1979 03 14 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 14, 1979 it Roman Roos called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. with the following members present: Gordon Freeburg, Mal MacAlpine, Walter Thompson, Pat Swenson, and Jerry Neher. NEW MEMBER: Gordon Freeburg moved to recommend the Council appoint; (1) Clark Horn, (2) Tom Droegemueller, (3) Art Partridge or, (4) Jim Bohn to the Planning Commission to replace Tim Stone. Motion seconded by Mal MacAlpine. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Gordon Freeburg, Mal MacAlpine, Walter Thompson, and Pat Swenson. Jerry Neher abstained. Motion carried. MINUTES: Walter Thompson moved to accept the February 14, 1979, Planning Commission minutes as written. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Gordon Freeburg, Walter Thompson, and Jerry Neher. Pat Swenson and Mal MacAlpine abstained. Motion carried. Jerry Neher moved to approve the February 28, 1979, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Gordon Freeburg. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Gordon Freeburg, Walter Thompson, Jerry Neher and Mal MacAlpine. Pat Swenson abstained. Motion carried. Pat Swenson moved to note the February 20, 1979, Council minutes. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. JEROME CARLSON REZONING: Mr. Carlson is purchasing the Victor Schmieg farm with the contingency that the property be rezoned industrial/commercial prior to closing. The farm is located on the south side of Highway 5 directly across from Powers Blvd. Future plans for a portion of the 41 acres include a 200,000 square foot building to house Instant Web. e Mal MacAlpine moved to hold a public hearing on April 4, 1979, at 7:45 p.m. to consider rezoning from R-lA to P-4. Motion seconded by Gordon Freeburg and unanimously approved. PLAN AMENDMENT - LYMAN LUMBER: Peter Throdahl was present. Lyman Lumber is proposing to change the phasing of their plans and a reconfiguration of the distribution yard storage buildings. The phasing of the distribution yard would remain the same with the first phase consisting of the dispatch office, three sided shed on the northwest corner, and a covered warehouse and dock facility. These buildings will be built this summer. In order to allow for the most efficient flow of material Lyman Lumber requests not to build the interior umbrella sheds until they have determined the best interior layout and flow of the yard. These sheds would be builtin late fall 1979 and spring of 1980. The first phase of the millwork plant would begin in the spring of 1980 and would be designed to be expanded to 100,000 square feet in the future. The first phase of the component plant would begin after 1981. Members generally favored the changes in the phasing as it coincides with what was originally favored in 1975. Jerry Neher moved to hold a public hearing on April 4, 1979, at 8:15p.m. to consider amending the Lyman Lumber plan. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson and unanimously approved. e NORTH CHANHASSEN, EAST/WEST TRANSPORTATION STUDY: Herb Baldwin, representing Near Mountain properties, and Pat Murphy, Carver County DirectoI of Public Works, were present. Members discussed the need for a collector Planning Commission Meeting March 14, 1979 -2- street between Powers Blvd. and Chanhassen Road. Pat Murphy discussed the county's role in this proposed street. They become involved if it is determined that an arterial street is needed. - Members were polled as to the heed fgr a collector street. Pat Swenson - I confess that the Ileed is something. Where, of course,' is something we have to find out. If it can be put through without completely lousing up. the Near Mountain project and everything else. I am in favor of having a feasibility study with variable options. Walter Thompson - I think, not looking at tomorrow but looking at ten years and beyond, there if going to have to be some thoroughfare through there and I favor a feasibility study. Jerry Neher - No question in my mind that there will be a need for it. It isn't there today but it will be. If we don't provide the right-of-way for one or provide a 'different route in there, it's going to be Pleasant View Road and that won't take it. Mal MacAlpine - I feel there is going to be a need or is a need for a collector corridor. The only question in my mind is where it should be and that's why I would be in support of a feasibility study. Gordon Freeburg - I can see a need for a east/west collector but I cannot see a need that really doesn't benefit Chanhassen entirely. I still go back to the same premise that we are benefitting Hennepin County more than we are benefitting the City of Chanhassen. I can see a need and I would say that we need a feasibility study to tell us where the need is. It is my point that we are still benefitting Hennepin County and we are not benefitting Chanhassen. Roman Roos - I, in like manner, think there should be a collector street. I would surely like to, because of the terrain, separate it into two isolated entities but I am afraid ten years down the pike there is going to be a problem. Ideally if we could just terminate each collector street in those areas I think that would answer all questions but I don't think that can be done. e Mal MacAlpine moved that the Planning Commission recommends to the Council that they order a feasibility study to establish the need for a collector corridor, define its construction and financing and provide alternatives between Carver County Road 17 (Powers Blvd.) and Hennepin 'County Road 62. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. PLEASANT VIEW PARK: The Assistant City Manager/Planner presented three proposed lot configurations for the northly property that was included in the purchase of Pleasant View Park. . Jerry Neher moved that the Planning Commission recommends Plan Clot arrangement. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson. The following voted in favor: Roman Roos, Gordon Freeburg, Pat Swenson, Jerry Neher, and Walter~ Thompson. Mal MacAlpine abstained. Motion carried. ~. Jerry Neher moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Gordon Freeburg and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Don AsnW9rtnr G~t~ ~qn~ger