IUP 2021-13 - Recorded CAMPBELL KNUTSON PROFESSIONAL • ASSOC I AT I O N August 30, 2021 Elliott B. Knetsch Joel J.Jamnik Andrea McDowell Poehler Ms. Jean Steckling Soren M. Mattick City of Chanhassen David S. Kendall 7700 Market Boulevard Henry A. Schaeffer,III Alina Schwartz P.O. Box 147 Shana N. Conklin Chanhassen, MN 55317 James J.Monge,Ill Jerome M. Porter Re: Miscellaneous Recordings Leah C.M. Koch Meagan K.Kelley Benjamin J. Colburn Dear Ms. Steckling: Jared D.Shepherd Please find enclosed the following documents that have been recorded with Carver Thomas J. Campbell* County: Roger N. Knutson *Retired 1. Interim Use Permit#2021-13 recorded August 26, 2021 as Document No. A731731; 2. Resolution 2021-36 recorded August 5, 2021 as Document No. A730258; 3. Interim Use Permit#2-21-02 recorded August 5, 2021 as Document No. A730255; 4. Variance 2021-07A recorded August 4, 2021 as Document No. T220590; and 5. Variance 2021-10 recorded August 6, 2021 as Document No. A730353. Thank you. Very truly yours, • CITY OF CHANHASSEN CAMPBELL KNUTSON RECEIVED Professional Assoc' 'on SEP 0 3 2Ot=1 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Jea son, Legal Assistant Ijmo Grand Oak Office Center 1 Enclosures 860 Blue Gentian Road Suite 290 Eagan,Minnesota 5;121 Main:631-452-S000 Fax:6i1-234-6237 www.ck-law.corn 21-591\1 Document Number: A731731 Filed and/or Recorded on Aug 26, 2021 10:55 AM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles Carver County, Minnesota Kaaren Lewis, County Recorder Deputy CS Document Recording Fees $46.00 Document Total $ 46.00 Requesting Party: City of Chanhassen Pages: 6 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES INTERIM USE PERMIT#2021-13 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein,the City of Chanhassen hereby grants an interim use for an Agritainment use for 9111 Audubon Road. 2. Property. The permit is for the following described property("subject property")in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota: (See Exhibit A) 3. Conditions. The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: Building: a. Accessible parking shall be located on an improved, centralized, permanent surface and shall be based on the maximum parking provided based on the rotational parking plan shown in Exhibit B. Engineering: a. All conditions set forth by Carver County shall be addressed by the applicant, and all permits required shall be obtained prior to the commencement of Agritainment operations. b. Parking capacity shall be based on city standard parking lot layout in Section 20-1118 of the Chanhassen City Code. c. Corn rows are an acceptable screening for parking lots. 1 Fire: a. Corn mazes and Straw Mazes shall be set back at least 75 feet from all vehicular parking and all ignition sources, including open flame(recreational fire pits). b. Applicant must place a fire hydrant on site. Planning: a. The Interim Use Permit(IUP) shall terminate five (5) years from the date of City Council approval. b. Buildings and use areas shall be as shown on the approved Exhibit B. Additional buildings shall require an amendment to the Interim Use Permit. c. Sanitary facilities shall be provided for site visitors. d. The use of the subject property must be in general conformance with the attached Exhibit B. An annual report of the activities proposed for the upcoming year and an updated site plan with the parking location for the year shall be submitted to the City by May 1st each year. Water Resources: a. The applicant shall incorporate Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) Conservation Area signage within the BCOD portion of the site. Precise amount and location of signage must be approved by the City's Water Resources Coordinator. 4. Termination of Permit. This Interim Use Permit shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events,whichever first occurs: a. The date stated in the permit; b. Upon violation of conditions under which the permit was issued; c. Upon change in the city's zoning regulations which renders the use nonconforming; d. Upon the subdivision of the property or the alteration of the lot lines of the property. 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse,unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. b. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this Interim Use Permit is a criminal misdemeanor. 2 Dated: August 9, 2021 f CITY OF CHANHASSEN r. K', Elise Ryan, Mayor ' 5 'for � Wuutiptik14,5tAniAc a ',:„et , By: < Laurie Hokkanen,City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I(.9 ay of 4 tiT ,c - 2021,by Elise Ryan, Mayor,and Laurie Hokkanen,City Manager,of the City of Chanhaslen,a Minnesota municipal corporation,on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. iii/0 _ _ z_,d040 Notary P slic DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 ,... ,�. KIO T. MEUWISS Notary Public Minnesota Chanhassen,MN 55317 ��"; a+r c mi ►�s�.zoxs (952)227-1100 EXHIBIT A To the following described Real Estate situated in Carver County,Minnesota. (A) The Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NW'/,of SE'/,of Section 22,Township 116,Range 23,containing 40 acres of land,more or less. (B) Also,beginning at the post in South line of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter(NW'/, of SE' )Section 22,Township 116,Range 23,One(1)chain West from the Southeast(SE)Corner of said Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter(NW'/,of SE'/.);thence South 38%2 dgs. West 2.38 chains;thence South 73 dgs. West 4.35 chains;thence South 36'/2 dgs. West 1.90 chains;thence South 17Y2 dge. West 3.70 chains;thence North 82 dgs. West 1.50 chains to a point in North and South middle line of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter(SW'/<of SE'/,);thence North along said middle line 8.00 chains to a post in South line of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NW' of SE'/4);thence East 10.00 chains to place of beginning,situated in East Half(E'/2)of Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter(SW'/<of SE'A), Section 22,Township 116,Range 23, containing 3.60 acres. (C) Also,Commencing at a post on center line of Section 22,Township 116,Range 23, which post bears South 4.20 chains from center post of said Sec.22;thence South 15.32 chains to Quarter Quarter post;thence North 44'/2 dgs.West 27.90 chains;thence East 15.32 chains;thence South 4.28 chains;thence East 4.28 chains to place of beginning, situated in Lot 2, Sec.22,Township 116, Range 23 and containing 17.37 acres,more or less. (D) Also, Beginning at the Quarter Section post on South line of Section 22,Township 116, Range 23,running thence North along center line of said Section 20.00 chains to middle line of Southeast quarter(SE'/•)of said Section;thence East along said middle line 10.00 chains;thence South parallel with first mentioned line 15.75 chains to a point in the center of a creek;thence Southerly along center of said creek to South line of said Section;thence West 7.00 chains to place of beginning,containing 19 acres of land more or less,situated in West half of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter(W'/2 of SW%of SE%)of Section 22,Township 116,Range 23. 4 EXHIBIT B Dealer Farm Narrative& Site Plan Brief Background: Degler Farm has an extensive background in farming and educational teaching. Family founded by multi-generational elementary and high school educators; Degler Farm has a passion for educating youth. Our mission is to educate local youth on the operation,economics, and future of agriculture. In this spirit, Degler Farm would like to be more community facing through the growing area of Agritourism. We want to bring our passion for education and combine it with farm friendly activities. This"outside the classroom"learning on the farm is not only instructive,but fun. We see it as another yet another way to reach our neighbors and local community. Activity: Description: Education component: Hayrides -Give participants a ride on a Local farm history in Chanhassen tractor pulled wagon. Tree identification Corn/Bean Maze -Participants walk through a How corn is grown corn/bean cut maze Corn Pit -Area of shelled Corn for play What shelled corn looks like— differences between sweet corn and field corn. Straw Bale Maze -Smaller kid size maze What is straw? Pumpkin Picking -Pick your own Crop rotation and plant care Antique Tractor -Outdoor tractor displays Evolution of the farm tractor. Displays Snowshoeing -Snowshoeing Outdoor fitness&nature etiquette, animal tracking Other activities: Hayrides, corn/bean maze,corn pit, straw bale maze,tractor displays, snowshoeing, harvest-your- own produce, hill slides,pumpkin throwers/cannons, lookout towers,zip lines,play structures,saw mill demonstrations,hay stacks,kiddie trains, animal rides, sleigh rides, snowshoeing, maple syrup harvesting,cross country skiing, animal walks, animal rides, farm implement games, sledding hills, axe throwing, outdoor music, archery stands, agricultural demonstrations are exhibited regardless of compensation. 5 .te ...�..��.•...,...c Hayride: - Hayride path is a loop that starts at farm and h. Lyman Blvd Lyman.Blvd travels through the back pasture. It will "' start/end at the farmyard.Hayride route will c '� change based on crop rotation. Cross • D country skiing,snowshoeing,hiking,animal p walks,animal rides,sleigh rides,and biking f --as will utilize same trail. " # F.. o 4 - i Com/bean maze Location: Location of 2020/2021 corn maze is shown ,`z pictorially. Due to rotational nature of crops, '11 corn maze location will change. a I'•of Farm r7 �,.•r• •y " -,,.,r�:}; . " ax vll.. ' � �, d1MlW • • • Vendor Locations: Shown in the general area marked by in Yellow dot. 0 • - Chemical Toilet Locations: Marked by orange dot,this location is not able to be seen from outside the property. $ Sledding Hill/Hill Slides: • / Marked in Red outline/green shaded area Zip line: Marked in Purple line _; r • F • Corn pit&straw bale maze General location is shown by green dot. T. Other activities:(will rotate around farmyard based on field planting&parking—(8 blue dot n areas) r Tractor displays,harvest-your-own produce, 1 ..1*. . -N F pumpkin throwers/cannons,lookout towers. play structures,sawmill demonstrations,hay stacks,kiddie trains,maple syrup harvesting, ' //\i' .. -. ' farm implement games,axe throwing,outdoor music,archery stands,agricultural demonstrations c.+ a. 4 ' . i"..../ lie: - Parking Size/Capacity/Locations: • A one acre parking lot with only lanes and spaces could fit approximately 150 cars.Assuming we are going with box(90 degree)parking,the dimensions of the space required are(9 ft wide)(18 ft long+26ft travel lane.) Shown on map are approximate parking car capacities. • Parking Location: • The 3 lots are options shown as rotational placements of parking. Entrances/exits are from Audubon Road and marked with dotted lines. • In 2020 the most cars we had on the premise was 25 cars parked at 1 time. (40 total on a Saturday)The parking plan is meant to show we have ample parking spaces. • Parking Surface will be a permittable fast growing alfalfa/grass mix. In the unlikely event that erosion or dust present a problem,the affected area will be roped off and fitted with erosion barriers.(hay bales)Lots that do not survive winter freeze will be replanted. • Accessible parking locations will be placed each year as needed in magenta and follow guidelines of size and quantity. 6 /11P .1- v . .. Havride: ylfiail.B'vd -,•10' . . -w -L4m a Eilvd -' j _ • Hayride path is a loop that starts at farm and c in travels through the back pasture. It will A- .. gi start/end at the farmyard.Hayride route will -..4(D change based on crop rotation. Cross '' country skiing,snowshoeing,hiking,animal Ja walks,animal rides,sleigh rides,and biking C will utilize same trail. % ., Com/bean maze Location: a s` -- Location of 2020/2021 corn maze is shown .E _ pictorially. Due to rotational nature of crops. `4' Dell et-Farm r ':_ .. corn maze location will change, . :.. IF O.y m • Vendor Locations: _. Shown in the general area marked by in 4 Yellow dot. ;\ -....;.---- Chemical Toilet Locations: 1 ,:I Marked by orange dot,this location is not •:, able to be seen from outside the property. 4 y3 \ .- , Sledding Hill/Hill Slides: Marked in Red outline/green shaded area Zio line., US: - . Marked in Purple line k. . t Corn oil&straw bale maze IL General location is shown by green dot. Other activities:(will rotate around farmyard based on field planting&parking—(8 blue dot Na• areas) Tractor displays.harvest-your-own produce. pumpkin throwers/cannons,lookout towers, play structures.sawmill demonstrations,hay ?`` slacks,kiddie trains,maple syrup harvesting. farm implement games.axe throwing,outdoor music,archery stands,agricultural Lot Size Parking (acres) spaces: - (9ft x18ft) Lot 1 .76 acres 82 i�. .- Lot 2 .94 acres 120 Lot 3 2.25 acres 250 Parkino Size/Capacity/Locations: • A one acre parking lot with only lanes and spaces could fit approximately 150 cars.Assuming we are going with box(90 degree)parking,the dimensions of the space required are(9 ft wide)(18 ft long+26ft travel lane.) Shown on map are approximate parking car capacities. • Parkina Location: • The 3 lots are options shown as rotational placements of parking. Entrances/exits are from Audubon Road and marked with dotted lines. • In 2020 the most cars we had on the premise was 25 cars parked at 1 time. (40 total on a Saturday)The parking plan is meant to show we have ample parking spaces. • Parking Surface will be a permittable fast growing alfalfa/grass mix. In the unlikely event that erosion or dust present a problem,the affected area will be roped off and fitted with erosion barriers.(hay bales)Lots that do not survive winter freeze will be replanted. • Accessible parking locations will be placed each year as needed in magenta and follow guidelines of size and quantity.