1980 07 09
The Chanhassen Planning Commission held its Meeting on July 9,
1980 at Chanhassen City Hall, 7610 Laredo.
Present were:
Chairman Clark Horn
Art Partridge
Walter Thompson
Jim Thompson
Mike Thompson
Bill Johnson
Tom Hamilton (7:50)
Also present were:
Bob Waibel, City Staff
Mark Koegler, City Staff
Craig Mertz, Asst. Attorney
Jim Orr
Earl Holasek, Chanhassen
Paul Waldron, Carver County
Pat Murphy, Carver County
Marian Schmitz, Chanhassen
Lois Johnson, Chanhassen
Howard Johnson, Chanhassen
Bill McNamara, Chaska
Quali-Tek Products
Gerald Gustafson, Chanhassen
Lois Gustafson, Chanhassen
Roger Schmidt, Chanhassen
Gayleen Schmidt, Chanhassen
Russ & Wendy Leistiko, Chanhassen
Kim & Denny Moore, Chanhassen
Gayle Wolff, Chanhassen
Terri Larson
Fran Haegen
R. Derrick
John Shardlow, st. Paul
Kurt Laugainghouse, BloomJngton
David Pease, ScottjCarver;Eeonomic Council
Chairman Horn called the meetihg to Order at 7:30 P.M.
Jim Thompson moved, Walter Thompson second, to note the City Council
Hinutes of June 2, 1980. Motion unanimously carried.
Art Partridge moved, Water Thompson second, to approve the June 25,
1980 Planning Commission Minutes. Motion unanimously carried.
Walter Thompson moved, Art Partridge second, to note the City Council
Minutes of June 23, 1980. Motion unanimously carried.
Pat Murphy gave a brief presentation on the proposed operation.
He explained the Carver CountyjHolasek contract relationship and
intentions. Paul Waldron explained the status of the Dursban
chemical study being done at this time. He further explained
the disbursion of this disease by dead and dying trees.
Pat Murphy addressed the traffic generation due to the site (he
stated there will be a relatively small increase) the noise
standards, and the tests being performed on the proposed chipper.
He estimates that the chipper will run about 10-12 hours per
week during the busy summer months. They also addressed the
open burning (apx. 10% of the total material).
There was discussion on alternate disposal sites.
Chairman Horn opened the public hearing.
Roger Schmitz - 8301 Galpin Blvd, commented on his concerns about
the operation being located where it is proposed, the generated
traffic, open burning and noise. (His oral concerns were sited
off of attachment #1 to the Minutes.)
Ted Moore: liMy concern is we already played this game down the
road here. I don't know alot about the topography down there except
that its probably alot more isolated than this area is. My first
reaction was if that desolate area wasn't accepted why should this
one be? One concern I have is that I looked at the proposal last
night and the capacity of the wood burner, I'm all in favor of
the fuel savings, if it's 2-4 tons per hour it doesn't add up to
the 4000 tons per year, it comes out to about 8000 tons. That means
Carver County is only going to provide 25% of the fuel required,
so I think there is going to be traffic coming in from allover."
They discussed the rate of capacity and the flow of material.
Bill McNamara: "Quali-Tek Products. We're probably the closest
neighbor. Again, its admirable in the terms pf saving fuel. I
guess the concerns I have are 1) the terms of the delivery site, the
access from CR17 - who develops and maintains that?(Pat Murphy informed
that was Mr. Holasek). 2) Terms of rubbish that will be dropped
along the highway, who will be responsible for that? (Bob Waibel
informed that the City of Chanhassen is proposing that Mr. Holasek
establish procedures about dumping and loss of material as a condition
to his permit.) 3) I assume that it is the County's responsibility
to maintain the road. (Pat Murphy stated it was). Is there any
economic information available in terms of the cost-purchase of the
item, lease cost to Mr. Holasek and the charges back to the County
or whoever? (Pat Murphy explained the reasons for the County
desiring such an operation. In figuring cost, it will cost Mr. Holasek
apx. $600jmonth under the contract).
Jerry Gustafson: "8341 Galpin Blvd. I think we're talking about
a chipper mainly. When we visited the other sight, there's got to
be some other allied equipment operating along with it. We watched
large dozers there that had to move these logs around to get them
on to the chipper. Also, the only way you can get this smaller
stuff off the trees is by chain saws, and then the larger logs that
couldn't be used they have to use chain saws to cut them. There's
alot of other equipment not only just the chipper running, there's
alot of other machinery needed to keep this thing running. So that
means theres alot of noise. You had a very difficult time talking
to somebody right next to you. If the wind is blowing just right
we will hear what is running. They had a problem with smoke, if
you light them at certain times they just don't go out. Thirdly,
and lastly, I'm proud of the area I live in, the terrain, the quietness,
thats why we moved out here. I think that with this type of operation
it lends itself to future things that might come. I could be a
gradual deterioration of our area."
Earl Vogt: "My. Holasek has broiler in now. There is a percentage
of the truck traffic that you would have to take into consideration
that is going to be there, regardless if they haul in forms of logs
or chips. We're going to have the traffic if yo~approveor,dis-
approve it. The man has his boiler in, he has got to get his material
in there. As far as the burning and the smoke, we s~ell the Quali-
Tak feeds being blended."
Unidentified: "Nobody else has said anything towards it, we listen
to the train go by every 45 minutes, the trucks, 10% of traffic
being-trucks is bull, there's 1 for every 5 cars. They run everything
into the industrial park down CR 17 because its a 9 ton road."
Marian Schmitz: "I do hear alot of the traffic go by, but 2 things
that come to mind are the length of time that the trucks can come
in and out of these bothers me, I have children, and there are alot
of school buses going by. The noise too, when I get home at 5:00
I don't want to hear big noisy things going on down the road to me.
I object to it being so long - until 8:00 at night, and Saturdays
bother me. II
Ted Moore: "The thing that concernS me. most is the nature of this
thing. We've talked about having so much wood to use, its probably
gonna only run this long, but there~e no time limit restrictions
on how long it can run. You could run it 12 hours per day, and that
would be a pain. I can appreciate why he wants those woodchips but
the res no limit on this thing, I'd be more comfortable if there was
a limit of some kind on this. II
Discussion on additional permits and conditions.
Roger Schmitz: "I talked to people that haul trees and also to
Hennepin County thats involved in.. . disposal. They gave me some
estimates that it takes 2 mixed loads of logs to come out with 1
load of chips. The other one told me 2-3 loads of mixed logs."
Unidentified: "May I ask a question? Wasn't that road s;pt8cifically
buil t as a 9 ton - road to accomodate truckjtractors? Isn"t that the
whole point of having a 9 ton road, that trucks are free to travel
that road without restriction? When you move on a 9 ton road you're
to have to expect truck traffic. We can't control how many trucks
goes to Super Valu, Quali-Tek, Kallsted. I can't see where the
noise from the truck traffic, you know, thats what the road is there
for. II
There was discussion on how the beetles spread this disease, the
hours and frequency of burning material, use of chain saws, the
operation during the summer months when people are mostly outside,
noise pollution, time schedule, open burning and maintBnance of
the chipper.
Tom Hamilton moved, Mike Thompson second, to close the public hearing.
Motion unanimously carried.
Chairman Horn requested comments from the Planning Commission
Art Partridge: I am alittle concerned about the relationship
of the County-Holasek-staff and all this material. It sounds like
a form of conclusion and I don't think it is. I am not concerned
about the truck traffic on Galpin Blvd. It is a County road.
I am concerned about the general moise to neighbors... I am concerned
about the storage of the diseased elm on the property. I would
like to see a severe limitation on the chipping and hauling in-out
Jim Thompson: I think they ought to look at alternatives. I happen
to live next to an open burning area, I have quite a large concern
for the opening burning type of operation. I would like to see
restrictions put on that.
Tom Hamilton: I don't see anything in our Ordinance #47 that will
allow for this kind of activity in RiA agricultural area. Again
I think it's a heck of a good idea, it seems to me that if there
is going to be this much savings for Mr. Holasek, the County and
everybody else, rather than having a portable unit it would seem
it might be feasible to build some kind of structure around the
grinder to minimize the noise as much as possible. That noise
problem can be solved somehow and I don't think all the alternatives
have been looked at. It also concerns me that alot of the information
that we have received here seemsto be contradictory-the residents
have some information and the County has other. I think until such
time that we have a meeting of the minds on whats reasonable and whats
not I guess I would have a hard time granting a permit.
Mike Thompson: There seems to be some questionable facts, vague
areas. There is nothing we can do about the traffic. If all of us
lived over there we would be concerned about the open burning.
Bill Johnson: My comments pretty much match with everyone else with
the exception I feel perhaps our engineering staff should look into
these discrepencies. I'd like to look at alternatives for noise,
also to limit the hours of operation to midday.
Walter Thompson: I think Tom made the point that I was going to
make too. We've had an awful lot on conjecture and little data.
I'm inclined to believe that what Pat Murphy has presented to us
is valid. This operation is going to serve a necessary usage for
the community. I would go for it.
Chairman Horn: I guess I have a problem too with the discrepencies in
the input. I don't see how we can proceed on this until we have
the question answered on whether you can safely burn the chemicals.
Would the operation be feasible if open burning was not allowed on
the site? (Earl Holasek questioned where they would suggest bringing
the material.)
The Planning Commission would like input from the staff engineers
and they would also like a tabulation of hauling rates by local
haulers. The open issues needing clarification are open burning,
noise level, chemical information, alternative uses, verified
figures for Chanhassen's benefits, and verification of data.
Tom Hamilton moved, Bill Johnson second, that this item be tabled
until staff can come back to the Planning Commission with answers
to the questions and data requested tonight. Motion unanimously
Bob Waibel gave his comments and recommendations.
Chairman Horn opened the public hearing.
Gayle Wolff, 7608 Great Plains Blvd. was concerned about the advisory
body, not only the priest, being consulted about this request and
the notice of opening in the Carver County Herald.
David Pease, representing the Scott/Carver Economic Council, stated
they had spoken with Father Knorr of St. Hubert's Church. He further
explained the procedures and responsibilities of the Economic Council.
Tom Hamilton moved, Walter Thompson second, to close the public hearing.
Jim Thompson moved, Mike Thompson second, to approve the conditional
use permit request -subject to Bob Waibel's conditions. Motion
unanimously carried.
Tom Hamilton moved, Walter Thompson second, to table item #6
Motion unanimously carried.
Bob Waibel presented the request and recommendation of the City
Attorney to defer this matter until the parcel problem is clarified.
Craig Mertz explained the legal position. Chairman Horn requested
further information on this matter, and to hear the legal aspect
from the City Attorney.
Bill Johnson moved, Tom Hamilton second, to table this item until
July 23, 1980. Motion unanimously carried.
Bob Waibel presented the request. He informed of a difficulty
expressed by the Carver County Recorder's Office in allowing this
to become a lot-split due to rules for previously split Registered
Land Survey parcels. He further explained"that the Recorder's Office
requested that this come in as a plat~
There was discussion on the resurveying. The applicant expressed
her intentions. Craig Mertz explained the Meets and Bounds options.
The Planning Commission requested that the applicant explore the
options in detail and discuss them with the Carver County Recorder
and City Staff.
Bill Johnson moved, Jim Thompson second, to schedule a public hearing
on the proposed subdivision of RLS #15 - Carver County. Motion
unanimously carried.
Bob Waibel presented the review and his recommendations.
Fran Heigen illustrated the plan to the Commission.
There was discussion on the siz~, and the change of number of lots,
grade of approach to Pleasant View Road, the right-of-way, pedestrian
way easement, use of trail and the conditions and terms of staff.
The Commission Members questioned the inconsistency in number of
lots on various plans.
Walter Thompson moved, Jim Thompson second, to accept the proposed
Fox Chase Plat dated May 12, 1980, revised May 22,1980, as a final
development plan and that the comments and recommendations made be
Staff by included.
Near Mountain Final Development Review Request was asked to be taken
off of the agenda by the applicant.
** Bob Waibel informed that all Minutes on the Dunn & Curry proposal
will be sent out for final review and acceptance before they are
passed on to the City Council.
Art Partridge moved, Tom Hamilton second, to adjourn at 11:40
P.M. Motion unanimously carried.