1980 06 25
The Chanhassen Planning Commission met in the Chanhassen City Hall,
7610 Laredo Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota, on June 25, 1980 at 7:30 P.M.
Present Were:
Chairman Clark Horn
Walter Thompson
Art Partridge
Tom Hamilton
Bill Johnson
Mike Thompson
Jim Thompson
Also present were:
Ed Dunn, Dunn & Curry
Kathy Holtmeier, Resident
Jim Murphy, Resident
Bud Paulsen, Resident
Roger Schmidt, Resident
Gerald Gustafson, Resident
Joseph Myers, Resident
Earl Holasek, Holasek Nurseries
Pat Murphy, Carver County
Paul Waldron, Carver County
Bob Waibel, Staff
Mark Koegler, Staff
Don Ashworth, Staff
Jim Orr, City Engineer
Chairman Horn called the Meeting to Order at 7:30 P.M.
Conditional Use Permit for Neighborhood Beach Lot, Outlot B, Lotus
Lake Estates Addition, Public Hearing
Bob Waibel presented the request and his recommendations. The Planning
Commission discussed the width and easement for the pedestrian pathway.
Chairman Horn opened the public hearing. Present for this hearing were:
Donald A. Johnson, 111 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Aaron Babcock, 125 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Frank Windsir, 120 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Gerald Cuandall, 6760 Brule Circle, Chanhassen
Mark Miller, 150 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Dennis Ewing, 6770 Brule Circle, Chanhassen
Judy Ewing, 6770 Brule Circle, Chanhassen
Pat Miller, 71 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Bruce Norby, 100 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Maragaret Norby, 100 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Mike Miller, 71 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Sylvia Epones, 130 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
Nancy Leshela, 6781 Brule Circle, Chanhassen
Norm Grant, 8504 Great Plains Blvd, Chanhassen
Mary Lou Chmiel, 7100 Tecumseh Lane, Chanhassen
Don Chmiel, 7100 Tecumseh Lane, Chanhassen
Harlan Swanson, 131 Choctaw Lane, Chanhassen
Aaron Babcock: 1I I I II be the spokesman fOl'the Lotus Lake Horne Owners
Association I guess tonight. The Lake Study Committee at the meeting
we attending - the whole committee drove Clut and looked at the area.
It was at that time that they suggested that if the canoe racks are
goingto be put in to add them to the plan. So it was at their recom,...
mention, or their approval, that we get them in. There is a 4 foot
easement all the way across Outlot B and I guess I would feel that
that is probably wide enough to put the path on although. .
a whole lot of brush. I don't think anybody is going to no thediiference
if there is 4 feet or 5 feet but I think from the Home Owners Association
standpoint I would say that we feeT 4 feet as originally dedicated
is what we would like to see. As far as;what you mentioned about
the steps down, the whole Lake Study Committee was there and we dec-
ided to try to use 1 of there recommendations which was 6 x6 steps
down on the hill on the road dowri to the bottom to~revent the washing
We do have our liability insurance policy paid, signed,
sealed and deli,vered. I guess thatsit unless you have some questions."
There was discussion on the size and location of the canoe racks;
Clark Horn:
tree removal.
"T believe there was 1 other issue on this and that was
Do you know how 'many tre.es will beremoved?\l
Aaron Babcock: lITrees over 2 inches - zero, Tree under 2 inches -
98% of what is there ~s brush and you're probably going to have 10-12
trees of 1-! inch size. 1I
There was discussion on the clearing of the beach area and marking the
swimming area with same type of buoy or marker. Bob Waibel feels that
the beach is a self policing area, thus the shoreline should not be
cluttered, Jim Thompson suggested the possibility of using barrels
of some sort. Chairman Horn ieelsthe standard coastguard buoys are
appropri.ate for marking the swimming area.
Tom Hamilton moved, Walter Thompson second, to close the public hearing.
Motion unanimously carried.
Walter Thompson moved, Bill Johnson second, that the' conditional use permit
be granted under the following COIlctiti6ns: 1) that the pedestrian way
easement be 8 feet wide; 2) that a minimum number .of trees be removed;
3) that the swimming area be marked by standard c()astguard buoys at a
depth of 6 feet, or 50 feet from the shore, which ever is less; and
4) that 2 - 6 capacity canoe racks be allowed.
Upon further discussion the Planning Commission stated that for the
record the recommendations of this conditional use permit are consistent
with the recommended outlot beach lot standards by the Lake Study Committee.
Also, the Planning Commission recommended that these conditional use
permits be established for a five year term.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Preliminary Development Plan Review, Recommendation Formulation, Lake
Susan South pun
Bob Waibel presented the plan review and his recommendations.
Ed Dunn illustrated the changes in the plan. The gross density is
slightly higher than it was on the previous plan.
Chairman Horn commented that this plan is a very positive response.
There was discussion on the commercial area proposed. Art Partridge
stated that he feels that there may be a need for a commercial area
in the future, but at present it could possibly be used as an outlot
and zoned for commercial at a later date. Walter Thompson commented
that a small commer.cial area as proposed may be a plus for not only
Lake Susan but for other areas as well. Ed Dunn referred to this as
a deferred matter at this time.
Kathy Holtmeier and Jim Murphy, both Chanhassen Residents, are satisfied
with the location of the single family homes but would still like to
see the multiple dwellings away from the lake.
There was brief discussion on MTH 101, noise abatement, setbacks
and dedication. Jim Orr addressed servicing the area with water.
Chairman Horn requested comments from the Commission members:
Jim Thompson: "With the inclusion of the commercial area being
nondesignated at this point I think there has been considerable
improvement in the overall plan. I would still like to see maybe
a height limit on the single family units when they .arebuilt so
that one house isn't looking into the others windows. .."
Art Partridge: "I would not be comfortable with any development of
this density but I think there is an improvement... I think I have
to agree with Ed, townhouses as they are are a significant improvement...
I don't think we will find any problem with the people that live in the
townhouses - they won't be visible to anybody."
Tom Hamilton: "As far as the overall plan I think there is a
tremendous improvement. I would like to see 60% single family,
28% multiple dwelling, 6% apartments and 25% of land developed
simultaneously." He was also concerned with the overpass or pedestrian
Chairman Horn recommended that the pathway be referred back to
Park and Recreation.
Mike Thompson: "I think most of the comments have been well stated."
Bill Johnson: "I hate to make Ed feel good. I will use Jim1s comments,
he has addressed many things that I have been concerned about. I do
hope that more consideration will b~ given to the~edestrian crossing.
Walter Thompson: "At this time I would agree with the proposal."
Chairman Horn: "I think everything has<been said that I could mention.
I would like to see a little better tradeoff between townhouses and
Art Partridge moved, Jim Thompson second, to recommend to the City
Council that Lake Susan South be rezoned as P1, fully recognizing
the fact that the designated 5.8 acre parcel at the intersection of
MTH 101 and Lyman Blvd. may have desirable use as commercial property
in the future, therefore, reserving judgment on that one portion of
Voted in favor: Chairman Horn, Art Partridge, Jim Thompson, Walter
Thompson, Bill Johnson and Tom Hamilton
Negative vote: Mike Thompson (no reason stated)
Motion carried.
The Planning Commission further discussed Bob Waibel's requests
and recommendations and the alternate ratios and density of the
overall project.
Bill Johnson moved, Art Partridge second, to approve the preliminary
development plan subject to the recommendations made by Bob Waibel
dated June 23, 1980 with the following exceptions: a) #8 be reserved
for recommendation at a later date; b) #10 be deleted having been
covered in a previous recommendation; c) #11 be deleted having been
taken care of in the Exhibit submitted at the meeting; d) #13 - that
the right-of-way of Lyman Blvd. be considered for expansion for parkway
standards at a later date; e) #14 - that at the time of pedestrian way
design on the Southwest shores of Lake Susan that design perameter
be discussed with Park and Recreation and the Lake Susan Homeowners;
f) #17 (addition) No single family phase include less than 25% of
the land mass of the PRD; and g) #18 (addition) That further investigation
on the lots adjoining the existing single family residents on Lake
Susan be made for compatibility purposes at the time of final development
plat review.
Voted in favor: Chairman Horn, Walter Thompson, Art Partridge, Bill
Johnson, Jim Thompson. Negative votes: Tom Hamilton and Mike Thompson.
Negative votes due to ratio and density. Motion carried.
North Water Service Area Backup Service
Jim Orr addressed the water treatment, production capacity, and storage.
Problems with the well include the undesirable amount of sand produced
and the mechanical problems.
Don Ashworth discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a new well,
and the assessments and costs for putting in the Lake Lucy water system.
Tom Hamilton moved, Art Partridge second, to recommend to the City Council
that the Lake Lucy Road watermain not be done at this time and that another
well be drilled in the wellfield. Motion unanimously carried.
Holasek Diseased Tree Utilization Site Discussion
Bob Waibel briefly presented the review.
Pat Murphy and Paul Waldron, Carver County, addressed the wood-pest-
free processes (elimination of dutch elm disease).
There was discussion on ash content, the uses of the site and it's
products, the County's participation in the operation, the procedure
and parties applicable for dumping the trees, testing the trees,
and the pollution and noise aspect.
Roger SchmjJtz, resident, .commented on the noise, traffic and pollution.
He also is concerned with the possibility of spreading the disease
to adjoining areas.
Chairman Horn requested that somebody look into the concept of other
disoposal areas that have a higher concentration of dutch elm disease
in their immediate area.
Pat Murphy informed of a summary tree disposal site report prepared
by Carl Vogt that includes an inventory o~ species, the percentage
of tree loss, areas of loss. etc. Paul Waldron stated they would
bring a copy to the next meeting.
Scott/Carver Economic Council -Farmers Market Conditional Use Permit
Bob Waibel presented the proposal.
Tom Hamilton moved, Art Partridge second, to schedule a public hearing.
Motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Art Partridge moved, Bill Johnson second, to note the June 16, 1980
City Council Minutes. However, after fu:tther(iiscusslon the Planning
Commission commented that the change in the Fluoroware Development
proposal regarding the silo that was specifically rejected by the
Planning Commission justifies a re.,...review. Voted in favor: Chairman
Horn, Art Partridge, Walter Thompson, Bill Johnson, Mike Thompson and
Jim Thompson. Negative vote: Tom Hamilton.
Open Discussion
* Public hearing on Oakmont was discussed. This will be scheduled
on the earliest possible date.
* Waldrip proposal was discussed.
Tom Hamilton moved, Mike Thompson second, to adjourn at 12:00 A.M.
Motion unanimously carried.