1980 07 23 e - :-. REGULAR SESSION CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION The Chanhassen Planning Commission held its meeting at Chanhassen City Hall, 7610 Laredo Drive, on July 23, 1980. Chairman Horn called the Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Chairman Clark Horn Walter Thompson Art Partridge Tom Hamilton Bill Johnson Tom Hamilton Absent: Mike Thompson Also present were: Bob Waibel Mark Koegler APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jim Thompson moved, Tom Hamilton second, to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of June 11, 1980. Motion unanimously carried. Art Partridge moved, Walter Thompson second, to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of May 28, 1980. Hotion unanimously carried. Jim Thompson requested that the Lake Study Committee receive the run-off studies mentioned on page 4 of the above Minutes. HOLASEK DISEASED TREE UTILIZATION SITE - CONTINUED DISCUSSION Bob Waibel reviewed the proposal and presented his recommendations. There was discussion on the possibility of hauling trees to another site. Pat Murphy and Paul Waldron, both of Carver County, answered questions in relation to the site. Mr. Murphy estimated that the City of Chanhassen could save $3700 per year by util~z~ng the Holasek site. He further gave a financial analysis (comparison of costs) on the proposal. The following modofications or additions to Mr. Waibel's recommendations were expressed by the Planning Commission: 1) #5 to include sawing, splitting and moving equipment; 2) They would like to see the hours from 9 - 5; 3)Check into restrictions on chipping activity deliveries; . e 4) #3, instead of periodically, state quarterly or as directed; 5) #11, have something that would indicate no burning at certain wind velocities; 6) #13 to .include"or at such time that there .are complaints that can be substantiated"; 7) delete #8; 8) add #6 from the residents' recommendations; 9) Mr. Holasek should be re- sponsible for any litter at any time caused by his operation; 10) General tightening up of all of staffs recommendations. There was discussion on the performance surety. The dollar amount has not yet been decided. Bill Soth - 6921 Galpin Blvd. expressed his concern that the Planning Commission is preparing to approve this. He questioned if the proper use for this land was to accomodate the County, City, etc. He also stated that the present greenhouse is non~conforming If this expansion is also non-conforming its us~ would be contrary to the permitted use for that classification. Chairman Horn requested that upon completion of the draft form of conditions one copy be sent to the residents. Tom Hamilton moved, that based on the input from Carver County and the citizens of the area that the increase in smoke due to open burning, increase irt diseased trees by bring~ngindiseased trees, and increased cost to the city, the requested by denied. Motion died due to lack of a second. The Planning Commission requested that staff incorporate their recom- mendations and that their motion be formulated at the time of review. DISCUSSION - NEAR MOUNTAIN PRD Peter Pflaum and Mike Pflaum of Pflaumwell Development Partnership were present to give an informational presentation to the Planning Commission on their residential development proposed in the Northeast part of Chanhassen. Part of the exhibits used were the development plans, a slide presentation and a marketing booklet for the project. SITE PLAN REVIEW, CHANHASSEN CLINIC, 500 WEST 79th STREET Bob Waibel presented the proposal and his recommendations. The Planning Commission discussed the adequacy of the parking and landscaping (maple trees). Bob Waibel included a recommendation that the applicartt provide a grading and drainage plan approved by the City Engineer. The Planning Commission further recommended a lighting plan and, if signs are to be used, that the requested be directed to the Sign Committee. 4Ia Water Thompson moved, Jim Thompson second, to recommend to the City f e e e Council that the site plan be approved with staff's recommendations plus the recommendations and conditions aforementioned on signing, lighting, and grading and drainage. Further that the 2A parking spaces be modified as requested by staff. Motion unanimously carried. SITE PLAN REVIEW-OFFICE/WAREHOUSE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY, LOT 6 BLOCK 5, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK Bob Waibel presented the plan and his recommendations. The applicant foresees no problems with Mr. Waibels conditions. The Planning Commission discussed the space usage, parking and shared parking. Art Partridge moved, Walter Thompson second, to recommend to the City Council that the site plan by Energy Controls as presented tonight be approved contingent upon staffs recommendations. Motion unanimously carried. SKETCH PLAN REVIEW, LOT 7, BLOCK 3, CHANHASSEN ESTATES Bob Waibel informed that the present Lot #7 (NE portion) has an encroachment by a structure built on the property. It will have to be subdivided to give a clear title to the structure (providing applicant provides an abstract or certificate.) He further explained the request. The Planning Commission is concerned about the proposed subdivided lot size. There was lengthy discussion on the overall subdivision, setbacks, possible modifications and the Qutcome of the subdivision. Chairman Horn requested to see alternatives with lot sizes on each. This matter was tabled until a later date. OPEN DISCUSSION Tom Hamilton mentioned that the rezoning of the Sinnen property should proceed forward. ADJOURNMENT Tom Hamilton moved, Bill Johnson second, to adjourn at 11:30 P.M. Motion unanimously carried. 3