1980 07 30 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JULY 30, 1980 e Chairman Clark Horn called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m~ Members Present: Jim Thompson, Art Partridge,. Tom ~Ia.milton,. Walter Thompson, Bill Johnson and Mike Thompson. ~ HOLASEK DISEASED TREE UTILIZATION SITE REVIEW~ Bob Waibel presented the proposed conditions as amended by the Planning Commissi.on.. ori July 23, 1980. Tom Hamil ton asked a question regarding the necessi. ty of tl1(~ hours for delivery of material to the site of Paul Waldron of Carver County who had indicated that the proposed opening and closing hours were also hours of high traffic in the area and that the diseased tree contractors, having work seasonal in nature,. do \\fork throughout most of the daylight hours. . Bill Johnson expressed a concern that the performance suret:yexplicit:ly include the pick up of tree debris on roadsides leading to the Holasek facility. Michael Thompson had questions regarding the open hurning and. Bob Waibel went over the aspects of the anticipated volumes to be burned and also some of the elements of the peA open burning permit and the proposed compliance requirements of the conditional use permit to said PCA requirements. 'e Wal ter Thompson moved that the Planning Commission recbnunend that. t:he City Council permit Mr. Holasek to acquire a chipper and operate it, further that the City Council refer to the comments of t.he Planning Comission meeting of July 30, 1980, as to the Planning Commission's feelings in this matter. No second. Motion ,.\lithdrawn. Jim Thompson moved that the Planning Commission recommend -t.hat the City Council approve the ordinance amendment to permit the proposal as a conditional use in the R-lA, Agricultural Residential District:. . as per the staff recommendations in the planning report of July 23, 1980, as noted and modified below: 1. Remain same~ 2~ Remain same. ; I ,~ 3. That Mr. Holasek agrees to be responsible to pick up tree debris. along County Road 117. 4. Remain same. 5. Amend to inc lude in recommeda tion - sav..ring, splitting or moving of material and that hours be changed from 8:00 a.m.. to 4:30 p.m~ Mondays through Fridays exclusive of holidays_ 6. Remain same. e 7. Remain same. ....."H';~~ ..,-..~- .,,~"~=~,,"..-