1979 06 13 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 e Walter Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Pat Swenson, Jerry Neher, Clark Horn and Walter Thompson. Roman Roos, Gordon Freeburg and Mal MacAlpine were absent. MINUTES: Jerry Neher moved to accept the May 23, 1979, Planning Commission minutes as witten. Motion seconded by Clark Horn and unanimously approved. Clark Horn moved to note the May 14, 1979 and May 21, 1979 Council minutes. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. MOLNAU SUBDIVISION REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING Walter Thompson called the hearing to order at 7:45 p.m. with the following interested persons present: Ralph G. Molnau, 116 W. 1st, Waconia, Minn. Al Klingelhutz, Chanhassen, Minnesota Jerry Neher moved to postpone the Molnau Public Hearing until such time as Robert Waibel returns. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved. OPEN DISCUSSION e Clark Horn brought up the subject of visible effects from the stacks on the new Press building on Highway 5. It was stated that this is something that the building inspector would probably look into. Jerry Neher desires that the noise situation of the Ready Mix plant at the intersection of Highways 101 and 5 be checked b~inning at 6:30 am. These two subjects will be returned to at the open discussion period later. Jerry Neher moved to resume the agenda, starting with Item 2. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved. MOLNAU SUBDIVISION REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING - The Assistant City Manager/Planner stated that the notice for public hearing was published in the Carver'County Herald, to the affect that subdivision is being requested for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Frontier Development Park. At the Planning Commission Meeting of May 23, 1919, it was brought out that pboblems might arise in considering the subdivision without a specific development plan for the property. It was his recommendation that the subdivision request be denied for Lots 1 and 2 of Block loi"iFrontier Develo];lll.ent Park until a development plan has been submitted for the parcel to be subdivided. Mr. Ralph Molnau, a partner in the ownership of the building stated that unless they know whether they can divide that property, it is very hard for them to submit it for sale to a prospective buyer. The original thinking was to buy enough property to fully develop their building and then whatever was left over, the intention was to sell it. That is what is being proposed now. They did have a prospective buyer, but they are not really sure whether he will follow through or not. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 Page 2 e Mr. Al Klingelhutz stated that when you put a piece of property up for sale and you haven't got a subdivided lot, it is almost impossible to sell unless you know where the boundary lines are. The buyer is buying that lot to put up a building that will fit that lot. As far as the sq. footage of the building and the parking that is necessary, it is still 22,800 sq. ft., a little over a half acre of land. Buildings have been proposed for a lot smaller lots in Chanhassen, and they have been approved. There really, as far as he can see, can't be?~any harm to the City of Chanhassen if this lot is subdivided at this time. Walter Thompson - Bob, if this lot is divided as proposed, wouldn't anyone coming in to build there have to proceed through the normal channels as far as parking and set backs, etc. are concerned? Bob Waibel _ They would have to go through a site plan review. With the CBD concept though there is the probability of (joint and shared parking, variable set backs, zero lot line set backs, etc. Once the subdivision occurs, the city is not insured that we are going to maximize the property downtown by planning out the parking"needs for either one structure or both of them combined. I belleve that would be the spirit and intent of that CBD ordinance, to have a plan submitted that would work together with the surrounding land uses. Walter Thompson _ Gouldn't that still be obtained by having a 22,000 sq. ft. lot in that area? e Bob Waibel - It can be, yes, but we have no guaranty that it would. Pat Swenson _ Is it possible to make a recommendation, lets say that this sub- division would be recommended with the condition that all the areas are consistent and acceptable with the established criteria. Would that satisfy the problem that you are having with the lack of guaranty? Bob waibel _ There is so much flexibility with the CBD ordinance that we actually have no provisions for set backs. Walter Thompson - How does this get into the CBD at this point? Jerry Neher _ It was rezoned when Molnau came in, four or five years ago. Mr. Molnau _ We are really concerned for that thing to be harmonious, whatever neighbor we have there, to blend well with what we presently have too. We probably wont sell that lot until we know exactly what the building is that is going to go in there. Walter Thompson _ What kind of business would you expect to go into that area, in general? e Mr. Molnau _ We had one prospective buyer that was thinking of a rental type of service, tools and small equipment, not trailers. We had another prospect that was a printing company. Jerry Neher _ What are you looking for Bob, in other words you want to show what is on that lot before we subdivide :1 t, or what? Bob Waibel _ That's correct - if you set a precedent in that it ~ould be subdivided into lots such as that, you could probably triple the number of lots down there, thus also without development plans tripling the number of REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 Page 3 e possible curb cuts such as that. It should probably be done in light of and in reference to possible lighting plans. Right now we have gotten two new requests that have been approved, actually three, and it gets to the point where we are going into a street lighting plan for the area that would also somewhat determine the acess points on how that whole area is developed. Mr. Molnau - In making the division line we started at a point in the center of our curb cut so we could equally share that curb cut. Clark Horn - Bob, aren't you talking about the expansion of other development beyond this that you are concerned with? Bob Waibel - Setting a precedent or subdividing without any development plans throughout any area of the city. Mr. Klingelhutz - What you are saying Bob, then, is that there should be a plan for the whole area before some individual can sell a piece of property? Bob Waibel - We are already locked into a plan if you are subdividing right down the center line of your curb '(JUt. That more or less locks us into a decision on how we are going to face the next~plan. e Mr. Molnau - The land adjacent to us on the West is different zoning. It is still zoned industrial, so we would be on the end of that CBD zoning. Bob Waibel - It is zoned industrial, however that zoning is just as moot as any type of zoning in that area because the BRA building moratorium and the HRA proposed redevelopment concept plan. The HRA would look at least until the end of this month at every proposal that does come in. Jerry Neher - I would like to point out here in the minutes someplace in the council minutes, in one of the deals they acted on the Happy Chef and the Erickson that they recommended more or less that the Planning Commission consider rezoning the whole thing to CBD. Mr. Klingelhutz - If' the lot is subdivided and someone buys the lot and comes in for a building permit, it will have to be approved by the central business district, it will have to be approved by the HRA, by the planning commission, and it will have to be approved by the city council. I can't see where there will be a very big problem on getting the type of construction, parking, and everything that is necessary with all the different departments it has to go through. e Bob Waibel - Back to the original point that we have no guaranty that we can go back to Mr. Molnau and use his parking as part of the parking, or what we feel as being reasonable parking requirements for the second building and actually being able to go on to his property. Clark Horn - I didn't understand that Bob, why is that a problem, we will have to approve the new plan for the property? --........ "'~ REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 Page 4 e Bob Waibel - I think with the CBD concept you will want to reduce the number of parking, or the amount of land you are dedicating to parking of cars as much as possible, The uses throughout a CBD area do rotate by the time of day, and you would not necessarily need as you do in a C-3 district where each business has its own parking. Happy Chef has its own parking requirements because it is classified as a restaurant. Holiday-Erickson has their own parking requirements as a retail gas station. In CBD there are a number of areas where there is overflow parking, and people may someday in the future, cross the tracks or something to do shopping in other parts of the CBD area. Pat Swenson - YQu are saying then that if we recommend that the subdivision go through, that you are afraid that the two parts will not coordinate their parking? Bob Waibel - There is no gu a-anty of that. Pat Swenson - How can we see that there is a guaranty? Is there any way that we can handle this thing so that your questions can be resolved so that - I can understand this gentleman's problem. I wouldn't want to buy a piece of property until I found out that it could in fact be subdivided. e Bob Waibel- We usually find that out in the first phase, the site plan review. If it is a reasonable plan it gets favorable consideration. Pat Swenson - Dr. Molnau, at this particular time do you in fact have a prospective buyer? Mr. Molnau - We do have one, but we don't really know whether he is going to follow through or not. Mr. Klingelhutz - He does have earnest money on the property. At the present time we encouraged him to come in with his plan at the same time as Dr. Molnau came in with the subdivision, and he is dragging his feet. Walter Thompson - I take it the view of the planner is that we don't have enough safeguards on this 22,000 sq. ft. to keep it within the bounds of our other items there. Bob Waibel - The possibility exists the 22,000 sq. ft. is sufficient, but we do not know what is being proposed or what will be proposed. Clark Horn - If this were delayed, would it jeopardize your sale in any way, or do you think at a later date your prospective buyer might be willing to come in with his plan? Mr. Molnau - We still have hopes that our prospective buyer will come forward with his plan. When they begin to draw plans they have to know the boundary situation. e Clark Horn - Can't he come in with a proposed division, with his development plan? Mr. Molnau - Of course we don't know whether you will accept the proposed line or not. It makes it more difficult for him to be definite about his plans. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 Page S e Jerry Neher - That's the whole problem I have with this thing here. You are saying you don't know whether he will accept it. We don't know whether he is going to come up with something that we can accept either, and without seeing a plan on it, why we have the control now and we donf, t have it the other way. I am in agreement with Bob. Pat Swenson - I am not ::sure how we can approve a subdivision if we don't know what we are talking about, as far as the property lines are concerned. I can understand your position and I am sure all of us are quite willing to do whatever we can, but I have a little problem with this. Jerry Neher moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved. Walter Thompson - We have a parcel of ground that is usable, but on one point we have some people who don't want to approve it until they know what is going in there, and on the other hand the developer doesn't know what is going in there until he can sell the property. Clark Horn - I would like to know if we could request preliminary approval based on the acceptance of the development plan when it comes in. e Bob Waibel - I think that would be placing the site plan review in tandem with subdivision which is essentially my recommendation if I understand you correctly. Walter Thompson - Do you actually have more parking area than is required for the situation? In other words if we accede to Dr. Molnau's desires here and let him subdivide it, he can then change the parking character- istics of that area as I understand it now, but he would still be within his rights for doing that. Mr. Klingelhutz - That's right. Pat Swenson - I have no comments. Jerry Neher - I wouldn't be in favor of subdividing without a development plan. Clark Horn - I can understand why we want to protect ourselves, but on the other hand I guess I don't know what kind of trouble we would get into. I th:imk that is where the boundary would go ultimately. Jerry Neher - I am not concerned what Dr. Molnau does with his property, but once he sells the other piece of property I am concerned, as far as parking and everything else is concerned. I don't like a joint driveway situation. Mr. Klingelhutz - I think this is part of the CBD plan, to have joint driveways. e Bob Waibel - Right, we have to have some sort of restrictions, some kind of a contract that would assure the access right to both properties. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 Page 6 e Walter Thompson - It seems to me the next step in this development someplace amongst the four bodies reviewing these things would certainly review the proposed building with the intent of the area. Jerry Neher moved to recommend denial of the subdivision request due to lack of information. Motion seconded by Clark Horn. Approved: Jerry Neher, Clark Horn. Opposed: Pat Swenson, Walter Thompson. Motion not approved. Pat Swenson moved that we recommend granting the request for the subdivision upon submittal of a sketch plan of the area to be subdivided, and if possible exerpts from the Purchase Agreement concerning the area involved, a tentative use, and some agreement about the parking. Motion was seconded by Clark Horn. Voting in favor were Clark Horn, Pat Swenson and Walter Thompson. Opposed: Jerry Neher. Motion approved. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING NORTH CHAN~SSEN EAST/WEST TRANSPORTATION STUDY e The following interested persons were present: Bill Gullickson, 830 Pleasant View Road John Edwards, 6270 Ridge Road Dean E. Wetzal, 6260 Ridge Road, Chanhassen Philip W. Getts, 800 Midland Bank Bldg., Mpls. Thomas McCary, 6010 Ridge Road Mary McCary, 6010 Ridge Road Marilyn Beddier, 910 Pleasant View Road Daryl Fortier, 4530 58th Ave. No. Dennis & Cecil Mathisen, 850 Pleasant View Road Michael Thompson, 695 Pleasant View Road Herb Baldwin, Consultant to P.Flannwell Partnership Todd Heglund, Consultant Peter P. Flan Tom Seifert, 600 Pleasant View Road Harry Robideau, 540 Pleasant View Road Mrs. A.S. Reynolds, Powers Boulevard Mrs. H. R. Graer Jr., 905 Pleasant View Road Nancy H. Larson, 6140 Ridge Road Larry Buchhert, 3840 Lone Cedar Circle Linda Meyer, 6225 Ridge Road Jim Meyer, 6225 Ridge Road Pat Cunningham, 825 Pleasant View Road J. Smith, 550 Pleasant View Road Gerry W, Naber, 1410 Greenwood Dr. George T. Everett, 6245 Powers BI~d. M/M Howard Viken, 6225 Pleasant View Road Jan and John Nicolay, 608 Pleasant View Road Pat Kundert, 915 Pleasant View Joyce Bennett, 915 Pleasant View Frances M. O'Brien, 450 Pleasant View Road e ...... REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1919 Page 7 e Dale Palmer, 521 Iroquois Ella Kask, 115 Pleasant View Road, Excelsior Herb Kask, 115 Pleasant View Road, Excelsior Linda & Al Kramer, 531 Iroquois Mark Parker, 790 Pleasant View Road Margaret H. Parker, 190 Pleasant View Road Carl F. McNutt, 18$ Pleasant View Road Robert J. Nelson, 135 Pleasant View Road Margaret A. Nelson, 135 Pleasant View Road Mr. Ray Jackson of Schoell.& Madson went through a brief review of the study that was presented several weeks ago. ,- The Assistant City Manager/Planner presented some slides showing Gleason Road in Edina, a 36 ft. wide collector street, pointing out the design differences between this particular street and the one proposed in the transportation study. Mr. Philip Getts, an attorney from Minneapolis, representing the Flannwell Development partnership, developers of the Near Mountain property, and numerous residents living in and around Christmas,Lake, Silver Lake and Lotus Lake, presented Flannwell's land plan and stated they would like to review some of the various aspects of the proposed road. He discussed the legal implications of the environmental damage which this road threatens and some of the legal problems which have been skipped over. He urged that the planning commission recommend to the city council that this area not be designated for a new collector street and that Pleasant View Road be maintained in its present status. Mr. Todd Heglund, a senior associate with the firm of Barton -Ashland Associates, a nation wide firm doing land use planning, engineering, and traffic engineering, reviewed a report that he prepared for Flannwell who had asked his fmrm to review the needs for a road through this area. Mr. Herb Baldwin, professor of landscape architecture at the University of Minnesota, who has been retained by Flannwell Development Partnership to prepare a land use plan for the Near Mountain Properties, presented a number of exhibits which he showed and explained. He stated that the road through their project area is of major concern to them and they have spent considerable time and effort to try to evaluate and maintain the ideas and thoughts that they have generated to date relattve to the consideration of the road. Mr. Peter Flan, a general partner of Flannwell Development Partnership, went into same of the specific impact of this proposed road in this development and other developments like it. He also stated the reasons why he is opposed to this road. The Assistant City Manager/Planner gave his reply to the comments and reports made by the previous gentlemen. e REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1979 Page 8 e Inasmuch as a quorum was not present at this point, no recommendations to(;city council will be made at this meeting. Pat Swenson moved to close the public hearing. Clark Horn moved to table the item until the June 27 meeting, at which time the discussion will be continued. Motion seconded by Jerry Neher and unanimously approved. . e