1980 05 14 ~1vl1jU:~1j~. . fdJ1 };1.1p.XCERPr} FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED MAY 14" 1980: l.~")J/ : {~';. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST FOR RECREATION AND AMUSEMENT CENTER,. ~ 421 WEST 78TH STREET, JOHN PRYZMUS: Bob Waibel presented the staff report on the subject .request and recomInended denial based upon - itstcompatibility with surrounding uses with respect to problems that the community had experience with a like facili-t:y at the. same location. . The applicant explained in detail the operation and management of the facility and stated that he would be arneanable to consideration of a four month temporary permit. The Planning Commission discussed the need for such a facility and also the disadvantages involved due to loeational factors. Tom Hamilton moved and Michael Thompson seconded to Close the public hearing. Motionunanimoulsy approve. Tom Hamilton moved and Michael Thompson seconded a motion that the conditional use permit be rejected based upon its incompatibility with surrounding uses. Vote: Ayes -Clark Horn, Art Partridge, Tom Hamilton and Michael Thompson; Nay - Bill Johnson, James Thompson and walter Thompson. Motion carried. . e ;ty - ~~ V' . " "'".'''~~,:",~''''''''' ..-~~.~--.,,,...-..... i<-'''''~"'_'-~_~,:C':::,-,-.~...':''-''':'-.':::;::''~.'''C,'''':':;'S <"">,::,:""~",;""~,,,",,,,,X':~~!,~~~~~_;,,~::,--,:..~:~-~...