1979 11 28 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - November 28, 1979 Roman Hoos called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Clark Horn, Walter Thompson, Tom Droegemueller, Tom Hamilton Item No. 3 - Proposed Preliminary Development Plan Review, Lake Susan Hills Residenti.al, and Chanhassen Lakes North - The Planning Commission decided to go through this and get their thoughts in line 1irn terms of their recommendation along with that of Park & Reo. At that point some .final guidelines can be given to that development plan. Clark Horn moved to amend the agenda as to Itmm No.3, moving it down to the end of the meeting. Motion seconded by Walter Thompson. !PPROVAL OF MINUTES Walter Thompson moved to note the City Council minutes of November 5, 1979. Motion seconded by Tom DrQegemueller and unanimously approved. ITEM NO. L1. - SUBDIVISION REQUEST, TIM FISHER, 7371 MINNEWASHTA PARKltJAY SKETCH PLAN REVIKw Bob Waibel gave the staff report on this, stating there is a proposal to subdivide approximately 2.2 a.cres located on Hinnewashta Parkway into 3 residential building sites, located approximately 1,000 ft. North of the i.ntersection from Highway 5 and Minnewashta Parkway. It is presently zoned R-l single family residential district. Sewer and municipal water are available to the property. He stated the primary c9n0ern of his office is the fact that the new residential sites will have individual accesses onto a collector street, Minnewashta Parkway, and these access points will have less than optimal site distance due to the vertical curve. The C6Unty would have to also clear the permission for access onto a county road. It is his preliminary recommendation that one condition for subdivision approval would be that no commercial nursery activities should take place following date of subdivision approval. He recommended that the Planning Commission advise the applicant to consider elther obtaining access easement on the Eastern side of the subject property, or redesign the sketch plan to show such access within the subject property itself. The applicant should also be advised of the possibility of planning another lot. His office is confident that should the applicant in~orporate either the access along the eastern property line and/or the 4th lot into the sketch plan, ~lch could be reviewed by staff to assure complicity with ordinance and the applicant may proceed with the preliminary plat preparation in qccordance with sections 6, 7 and 8 of ordinance 33. He also suggested that they approach the county for the feasibility of individual accesses usage by these properties. Roman Roos stated, from a planning point of view, they would like to see access from the back side if possible. Tom Droegemueller moved that a Sketch Plan ( Exhibit A ) be conditionally approved as shown with the two conditions that approval is received from the County for a second cut into Lot 1 (depending on the best site for that curb cut), and that there be a common access into Lots 2 and 3 (with an easement common to one or the other lot for access by the other property), that it be part of the sketch plan and part of the deed restriction. Motion seconded by Clark Horn and unani.mously approved. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING -November 28, 1979 Page 2 ITEM NO. 5 - Clark Horn moved to amend the agenda so that Item No. 6 becomes item No.5 and and item No.5 will be next. Motion seconded by Tom Droegemueller and unanimously approved. ITEM NO. 5 - REVIEW O~' SORENSON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Bob Waibel gave a report regarding the curbing on this site. He stated the verbal report from the engineer stated in their opinion, it could be constructed without need for exceptional base preparation work. It is a matter of policy. He didn't do any soil samples, but from visual inspection he could detect, a normal curb would suffice, with a reasonable amount of preparation underneath. There would have to be consideration for possibly a drain, for flow of runoff. As far as the sidewalk and curb and gutter along Great Plamnes Blvd., the recommendations were to have the sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter portions of Great Plaines Blvd. deleted from the development contract, have the 8000 sq. ft. garage area requirement deleted from the development contract, the outside storage area deleted from the development contract upon the condition that in fact no outside storage does take place, that that area where they were to be will be constructed as per the plans approved by city council and planning commission, there would be the use of fleet truck parking or other overIlow parking for only licensed power driven vehicles. The recommendation was putting in a concrete curb and gutter along the northern property line if the city engineer finds it feasible. Mr. Sorenson stated that the whole parking ~ot was reconstructed, it was all rebuilt, because of the existence of a gas main whi~h ran across the property. The gas company insisted that they put a fence around there. At that time I had to make an alteration in the plans. He pointed out the area that is already curbed, and talked about the drainage. Tom Droegemueller moved that the Planning Commission go along with the staff's recommendation on the deletion of the sidewalks and curbs and gutters along Great Plaines Boulevard on the development contract, and that the outside storage be deleted from same, and the garage be deleted from same; the concrete curb and gutter on the north side be also deleted; and while the building is being used the owner will install and maintain curb stops on the north boundary of the parking lot. Motion seconded by Clark Horn.unOpposed - Tom Hamilton. Motion carried. DISCUSSION, CLEAR CUTTING ORDINANCE Bob Waibel stated he reviewed the ordinance from Eden prairie. He feels it is very reasonable to consider an ordinance that would put some limitation to what can be done on private property. Clark Horn moved to include the applicable sections as stated, into the ordinance that we have in existence as a recommendation to Council~ Motion seconded by Tom Hamilton. Opposed: Walter Thompson and Tom Droegemueller. Motion carried. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - November 28, 1979 Page 3 PROPOSED PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW, LAKE SUSAN HILLS RESIDENTIAL, AND CHANHASSEN LAKES NORTH ~. Roman Roos stated he would like to see the Park & Rec recommendation, and then see staff take those recommendations and try to formulate those into your opinion of a park plan. Then I would like to see those all before us at the very next meeting after the Tuesday meeting of the Park & Rec so that we can at least have a feel as to where they are at and what staff is feeling. Then we can take those items and weigh them along with what we feel should be real, and then we can take a look at the proposal. OPEN DISCUSSION Bob Waibel gave a verbal summary report on what transpired at the meeting this day with the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. The essential elements of this meeting were discussions between city staff and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and Metro Council repDesentativ8s regarding the population estimates derived from the plans currently under review or going through the planning process in Chanhassen, and how they compare with the population estimates assigned with the revised Metropolitan System statements, and how they correlate to the 208 plan flow projections. It was also mentioned that a decision regarding the solutions to the problems at the Virginia lift station may be forthcoming in 3 to 4 months. Open discussion based upon the interview of candidates earlier in the meeting, a motion was made by Walter Thompson and seconded by Tom Droegemueller to recommend the City council appoint Art Partridge to the planning commission to fill the vacancy brought on by Pat Swenson's appointment to the City Council. Motion carried. A motion was made by Tom Droegemueller to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned.