1979 05 02
')PFCI./\,T. PT,AN\fT1\}(} rOJ'.I!1'.!iI.'3STn~v ]vjJ!~ElrI~\TCr lvla7l 2) 1979
lamnn floOR cal1pd thp meeting to order at ?: 55 p.m. vJi th the fol101-Tinf, members
present: Pat. S',rensol':, 1.]81 t.er Thompson.., Ger?ld Neher, Cl<:rk Horn and Hal HacA1pin8.
Gorcon FreeblJ.rc: Has absent.
'i~Z(1'\lnJ(j ~3U8DI\!I()TON, ANn ST'PE '!"JIAN iiE:VIET,r,
PllilUC: F?A'?T[':Q - 'lAPPY CTmF/Hm,In,~Y ERICKSOn
:,1omn.n :\I.OOS ca~.led tr18 hpari.nc: to orcleT at 8~()O p~~m~ l~lith, tb.8 fol1o"ttD.n[:, j.I1.ter(~stec1
;)P!.'som; ~)resent :'I.obert L Frederick; iVTankato, }t(n.
Pete :I,amor, E~xcelsjor, Hn.
Tarr:;T 7Amar) T;:xcelsiorj }'IJTn.
!) (\ ''-In 1,e8 ~ '!"J~tYl(,n,ta) }\In.
Jerry .Jensen) DeephavGn) lvin.
:~-ichD.rd ;1ptthe1'rs, R017 C"leyenne Ave., Chc'Tth"wsen
T! ~ .J. I~Ienner, TonkA Ba:T.1 f'ln &
A ;~~res8D.te~ti.on 1;T8,S rn.a~l8 b;T the Assls"Lant C1..ty- i,'1an.8.per:IP1a,nner :reg2_rdj~n.g th.e Site
ijl::m i{eviel'T J ':;"bc1:i,vis:iOD, th8 Conditional Use Permit 2nd the He?cning ()f Lots 1 ano
2 of Black 2 of Fror.tier DeveJopment fJ8rl<:. tIc sta,tefi thnt Si.D.CP the COl.rn.cj,.'l. 1'1eetiD.[
of ['Tprch 55 1970, 1:Tl,ere the development pl2.n \-J3S not !l)proverl;t the 8pp1icant h2.g
nep'ot:i.:,d,ed a land aC'J1)lSi tion .tnce-tltivp. under the tax -i ner-ement orcwrp;-yi to ''Jl'ovi de
:~'r~~~'~\;ib~:~~]~ '(~~a~~:s~ve~: I, ;e~~~~:~;:~Y1~h:_~t:. 251P~~ ~ ;:,;~;~'~n~~t~::~~. '~:~ @'~:,~~,~~~d ;T~
FJ so l;eccrm.mer.cled to t}-1.e l~rickscn_ Petrolel1.TI1. Go~npH11Jr tn.at t'h8JT Gons~tcler the construct-Jon
of ;.1. ri.r:ht 11.8J16er1 b111.1dinS for tn:1.s parcelj 5.a~.. r2stroorns and n1echHn.icel r00rn on thn
v!8sterl ~v side _ 1-1'1'3 8.J.so :)rOI)OS80 to s}lj_.ftJ t':-l(~ llJ-1oJe tllJ:-ee feet to the 'vT8St for
]ai.!i)~Y Chr;f.
Th e l\.s s~. st.a:n.t (;4. t.~r Iv1an?GeT./PJ 2rrne r recomm.ended that tr18 P18.11D.irl8 COTilm.i ssion ftppro've
t~1C: subdLv~cdoD J re7,:rnipp: [L1n cGncUtiC'1Da:L use:;ermit Nith cond5 tiol1,-; t.hst the subject
91.s.n.s r(.' (~e~i.\le the r'_ppro"itnJ. of tl1e e:l. t~~{ t;ll.e .3j. C1'\eek ~'-'T::)tersb.ed.
;~ ".~- -Vi'~ r:-t-" Lhe tl.Jp,-) tn,C' C()rnrn:~.ttee 8.D.d of the fl,n.Hl (tr.~.:}.ft of a Gond.1tionaJ.
use )f:'rmi t., and/or deve1op:ment contract.
t{on1a.~ !i,OOS st.,qtsd he ltH"lnted t."he rey)resentatJiT(0S of both. H2 JP~r Chef ~~"YJd T-r01id.H~I to
rl'ake cOl"ments rega.rdiDf" the fol1oliTing items;
1 Th.8 i~tensificatj on. 0f t1re parcels of lan.dE
2. The ~1Jrl)i.ng issue an.d f~reen space;
3. rrhe Sl..r;n:lc~e - the fres ~3tn.nding .for ~.{o14..rl.a~.r and th r.: sir:nage for 1~lo1ida~r
ADd Ha~)py Chef.
'{oman lloo~, - J for on8 ,:-ms 2'!;ainst it w'JY back 1iThen you first came on b08Td bee,91uo8
of t118 greenT"Fl~y", the in,ten.sificHtion~ Y011 'peoI1Je na1re tr4~ed a1'ld c()rne
1)8.ck m:l.r.~r tirnes J 2~nd. you ha\Tebeen ,ter:r effecti"tle 5 'Y011 'h2V8. reBJJ.;T
tr:t0d to 2.01lJ.st to 1rJhat VIe "vJ'ere t.r"{-Tirtr~ to n:At as far as -'()le ent..rE'o.Xlee
v u '-" "-"
int.o Chanhassen. T see a lot more ~;reen"JaY.. I guess t.he (mly rea}' problem
I 1^T01]'(' neve vTould be 'dth some free standing signs.ge) f-1nd of course that
f:J J 1s under t.he sign ordinance. I Has concerned about. the parkin[; of the
senis, and I Has COYlcerned about tbe curb cut coming off of 101 for that
tr'3.ffiC' into the gas station) and you have aJ,lev'Lated a lot of my fears
:{nd Gave me thee green area that I [Iill looking for. I don f t h2\(8 a lot of
)rob1effi ,.;jth the p8.rkins on t.he 'tJ8stern side of the HolidD;'T. If t.here
,'iF'!i:r.T!\Ie PTA]\TNUTG Cm'IT'Hej::HON IvfEE'1'T\TG
2) 1979
h:JS to be A. modJf5.cation to 25 ft. and a variance I gness I cou.1d see
t1-:lst strict ap,)}i.cat:i.cm.
,-,';21 t;:'jae (~J )ine - T thj__-(ll.{ i.t ~=1.:s tl vast.l~l irnproved and I t1;.ir\k the~T hC:l"\T8 attempted
'md '3ucce(~ded '1n improvinp; t,he green srea, ,\Thich vias the :i.ntent. I
renJly do not ],2ve a ~)rob18m "Tit1-1 the 18vatories beine; 0'1 the east
s'~de, 2Jthough I clon I t think 5 t Hould be '3 problem hav--;ng them nn t.he
'!!est side 'vIllere the restaurant 53 going to be. I have no probl em vIi th
the site )181'1 ni!,:justments as indicated~ and I do not think putting th.e
l.sv'ltorins or the c1cRt side 1r]Ou1r'! be that mnch of e. h2.rdsh:i.p becr:nwe I
don I t. -{:.11i'1'-( H. c.ronld be objecHoD?bJn to rmybody eat--;ne~ in the restaurant
bec21Jse of the 'Jay the restaurant is pos:i.tioned. I C8.n see I-There there
mi,-,.ht he 2. concern hnvinf! the l-rork aren from 11 DO:lse standpoint closer
to the restnur8nt. That is pos~3jbly vThy you might lrJant :i.t on the eart
:lide. It seen's "1jke there is adequnte spa.ce betvIeen the tHO, but tha:t
~o'J10 t)(~ m01red to tl1.e vJ8st side also. Site pJ.annil1.g} rny Gornments are
T thin1, they hp.ve done 2 good j o'h.
Cb.rk 1hrn _ I djrln't. f'~et 2. chance to rRvieT!T the first setting, but I think this
Jooks qui e [';000 88 far as the la.yout of the green areos, etc. I
think some of the comlnents about trlJck pBrkinrs I:mQ interferinr: vJ:Lt.h
husiness, from ,,'h.at. I have seen the usn.<:11 -[:,ime that ~ro1J. have a
)reponderB.nce of trlJ.ck nsage 1-Tonld be in the evening hours'-md aJJ.
niZl--tt, ",nel T c1on't th:tnT.: they \'Joulc1 3.ffect any ot.her businesses durinz
those hours, and I gue~3s during the day it vTOu}d seem like :it vJOuJd he
s0Tl1m'ihat tough to accomrnodate that ty~)e of traff:1.c. As far as the
Inyout of the st9tion, T guess I kind of like the f~oncept tl--te Hay it
is. It give s the extra green area in there behmcn the tvJ'O stations;>
t.he tTdO build5ngs. I can ~3ee vhy from a point of V~c8\v of coml.ng into
Chanhassen, c'Thy it. 11ou1d be desirable to keep the doors and t.hen have
D. nice brj. ck side, rnJ.t I th:1.nk He 1wu,1d lose a portion of the grassed
8.rep, 'hetHeen if ue did that, 2nd I SlJs;'Ject that berm a.long that sjde
"Jill tend to break up that anY'lmy. :30 I find no problems Ni.th it.
.Jerry T-Ieher - I stn.J l:i.ke tl-:,e ori~'~~_nal concept that v18 voted for !;THY brck -
much more greeY1i"ay then NO even have th0re. I guess t.hi.:3 :is probstly
abrmt ns "'.11c1", 8S He caYJ. hope for. I '!Toll.leI like to see more. In other
;.Toros;> I am not exactly happy 'cTi th it. That I s my major disagreement
l,rit.h this. I don't, like the parking up as elose to the curb as t.h8.t.
northv:-est. corner up there. I think 1"r8 GTe setting a precedent that
miCht cone back to haunt, us lat.er on.
1,~8.l.tp.r iTnarni~',son _ In nrgurnen.t T-Ttth rTerr~r) I th5.nlc the 1rIest stele looks ~prett:y good.
l1ememher or t.he eRst side there isn 't 8.nything He can do 8bcmt it there.
I t.hink t',eS0 ~)2o)le h[-'ve at.tempted to meet Hhet vJe 1Tere iwking orisina1];)
"nel I think the cr)Dcept is alright. I have noprobJems vTit.h that ':!8st
side parking - the first sto.JJ isn 't r~oinG to be lJsed except in n rare
necessj_t;T) beco.u.se they c8.n't turn :1nto it any"Jn.y. I 1ike the project
as it ~.s proposed*
p['t, ";\;fpnS0" .. :r hAve to p['"ree that I thjnk the Eener8.1 p18n is at.tractive. I sti11
t.hirlk I lJoul.d JiJ.ce to 1'1.o.\7e the restroams 8.TI.d tTv~ -rleCl}8.1.~rtG~.~; 01.1 the 1rT8st
S." ~-;e, .'~~+Y':.:-: 'th.2 ~pro1) lem I ha've ~.!-Lth t,1j at ODe r;B.r1(j..n.r~ 1.0t ?rl t118 n0rt}...~
there, is any eoncd.'Teble dan['er in backinG out Hi+.h a car coming in. I
rr~8J.ir;:,r-~ 30 ftjJ shOtlld. SiVf~ 01'18 plenty of f}paCe, hOi:J8ver, is t11.a.t p:oJnC
to he Jpr.:n? There is no berm t.here? T think t:r)('ct ;;,T[1111d be my only
"'r"'\''''~'''''C~'l''': ~r";'(~Cl1"'n(hT b~("l{l n0' ()11t, !rnn nC't, seelYl P: H Gar com.in,G in_.~
,_..../.\.~'..I'_.'_. _!.~, ,_,.~.' ".,--.I~_.~_ ".'_(;' ~_':"'-""';-'._'!_"';:.) ~., ._" ~_.~.,._-. _'_'..9
SPF;CT.ATI PT;A.rl.r,lT~\Tn C0\IT";TIS~)ION j":F~ETJ}\1G
2; 1 070
- ~-
The .~;~:~.:~.~ ;,~t'l,~.t C,~tT/~.r nt.tnr?Cl:-:;:;r di.sc"tlsSeC1. tb.e iS2-1J0 of rez.onj.n}'?;) stating thflt the
[J:r-8sel1t ~-'~,cntng of th.~ )ro)e:rt~r Js c-- 3~ tIe sto,ted the difference 'bet1.~ocen I)ermi ttf~cl
11'~C~~ arH; c-c,;ndit,i()np~} lL38S.. Ollr ordinar1ce Sft~n~ tb.e d.lf.fererrrJ land, 1J88 C1eti"\Tities
.fit. 5.YJ.t0 0DR cf tl,..~o~c tt,OTO c2_t8:~'()rief1~ Staff reco}!;:mennei1 tllnt thinpn,rtic11Jis.r
i~.are81 be r87(;!":;,nd. fra:TI 8-.3 to Central ?tln:tness Dj_strict. tJncler its z.OD,in.c:
r8strn~.rr"Y~t,s :"1. n. el ::~c):"'r-i_ ce stqt:1.ons nre 2, o;.)01?rrrlt.tet1 1l88; rJ.nd th!~; ci.t~TT'!01).ld nH\T8
l~_ttle GI~ D.,") cDntrl()} o"\rer tb.f1. D.cti\Tlties. on tb.:ts ';:;ropert.;r in the f'utu.re sc J one as
tne ~_en.l1t~~. ~.Ti th e. [:~er'7';.ce stn.'1.-:,4..ons./rests:lJ.rc-:'!.:D.t t~l~:')e c~c:ti"':]j.t~r ~ If tt "t~!r:_s
rC7,c:':~.ed to ern), the (~_c+;1.v5.t~.ps of tb.8SC (jar1ts b2C0-;t18 ,9~ cOT:td4_tion.2,1 u.~~e.1thE-;rA
':!0111r1 ~''j;re to bo 8 contr?f?t of some sort betueen the C:1.ty 2nd the develo:J8rs. ,stB"ff
.fe8J..~3 -t}l.r:l,t~, Te~<7,c-nj,,!;.~~ tJ;-l t}lj.S <:'131) 1^701J,lrl of~fer 11.8 8oy~e t,~.onG.} co:ntrol lTI(~a~11JreS
\,ih5_ch T th')."",-l~ ";01JJ.Cl "he "\T0r'; \T8J.1Jt'lbJ e t/Q the (~i..i~-~.1' if you_ fet?l thp.t, t118I'e ; ~ Cl,D.:y
)()S~."i..l)"_(; rn'5,"f-~,?nee
.1,s~)ect to the btl~3:-L'tlc8SeE~.,
jijal y'r"-~ Alu~ne - I thiD\:-:it is unfortunate the re7,onirw icisue djrl not come up before.
I think t'0.e fsct is thnt T'fe '0.a'Te rezone!~ rmlch of this arCcA GBD and jf
~roll .s.re t10t f8::T15J..t.!J.r T.T1..th th.A cor.:rliti..on8J u.se permi...ts th,FJt are iSSlleclJ
tIle;;'" are reaJ1.2T n.ot issued to be restri.cti \re to .the developer) 1:)1J,t
baslr;al1;r for the dnvel oper' s protectj on 8S '"reI1 as the c1 t.y' s protection.
The tn.t~.?nt rC',q is:n' t t.o 1~T()rk ahardsbip on the appJican.t. I aSSl1re
you of thf't. I suess beine: condstent, T "muld think t.h9t itltlOUld
0T\Te to be zoneo"t this time eRn J to be consistent 1:dth everythi.ng
else th3,t \,T8 pY'p. doing rl0Fn there. I think t.hat. -if you 1,rould soe
1.~:rn.at the ccnd1tiort1}_ 'use permit. El.nd the terms \"Iou.ld be;) ~T011 v-JOD.J.d
)1'Ob301y Unrl them acceptable. This has been before t.he PJ8nnj.ne:
Commission since Im.~t Sllmmer; and I '\-Jould frankly l:i.ke to see this
thine: no'TP olonF' just as quickly as posc)ible ber;rrlse I think t.hey have
br~en )o.tient and I think "Te hAve been thormIgh. --:- vTOuld just like to
say that T ';Joulri like to see it move alo-.-}[ just as '1u:lck1y as possible.
Clark Horn - J feel the SEune Fay. I think ~U~ is 'mfortunate that this came out as
8. surprise. Arr,ain I can see the ren.son~nf! behind it.
Jerr~i f\Teher - T azre~ 1rJith t.he re~\onine' *
1.'J;ol t.er r"'0.ompson - I thiDk 1'-'II:tJ eX'Jressed it as T,rel1 8S I IrTOUld be able to. T agree
ot.ri..th l.':Lnl' s j.~lterpretatioYl.
Pat C)',J8DSOD - I concur.
?PiT2rd~ DC the subdiYisiCln) t.his results is the creation of t'0.ree parcels v-rhere
)rev:1 GusTy there vl8re only tHO parcels of land.
}lal Hnc 1\l)i ne - I helVe no probJ em with t.he subdivision.
Hrll M2c:ll,Jpine moved to close the )ubJj.c hesrinp:. J'lot-ion secondFld by "YaJter Thmnpson
ar'd UDCJn1.mOlls1y al-'iJroved.
,Jerry Neher moved to recom.mend to the City Council to approve the s:t te plan under
certain cancii tinDS ,,,rich vie ,.riD take up indi vidua11y. }VTotioD seconded by Clark
I.krI' .
The Assistant City TvI8nager /Planner discussed the parkj.ng set backs. T1j.e previo1ls
opinion W1S that they "Jere t.o be)fO ft. He recommended that they give a vDxla'1ce
of ?5 ft .in the C8 so of'f8.))Y Chef that Hould eJlminate a pa-c'king space. [mother
)8T)drw j SS'18 cL8 fn:r> ~IS Hr)]jJlny, he recommended that the norther1y most tvJO
:)arlcin-L~ s()~"ces 'h~ )1acerJ adjacentI:y S011th of the proposed :pa.rl-ctrlg area, !tJith. a
T-turrnrJunc1 nr~..0" for the southerly most space.
:3T-'t':CT\ 1. Pv\rn\!HJn cCJ[,n:T3SIO\: '1TD:nINC~
2 -' lG?9
I'Jal H8ci\1pine - I t'1ink that jf it is vri.thln our o-rdinaDce frameHork) I \'Tould just
eli.minate that one parkj.ngs,Jot. I 8m reaJJ y not for the T-turnHrOl)nd.
T thi.rlk it cOlJ.l(; cret3.te'more of ::l h.s,?;znrdo T 1\f01JId jllst eli.rri.nate H~
f[:I' ~3;3 TIolj_d0.~T 1. s cancer"ned, thD..t one SI)ot ~
C"! ~lr1.(
':]0UJrJ that be r' ~)l~oblem to have one Jesf)
8P8 one pl~mi_nated if possi.ble. I don't
~i.nto t,lJ-l S ot1'18X" seet-j.o11~ I glJeSS tllP
t~,o t.hat b.:Jc1-'C 'if thes. couJ_cl J,j,it2
S)0i~? I r118SS I wouJ.rl like to
JJJ<e t]18 idea of corni_ng do"r,'n'.
tb.Jng I 1~JolJld. lie "1 n frrvbr of
i~11 one l.ess spot.
i'J:J1te:c r..~.1}1 ()~'rl) f~o:r~ ...... T ~ym. "(n.o~.:;t concern.eel \/lri t1-1 tb':1t n.ortl1.ern ynost pa.rl{~i n2~ lot.
1,!i lJ.in.(J' to ses it rem,g,Jn ~~,S Sh.01~T11tt
I 8m
r).~,t ;:j'~~':enscn ~- T sn,:r 'H0 C,,=U'J eJi.rnln.2J:,8 it in t,}~tn m.otton, brrt 11Yll0SS
Gornetl:'i_nrr there peopl e n,re go:l.D.e~ to i)iere 8..n:,]ljJ"~\Y" 4t
JFot/.crn. 1":"'10 rnade err'("'li~~r 1J;i ,-Terr~:.r Neb.er t.o recorrrrn.en.d to t;h"e Cit2T GOllD.Gil to rr~PDro\Te
the .c)4.tp '\~l.:.1n l~.11de:r cert~-=5.D. c~o'nc1iticns \>Jhich 1'IOU.J.d. 1)6 taken lJ,p incl,i'\!i(l1J.'~l~.}:l<t l\Jf(yLioYl
1'.Ta.s sec,nnded
C~1,-::'.rlc 1-IDrrl.
:--;t',~~".:,!,,-~ .,'\~ !.').0(~k TjC) '~'.:"'r:
;~~(~.ya~tn (,()() s
frOT1. tl18 J'ln.YIYlinG
(~ Q}1::')'": -~_ ;'; "; t c 1:1 .,
F;~lt 5v.TenSOLI
- T have 2-:,0
"")r'ot-:018D'1S vIi th
. -'-
l lJ,
other tta.::1 "[
coneer'nerl 1<rl1',11 t't18
;:lspect in those tT'!Olll
;t0rn~.n laos - I 1,r'-ol.ll_(; Ji.ke. to Dee a comrn.on. l!~:idt.h aJ} the ttT::l~.T p.cross the fror.t' of
l10tfJ. ~):ra)ert:i.es ~ rnlt thr:J:t it3 E~oi:ns to be I)r.ett~r ilnposstbJ.e T'rit'!""t tn.!?
.c~lS statj.oll l)umps, so I 1r1.rilJ have to ::-H\~:T t11at I no!]' t b.rrve p, J..ot of
)ro'bJems 'td~_ t"1 tll8.t Oll.n pr:.r'ki.ng s.pe.c;e since 1He C2J1' t. main.t::14.n 2,
l1t1ifor'm-i".ali t~r n.~.1 the 1'Ta~T a.eras s.
r T err:T !"~ e 11 p r ~nO\le d tJ1a t the si t e L""_,..~_/__,.:_:1.~.1..nr.).~,..,e:.T.;.":,.,,,.' ~,'_',,_~eS l~.r_]'l_..E~v,)t._,):...,O~,_.-~,.~~.'..~._~".~~,~:;m/,~,~_~.':..~' ~..;.:)'0~_~'1'l". .b~.~o. r-!,-.l..,_ 0n._
e}.i.nlinat1_YlC tn.p nort~.1'.T8ster1y 1TI.ost .. -,"' . " ~ .~, - '..~. .--'v- .<,<. -_\-' > .." --~~ ,,-'-
of th~ ~"~.te plan.. }.lotion seconded 'h;f Pat :)i!Jen,son~ t\.I)prov0d. ~ l'f;Etl IvlncAJ.,pin8 p
Clark lIorD.; tJerr7l T'~8her j Pn.t ;~')}Tenson. 09r)08ed.~ .3~om8J:1 Eoos; TJp,Tter Il'b.om.pson.&
l.,'Totj on '~L)~)::':"o;!ed.
The l:f"::Jrt j.tenl for d-1_::)81JS3io~n is t1!_e. rest rooms.,
Y1" l
I }18.lre r~o rr~c()b1ern 1rt t:} them on e~l th,er side.
Gl.p"~r'k il'orn - ~'.J0"~rol)lem..
rJerr::/ Nen8r - 1-J0 l)r:.)lJ}em.
'.~Jr-J.ter Tll.o:m;Json - T irefer tl1erl on. th.8 eD.~1ij>1>
, ,
Clark Ho:rn
:P8comrnend tJl,~".t t'hLe 81. te p1a:(1 on.
;'TJtll. the e:Kce~)t5.o'n of its )resent.
em,-1 llnanJmousTy i-l )prmted.
Chef bA shifted
eastern. botlrld8..r~r" J\'lotj.on
T.is.l ~"'iE:<>\lt;ine rn.Oirec1 to
th:ree feet to ths west
(:;p~:CIAT, PL/\
cnI"/.T':fIt),')In1\~ 1\'n~+r~TINCT },v1ay? J 1979
h.rpJ. }'iac.!\Ji)in.e Yr10ved to rezone ttte .i)rOpert;l from c-3to CBJ). }'~oti:on seconded by
Fat .:';~..TCY1SC.YJ..;t
})?,t :::;~:Ter,SOYl rnO-';T8(} t.o 1'ec::r;1}r~end to t}1B CO"t1..Y1Ci1 that q condit:i ona-J.. 'J.se permit 'be iSS11ed
for" t:h.e 1/resterl:;r )n.rceJ. fOI" ;~. f.~~.miJ;,:'" st,~rle. re;:!ta1JrIo3,nt; no alcoholi'.~ he'\rernges, e.Ylcl
t,h..~.-L n e()D.(l_-~ ttor"'oJ. ::.se )''''r1~l~.t 1J8 j.sslleN. for a reta5.1 sales fac~Lli and. a comr)1.rJ.ation
f\uJ1 pt:~:.t:tO"}-l O=~'.l t,h.~ p,~"t)t8:rJ..:{ :_'cLrceJ" 2.n(t bee: o.f tiP1.8 corlstrnin.ts, t'h.9
C0rn1Tl-i. ~';.cn'1 ,.risl18.S to b.D.iIO le2.ve of tl-.le c0unciJ to ten.d_er fTpeej.fie concLttion.s In the
_f~lture. ;\.-Iot-T.:"ln ,'JC'coD.clf:)d }!IH~l_ 8.nd 1J.Y18.n.tm()1J.sl..;r n-op~o\Te(l.
':?e?;~rd-\.DC t.11C TT{!\ [::11J t1:5_s .l.J~'lrttclJl..ar lJropos(~.1 con.sti..t,rrtes 3Xl (rn:.e.n(1rn.r'.~j"1t of tn.c
thn.t the H'i'.:\ hD.S pdOi)ted for th e dOvJnto"m :tn thn:t. 1JDder the proposDI t1:1.e 'TnJi '1tJOuld 'he
;:;l:.rc.ilan-!.n~~ 8. ~)Crti0n 0f tn_is }JrOpcrt;T Ht rn8,rl:ret vr1.}J18 Rnd resel.ltn;z It to tb.e de1:1el.oj:?er
at a disc0.ll.nt PXlrl the stat.ed pu.rchase of doin2: tl1flt is to mo.ke this Gct econorn.::tcall.:y
fe2.s-1,"bl.e in tn.at 1--,yf::: 1lJ?:ve -bpen. ad..~riser1 t.11at 28 or~t~)j.rl2,lJ3r JD.;red 01-lt, tJl.e c:le\re10I)ers
tn.o.!J.gn.+, .;.t 1<ra~ ferlsil11e, rnlt siD.ce ~r..Y18..Y h.a~Te bee-nreq.u5.red. nov,! to expa:nd the area of
t'hej.r ~)ropo~.1e.J. to perrnit more Green spp.ce, t1J.D.t t..h.e project J3 nc) JO!teer economi.cal..1y
feas-1.:-:<ls, f1(-;res -1:,118 Rrr7urnent. that t.he m:m4.cii)ali ty should subsid:l.;l;e this parti.cu1r
:'ro[Jos.s:' byC'fferin[)' th1" r1eve10pmerrt incentive. \'Tnen the HEA 1"rishes t.o int.rocluce a
T18,/-r fe.~1tllre ~J.r}t,o t"h.eir )J2.n S11e'h as tn.is;) the~r b.8.ve to refer tr18 prCYi)OsaJ to t}J8
9ln.nnj.ns:~ eonlmis0-i..011 for the ~]~lHnn~tng commission's con'rneD.t an.a. consideration and
1,'lritterl recorm-ncndntj.on to th.G IJollsj.ng [lYJ.d f?ede\TelopTnent .<A.1Jthorit,~/ $ Trte proposp,! as
described in the H::'~I\. Neet:1n."; is tha.t the city liould purchase a ,Jortion of t))Jfi tract
for in the s.rea of 'j20,OQC ~nd 'He 1:tou1d rf':"el-L it. to. the Hol.j 3tation for $S,000.
Obvion:-:ly t"'p cit)T has 1)st.115;OOO OD. that deal. The '1n5,ooo 1,rol1J.d be recouped from
the :increased rE'a} est2.te tR.xes that \>!ou1d be generated fr0m tbjs partjJ::Jl]ar )arr:e1.
iJhen YOll arp 0fferinc: t.hat d-i.sco1Jnt you are askinr: t.he taxp<1yers in the J.Jhole
rn.t1.rlici~)aJ.5.-t-j~~r to slJbsi.clize the Ollsil1ess propo3P,} :in qlJ.estioD "t)8C3.u.se you are in,
effect dsd:icat,inu that tpy that is being [':enersted from this p~~.rtjcuI2r nro:'osnl to
t,118 rPIJ~.yrneD.t of t'hcrt di scrn.n1t 0 If :JrOl) do Dothlng, the increa,se in t,}-le t::lxes 1r.J011Jd
be 0'(,.'251nble for rrn~,r D.se t.}1.rn',)-:~:n.c)'ut trte eit7l tllnt th.e Cit~r C011r(~iJ Ti1J.rr11t ch.oose ts
use the mone:" in their 1---,11dget. If you ap?rove this particular >{fiA amendment you
sre aski:r!~ tn.8 schoo~_(ttstrl_r.t and the C01Jl1.t-::T aJ.,so to S1J.b0~_c1i71e th5.s ~PI~O)OSr:ll.. beC8.l1Se
they "till n.~t, get t,heir hpnd,;: on the tax money th2t HouJd be gener!":ted by the
co:nstrw~tt0n 0f this uro;'o521. 'rhe monev th!1t HOJJ.Tel normallv FO to t)le county
1.>!oulr1 be y;.id to the ~jt~T for the retire~ent of that'~l~, 000' c1~l~t, so uhe.t th'~ HiVe
neccl s to hear from ~T0U is , do Y0U 8,Jprove of the amendment, of -[.he }l~lXl I,rhich Hon1d
l:rov~r1(' for t1:1e )ubl:Lc acqu;.si V_on of a port;0D of this prOlerty J the res:-::le of the
r""o~,erty to the clevel oper J and the '\as ,000 development incentive?
'comAn [tOOS - I have t.vJO r,nmrr'lents. The senera1 comrnen.t to th<,' TF?J 1tlas that ,,,8
rl pf.i}~~, to l ~T 1~8.Il t,ed a r:reen1~lHY area., It ITl ~nQt surc~ t'h.at. t:hl::::: 't s t1l:::;
\,Tehicle for dolnE~ it j Rb1.1.t. it is ODe RiJFl""'08.ch. The spcc-nd comme.nt I
w:ruld have is on the 8r.:Ci11isitioD of that. land. T have no v.Jay of knm-Ting
t.he value of that land. A very important pcd nt to remember is that
ts.x increment finpndng is stri ctly a tool; and thnt is in effect 1,'\!h:,d,
t.re ftre nOJ"TIC:.
jVi;?l lvjpci\}pine - I am totally c)posed to this for the folJolyinc reasons. I think :it
is a very desirahJe piece of property t.o build on.
I don It thir,k the taxpayers should have to )8.y pny amount of money t.o
see thi s tYee of develoxnont p;o into Cl;anh.'lssen. I think the c1evelo8ers
have the (1)ljfati on to detorm1.ne if it i s worth the addit.:i.onal:?15, 000
or';?0, (inn. I think 1o\T8 a1 so have to try to remember to be consi stont
1:.71. th. an:/' nther de'TeJopers coming i-(lt'h.a-t areEL. If 't~Je rn.ake a decisi.orl
here to nuy lYXlrl, 30'11 it bacl{, tax -incremf:mtj thnt is somet),inr vJe
1'liJ l nave to do to 8ny other developments that go in. I think 1tJe could
establish 8. vpry bacl precedent. I think vIe are talking about remov:tng
.{PECI'\ I,!'T,N'rr\TIi\[r;. r:nHIHSSIOT'T f'IEBTING May 2, 1 C)7Q
L)resent. businesses on 7Bth strp.et "'Thieh are tax increment
rJ~_st:rjd. Tho,t is entire1.y different from 1n!hat ""8 'have here.
CJ:'1rk Horn - :r have no general comments. I generally tend to agree with f'-121l.
,Jerry neber
- Tarn torn betvu?en both. It i.8 I'm 8J1S1'\Ter to get our freen1r.yay.
body lR ["oin" to have t.o .pay for it. That is my feeling. I do
th~: t ~n nm,y areas 1 :ike this the developer should be standing on
m-m. DUG to t""',e fact that 1:je are haloing OU1~ for the greenway,
SCt~r somebod~T h_BS t.c- 1)0-~r thatdevelQ?er for t11.at green1rT.9.y ~
as I
!'pIter Thor'l)son - There mUf;t have been some preliminary conversaLions about thi.'1
before it cavne before llS as it has tonight. I am 1rwnc1ering are the
other bodies ;.n agreement "jith this llroposaJ?
CNlir: jVlertz.. The ,'Tay ~t T10rks -is the Hli~A is to make a preJjminary findint" on 'rjhet.her
or not they H8nt to consider such a l':,11ing and t.hen Jau S,SJT}3 that they
are supposed to COllect. your opinion before they ta1ce final. action on
('laTter Thom~)son - T haven't made up my mind.
Fn.+ -Sl)enSOYl - J S'lless I have to go b.sck here and get some -insight. Is my recollection
correct in remembering something that. I have read on this. The basic
reHson that. the councilor the cOlnmission was against this was because
the:t'e l,ms -insufficient property for th.-1 s type of a develoilment. Actually
the f~reenery as T see j t has nothine; to do 'rD, th it whatsoever. Thi s
.puts me in.t.o the SAne opinion as Hal, I think that as much as VIe "ronld
dearly love to have them, I really do beJj eve tbat tbis if; t.he develo:SJers
prob1em. I rlon' t think that j.t is something that the cit~r sho'lJd have to
subsi.di 7,e.
.Jerry ,Jensen - I t'nil"k it may be l10ssible He couJd halre come 11;) ,vith a slightly
d_ifferent pl.an and metalJof thee- 3 re'ql1.trernen.ts or most of tn.em Oil
the original piece of property, but. the real crux of the matter and the
real reason for the increase l-Jas bec8use certain city bodjes l\mnted more
~reen at that corner.
ttoman Roos - I t.hink there was one other, and t.hat was intens:tfication of a )i eee of
lanel. It ..ras a t;;"o fold issue as I recall.. I guess it is the general
consensus ')f opinion at t.he plp,nning com.nrtssion TeiTel, I guess :it shonld
be framed in 2. motion to be acted upon one W3.y or the other.
Hal EacAlpine moved to disamrove the proposed" arrlendment of the d01.mtmm Chanhassen
H:lA pl.2n \'lfhpreby the east.eri:rSO feet of Zamor'es adcU,tion would be purchased by the
I-UA; resold to Holiday Petroleu.1TI Company at a discount, and the discount. recovered
throll0'h tax increment financinc. Notion seconded by Cla.rk Horn Rnd unanimcmsly
a ~)proved .
Pat SvJenso)! moved to grant a variance to the moratorium on buil dini" permttB in the
in the dC'Hnto1~m rcCleVelOiJment district (Ordinance !Jc7-K). HaM.on seconded by Jerry
Neher and unani.mously ap;;Toved.
3PBCTAL PLAN\IT!'T(} COT,j1USSIDN HERTI'i\]G 1.187 2) T97?
~)II.rE PTJ...t\\'r ~{~\II E:l",T C0NTIT>lUATI(H\J
1,1. A. r,EDj'TI~Y nOMPANY
The ~\ssj,stnr~t :r~'T8.n8.~3er./PJ?Yrnpy-' gr;ve 8.. report ree;ardtng the clispl8.cern.el1t of sorrte of
the [n~_rkinr.~ nprtC-As) Hrld ho\'! these displacements t-fer9 go=Ln[-~ to OCC"llr, reG~:~.rdi..:(lg
t.l'1P o1.Jtf3icl,c:: storacp, 8.bollt the. pl8.Cerlent of the pErki1'1.g s-)ac.es, tb.e in.s;ress./egre-ss
C011t~0J. '(ner1~.~;1re::-; f()r t.ll.C };~lr1-ctnr: Gl~ong Sto1.1ghton J\,\renl1e j t.r't8 Tand.sep..[;)l.Y1.g.? 8Y1d
eO~(lstrllct-j.on. ':->,rollnd ~l_
p01-yered 14~ne.
2~tr,-f'r TPCO"fnm.e~'l.rlcrl. t.h;--;t the me,rl~ed 'r~~x:b,=t1:ylt ,f}i.j TJ}arJ.nj...f1r: COITlrnisfT.i.oXl', 2, 1.979H
l.~P n,_).~)ro'\i'-er1 conditlo""18(1 l1.pOn t~le ap)T'OiTal. of tr~e cit..y- eD.f~:tr)eer;; hr::;t"tershed d1strlct)
the l)llbJ-.~ C ;:;8y,\,'1.ce CGT1Tnj..ssl.:;n, t118 f-.i.re rnar~3ha} anc1 the sat.isfa.ctor~T earn)] et~..on. of
t~ne C011CArn<:j OT'o11prlt fortrt -tn. tb:; ~l reI)(Y(lts
A re~)re.sen,tat~..':rc 0f ]\-'1" !l ~ G-e(lne~r Co $ CB.1re' 8 rei:Jort reE:arcling tb.e set.b2.cks, sta,t.iJlg
tn 8,\r \,;rryul(:J, J ~.ke to pllt 5.n t118 })I'C: GEtst concrete ,:::u,rbs ,rontrG~...J__j..T}g n r. :,d
:1."'~1(/rc~:3s 2"~d C~TC8i3, D,n(~ iYlst.?11j.n_~Y
~onH.:i11 ':'7,ucs ..." .'~,\n}at ts +j~.-1'~
r:6Yn,missi.on.~ s
en1, 12,}'ldscaping?
')alt0r Tho'Di1SOD - I don't. thin].;: really t.hat Ke should make a recomlnenoation nnt'il
those tests have been m.s,de. It seems to me after readjng this Jet.ter
t)1ere J S Goyne a.re:1T(n.ent D.,S to' jl1.St 1ITn.? t Ip.ndscB.p1ne: J [-3.
'I'/Tn.). 1'1nc :'\.l iJi.ne
If :It ~l.S im)ossibJe to reaDy completeJy conceaJ the tanks} :18 thjs
D~l'l i s ~lJ"e "t-rt th Chas k3.?
130 b \~<i ,~~ttl)e 1.
-Chask~J :1.s t.he one that exper:\.ences
in~Jnt fr(y:n Ctl,gs'(a. They nmJ HR.nt.
n.ot screeniTl.g, b1J.t Ja-ndscc.-1.IJing{l
5. t J j. s
to see
D.8xt to it & I }1~ld irarJrlng
landsea,Jinp; alon~: Hji~hvJaJr
rnaJ((~s it a litt,le Inore
:.1.J ,
It just
Hal :'hcX! ,~"1.ne - I -r.rolJld think that AOllie forrn of landscc't)ing "JOuld have to tn'prOv8
the e~re a;?p,,,a:. I think if the'icidi in the soil dOAf' not pernit it'j
I think it should be beautified by either puttinc jr,somestones or
T~TOO!~ c'ur'h5.n~~ or t~Jhate"Ter <t I glless ::ro1). j11St t)i~_ke. tJ'le stepf3 tllat ~J0111d
lH.~ lozt 82:, to ma1(8 that rlElve r110i~e eye appeal ~ I t11tnl( -t.he Credne~r people
repJl y knC)"T l'That shmlld be, and I think \,mrking ,,'i th Bob they conJ.o
come U;) HUh some alternatl.ve to l,mdscaping. That vwuldbe acceptable
to me. I don It thj_nk it is a big issue. If the solI tests properly
put in. some J.andscaping. If t t doesn't, then consider vrhatever ~\fOl1Jd
be adYElntageous to make it more eye appepUng, in the vTCr;;r of stone s ete.
PAt SHenson - T'fe discussed t.he possibiJi t;;r of screen:i.ng Hith f('mcinr~ as an alternati.ve.
I don I t think :.mybody really cares exactly ,,'That it is as ,'18
somethinf3 thot is feasibJ e is don e .
Hal Haci\Jpine moyed that He consider landscaping that, vT01J.ld be suitable for the
aree m:3Tked on Exhibit. A, if all thr) soil tests come back favorable. If those 801.1
tests are not fayor301c there may be some other opt.ion to make the area more e-;/e
pl eaSilY'; sl,1ch as stones <'-DeI/or railroad ties J subject to staff 8)proval. Hotion
seconded h;;T Pat Svenson, and l.manimousTy approved.
,(;}j~CIJ\T, PI)~j\TF!Ir',..rG (~OT-.'fl',lT33ICj\T };IEETI lJG- 1\1ay 2, 1979
IJ} sell ()310'\j J THlIIf1TNG p-'i~'-tT'1TT rmmn,A'T'IONS
'Phi S'lurt" e'l' {iT :item !'T2,S re~cched'JJer1 for the HeW 23 P1anninp; Commissjon TvTeetirw.
Hal J<.aCA' .,i'8 movpd t,n 20,jr)11rn. Hotion seconded by
ter ThoJTlpSOn and unanimous2,Y
Don 1\ sh',lorth
Cit~~r ~>1FLnr1ger~'