1979 02 28
Walter Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the
following members present: Jerry Neher, Mal MacAlpine, and Gordon
Freeburg. Roman Roos came at 8:15 p.m. Pat Swenson was absent.
OATH OF OFFICE: The Assistant City Attorney administered the oath of
office to Mal MacAlpine as a member of the Planning Commission.
MINUTES: Jerry Neher moved to table action on the February 14, 1979,
Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Mal MacAlpine and
unanimously approved.
INSPECTION OF NEW HOMES: Planning Commission members discussed the
current building inspections of new homes. It has been brought to the
attention of some members that the homes in the New Horizon Subdivision
do not meet current construction codes, specifically the footing
insulation on unprotected basement walls and floors has not been done
and a 6 inch inside diameter stack is required, 5 inch have been
installed. Planning Commission members did go to the homes and found
the above to be true. Members would like to have the building inspector
attend a future meeting.
Staff was asked to contact communities that have some of the prefab
type homes being built where the opportunity for the homeowner is
there to finish off some of the home. The Planning Commission wants
to know stages of inspection and if there is a time table for
completion of exterior work.
The following interested persons were present:
Dale Geving, 7602 Huron
J. Harold and Agnes Anderson, 6470 Oriole Lane, Excelsior
The Assistant City Manager/Planner recommended the Planning Commission
recommend approval of the subdivisionosubject to;
1. Dedication of Oriole Lane and Forest Avenue,
2. That Lot 4 become a part of Outlot A.
3. That potential subdivision lines in Out1ots A and B be removed.
4. Outlot B is south of Forest Avenue.
Gordon Freeburg moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by
Jerry Neher and unanimously approved.
J. HAROLD ANDERSON SUBDIVISION: Gordon Freeburg moved to recommended
approval of the subdivision subject to the Planner's recommendations
and shown on Exhibit A dated February 28, 1979. Motion seconded by
Jerry Neher and unanimously approved.
Roman Roos came at this point and chaired the remainder of the meeting.
PRD - DERRICK LAND COMPANY: Derrick Land Company is proposing to
subdivide approximately 35 acres on the northwest shore of Lotus Lake
into 55 single family residential building lots. The property is zoned
R-lA. Sanitary sewer and water are presently available. The Park and
Recreation Commission will review the proposed plan.
Members expressed concern as to the location of the proposed east-west
street from Lake Lucy Road to Hennepin County Road 62.
Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1979
A discussion was held on extending the street through to the Carver
Beach neighborhood.
CHRISTMAS ACRES: The applicant' is r~questing to subdivide approximate1y1la
eleven acres 'onthe southwest shore of Christmas Lake. into seven single
family lots. The property has been assessed for public improvements
in the amount of $18,942 and $35,484.09 including interest has been
deferred. Even though the property is under subdivided, the special
assessment obligation is still intact. The Assistant City Manager/
Planner recommended that the Planning Commission order a public
hearing for the subdivision and conditional use permit conditioned
upon the applicant submitting plans for the neighborhood open space
and facilities proposed, copies of homeowners organization by laws
covenants and restrictions and reports from the Minnehaha Creek
Watershed District.
A 15 foot access to the lake is proposed 0 with a dock for boats. No
swimming beach will be provided. Horsepower on the boats will be
limited. .
Mal MacAlpine moved to hold a public hearing of the proposed Christmas
Acres subdivision. Time and date to be set by the Assistant City
Manager/Planner. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously
SUBDIVISION REQUEST - KEN WALDRIP: Mr. Waldrip is proposing to
subdivide off the existing house located at 6431 Galpin Blvd. from
a larger parcel. The property is presented zoned P-1. Mr. Waldrip
pr4opo~ed 34dto~~ousbe ~n1diits, a 28hunit cOinddominfiumhbui1ding anbd ad.. .
2 un~t con om~n~um u~ . ng on t e rema n er 0 t e property, ut oes
not wish to pursue this proposal at this time. Planning Commission
members felt that Mr. Waldrip has fulfilled the requirements of the
ordinance by showing what he has planned for the remainder of the
Mal MacAlpine moved to hold a public hearing to consider the subdivision,
Planning Case P-613, as outlined in the Ken Waldrip proposal dated
February 12, 1979, Lot 1, Block 2, and Outlot A, on March 28, 1979.
Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved.
Assistant City Manager/Planner discussed the request of New Horizon
Hones to reduce the width of the streets. He had called several cities
which have similar developments with four unit townhomes and received
the following information: .
City of Bloomington -36 foot roadway face to face with no parking
City of Burnsville - 31 foot ~oadway augmented by a no overnight
parking regulation.
City of Woodbury - 24 foot roadway curb to curb with no parking
The Planning Commission took action opthis issue at their last meeting.
Hansen and Klingelhutz are requesting an amendment to Section Sof ~.
their development contract which presently states no motor vehicle ...
larger than 7,000 lbs. be permitted to be parked at the site between
the hours of 2:00 a.~. and 6:00 a.m. on any day. The Assistant City
Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1979
r1~l\a,gert Planner recommended that Section S be amended to read that no
motor vehicle larger than 9,000 lbs. licensed gross weight shall be
parked or stored outside of the building on the subject property
between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day. Furthermore
the motor vehicles to be stored outside shall be self-propelled light
duty, over the road vehicles also this should be along the western
property line only.
Jim Hawks and Doug Hansen were present. The Assistant City Manager/
Planner and Hansen and Klingelhutz will work out an amendment to the
development contract and return to the Planning Commission for review.
PRESTIGE DEVELOPMENT PRO: This plan was previously presented to the
Planning Commission. The applicant was told to work on an alternative
road design that would reflect the recommended frontage road. The
revised plan shows the frontage road to have a common boundary between
the proposed development and the legion club property. The City Engineer
should take a closer look at the proposed stacking distance between
the intersection of Great Plains Blvd. and the frontage road for its
adequacy and proper alignment for the continuation of the frontage road
to the west. The developer is not proposing for the multiple units
at this time.
A representative of Criteria, Inc. was present to explain the proposal.
The development covers approximately 80 acres located directly west
of Chanhassen Estates. The developer was advised to present his
proposal to the Chanhassen Estates Association. The Developer was
advised to proceed.
presented a preliminary sketch plan showing interior street patterns,
proposed lot divisions for the single family areas. A revised data
sheet shows 142 dwelling units in Zone A, 113 dwelling units in Zone C
62 units in Zone D, and 72 units in Zone E. The proposed road system
does not express the east/west collector street as recommended by staff.
The Park and Recreation Commission will be meeting March 6 and will
review this proposal.
Mr. Pflaum stated that the main reason they are against the collector
street is it would literally divide the site in half. The reason they
want to buy the site is because it is a secluded area and they can
capitalize on many of the natural and environmental features. The
road as proposed by the city would take some of the most valuable land
that they have chosen. There is no lateral benefit on either side of
the road which makes it a very expensive road for whoever has to pay
for it.
Peter Pflaum - I know if I tried to put that road through that marsh
DNR would never allow it. We can't touch marsh and I
am not sure that even if we said all right we would
work with the City and we will put that road in that
we wouldn't have significant environmental problems
with various governmental agencies even allowing it.
That's really an important point for all of us to
think about because that could stop the whole project.
CANDIDATES FOR PLANNING COMMISSION: Members will conduct interviews
of persons interested in serving on the Planning Commission.
Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1979
Mal MacAlpine moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and
unanimously approved. 411
Don Ashworth
City Manager