1980 10 01 APPROVED ON It> &?t;? -to e MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION HELD OCTOBER 1, 1980, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7610 LAREDO DRIVE AMENDED ON _It) tJ??I-?(J Members Present: Chairman C. Horn, J. Thompson, B. Johnson, w. Thompson, T. Hamilton, and M. Thompson Members Absent: A. Partridge Staff Present: M. Koegler and N. Rust Others Present: Councilman Dale Geving Review Housing Inventory: -- The Planning Commission reviewed the revised housing inventory. Mr. J. Thompson felt a visual of a single family unit on an average residential lot should be included within the inventory section because single family dwellings has traditionally been the prominent housing type in the city of Chanhassen. Discussion followed on the alternative housing types. Mr. W. Thompson expressed concern about encroachment of garages within the setback area if they are constructed after the construction of the dwelling. Mr. Koegler responded that that would be a development standard which could be incorporated somewhere in the Housing Plan. The Planning Commission expressed no other concerns with the housing inventory and approved of its overall contents. Discussion, Housing Plan: Ms. Rust explained the relationship between the Metropolitan Council and the City of Chanhassen and the housing goals the Metropolitan Council has set for the city. She proceeded to explain the housing policies which were separated under two categories: (1) Housing Availability and (2) Housing Quality. Chairman Horn felt ratios of subsidized housing units oriented toward families or the elderly should be included in the policy section of the Housing Plan. Discussion followed on the process the Metropolitan Council used to determine the numerical housing goals set for Chanhassen and the ratio of subsidized housing to new construction between 1980 and 1990. e Mr. Johnson felt that with Chanhassen's present population, it would be difficult to support the subsidized housing units Metropolitan Council has established in its goal statements. He also felt land write-down programs were not appropriate at this time for Chanhassen and the bulk of the subsidized e Minutes of the 10-1-80 Planning Commission Meeting Page 2 housing should be incorporated within future large residential development proposals. He felt the financial commitment Chan- hassen could feasibly make toward subsidized housing construc- tion was a key point and should be evaluated. Chairman Horn felt a good location for subsidized elerly housing was near the downtown business core which was not proposed for redevelopment. In repsonse to the Planning Commission, Mr. Koegler explained the family and elderly percentage breakdown for subsidized units was determined by HUD and, in most cases, could not be exceeded. Discussion followed on the numerical housing goals for Chanhassen, and possible funding programs the City could implement to meet its housing goals. Mr. Johnson felt a general approach to implementation would be best, whereby they would not designate numerical goals for particular programs and housing types. e It was felt the industrial park was a prime determiner of housing needs for the community. In the discussion of the policy for the placement of subsidized housing, Mr. Koegler indicated the intent of the policy was to ensure similar review practices for both subsidized and market-rate housing developoments so that subsidized housing units would not be placed in "inferior" locations due to inconvenient locations of services. The Commission wished to eliminate a reference to "inferior" location and felt it was adequate to just ensure similar review practices would occur for both market-rate and subsidized housing develop- ments in the housing practices. For the policy on alternative housing in the city, Mr. Johnson felt it should be noted we will encourage alternative housing but specific types should not be included. The Commission wished to include the issue that the City of Chanhassen has traditionally been predominantly a single-family community but will consider, as the need arises, alternative housing. Discussion closed. Discussion, Transportation Plan: e Mr. Koegler reviewed the Transportation Plan. He indicated the construction of Highway 169-212 would not occur prior to 1990 due to lack of available construction funds; this would result in increased traffic on State Highways 5 and 41. He said he had asked the Metropolitan Council to e Minutes of the 10-1-80 Planning Commission Meeting Page 3 do computer runs on volume analysis without the construction of Highway 212 for the period of 1980 through 1990. In their traffic projections, the Metrpolitan Council had assumed Highways 169-212 would be constructed and this showed lower traffic volumes for Highways 5 and 41. The traffic projectsions were accomplished through the definition of Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ), which is a geographic modeling by which the estimates can be made. Mr. Koegler noted that bus transit was currently limited to two routes in Chanhassen, the Commission felt this was inadequate for the City's needs. The plan showed a proposal for additional buses on existing routes and route expansion. e Discussion occurred on the designation of the Highway 169-212 corridor. Mr. Koegler explained existing transportation systems and deficiencies within them. The Commission generally felt a temporary contro~led intersection should be placed at the entry to the Industrial Park. Mr. J. Thompson felt the entry from the Minnewashta area unto Highway 7 should be more controlled. Discussion occurred on whether the policy should be to pave streets in the undeveloped areas of the community. Mr. Koegler displayed a graphic delineating a draft major street plan which incorporated the old transportation plan of 1972 and recent changes with the city's transportation systems. The plan included major arterials, intermediate arterials, and collector streets. Chairman Horn felt something should be done to help deter the curvature problem of Highway 101. Mr. Johnson was concerned about Highway 5's adaptability to the future increased traffic flow. Following further discussion of Highway 5 and its construction, the Commission felt it would be best to connect Highway 101 to Dell Road just north of Highway 5 and to bring Highway 101 down to Highway 5 south. The Commission asked Mr. Koegler to express this concept to the City of Eden Prairie for their reaction and response. Discussion occurred on Bluff Creek Drive and possible connection to Highway 17. The Commission felt this action should be deferred at this time. Discussion closed. Adjournment: Mr. Hamilton moved to adjourn the October 1, 1980, Planning Commission. Mr. W. Thompson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. e Meeting adjourned .