02-22-2022 PRC Agenda Packet-MEETING CANCELED
Commissioners may add or delete items at this time.
Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is
required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and
review prior to consideration.
F.1 Meeting Minutes: January 25, 2022
G.1 Park Task Force Member Interviews
H.1 February Festival Evaluation
Park & Recreation Commission Item
February 22, 2022
Item Meeting Minutes: January 25, 2022
Item No:F.1
Prepared By Christine Lusian, Administrative Support Specialist
Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated January 25, 2022.
Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated January 25, 2022.
01-25-2022 PRC Minutes.docx
JANUARY 25, 2022
Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The meeting was conducted
via teleconference.
MEMBERS PRESENT VIA ZOOM: Karl Tsuchiya, Sandy Sweetser, Jim Peck, Don Vasatka,
Scott Fischer, Matt Kutz, Heather Markert, Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee (left the meeting
early due to prior commitment).
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation
Park and Recreation Director Ruegemer would like to add an item regarding selecting three
questions for the interview process for the PRC to be added as item 2 under General Business.
Commissioner Sweetser moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0.
Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Sweetser seconded to approve the Minutes
of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated December 24, 2021 as presented.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0.
1. Parks Referendum Discussion
Mr. Ruegemer gave a presentation noting it was shared the previous night at the City Council
work session. The City Council indicated they are on board for a November 8, 2022 Park
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – January 25, 2022
Referendum. Guiding principles include stewardship of natural resources, connectivity within
parks and trails, engagement with the community, and adaptability. He shared about results of a
2019 Community Survey, the Parks and Recreation System Plan from 2017, and the Lake Ann
Park Preserve Feasibility Study from 2019. Mr. Ruegemer showed a referendum timeline on
screen showing key dates throughout the year, including creation of a task force, ballot language,
and advertising all leading up to election day on November 8, 2022. The task force would be
made up of 1-2 City Council members, 2 PRC Members, 1 Planning Commission Member, 1
Environmental Commission Member, 1 Senior Commission Member, and 6 at-Large Members
(2 from each geographic zone), as well as liaisons from local athletic associations. Mr. Ruegemer
walked through financing which could include bonds, cash reserves, and shared interest rate
estimates. Details on neighboring cities’ Community Centers as well as the Park and Recreation
System Plan Priorities were shown and options for the referendum including adding an aquatic
facility, expanding ice, permanent bathrooms at parks, an amphitheater, art center, indoor
park/playground, or additional gym space. Moving forward, Mr. Ruegemer noted the City
Council will designate the Task Force members who will work with Staff to define parameters of
project scope and capital investment and identify grant opportunities and project partners.
The Commissioners discussed the item and asked clarifying questions of Staff regarding
timeline, the Task Force, and interest rates.
2. Interview Questions
Mr. Ruegemer shared the historic process of appointing Commission members within the City,
noting they are now looking at doing video interviews for Park and Recreation Commission
members and he is looking to pare down the list to three interview questions.
The Commissioners discussed which questions would be most beneficial for interviewing and
finalized draft language for those questions:
1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong
candidate for this Commission?
2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for
Chanhassen Park and Recreation?
3. If you’re selected, what would you like the Park and Recreation Commission to
accomplish during your term?
Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the Interview
Questions for Park and Recreation Candidate interviews. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
1. 2022 February Festival Preview
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – January 25, 2022
Recreation Coordinator Priya Tandon gave a presentation highlighting events at the 2022
February Festival coming up on Saturday, February 5 at Lake Ann. Events include a medallion
hunt, ice fishing contest, free activities, music and concessions, snow-shoeing, dog-sled rides, ice
skating, horse-drawn wagon rides, and drawings for door prizes. Ms. Tandon walked through
other details of the event including ticket sales, volunteers, event sponsors, contests, and prizes.
Ms. Tandon thanked the Rotary Club, the Chanhassen Lions, the Watershed District, Chanhassen
Fire, and Carver County Sherriff, as well as Key Clubs, National Honor Societies, and Students
Today Leaders Forever for helping with the event.
Commissioner Sweetser moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director
Park & Recreation Commission Item
February 22, 2022
Item Park Task Force Member Interviews
Item No:G.1
Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director
The Park Task Force interview committee makes a recommendation to the City Council to appoint
the recommended Park Task Force Applicants.
On January 24th the City Council authorized the formation of the Park Referendum Task Force and
directed staff to advertise the opportunity for interested candidates who would like to serve on the Task
Force. The Task Force Interview Committee will conduct interviews with the schedule listed below. If
additional Task Force members are needed a large number of residents applied to be on the Park and
Recreation Commission and this could be a potential pool to add members at a later date.
Applicant interviews will be conducted on Tuesday, February 22, at 5:30pm in the Council
Staff will email a final candidate schedule, candidate applications and interview questions to in
interview panel by the end of the day on Friday, February 18.
The Park Task Force interview committee makes a recommendation to the City Council to appoint the
recommended Park Task Force Applicants.
Park & Recreation Commission Item
February 22, 2022
Item February Festival Evaluation
Item No:H.1
Agenda Section REPORTS
Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator
The City of Chanhassen's 29th annual February Festival was held on Saturday, February 5 from 12-3pm
on Lake Ann in Lake Ann Park. It is estimated that 1,500 people attended this year's event.
Ice Fishing Contest
A total of 688 ice fishing contest tickets were sold in 2022, 276 of which were pre-registrations and 412
of which were day-of. Overall ticket sales and pre-registrations slightly below, but generally on track
with 2020 sales. A total of 54 fish were caught during the contest, so all top 50 fish prizes were given
away. The largest fish by weight went to John Lynch of Eden Prairie, who caught a 2.34 lb. Northern
Pike, and won a 24V Strikemaster Auger donated by Automotive Unlimited in Chanhassen. Over
$6,000 in total fish prizes were given away as part of the contest with contributions coming from 9
local businesses. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for drilling over 1,000 holes for the
ice fishing contest.
Fishing Contest Marshals
Twelve Chanhassen Lions Club members volunteered their time as ice fishing contest marshals again
this year. They helped at the event by checking fish participants as they entered the contest area,
educating participants of special regulations and contest rules, and weighing fish at the weigh station.
Staff hope to continue working with the Lions Club in future February Festivals as they do a fantastic
job as contest marshals and are a huge asset to the event.
Food and Drink Concessions
The Rotary Club of Chanhassen coordinated and operated the concessions at this year's festival. The
Rotary sold a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as snacks, and Grill Star
Catering sold burgers, fries, and custard. We appreciate the service of the Rotary Club of Chanhassen
and Grill Star Catering and are looking forward to partnering with them at future FebFests. In the
future, an additional outside food vendor may be secured by the Rotary to sell hot concessions on the
ice to provide options for attendees and to minimize lines.
Door Prizes
Each person in attendance at the festival could register for one door prize ticket for a chance to win over
$3,000 in prizes. The door prize tickets are separate from the ice fishing contest tickets and were free to
all participants. Thirteen local businesses contributed to the 2022 door prizes.
Two bonfires were placed on opposite ends of the festival area. Both were very popular throughout the
day, especially as it was fairly cold outside. It is recommended that we continue to have to fires to
ensure an area to warm up and roast marshmallows.
S'mores and Bait Sales
Chanhassen BSA Scout Troop #330 sold s'mores kits and live bait on the ice. Many people take
advantage of the bait sales on the ice and we appreciate the annual service of Troop #330. One thing to
consider for 2023 would be expanding the options of bait available.
Snowshoeing Demo Hikes and Kids' Bingo
The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) returned to February Festival this year
and offered free snowshoeing demo hikes, a kids' Bingo activity, and educational information about the
watershed district. The snowshoeing demo hikes are very popular and it is recommended that we
continue inviting the RPBCWD back to offer this activity.
Skating Rink
A few event attendees utilized the skating rink for ice skating with many children using the area to run
around and play. Carver County Park kick sled demos are usually in this area, but were unable to attend
this year due to staffing issues. It is recommended that staff reach out early and bring this activity back
to FebFest in 2023.
Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides
The horse-drawn wagon rides provided by Ken-Mar Farms continues to be extremely popular and
provides another activity not related to the fishing contest. It is a fun family event that should continue
in the future.
Dog Sled Rides
The city contracted with Silent Run Adventures to offer dog sled rides again this year. The rides were
extremely popular and two volunteers were present to help load/unload riders, take photos, and move
along the line.
Medallion Hunt
The FebFest medallion was found on Wednesday, February 2nd by Brian, Julia, Erica, and Andrew
Rodenz of Chanhassen. The medallion was found buried in the snow under the large evergreen tree near
the City Center Park sign. The Rodenz family received a prize basket from Charter Bank in Chanhassen
valued at over $500. Charter Bank Chanhassen has been the title sponsor of the medallion hunt since
Comments for Next Year
Due to staffing and supply chain issues, Carver County Parks' kicksled demos and Michael's
Cycles fat-tire bike demos were absent at FebFest this year. Staff should work with both
organizations early to ensure their presence at FebFest 2023 as they are both popular activities.
Initiate 'ice games' on the ice for participants to enjoy, such as ice beanbag toss and ice bowling.
Some other cities incorporate these aspects in their events and they appear to be popular.
Research options to display real-time fishing contest results that participants can view throughout
the contest. This would be a beneficial aspect to the contest and would also decrease time
between the fishing contest end and price announcements.
Expense Report 2022.pdf
All Fish Caught FebFest 2022.pdf
Yearly Temperatures and Ticket Sales.pdf
Ticket Sales $6,880.00
Total $6,880.00
101-1611-4130 (Budget: $2,600)
Cabin Fever Sporting Goods (Fishing Contest Prizes) $2,425.84
Minnesota Trophies (Medallion) $46.67
Amazon (Handwarmers) $75.98
Miscellaneous supplies $141.52
Total $2,690.01
101-1611-4300 (Budget: $2,850)
Silent Run Adventures (Dog Sled Rides)$1,060.00
Ken-Mar Farms (Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides)$850.00
Midwest Sound (DJ Services)$845.00
Digital Impact Solutions (Fishing Contest Tickets)$149.00
MNDNR (Fishing Contest Permit) $35.00
Total $2,939.00
101-1611-4340 (Budget: $1,300)
Southwest Publishing (Print Ads)$1,415.00
Total $1,415.00
101-1611-4400 (Budget: $700)
Rent-N-Save (Portable Restrooms) (est.)$400.00
Total $400.00
101-1611-4410 (Budget: $1,700)
Warning Lites (Cones)$346.00
Waste Management (Garbage Bins) (est.)$374.64
Epic Event Rental (Stage & Beanbag Toss)$196.20
Ultimate Events (Tent & Tables)$1,277.75
Total $2,194.59
TOTAL REVENUE: $6,880.00
BALANCE: -$2,758.60
2022 February Festival
Expense Report
*February Festival is the first of four events under the Community Event Sponsorship Program. Forty-four businesses have
pledged $33,385.00 in cash and goods for 2022 to support these four events.
Top 55 Fish By Weight Wednesday, February 9, 2022
8:40:58 AM
Entry Number First Name Last Name Hometown Fish Species Weight Entry TimeRank
62 John Lynch Eden Prairie Northern Pike 2.34 2/5/2022 2:44:36 PM1
33 Todd Carlson Chanhassen Northern Pike 2.08 2/5/2022 1:44:26 PM2
44 lucas lininger Watertown Northern Pike 1.67 2/5/2022 1:57:34 PM3
49 Vince Corbin Silver Lake Northern Pike 1.56 2/5/2022 2:25:35 PM4
47 Todd Hesse Victoria Northern Pike 1.52 2/5/2022 2:24:57 PM5
68 Ivan Cordona Shakopee Northern Pike 1.5 2/5/2022 2:59:45 PM6
26 Scott Frost Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.44 2/5/2022 1:41:37 PM7
7 Daryl Schmieg Victoria Northern Pike 1.42 2/5/2022 1:15:01 PM8
14 Frank Zellner Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.38 2/5/2022 1:30:52 PM9
55 Gretchen Pogge Eden Prairie Northern Pike 1.34 2/5/2022 2:27:16 PM10
25 Maren Jecha Excelsior Northern Pike 1.27 2/5/2022 1:40:59 PM11
31 Will Bierden Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.24 2/5/2022 1:43:52 PM12
36 Dan Weanberger Fairbault Northern Pike 1.24 2/5/2022 1:45:41 PM13
43 ally huot Belle Plaine Northern Pike 1.22 2/5/2022 1:57:11 PM14
53 Tony Robling Jordan Northern Pike 1.22 2/5/2022 2:26:44 PM15
54 Dustin Hoen Norwood Young
Northern Pike 1.18 2/5/2022 2:27:01 PM16
11 Bobby Renss Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.16 2/5/2022 1:16:14 PM17
51 Jake Norwick Richfield Northern Pike 1.12 2/5/2022 2:26:14 PM18
Page 1 of 3 13
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
8:40:58 AM
Entry Time
2/5/2022 2:44:36 PM
2/5/2022 1:44:26 PM
2/5/2022 1:57:34 PM
2/5/2022 2:25:35 PM
2/5/2022 2:24:57 PM
2/5/2022 2:59:45 PM
2/5/2022 1:41:37 PM
2/5/2022 1:15:01 PM
2/5/2022 1:30:52 PM
2/5/2022 2:27:16 PM
2/5/2022 1:40:59 PM
2/5/2022 1:43:52 PM
2/5/2022 1:45:41 PM
2/5/2022 1:57:11 PM
2/5/2022 2:26:44 PM
2/5/2022 2:27:01 PM
2/5/2022 1:16:14 PM
2/5/2022 2:26:14 PM
Entry Number First Name Last Name Hometown Fish Species Weight Entry TimeRank
17 Ken Fricke Minnetonka Northern Pike 1.11 2/5/2022 1:31:57 PM19
39 kyle victorian Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.11 2/5/2022 1:55:13 PM20
50 Steve Robling Chaska Northern Pike 1.09 2/5/2022 2:25:54 PM21
24 Ruben Pedroza Costa Mesa Northern Pike 1.04 2/5/2022 1:35:47 PM22
64 Neil hannah Crystal Northern Pike 1.01 2/5/2022 2:54:03 PM23
67 Dean Peterson Newport Northern Pike 0.94 2/5/2022 2:59:04 PM24
61 Neil Zimmermann Shakopee Northern Pike 0.91 2/5/2022 2:44:18 PM25
28 Pete Mccollum Bloomington Northern Pike 0.86 2/5/2022 1:42:25 PM26
6 Marty Johnson Chanhassen Northern Pike 0.85 2/5/2022 1:14:34 PM27
45 ryan sandberg Burnsville Northern Pike 0.84 2/5/2022 1:58:01 PM28
56 Ryan Lynch Chanhassen Sunfish 0.49 2/5/2022 2:27:36 PM29
10 Ivan Cardona Shakopee Sunfish 0.47 2/5/2022 1:16:00 PM30
30 Jeff Oberman Excelsior Sunfish 0.47 2/5/2022 1:43:38 PM31
34 Jim Murphy Chanhassen Sunfish 0.42 2/5/2022 1:44:56 PM32
9 Tim Anderson Champlin Sunfish 0.4 2/5/2022 1:15:37 PM33
38 ben hanson Waconia Sunfish 0.36 2/5/2022 1:54:54 PM34
1 Megan Arlt Chanhassen Perch 0.3 2/5/2022 1:12:39 PM35
27 Tim Murphy Norwood Young
Sunfish 0.28 2/5/2022 1:41:58 PM36
4 Bryan Vos Waconia Perch 0.26 2/5/2022 1:13:40 PM37
66 Grant Friendshin Jordan Perch 0.1 2/5/2022 2:58:11 PM38
23 Nate Meger Shakopee Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 1:34:00 PM39
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Entry Time
2/5/2022 1:31:57 PM
2/5/2022 1:55:13 PM
2/5/2022 2:25:54 PM
2/5/2022 1:35:47 PM
2/5/2022 2:54:03 PM
2/5/2022 2:59:04 PM
2/5/2022 2:44:18 PM
2/5/2022 1:42:25 PM
2/5/2022 1:14:34 PM
2/5/2022 1:58:01 PM
2/5/2022 2:27:36 PM
2/5/2022 1:16:00 PM
2/5/2022 1:43:38 PM
2/5/2022 1:44:56 PM
2/5/2022 1:15:37 PM
2/5/2022 1:54:54 PM
2/5/2022 1:12:39 PM
2/5/2022 1:41:58 PM
2/5/2022 1:13:40 PM
2/5/2022 2:58:11 PM
2/5/2022 1:34:00 PM
Entry Number First Name Last Name Hometown Fish Species Weight Entry TimeRank
35 Darren Anderson Chanhassen Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 1:45:11 PM40
46 John Molencand Shakopee Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 2:24:42 PM41
58 Tessa Simon Chicago Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 2:28:50 PM42
13 Matt Strand Eden Prairie Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:30:32 PM43
16 Jeff Costello Chanhassen Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:31:37 PM44
18 Jodie Johnson Chaska Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:32:14 PM45
40 luke jayer Chanhassen Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:55:50 PM46
42 josh costello Victoria Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:56:54 PM47
65 Peng Yang Hudson Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 2:54:24 PM48
2 Matt Curtis Shakopee Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:13:01 PM49
8 Mike Farrell Chanhassen Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:15:19 PM50
22 Steve Yarger Chaska Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:33:43 PM51
41 chris homan Woodbury Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:56:18 PM52
5 Wesley Koepp Jordan Perch 0.01 2/5/2022 1:14:01 PM53
59 Andrew Schroep Chanhassen Perch 0.01 2/5/2022 2:43:29 PM54
57 0 2/5/2022 2:27:47 PM55
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Entry Time
2/5/2022 1:45:11 PM
2/5/2022 2:24:42 PM
2/5/2022 2:28:50 PM
2/5/2022 1:30:32 PM
2/5/2022 1:31:37 PM
2/5/2022 1:32:14 PM
2/5/2022 1:55:50 PM
2/5/2022 1:56:54 PM
2/5/2022 2:54:24 PM
2/5/2022 1:13:01 PM
2/5/2022 1:15:19 PM
2/5/2022 1:33:43 PM
2/5/2022 1:56:18 PM
2/5/2022 1:14:01 PM
2/5/2022 2:43:29 PM
2/5/2022 2:27:47 PM
Year Lake Date Daily High Total Tickets Pre-registrations Day-of Column1
Inaugural Lake Susan February 19, 1994 49 °F No data No data No data
2nd Annual Lake Susan February 18, 1995 43 °F No data No data No data
3rd Annual Lake Ann February 17, 1996 25 °F No data No data No data
4th Annual Lake Ann February 15, 1997 19 °F No data No data No data
5th Annual Lake Ann February 14, 1998 35 °F 632 249 383
6th Annual Lake Ann February 6, 1999 28 °F 895 268 627
7th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2000 30 °F 1094 325 769
8th Annual Lake Ann February 3, 2001 23 °F 918 277 641
9th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2002 32 °F 744 205 539
10th Annual Lake Ann February 1, 2003 38 °F 998 267 731
11th Annual Lake Ann February 7, 2004 21 °F 1032 224 808
12th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2005 53 °F 1061 213 848
13th Annual Lake Ann February 4, 2006 18 °F 1061 162 899
14th Annual Lake Ann February 3, 2007 -1 °F 821 316 505
15th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2008 28 °F 1275 293 982
16th Annual Lake Ann February 7, 2009 35 °F 1224 424 800
17th Annual Lake Ann February 6, 2010 28 °F 594 136 458
18th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2011 28 °F 709 139 570
19th Annual Lake Ann February 4, 2012 30 °F 602 114 488
20th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2013 12 °F 509 72 437
21st Annual Lake Ann February 1, 2014 19 °F 518 73 445
22nd Annual Lake Ann February 7, 2015 36 °F No data No data No data
23rd Annual Lake Ann February 6, 2016 36 °F 635 97 538
24th Annual Lake Ann February 4, 2017 34 °F 779 127 652
25th Annual Lake Ann February 3, 2018 36 °F 662 112 550
26th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2019 34 °F 664 113 551
27th Annual Lake Ann February 1, 2020 36 °F 780 291 489
28th Annual Virtual February 1-6, 2021 (-10) - 30 °F 284 223 61 *Virtual contest
29th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2022 28 °F 688 276 412
*event cancellation occurs when wind chill temps are -30 degrees at 10am on event day