1979 04 25
HEGUtAr? PIJi,]\!1'JTl'\Trr COT\'i}\1ISSTO~,J f'1~FTJI"J(} APR~Ilr 2,S, 1979
Homan :1008 CA'led the meeting to order at 7 :10 p.m. ~vi th the foJJ_mJtng members present:
Pat SHcnson, l'aJ ter ':jhom~)son, Gerald Neher; Clark T.Inrn and Gordon Freeburg. :1\18,J
1"iac:1l~yLne 1;JP.8 absent.
;'IDmTE'"): Pat ~)1:!8nSOn moved t08p~)rO'Te the A?ril 11, 1979, P19nning Commission minutes.
Tktion seC0Dccd 07 Jerry IIehpr. Motion approved, vdth tvTO abstaining.
'.-ialte-r 'I'hompson. vn.nVRrl to Dote the Council minutes of l\pril 2; 1979. Motion seconded by
Gordon :7reenlJrf', r1nd l1YH.l'rfl mousJ~:r B-r):Jrovsd.
:10rnrl)1 ,t008 ('a1}e<1 the hearinc to order at 7 :h5 p,m. vri th the following interested persons
pi'eSe'1t: .T1JF"llS Smith, nil] York Ave. So., Npls, Hinn.55h35
i,:iJJism B. :'hrd, 68)LO Utica Ave., Excelsior, Ifn.
Daryl Fortier, 600 So. Co. Rd, 18, st. l,ouis ParI.;:, Mn.
TJor18Jd F. Goodman) SS70 Shore a.d., Christmas Lake, Shorol.rood, rInG
Chp,rles I.. Don'p;T) 5795 Christmas I.a.ke Po~_nt
Susan Price, 62)0 Ri.dGe Hoad
Peter S. Pri~e, 6250 aJrlge Hoad
ie', H. a.othe, Jr.) f3025 Erie i~'.ve., Ghanhassen, }VIn.
Al Neumann, 802'3 Er:iJ" Ave.) Chanha,ssen, TJln.
,T08 Enf:':elh2rt) 8026 Eri.e Ave., Chanhassen, lb.
BiHy T,. l'Jlodrly ,5780 ChristmRs Lake Ii,oad
..Tomes CabnTka, 5885 Christmas Lake 110ad
Sue 'i'r:::>.cey , 56JO Covington Road
R0n Tracey, 56JO Covington Road
Fran Neveaux, 62ho Ham Tree
.John Neveaux, 62.)L() Inm Tree
\"TaJ tel' Robe-rts, 56'10 Covington:load
Unda r'-1eyer, 6225 1idge Road
Hank Groef, 90S Pleasant Vie'!J
Bi 11 GulJ5cksr'1n} f-nO Pleasant Vievr
!V1rs. 1:3i11 Gullickson, >330 Pleasant Vim,!
Heidi Larson, a.idge Eoad
The Assistant City T1al1l:J.[erlPlanner read the official notice as )ublished :in t.he
Carver County l--ler91d on Apr'i; lJ) 1979.
The staff re)ort \,rasE':lven by the Assistant City Manager/Planner, gi.ving h:is opinions
and recoIJ1mendations.
Hr. Daryl [,'artier of Korsnnsky, Krank, Erickson A.rchitects, Inc. ml:J.de a presentation
statinz it -j s rq;;roxjrrJately an 11 Hcre parcel of land \'Thich they aTe requesting be sub-
divid8d into lRrf-"e Darcel s for sinp'le famDv residential develo;)ment. Thev are oranosinp-
seven lots, size~ r;nginr.:': from 1.1~.!J.Cres +'0'1.85 acres. " <., '-
,Tim Heyer - I represent. t.heChristmas Lake Association, and first of a11 1,r8 -vTould like
to compliment the developers on the 1mJ density of the land. In other ioTOrds,
en 11 acre site, a.nd only 7 proposed homes. I think that this, as I1n officer
:in the Christmas V'Jke Association, I gl18SS the only thing I would just like to
mention and _)oint OU.t is the interest in the cornman access to the 1ake -vrith
the eJoek to the property behind, 2.no lihether or not and hm'\! th:o"t ivould affect
the :Rke in terms of boat density} Hhether :it miGht be pOlitTer boat.s, or the
tv:,,,, of covencmts thRt the deve 1 o-oers have. I underst8.nd they have some
r~~tr.i~tbTe covenants that l';01..1Jd be pertinent to the peop1e thClt are 'interested
in ehd_ st.m,"J8 IJake.
1EGULh'"t PL{\NNT.N(~ CnlvITViTSSION J'.'ISETHJG A'jrll 25, 1979
,JuUus Smith - The covenants covering this nrep 8.re re1 atively short, and they provide
es.senUally the land is to be used onl~l for res:ldenUalpurposes; that
you can't s)lit t'oe lots, call for some plcln aXlroval, no temporary
structure s of any kind; ete.:I site mainten,mce, and the common area.
It 'Jrovlr'les essent:iglly that 1,ots 1, 2, (-, and 7 shall. hHve a non-exclusive
easement for access to the lake, "rh5 eh only O\'mers CBn. use, mmers of
th0se lots) nut they GTe not al101'1!ed to have a beach there. This isn't
;".ceese; for D. bNWb. It is for boats.. and each ovmer .,.;auld be enti.tl.ed
i/; 11;38 tbe cOm!'1.on area and could keep only l:Jatercraft required to be
licensed by the St8te of I,lirmesota at the shoreline or at a dock
COY1strlJ.cted i.D. 8. fr;")80ific :~)lace) su.ch as the cornman area. rrhn.t m.eans
"IT'l11 have vour ('110-1.Ce, Y'lU can have a pOHer boat or a canoe, or 8.
.S8iJnoat.J' but ~TOU ca~ ~nly hnve onc. In other vTords; there viill be )-\.
hoots +11ere, and t.hat is it. Four}i censed 1rmtercraft. In addition,
it provides for a srn.al1 gazebo to be constructed on the common area,
~i t caD he; constructed, for the st.orage of o8.rs.~ 1jfe jacksts ;:md
fi shl.~1B: gp,r:;r. It :'JQ1}ld tie jlIst e. srna}_l }0cker kind of n. th5,ng 1~Tltb
8. ]ittle porch rm it or somethinc. It provides that the mmers must
iJ2)T the n.ecessary costs to maj.nt85n that property to the satisf2ctj.on
of the ONDe-r of' Tnt 3. That easement is adjacent to T,ot 3, ,mel the ovmer
of rot 3 ~;.8 ::;-;v8n ~301e discretion as to the upkeep. If he doesn't JJ.ke
the upkeA;> he C8n take care of it himself, b:UJ the ot.her )1) and tf they
don't re)27 him their easement is terminated. They caDIt use the lot.
It ~02ET1S 8 l.ot simpler to do that than gAt into t-h.e 118.0318 of 1vhat ~ts
cood maintenance and Hhat tsn'+'. It is 8. straight for'\>m.rd type of Em
e'"soment, i_1, v:ill terrninate if they don't pay their share. It .0rov~des
f>~r the removeJ of r'_ny "Vatereraft if there are Any c]olim there by
:\Tovember 1 of e3.eh ~reD.-r, so tb,at that area ts cl.erin,ed Ollt o,!r-:rr-' tbe 1:~lirrt;er.
T;~sGenti.n1.l'Jr thp.t is n.J} the c:ov-en[tntf:} T)ro'~rtded fr)t'.
~,om.::n l1nos -
'f'he IS' ft. e3.seme:(1t [{o:1.nc; dovrD to the }.nkesnore. 1>!ou1(1 that be
to j)lJt P. ~nVJ.l_1 storn.ge r::rnd,,/ or "hT}late"trer
.TuliusSmi.th - It HOUl d obviousl;r r-_ave to meet "'Thatever r8qujrements the city vmuld.
jm~)ose, ~nd/or tbe neie:hhors. 'rherp H01J.ld just be a lot there to put
the stuff in , not !1 garage but a p:C'czebo.
11,om8r1 ~oos -
Bob 'iTaibel -
ft11SS Larson -
3.oman Hoos -
;tuss I,erson -
:10!nc~n f-'(O 0 S -
T:'hot is staff's comment about an extraneous structure Jj. k8 that on t.he
As lone as theJ nre v:ith1n tbe gu:i.delines set IIp by the Shoreline
!'-1nn..'?i_ger1er:.t t\ct, st.aff can r8comm.en.d. nppro\/D.l.
Over the years :it, has been the po1;cy of the City of Chanhassen not to
'l110H structures'lt the shoreline such as this. There have been a number
of ;'1lnJ:i.c~"t:ions for comUt-ional -use fJerrnits. They h2ve .911 been deniee.
Are C,TO tal1dnc about a certain distrmce from the shoreline?
1/Te he,ve hot established any set back requirement, a structure 811Ch as
this has un5foml;jT been denJed a perm~t. An;r place for store,go because
they can becr;me ),,1't8-u8eo, not maintcdned) and unsightly.
C0111d you state 3. reason I'jhy you iYLit thi s in the covenant '?
,Jul-i_us ':;mi th - It 1.8 an optional. kind of thing c-Thieh He also have to get approypJ_ of the
C-it'T ohv1011.8:Y. It 1-ms put in there in case;J8op1e vmnted to do it J and
I cou1d p:et the ap?royal of the Gi ty. The de~e1oDers are not build~tnp; it.
It l.'3 strictly an option on the pG.rt of the other' four. The purpose 10m3
aEGHIAc PI.Al'1f!PTG cm'rri;:r~;:cJT('l'\l }mi~TP,:CT Apr-U 25, 1979
so that peGL)lp rather than earrying up their lifejo.ckets or Tfhatever-,
they ',!Cmld have aplrtce to put it.
BJlSS T,arsor1
"1:;- office '-TonTo. J5ke to ,'forI" ,11th the developer on these covenants. ;-
fj,neJ a number of technicgl points I 11ou1d like to discuss 'rJ:1_th them. I
don't 1:J8nt to br;_ng the'T1 011t at thi.s point, I don't think it is material
to thi.s disCl1ssi~n.
Cordon Freeb1J_rg-One ouestion, you See;! th,':tt we haven't in the past allO'i,rect a structure on
the beach t?re0. Is this for a homemmer's BSSOC; at-ion, oris this for an
H,1J.ss TrarscYJ. ....
Inc11.v-ir'h)al.s'3,:nd 3,SSoc:18,tions.i to my knm>Jledge.
Gordon Free'hl'rc-The OV118r of Iot 1 c0uJ~d not build one dm-m there and 1.sase it?
tT irn~ 1'/~ e:rer
,I1)l;US, ;you mpnt-ion that they are a1Jenmd one licensed boat, but that
they (;8'1 not bgthe there?
,Ju1jyS Sm5t.'--
nJr::ht, in ot1-'er ,'wrds) there is not Pi beachC1rnviden.
~Tl.m l'-'1'e=.rcr
rChe )80I)Je 1'rn.0 hJ1Ve an acc:ef;S to th.e 1:=1.1-:8 can not S~1"~trn. d01.'ffi there?
fToH GTe ~TOU r:;o~nz to enforce that?
,Iu}"')::; 3]11'1..t,11 - I CD.n 0nl_~T tel1. you ,.That the deve]o=,ers are hrt,ere~1ted in, and t.hey are
int.erested in having a beach there
The )oss:lb1e clock referre.] to actu,all;;,r under the 1,13.1(8 Hinnet.onka
Con~-;ervation!!istrict) :'TOU could have e boats there. \\10 have checked
around vr-i"th t.he vf1rious communities around on Hhat their docldng require-
Flel1t.s ftr2) 8.11C1 Ell} o*f tl'leS8 cO-\J'enan.ts are les8 than those res'trictions.,
In other Horos) they H0UJd meet those restr:1.ct4'ci11s, I'mcl 8rllwJ the
restri(~tion.s ir~ 3r1ore1'Tood~
Charl PS Don:1 ey-
T IJlt8 on, Cn.ri.str'las I.,c.ke iT} 1~)hore1<roocl. CouJ..d
(1ock, it'ei si7e, has that been determined?
descr5be this corrnTlon
d .~, ---'.
tT~1J.i."llS ,(:~rn4~t11. - f\To, in the co\rerarlts trlat IH18 b.een. left l)l2,nk. I l)resl1.Yrl8 for Jl.boats the
clock H0111dn't be part:icularly large. I don't knOll that. It hAsn't. been
rleterm_inecl hOF bie :it 1rmnlc1 be, or indeed if thr~re ,'mulCt be one.
1~1o~Y\nr~. Roo s -
TDR . coven,~onts j!re -"av,':!.i.lable, for r!f\(5-Efliir1 bYJ the pv,hl:LS;.. \'itjere 1.rD J the se
ccr'\re:12.ntfj 1'58 ac J"":~ tne j'jeO-f).:.8 \f01J..,_Cl _.J..~'~8 l~() re j~e1rT -lJ~lem ~
80b ~cai.b81
\'-{e l;2-'TP one in the 'plannin.g fiJe.
,Jjm l1eyer -
T 1<Jou.1'.1 ~)e hap:J~r to get ~op5.cs arCltnd. to e'Jer:y'orJ.e OD, rr~ri strnas Tlal{8,
T nR:ve R. cop-;r J
\';,'31 ter Thompson '" Provided Lot :3 is not sold, bU.t Lots 1, 2, 6 and 7, one or alJ are
snlrI, the::i "rho has cont.rol of' t.he beach?
,JuT ill Co ':mi th -!'\-1t,her Frank V:i.clor or Brock 'lrTardJ one or the other.
:-r~CTl1I,A3~ PIJ~NT',JI~1(~ Cc.1J'~n).r:[~3SION }ijf.EL~TIYfC} A1Jril 2.5', 1979
~lomnn ~t()08
lon Tracey -
Brock ~Jard -
Pat ,",Henson -
Brock 'jiard -
I Honld ~; ke to mnke one comment on th:Ls. V-Je are very eJose neighbors of
t11is )eI)t~y; ~?lld I tn~~ n_k: t'f1e ljlatl as drav.-T:1 t:"H? covenants t:~s dr8Ji!Yl <
pre prooRb1y the best ;)ossible t1:1inc that could ha.ve happened to that
-ParUett ~}ro~)erty EtS far iCeS Christmas Lake is concerned. Il^1OUIcl go even
further as 2. member of the Chr4stmas T,::?ke ,~ssodDtjon and st2.te that b more
boatr) on Ch.r~tstm;lf] T.r::j<:8 2:.3 fHr as -r 8.m conc61"ned isrt It goin.g to mak:e a
Great cJe2J of di_fference, 8.8 eOml)ared to uhat ",Ie might have been facing
vrtth the ,)l'm thnt. had been drmm up for that property orii~inally. I
think th8.t they lv-we done an exce11ent job for thepeopJe that live on that
l.'J~1.~e.. 'Person~l}"ljj. I aI)preci.a..te it very rnu.eb..
CD':") T t.ake U:U::/G as be:b'-G r-l_ general consensus of the associat.ion.
T certain'!y dO-'l't s)Ntk for the assoc:tat.j on, I am speakinr only for 1l1yself,
but as 8. nei_[hbor I ern also a Cha:nhassen resident, I t.honght I 1tJould make
that point.
J also lill8 on Christnas Lake. I aSSUJne that everyone bere Rppreciates the
unique nature of' Chri stma~3 Lake. To speak for those l!ho maybe don't under-
stand it. camp] etely, munely myself;l ont of that Jack of understanding grovrs
concern. There are ~)eo)le on the lake 'tvho use the vrnter as drinking lvater,
the lThole dos_I. I ba}ypen to be one of those people, so I am very concerned
about the qus,li ty of the vmt.er. I think more boats on the Jake is n concern.
I don't kno'::, mo,ybe it's not going to have a big i_mpact on the quality of the
Jake, but it is of real con.cern t.o me, and I hope that i__L is considered by
the Plarminv Commi~:Jsion.
[:Iay I slJ82k to that question, ftoman? I th:jn'{ your concern is well tnken.
I ~"T8"S the presi.de~(1t of thj~s association som.6 3rears ago) tlp!O 01"1 three
times He Here hav~_ng problems Hith a d5.fferent situaUon which finally
ended up in a 1a'i-l court. One of the things that I have trjed to promul-
gate throughout my tenllre1tTaS trying to get all p01<mr boats off of
Christn,fts Lake, 2.nd talk about shouting into the vTind, there j_s just no
'tray that roo)10 1dth smsJJ children that are learning hOT:! to vIater ski
are goine; to :;u11 p011er boats off that lake. If 11e could get a strong
enough group to start taTking about taking [lONer off that lake;l I "vouJd
be perfectly l'r.illing to give all the speaches you Jike, but I certainly
bombed out every tj.me I tr5,ed it.
I am. one of the developers. I vJOnld like to address the poo:ty1e from
Christmas Lake. The reason that vm did this is partly economic. The
:1roperty T;T8.S purchased for .th25, 000. By the time He paid for the land,
t.he development costs, tnterest costs, real estate commissions, Fe are
over'i;600 ,000. v1hat is the value of a piece of property that does not
h'3_ve access to Christmas I,ake? Not. very much. If ,ve do Fhat vie are
trying t.o do, He 1'1:1.11 come out of that property brealdng e1Tcn. Hi thout
f:1.Ccess, the l_ots aren't Harth very- much. That is the 'Hhole economic
picture. I vrill be on Lot 3. I l<(ranted to restrict horsepo1i.rer, but
hOH :l,re you going to do that, to 5 or 6 hot'sepovTer and a small boat?
You can't do H. If I could I "TOuld. I am in complete sympathy with
.Jim, t01rwrd vr'1.at you vIant to do.
I notice thnt back in November the odginaJ applicant for this property
1--1'8.3 Centurian. Did you. purchase it from thorn'?
1Jo.1"Je had an offer in l-d,th Mrf:>. Bartlett, and Hhen Di.ck Neslin's
option rs,n out,lilrs. Bartlett refused to extend it, so our optj,on took
~)receclence .
- r;,,-
Pat Swenson -
BroGk'8rd -
~3o YOll hct'Te aJ)solu.t.eJ)l n_othtne to do
th. them?
Gordon Frcnburc; moved t.o close the::mbl1c hearin;:s. [vlotion seconded by Halter Thompson,
and 1,manimously ap)roved.
A (lj_sCU8S~ on of the )revious ;mbJjc hearing then took place. RomilD 11.008 stated that
t:here r!..re three :i..SSU.8S to be acl.clresseo.. The .first is the covenants, one of tb~e cr-itiGal
1reC'S l;auld bp i,hat PTeR ab01..i.t the outJot, and I think the fj.rst th:tng 1,1e have to
address to ~.s the eD.sement ~0iYlZ d01rJl1 there aJ_OYlg Ilot 3 for IJotsl, 2, 6 nnd_ 7. "[)o'\re-
t.s51eu into that d:i_scuss:ion HOllln_ be the C1.ockage.
(Jordon Freebl1rc - I concur that that storas8'lrea is not possible. I H01JJ.dsay that any
r:'1ck or cenoes or somethi_ng of that nat.ure) but not, a building. It is
pointer) out very specif'ic9J1y in here that itts not a. 31'J'imming beach)
:U, is for dockinc: onJ;:(. I th:ink :if V'8 covenants !,',re enforced it's
al1.mhlic -1.n there.
:'CUS2 Tcar::OD -
F:n.forCeY!l.8nt ;')r(r~Tis5oD.S Ilre prett:r :ste.nd.8.rd~ '!.,1Jhen 1~.re frpeaJ( of enforcenlerrh
of coven?n!,s; that means a legal actl.on by R. r1_e:i.ghbor or a member of the
beDE'fittsrl [':roup holdin=: the covennnt, D[':p5.nst someone vTho vjolate~) them.
YOlJ p;nt. injunctive reJief prohibiting the offencl:i.nro: party from under-
t.?}j.ns- some [\ct.:1.on thAt he 5.c:~ cloin.g, or cornIJelJ5.rJ.g l1im to d_o some act
,.jhich he is con'peJ:1ocl to do under the terms of the covenant) rnaintenance
o,nd th{Jt sort of thing. If you are concerned about tbat common area)
11.rH~er Ollr 70:r\inE orcl~.l").a;~1ce l/TG 11R."iIC' 3ection 21.1 tjhe JI0Daouded.tcftted common
Ope!1 sj:;aee T'J'~,ich gi1Ies tl.1.8 rJglrL to tbecity t.o GO in and if the 01~ln.er
or;Jrgr.n.i z8.tion tn.at. en'Ins i.t fai.ls to m.airltaj,n It, 1"J6 l~ave t1:1.e rtg11t to
go in nnd undert8.ke such reasonab1e repairs or ma:intencmce 2.8 me.y be
necessary, and aSE,ess t.he cost against al' those 1-Tho benef:1t by
reason of t.he e8.senent. I fee1 He are HeJJ protected there.
Garno;:: Ii'rceburf' - I don't herve tGO m11ch problel"! Nith the covemmts the 'fT8.Y they are
;;Tr:i. t tel".
tTlIJj~llS ,\')mjtD~ - These C()'I8na:n.ts Tq-ere drHft coven2.nts and I ~J11S'tJec.T, the:)' '>!5.}1 Rta:;y .yrer:.7'
mlJ.ch t:,e same. There are on.e or tHO changes t.hough that I '"ould Jl.ke to
mention that may be chanp;ecl. One of t.hem i,3, these coverwnts requ:lrc Em
o:t.tacherl car2cf:e. BeCD1J.Se of the nature of t.he ground, t,1--,at prO'dsion
rrny be changed. There 1iTill be a garage requirement.) but. "Thet-her or not.
U, has to be o.tt2ched ma:r be changed in these cT:enr:mts. ~o~f-).at' s the
oY1J;r one.
R0m9n Hoos -
The quest:J.on n01oj' that. 1>T8 have to address is the docksce. I persona.lly
hR.ve no~)robJ 8ms vl:i.th t.he dockage. I don't think those in attendance
tl-:is even:in[ are re2.JJy concerned about the use of the Jot for s1/J:inming.
If the c-r.mers don't Hant svIimming in that 2rea and jf they put it in the
covenants, th2t ~.8 \-That it is goinc; to be. The 1ength of t.he dock [1.nd
of cmUS8 the :.1oss:i.ble dock earring off the other three lots I th:;nk "TOnJ.c'
be vBry reaL, so YOU are lookinf" at. four docks. I 2m comfortable 1<>lith
8_ It ft: :-Tide - dock'~ because that'~-:ts [) V8X'JT usable dock. I am also
comfortAble l-Ti th a dock that Hou1d be adequate to give Y'le enough depth
to D.cco:r:mo(l2_te 8 15 or 16 ft. boat. The association itself is goj,ng
t:) iwmeT;Th8_t try to limit the size of the horse.,JovwY'. I stilI fall :into
the l,() to ) is to S0 ft. category.
::r,EGTTLAl PT,/HJNIW} COT'IT',rrSSION JEmTIHG April. 25, J979
Boo 1I9,ibel -
ll0!T12.n ~~.OOE; -
Pat S1'Tenson -
In my re)ort I vms recommendin,p: that the dock be consol:1.datod Hi th the
lakefr'cmt, property ovmers ~ 3) E and :) 8,'.SO betng incJuded :1.n a con-
solid8ted dode. I b815eve that a Jnrger dock fn.d]jty T-TouJ d possibly
Cr'C2.t.e its O'iJD fishing ha'bitot, :U~ lcTOUld preserve the nfrtureJ. shorel.:ine
'-Uo Y"'Jch '-'.c; p,')ss~_ole J and reduce the nUJ'1oer of possible nuv:'~g3tJonul
b.a~.~. ~~arcls tI
The :Lder'_ 5s [;ODc1., bnt. if I bought that m,1)ch -1 akeshore J "'JO'\).1_d 'fTant to
hAve (1 dock.
You 1'!OUlctc It. T:Tnt. people) -Hulking :,-n front of your lJroperty to p:et to the
c1Qck. The onJ.;." p12,ce you couJ_d put a common doc'e: [L~3 I can see, Nould be
j'Y) front of Tot !~ for example.
'"j8.Jter Thompson-I think the loce} association is bet.ter informed on this 8i tU2.tion than
'1m are riCht nt the moment.
3.or:1crnHoo s -
1)8t S1rrenron -
Can ue ~,end it back to the ["ssociation meeting, for them to come up
rr}_th somp rec0mmenoation thJt they 0.1'8 comfortable Hith on that Jake?
I think \'J8 COD proeeed along ::Jith the other items on this d:i.scusslon
ond 1ep..ve that Frea open for final slJ.bmtssion to the staff. I am
tDJking 8,bout -1:ne oed: -1_tself and the lenGth of the dock.
In Secti on I, aj Hhen YO'Ll. mention the :':1on-exclustve eason_snt) I Hould
l._i l\"A rJ.. S pecj_ fj_ c defi:rrl.t.ion~ of 1~Th,at yo;} mean. l::l non-exc~JJ_si\Te if
,Ttllius Smith _ If I p:~_-':e 3. J112n on 1,('t 1 an excJusive easement j no one e}5e can use it.
By non-excJ_usiv8 it me2CDS all of t.hem can use it J they all use the same
Gordon li'ree'rmr;:--I'8,S any thought been p;5ven to runninG that easement r:1o-vm beb-Tcen riots 3
8.nd if Hhol_'~; on 3 2cS it is novI? I can see a couple of 8.rea8 that pos 81 b ly
could solve an 2.Hfnl Jot of nJ'oblems by r.J1.1'ttinJ" one dock out, and you
:::ouJ(1 hnve one dock in that ;'.rs8. l,ot < is a l~nique Jot :in itsel_r'.,
there is no se(xlrete access b0th to the road <.1.nd to the lake. Hith the
ec1,Sell1.ent GoinL dOem bet'l:Jeen 3 [mo. ));l ;,md one dock out" you. cover the
\Thole areuJ 1" 2, 3, L1-" 6, and 7.
DaryJ Fortip)~ - 1"1'18'1 He \F"Jre studying the drain8.p;e situation for thj_s sj.te;. T'Ie "Tore
COTls:idcrin.c 1~.:here to pu.t t118 COfn:r'rlon access. To }{ee-p tb.s 1.ratex" c1ean)
,'Te have a natural ho1ding;Jond -r"ih:1ch crosses behreen lots hand 3.VJe
are 2J.SO f'ollectinr." therr.T!.lter from the cn]. de sac 1"Thieh 1d_ll be comini"
rlO-Vln bete'Teen Tot,s l ond!t. This amount, o.f vJ8.ter 8.nd this t'.~")e of a ,~
~_ , . v _..
surf8.ce Hould not be suit.able for any t;r:)e of access. You 1m1l1d almost
have to build 2. bridge or a 1:'9.1.1<: Hay on t'h8.t :)roperty.
Gord.O.:_l_ '!7reeb11r[-Is this an o"\rer ~31.1rface drD,illB{~'(1)et1'Jeen l!ots 3 and II frorr'1 t.h.e c1.11 de SE:.C?
fT.::rr(l. sUJ:"face'"/
D?,r:r], Fortier
CJar], Horn -
~orr 2.n ~oo,' --
::TO it is i'10t c:. n)~.r(l s'nrfnce in. terITIS of con.crete or l-:rtt1IPrtn01J.s ~Da\rJ..l1g.
J think ,-Te cOllJ_d:mt H 1ent:tb restrict:~on beyond 8. 3 ft. point) ,g,nd let
t.hem lj,re Tr!:i.th:1n t:l8.t: G:iv~ them n Ii ft. vT:td~ and ,'18 f8.r as the I. goes,
I -r),jnk t t 1';:LJ1 reguJ ate i tself .
,:30""'," of the o+,her points) that liC,) st,ruCPlre ,-TOu.Tel be corst.:C'ucted on the
-:LO~'Ter iJ8rtl__OYl ~based 011 ord.ina!1ce. AJ..so, tb.e staff's recornm.endatj.on on
'1J:;nUT1i\.) ?TJ\.T'-nTIj''.~C'r C(1~vr"jTI~:-]:..)IOj.r lTEt~frI}JG
i\. pri ~l
1 rjryO
IJot _5 abo11t tb.8 2.cess, I don't kJ10-r;.: =tf tru?t 4.8 reDJ.}:! neces f.1.8 ~l..ong
rot :~ i.~.1 ,~1J~('<:::. r-tn-Led. t1"lat l-:Cl 1-T01J.1~1 baile TJOi:rcoblerns 1rJi tho th.8 acce ss It
Is the 8afet~r 3.CCeG.'3 goin.g t.o be i)2xot of the d.eed?
1-)2.r:r] Fort5.cr- -noc ;,':0 t1r:r\re pro1.Jided a 50 ft. access T/Jfl~f to l)lear::a.nt \!j..81"! B,('\.0.n for htm..
It i.8 Jort of the l.ot.
:?'OP1'1,Yl 'tOOS -
'bxss J,8_r~Ym -
l;OJ113.Yl 3008 -
\'I01.JJ..:j he Tl.-,?,iTe c1J13T reCOD.rse 2:.gatl1st t1:1CC~~..t~T ~l..f tn.ere ~ts n,ot C:.D. D,ccesE;?
1}111ErL :Tuestio1') 11J13 ~orle 11f) before, rU10 I loo1ceo at tr1.9,t mrrpD.rld I d.OD.'t
see 1'D1J.C1,1 ctLffereD.ce t-)etT,reen that Elcce1ss or~. trtat slde [rn:~l. t"h.CJt .r;oo f.t.
cul de ~'nc.
c~o th~.t i,tern is CQ':Tered.. I th1n}~ :1011 and tJle associ.e.ti.on aGree on the
doc~{ ! ilJe s ~n~bj8ct to t.n.8 3 .ft. drOT). I t1.'"1.=tnl( ~T:)11 C8J1. Ij~~Je l.rj..tt t..~lr.rt.
l'0 hlljJdi'lC C't.ructurc on the 88.sement Y.'1mning dovrn to t'ne J a1l:,::, area.
~:)t:.~_f.f had :10 problern.s 1~Jit.!1 211~rthiD.f~ c~ls8 ot~1er tn.?J1 th.at..
i.'12,lter Th():rn)30~1-T)o '>J8 h~TV'8 S8lJer n..s~;essrr).ents dC1(r[l in. thj..s nref'.? If so, h.01'.y lnan~r?
~3o rJ \.'Jail)(;l
3.1..188 IJ3.rsnD -
A total of 2bollt ,[;5h) ann. Fle:inp; that VJe are not requiring anything
r1cre r~-:: ,Str~L ctl \Te than. co"\rer.ants and. re stri ct.i ons thernf38 !..ve s, T~T(' ~~!Oll}~d
not YJ.ccessa)~~t1~r b..'JJre to do tb.e Condit4.onaJ. LIse 1?8:,c:mit j ~.^T5.th. th_8 except.:Lan
t,11at I HauTe} recom"lsnc1 thc.t He do draft a Ccmdi t:1on::-,1 Tho Permit th.s.t
"':'JO'll.cl e~xteYlcl t1--:!e cla-'u~se 1ITh.i.ch -perI)et11atef3th.e cCf7enants CLl1d restrtct:i.ons
<13 the:r 8.re r~.,zb.t YH)T,r.
lTnrler tbe i-{_!_ zarling, ~'Ti th5.D Sll(;~h Et d.istrict., tl'J.8 lJ.se of a recreational
area needs a Gonditio'18J. Use Permit. pnrks and recreational areas
O1mscJ ~;~nc1 operated by e;overnmental units and recreational 8S;-30d,'},tions
oc,eratocl by residentisJ neighborhood assoc:i.at-ions. So '118 H01l1d
incorporate these covenants together -pith such as are uJ.tim?,tely
dec:i.ded u~)on by tbe Cannel_I into a Co---!ditLmeJ. Use Permit. That
c~ives t1--:e ci t=,- ,'; handle on it too.
".ordon F)"e81'11r~~-Thpy had snother bl:mk in Section 6 (b).
Bob T;2.ibel. -
rrhe reason that is in there j.s because I had no idee1. Hhat they 'l:Jere
1()oJ{7_~.'1G for.
Gorc1on Fr8e}nlre:-Af~~ long as "rjTe h,g.ve to ~1B.Ve s0rrlethlTlg definite in the oth.er blanJ.<:s,
I think ,.ie should 'bevs something definite in there.
Bob -':hibeJ. -
'['hat is reaDy outside the domain of the c~_ty. "cITe c~ml-t leeislate
housinf~ styles.
Gordon Freeburf~ -Then this section lS not, even mo,te:d.81 to t,he Cond5.tional Use Permit.
CIarl< T-Ior~1 m_ovec1 to recomm.encl 2~ Cond_j~t.io~(lal tJse Pe:rrrd.t be addressed. to Councll 1vltl~1
recorr'cile':1o,<1tion th!-1t it be fJ.'nroved based on the st.aff recornmendation for EJ. )errrlanent
emergency access not be req~lired on T,ot _~) that the Olmers 2nd the essociation 1,/DJ
acree to 8. co:nrnon dock length HiLh 8. 3 ft. draft., 2.nd that vJOuJd be placed in the
co-tenants :in Sectjon ): (g):; and t.hat there vr:iJl be no builclj.ng structure "rhHtsoever on
the ensAmC:(1t going :from tots 1-, 2, 6 & 7 dm-m to the lakes'1ore along T,ot 3, 2nd that
st::-:,ff at.tornc;/ ,;01J1d revi8H the covenants in terrns :)f 1eg0.1 refinements. Hotion
seconded b;:' :jn.lter 'I'hompson, 2.no 1J.nanimously 2.ppro'1Ted.
'~T)J1JI.'.!\T~'_ PT,Ai\lI-.:rI"\T~. (~Ol"'It/[I ~).')Ir)~\T }\'IETi:TIT\JG A~)rj_l 25, 7.979
PU'JI.I C In~l\ nITrG
'~OffiD.n :~O()S cnJ led
)ersons )rCs8Dt~
the h()ar~Ln[)' to order et 9 :00 ,-J.ffi. J l\T:Hh the
BnrbG,re -r';',:ner. 2S'11 or~ha,rd~ T,n.
I.:i.ndn, Conn~r, 2S'2l. Orcha.rd T,n.
Cene II.. G!)n:ner, 2521 Orchard :Ln.
:)~~7:{~~~~:~; ?~~(,i 'i~~~~~~:~t;~:i:l.
Oked c:eloTn, ?SJfO Orchs.rd Lane
K8~\T T-T(~~,Jn.p.n) 6361 >Iinr;e1'Tfts}1tH T~lood_s lJr.
neorc~e H. Hock.. 2:)50 ','}8shts, Bay:ld.
1":!~ 7ic~~1er) 6',.1J_1 OI'iole .Ave.
,John SchlJ.mncher, 2!J)~1 No. llann Ave.
i,Ijll-i.2T'1 E. Iehmen) 6h61 Oriole Ave.
~)()n Durlycha, 6Jt51 Oriole live.
tJr:'.cql'te~j_:ne ':>'I:i.e1keJ 2f~30 T'Jas:hta Itd.
De!orro Ziegler, 61!.l!.1 Oriole Ave.
;~,~;;"~~:JK~~~~:~~~~'"' 2~;~_{10~~;~~~~,~~~~
FrAnlc iJard, 2651 Orch:1rd Lane
Pet,er Throc1_DhJ, 6 31 k~ MtnnevrashtD, TToods Dr.
John NeVe2JJX, 621.0 K1n '['ree
Fr",n:Jevo8,ux: 6211,0 El'1 'I'ree
,.T,9JneS J;. ,:3mtth; 6331. T~Jin.rle1'T2.,s11t.s. '~,"Tooc.s -Dr~
!lobert, Bouer) ?700 3andpiper r"r,sjJ
J"!.111C Bal1er} 2700 ~.)~,n.d'L)5.per r:f_1J~D,iJ
Y'TO:C'ne Brmm, 2630 Orchard Lane
tJen.11ne KresT~_ns
Ton-i l,. I-Tor:-:nn, 2731 Orch8.rd y,ane
:\;tpyr Feterson., 28JO Tanf113 Tirl.
Ken J,o.ny. 2631 Forest Avenue
II e1 e~ n ~'~ ~'i :~~~n 2? .~i5~D~~~~1~~ ;e~,a;~~n 0
Dick Bro"fD, 2630 Orchard T,C'De
.Jerry Schl enk, 225 ';Test 78th St.
Kt1een ['T. Hock) 29,r:;0 l;'asht: Bay TW.
;-:o,ry C. Schumacher, 2~)J~J "Jr). l'Iarm Ave.
n.~lJph TIe?~J1D J 6 36} I\iI.inr~.el'Te.f)h.ta 'f1ood.f3 Dr ~
The .'\s:~5.strrrtt. Cit:T T;T::3.n;~,~er;!PJ.0.nn.pr ren.d the offi.G5..'}1 :D()t~j.ce 8.S )ll,b11shed in trte
CHrit(~r Cc-:"-n-r.;T T-J0rtJJ.rl on A'jril IJ) 1979.
st.~).ff c.or:rf!en,ts l",rere
n'" "I'.'rO"Y'l
L:.L .; '--"-'-,'.
lJ:r t,1l.8 11s ~:ri. st,{:,:J.t
Ci. t;:T Hann,ger /P1.anner .
llr ..~~"ct)erts 8j{~)J[1.ined tl18 Oirex'D.l1 lJ1"'Oposal t.o tl1epeople i.n 8.ttend.c~nce ~ TheblliJ.din.E
~1,]o1'f:;. 5- S 8 ~()!.J.~rete b:.0C-~{ p~~<e.nen_t. st:rtl~t1.1re. It i g t:h.e onl~r buiIrttrJg tJ}1at 1fTc1J.ld.
remt:5.n lJn.cler t~J.-tf) j)roposn.~~. The~r al'~e ~)r'o.pos.irlS pnrki;~""1g on tll_e Bast s5.de of tbe 1)l111di~1s~
T::.(" (h~.~..''l':; ':_T.'1.,~r 18 1no\Te.d d01~(. t.cr~'.:n.:('d t';-':.e l~r(; ;TL t() 0.1J.01'1' }:1(\1:"I8 stD..cl<ing s~)aeeco-s:LnG oU.t to
11~_.:=h'~'J.s.~r 7 $ P8~~.~J{~.~).[ -;..D .front of the 1JllildinS hac been. eJ:lr'1.inated~ S1-t()~'r(l orl the )rO".9osa1
5.~~ tIle rrtnj.;~l.lJn. ~;)arktnc reC}lJ.irecl 1):,7" ct)r-1e ,;<rhich. J.S "'1 S" 11'1.18 l)'u~ !'~1 X .?
3?~(J ~~q. ft /I ~~[1rJ~'i:r12: S;:)-:,~,.ce f' ~..:r(1)Jd 1)0 r:!'lo~r1.declb:y t}18 ()~'JY1et' t,C) nceOiTIodp,te the IJ80P!J?
~'Tho T'!ork ~.n the blri.lc1.ir;.c. :.lg to t1SO t,}::.8 1)1J.~1_}_cl5_~~1['~ fc))~ the:tr ()~'n1 llse~-;J 2.IJ.cl.
TJ.:,-:,-t.., ~1;.: ~eGnt." -1 ::'~i)r!.cP. rp11e:r .:':.J~e to :.::."erlodeJ. t.he iJ1ter"i.Oj~ o.f th,(~ tnrJ.ldj_n,g to
:,..f~;.o~.c~ llse;) :::-')1(1 t,:'.'; ~~;llt ~, T:.e'T-.; ~::J~:~.r~ on tl18 eX.te}~ior" c,f tr~e tnltld~i,nc. (~eneral1'tT t t v-T01J.J,d
OP ~c'T()O(l ;~d. (Y7cr tl")J=~ cr;~.1C~-"l8t~ 1J1.c1c1r. The lien to iTl the lJaclc of i)).8 b'J.~_J.clj.:~lg and the
. ~
.fY'c~nt cf 1-.11_8 1'")1).'~ l.rti.rtC T~T01!J.d. 'be
rernOiTG d...
;rc;crn T ,..\_>?~ }? T . ;\TT\T T L'J(1 C O]/f:',-,TI [) S I (\ ~,[ 1\r~:crf: J}.J G
2~~ J
, 01
~1-.)J.:-':1..~ ,
C'0(":'J:"~~~e iTnc\ - Pre;.)e~J.t8d e. ~.;et::i tier: 1'T:ttr1 fro!:l GO to 1.00 r12Jnes,st.~_tinc t11P~r ~'Tere
F{rr,4__t}:i,':r~i~!.~:: tn.e C1_~_?J1b.asf;C:1'1 Ci C01J.llctJ and. its cornrnitJtees, to lJro"tlide
for rec-1.del"!.t-i_DJ. 1r;~~';~)l!. ~:~.rT~T of o~'!1:).e~cstt:l..i.) of t118 ljrO])ert;T
~-":r0 CP~112,k f ?~ }T'.1.J.~c;e~r. Th.e~:r are to CO~T}.rn.cre'lp,l
;~.n(~. 4.Tl(11..:_~;tr~1_r:J COl"l::;j, tlcr,"?,ti, on. Jt refers to Ij:~ctf~ J ;:~lYJ,d. ~
l-:i~Jl)1.c~'rC'~sb_ta F'r:'crlc i\ddJ..t5.on.
l \.J.
~1.n t",10 areD, dODo f"/j 1".-J2J1t
T}1.C-~~~ :::_re
il~' to eonti1l1JC to f~-2:ht to elirn5.n,ate ,~-1,11~i~1)-i ::1G b1Jt re8icle~f.t.i~;J.
';-j t.he nre~:..
rp;~ .....C\ b
,_ ; d_ '.' '>
..~ ...yo, t;~"_0 rnl.(~_J.eY1Ce c15..d J.1'~~t
['bout t.he
rr~1d 1,,<Y':0T.',;
)Qti_ t:1_ ()~"; it
~:lJf"';:. J<).rs~~;~!_
I;l, t,}1:i_3 )c,rt~tc1118.r case 1'T8 1J.11de:~8t[l:nd t.h..ts is ta be rtsed as an oflf~,ce
~1J.iJc15,:-1=; p, ~fr~,ciJ..i t~T for o.fftce ')1J.rJ~)Oses 1)=:T the T~DJ_tic Cnrpo:i78.tl.on, DJ"}_C:
,"'.S 5t-s 1~.?,8e ;.-;f opernt.~~.orL-~, tts 11~)e t~e :.j"rrttr.;d to of.fice 1138;
o.ff'_~C8 lJ.se 1):::7" 'this ~;,]a!~ticl.11ar firr1 _for j_ts oT'n'J.pl1.rposcs. \-Ie
11a-V8 'hce:~. 8.0V1. sed there :-r01.l1d be -no rent.aJ space z:.JJel\,md. The 81z8 of
tJIP l)115J.(l.-L~:1f'" T'101(lJ~, be ]5.rrLtec'_ 1)~, 'tb.8 cl(n~elo)nlent. ~t)ntract. 'rb.e l1f:1E~ of
the 1-)1_l:-~_}Jltn<'" ~,.:,:y;.~}d be 15_rn:ttecl b-,r tJJ.at cont:rt1c.t. 'J.1he si_ze of the }}ar1ctnr:
Frea, ~n1~j11nA}:-a of 'reh~.tcleE) to be -I)arked T.rollld f-!~JS0 b(~ reEjtrJ.ctecl l)y tn.is
~oD,tr8..et. f"'il0:r2.r ,~,S)8CtJ of tb,e 8tr1Jct,lJ.l'18 D,:n(~_ e"'v'er:r aspect of tb.o si_te
d_G,,rQ}.o.;.:';me'},:ts r~.nd. ~.}'!:rrcr7ement8 Ctn.cl lr1J:J_c1.scr\.cd~n.~ \~!OllJ_(l ecrq.e llrvler t,1).8
c;cnt:'~ol of t>,1+' contrrtct. Our Ofj"';.C8 h?~s ]i:t1gatlCJl 3gsj.ns-t
the fG:.~r~er 01<Dler _relatirl[: to -t}'18 c1earl. 1.1=) of tl)j.s pro}Jert/:r.. Th1s is
hej.y:"c; 1'1cJ.d irl :::_1)e':TanCej)c:_l.r15J:l.r~ j~eGoJ1.J.t5..on, of- tJ salep (,(~l'}tr!~ct, \1'e
~ad 11(-;t;-):.l l_.:.-:f(JrP1ed th,Ett t.r~is li![-"~..S 1:;(') be D.sed as a }-lonlE.~ 1')Gs8 for ser\!~tce
tr'."lc': to serv3.ee nobile homes.
r:r ...........lr
i I,....j\......_
'f.")hnt bl1.0j~ness i3 }J~-:;J_t1c ,g,Ct11HIJS" in, ailel 1fjD.at affiJ.iate busil1GS3 d,o the~r
ha.iTe? })o t):e~v. ~:n-TD resta1.1rant.sJ d.o t.he'\r Ol'm [ljlJrt}Yi.n.f.: else be~:i.des [t
1 enc1jY1~~ function?
3,omnXl -{con
T'/e ll)l't(~ n__ }.ett.er to thftt effect in o:;.r J~eco"cds, (;XctctlJr 1fJ11at tb.eir
l"'llJ.~~.~.11e~s tSJ 8.!ld T-T~J.at t:h.e~tr f11TIct5.tJrl :t2.
(~e~.18 G01.1:ner - TJo :r01l o~'m 8.n:-r restrn.J.rE:nts? tIe arls1:Jered r~aJtic l)oesn' t, bl.lt he d.oes.
'r,Te heard 8.. r'JJ110I~ that BaJ.tie- aJrertd:r holds 8.n o;}tio:n O~l the 'propert~;r
J:i.e::~t clcc-r.
Peter lI'nrodc1,h.}. - Do .s.n.~T of 7T01J person_all~r rJ1Ve an optio~ on t118 prcpert;~t n.e~{t cloor?
tTi.rl SmJ t)l -
lJ'r1err; rJre t~-'TO Cp18 ST~.cns. 0118 I don't th.in.k li,.8.s 'oeen fllll;r anslJ"ered"
~That ot-hsr t.tLngs ot.her t.h:lYl office builctings pre al101ved 1)nder P-2?
tJ11E.':.t CO~11.r1_ tJi.is c)iece of ~:-':rOr)e~ct:rbe cOl1.verted into tb~out }vJv:Ln.c to
~;G t.h.rouG~ re-zoY1.ingZ
;'l1_'.SS I![}rsc::J. - '>J8 \/:01_1,J.O. restrict tIle 1lse of thi~:: l)lJj.ld:i~ng lJ.nd.ertlrI.s P-2 de-rlelo)mCl1t
con.t.r~ct tn of.fice 1":.8e l);l !], s:1.ngle entj.t;t for its Ol'Jr, ;?11r,?()c-)e, and :G.at
for re!ltaJ.., fro che.ng8 1,}'1_at'use 1'YOllJ_d reqll:tre 8. com~~J et.e go tl1rc'1JQ:tt frGrn
[rO'l11'}:;. zero :;.;-i th n ~.)l1.bJj,c hearir.3 to oxne:nd the 1J.se.
c; OI:Il-"rr ;j:3 I OJ\)
AprD 25:; 107Q
Jin: :c~rl1lt1.1 - ;:30 T)-? G!}!_~1" [i,-L}OT'TS offJce blJ.5.Jd.tn.;1:s.
"-~'USS T~PX'~~O~l - \,.'''0, "i.J_? r,I~J),".'!~ Sl..f1c:Je fnmil;l tlTD fn.mj.J.:r rJ.1';rel15:11_Cs) to~}n
}1.o1};;e~"~) :n1.1.J..til')!~C dTTeJJ_i~.lCS) adnrt:l1stjrat4,\Te offices) 5.n l>r}lj..ch. tJrts fallE~,
~:lcdJcr'~l_; rle~0t0J_, J.8[:n,1 2."oc1cd.milnr ~~Jro.fer~siona.: O.fftC8[3, f:tnan.c:taJ.
".Ti..'Tt.4.trtt:tc'l'J_S.. restt11J.r'2JJ.tf~ (1.10t i::l.cll1dJ..ng tb,e rlr5~"';Je-iD ) ~
~T:~.T1 r_):nr1.t;~
~3o t.h...j.s COll'_.cl OR C01'l\Terted to 8.. r8st2'),X'8JJ.t.
~.O}!'-8..n. "\ ;,GO S
;r!-~.:3.t j.;3 Y\.ot correct <#
It rr,08S tr,rough tt,e
process) to Ground
~;~8rG D:"";;,J."~l" to t}l,8 cor:lplcte I)laY}n1.~? )r()ee~)8_
tJ ir1 Srr~~l. t1. ~.,,"
SOCCTJ.d ~Tne :?"L5. O!-~':1 j~n, tl1e oric5,l1al dr[JJ~Jj,nG
rJ-c;.r~O:';:)cl.r:sed ~.D t'he IJro:;)8I-.tJ'1I i.ehe t,emr)OT..r.l}:'~Y
] el""~2 e~y~~ c'n '):r~ ;;torn.ce Etrea that 'h,as n.o
frPT18 ~.:jt:-C11ctl1"re is stiJ}
tJl9.t }J'}o){f) J.:~J(e f~~
sh.el} o'r \.rTaJ.J
c_ {j
Tt 5_2 COITJ:ir'-."': ']0\7;:1.
l)eter r.{hl"'oclnbJ,_IJ'}l.(" TT~1GJ8 'potn,t 0f ~:lcst of t}le peO)leh,ere '1.0 that tt 5,-8 g
j'()~~tdSilt5_~~.J Y!.ei.~;,:h.bfJrh()~)d. 7:h.8 v,ThoJ.c i_de;'. j.s:; srlo111cl ~l t crle.rlg2 at
t)~1"i s ,J0~-y..t? Yos) CeTln8J~ shcn11d go, rrnd 5<t is ~J b}j.g}-:i.t on tJ18 ]):331ClSCPfl(;e
!).It tt j.~) resic'.entJal, ~'-Te don't 1~Je:nt t,o see cormnerc18J.) \f78 rlOl1ft 1~Tarrl;
T,O see t}l.e E>-Jr8Ro. of cornlnercio,l In tn.a D.e1gh'borh.oodj rln{l I -th,inJ< .t}--::}3.t
.i..f-~ t;.~.e Yn.2.j~r~ eoncern o~f :?c,J~l th.08E~ that aTe .,"c fee:' i..r~ -t,~l
(,'I:;j.^";-.'\">~' :") '!:,hC:l"'~~ is ~3onH3 S~)Y'1~ t~, ~J~:;"n(~e l)ecrn}.:]c '-' tb.f3re is 8..
(~11[~.!.lC8 to see t'h_at. er'ld 'tIlth. t.ni.~3 ~\!e [1re settirlg stnrted on, 8. neT~r
(~omrlerci 9,} -;1'3,81:;.
'{.Q(}ert \tlaG,ne.r-
!\ ye~1J:"
P.go ":8
~ 1. ri
_L C_!_ '__
)UrChilsed 2~J]' Orchc.rrd Lnne. 'f,J'e reeJ.i.zecl Cermak W.8.S
,0, f:::d.r errlOllnt of :JesTen ct, that, t,ln18 "l3 to 1-That t.he
zoni.J1C of t,r1.8 ~lreD. ~~Trtf)., \Ie fOU.Y1d 011t it. lJ8.S z,oneo. :~~l-1~ T1]8.t nad o.
ere at 1")8 a.-r-inf-~ 011 the .ptlrc1l.n,se of r('l,,~T 110Yr:8. I ~;J1Jre~:1ased ~~, t re.sJ..i
T:-Tns ]3,-1.1 L:.n.d I told tb.ex~e \tY,'?,S n.o conr;ir1ero.-t5_o11 for crlEtn:8(1 T'!(.~ Rlso
CEl,l}ed tlle 81:.2.1:..::) 2.r.d in.ql.lired 2J')011t thJ~ bj..Gll_t~ra~t['1 d VIe ~rJ8re info~rmed
tb.e qt,~_te Il!s.)eetor tn.at t11.ere ~r,!.0S 110 fl.'rt/l.~.re to rnB.l<:e
H~_rh.\'Tg,:/" 7 D. dl1~\} Jane tJ ~"..re \.:rer(: to1d l'lovrev8r, there 1.'!~LS fllrt118-r
ccn.sj..dsr2.t:ton dO\'Tll the r03..rl irl long term. to ?\1aJ~e
2. d1J2.!. 1C.tl.8. AIl tn.ose factors \~re11t in.tothe rrnrcb.e.se of m~r home~
bOl)~~h.t that acceptiD.G that CerrrHl1<:' 8 "VTG,S there, lJ1.lt T n'so bou.gh.t. it
1.,r:tth t'.~.1.e Y'e8.l~i.::('.ti..on J"L 1'J~\S ;-~-1.
_'. v
1.003 -
'_'Cb.ert-; nre .pJ_8ces "l'o:,11ere t..hi,. s b.as to OC.C1.11"',
l-"e f~~:l. d.en.t 1.. ['.J sin[~ Ie fami l~r an.d comrnerct '?,J,,.
lJl]ere there t~) v, Tf1.:::t:t-'riage
~Do ~rOl1 8.cee}}t that fact?
IT () .
Eomsn P_oor; -
IT01'! do ~r()1.1. ~epHrnte commercia} :frorrl x*esiclentia1? If ~T01.1 tool(
Chrln'hassen rip:11t. no';.! for expxnple J ric;ht behind the do':mtovm area \\TjlJ.
be res~de~ti_:::J., 3.:ncl the dO"f/}nto1-Dl area ts COY111'1'lercial~ There h2,StO lle n
nC'eo.k po5.nt.
Peter Throrlahl-I think tne poj_nt. is tbat it is pJJ res:iJlentiaJ rl[';ht no'\c!, 2_Dd this 1_3
inserting r\ commercial piece into it rather than an extension of
c0"1ner(;~.8' or some 10g1(;oJ. step l:5ke ,t,h8t,.
IlgGTJTJ\H, PIJtNNI1o.JC3. C(}1/1j\'lI:~)3IOr.1 1'/n~EirIlTG [iDri] 2,~'J J979
.John ;:;Ch11Jr13Cher-}\Ty (nuse is closer t.o Hig1-'T,ray 7 than Cermak's property is, and ,,;e don't
find 5.t 1mbearebll':' to Jiye there. I rtm against, corm'1erdal zoni'1g or
strip z,oning. I vould like to make the pdnt, i.f ere ,ml-lId 1001{ at a
~_[l:ld nse 1118.:) in the city of Ghanhassen, th:ts partJ,cllJar Lot 1 and 2
j. s n \rpr~~ c:me,ll eceof property iXl regards to the -ci t:r of Cha,nhasf)en
--end it is rj.::~ht dmm in the m.:i.ddle of a resj.r1enti8.1 zone, and I think
that vIe "rould all li1<:e to see :i.t, if C~ermak dOSE; not "rant to stay there
under t1y: co;!.rl:i. tic'llS set GaiJin by the vil1ac;e:, I think that ,-Te l'vollJd aD
rtp;ree rmr1. all vote in Ollr neighborhood that it should revert back to ::(-1.
'(ou nTe all saying that you wmt to keep it residentinJ., it doesn't
look resic1entisJ. to me. Besides there is " buildjn[~ existing there,
YOll C:I:'1' t make tbat. be taken do,m cmd rmt a house up there .
Jo1m :Scl11Jmn.cher-Ibu does the I_a", read l"ith Cermak rirht nm'!?
ft1J.sn I'0"rscn.-
Cermak D.t the )r0s8nt time j.s a non-conform:i.ng use in an H-J. district)
;-rhich Y'leans if the use 1s te:rrninoted for a year, than it re"irerts back
t.o an it-I r:1-istr:i.ct use. If it is sold, it retains its non-conforming
lJc~e stat'Js. The sole makes no difference. These gentl.emen C01Jld come
in and 0 per2.te 2. nlJY'sery on tbat s:1te. They could not change :i. t from
8 nursery to some other use. They certEdnly could p:o back to resi.dential .
Gene Conner- I live rU.rectly beh:i.nd C8rmak~ It 'fJaS stat,ecl a TrJhile ago tha,t you can't
see thcd_~ ':1roperty from the housing behind. That j s absalutely not true .
y,:u ('8n see alJ of that buildinp; frOTn my front v-:r:LDdo1'is. Further I think
that the th:i.ng that rea11y bothers some of us even more than the plan
that is pro[Josed is the re.-zorling, and tb_eprececlent that it sets, and
the concern that 1'!e micht Hind up Hi th n. vJhole strip of' similar r07,onine;
on d01.m the h:i_gbvay. I think I'Je are all :In complete agreement that
TIre are com:,leteJ.y o)C)()[,ed to the str:i.p of commercial establishments
along the hiSh"w.y. There are no commercial est8.b1i shments on the sout1-t
s:l de ofhighi:ray 7 for a long Nays in either direction, and I th:i.nk it
:i.s a had precedent to start.
,bm':!.n Eoos -
F?:U8S L..-J.r::;on -
Lon Holte -
If t,he Cermak le~al situation ic) resolved aga:inst CermnJ, in
t1g at:"!. orl
'['l....,";.t -;_3 not ::1. '-:1O';.nt in the 1:1tigat:1on. have to recogn:u',e that
r), non-crmforrnjng use. The focus of the Jitigation H!lS H clean U~)
to :)~et h5_rrt t~1 cIean lrp th.e l?lace and limit itsl'u.se to hiJrtat j.t l'>Tafj
dB.te that the ordinance \>Tas enacted.
he has
on the
I 8m 'l^!:1 t.h the B8.1+,j.C Corporation 01s0. ,,1e are a_ Httle surpr:1 sed at the
outcry here. TIe assumed that anyt.hing other than "That it had been 1.muld
be such a reJ5ef to everyone that I'm d:tdn't ant'idIJ8.te this. He 'i'T011J.d
h!:1ve jroceed ,-rith <3 lot more caution had He Imm'ffi th2t emotions were
runnin[~ [l.t thi s level on the property. H01v-8ver:o J:Jl th the type of
buC':i.-ness that T-TO have., I thi.nk He 1;.TOuld ?robably be as unobtrusi-'Te 8.
neir-;hbor 8.S any tYJe of operation could be, because ~ve are not:)8ople
intensive in our lmsinefJs. '/:e a.re talking B.bout 8. very sm2JJ. staff.
Pat ,sHI?Y1S0n - If the commi Ltee Kere te' recoY'J1Yl.end tt;pt -t)-'~.8 be turned dmmj does this
mUD t,hot th4:5 prr>perty could stHY J_D its deterIors.tlnp: condition for a
min:h:,um of 1) ;'learco more?
2.1188 T;Dt'sn:1 - J\Jot,q deterior8:ting sit11atlon. Th.ere 1'r01;.ld 11a":Je to be reasona1JJ_-e
Tn~~\i_ntenr~nre )erfoTI'led to t,11e stru.ct11re to Iceep j,t frorn becomtne: 'T~That
1,.T8 cal J.. [?, ha~71~rd. The o1J.tside sto:raze ",;:0'Ol11d and arE-;2,tterr1pting to
control. t.)~rou(~:h thi.s litiGation, but it cmf] d continuo 88 8. nurseI"'!
faciUty servicing the needs of :Jeople vTho patronize.
lrSC}lJT,i\;:,). 1)1,;\ Tr.JI::':]() COI,'n'/rll()SI(Y~;'~ 1.TEi;rfIYfG.
'--. ~..J ;
- !.. 2-.
It cau',-1 be olltsjdG Sl,orctge bec:allse there H~F' '.n 1972 outside storage
of ~.o.1:7'"D. C{]lli:~mlent, !nO~;J8r3 J .:~)]J3.ntJl1c~s, ttle other thI}'1g~3 th.clt }?O to malce
i),:) ::?, ).['tD,":l. rxrr,ser:,/
\.')[it. ;::):'.!eD~~On-
T.heS8 D.,:~'r O'Ll1ers e.re ll.ot ';?l the nllr~~er:r bl1.sl;1CJSn. \~Ol11d t}le~/ be free to
~."'er}t th.; ~ t,() 'J80':'i}e 1'Tl"lO n:ee :1.1J t~he D.1Jr;.:-;el"~r 1)l:.sj"ness?
ibJ.s;.~ T/1.r~3Clrt
,;^~':-rlJ}cl ne froEH:; to reT-.i.t tl1(lt to a 211J.rser~"r fir.m..
Pot, ':-)\'Je-~lso.() - It =tn 8J:'1 e~r8snre, c'\DeJ e~Ten corrb-trn1:.ng under n Ylllrser:S" COyu1j.ti'o:D., it.. J..S
n.ot 1J~.~e J.:T to 5--rn.:')ro"\T8 r~ g:reat de al.
t?,UAS:-:; I/=' .1:-'80/!."'" 1JY1d.cr ~~:l=,r c.c:'-").cs~..}t. of t~, nllr se~r 1J.se J CArr'1~11{ ~ the cli 8oI'tder "\<'-!011JJ" be m01'"l;8
nrr1.erJ~T 11
C1eor~~0 I-10cl,~ - I th~~_:nJ.~ 08 ? 111)rSCr~r, 5_f it 1'Tcre cl0D.e '^}!J:"'operl~Tj. hncl Cerrnak rlc1;1.e it
)X'o~:.Y~rJ.;ir;J )1;.t ~-::l.anti.:ngs IIp !~.rOl1nd tIle front of j_t and olJCrate i t .~~lS e
n'l).' 3er~r i'~j ~te:?d of g 1.llTIll'ler ~r?J:"'d DXJd a jl1n1<: ;r.8,rd, theJ:-*c ::)robt:1bl~r Y!:J1J.1drJ t t
be ,,~y ~)robJ.e;n> bec'J.use -Hhen ).t fj,rst ,'Tent in theI'e it HP.S ldnd of ~1
:Jlee,Jsr 'Lo t"-e fe,T )80;)le Hho J5\Ted in the nei.gJ,_borhood. It ki~d of
~"1 _\.1:::~(1 ::.1'"': 30 1.,ye cO:r1cloned Cerrn0J( bej.ng there 2~nd l(f;LJt try'ing to t2J.k
to bj.Y:l. a'bou.t cler:rring j.t u.-p,abo'lt J)1Jttins )lcrn.ttD.s::="\ 11'1. frorlt of j.t,~ T.Te
!{ne~,'r he had_ e. eOD.di ti.Oll.8J. U.i38 D.rra:ngernont j b1J.t 1'TA j1.1st C2Tl' t b.a~TP D.D::.'
cn~rmercj!1.1 fn,ci.J :i.ty in there. I think )robabJy j)80)18 m:tght condone a
nllrse~:T tll.ere llYlder :'jropGr TI18.int.enance 8)')d. prc'l"per J anrtsc8.i--::dJl.g *'
Homan j~ooc; -
.As j ~3e8 -; ':-. ri[(htno1:J, t118 petit,ioYl reB..d.inc: JT01J. f--:legot th~~e8 m.n,jo:~
;JOint8. It is 2. resldertttal n.e5~G}'iJ)orhood~ that's ~"Tb.D.t ;rolll,~Tctnt j.t.. tJo
c.o11tin1.18 2_~. 'Y01J. 1:1Et:nt no connn.erc~..al Sl)read, no strip zoninc for
~orrr'1.erci:lJ~.1c-nG Ti:i..g1-~_i,'TH;l 7 J ancl ~.f t11ere are nomE? comrr,ents o,\Tcr n.r-lel
8J,ov'e thos(~ three ite:rns, I ,,'Tou.ld. 1:i.1(f-} to h.eEtr tl1em. not-v.
,John ;:3chlJ.r12c1-1er-InCls;rcTICh as t,1"J_ere :1_8 9, nursery therenoH, I 'Hould b.2ve and my neighbors
~',Totll~!_ reaffirm. it,:> th.at lrJ8 1'Tol1.1d. ha"\re f2.5.th th.tl.t oU.r leGal. departm.errt
9.nd our counc5_1 Honld )olice and eet. the nursery :1.n order as it should
nbie i-'lelom - HOH did th:i,.; pIc_ce ever p;et j_nto the residenti?J. zoning from commerctoJ
<'ri_t-hont a 'cenrin3 of this nature n.t that time? T-ilinnetonka }'leW3))!?cper
n.p.o. -~.t, 1,Te'~re cot to cJA88.n i.t u.r}, 1'7e l)rol:tgllt th.at to tJH=? T:'leetl.ng Hnd I
fouGht t.hem, George fOU2;11t them, He oJJ did, except at the right time.
f;jl1en they sti~rt8d pourine; the footing I,re should never have alloued it.
lU2S :r,nrson - On ,j'Jne 7, 1963 J GerFwJ( made an appUcnt:i.on to the Chanhassen tm-m
bo,'1rcJ for re-zoninr~ from residenUc1,l to comInerd8L On ,July 1, 1963
there vT8_s a ~)1JJ)1ic ]::earing before the to'!m p1nnninc: eOlDYl1ission l:rith
the reco:r1J'lendntion tho:t the l)etitio~ be granted. On October 8, 1.963 J
l!Ie conclude from the records, that the t01.m board gr'!:rr,ted the re-zonin[',.
{L'11en. ~.,-r:~ 1 q67 ~ tbe tOT.rnsb.iop merGed ~'Ti.th th.e old \Tll1ac~e o.f ChDJ111)':13 seD.
J1nc1 :i.t beC1:r16 onr[)robl.em, and 1"T81ve been fi.e;htlng ever r:;i.nce.
'3ob lIed_be}
T1le re2.son m;T Y.'e~c:ort ts aTone; t!1ese TiTles is to t.rlrol.r t,11e idea outl to
the ;v:d_f':hborhood, r}os~;jb'.y accepting it as being compatible "lith their
jrle,'?s 2nd thoughts 2-bout this croperty, and hoc] it. Foulc1 interact ltTith
tD.0 nC';...~~~bor1J.c()d.41 /\t least r:i"\T8 th.e ~?roY)Os8J.. 1TIJ to trle -.possibil1 t~r of
1l(0-i.!1C h'?;'J:"d ~Tnct be:tn.g eonsiderecl.
'.l.';\Y"JlIT ft';?, pT.J\Tr'JI'\TC' CnI';n.'~IS3Irrf
?r: 1070
!.'-. 'J
l~ pr5. J
cT0hn ')~h11mIlChE'r-'l\hei:"8 5.s 8. re1UGt.c:mce jn the neiGhborhood, if Tile grant, commerciaJ.ism
the,:', \'78 drm I t \'T8nt, hOll do He knoH about enforcerneDt? It h8.sn I t been
r-;h01'JD j~:'] tn.e j)~],st th.:},t 1:Te CHD. ertforce an~Ttl1tnr;..
, (,,,",, f'\ (:~
~". .' \.' '"
10)0 :ro1J. thj~1l.k i:)1,8 c1 t~/ i. s Gro~,]j.D.g?
~~-80r~::c i.J ~":,~1~ - J T'!(Y'.l~-'~, ~LT(lr~.c~~nA 1 t i.. s, t)ltt it. nllOlllcl grOT.! j n cOr'J11.erciaJ_, sagmel1ts.. It
(':~}.10l1,ldn 1 t to C~r01~J cor1r1e:rci2.1J~.r tn P. primp.riJ~r resj_ dentt2J~ secti on. $
;~n~~1:1,n r~oo;.: --
'Ch.e o~n'1.:'/' 1':--:3,:" to an.S1-Jer o~ qlJ~est:1.0rl like -i:Jn,8.t is to !.ooJ<: ;:~_r()l1.rl(~. J.:n t,n.8
cj. +,~~.T aYlc1. loa}.::: p,'1.::, t,}',e 1)''rl.1'lgr3 that are tn the ei Y10'J"
I th~.r~>~ th~:.t tlJ8 COlD1ctl., tJJC Cit~r J stn,f'r:. trIG }')lo:nni..n.g 0ornrn:ts:.rtoD,
the EP.l.'~'y)()}~tj.~Te 80T'1nrt 8 s1 ::In, 0 ~:1re 1"!0rkiD.g tCH'Ttl-rd ttr.A.t erld", 1:'0 nSSllre ~rOlt
~tS ej.tj.~~en2 of tbe COY;1.m.1.1.:n.t ) tJ1D.'G ;/,88 lTO do h..3,\re H nlG8..TIEi of con.tr'ol.;
;:. ~'r?8?1~~ ryf i:~r0:re2SJ_'v8" c()ns~ ~ten.t.; SOlJ.no. 1ar~d 1JSe ;, ,8..rtd tbat
5. ~.~ f)c)Tr1f;th:tng 7TOll c.re to !)[1.\7(3 to t:Jke ."'~i, Jcn\: c;.+! t1-1G corrrf1u.n.t t:'l
~r(n1.r3elf ;J.:qd f5.Y1Cl o1xl'.Jof
:3~hlJJ."r.~.C}I,8r-T).~8:J t~:'li s
(;l!.8.!l:hn.[:.~sert ?
"'~or) .\.c,j[J.:.1 he 1
X~OT) 1,'fH~.1)c 2. -
f?nr!1.8Xl (00 f; -
;jP.rt1 c.:nJ"ar n.rea
,L J_ u
tnto the Tom(i
Tn.c ~J~.?,n T 1Jelieve :tlldicates t11if3 arert t,o })8 ffiuJ.ti..l)le
T rlj_S?'=:"1-'l-'"2:f: T'ri.t0 T-;:=j'n e1H~,:'~.'~.) t:!j.ei:'o,cL tl~t,":tt thts '\-'7(1)1..-) ;.~,~, +.1-1(" Cn}.~.T
!J"'n,t, cO-:J.ld ;)c:~;sjJ'.:l:y CO in tb.Gx'e th.nt 1,'Jo1J.ld 1'Torl< 011'LI feasibly I
f:Jr the are::'. bCcBll:,e of the f:.:.ct that it js sa e10se t.o '7.
,1isnSTer, ',T::iV, teL11, on that. I think :if you go dmm to rlOrle of the othsr
re05.cle~n.t~..8.1 COYr1Yf.11:nj.ties ~31J.ch e,;3 J~dina;l Pl~ymou,th cLnd ~3C)rn.e of th.ose, 2,rJ.d
:)1"on Jocl( ,':!.t the n.olJ.ses or the J.,C't.nd llf3e ;Jfl~ioiD.in,g GOl.ln.t.:y F~otldJe, ;}Yld
rn1.5, te a fe":I ot.b.er larger h:1.gh1^J'a~rs, n.r.ld i t eertL15.nl~{ t Gn 't comrner0ieJ
p~T0r"'i~1hp~e, t,hcre H"Ce restclentlial lJ11ildin.[!.s 9.l1d 11.orn83 i)18,t ?.J:"e fD.C-:1"YJ,t:
tn,~-d~ hj.C11~'T[,.y" I thiD.X~ that s'h.ol1.1d be ,I:~.
t,hj nF
Tn r}~n~n'.J8X' to 2.T01J.r ql1e~1t~_orl tn.ere, I agree ~~Ji ttL
~.n ;i~(tine_, ~ t ~1,S a h,::tghl~r traveled strest, lJl1t.
P..rilOI'tJ~D.tJo~ 2.nd. the iJ03SibiJi t:r ,tb.at tJ-18 118e t,112.t T-Je .!:'tre }j.1Ting 1.jit:J.
r:i.c;ht r~O'!3 -:.T011J~d ~:.ot en.nrlze for .J. 1 on~~ ti.me to corle, artd th.is :L de [1. 1fcn1.1d
r1eftnj.te~,:.r (~l.J.t sh.o~ct t.hat D.m.ortized~ ~;)erio(l\9 I took th.at as a glVCl''1.
Y'Oll tl1~.rL '0:n Fro,nee )1\1e IS
T' .., - .'..L.1
.1- nG.Cl In rn'lrlG Ijne
I thj4Dk t.>.8 l=--,o-i:rrt, 113.3 l)8c:n ver;T vTelI rnt:ule this e''iTerl~fJ''lL~ ~.lH)nt t.J10
res:I.derlttnJ ne~_~hhorho0(1 p.nd OJJ011t the comrrercip.1 sl'JreBf.l. l>le b.2":18
nJ. sa c01re:rc(1 tJ~.e 0.:('88, of cle'\TeJ.O)liGn,t CO}ltr2,ct.s Il I 8In co:tnC tn tIS):
the PJp.l1rd.v~.f~'~ Corni'TIlssiol1. to tal)} e this j.;-.~sr'.e [')3 .fo,r as Ollr p~ener[ll
d:'.scu;,s:1.or. aDd our recomm_8Dd.o,tion to CounciL T]hether the PTanning
CorrJ11is.,:;'~ '1n sees f:tt to do that or not I co-n't -1:,811 ;'TOU at this pdnt..
PD.t S~'!(~nson m0V(~n to cJ ose the -....,u.blic heA.rin,g. I4ot:lon seconded 'b:r CJark Ilorn and
lm2nimous-1.2'" ,.'l\Ji:"oved.
tTerrJ~' ~T0hG}~ lnn"'t!cd to -:J()st~')on.e th,8 ctLsCu.s2ion on tn.is tssr~~e as one of t.b.8 1,g,st :-Lterns
on tOl1:'fht';::; Gcendn. "Ite; No. :; "TiD. become Item No. S. Hot-ion second'3d n;';" Pat,
S"d8Y18 on.) .J.J: r 11 n;~'jlt~.01.1. 3l~r a ):~~ro\"8(it.,.
(~C:';','IT,,'~I -3:') I 0 j\}
A.pril 2:;, 1979
SITE .PTlr.T~ . 1.'<'1. .fl.. GEDT{8~~(
~ltTnt City l'i!8.nager/PJn.nner. He recommended thet
the deveJo::)ment for \T. il.. Gedney Co. l1Jth the
!~ ;::r\j8,ff rG:L-}Orl:1 \:.;r:,s ~~~_'70l1 b;i --t..:1e
t'he ")'.e31n-t11C c(l!-;rr15.0~T'1.()n ~~;~)rO~Te
loJloT'D rp~ C011(lit~.o~.;j:
1 'f11at .1)'18 (leve1.()"l(;r p.r~:rS8~.n, 1,',rritl117: .to m.eet:1J1;"~ dC"'iJeJoI)mentJ plrrn. con.d4,t:i.ons set
forth -].11. tl15s l"'epC'rt D.S E~, c:)nc1J,.t5,o}1 of tnd.1J.8-trial X'8"TsnU.e bOTH). ,cr~::rl)r(}val" ~JXlc1
trl~Jt n rH~\'T de"\7'c}O'LJrler'1t..p}_c'.Yl "Tit"), :JJ..an J1arrat,i "":l8 be flJ.rrj.sJ1ed_ that. 1;',j0111d ,:3/IclreS[1
t~le JE11dscrt:;i:n.C 8oncerns) the i:nrl<:Lrts are:?, cn.anGe~3, str'.lct1.lI'sJ. relocB.tions and
t!:1_8 6t11 c~tJ::"eet, ;-1tor,s.[!e, lJ)~Ollf~h.t forth in. th.:1.s re~~,~'ort) ~:)r:lor to 31.J1Jrrd, ::r}j, 0)'"":. of PJ}:,:r
re.~ruec)t for lJu.lJ_(1.1n[~ j)er~rit}8.
2. 'I'hat t.he subject :)ro:~'o3:'1"' meets all t1:J_e develo_'Flent criter:1a of -1,:,110 Pol11J.tion
Contro~_ j\~~~enc~t:; tD,8 :Ptl})] :i,.C :3er\Tj.ce Comm-:tssionj th.e I,ci11er }Yl1rln8f)otn. V8..].J_e~r
!.J~1.t(-;rsh.ed T)i '-~~tri.ct EtI1Cl. tl~.e CJt:r T~n'Gj"n.e8r"
There 1pJcrp DC) interested people 5.::1 attendance for tb.o pub1 ic heFrjnc:~
11otton. sec.oj'l.d.8cl ();T 1',JnJter Tb.tJrn.pson
CJ~1.rkHor11 n1c}rIer1 to clos2 t/ne ~-nibl~..c h.eartng.
S..Del 1)r:.c~.ni,m01J.3J~r tJJpro'ved.
ilo'nn.~1 .!~,OOS -'
'jo1') "i'l:ioe'
~:3:~!n DXl '~:~.n 0 S
]ion Perd'1 -
'3.11.S8 :L8.r;:~On -
), (Y:Tt ~J1 1?,Q :~: ,-,
'Tho first. one T r.-rould Jjke to make mentjon of l!Quld be t.he deyeloprnent.
)1an with -'J]J'n narr:lt:hr8 be furnished t.hat irJO'uld D.ddrer38 the 1and-
SC8,pJ~jlr~ eoncerrlS. j~ov0' "toTe have t11.8 lanctscBpin.g prirltj 'Bo'b. l\re :.-iOlJ
s0..t4. sfi eel?
I cloJ]'t hD,j8 ,s, lEillJlscaptng printe T}1at ~~~_D 1jvDclt I am req~lirin.z, 8. Jrint
FUl.~_1_ Q n,:lrrat5.ve. ~"!e t~t(~ got a site pJ_.ar, t.hat Sh.O'trTS tlle rlB1.:'T1rJareholJ.se
"drJ~t.ion) the neF parkin,:"' spaces that T'rere proposed, but Hr~ G8clne~T
sto.ted t.m:t:if;'1.t that there is a revif3ed edJ,tion of that, it indicates
that t.he :, YCF.r e:'-Cpans:ion pro2;ram; uhat achlD_1J_y is invo1ved in thnt,
c>.nd :L t SiYPS 8.rchitectural e1covations of the 1979 nm,)' vTarehi)use
'lddi tion. Trot Has th,,:, only elevat.ions '\-;e received.
T)0 ::rOl1 }1{}"'I:78 ~3~ DEn..: set of dr:::n'T1.Y1G:::; 1101.-J?
Th.e~r .J,r0 es.sellt1.8J_l.2.T l,rr1:J.at ::r01J, see 1J}i there. I gl.18SS I 1",T01J.Jd respo~(lrl
t.o -Lhe lft~\.dsc8.)in.~ first t:lnd 3a~r t}1::rt \'-T8 d.tcln t t a(ldre~3s tn.at. problem.
~leea'IS2 in Q1lr con.vers(}t..i'~~n itJitb. ~rollrpeople .?nrJ 1'Tith C~edj:1RJr) it beCRJD.e
p,-l):')2rent tho:t, the lnndscn.ping the vT8Y that I t1!.ink everybody '\rou1d like
to n,'J.ve i-I.:, ~'T01)1.d be en()t proh.ibj.tJi\T8 for~ o:)enA:r's~ ':'.Jhn.t is 8. rf~nson2.ble
n~ir1dlp f:ro1Jnd ~J1cl 1'T11ere CC:JD 1'T8 TJ:.ero 1'7ere s'tlt:f:r.GsticDS th.at I llea;rd
t()cl0.~T: ,'l~';1(1 n:t tJlis:)o-i.nt to effect:tveJ.~r lr~.1l.d.sc8.ge n proj eet of t.h5. s
f3J_ZJ8 e:iristin.c; as j.t ha;~ for all tr!'_0se ~rer?~rs on th.ts site 1...T!)1J.1d. be R
'-l8F;/ r:.~:!~~!ensl.\Je l'n~o~~:r8.mt1l \JJe did. not Hdd.ress tJho lp,nd8cH)8 "?l'oblern for
t'h3..t reo)=)on ~ 1-Y:~c.all8e 1'J8 1'JOlll/:. like somo irlcljco.tJJon. of 1~ihere ;rOD, trl<:i..n.1c
1r!8 01.1.:.::0,t, to be p:oinr~ It is gOi11C to r}8 a 'Ter~r ex~)ensi\Te t.11inC-:, ~lt
l.enst t,~!f? "':I?-;T I 11.11dersto.nd \;~hat is l)einz t'11kecl n,t)01}t"
"Loo1ci.nv at it .frOTn. a ""ver~':r strict a~PT)li eat.:tOD., T1e are Yl0t .-. :)~3.rt of tn.s
jJld'iJ_~.:.tri0.1 rc\renll8 fJn0J1Ci~nf.; [),ry} the (\.n1.18t.:C1J.c+~:Lcrf~ t!1crL "t'Jl1!_ fO}'.01:-1 f"ec.yrn.
t11nt hp S \Ter:,r ^'iTer2T J.-l_ttle to do T'r~_th t.he scresnJnc D~10Y1g sto1.lr(ht.orl f1.'~Te.
T'.To pert of these ~1.r/~-1lstrinl re'lcr111C f~lnds 2,re c::o~.ng 1.D.tO ttlose G.reas,
Or' .'"}, "'I;,rer:;r S;:ia~_J ~~)ctrt nf the 1~Hj.llst.r1,8.J re\T8nU.8 f1J:t:J.ls n.re into
~;n~T ~,3.~-'ec+" of t}~~e "!:T():r1!' tn.at 1"rcn,1.J.d recll12rr"::; T"h.D.t! s not.
--'i..t erYl1.Jdn't.
T}-'.8 )nr1(ine; t,1"lfrt., ~;,:Q1J l)ro1.J.f:t'lt ,,~", 'Sob) ]:101/.} 1.8 tn.1?
on the d2.ta that he nOF liE'S from you?
i.~CT 1.JT.}\"t 2T.,Al'.T:'.TIT'JC- CO},'j}.'TT,c~ c11 OTJ J;l:~'EfrIP{~
ftpr.tl. 25.i ~,?7()
nOll. TJe:-'1"Ji~'~.
i .~o~"(,..~:tnr(OO ~.-;
ion Il)(;I'~."'b..t~, -
T'~:)t, a Tot.
It l~00}C3 1,; 1(e ::'()J. are 5_ne.reaslnp: the t1'ffiou.nt of I)ar'l~i.r:l[~.
Irl12~+J t S cQ~c-rect:.
Th.s;t '3 real}:?" onl~r on 2~ 8ecL20n.:~1 bf1..s5.. s ~
TYe l~iJ.} ~nct n.~.\r8 8J1, i.:J.crease in real1~r o"'ver ";;'r11.8.t he h.as got
nO~'T 05 'Ph0 d.5.ffe:ccn.ce 'bet1-TceTl t!r.8SP tT';O :-)r()Gr~.ln1.~) b.ere) lJa;:rtcEJ.J..~T:) j~s
t!1,':.t, ~-Jh.CTl -,:TG dreT! tJr~.s -tb.e first t;J-}C rr:td s1111m5~ tted tt j I 1~Ja3 tnt2J 1.":r
1~.n.81-T,'~_1~(?' tJ'.Ht tIle::r- deterrn1Jl.ed that tb,e~r ~:T0111d relnov~s tb.GSet1'To rO(~fl~
'~c ':T~""!.Rt 1".:8 d:~.d 1:Jr?S tc' i"10~le tD.8 'process tn.n1r.s.1 1^7e chtlnged 't..l-1e t.r1J,C\""
1"'ero bP(',fi;l).r.;:6 D.t. t.h.e t)j.rne thi.s 1;J:?.8 Cb::'l.:r~}rl \:-;8 d~ d Y10t lJ,8:'iTC [tn_
a.fftct,,:":.l sur\Te~y', r~n,(l ~'Te fOtlncl t11.ai~ sorn.8 of thtr::, nree. ~i-r!3.r~~ ::lot d:1.m,ensj4orled
e!)rr0ct) th.(-; to':Jel~ l>T2..Sn f t 1.n t.l"1.e ~~1srlt -ple.ee 4) So 1r>!e b.3JT8 to
C()r1P 2.rOUJ1.Ci the 88,st s5.fIe of tb.c t~~)~rJer t1 'r'Ie 'h.e.v(=; E'.rldf~d SCYr1.8 ~Ja:rJ{7_11.p:"
r-j"n.8rn ~_8 ~lO c.t1:('b CJ1d gl1.tter 0D. Sto11p::hton It':rC'D.118 8Jt)~Grlit I gllCS2 I
1'r~)11.J..cl "he n.:'.:J:~r1. )reSS8(1, to see :)T011 l'TOU.lcl v.ran,t, ~1 cU.T'b rtnd Gutter E?f)
~)1).c1.-:. l.ll. tl.er0o T e011Jd 11Y}0.erstaTlcl 1:Jb.JT ~YOi.J. rnich"t. 1:~T2_n.t t() m.eet t,}-l,e
net nnc](s..
}~nrold r:q'10nl:~lson--l:"}}1.,:t .~ ~ t~8 8.C(~eS3 to the
nrr lot.?
TJon Perr5n -
::)8,t ;3\iJen~~()'::-
Don "e:cri_D -
Tt is ES 0.escrj_bcd.) bU.t there :_8 ro, co.t~hbn8i.11. ris(nt the:re, :l1:tcl =l..t
J.S 0l1-1.te !.01rT 1.J'lere _
rT1:1ore .; S 'lC) s:~.ec~.fi.c dri;:lei.-'.Ta~r jJ'1 there? YOll CHn dri1rein 8.nY'"I)}ace?
You C<.lrlJ but they dont. I think t.hat ve can ,jTHhol1t PX1Y cli_ffj_cu1ty
n~J.D(n8 V'd_ s ~:i tnation and control the trctffic. 'vie ,'7::11' have to
reJDc~o,t.e the 112rl{in?: nnd T0.0re t11,'J,n 1:i)(81:r lTC T-Tol.J.lr::1. L)rol)abl~r relo~D..te
:'L t t.o the north side of t1v:; bu:iJeHnr 'up b;'t the Dorthproperty line.
Gordon Free'nnr(~-\-r;'1ere ~Tere ~ron concernec1 about sb:i.el.-1':T'Z?
r~()b Tj"1.:i.h,l ..
If al:~~,t 0: th.ese f.'1.rea~'~ can. be sc~~eerled 8.1ong b.ere, it. ~1TolJld.
4.nteJ'f'lJ.tterlt l:Jlanting) c0:0ifcr:3 or sorn.etb.tnc }~J{e t11<Jt, to
vert'~c!:1J, or else a hedGe alonG here if t,hat if; possihJe.
be 1,Ji th
lIreak the
;):'he se are
.. I . ~
rlllStJ ~_G0P,S.
Gorclon I.tlJ~ec'bllre'-Yol.1.' re 110t tCJJ(i11g abollt an~T ~trt front of the l:)1.Jj.1d.5.iJZ itse1_..f?
Y01.1 don't '1:18Y8 room.
Bol') 1.--,r:J,il181 - I gllOSS the iclea of thi.:-:j o\TeraTJ.., ~'Jo1J.lcl he v:lslJ..e.l :1.rn.-pro"flernent of tll.e
property. rehe nevJ investment ,d_Il more or less extend its perpetuity,
';.t f s coing to be lJ,Sec. for a longer iJertod of ttm8~ I thil1J.z "kfe sn.ol1.Jd.
~ln.ve current :im~lrovements !J_S they occur.
,Jerr~r "Tener _ I thinl: the ord_:tna.nce is be:i.np broken by the par1d.ns; of that first
rOF of cars. I thi_n1( it should be changed. 1 don't th:1nk ,ve should
axcove [' nevi that l'Tn1 perpetuate a breaking of the orcl:I.nance.
Tl T).....
'.oman 'cOOc' -
Don P8rr~,n
Cl.prk TIcorn -
'l'he~" SP:10 they had no problems ,.r.i.th setting thnt first rOH of lXlrking
hn.cI( ~.p TUD.oerstoorl correctJ;r..
,],h21, , s correct.
J T'!o1.11cl }.tk8 t.o rtsl< Bob, :r011 recormnerld screentng 01'1 th.e S011ttl SiO.8
of +'11.8 b11.i !_Ct1_tlg. 1-'\fruJ.t ab01J.t. t.r18 north sJ.fle?
i{f;:(}"(fI::..{ r}I,'~.T.F'IJlT(} C(!T'--Ti<I3SIC}N
April ?S, 1779
P,O 1") \':J3j.'be!..
"(rJrn.\~!l '~'{.I) 0 ~J -
-; ::,'i.be 1 -
.~)Qn Peryj.n
,iCe' tcr 'I'homp~o:r}-
-?ob ,J8~J)el
.~U)Y'n8.D. ":0 () S
101) 1:2_ibe~.
Don Perrin -
"ob :'In:Ulel
';'tOrn:.l:.l ;-U)02 -
That is zOTJ.ed ~t:~dl18tri2J. acros[:) t~h,e 1^T8:,Y.
cloes r-levp10,j, they H01J,]d screen -;.t. The
"nOT.. cO-''''.e(~r~ed T'D.th YJ_orthern. sereerl1.11g.
I "')0111.c1 anti_eilJate if i tJ
Gjvt:r of Ch2~)k8, itse~l.f J.S
:'01'), do '""11 :Tt.:LJl th:1:nk '\'Tp 'hove -t,o 'j2V8 concrete curbs And Cl1tters'?
1;:'~ tJlat ~ro'p.r opi:r.ion. ,~,t T,n.:LS ',jci.nt 8.11.0. st~?,ff :r.econllV:lencts.t~5.on?
I naY'! t th'L:l]-:: b:itum:Lrous vmuJd bold U;J nS05,11i:rt
is tl"l.8 i-:'OSG~~.biJ.j.t~T of 8i.ren sorf1e ST(\.D.JJ.
eonCI'ete CiTro 2_0.0. [:llt.ter. 1)5.. fr)J~~I,ci.n.[~
J 0 ,)11) t to cantro1.. shol),l(l 11.a~le D 't~Jj (ler
8rlr"8 l)8e3J_l_~e t:'J.0;,f }1.a;:r8 .... DC2J.e there..
n S110'VJ
of CE1.rS .- rG
eEre.ss f1t tt18 "\:Y8stern
F'r8ces-t:, CUJ~~'.) s T'.Tt)1J.J.rl l)re"''"T8Y':':t. Cfl~c-S from (lr.~_:~rinc::': aero~:)s.
con' c',
r1 O,'ln
conrj~et8 'b~t~.)c}~
2,;) t}1e~r (In :Lll. Otb.8J:"
Ti}lC~',~ 1~r.\.re p tC11d2.D.e:~.: to CetJ l-\:DoctcGd. 01.1t 1t
Tn.o'T;1.b10 J 2.:tlO. tlle~l COlIJJ:1 end. ll) oU.t. an tt18
i?~.~~i~~r. y o~.~. cOlJJ_d C015,t:roJ_ it, blIt b.fft~T d.o
l:)(~in:~' 1(s.)t t~~1 pl,!~.,ce?
I nlf30 see tbern
2..:~ 1Je5.11g
pl}J')lic 1"5.~ht of
~rOl1 iilOlli tor 5.t.;
'~'.n~,-'T 1Ter"r
~J {,
8.3 to th,e5.:~
;L" ;)"011 th:L'1k there
scrn.e otJl,~r f30]J.lt5.0YJ. bestcle~J
""! t"'l
. ,)
If tl1ere !-'i.re I ~~TouJJ1, ]5.l-cG to b.eEtr l}.-tem$ n01^T th.e
C01X1 tJ:d.rJ'~ c,f arn t,D.ose tbroc, fln.fl I tll.i~lJ<: eOD.crete c1Jr1)
~_s tl1e ':)8sf.., beC[;.1l~:~e ~~"t J.:~ p8rrn'3_neYrl:-,~ 5.t ~.T~.11 ~trl
OllO S I
artd [}JtteT
J rind tt.
'\<rOllt brs::}-:
1\ soJJ.lt~i_C:ln to t.b.ts 1^J01.;.1_:.1. be COY1Crcte Cllrt) c1ltr::) 9J1c1
t}H~ ll~CC-C2~st cilrbs bet't,reen t.ib,e ~lJ.rb C1J.ts ern 0.1'1-
;J:cev-erJt t1.~.e tre..:ffic frorn dri'Ting rigb.t Ollt onto "tb.G
t118Tl c8rr~yj..llf~:
line to
rOP.ClJ irT'.lj_eh
., ~\-,
, ,
:-~J'1 d
:t t :,-yrru J.Jl
r< ............- .~
,"-', '-'-:':'
~Ie ~1',"~"-;
!.f +J}lc-:l 8.re 8.~.jch0r(?'cl iXltO tb.e gI~o1In.d.
-L~b.at 8.1jQu.t so-:~n.c fel1CG)('j[TtA nnd SOine kind. of feneirlC so you. on.I::/,
l1n.\1p. =:}.11 eGrp~js :;.1"; one a.:cea? T)o 2101.1. tb.in1<:: ~r011. cn..r. reQc.}~ 3om.e
SO}:LltJon? rr:J.l.e otb.er tJri.nz I l'~!01l1d. J..~.~~(G ~Y011 to 0_ddress T~!o1J.J.-d l;e tJ1.8
=_de,<:\ abol1t, t~le 1.1;38 of the 6th street. storr:ge 1)1lild,Jns c.n,(l
r~oj.nc t.Q tJ1.erc 1>~itb. respect to Ch8..:3k~1, t r) lette:r' a
" ,...
.', ))
ne(1ne~" Tuttle- ';'11:;_8 -, CO '" tOt,8JJ.y separat.e piece of IJI'Operty Fit-hin the City of
C}12"sl\:c/. '-,-Ie 11..?,."\TG a olJ5.1d:t:ng tJ1ere t1.1El't l..lnerl to be 011r lJ}J:LI1t l)efore
~.';e f1.o\Tcd. 011t tIC t,11is "r")lB,:1t. \'Te stj~.]J. lJ.se "that 1)uJ.ldHin'0 for' storage,
c'.~:ld I .8"grC~J ~'Titb. .the Cit:r of Chasl{fJ; it r.eeds tJo 1J8 ~p2,inted, SOP'l.G
"-n.YlC'Q\TS need to be reIJJ8.ced, cmd lfJe yrilJ do all 1',11is. ~Te '\viD. upC':rade
~}_t ~o tl1ut it. locks 8,S tho1J.gn. it is 'be4,Ylo: lJ.seo. I c1on'f., nee 110v'7 :tt.
11[J.~:: OJ.).:r CO:n.118ctioD 1'fLt}'t this.
:Jorr.~ra . tOO:.~
T~()1') "}8ibel -
I nc:ro8) Fit'." -1.;{ tJd.s app,rt of this overnJl evoJ1J.at:tCY'?
.Hm Tlnin tnl_:1 1"'2' th8t the City of Ghask8. intends to rezorJe t.hat.
p:C'ope-,...t~- in the not t.oo distant fut>ure. I eX?8ct that the fo.cilities
'Ti_-! 1 -he d-L:r;J.aced bn,ck out to this fac5J5t;,v here. It is se,methinc
~:;'r' l)e }.OO](j.D~)~ s.t. in. t118 I),ear fu.;t1J.re.
,moUl,lil, PT-l\NN:n'G COI'.FvlT'3SIO)l[ I1lEETDJet !~9rjl 25, 1979
ltOm:m 'laos -
'The t1:ird iteT"l T 'i!anted to tOlwh on Houlel be the fue1 t;ank.
Pat .'l1\TenSOn - I 1.r,foll~d recommend that 81. 1 east minim8JJy the fuel oi1 tank be either
rp1or~ateel or buried.
riedne,y Tuttle- O'ur current. ,:;lan is to bury our fuel t!'lnk.
ul/Jill,']_n_ ;<.OOS -
C1ark Eor'n -
Bob T'Jaihel-
:l'Dm9YJ'<.OOS -
T f~)jl to see 1:Jmv- He can maIm a recommenc1..s.t.ion tonight based on
Hhat you told us i.n your recornmen.dations and report,un1ess you feel
that these peop1e can come back in "'Jrit:lng ano. at least satisfy Y011
in some k:inri of '\Vritten condition so they can f';O ahead and finish their
Tndust:dal Revenue Bond AppJ ication.
I think vIe should c'}V8 them some time to come 11i? ldth a recommendation
for some economicrtlly feasible thinF:s that. they could live 't"lith to
screen this areaa
I think He could ;<1ubmit .1.t to the City Council as it is right noVT for
the Industrial H.evenue Bond proposal" but also there it, 1'TOU1d be
contingent upon the questions that came up tonight and also in the
re )ort. They could make conc)i tional '''1pproval based upon our complet:ton
of tllif:1 last step.
I Hould like very much to see some concrete agreemer-,t betvTeen the
three faciE ties" youtJeople, Chaska and Chanhassen. I ',J'OuId think
this TtTo']ld be necessary that yon try to do that as soon as possible.
I think :"011 could do that very quickly, I am sure VTe can pick it up
on our nex.t meeting next';;Jednesday, and vIe can have the recommendation
j;JUt tor:;etl1er and forT;.Tard it on to Council..
'ri91t,pl.' Thom:x3on moverl to table No. 7 1..mtil next Hednesday. Notion seconded by ,Jerr;!
Neher, and ummimously ap)roved.
i!.om9,D'tOOS ~.
The consensus of ooinion of the petition ,.Jhieh I di.cI not see but 1r.TaS
brouzht to us this evenine; HAS that they don't '\<Tant any commerdal
strip zoning a.long HighHay 7, th85.r concern about the residentiaJ
n9ture of the Ip.nd being retained as ~mch> the Cerrnak situation they
coule live H:i th as long as it is improved, they can. li'Te 1..r:ith a nursery
si_tuation. They can not live "rith a comrnerdal endeavor fea.ring that
it might spread. The Baltic Company on the other hand has purchased
this )ro:Jerty 1iT:Lth" I think; a very valhable imjJrovement on the.project.
I asked thf" nuestion vJnether there is additional land available around
there that is residentinJ that 001.11d be usurped into a commerdal
tract of lm!d in addition to this tract of land; and I understn,nd it
is no. Can you c8.11 it spot zoning? I don't think SO because of the
situntion it is in right nm'T. Hhere do He go? "1hat is y011r gut
intuition, your feelings,
Pat SHenson - Hy symrathies are re.9,.11y 1,.;rit.h Baltic because they bought propert.y
and I CD.'1 understand that. they have 8.. problem. O'n the other hand, I
don't t.hink that liTe can conscientiously cLE~n:'r thA vclces of RO or 100
res:i dents that. nre around it.. I am concerned Hi th the factt,hnt
possibly t.hey didn't undenitand that. they could l:i_vo Hith the present
situetion for quite a lon[~ period of time, and certs.inly t.he Baltic
i.)rocrsrn j.s {-:In. iml)ro\rement9 Thr1,t, 1.rf.tS men,tioneil p~nd.:i t 1'JEU-') booed 0.01,\111
very ~trO::f':ly. I ~uestion the spot 7,oning t.hJnr;. I guess my gut
re'l.ct.ion T-;o'J.lrl h2.v~ to be rent it t.o ,9 nursery or 0:0 in t.he nurserr
W(l?GUTA.f? ~')T)t~ ["'~J;"ln CO?:F'IT:~~~Tn1\J ?vr.E~r~frI~Nn
Ar:r1.1 25) 1979
l','2Jter Tllornp,Soll_ - I rerJ.l:.T "t.T8.,C~ sl_lrpriseo.pt tQA feeJ~ingt1 of the peoj;Jle it} regarcls
to tbe trn.ffl_e {:rtt'll8.tion. on I-lig'n1~Tn,y 7 ~ IT-JOl1.1d. n.ot of tb.011gh.ttr1at
t}18.t ~'T(1)Jd of l)ReD it. IIc)1;Tever, I do h8;\TC [;or:1.e rF;se:r~'.r2,t1()rlS ns to
frh"!t.h~:(' that ) if it reverts res:ident--i.pJ} l:D}} ever fl.lJ
-i~~) ll) ~-Tl_ tn" rt01,JS82 4. t'h.rrt arer.. C)1J.e ~O.Clcern. is.J 1~Th[J,t is 5.rnxned:l.ntel:yr
to t.~l(J "\.re;"::t of th.8 ('e:rrtu~k propert~r? ':jj"n.gle arId there -'_8 a
hn'Jse 01.'. tlwre 1'.NJ {30 that t11_erp is no chance th8t thn,t COJIJd be
r~_7/}-n.r~(-3. 'enerc seer1F:d to 1:J8 SO!i18 qllGst5.,on. eJJOiJ,t.i t:h8j~if FroFl the
)rp0ent.?~t.-tOY1 it look:s tn rne JJJ:re t1J.e:y rJg-ve done e,rl !0:_~{celJ,.e~n_t job a.-f
lJsin.[3 t1'!B.t )r0:~>?rty_~ aD.(l lilThile J h.ate to clisn.gree ~'.T5..t}l the Yf1EjorJt;T
o.f/~..Y1..i"o"'1 of +)'18 res1,de:n.tJ0 'in -t,11.8 area r~s to th.ej_Y' r:l.esi.res) J do not.
see n,ol,,'\i' t.~~.s enn detract fronT tl")e crttlJ.attnD6
i.?~nrl1PJ'1 -a.0C' [:-3 -
~~~o ~TOU ,~'re sr~,~rinG rezon_8 "under n c1.e\_TeJ.O})m.8nt. COl'ltrr:tct?
\{aJl,r-;r T}'lompson - T 1--T0111 (1 aGree to It $
.Jr~rry \Je1,er _ Croinr; bnck to the lot s"ttuat;;_C'n, T t'link one gentlemen back here
that 118 OidTIf) tJ-)at lct. I l1aSl)8118Cl to blr(r~J) ini.-,o lrtrn 1>rb.8D_ T 1'liJS
C8'D:::1a:'.i~nin[,; for counciJ ~md I talkeo to him ;:tbout it. T C9'1. um"erstand
the conce:CD of tr:e 1n regnrds to ~-Jhat is r~oing to ha;Jpe.n VJhen
T-j21.tic no longer Hnnts the property. Also T Cr::Xl und_erstanc1 tbe concern
8.bout the vi 11B.c~e or city's ability to control) enforce the orcl-inances
et.e ~ D~l' j1.1St Jook5,ns: aro~J.nd right n.o1'!, a gOO(] ease In. ~point v!t"l1.ch. I
8lT' going to brinp; up :i.n the open d:i.scusE')~ion, -;.8 the Country Clean.
110thing has been enforced there j and tJpparently no ~3,ttempt has been
made to enforce. Hm-JeveI'} I think l,JJ th the people T!Te have OD t.he
)J.8n.ntrl~: cornm5~ssi()n, -vre v,d.l1 be I>l.lShine: that. a littJe rJtt l1clrdero
I can not tmderstB.Dr1 the pe01)}e' S G,tt,':i.tude that they T'TOU]d rather
~-:8.mbJp on t1"lP_t CeJ"Yla}('J:ro-Dert~,r beinp" [tone t1~JO or t11ree iT0:8rs from
~OH. . Any thins: but ,..JhB.t it is"right -'n~VJ for the next l5" years. . Thi f)
; c; very oecider:Hy a big improvement;l end T vJOuld grab it if I ,,,ere
J5vinc; in that comJ'1unity. I Houler go for it. T don't kno'iJ '>ihet-her
rezon-;.ng ;s the anSi-reI'. H1.Wbe c) cont;.nuation, a Jesser use of an
nJready conditional use permit., the same as T.T(' clid on th':rt-, ot.her
piece of property tv-TO OT three ye,3.I's 8[';0.
l-l.on12)');~00S -
A~e :r011 sa:rin.f to pernri t tr18 u.se of that as a nu.rsery?
Jerry f'!eher _ r~ernajn ~lS'J resident.i.gl - I don't knolT, ma~rbe 11 Public Hearin[':;
"Thet-her :;J, could be done; but it W1S done on tho.1:. at"r-:er )--iece of
.::~ropert:T .
~?()m_ar, I~oo s -
It \'Tas brought. up, that it could remain a nursery.
or reu.sed 2,::) a nurser~y II
It eouId be sold
i\nd it could be changed to a lesser degree -' Puss sD.ic1 that.
l:t,om8.!l ~:{OOS -
ITe 8.1so s8id this '!ras a Jesser degree. So t.hat VTould have to enta:n
a rezonins then. \'fuen he N'D,S t.sJ_k1.ng about thi.s part5cul:J.r building
he v!As tDlkinc abo'lt it -bei.ng .used and only uned as a_,nur.'sery.
remE'mber him S[Wing that very clearly. If it is going t.o be J1spd as
aD off~ ce bu.:Uding, t.hat is a totnl1y different, use, it NOll1d have to
b8 put into a zoning c1 assifica.t,j on and that 'W1S a P-2 development.
'i'hat 'TC'S my i:r'lter:)retati on of it.
JeTr'y l\Jerle}~ - If it t?kes tb.a..tl, I SEt:r rez!otte.
res~i_d.entiaJ- and Gt-j__11 SO a1:182J:l..
I 1;you1d rl':.ther see it, :in the
StjD p}ve them the go ahes.d.
'-~EG,lJTJ\~1UT, (\ TTNI~H~ C(lj./F;!I;~3,\3ION r-'lTi~}~TIl\TG
....-' ,
Clerk Horn -
I [11088 I i"yree H:tth everything that Jerry s.qJd. I t.hink that i.f the
tim:1DS' Here d:U"ferent and hBd the peop1e been ep)ro2cheo different they
uou1.d os;rce to Co along vrJth thi,s; Hhich I think is an obvious bet.ter
use of the property. I don't think that T CQuId vote for that nt t)lis
:)cd_nt tn. lig}1t of tl'J.2 T)8ople 1fJl1o ifTere l-l.ere.
Gord.on It'}~ce1Tlr?~- T c::c br~.cl( to the oriC::1..n.n1 t.bj.ng tn,at, be r*e.9J1 a1}ouJ~ g0~Ln-f l)ELGk to the
orlf'~in8J. Z011tng or: thc~t ~pj~opert~l{ floS c.ommereiaJ. T11.8 cit:), tb.en SOJll_etirne
8.CY'>D1 the 1 iD.e :tn. ~, ~11an_ni.n.g meet1rig orso:tlethi:ng l/1!ith -pl1t)lic b.earin.g
c'_iec.Jdecl thrJt t11e~r 1r,Tp~"ltecl to In0-,ke tt restde11tie,T, ~J0 tn.8:::T c.-:J.:prtc.4..o1J,Sl,:y
8.=)i~8.rerltJ_Jr e'\tC11 th.01J.?3h the existl11g l)1J,siness 'hTas th.ere is commerc:tDJ_,,,
capr:lci_.OtlS1Jr 7r()11ed t1-1c tb.inC residentiHl" The tn.terlt nnd of
that J.cl:-!.d fTom_ back r;~8J1J'" m2.rt~r ~rears }Ja~) bee:n commerc.lo.l, and I thin,k:
that p'.thouC'h BaJtic di_d a very poor pubJ.:;c reJ.atlons job in sett.jD,[;
t~.1'l~.~) thj_Yl[ up j T tl].~i_n;.{ tbJ.._tiJ r~~_',,:) e~ Yrllen. 1)cttr::r l1f-{G Gllt of
-Lhet ~yi.8~--; :~..,.(1 i:"2:;o)ert~y" t};an. T~}hat it i;~l n01rJ fJnd I T'Jou:ld go .for
:cr;~::or~in[, 01. go rJack -to tho origin,-?(,l Z011(~ trlat it.. "trIaS Z011ed a~~1
oric~~.n2.J_l:TtJ I 1-J01)..1e} S,3.:t t112~t it f.3h0111d. be c)gck to corrrnercia.1 7,on.in.g
or t)J.2~n118d co:rnrnej~c.:t,~ll_;t I thj.nl{ th.i.s cI1forcement tJlirlg"I think 1!,Te
havE' to )(88;') it under our thumb and do more screaminf:; and yel.J.inz
r?_l)ont it. I tn.inlc this \"Jas rXJ.rt of tb.i.s 1'iho1e d5.sc1J.0S5 on ton,ip:l1tq
I think He h,<we t.o, He have the se 13.\'1S on the boo}::s and -r"re are
~"Jl1~_:ti.n?: n,G1'I J)~.TJS j and_ llnlesr:; 1:<7e c.?J,n en.force thern th_ere ~,s no 3Cl1se
in l.?ri.tj.nz e.Il.2r ne~<T '.OJ'TS.
.'.VJm.a:r ;_~(J 0 ~~ -"
,Jerr;y Neher-
i30b l'Jai bel -
I n_rn \!er:' c0.f.J~niz,s.nt of 1'7hat th.8 peoIJle ptre stt~Ting HJ1d_ of COl1!'se th.G:J.T
li. cnT8 three :)riJr;.8J~T.trrtr_cs -8.,8 I hB.,ve Gaid. thj s 8\rc"niJiC ~ I have to _~~c
al.on~~; 1'Jit.h the rezoning) ,s,n.d I sa~T that beC8JJ.se IJ~eel thatT'Te 8..re:LD
o i}:lj,~t in. ti:rne th?'.t ,fIe 11.G,"';re effeet~~"I;t8 ccyntrol.s 1'-TheI'~b;T toreC11}ate
aT:.d_ J.e~~..slatp if T1,eCeSS8,r:{ tJl,e enforcer!lcr1,t. ~necessa~r to ~meet th,e
development contracts that ifJe ~'m111d put on t1 ~yiece of property 1ike
t.h.i.9 'J.11(ler c!, })-.2 Sit118.tJOJ1. I 1'Tas 1Ter~r SJ>Jare of the strip zOD_ing
situ.atior_ l)ecRl1.se that is one t}linV i;re clon't 1.'Tan.t onI-tiglTvJ8.;,T ,~, th.at
L:-:5.rl<l of q S:Ltllftticn<~ As lOT1C: ,QS I 1(rlol': th.8 Irrnd arOllnd, tn.ere is
re sj..-Ient1_al, I do not see J short of one of the se })eople Nming that.
land tryinE" to use it i:n a c01Th'nercial d tuation, I for one 1'JOuld never
try to extend the commercial o.rea :1n that location, but I have to go
alar1: Trl:i-".h '<That .tt h.as alre1.dy fJeerl, I t.hin1:< th,e 1188 :ts zoing to be
sreatly im)roved; and I Hi-sh the I)8ople could be more informed 2.8 to
,-That the dty can do to maintcdn a good use of the land b8.scd 0'.1
cOFh'nerdaJ endeavor. Tho,t '\Tou1d be the BA.J.tic ar)profwh. I think under
a developnent contrO-ct 1178 can give the :)eop18 in that area what they
lrant) even thou[':h they don't knOvJ it. So I say rezone it.
I S8_Y r8'ume if :i.t can not be done 2.8 a residential, -vd.th a conditional
use in a residential situatioY1. I vJQuId prefer t.o see that route go
f.irst 38,'11e as ve d:Ld on the other piece of property. Keep it residential
E01-rever, if it can ;".ot be done th!3t ilray) if it has to p:o the rez,ontng
route) S;o for the rezoninG.
Vie amortize the BpI -t,i.c Companies out by 1992 BS the pro r-J en.t ;
the Bl'1ortization theoretically i,3 in tact Bi:1d if it. is a nreproof
structure it is 30 years", so it would be 2002. If it is masonry n.nd
Food construction it -vmuJd be 1992) so 8ssurrdng the buD ding is steel
ceDing '\-lith concrete block, that Hould make it 2002. The residential
use U011Jd ta1:e over at th8,t point in time.
~1 I-i;(} TJ T J\. :. .?
Bnl~ .,;',,?5.be1, -
?c: vnQ
Cc.,' :J
1\'},...:1, 1
~;t[lff, h01'l no you feel novy, d:1.c1 you ch2nge your op:tnjon C),t .'111?
T rU:1\Ten' t rep.112l c~1;~J.Y1ged~ I felt obJj..~ated. to bring 'ou.t in tJ18
f'v,hion thnt I (Fd nOI'1 J beeD.use I VJOuJ.cl Jjks to hn.ve th.i.s neighborhood
100k;t, :it. I '.:i_ke the architectural runnings that. ,'fcre given. I JjJ;:e
t.h.8 lo.;ldscrrpe ~)l..8,r-.!.t I th_iYJ.k j_t 811118J1Ces it treYn.en.dolJ.~;ly.. T 1fr!J,nted
.to e,t leD.st t~.lk .hlaten:tJ~;t to th.e nei[DJ)Or}1ood org2J1l.7;at1.on, tlY1,dlook,
see \'Jhat th.ey' p.re proposinG [1.nd rnHJrl)8 :rcnl ~}tl1 JjJ{e it. I fir:ure if
I rIidn't d.o j~t sorrtel)ocljT else T~Tasn't. If someone CE1D Tn.8J{e rl,prof:l.t
})'\i c(JjYJ.i.:n.r: t~ .'Tncl. dtsmn:n.tl1n.C t118,t r)~lj.Jdirlr: 2.rld snlJ5.ne: tJ1ose. slots
,00.t ,? )rof~.t G,S [l stn~~}e fnmJJ~l res:iod.cnti.nl, I 1fTOllJ_d s,::lY rnay1)8 thc~~t i.s
the S011.lt.ton .for e\T8r::Tljod~i. TJho is gotnG to [!~o in there, (Jo all tb.e
s~_te )reparRt5.on, anrl then stil_lse:ll those J_otsas resident5.ul? I
don't knO\-T if the profit :l~~ thero" I don't kn01l onau.p,h n.bout rea}
ests,te ffi2r1ceti.DCd
:2Jt pr Thompsoi;- Thcoreti_cc,lJ_7; if liTe Trent that route, hO\'J many Jots ore there?
T~.TO ros=tden.t.ieJ lJ"t..s =ts aJl1>re can p:et ~Yl tl1ere.
(()~lnYl n.c~);)
Bob ',/pj'hel
C" ')o~JsJbiJj.t}r of
1 .
~ "
, ,~,
T'~'-":-.es 0"'"1 t,11CLt buj.~.diJ1Jt IYrobrJ.,1)J.~T rlJ.n 0.rou.IJ_d '~J,_, ano a "';rertr?
(;')u1 d 'he s there are certain 91":; cine consjderatirm in the fn.ct that
Cerrl:-d<: -1. c; ?~.1.o1'.Ted to cont,5..11112 tb.ere ,for 30 ~jep.rs J101-] ~
th.(~-:"e faY' 2.t least 8.J1otD.er 20 :/ears" he 1-;.,8.3
tIe c fJY1
0m-rer t.herA.
1.':';.',-J.ter T~om -l8:.~11 m.o"",red to recormnen.d that tb.e Coxn.rntssion }~ec.')mJnen.d to +'11,8 C5.t:.r Co~.rnctJ
t.hn.t tr-l.e ect prO';iert;T IJreSen_t1~,:" ljeJD.g 1J.seo. r1.sa l111Y'ner:.r J be r'ezorJ_ed t.n .P-2 .fo~
0fftce fn.cili. ll~)e onl;r r:_(~ i11di~::ttt~d b~~r t118 T)lans \!\T8 D.d.\T8 r8cej.1recl~ f/[otiort .seconde(l
b~r GordO!, F-ecwb1p',-".
j~"1JteI" Th()m'lJ'''~C)n, [renTed to 2TnC'f.l.r1_ tr'1.p
I';Iot5.0Yl. f~eC011dJ:;d t)Y Gordon Frecn11rg.
Freptn.lrpj Gera}d. N2~-.H:r 4 -i>5.."\T8 -
rU!O~Te rnotion 1.ritl! res;')ect to J1sJ.tie COYn?an.tes.
A:re - '.ROnI-3D ~~1.o0S) '~,:',~.1.1ter Tho1Tlpson -' CrordOD.
Pni-, ~}'~rTer1F::~JnJ C'lnr1{ lTorl1.. }\1:otj.on carried_&;
np'i:N DIc;CW;,ST(1"1
j err:,r T)eter 1-i:.):-OlJ~"J:l1t IIp the s1Jbj ect .of t}v:~ lJ.D.sightJtne ss arou,rlrl Cou.rltr~:r C1ear~ 1/
T'he j~s~-j'it~tc.r!.+, C~.t;r YT0.n[1.3er,/Pl.~.,nD.er 1R ~(:ror1-cing 01]t fJ. s:rstem of tn.ki.nG tJle cQT'1)lain.ts
,':~.nr1. t::3.k-i.~'l~':: ... ~ 1-,()t()~"'-r'" A. 'h 2, .,.....01.~i n -. r.. case .file~JJj.d t1Jrnin;;: tb.Grn over t.o th.e ('3..t,ta rrlG;r It
Tl18SP snnll1( t.tlGD be tllrned Q""rer t.o t1l.G 'paTtee for n.ct.ion~
~;i:T811 S OT'~ ~-'!()\Te d
Don. I\ sllt.rO:t~.t11
I'; .!-,,-
....J.'. l.J ~
-l".T:J!lr~:.; C~ r'
t.o :-:".c1. i OlJ.:c'D.. ~'lot,:i. 01')
:'J~..j o~;.~~:0.e:1 rtt 11: '.Le;
seconded 'hy
J err"';.'
D,TJ, rl
unnni.mou 81~f