1978 12 20
R:rnan Roos called the rreeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following rrembers
present: Dick Matthavs, Walter Thonpson, Jerry Neher, Mal MacAlpine and Tim
Stone, Pat SWenson was absent.
GENERAL CDMMrJNITY GR:CWlH POLICIES: The first i tern of business focused on a
discussion on the future grcMth of Cl1anhassen. .r.1ark Koegler, City Planner, asked
the a::mnissioners what Cl1anhassen should be and berome in the future. Jbrnan Roos
responded that in his opinion, Cl1anhassen is a residential corrmunity and a
heavily cormercialized dCMntCMn is not very realistic in the near future.
Dick Matthews stated that wi thin the next five years, he did not forsee a
significant change shifting Cl1anhassen from a bedroom corrmuni ty to an industrial
area. He went on to add that the City is however, embarking upon a. new era
as a developing camnmi ty by providing incenti vessuch as the tax increment
district. A general discussion followed on comrercial and industrial developrrent.
Dick Matthews stated that due to energy ronsiderations and other eronomic factors,
it is a reasonable assmrption that people will have to locate closer to their
jobs. Businesses will develop in carmunities where a close supply of housing
exists. The City Plarmer posed the question of whether or not Chanhassen will
be able to provide affordable housing to the various inrome groups which would
be attracted. A discussion on housing types followed with a ronsensus being
reached that the City is going to have to provide a variety of residential
At the ronclusion of the discussion, Tim Stone asked how the comnission's
canrrents on Olanhassen will be entered into the Cbnprehensive Plan. The City
Plarmer responded that the tone of the ro:rmrents will be reflected in all subsequent
materials which will be prepared by staff and presented to the ro:rnrnission.
The City Plarmer then asked the rorrmission what problems in addition to housing
and utility investrrents they saw in Cl1anhassen today. Mal MacAlpine responded
that zoning is potentially a problem. He questioned the accuracy in which the
City is presently zoned especially in terms of cc:mrercial properties. Tim Stone
added that he sees three existing problems: I} mass transit - transportation
facilities including rail, auto, and pedestrian rrovement; 2} support facilities
within the cx:.xnmunity - encouraging self supporting businesses; and 3} effective
use of natural arrenities.
the data pointing out where infonnation was updated and focused upon revised
wastewater flow projections found within the 208 report.
Discussion was held on the electric utili ties which serve Cl1anhassen and the
costs associated with extending such services into developing areas.
The conmission then rroved into a discussion of specific utility goals and
policies. After a review of these staterrents, Tim Stone requested a
nodification of certain goals and policies to include utili ties 0.ther than
sewer and water. Dick Matthews added that he would like to see an expansion
of water policies particularly as related to fire protection.
The City Planrer indicated that these changes would be made and presented to the
Canmission at its January 17, 1979, rreeting.
.. The rreeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Ibn Ashworth
City Manager