1979 06 06
Special Planning Commission Meeting
June 6, 1979
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with Roman Roos, Pat
Swenson, and Walter Thompson present.
The City Planner opened the meeting by stating that it was intended
to be more of a work session on future land use than a regular business
session and that no formal action was anticipated. He then conducted
an overview of the land use requirements of the Metropolitan Land
Planning Act as found in Section 473.204 of the legislation.
Additionally, the plan content guidelines of the Metropolitan Council
were presented and discussed.
A tabulation of existing land use within the community was then
presented. Acreages were calculated off of the updated land use
survey conducted in March of 1979. According to that survey, 60%
(8884 acres) of the community is presently either vacant land or
parcels used for agriculture. Of the development categories,
residential uses constitute 13% of the total land area and account
for over 1,950 acres. The City Planner pointed out that 12% of the
community is composed of lakes and ponds which includes only the
water surface areas and does not include marsh lands and floodplains.
The next items discussed were the population, employment, and house-
hold projections by the Metropolitan Council and pending developments
within the City. At the present time, projects which have at least
sketch plan approval account for 1,263 dwelling units on 466 acres
of land. At present densities, this would account for a population
increase of approximately 4,000 people.
The Planning Commission then moved into a discussion on future land
use. The City Planner opened by briefly going over the land use
plan that was contained within the 1968 Comprehensive Plan. He
indicated that under this plan, the majority of the community was
categorized as single-family residential and that recent physical and
economic conditions seem to make such a plan somewhat unrealistic.
Since the plan was formulated, the MUSA line has been initiated
which defines definite rural and urban sectors within Chanhassen.
The City Planner presented a map depicting existing development, the
downtown plan, the industrial park, and major influencing factors such
as the Highway 212 alignments. An overlay was then placed over the
existing usage map which indicated major proposed residential develop-
ments. Using these as a reference, the Planning Commission offered
comments and questions on existing usage patterns.
In discussing existing usage and utility services, the City Planner
stated that one land use problem exists which will soon be brought
to the attention of the full Planning Commission. Schoell & Madson
is presently preparing a feasibility study for the looped connection
of the City's two water service areas. This line will parallel Lake
Lucy Rd. from County Rds. 117 to 17. The impact of this water
improvement and its resulting assessments will put significant devel-
opment pressures on surrounding properties. The problem is that this
area is not presently served by sewer which according to City policy
prohibits development. Additional materials on this matter will
be presented at a later date.
Special Planning Commission Minutes
June 6, 1979
Mr. Ed Dunn of Dunn and Curry briefly discussed his development
plans with the Planning Commission. Mr. Dunn offered comments on
the industrial park, the new trunk sewer line, and residentia.l
expansion areas in which he is currently preparing proposals. Dunn
and Curry presently holds 600 acres excluding the industrial park,
all of which lies within the MUSA line.
The Planning Commission concluded discussion with comments on
industrial growth and larger parcel residential developments..
As pointed out earlier, large land areas within the sewer serviced
area of Chanhassen are becoming somewhat limited. The Planning
Commission noted that in the near future, expansions of the sewer
service area may have to be made to accommodate such growth.
The next meeting of the Planning Commission was established for
July 18. This session will be a continuation of land use discussions
and at that time, the City Planner will present guantffications of
the various land use categories.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.