1980 03 19 EXTRA SESSION e CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION ~1ARCH 19, 1980 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7610 LAREDO DRIVE Present at the meeting: Chairman Clark Horn Walter Thompson Tom Hamilton Michael Thompson Bob Waibel, Staff Mark Koegler, Staff Russ Larson, City Attorney Russ Larson administered the Oath of Office to Michael Thompson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES e There was no quorum present of those who attended the February 27, 1980 Meeting. These Minutes will be presented at a later meeting. Walter Thompson moved, Tom Hamilton second, to approve the March 12, 1980 Minutes contingent upon his recommendation that the Minutes show that the required annual reviews for the Waldrip Development have not been performed. Motion carried. Michael Thompson obstained from approval vote. DISCUSSION.OF PUD CONCEPT & ORDINANCES Russ Larson presented a brief history of Chanhassen and how its ordinances were developed. Mr. Larson explained that the functions of the Planning Commission include having the legal authority to set the guidelines of what is to be done, to preserve the natural amenities of Chanhassen, and to cover all basis of planning. He further explained the flexibility of the PUD's in that you can be more conservative or more liberal with densities, more respondent to existing terrain and natural landscaping in relation to environmental concerns. REVIEW LAND USE ELEMENT - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - HOUSING REQUIREMENTS e After brief review of the land use element of the drafted Comprehensive Plan, Mark Koegler reported on the housing requirement section which included the low and moderate income housing aspects, the laws and requirements of the Metro Council and the legislature for housing, and the objectives and goals of housing. He addressed Chanhassen's housing pOlicies, failr share goals, and subsidized housing require- ments and programs. - e e Therewa$' di~$cu$.'$t:on Q~ ~he hOlJ~:i'rti1. tm?e.~,' ~f?1,~~c~b"~,~9P Chanhassen and, the. a,n.t.+~+'Vate.a;~1.:mQ+'119' r.~o~;t;'9-,n)~., OPEN DISCUSS'rON ** The moritor:i-~ll1 on tneCS:O ape.a ':!-~~$;ched,u;I,e, ;f;op t.he', n,e~t. wednesday n,i.C)ht 1Re.e,ti'n9' ~ ** Mark. ~oeg;I,er ~nto~eq o~ tne'M:!-nne~~t~R1,~nn~n~ Cq~~~~4pn Ass'Ociatlon annl.la1, conf,epence, Qceillg l1eltl i'rt:elQolll~fl.(;rt,Qn~ Any Conuni'ss,i.on /1l1enlPep :!-'nte:pe1?>te,d, s,l\Qu;I,d, conta,ct~a,P~tQ~111e+:: Or :eob Wai.l>el., ** Apr-il' s 'lije,et:i-~ng $chedule,wa,S> di~scus~e.d. * * Chairman Horn re.CIlJe~:ted .a comple,teupdate of; the C~t~t Counci;I, ~ee,ting scbedule.~' a,nd ap:ro:i-~n'bn,ent~~ to C01l11l1i\tt,ee1?:'\ ADJOURNMENT Tom Hamilton moved, Walter Thompson second, to adjourn at 10:30 P.M. Motion carried.