1979 08 08
Walter Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following
members present: Pat Swenson, Gordon Freeburg, Clark Horn and Tom Droegemueller.
Roman Roos was absent.
Clark Horn moved to table the July 15, 1979,Planning Commission minutes, pending
Gordon Freeburg providing additional comments he made at that meeting, and that
they be approved at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Motion
seconded by Pat Swenson and approved. Abstain: Walter Thompson.
Clark Horn moved to accept the July 11, 1979, Planning Commission minutes as
written. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and approved. Abstain: Gordon Freeburg.
Clark Horn moved to accept the July 25, 1979, Planning Commission minutes as
written. Motion seconded by Tom Droegemueller and approved. Abstain: Pat Swenson
and Gordon Freeburg.
Gordon Freeburg moved to note the July 17, 1979, Board of Adjustments and Appeals
minutes. Motion seconded by Clark Horn and unanimously approved.
Walter Thompson called the hearing to order at 7:45 p.m. with the following
interested persons present:
John Shardlow, 1072 Hague Ave., st. Paul
Roger Derrick, 18216 Woolman Drive, Minnetonka
M. Happe, 495 Lakota Lane, Chaska
Eileen Ford, 535 Lakota Lane, Chaska
The Assistant City Manager/Planner made a presentation of the basics of the
Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is requesting to locate a tool house or
storage shed on the bluff line approximately 50 feet from the westerly property
It was his recommendation that the Planning Commission recommend the City Council
to approve a conditional use permit as requested with the exception that the
applicant maintain a 5 foot setpack from the bluff line.
The Planning Commission asked various questions about why the 5 foot setback from
the bluff line, is the bluff line a permanent line that can always be referred to,
and whether it is an existing structure now. The Planning Commission said they
had no objections.
Clark Horn moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Gordon Freeburg
and unanimously approved.
Pat Swenson moved to recommend that the City Council approve a conditional use
permit as requested, with the building to maintain a 5 ft. setback from the bluff
line, and 50 ft. from the westerly lot line. Motion seconded by Clark Horn
Page 2
Mr. Happe asked how long the permit was good for, which the Assistant City Manager/
Planner answered saying the permit is good as long as the structure is there. Any
alterations to the structure, or changes of placement, would require an amendment.
Mr. Happe asked that if this is plotted, does that make any difference from land
that is not plotted in the same area? The land across the road and north, is
zoned agricultural-residential district. The permitted use in that area would
be single :family dwellings and any enclosures and farm buildings that would go
along with that would be permitted. Each zoning classification and district
classification has different criteria.
Unanimously approved.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner stated that the Derrick Land Corporation is
proposing to subdivide approximately 35.2 acre parcel into approximately 49
single family residential sites and one recreational outlot/drainage and trail
easement. In doing so, the applicant must receive rezoning, subdivision,
planned residential development, and conditional use permit consideration from
the Planning Commission for preliminary development plan review.
Prior planning review of this proposal had brought out several issues for
consideration, and the.1 are as follows:
1. The Park and Recreation Committee voted to recommend that the plans provide
a conservation easement along the Lotus Lake shore in Carver Beach north to
the eastern boundary of the Derrick Land property in accordance with the City
Comprehensive Plan, and that an easement for pedestrian corridor be provided
from the northern extent of the conservation easement to Pleasant View Rd.
along the east boundary of the Derrick Property.
2. The large area of poorly drained depressional soils and beach, were to be
reviewed by the City Engineers in order to ascertain their suitability for
residential building, hard surface public trailway, and the proposed usages
for the common open space area.
3. Staff had recommended that no road connections be made to the Devils Slide
basin area in Carver Beach directly south of the southeasterly cul-de-sac
of the proposed development. The City Engineer had recommended that an
emergency access be provided south of said cul-de-sac into the Devils Slide
basin area by means of a 7-ton roadway with collapsible barricades. It was
thought that the emergency access access could be sodded over for aesthetic
purposes, and that side markders be provided for visible identity under any
possible weather and terrain conditions.
The proposed development plan shows an east/west road in the southwest quarter
of the property which terminates at the west property line. This road had been
suggested by staff because of the cul-de-sac nature of the whole development
one entry point and no secondary access. In the interim until the adjacent
properties to the west develop, it is recommended that a temporary cul-de-sac
turnaround be provided at the western property line of the Derrick property.
Page 3
The Assistant City Planner/Manager recommended that the Planning Commission
order a public hearing to be held on August 22, 1979, to gather neighborhood
sentiment to the proposal. He also recommended that the applicants do
submit a petition to the city to request that a publiC improvement project
be considered for the extension of this road at this time.
Various questions were asked by the Planning Commission regarding the street,
whether there was any way any of those streets could be connected with any of
the existing streets in Carver Beach, whether the report had been received from
the watershed on Purgatory Creek, about the 18 ft. slope up to Pleasant View
Road, and how it would be graded.
Mr. John Schardlow answered various questions, explaining how the road would be
sloped. He stated what they are proposing from the grading plan that they have
prepared on a preliminary basis, there are no sections of the street which slope
more than 10%. That is only for a very short stretch. He said what they
propose to do is have a single access point and then we recognized the need to
have another access point to the site. He spoke about the drainage and the
soil, and erosion problems. He said the development which they are proposing
is considerably less dense than the minimum requirements established by the
zoning ordinance. He said we are talking about large lots, custom building
type of a situation.
Pat Swenson asked questions about the water table, and it was stated that if
you take a look at the soil borings and the depth of the ground water, you will
find that a couple of them show up back here, indicating that the water is higher
than some of those which are right down on the lakeshore, and therefore they still
dont have a ~eal good picture of what the groundwater situation is. It is possible
to do some filling and some alteration of that situation to get a feasible building
site. Mr. Roger Derrick spoke about the "perched" water table, and how to
determine that these are "pockets" of water rather than flowing veins.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner stated he felt it was very appropriate at this
time for the Planning Commission to stress the importance of this, and it will
serve as a strong reminder that this is done at the final development plan stage.
Walter Thompson wanted to know, on the study of Near Mountain the excess from
Lake Lucy came out, where was that proposal in relation to this property? Bob
Waibel stated that proposal came around near mountain down onto Pleasant View
Road right to the point here, and came through the tree portion of this property,
and it was not certain at which point it wou3.1d exit going to the west. Mr.
Thompson wanted to know if it is proposed that we have another access up to
Plainview Road from along the edge of this property or was that just part of
the other? Mr. Waibel stated we should have one ~rom this development going
out to Pleasant View Road. Mr. Thompson asked how many sewer and water
assessments do we have on this property, how does it compare to the number of
lots that they have plotted. Mr. Waibel said we are going through that study
right now. They have been based on the 15,000 sq. ft. of developable land, and
units were assessed on that basis. However they took into account swamp areas,
high slope areas, etc.
Page 4
Clark Horn asked the question, the green area you show along the eastern part
of the development, was that done because of the recommendation or was it not
feasible to have it as lakeshore lots? It was stated that it is a conservation
and trail easement which completes a length of trails around that portion of the
city, so it is proposed to be both a conservation easement and a trail corridor.
Clark Horn moved to hold a Public Hearing on August 22, 1979, at a time set by
staff. Motion seconded by Tom Droegemueller and unanimously approved.
Pat Swenson stated she would like to see the report from the Watershed and the
information on the water/sewer system before that time.
Mr. Cunningham is requesting to construct a single family residential structure
on the property, which is located approximately 1,500 ft. east of the inter-
section of Pleasant View Road and Powers Blvd. on the south side of Pleasant View
Road. The property is presently zoned R-lA, agricultural residence district.
Sanitary sewer and municipal water are available to the subject property.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner recommended that the Planning Commission order
a public hearing to be held on August 22, 1979, in order to gather neighborhood
sentiment towards the subject proposal.
The City Attorney said it is the recommendation of his office that this lot
division be platted as a regular plat, because it is required under the
Subdivision Ordinance and it makes for better land description.
Mr. Pat Cunningham and his son-in-law were present, and answered various questions
asked by the Planning Commission.
More information is needed regarding the number of assessments, the driveways and
the platting before the public hearing.
Pat Swenson moved to recommend that a Public Hearing be held on August 22, 1979,
at a time set by staff. Motion seconded by Tom Droegemueller and unanimously
The applicant, Rumar, Inc., is requesting to construct 40 single family units
and 5 duplex units on the areas indicated as Phase I and Phase II on the
development plan.
The following is a list of planning issues for consideration during the preliminary
development plan review process:
Page 5
1. Phases III and IV being indicated as R-3 and R-4 building status should not
be considered anYthing other than outlot at this time. It will be recommended
that the entire holdings be platted and that the Phase III and IV portion be
platted as outlot.
2. The applicant will need to negotiate with the American Legion as to the means
of constructing the road from TH 101 to West 80th Street. It is recommended
that road construction be terminated at this intersection until it is determined
that the remainder of this frontage road is needed to be completed. An ease-
ment for the future road connection from West 80th Street to the vicinity of
the southeast corner of outlot A should be included on the plat of the property.
3. The applicant should contact the building department for the proper theme and
alphabetization for the names of the proposed streets.
4. The applicant should submit for preliminary development plan review, the square
footages of the proposed lots.
5. The city engineer should report as to the buildable soils and slope conditions
in the vicinity of lots 20, 40, 30, and 41-45.
6. The planning staff along with the city engineer, will determine any necessary
measures needed to be taken before final plat so as to assure that the area
indicated at phase IV cannot become land locked with single access indicated
as Valley View Drive. The plan has been submitted to the fire department for
their consideration and the fire marshal's comments will be available before
public hearing.
7. These plans will be submitted to the Park and Recreation Commission for comments
on August 14, 1979. The items of discussion for that Commission will be to
consider: whether or not a conservation easement is needed somewhere in the
vicinity of the sewer line which ends at the City park located at the south
end of Chanhassen Estates, and whether or not a conservation drainage or trail
easement should be considered along the creek traversing the property from
the northwest to the southeast.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner recommended that the Planning Commission order
a public hearing conditioned upon the applicant submitting an abstractor's
certificate with the names and addresses of property owners within 350 feet of the
subject property, and that the applicant post an escrow deposit with the city
treasurer's office in the amount of $1,500 to defer staff costs in processing
this application.
Gordon Freeburg - What would be the objection, or is it feasible to run Dakota
Lane through?
Bob Waibel - I see where the creek crosses here, it would involve a lot of money.
It is a rather deep, storm drainage area. Riley Creek goes just
across the southwestern corner of the property. This is the creek
that flows out of Lake Susan into Riley. It is handled by a bridge
at 101.
Page 6
Gordon Freeburg - If you are worried spout Valley View Drive, this would be one
alternative. It would also relieve some of the traffic generated.
It should be investigated, because it is going to give a much better
access to the lower part of Chanhassen Estates.
Clark Horn moved to recommend that a Public Hearing be held conditioned on the
items listed by the Assistant City Manager/Planner, at a date and time set by
staff. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved.
Mr. Bob Linder is proposing to construct a 15,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse
building addition on the north side of the Press, Inc. facility, located on
Highway 5.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner recommended that the Planning Commission order
a public hearing to be held August 22, 1979. The Planning Commission should
additionally advise the applicant to post an escrow in the amount of $500.00
with the City Treasurer's office, to defray Staff costs in processing this
Mr. Daryl P. Fortier of Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. answered Pat
Swenson's question as wo whether the construction material would be the same as
The Press buildings. He stated it would.
Gordon Freeburg asked about the smoke coming from the Press building, which Bob
Waibel answered. The PCA is investigating the matter.
Mr. Fortier gave a report on the addition itself, and what type of business
would be done by Reply Systems, Inc. The parking situation was discussed.
Mr. Warren Beck owns the entire building, The Press and Reply Systems, Inc.
are tenants.
Gordon Freeburg moved that a Public Hearing be held on August 22, 1979 according
to the requirements set by the Assistant City Manager/Planner, at a time set
by staff. Motion seconded by Clark Horn and unanimously approved.
Mr. Diem is proposing to construct an approximately 1500 sq. ft. church on the
subject property. According to Zoning Ordinance 47, churches are permitted in
a single family residential district only upon securing a conditional use permit.
The property is located at the intersection of Pleasant View Road and Chanhassen
Road, on the west side of Pleasant View Road. It is presently zoned R-l Single
Family Residential District.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner stated that the only item in question is the
number of parking spaces to be allocated, otherwise the plan conforms to all the
provisions of Zoning Ordinance 47 with the exception that the length of the
parking stalls are indicated as 19 feet wherein ordinance requires 20 feet
exclusive of clear aisle widths.
Page 7
He said the applicant should prepare a landscape schedule indicating the species
of the proposed plantings, and that the City Engineer should review the property
and comment as to possible site grading problems and soil suitability.
It was his recommendation that the Planning Commission order a public hearing to
be held August 22, 1979, to gather neighborhood sentiment to the proposal.
Additionally, the Planning Commission should require the applicant to post an
escrow deposit with the City Treasurer's office in the amount of $500,00 to
defray staff costs in processing this application.
Gordon Freeburg asked where the proposed park will be in relation to this
property. Bob Waibel stated it would be right across the street, and he also
discussed where .8.. proposed road might go through that park.
Walter Thompson asked if they presently owned the property. A representative of
the Apostolic Church stated they have a purchase agreement with Mr. Julius who
owns this lot. It will be consummated upon their obtaining the conditional use
permit, as they don't want to buy the land if they are not permitted to build a
church on it. Mr. Thompson felt that the parking facilities might not be
adequate in looking at the size of the structure. It was stated that the church
is designed to hold about 60 people, and the parking facilities are set up for 1
car for 3 people. The congregation currently is 30 members.
Gordon Freeburg moved that a Public Hearing be held on August 22, 1979, according
to the requirements set by the Assistant City Manager/Planner, at a time set by
staff. Motion seconded by Pat Swenson and unanimously approved.
The applicants are requesting to plot a planned residential district consisting
of 57 single family lots, and 20 zero lot line lots on the parcels recorded as
CTF 6643, 7723 and Book of Deeds 122 page 286 located directly west of northern
terminous of Frontier Trail.
The following is a list of planning considerations needed to be reviewed before
final development plan approval:
1. The City engineer, and the planning staff will review the proposed connection
to Carver Beach Road in the northeast corner of the property. The purpose of
this road is to mitigate the non-conforming situation of the properties on the
southern reaches of Carver Beach Road. These parcels are non-conforming in the
fact that they have one entry access which is from the north on Carver Beach
2. Consideration should be given as to the appropriateness of barricading the
existing Frontier Trail until public improvement construction is completed in
the Western Hills III addition.
3. The applicant delineate to the Planning Commission and staff the method in
which services will be gotten to the lots adjoining the existing cul-de-sac
at the end of Frontier Trail.
Page 8
4. The applicant should contact the building department as to the appropriate
theme and alphabetization of names of streets in the proposed plat.
5. The subject plan is to be reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission on
August 14, 1979, whereat the major points of consideration will concern the
comprehensive plan indication of a semi-public/conservation/open area ease-
.ment traversing the subject property, and the possibility of a conservation/
drainage easement along Carver Beach Creek basin along the northern edge of
the subject property. This is largely in correlation to the area dedicated
for those purposes by the New Horizon plat adjoining to the north of the
subject property. Additionally, the Park and Recreation Commission will
consider the relationship between the proposed plat and the Western Hills
pond and park area.
o. At the western term1nous of Maria Lane, a temporary cul-de-sac is recommended
to be constructed until such time as Maria Lane is continued through to the
properties adjacently west. If said temporary cul-de-sac is to be located on
portions of lots 1 and 13, then these two lots should be determined as no
build area until said street is continued. Additionally, the installation
of public utilities should be continued to the end of the cul-de-sac.
7. At the final development plan stage of the subject property, the applicant
shall demonstrate that the plat as proposed will not foreclose on the
provision of utility services to the property to the southwest of the
proposed plat.
8. Between lots 28 and 29 of the proposed duplex area, there is indicated an
approximate 18 foot easement for sewer service to the property to the south.
If the service is stubbed in up to the property to the south, then a 20 foot
easement will be required. If the service is not stubbed in as part of the
public improvements for Western Hills III, then a 50 foot easement will be
9. It is recommended that the portion of Kerber Drive adjoining the subject
property be brought up to urban section standards as part of the overall
public improvements installation.
10. The applicant shall prepare an overall drainage plan for the subject property
as per the final development plan requirements of Zoning Ordinance 47.
11. The Planning Commission should discuss the overall densities proposed in the
development plan and the proposed land use of double lots on approximately
11,000 sq. ft. parcels. With the double lots adjoining developable land to
the south, this may be a predetermination that the area to the south will
need to develop into duplex at similar density.
12. The applicant will be required to submit final development plans to the
Watershed District for a grading and land alteration permit. The city
engineer should comment as to the demonstration of mitigating the potential
erosion problems in the Carver Beach area in light of the proposed public
improvement project for the Carver Beach Creek.
Page 9
The Assistant City Manager/Planner recommended that the Planning Commission
order a public hearing to be held on August 22, 1979, in order to obtain
neighborhood sentiment to the subject proposal. Additionally, the applicant
should post an escrow account in the amount of $1,500 with the City Treasurer
to defray costs in the processing of this application.
Mr. Jim Hawks, representing Hansen and Klingelhutz, made comments about the
items listed by Bob Waibel, and stated they would accommodate all of the data
that is missing.
Pat Swenson - We went from the original plan that we saw of 62 lots to 77 lots,
I Counted 42 lots that were under 15,000 sq. ft. I thought we had
a 15,000 ft. ordinance. We allowed them to go under that on the
basis of the quantity being built, but to the extent that it is 42
lots out of 777
Mr. Hawks- But you see, out of this we already donated 11 acres to the city for
a park, so you have to put that back in there, so that puts us back
up to 18 or 19,000 sq. ft. It was beautiful buildable area, or
could have been.
Pat Swenson - The fact still remains you have more lots out of it.
Mr. Hawks - It was part of the planned unit idea though, to be able to donate a
piece of land and use the square footage to get other density.
That was the idea of the planned unit developnent. It follows the
plan of 1969, this is the last development of the plan of 1969.
Bob Waibel - It was proposed and it was not permitted to have any work done on
until Kerber Drive portion was finished.
Gordon Freeburg - Bob, what is the time frame on this? Is there a time frame
against Kerber Drive?
Bob Waibel - Kerber Drive, the bids are going out for paving now.
Gordon Freeburg - If Kerber Drive is in place at the time they start, then I
would say number 2 should be, they should have that barricade, so
all construction traffic goes up Kerber Drive. I personally dont
have any problem with the zero lot lines.
Clark Horn - How many lots were approved back in 1969? We have seen this jump
from 62 to 77.
Mr. Hawks - The 62, when there were 62 lots, these were counted as I. But there
were really 72. So its not any different.
Clark Horn - So its gop.e", from 72 to 77?
Mr. Hawks - Right. But we've picked up a lot on the other end by eliminating a
Clark Horn - So the main body is the same?
Mr. Hawks - Yes.
Page 10
Mr. Hawks - I think the total lots in 69 were 254. Total units in the entire
development. Laredo Lane was originally to be a townhouse area
of 28 blocks and we made 21 single families in there, all 50 and 60
foot lots.
Pat Swenson - I notice that you had 27 lots sewered to the east before, now you
have 52. Are these the ones you are counting as doubles?
Mr. Hawks - Yes
Pat Swenson - So you are rerouting some of this over here?
Mr. Hawks - Yes we rerouted some of this.
Mr. Hawks discussed the drainage, the grading of the street system and the
sanitary sewer. He stated that today, there is a point where we have to be very
careful and give a lot of thought in setting lot sizes, because that determines
the amount of pipe, concrete, curb, the amount of everYthing, as well as a big
reflection on the bank loan and the mortgage. If we are going to try to get
back wh ere we can structure a community that people can be in, the smallest lot
is 80 ft., they go from 80 to 100 to 110 is the range that we are building in,
and that is the range they found the people accept, are willing to buy and like
to have, so that is what they propose.
Pat Swenson - My major concern is the fact that we do have an understanding and
it may be that you are right and maybe the ordinance should be
changed, but the point is at this particular time I think we have
to follow what is established.
Craig Mertz - I dont think that you should read that 15,000 sq. ft. lot size for
your R zones requiring 15,000 for something that you have zoned P.
The purpose of the P zones was that you were going to take into
account special circumstances and hopefully come up with a total
package that was going to have the same weight as something that was
actually broken up into 15,000 sq. ft. pieces. As far as what
happened in 1969, I dont think there is anything in the record that
binds you to this particular configuration of lots nor to this
particular size of lots.
Clark Horn - I think one of the comments that Bob made about constructing a
temporary cul-de-sac, No.6., I tend to disagree with him on that
because these things tend to get assumed as being that way and in
many cases because the realtor tells someone they are going to be
that way, and people coming in to these, if they go into a dead end
of nothing, they assume the road will go out some day. But if it
comes into a nice finished cul-de-sac, they are very easily misled
into believing that that is goIng to be a cul-de-sac.
Mr. Hawks - I think you are right as far as the cul-de-sac, it is misleading.
Page 11
Ray Jackson - I have seen a lot of things tried, but nothing very successfully.
People do have a tendency to accept the cul-de-sac, and if you put
a pile of dirt there or something else, you will probably never get
rid of it. The snow plowing and all maintenance is a distinct
problem, they have to have some fashion of turning around.
Bob Waibel - This Frontier Trail portion should probably assume a different name
being a 900 turn. The direction is going to be in the Carver Beach
Mr. Hawks - OK - You give us the letter that you want the street name to be,
and we will talk to Jerry Schlenk about it.
Clark Horn - I guess my overall objection is similar to Pat. I hate to see us get
into any higher density than is necessary and what a land area can
support. As far as moving people into Chanhassen, I guess I am more
concerned about preserving the area than I am in moving people in.
I don't think that is our primary objective. I agree this type of
housing will probably sell faster, I don't doubt that at all, but I
think other types of less dense housing will sell also, maybe not as
fast, but it will sell also. I don't see anything wrong with having
it in that area.
Pat Swenson - What is the average lot size of your other developments, I and II?
Mr. Hawks - On Santa Fe Circle, it was comparatively small. Then we went into
Western Hills 1st Addition and they got bigger. Then we came into
Laredo Lane which are all back in the smaller size again.
Then Saratoga were a little bigger again because of the slopes and
the hills etc. This is very comparable to what we have.
Pat Swenson - So it is not establishing a precedent in any way so that somebody
new can come in and say, this H & K can do something, why can't we
put 80 10,000 sq. ft. lots up?
Mr. Hawks - There is a very good balance and mix. You are going to find at a
public hearing you will have a lot of people objecting to connecting
that road into Sunrise Hills.
Tom The ordinance notwithstanding, I just dont see that single family
Droegemuel~dwellings like these guys are talking about are any less palatable
than multiple family dwellings that we are talking about south of 5
or at New Horizons. I just dont see that this is an unattractive
development proposal at all. I had some question too about those
double ownership units, but otherwise I don't think those lot sizes
are unreasonable.
Pat Swenson - Somebody comes in here and they have a lot, and one individual wants
to build a 13,000 sq. ft. lot, and we wont let him do it. Yet a
developer can come in with several acres, several hundred acres, and
put up 10,000 sq. ft. lots. It seems there is no justice here.
Page 12
Pat Swenson - I think to have individuals like this who have maybe $ acres, and he
can make it economical feasible to sell this off in 10,000 sq. ft.
lots, and we wont let him do it.
Bob Waibel - The Carver Beach area has an established development pattelnthat are
smaller lots. We recently gave a variance to a guy to add on to his
house or improve his property, and he was on a 4,000 sq. ft. parcel.
That is an area that we acknowledge has a previous development pattern
of a lower type. It is just a pocket. The problem is that those
pockets were created before any planning, zoning, utilities or public
improvements were ever put it, and now we are mitigating these
problems after the fact of the matter. With these coneeots; anything
in a group of more than 24 units must be a key district.
Pat Swenson - We are rapidly becoming a city of key districts.
Gordon Freeburg - That's better than non-planned, Pat.
Pat Swenson - I'm really not arguing, I'm just asking for a little consistency
Gordon Freeburg moved to have the list of 12 points listed by the Assistant City
Manager/Planner incorporated as an appendix to the recommendation, and that a
public hearing beheld on August 22, 1979, at a time set by staff. Motion
seconded by Tom Droegemueller and unanimously approved.
The Assistant City Manager/Planner gave a report on the Zoning Application of
Lowell Vetter. He submitted a letter in which he described the type of operation
proposed. It would be a wholesale beef distributor and retail operation inside
the Hanson & Klingelhutz office and warehouse building in Burdick Park, which
is presently zoned industria1. He indicated that they would have a low retail
type of volume trade. The Assistant City Attorney sent an opinion stating he
believed the ordinance should be amended, although it is not all conclusive as
to the options.
The Assistant City Attorney stated his conclusion is that the wholesale business
would be allowable, but the retail business would not be allliowable under the
present zoning, and he stated if you wish to include the retail in this building
some amendment to the zoning would have to be made, either rezone the building
to C-3 commercial, or to amend the language in the I section of the zoning
ordinance in some fashion to allow this meat business. He suggested possible
wording to achieve that. He then went into detail as to the reasoning for the
conclusion that this retail was not permissible under the existing zoning.
A discussion took place regarding the zoning of this district and why it was
zoned that way.
Judy Vetter asked how you decided what the zoning would be. She stated she knows
the parking makes a difference, but that in a meat store it is no different than
getting something in a parts store and coming right out. There is no great traffic
in a meat store when there is no cutting on the premises, and there will be none
there. It is not a federally inspected house, so there can't be. EverYthing will
Page 13
have to be prepackaged with a federal stamp of approval on it. It will be in
bulk quantities such as 5 lb. boxes.
Clark Horn wanted to know what problems might develop if we amend the ordinance
as is proposed. Craig Mertz stated he is not endorsing this particular
proposal, that that is a planning decision. This was just on e possible way
that you could do it. I think it is just the traffic that should be a planning
consideration, the traffic that might be generated by changing the zoning, is it
consistent with what you want in your industrial zone?
Clark Horn - The problem I have is I don't see anything different with what
they are proposing and say selling building material. l'1aybe we
should do the same as what they did here, have another alternative,
just include what they are doing in there as was done with building
The Assistant City Attorney stated it wouldn't have to be decided tonight.
The Vetters can pursue the retail aspect, there is no problem with the wholesale.
If you want to pursue the retail I suggest a motion stating that the commission
will consider at a public hearing several things in the alternative, one would
be to include retail meat sales as a permitted use in the I-I zone, and in the
alternative, the commission could also consider rezoning this particular
property to C-3. You would then be free to make whatever decision you want
to after the hearing.
Clark Horn - I would personally favor including their use in the I zone.
Gordon Freeburg - If it was rezoned commercial, then any type of a retail
operation could come in? Or if it stays industrial and the company that
has space in there now can sell its products, like H & K if they have their
equipment there, then they could also put a retail sales office there.
Craig Mertz - No I don't think so because that would)B2ta product that was
manufactured or warehoused.
Walter Thompson - What about Animal Fair?
Craig Mertz - They are there because of Grandfather rights, but that is a good
Clark Horn - So if we did include their operation, we wouldn't be opening up any
other doors, only for meat operations.
Craig Mertz - It depends on how broad you want to make that exception. Another
variation would be to merely add to this list of permitted uses something
very narrow like the retail sales of precut meat products, prepackaged meat
Pat Swenson - I dont think there is any great objection to it, it is just a
question of being able to try to fit it in to the ordinances that exist.
Walter Thompson - I am very receptive to the idea, frankly, of a meat shop.
I would not care to rezone at this time with what other developments that we
have coming in. It would be premature on our part to change it again.