1980 11 12
HELD NOVEMBER 12, 1980, AT 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Chairman C. Horn, Mr. J. Thompson, Mr. W.
Johnson, Mr. T. Hamilton, Mr. W. Thompson,
Mr. A. Partridge, and Mr. M. Thompson.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: B. Waibel, C. Mertz, J. Orr, and N. Rust.
Approval of Minutes:
October 22, 1980, Planning Commission Minutes: Mr.
J. Thompson noted he would like an addition made to his comment
on page 6 which said lithe development proposal was not the best
use 0 f the 1 and. II Mr. Ham i 1 ton and C h a i rm an H 0 r n i n d i cat e d
they would like the following statement added to their comments
on page 6: "I do not care for the design features of the develop-
ment." Mr. Partridge moved the October 22, 1980, Planning Com-
mission Minutes be approved with the above-noted amendments.
Mr. M. Thompson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion
September 29, 1980, City Council Minutes: Mr. J. Thompson
moved to note the 9-29-80 City Council Minutes. Mr. Hamilton
seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
October 6, 1980, City Council Minutes: Mr. Hamilton
moved to note the 10-6-80 City Council Minutes. Mr. Johnson
seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Waldrip P.R.D., Preliminary Development Plan Review, Public Hearing:
(It was noted at the beginning of this hearing that
an incorrect legal description was used when compiling the ab-
stractor's certificate which resulted in an incorrect mailing
list of residents. Consequently, this could not be viewed as
an official public hearing but only as an informational meeting
to gather input from the public.)
Mr. Waibel explained the request saying the applicant
was requesting permission to construct 38 residential units
which include 8 units of double bungalow, 12 units of four-
plex, and 17 units of townhouses. He said there was presently
one single family dwelling in the west-central portion of the
site. The subject property was zoned P-1 with the surrounding
properties zoned R-1. Mr. Waibel indicated municipal water
service was available to the subject property but gravity sewer
services were only available to that portion of the site which
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
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was north of the existing single-family residence abutting Galpin
Boulevard and Steller Circle. He discussed the relationship
of the proposed to the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive
Thoroughfare and Transportation Map, saying the subject property
and its environs were to assume a low-density single family
profile and Galpin Boulevard would assume a collector function
with Lake Lucy Road assuming a local street function.
Mr. Waibel recalled the subject property was zoned to
P-l in 1970 with the condition that no more than 87 units be
constructed on the site. He said the Assistant City Attorney
had rendered the opinion that due to the fact the rezoning oc-
curred ten (10) years ago with a different applicant, the Planning
Commission had considerable discretion in deciding how the subject
property should be developed. Mr. Waibel noted the site did
have intrinsic qualities which distinguished it from the sur-
rounding single family land uses but there are some areas of
concern dealing with transportation and utilities. He said
that based on the premise that staff felt the development of
the subject property with an interior street system was most
preferrable, staff recommended the Planning Commission recommend
the City Council approve the proposed subdivision for the double
bun9alow units along Galpin Boulevard with the conditions that:
1. the units proposed in phases I and II receive
access via an internal street as depicted
in the plans reviewed by the Planning Commission
in March of this year,
2. that the proposed covenants and restrictions
for the subject development are acceptable
to the City Attorney's office,
3. that the number of units proposed in the town-
house phase be subject to future site plan
review by the Planning Commission and City
Council, and
4. that the applicant successfully completes
final development plan review as required
by Zoning Ordinance No. 47 and Subdivision
Ordinance No. 33.
Mr. Kenneth Waldrip, the applicant, recalled he purchased
the subject property in 1977 with the intention of preventing
the possibility of a developer coming in and constructing 87
townhouse units. Mr. Waldrip did not feel this was an appropriate
use of the property. He said that, after working on several
options of development for the site, it was determined that
double bungalows would be the most compatible use within the
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
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surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Mark Nesset, architect for the
applicant, noted the impact of double bungalows on the neigh-
borhood would be less than that of single family dwellings due
to the number of curb cuts and the relationship of the tree
line. Mr. Waldrip said he originally desired to develop the
site over a period of time but, due to the on-line assessments
placed on the property, he must now develop the entire site
more quickly. Mr. Waldrip then explained the definition of
on-line assessments to Mr. Don Kelly, 2081 West 65th Street.
In response to Mrs. Ellen Chilvers, 6271 Hummingbird Road, Mr.
Waldrip said he would not actually construct all of the units
but would retain architectural control over those he did not
build through establishment of development covenants and restric-
tions. All the units would be single-story. Mrs. Chilvers
and Mr. Kelly expressed concern about the drive accesses unto
Galpin Boulevard indicating they did not feel Galpin Boulevard
could handle the additional traffic caused by the proposed develop-
ment. Mr. Waibel responded that staff recommended the accesses
be unto the proposed interior street with 65th Street and Steller
being the two main accesses. Mr. Kelly commented that if the
units were single-story, it should not affect the view; however,
he was concerned about the driveways unto Galpin Boulevard because
(1) the speed limit at that point was 40 m.p.h. and (2) from
Melody Hill to Steller Circle the road is at approximately 20
percent grade and many times during the winter, that road is
virtually impassable on the hill portion and definitely unsafe
for those coming out and in driveways at that point. Mr. N.
H. Dixon, 1950 Crestview Drive, wished to note that he was not
notified of this meeting due to the incorrect legal description,
and asked why it would not be possible to place one single family
dwelling on acre lots, which would conform to the surrounding
property. Mr. Waldrip responded that single family homes would
over-develop the site and he had already incurred expenditures
involving a planned unit development. In response to Mr. Harry
Roberts, 6441 Galpin Boulevard, Mr. Mertz stated he did not
believe there were any legal rights inherent with the property
allowing a developer to automatically construct 87 units. He
said the zoning only implied planned unit development, not the
actual number of units. Mr. Waldrip disagreed with Mr. Mertz's
statement. In response to Mrs. Harlan Johnson's (6340 Hummingbird
Drive) question about the necessity of widening Galpin Boulevard
as a result of the proposed development, Mr. Waibel said there
is already a 66-foot right-of-way. Chanhassen's standard for
collector streets such as Galpin Boulevard is 60 feet with a
36 foot wide street section. He noted it was vague at this
time what the function of Galpin Boulevard would be in the future
but there were some possibilities of re-alignment. He did not
think the traffic generation in that area from the proposed
development would be significant to alter the design or right-
of-ways of the road. No traffic counts were available at that
time. Mrs. Chilvers noted that traffic counts taken in the
past may be incorrect due to the closing of a near by highway
which resulted in increased traffic volume for Galpin Boulevard.
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Mr. Waldrip noted it would be an economic hardship on
himself if he was forced to build the interior street prior
to lot sales for development, as well as provide sewer service.
He felt the Planning Commission should recommend to the City
Council: (1) the plan should be approved as stated by staff
with the double bungalow and four-plex units; (2) the interior
street should be included; and (3) the sewer assessments for
the site should be deferred until the property was developed
and sold.
In response to Mrs. Chilver's question about the process
of rezoning the property back to R-l, Chairman Horn said current
practice of the City was to review rezoned properties at the
end of a one-year period for any action taken on the develop-
ment of the property. If no action had been taken, the City
could consider down-zoning the property to its former zoning
Mr. Mertz referred to the contract for the zoning issued
in 1970. He said it was a document dated August 17, 1970, and,
at this time, although the City had jurisdiction over the Waldrip
property, was using the old Chanhassen Township Zoning Ordinances
for that area because the comprehensive zoning ordinance for
the City was not adopted until February of 1972. That contract
allowed for no more than 87 units. He noted that "not more
than" were the key words.
Following discussion of the proposal, Mr. Waldrip indicated
he would like a public hearing scheduled for January 14. The
Commission generally agreed with this. Discussion closed.
Rezoning Request from R-IA to I-I, 8740 Galpin Road, Merle Volk,
Public Hearing:
Mr. Mertz explained the specific request for a rezoning
from R-IA to I-I was changed to request that the ordinance
be amended to provide that the particular construction activity
proposed be a conditional use in the R-IA Zoning District. He
noted that, with this change, the applicant would avoid the
issue of spot zoning but would open the R-IA area for this use
as a conditional use; thus, the Commission would have to decide
whether or not a contractor's yard was appropriate as an R-IA
use. Mr. Mertz stated the public hearing notice was broad enough
to allow for the revised request.
Mr. A. H. Michals, representative for the applicant,
recalled that a few weeks prior to that evening, an informational
meeting was held on the proposal, and they received an indication
from the Commission that they would not be agreeable to a rezoning
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
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of the site to I-I. He did meet with surrounding property owners,
and they noted they were concerned that such a rezoning may set
a precedent for moving industrial uses outside the MUSA line.
The applicant was asking that a conditional use presently allowed
in the I-I district, which allows "contractor1s yards when conduc-
ted entirely within fully enclosed structures and are within
a completely fenced area," be added as a ninth conditional use
in the R-IA district. Mr. Michals stated they would have no
problem with reducing the size of land involved in the requst
to only that land surrounding the structure.
Mr. Roger Schmidt, 8301 Galpin Boulevard, asked if the
amendment was granted as requested, would that allow others
to come in with the same activity? He said he does not object
to the applicant's present activity but was concerned about
any intensification of that activity.
Chairman Horn felt the request should be re-published
un d e r the tit 1 e II con di t ion a 1 use perm i t II rat her t h a n lire z 0 n i n g II
so that it would be more descriptive. He said he was aware
of several individuals who would be interested in this topic.
Mr. M. Thompson was concerned about how one could justify a
contractor's yard in an R-IA zoning district. Discussion fol-
lowed on related situations which existed in the city.
Mr. Earl Holasek, 8610 Galpin Boulevard, stated he had
no objection to the request. Mr. Gerald Gustafson, 8341 Galpin
Boulevard, noted he had no objection to the current activity
but was concerned about any future intensification. Chairman
Horn responded that if a conditional use permit was granted,
further intensification would not be allowed because that permit
would only be for the existing activity. In response to Mr.
Schmidt, Mr. Michals said notices of the public hearing were
sent to property owners within 400 feet of the entire tract
of land owned by the applicant not just that portion used for
contracting purposes.
In response to Mr. M. Thompson, Mr. Volk said that at
the time he moved his business to the subject property, he did
not ask the City if it was a permitted use in that area because
he did not realize it was not a permitted use. Mr. M. Thompson
moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Partridge seconded.
All voted aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Johnson said he had some empathy for the applicant
ana his hardship but the fact remained that the area was zoned
R-IA and by allowing the requested conditional use, that use
would differ from the present conditional uses in the R-IA
zone because they are more public oriented. He felt they would
be setting a precedent by allowing this as a conditional use.
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
e Page 6
Mr. Partridge noted he had no arguments with the present
operation. He had reservations about amending the ordinance,
but he felt the ordinance should be amended to allow this activity
as a conditional use. He did not want the property rezoned
to I-I.
Chairman Horn asked Mr. Mertz that if they were to proceed
with the ordinance amendment, could they only allow this type
of use in businesses established as of a particular date. Mr.
Mertz responded that that was a possibility. Mr. Partridge
disagreed with this tactic.
Mr. J. Thompson commented that he had mixed emotions
on the request. He did not wish to see this use or activity
propagated throughout the R-IA district and felt it was Mr.
Volk's responsibility to check permitted uses for the area before
he moved there. He did understand the neighbors had no objection
to the existing activity but felt it was in violation of the
Mr. M. Thompson said they did not really know the degree
of hardship for Mr. Volk. He noted that because almost 75 percent
of the City's land was zoned R-IA, many of the City's residents
would be interested in action taken on a conditional use such
as that requested. He did not feel the residents would favor
t his con d i t'i 0 n a 1 use and f e 1 t the y w 0 u 1 d bed 0 i n gad i s - s e r v ice
to them by recommending in favor of it.
Mr. Hamilton said he felt the applicant had violated
the zoning ordinance. He was opposed to making any ordinance
changes and said that since the change in the request was only
brought out that evening, more time should be given to its con-
sideration. He was not in favor of spot zoning but felt the
activity so far on the subject property had been operated neatly.
He felt there should be a viable solution to the situation.
Mr. W. Thompson felt they were always putting in road
blocks for entrepreneurs, such as the applicant, who are attempting
to perform a service. He felt that as long as the equipment
was stored and the area fenced, the situation should be per-
mitted by adding the activity as a ninth conditional use in
the R-IA district.
Chairman Horn noted he also had mixed feelings on the
request. He said he knew of some individuals who would have
an interest in the decision made that evening and felt the issue
should be published with its revised request. He also felt
unable to make any decision that evening due to that change.
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Mr. Hamilton moved to deny the request to amend the
ordinance to allow a contractor's yard as a conditional use
within the R-IA district. Mr. M. Thompson seconded the motion.
All voted aye with the exception of Chairman Horn, who felt
a new public hearing should be set due to the revised request.
Motion carried.
Sketch Plan Review, Lots 6 and 8, Block 1, Terara Acres Addition,
Harlan Koehnen:
Mr. Waibel explained the applicant was requesting per-
mission to subdivide Lot 8, Block 1, into two 15,840 square
foot single family residential building sites, and Lot 6, Block
1, into two approximately 17,500 square foot single family residen-
tial building sites. He noted the applicant wished to divide
Lot 6 in an east/west direction with the northerly half to
access unto Terara Lane and the southerly half to access unto
Audubon Circle. Frontage, however, would not be available on
Aububon Circle, thus causing the southerly half to become land-
locked. A variance would have to be granted to allow the sub-
division. Mr. Waibel indicated there were drainage problems
on the lots which make residential development difficult.
Mr. Waibel said the applicant is seeking subdivision
approval because, due to the north service area public improve-
ments project, Lot 6 has been assessed for two units of sewer
and water. Lot 8 was similar to other proposals received
in the area and meets ordinance requirements. He said staff
recommended that the Planning Commission order a public hearing
to consider the applicant's request provided that the applicant
post all necessary escrows with the City Treasurer's office
to defray staff costs in processing this application and
prepare any additional preliminary plat information required
by the City Engineer.
Mr. Koehnen, the applicant, noted he felt he could
obtain an easement unto Audubon Circle from Lot 6.
In response to Mr. Partridge, Mr. Mertz said the
second unit charge on Lot 6 would be eliminated if subdivision
approval were not granted. However, if subdivision approval
were granted for Lot 8, a second unit charge would be added
to that lot.
Mr. Koehnen said if only one assessment were placed
on Lot 6, he would not have pursued a subdivision of Lots
6 and 8.
Discussion followed on the drainage conditions of
the two lots in question.
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Mr. Partridge moved to grant a public hearing for
the proposed subdivision of Lots 6 and 8, Block 1, Terara
Acres Addition. Mr. Hamilton seconded. All voted aye. Motion
Site Plan Review, Office/Warehouse Building, Lot 1, Block 1,
Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Dayco Concrete:
Mr. Waibel explained the applicant was proposing to
construct an approximately 16,380 square foot office/warehouse
building on a 2.55 acre parcel located in the northwest quadrant
of the intersection of Park Drive and Park Road. The property
was zoned P-4, planned industrial district, and did have
sewer and water service available. He reviewed the question
of orientation versus parking and said that one of the main
concerns of staff was that there be no parking capacity problems
in the future brought on by the usage flexibility of the
proposed type of building. Mr. Waibel said the proposal
is for the building to be oriented towards Park Road with
the loading areas to be on the north side of the building and
garage bays for fleet vehicles on the east side. Staff felt
an alternative orientation of the building could be to the
north. He further said landscaping in the northern one-
third and eastern portion of the property could enhance the
visual qualities of the site. Such landscaping could consist
of extensive berming and planting of conifers that are road
salt resistent. Staff recommended the Planning Commission
approve the site plan for Dayco Concrete conditioned on the
1. that the site plan be adjusted as found appropriate by
the Planning Commission after discussing the previously
mentioned design issue of building and parking area set-
backs and building and parking area to lot ratios.
2. that there be no open storage of materials ancillary
to the businesses located in the building.
3. that fleet vehicle parking be conducted as described
in the applicant's letter of October 15, 1980.
4. that the applicant receive grading, drainage and lighting
plan approval from the City Engineer and City Council.
5. that the applicant work with staff in developing the
landscape plan for the screening of loading areas.
6. that all non-impervious areas be seeded with the exception
of boulevard and berm areas which are to be sodded.
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
Pa~e 9
7. that the perimeters of all maneuvering and parking areas
have concrete curbs and that all roof-top mechanical
equipment be screened.
8. that the applicant post a letter of credit to insure
completion of all off-structure improvements in an amount
specified by the City Engineer.
9. that a maneuvering area around loading facilities be
maintained at 65 feet.
Mr. W. Thompson expressed concern about another road
entering unto Highway 5.
The applicant indicated he would work with staff
on the site plan lay-out and had no problem with removing
the nine temporary parking spaces.
In response to Mr. W. Thompson, the applicant said
the exterior would be similar to that of the new City maintenance
building. The applicant then showed drawings of the proposed
Mr. Hamilton moved that the proposed site plan for
Dayco Concrete Company be approved with the conditions stated
in the Planning Report dated November 16, 1980. Mr. W. Thompson
seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
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Mr. Waibel recalled the last review of this proposal
was at the August II, 1980, City Council meeting where the
applicant was granted preliminary plat approval provided
the overall density did not exceed 2.9 units per acre and
the total number of units not exceed 600. At this time,
the Planning Commission was to have the final development
plan review. Mr. Waibel felt that with regard to the sequence
of platting, any departure from the proposed sequence shown
on the utilities plan should receive staff review to offset
any potential complications with utilities, etc., and a
review report must be submitted to the Planning Commission
and City Council for their consideration. He indicated
that it would be acceptable to staff to include in the develop-
ment contract the entire project, with escrow accounts being
provided on a plat by plat basis. Staff would also accept
the request that any future assessments be spread on each
lot when platted. In regard to the proposed 20 foot front
yard setback for the twin home units, Mr. Waibel said he
wished to decline any comments at this time but that staff
was not presently inclined to give any variances such as
that requested.
Mr. Waibel noted that a major change in the develop-
ment from the last time it was reviewed by the Planning
Commission was the increase in parkland area adjacent to
the northeast corner of Lake Ann Park. This area had been
included due to an advancement of a LAWCON grant application
for the City.
Mr. Waibel stated staff recommended that the Planning
Commission recommend approval of the final development plan
for Chaparral West as contained in the Planning Commission
exhibits for the meeting of November 12, 1980, with the
following conditions to be incorporated into the final plat
and development contract:
1. That all densities proposed for future phases in Outlots
A and B. be contingent upon successful site plan review.
2. That site plan and preliminary plat review of said future
phases additionally require preliminary development
plan review information required by subsections 3 and 4 of
Section 14.05 of Zoning Ordinance No. 47 not submitted
for the present overall review of Lake Ann P.R.D. including,
but no excluded to, any proposed covenants or restrictions,
development contracts, architectural renderings, and
nature of ownership and management.
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
Page 11
3. That the applicant disclose to the City any work incidental
to the development of Chaparral West which may minimize
municipal cost in developing the dedicated park areas
(such could include grading and landscaping activities).
4. That a no-build/no-grade line be established along the
drainway in the southeast portion of the proposed development
for purposes of preservation of the existing drainway
slopes and provision of relatively level yard area for
the proposed residences along said drainway.
5. That the egress of the subject development unto Minnesota
Trunk Highway 5 be designed to permit only right-in
and right-out movements.
6. That at the time of development of Outlots A and B,
provisions for a public street be made in a fashion
similar to that discussed in the preliminary development
plan reviews.
7. That the roadways within the multiple areas of the development
be 32 feet in width and that the road widths along Potomac
~ Drive, Pawnee Drive, and Aztec Drive be 36 feet in width.
8. That the applicant draw the final plat so that setback
variances will not be needed for gravity sewer due to
slope conditions.
9. That a minimum structural setback of 110 feet be adopted
for properties adjoining Minnesota Trunk Highway 5 and
Powers Boulevard. (The applicant has indicated considerable
opposition to this condition. This office feels that
further discussion on this may be warranted in order
to arrive at a standard that will assure that the objectives
of this particular requirement are accomplished.)
10. That the areas indicated as park and the 80 foot strip
of land along Lake Ann be accepted for purposes of park
and public open space and that said 80 foot strip be
reviewed by staff for its location relative to ordinary
high water marks.
11. That approval of the final development plan be conditioned
upon successful completion of an E.l.S. review, watershed
district review, review by the Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources and Soil Conservation District.
12. That the proposed covenants and restrictions are found
to be acceptable by the City Attorney's office, the
Planning Commission, and the City Council.
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13. That the trunk, sewer, and water services be constructed
within the development as per the Schoell and Madson
feasibility study dated March 26, 1980.
14. That a bituminous pedestrian way 8 feet in width be
constructed as part of the development around the west
side of Potomac Drive and extending along Aztec and
Pawnee Drives to the Park area.
15. That a conservation easement be dedicated, as per the
comprehensive plan, along the drainway in the southeast
portion of the proposed development with said conservation
easement being coincident with the no-build-no-grade
line to be established.
16. That consideration be given to reduce the crowding
effect of the twin homes proposed in the area of lots
14 through 16 of Block 3 and the townhouses proposed
on Lots 35 through 38 of Block 2.
17. That at no time shall any part of the development have
a single acces greater than 600 feet in length.
Mr. Waibel noted that in discussions with the applicant,
Mr. Dunn, a request was made to delete Tahoe Road from the
plans and staff was in agreement with this request with
the condition that the remaining three egresses from the
development would have no problems in regard to congestion
and stacking distance.
The County Engineer indicated concern about the full access
unto Highway 5, site distance, and wished the egress from
Potomac were shifted south. The County Engineer had also
expressed concern about the capacity of culvert in the northeast
section of the site.
Mr. Dunn said the proposal that evening was a modification
from staff's recommendations. They had reduced the number
of units to 600 and adjusted the density accordingly. He
noted he had two primary concerns: (1) the limitation of
access on Park Drive from Highway 5 and (2) the 110 foot
setback from County Road 17. Mr; Dunn further noted that
an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was being conducted
which would eliminate the need for an Environmental Assessment
Worksheet (EAW).
In response to Mr. J. Thompson's question on the
ratio of land uses, Mr. Greg Frank from new Horizon Homes
said Outlot B would be commercial, Outlot A would have about
120 apartment units; there would be 140 single family homes,
168 twin homes, and 172 townhomes. Discussion occurred on
the design of the homes proposed for the development. In
response to Chairman Horn's question about the possibility
11-12-80 Planning Commission Minutes
Page 13
of row houses, Mr. Frank said they were researching them
but they would only be possible on flat land. Discussion
followed on the ratio of multiple family to single family
units and the cost of the units with concern expressed in
both areas. Mr. Frank indicated he did not feel a 110 foot
setback was necessary from County Road 17.
Chairman Horn said he would like to see a mix of
housing types. Mr. Frank responded that would be difficult
due to associations involved. It was noted that the greater
part of the run-off from the development would be into Lake
Discussion occurred on the access points unto Highway
5. Mr. Dunn felt only a right-in, right-out access at Lake
Ann was extremely constraining and said a traffic engineer
should examine the situation before a recommendation was
made on the access points for the development. Chairman
Horn recalled that Park Road was recommended by the Planning
Commission only until the time New Highway 17 was completed.
Mr. Frank commented on staff's recommendation. He
said that New Horizons did not feel bike paths were important
to the development and further commented on the proposed
road widths.
Mr. Hamilton moved to recommend to the City Council
that the final development plan be denied based on the feeling
that the developers and builders are not working with the
City and taking into consideration the City's best interests
and that the City Council send the request back to the Planning
Commission for further negotiation with the developer. Mr.
J. Thompson seconded. Mr. Johnson said he felt denying the
request was not the proper way to approach it because this
would not clear up any problems but would only stop the process.
The following voted:
Ayes: Chairman Horn, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. J. Thompson, Mr.
M. Thompson, and Mr. Partridge.
Nays: Mr. W. Thompson and Mr. Johnson.
Motion carried.
Discussion occurred on the housing mix, setback
requirements, and the accesses unto Highway 5. Mr. J. Thompson
felt phasing should be incorporated into the development
process. Discussion closed.
Meeting adjourned at 1:15 a.m.
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