1979 04 18 SPECIAL PLANNING C0I-1IvIISSION J'vlEETING APRIL IB, 1979 - Rorrean Haas caDed the meeting to order at 7: 30 p.m. wJth the follo'\<Ting members present: Pat SvIenscm, !rIa] ter Thompson, Gerald Neher and Gordon Freeburg. Clark Horn was present. OATE OF OFFICE: The City Attorney administered the oath of office to Clark Horn AS a member-of the Planning COTI'J11.ission. Pat 3l\Tenson save a brief report on the TiJaldrip ~)ubd:i.vision before the Council on Honday ni["ht;1 ilpr~l 16.- The Coune:!.} divide that section off, \,rith nothing said about the road4 till':' it 1"ras not 8. factor. Public Hearing that l"as did give the permit to sub- 'rhey felt at this particular [tom an aoos reporteel that the Council also recommended that "Then "("Taldr:1.p gets ready to subdivide off, that he Hould have the secondary access to the apartment project installed. Pat Swenson reported that the North IJake Susan public improvement roads were tE'bled unti~_ the 30th. NevI Hor:i7,ons Here tabled until the 30th. Hr. Horn received his appointrnent, end the I.;yman plan Has 8.pproved. HINUTES: r~ordon Freeburf'. moved to approye the Narch 28, 1979, Planning Commission minute's. Hatton seconded by Gerald Neher. 'rhe fol101\Ting voted in favor: Walter Thompson,. Geralrl Heher, Gordon Freeburp; and il.oman Hoos. Pat SitTenson and Clark Horn abstained. l'-'Iotion carried. e 21SE':TCHnPLAN .iLEVTJ<;:-~_T\TEsrIEIEi HILL? II~)_E:...8tlL9..9!;STR.UCTION COHPANY: A report i'JaS presented by the Assistant City \Ianager/Planner. It Has recommended that the Plann:tng Commission encoura_ze them to proceed Hi th the preJJ.minary development pla.ns to incorporate all the concerns mentioned in this report. In addition, before further revjelv of the subject prOI)Osal, the applicant should make a deposit TrIH,h the City Treasurer in the amount of :~1500 to defra~r staff costs in pJ:'oeessi!"1.~ the ar'I)liCEttj.~)n, an.d an t4,t)stractors ~~rt~_ficate 1~rith_ t,'he l1ames al1d. :s..r1.dresses of the l)ropert~r 01f\rnerS concerned~ J.oman Hoos, speaking for the Planning Commission, said they Here looking at it very favorably as far as layout 2nd design. There are a couple of concerns that -Here brought up that should be looked at, but other than t.hat, they 1,fCre told to proceed. PRE1IJv1I.r~~~Y .R.EVELOPHENT PLAp l1~VIEH - SOUTII,LOTUS LAKE ADDIT:[ON,J.. ~If:O!JBEnG _CmrfAN~?.J.. INC~: A report, l~ras l'res8nted by the Assi.stant C:J.ty ~1anager)Planner. Hr. HiJ.liam HcCrostie gave a report on the pro,?osed development, and ran throuf:h the changes in the plan presented in comparis0n to ",hat Has discussed the last time it vms before the Planning Corronission. There v-TaS an open discussion from the Planninc Commission on "That they think or feel about 3.11 of the items nresented. ,Jerrv Neher discussed his concern over tvTO houses on 10,000 sq. ft.., based on Chanhassen'~ 15,000 sq. ft. requirement. As far as the plan, he said he liked it a lot better than the last one. He said with this type of em arranr,ement, he vJOuldn It object to that going through. He also stated he felt, the staircase approach looking out over the lake is great for that area. Gordon Freeburp; sajd he didn't see anything "Trong Ivith it, he had no problem ,ilth the ,\Thole development. He tho1J.p:ht it 1-TaS very sood. !e P}anninf~ Conunission Heetj.IIP: Aoril 18, 1979 ..., -<~-- . Clark Horn stated that he felt the plan in general wa.s very reactive to the public needs. His only crmcern is the fact that in some of the other developments they had soen, there had beeD an attempt to cJ.1.J.ster the de..uble lot, "!here here you are havinf! 8. ro\'t of r]()ii'ole "1 ot.~, betveen sln":le fomily on O~le side, and sinGle f3mily on the otrl,:""r sl_de. I;JaJter Thompscyn f"nr: 1['" fp'.t it ;,ms [' rnther 111'1:1.ou8. solut; on to this property. He sai d "10 li !<ed it. 1'C',t, ;';uenRon s8.id she had G problem vdth the construction of this. She is concerned about t,he water 118,",::(e. She said she is opposed to the idea of a community dock. ltoman~()os sa:id tl,at the surface uS2ge of thftt lake is an iss'J.e that has come up before, aDd is ~Ul ;SSlJe that :ts going to hDve to be addressed before emy real direction can be given. It js an issue that Ife don't have any solut:5 on to 2.t this ~0oint in time. Clark Horn st?ted he ap:reerl ,d.tn Pat on the idea that the use of the lRke should be up to t,hr; l.D.di \!i(~ll~1 'propert~y QT,:,ner a 1Ie is e.J.so flp:ai.n.st mlJ.nicipal docks or mlJltiple docks. He feels 18.kes have ." n!J.tural 8b:i1i ty to self-control their o-vm use, by their size "Then they get too crm.roec1 and too many borts, people stop usins them. They just tend t.o genernlly r0fulnte themselves. It, ,'!DS t1;r.; ;)lanning Con'Lmiss:1 on's recommendation that they proceed Tfith the necessary engincerinf:': drp.H:i.nr;s, etc. HECEEATION AIm OFEN SPACE COT-IPHEHENSIVE PLAN: A report v!aS gi yen by the City Planner re6.lrding the 'l.ecreatiO'Yln.nc Open S-Lxlce Section of the Comprehensive Plan. -- ECOLOGICAl. COHi'clI')1JrEE: 1'he City Planner stated that at the Jc8.st meeUng the members dIS~sed~ the 'stetus of the ScoloCt,ical Committee. The consenS1)S seemed to be that 1'18 shouln look at revising it3.nd E1ltering their charge. rrhe Ecological ComJ11.ittee is a committee that vIas est8.blished that repcrts to the Planning Commjssion, and in the past it has looked at ,q number of thing s, primarily lake U 88.ge . !'Je would ]J.ke to re-e stab Ii sh a committee to SI)ecificol1y look at the Jake usage issue, specific8JJy J'oIinne1iJ8shta, TJotus andliley. He Sllt3gest,ed for discussion, that there be established 8.I;,later Resources' Comm;.ttee, or v!ha.tever ;.t is termed) uhich "JOuld report tc the Planning Commission on the followi:1C -t:.o.sks: !SHOH,T T'11~Rr.1 GOAT,S: i terns that can be com~pleted. fairl:T e-a.stlJr arId COlll.d be incl11ded In at least the ini tie.1 st2.ge of the comprehensive plan by sometime earJy this fp']J. LONGEi? T:mli GOAtS: These [':octls then, ,",muld obviously at some point in time be 5.nc0rporated into the comprehend ve plan, but perh.9ps not in t.he initial draft,h1V of the document. Wt A cor}mi t.tee s11('\1}~t.n lJC estr:b}.j. s}:.ed:> 1.'ritJl probal)J_~r Et mnxj rrnxrn of fi\T8 eonl:~n:tttee Flembers fer n1.~')-~,\nc:r::,!JJJ~l.lj_ t~r j 1!,l5_ th [iOV180ne J:'r0rn PE'..rlc DJld Pee $.) SOTflG0118 from. th.e PJ.anning r;0J111111 ssi.O)) J 8.!l.d t.hrep mer(llJP~""'.s of t'h.e c.nmm~ ttee s11oll1d be la]{8t)hore prop~~rty (y>~e~rs j one on T!(:i_nne'\'\Tctsh.t''?'.J or:."? en. Il()t,1J~~ anc-' one ()r~3j_1e~l. Tll.8 Plarln5.11g Co~nm=1. S sl_on mern.ber fJnd t,he ~P8.rlc .3,11 r1 -:-tec 0 m.ernber 81) Ol}l (1 ~10t. l")0 ...):-~C )0rt~,_r Oi:,?llerS cn t.he la1{8 S -!J The s!1_ortterrn goals Hre }_:OOl~;j D.g at t.b.e th~ee J oJ~es thf7.t, ~';e t18"v8 ~-_;r()bJ..e711s 1'D.t~")_, THlce 11se~~ )81J,lltj.OY1J 8horel~.ne and doCi-:.Qp:A~ iThe r10st 11l'ff""vrt j. s the s~J.rf~_~ce u. ~ae:e on t.he lake.. T~ong range [?:o[:tls CHn be a1J eD.corTp8.~3 S:1.11.g J tr_:t, rj.~_:!1t nCi1'! 1:..hc rna~.n cbcre ~',!()"ulcJ b~:; t.:) naiJ d.01-J1'1 H. ShOl-,t +.c~,.....~ e l1li lie pl'mnir[' CO),,]1~ ;)"'.1.on l'1cetir::; , J 97'" -3- C18,!:--k qor~l J?oved thnt tJ~HJre "hp 8stn."bJisn.ecl 2. IaJ.<8 Stud5_es COfunrl.ttee l)B.sed 01'1. t,he ~3tafft s recornmenrl."t~onf) for bot'! the short terrn o.no term goals, the first rhase bein:r, the lak.8 11_2<-)_~~_e) ?..ncl 1'Jne~'1 ?f).,;.:-ropr-.1.at0" a seconclpb,Els8 be estatJlish.ed. ltJIt.h an expertise in the i-;O},,~!lltion .9.rea,., an '_:1 ~)o_.ser (HI t~he !11e,D_pOlrJer [ts SllC'Cf:stedJ one P1[rrroirlC Comm.ission vner).bcr J one F~"_r~'~ 8..;J"1_ 10(: * r1ember J ?,nJ:J ~:).;) to fj,:re residel1't. rrteYnbe~cs of T'l}liell tl'J.rec of the res~i dent rne~11eY':) 1'T()i)~_d "rH? l::.:~(C8h_ore 01't'1erS-011 I)J};:eRile)T ,Iotu,s T,DJ:e (1nd lJlj_ nYle"';~Ta:::~ht.,~) .~:jJ1(] t...1J.e nalnnce ;)f the fj,1;l8 rn.errlbers ",:rT011J,d lj8 Jl011-1e,kesflore Q1rTner f3:t r"krL ~ or:_ ~:~': c c-nde d 1-)~r "0.1 tel" r_~~h ':)!l1,) SOY1; -~~.nd 'J.nanj,Yn.ou.s IJr tlSO.1iJro'7ed. $ L\.::~J t.~r 1.'hn1'1.)::_:on 1TlJ;\Ted t1-}f,t C1.8.r1( }iorn. be t118 T)lannlng Commissl on t s repreS811tati \r8 to to_0 T,{)~ke Stlld-i_8S Cormn.it.tee J to ser"\T8 as -3.n, j.nt.er~tm Ch_8j__r.r(l.{~D. lJn,tlJ the Gornmittee bas a chance to meet and eJect from their members. Not:ion seconded bjr Pat S,'Jenson end uno_D.irn.O:_l~31.=t ce"rr-1. ed. :?om~)n rtOOS made 8. re~lJest of staff to take th'j,G throur;h the correct processJ 1!rhether i.t be thro11ch Council p,ppro'Tpl or nd.. He nJso mo,de 8. request that staff take a 100k at the rCC]l10sts of three lakeshore members:; "nth Inp:Jt from cmyone itih.o hase. gcorJ candidate from thOS8 thrr>.8 lakes" or [1 non-lakeshore type candidate. Gordon Freeburs: m.oved to adjourn. 8.:pproved. l\ilotior1 seeonded 'by -\~Talt/er Thom_IJSOT1 B.nd. 1Jnan.imol1s1:y Don Ash'.mr"t"l City Hanager