1980 11 19
HELD NOVEMBER 19, 1980, AT 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Chairman Horn, Mr. J. Thompson, Mr. W.
Johnson, Mr. T. Hami 1 ton, Mr. W. Thompson,
Mr. A. Partridge, and Mr. M. Thompson.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Mr. M. Koegler, Mr. B. Waibel, and Ms.
N. Rust.
Approval of Minutes:
Mr. Partridge moved to approve the October 15, 1980,
Planning Commission minutes. Mr. M. Thompson seconded
the motion. All voted aye with the exception of Mr.
Hamilton, Mr. W. Thompson, and Mr. Johnson, who abstained
due to absence at the October 15, 1980, meeting.
Discussion, Solar Access Element:
Ms. Rust explained a solar access element is being
included within the Comprehensive Plan because of legislation
passed amending the Metropolitan Land Planning Act which
requires all local governments in the metropolitan area
to include such a section. She proceeded to explain
the two basic forms of solar energy systems, passive
and active.
Ms. Rust discussed the possible methods for implementing
solar access protection. The goal proposed to be followed
in this process was to encourage through administrative
practices, policies, and plans the installation and protection
of solar energy systems in residential, commercial, industrial,
and governmental areas of the city. Implementation involved
the setbacks of buildings, building height, and street
orientation and direction. It brought in the concept
of density allowances on south-facing slopes and site
plan review as with planned unit developments. Discussion
occurred on how the City could actually put the implementation
methods into action because of the complexity involved
in solar energy. The Commission felt policy no. 9, which
read IIExclusionary zoning and sprawl-producing large
lot zoning will not be justified through solar access
because reasonably high housing densities may be achieved
without s.~.c.r.i,fi,~i..f1g solar access provided the housing
is carefully sited and oriented,1I should be re-worded
to include the meaning of mis-using zoning laws as justification
of solar access. The Commission also felt uncomfortable
11-19-80 Planning Commission Minutes
Page 2
with the content of policy no. 6, which read II Existing
trees should only be removed if they interfere with existing
or proposed solar energy systems,1I and wished it to be
re-drafted with emphasis placed on the preservation of
Discussion, Comprehensive Plan Draft:
Mr. Koegler said two meetings were designated
to review the Comprehensive Plan Draft, that evening
and December 10, 1980. He said the goal was to hold
a public hearing after the holidays on the Plan. He
then explained the review process involved.
Mr. Koegler noted the only major change in the
Draft was the transportation section where Highway 41
was shown with freeway status in the plan but MnDOT did
not consider this viable for at least 50 years. Consequently,
Highway 41 had thus been down-graded to an arterial status
roadway, which was in conformance with the Metropolitan
Counci 11 s Transporta ti on Pl an.
Discussion occurred on the methods used to notify
the public of the public hearing and it was felt that
it would be best to notify on a neighborhood basis, through
the librarY'J and through the mail and newspaper. The
Commission was concerned about the time involved in the
public hearing due to the extensive content of the plan.
Mr. Koegler responded that a summary of the plan would
be prepared for the public of the major highlights of
the plan.
Discussion closed with more specific comments
to be made by the Commission on the Comprehensive Plan
Draft at the December 10, 1980, meeting.
Open Discussion:
Chairman Horn told the Commission members of an upcoming
seminar on planning related items and reminded them of
the upcoming public hearing by the City Council on the
downtown redevelopment project. The Commission discussed
the appointment of new Planning Commission members.
Mr. Hamilton moved to adjourn the 11-19-80 Planning
Commission meeting at 9:30 p.m. Mr. J. Thompson seconded.
All voted aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.