1980 01 09 r r; . I~ I I I e e e , I I REGULAR SESSION CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION A meeting was held on Wednesday, January 9, 1980, at C h a n has s e n City Hall, C h a n has s en ,M inn e sot a . Present were: Walter Thompson, Chairman Clark Horn Jack Bell Art Partridge Tom Droegemueller Tom Hamilton Also present were: Bob ~,J a i bel, Ass i s tan t C i t Y M an age r Mark Koegler, City Planner Craig Mertz, As~istant City Attorney Absent: Roman Roos Chairman Walter Thompson called the meeting to Order at 7:35 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE C r a i g lvl e r t z a d m i n i s t ere d the 0 a th 0 f 0 f f ice to Art Par t rid g e . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Clark Horn, seconded by Walter Thompson to approve the November 14, 1979 Minutes as read. Motion unanimously carried. Jack Bell and Art Partridgeobstained from a~proval vote. Tom Hamilton then arrived at the m~eting. Motion by Clark Horn, seconded by Tom Droegemueller to approve the November 28, 1979 Minutes as read. Motion unanimously carried. Jack Belland Art Partridg~ obstained from approval vot~. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT REQUEST, SUNNYSLOPE ADDITION Mr. Bob Waibel presented a brjef report on Mr. Gray's requested amendments concerning the putting green and acquiring permits, He stated the reasons why it is not pertinent to bind the developers to instanning the putting green are: 1 ) Beyond the installation of the putting gr~en there would be additional investments for grooming and maintenance equipment. e e e i , i , i 2) Not installing the putting green would allow greater flexibility in deciding v.J hat the area could b eu sed for (i.e., swimming pool, sod). Mr. Gray began answering questions and then reported that the sewer, blacktop and other requirements cost $57,000+. He said they found some organic material in the turn-around of the road, costing them an additional amount in excess of $40,000. Mr. Gray reassured the Planning Commission that their intentions of per- formance are valid, and that they have agreed to have papers drawn up which will indicate that the realty company (Marve Anderson Real Estate) is authorized or directed to place the money they receive into an escrow account until sufficient monies are gathered to guarantee that all amenities are taken care of. Mr. Thompson inquired whether the agreement made with the attorney/city was verbal or written. r~r. Gray informed that the agreement was verbal. He stated that Don Ashworth agreed it was satisfactory and that a letter so indicating the escrow would be drawn up by the developers and delivered to the City on Friday or Monday. Mr. Gray continued that some of the lots (6 and 9) have been sold, He added that there is no demo house at this time but one will be built. Mr. Bell inqui~ed whether or not there was lake access on this development. Mr. Gray informed that there was. The decision of a dock on the access would lie with the association within the development. Mr. Hnrn questioned if it was an outlot, Mr. Gray said that it was, and that they had asked for a building on the lot at a prior date. Mr. Horn informed that they would be required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. Tom Hamilton obs~rved that page 4 of their Development Contract stated that they would submit a written schedule on or before September 1, 1979. Bob Waibel informed that this date was extended to September 1, 1980. Mr. Gray concluded that they need to find the cofts of the bituminous and curbs and would like to see the putting green area left up to the association. In regard to the referenced subject the following Motions were made: Clark Horn moved, Jack Bell seconded, that the putting green is not the developers requirement and the verbage indicating such in Paragraph 1. "Improvements by Developers" shall be deleted. Motion carried. 2 e - e i I i k'"_',- - fvlotion by Jack Bell, seconded by Clark Horn, that the developers be allowed the Building Permit after stabilization of .the road and the installation of the sanitary sewer system. Motion carried. Motion by Jack Bell , seconded by Clark Horn that the Occupancy Permit be issued upon completion of underground electrical and utility lines. Motion carried. Motion by Clark Horn , seconded by Tom Hamilton that the Contract with the developers be modified as specified above upon the approval of legal counsel and further that the escrow agreement be approved by the City Council. Motion carried. In regard to the escrow account agreement, a formal statement from the Planning Commission was directed to the City Council: We are concerned with the fact that the p~rformance sec~rities are in the form of land. The Plan~ing Commission is not in agreement in theory with the principal formula developed prior to this meeting regarding such. Further, the Planning Commission does not desire that this be accepted as a guidance in the futur~. All members were in agreement with the above established statement, ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Mr. Thompson informed that Roman Roos's term has expired effective December 31, 1979. He has indicated that Roman has expressed a desire to possibly rejoin at a later date. This vacant position will be advertised for. Mr . Thompson m 0 v e d that C 1 ark H 0 r n t a k e 0 v era s t he new C h air man. Tom Hamilton seconded. Motion cafrj~d, Mr. Bell moved that WalterThompsonbeap~ointed as Vice Chairman. Tom Droegemuellerseconded. Motion carried. The following is a list~f the newly appointed represent~tives of various Planning Commission Committees: COM f~ I T TEE MEMBER ALTERNATE Sign Committee Lake Study Parks and Recreation Board of Adjustments and Appeals Community Facilities Study Jack Bell Art Partridge Tom Hamilton Tom Hamilton Clark Horn Art Partridge Tom Droegemueller Clark Horn Walter Thompson Jack Bell Jack Bell made a Motion, Walter Thompson seconded, to adopt Roberts Rules of Order. Motion carried Walter Thompson moved, Aft Partridge seconde~, that the Planning Commission meetings be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Motion carried. 3 01 .4 e e ie RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LAKE STUDY COMMITTEE ON RECREATIONAL OUTLOT USAGES Mark Koegler reported on the beach lot situation. He stated that itis not feasible to create a standard for the whole community due to the broad range of sites chosen for this lot, and the types of activities, uses and accommodations involved. The size of the park vs.number of users was discussed. Formulating a resolution on this matter will include involving Parks and Recreation, and then being placed on the Planning Commission Agenda at a later date. OPEN DISCUSSION , ' Bob Waibel gave a brief report on Dunn & Curry's park dedication progress. He gave a short history of the subject and then demonstrated on the map the areas of the development as related to the upcoming tour scheduled for Saturday, January 12, 1980. Chairman Horn asked Mark Koelger about the status of the Comprehensive Plan. Mark informed that a special meeting on the last Wednesday of this month involving topics such as the land use element and transportation will hopefully be discussed( He stated that they are behind as far as the deadline date, but approximately 85% of the other municipalities also have a backldg situation. ADJOURNMENT , Jack Bell moved, Walter Thompson seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 P.M. Motion carried, 4