1979 01 17
Roman Roos called the meeting to order with the following members present: Jerry
Neher, Pat Swenson, Tim Stone, and Walter Thompson. Mal MacAlpine was absent. Gordon
Freeburg and Councilman Pearson were present.
ERSBO SUBDIVISION: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed
four lot subdivision on October 25, 1978, and action was tabled to give staff time
to review the revised plan.
Tim Stone moved to recommend the Council approve the Ersbo Subdivision and rezoning
to R-l. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos,
Jerry Neher, Pat Swenson, Tim Stone, and Walter Thompson. Gordon Freeburg abstained.
Moti on carri ed.
UTILITY GOALS AND POLICIES: The City Planner stated that the changes in the goal
and policy statements that were discussed at the previous meeting had been made.
The commission then reviewed the changes.
PHYSICAL LAND USE DETERMINANTS: A general introduction was then given on physical
land use determinants. It was stated that physical land use determinants are an
integral component of a comprehensive planning effort because of the impact natural
features have on the types and economic feasibility of land use developments. Specific
features examined included climate, topography, vegetation, soils, wetland areas,
and geology. The City Planner then proceeded to briefly cover the climate,
topography, geology, and vegetation sections. He then stated that two areas needed
additional study; the vegetation and lake usage component of the water resources
study. Regarding vegetation, additional study is needed in order to locate and
quantify major types of vegetation and particularly, rare and endangered species.
It was mentioned that this study may be able to be conducted by a class group from
the University of Minnesota.
The City Planner then emphasized the importance of lakes and other water bodies
within the city and the significant role they plan in the planning of future
developments. He continued to say that at some point, possibly in conjunction with
the recreation section, lake suage should be examined.
Chairman Roman Roos asked if the Ecological Committee was still in existence and
if so, what input they may have in this phase? He then requested that a discussion
on the Ecological Committee be placed on the agenda of the next special meeting.
The City Planner then continued wi th a more detail ed expl anation of the soil sand
wetlands sections. The correlation between the text and maps was discussed. Gordon
Freeburg asked if adjoining jurisdictions such as Eden Prairie had resource
information, particularly soils, in a compatible format with that of Chanhassens.
The City Planner and Assistant City Manager responded that the Chanhassen system
was essentially based upon a national system and therefore, could be considered
NATURAL RESOURCES GOALS AND POLICIES: The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed
goal and policy statements and added specific comments. Tim Stone then requested
that all of the goal and policy statements be looked at in a more general sense so
as to reflect policy and not standards. The City Planner stated that he would
examine the statements and correct the verbage where appropriate.
Jerry Neher moved to adjourn. Pat Swenson seconded the motion and unanimously
Don Ashworth
City Manager