an environmental impact statement. A public informational meeting will be held December 19, 1978, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chanhassen Elementary School. Planning Commission members were urged to attend. ECOLOGICAL COMMITTEE: Members discussed whether the surface water usage plan should be completed by the Ecological Committee, City Staff or a consultant. Mal MacAlpine moved that the Planning Commission recommends that professional expertise is required to complete the surface water usage plan. Motion seconded by Dick Matthews and unanimously approved. 208 WATER QUALITY: Lake Ann interceptor has been eliminated from the program. Jerry Neher moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at lO:30 p.m. Don Ashworth City Manager