1980 04 16 e . 'e L- EXTRA SESSION CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION April 16, 7:30 P.M. Chanhassen City Hall, 7610 Laredo Drive Chairman Horn called the Meeting to Order at 7:32 P.M. Present were: Chairman Clark Horn Walter Thompson Art Partridge Jim Thompson William Johnson Michael Johnson Also present were: Bob Waibel, Staff Craig Mertz, Asst. City Attorney Don Ashworth, Staff Jim Orr, City Engineer Dwight Kramer Walter Hobbs Bud Andrews Wayne Bongard Motion by Walter Thompson, second by James Thompson, to go into immediate review of the Lake Lucy Watermain Discussion. Motion carried. DISCUSSION-LAKE LUCY WATERMAIN Jim Orr reported on the history and current status. The adverse impacts and alternatives were discussed. There was concern expressed on the assessments in relation to the designated land use and users, and the well installation. Don Ashworth addressed the cost/benefit issue. This item was on the Agenda as an informational presentation for the new members of the Planning Commission. It will be placed on the Agenda again at a later date. Art Partridge moved, Walter Thompson second, to resUme the order of the Agenda, with the exception of the Approval of Minutes. Motion carried. SKETCH PLAN REVIEW, QUADY PROPERTY, CARVER BEACH, TONKA iWEST PROPERTIES Planning Case: P-543 Applicant: Lake West Construction Bob Waibel reported on the replat request f()r single family residential building sites. He addressed his concerns on tra.nsportation (streets) and the advantages and disadvanta.gesof the sketch plans. - '" e The Planning Commission discussed the streets, east/west access, lot sizes and effects on the existing property owners. Walter Hobbs expressed his concerns about the open field being cut into lots, and the effect that ~;this development may have on the existing homes. He feels that, the developer/owner should work with the existing landowners. The Planning Commission would like a road layout going directly east and west aligning with Lake Lucy and a plotting scheme more consistent with Sketch B or C. SITE PLAN REVIEW, OFFICE/WAREHOUSE-LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK 5, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARKS-FLUOROWARE, INC Planning Case: P-672 Applicant: Wayne Bongard Bob Waibel explained the proposed office/warehouse building and followed with his recommendations. Don Ashworth addressed the basic proposal, lot acquisition, and tax increment incentives. Craig Mertz explained the HRA's standpoint and their economic incentives for developers. e Art Partridge moved, Tom Hamilton second, to recommend to the HRA that the HI{A Plan Booklet be amended to include all lots and outlots in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park on the acquisition list for purposes of making available the development incentives to specific development proposals. Motion carried. Mr. Bongard presented a description of their industry and operations. There was discussion on landscaping. Art Partridge moved, William Johnson second, to accept the plans contingent upon Mr. Waibel's recommendations. Motion carried. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AMENDMENT REQUEST, LOT 1, ZAMOR EDITION, Planning Case: P-568 Applicant: Erickson Petroleum Co. Bob Waibel: presented his recommendations on the request to construct a 52' by 50' pump island canopy. There was discussion on the material, le.ttering, and lighting effects (signage) . Bill Johnson moved, Art Partridge second, to ap.prove the Tequest subject to: 1) at the time of the HRA meeting they have an alternate on the canopy material to be in concert with the rest of the building; and 2) that the lighting ~s not direct, or of a nature that it would not detract the surrounding property. Motion carried. e Walter Thompson moved, Art Partridge second, to amend the Agenda to have the Conditional Use Permit Request, John Przymus (Item #7) next and the Replat Request, Cannonball Kitchen (Item #6) f.ollowing. Motion carried. :\.';" - '. e I I, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, 421 W. 78th St. Planning Case: P-673 Applicant: John Przymus Bob Waibel reported on the recreational/amusement center and equipment proposed and gave his concerns and recommendations. John Przymus explained his intenions in regards to the. parking, use by minors, and general use of the proposed center. Discussion on parking for general usage and handicapped, along with the need for public hearing. Art Partridge moved, Bill Johnson second, that a public hearing be held after the Assistant City Manager /Land Use Coordinator is satisfied that all the requirements have been met concerning requested documentation. Motion carried. REPLAT REQUEST, LOTS 2 & 3, BLOCK 1, ZAMOR ADDITION Planning Case: Applicant: Cannonball Kitchen, Inc. Bob Waibel gave his comments and recommendations on the request to acquire more land for additional parkingspa.ces. Jim Thompson moved, Art Partridge second, to submit this request for public hearing on the additional 44 feet contingent upon Mr. Waibel's recommendations. Motion carried. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST FOR DISEASED TREE UTILIZATION SITE Planning Case: P-674 Applicant: Earl Holasek Bob Waibel gave a report on the amendment and request. He addressed his comments and recommendations. Pollution from burning, regulations on usage of site, methods of debarking and the capacity of the oPeration was discussed. Bill Johnson moved, Art Partridge second, that a public hearing be ordered when Mr. Waibel has sufficient information and documentation on the proposal. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bill Johnson moved, Walter Thompson second, to approve the March 26, 1980 Public Hearing Minutes. Motion carried. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS Bob Waibel reported on the 1980 organizational items as follows: The Planning Commission replacements for Roman Roos, Tom Droegemueller, and Jack Bell are William Johnson, James Thompson, and Michael Thompson respectively. .~~.,~ ,"<~- < :"-_-~',i:~Jc,< Y e e e l The representatives for the COlnmittees in Chanhassen: Committee Previous Representative Board of Adjustment and Appeals Tom Droegemueller Park & Rec Tom Hamilton Sign Committee Jack Bell Community Facilities Study Clark Horn Lake Study Art Partridge Alternate Walter Thompson None None None None New Representative Art Partridge Tom Hamilton Bill Johnson Clark Horn Jim Thompson The Planning Commission members will rotate their attendance at the HRA and City Council Meetings. OPEN DISCUSSION ** Discussion on the extension of water, public improvements, and public hearing to change zoning from P2 to RIA on the Oakmont case. Art Partridge moved, Bill Johnson second, to conduct any public hearings necessary to revert the zoning status of the Oakmont Properties from P2 to RIA. Motion carried. ** Discussion on posted signs for proposed developments. ** Walter Thompson requested Bob Waibel to check into the Natural Grains equipment near the highway. ** Bob Waibel informed that he has received a couple of phone calls on public usage areas for community gardens, farmers markets, and goodwill drop-boxes, etc. ADJOURNMENT Art Partridge moved, Bill Johnson second, to adjourn at 11:45 P.M. Motion carried.