1980 07 16 . CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission held i tsMeeting on July .16, 1980 at Chanhassen City Hall, 7610 Laredo. Present were: Chairman Clark Horn Walter Thompson Art Partridge Jim Thompson Mike Thompson Tom Hamilton Absent: Bill Johnson Also present were: Mark Koegler Bob Waibel Jim Orr Chairman Horn called the Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Change to March 25, 1980 Minutes - Jim Thompson' was administered the Oath of Office, not Michael Thompson. Jim Thompson moved, Art Partridge second, to approve the March 26, 1980 Planning Commission Minutes. Motion unanimously carried. Walter Thompson moved, Art Partridge second, to a.pprove the April 9, 1980 Planning Commission Minutes with the additi0n of Arlys Greborski being noted as the unidentified woman who approved of the Dunn & Curry project. Motion unanimously carried. Art Partridge moved, Mike Thompson second, to note the May 28,1980 Minutes as being a total misrepresentation of the meeting. Motion unanimously carried. The May 28, 1980 Minutes and the June 11, 1980 Minutes will be recon- structed and delivered for approval next week. P.ROPOSED SURFACE WATER USAGE REGULATIONS Mark Koegler addressed the set of regulations drafted by the Lake Study Committee. There was discussion on the 40 mile per hour speed, the coming within 100 feet of a diver's flag, and coast guard buoys. e tit -* - Art Partridge moved, Walter Thompson second, to recommend the Regulations for Surface Water Usage to the City Council for approval and adoption, and upon acception by the City Council that the Regulations be returned to the Planning Commission for public hearing purposes. Motion unanimously carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - RECREATION SECTION Mark Koegler addressed the various parks and recreation centers. There was discussion on lakes and wetlands. Mr. Koegler explained the neighborhood parks (play areas), along with the proposed plans of the Park and Rec Committee. There was further discussion on horse trails, hiking trails, baseball diamonds, dedications and the use of outlots. OPEN DISCUSSION * Bob Waibel informed that the Hennepin County chipper will be available Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. for a demonstration at Holasek's. * Two office warehouse building site plan reviews for the Dunn & Curry industrial area will be coming up soon. (Notice in paper also) * Mike Thompson inquired about a sign that has been put up on the east side of Pleasant View Road by the Derek Company. Discussion on the signs for Dunn & Curry project and other future and present rezoning and development projects. ADJOURNMENT Mike Thompson moved, Art Partridge second, to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried.