1980 02 06 - EXTRA SESSION CHANHASSEN PLANNING CO~4ISSION A meeting was held at ~he Chanhassen City Hall, 7610 Lardeo, Chanhassen, Minnesota on February 6;,1980. Present were: Clark Horn Walter Thompson Art Partridge Tom Hamilton Jack Bell Also present were: Bob Waibel, Asst. City Manager; Mark Koegler, City Planner; Ed Dunn, Dunn & CurrYi Stelios Aslanidis, Urbanscopei Bruce Patterson, Suburban EngineeringiGreg Engrami Jack Anderson, Anderson & Associatesi Jules Smithi Jim OPt, City Engineeri Jim Meyeri and Jerry Schlenk Chairman Horn called the meeting to Order at 7:30 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tom Hamilton moved, Walter Thompson second, to approve ~ the Minutes of January 23,1980. Motion carried. Jack Bell obstained from approval vo.te. ~ PROPOSED PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW, LAKE ANN PRD, LAKE SUSAN WEST PRD, AND LAKE SUSAN SOUTH PRD - DUNN & CURRY, INC Bob Waibel presented Chanhassen's commen~and recommendations on Dunn & Curry's proposed developments. He stressed to the Planning Commission the importance of resolving the density and land use issues involved in these projects. Ed Dunn presented a brief history on the projects. The sewer system proposed is a designed Chanhassen trunk sewer, and their proposals contemplate installing the necessary extensions to the trunk sewer. He illustrated the planned land use densities to the Planning Commission and expressed his desireror the Planning Com-- mission to concur that these plans have enough merit to be advanced to a public hearing at the earliest possible date. Stelios Aslanidis reported. on the three projects. The Lake Ann development contains 790 units. He illustrated the types of housing and land use areas. Discussion took place on lot sizes and densities. Mr. Aslanidis illustrated the new changes in the plan which consisted mainly of density changes and the phasing aspects~ The Planning Commission expressed their concern about the density alloca tions of the plans, "they further commented on the C. R. # 17 access. This matter will be further investigated. e Bruce Patterson illustrated the road and sewer sec"tions of Phase I. Chairman Horn requested comments from the Commission members concerning the 28' road widths. Art Partridge: " I don't believe we need them any wider as long as there is no onstreet parking. Tom Hamilton: " The 28' road widths are adequate only if there lS no onstreet parking." Jack Bell: "The 28' road width seems adequate, parking on one side of the road would be appropriate." Walter Thompson: "More roadway would create more paving, more possible water runoff and more possible sewer problems." The Planning Commission concurs with the 28' road widths, and the 32' road widths in the higher density areas. Jack Anderson address the volume, widths and right-of-way issues of the roads. Discussion took place on the 36' road widths. No recommendations were made at this time. e Stelios Aslanidis illustrated the changes in the Lake Susan \i~est development plans. The overall density is less -than that pro- posed for Lake Ann. The Lake Susan West proposal contains 3 units per acre, single family density is 2.5. There was general discussion on the land and density of the project. Tom Hamilton commented on the proposed park area land being peat. Ed Dunn s.tated that all the lakeshore has gone into park. There is 80 acres and they (Dunn & curry) have a 50% credit (40 acres) from a Park and Recreation recommenda"tion. He furthered that tie did not feel that it would be a problem filling a limited amount of it, there is enough fill available to make a portion (2 play areas) of active park area. Stelios Aslanidis illustrated the cha.nges in the Lake Susan Hills South development. There was discussion on the densities and the impact this development will have on the present landowners along the lakeshore. Chairman Horn requested general comments on the 3 proposed developments. e 'rom Hamil ton commented on Dunn & Curry's concept of developing around the lake first and then building out to the highway on the Lake Ann project. Ed Dunn stated that. i tis more economically and mechanically feasible. Hr. Hamilton further commented that dividing Chanhassen by major roads may qreate"a problem in drawing people to the shopping centers. This lead into.discussion of the C.R.#17 and Highway #5 intersection. Ed Dunn stated signalized intersections may be warranted here and at other problem areas. e Jack Bell commented that he likes the project as it is being presented. Walter Thompson stated that if this development goes through as planned there is going to be a tremendous traffic problem on Highway #5. There is a traffic problem now, and an additional 2000 units will surely not ease the problem. Jack Anderson presented a future projection of highway uses in 1990. With Highway #212 in circulation at that time he states that the traffic through Chanhassen should decrease. He further illustrated the proposed Park Drive - Highway #5 inter-- section showing it as possibly being signalized. Art Partridge ~nformed that he does not feel he would like another stop sign in that area. Tom Hamilton stated that Highway #5 is already a mess. He would recommend leaving the stop sigh out, but closely watching the intersection. Jack Bell does not see -this as a problem to address at this time. e ~valter Thompson suggested that if there is a service road parallel to Highway #5, people may use it to avoid such a stop light. Chairman Horn called for a vote to 'proceed with the public hearing. Art Partridge: yes; Jack Bell: yes; Tom Hamilton: yes; Walter Thomspon: yes. Jack Bell moved, Art Partridge second, to proceed with the public heariI1g for the general development plans of the PUD's and the preliminary plats for Phase I of Lake Ann and Phase I of Lake Susan West. Notion carried. OPEN DISCUSSION Art Partridge suggested that a large scale map be obtained and posted showing Chanhassen's proposed developments. He also suggested that signs be placed on properties being proposed for land use changes. Bob Haibel informed the Planning Commission -that there are 8 or 9 applicants to be interviewed on February 13th, 20th and possibly the 27th. ADJOURNMENT tit Art Partridge moved, Tom Hamilton second, to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 P.M. Motion carried. 3 i~