1980 12 03
HELD DECEMBER 3, 1980, AT 7:45 P.M.
AMENDED ON t.:I -/1-j'lJ
Members Present: Chairman C. Horn, J. Thompson, W. Johnson, T.
Hamilton, W. Thompson, A. Partridge, and
M. Thompson.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: B. Waibel, C. Mertz, and N. Rust.
Mr. W. Thompson moved to amend the agenda to place
item no. 2 between item nos. 4 and 5 so that the public
hearing on the satellite fire station may be held as scheduled.
Mr. Hamilton seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed.
Northwest Chanhassen Satellite Fire Station, Subdivision and
Conditional Use Permit, Public Hearing:
Mr. Waibel explained the subject property was located
in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Minnewashta
Parkway and Minnesota Trunk Highway No.7 and was zoned
R-1, Single Family Residential District. Sanitary sewer
and municipal water are available to the property. He explained
the City Council's decision to purchase the subject parcel
was the result of an approved referendum passed one year
ago which included the construction of this satellite fire
station. Mr. Waibel stated it was the Planning Commission1s
responsibility to determine what planning considerations
should be included in the design and site plan to insure
that the City's construction meets requirements set for
other developments within the community.
Mr. Waibel noted that staff had two areas of concern,
which were: (1) that the architecture and site lay-out
be designed so as to blend in as much as possible with the
surrounding residential land uses and (2) that the lighting
plan include a couple ornamental grounds lighting fixtures
for safety and surveillance purposes.
Mr. Waibel recommended the Planning Commission recommend
that the City Council approve the conditional use permit,
site plan, and subdivision of the property with the condition
that the proposed building be moved to the west to increase
the currently proposed 20 foot front yard setback to a minimum
of 30 feet on Minnewashta Parkway and that ornamental grounds
lighting be added to the site to provide for safety and
4It surveillance.
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Mr. Kenneth Durr, a developer of property near the
subject site, showed drawings of the proposed structure
and site lay-out with relationship to surrounding parcels.
He said the satellite fire station was proposed to be constructed
in the northernmost part of the city and could not serve
the best interests of the community with the station location
at such a distance from the remaining residences. Mr. Durr
further said he felt the alternative location of Highways
41 and 7 would be better. Mr. Waibel responded that the
reason the subject location was chosen was because that
section of the city had always been significantly removed
from any other facilities in the city for fire protection.
In response to Mr. Durr, Councilman John Neveaux
said the Community Facilities Committee had asked the Fire
Department to survey the northwest area of the city and
arrive at potential locations for the satellite fire station;
thus, the City essentially looked at the Fire Department's
recommendation and that recommendation was for the proposed
site. The lay of Highway 7 was a concern in the study for
access on and off that highway for emergency vehicles. Mr.
Jack Kreger, Chanhassen Fire Chief, was present and said
response time from the station may be quicker at the location
of Highways 7 and 41 but the residential population is sparse
there and it would take longer for the volunteer firemen
to arrive at the station because of the greater distance
involved. Discussion occurred on the number of individual
volunteers responding to fire calls and the number of fire
calls reported over the last few years.
Mr. John Schardlow, planning consultant for Mr.
Kenneth Durr, discussed similar situations with satellite
fire stations in other communities.
Mr. Jack Boarman, architect of the proposed facility,
said the subject site was chosen from the standpoint of
location with regard to the northwest lake area and accessi-
bility north unto Highway 7, taking safety into account.
He noted there was some natural screening for the site and
some berming would also be included in the landscaping.
The parking area was separate from the main access for safety
reasons, and it was not a "drive-through" station but required
the vehicles to back-up somewhat. Mr. Boarman then proceeded
to explain the structure elevations and the materials proposed
for its construction. Mr. Bob Ritter, developer of property
south and west of the subject site, questioned the durability
of the proposed siding materials on a public building and
the opportunity for expansion of the station on that site.
Mr. Boarman responded there were no plans for future expan-
sion of the building but rather additional satellite fire
stations would be constructed in the city when necessary.
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Also, he had successfully used the proposed siding materials
on other public buildings.
Discussion occurred on the release of bids for the
proposed construction.
Mr. Hamilton moved to close the public hearing.
Mr. M. Thompson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion
Mr. Boarman agreed with staff1s recommendation that
there be a 30-foot setback from Minnewashta Parkway and
said grounds lighting would be provided as recommended.
Mr. Hamilton moved to accept the proposed satellite
fire station plan per staff recommendation with the exception
the building be moved an additional 10 feet toward Highway
7. Mr. W. Thompson seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed.
Sketch Plan Review, Replat Request of Lots 1979 and 1960,
Carver Beach, Margaret Rossing:
Mr. Waibel explained the applicant was requesting ap-
proval of the proposed replat to create continut~y of ownership
between Lots 1979 and 1960 that would guarantee access be-
tween the easterly and westerly lots, if necessary. Mr.
W. Thompson moved to hold a public hearing for the replat
request by Margaret Rossing. Mr. Johnson seconded. All
voted aye with the exception of Mr. Partridge and Mr. M.
Thompson, who voted nay and indicated they would like to
discuss the proposal with the applicant prior to a public
Discussion, Oakmont Rezoning:
Mr. Dave Sellergren, representative from Larkin,
Daly, and Hoffman for the owners of the Oakmont property,
reviewed a letter from himself submitted to the Commission
only that evening. The owner of the property was Partnership
Investments and they had a contract of purchaser's interest
on the property. The bulk of the site is still on Contract-
for-Deed. Mr. Sellergren said his client had not received
notice of the last public hearing. His client, in 1977,
sent a letter to the City saying they did want notice of
such hearings. He noted one of the owners had begun construct-
ing his home on the subject property and thus would have a
4It personal interest in further development of the property.
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Mr. Sellergren said there was a contractual document
between the City and his clients which was signed in 1970
regarding the property. He said the agreement had no prohi-
bitions on its assignability and was his feeling, therefore,
t~'t the transfer was proper. Mr. Mertz responded the contract
was assignable but what rights were connected with that was
a totally different matter. Mr. Sellergren proceeded to
say the contract signed in 1970 was premised on the provision
of sanitary sewer facilities, which to date have not been
installed. He further said there was a prohibition in the
agreement itself by the City of any construction of multiple
d we 1 1 i n g sin the a b s e n ceo f sewer and i t was en cum b,e red up 0 n
the City to provide sewer. His clients had indicated to
the City they were ready to develop and asked that sewer
be provided. He said his clients' position had not changed.
In response to Mr. J.Thompson, Mr. Sellergren said there
was no actual corresondence between his clients and the City
in 1972 when the new zoning ordinance was passed but it indicated
in the agreement itself that there was a recognition that
there was a new ordinance under consideration and agreement
was made by his clients to subject themselves to the provisions
of that new ordinance and the provisions to which they agreed
at the time was attached as an exhibit to the agreement. Those
provisions did not contain the provision for annual review
and reversion of zoning. He felt the action requested to
be passed by the City Council was pursuant to provisions
not attached to the contract.
Another point Mr. Sellergren raised was a question
regarding land use. He said the contract provided for no
more than 91 acres of development out of a total of 186 acres;
over 50 percent of the site was dedicated for recreational
and public use. The approved number of dwelling units was
2800 which could be applied on a gross density basis of 15
dujac and on a net basis of 30 dujac. He was aware that
those figures were not in keeping with the Comprehensive
Plan and did not think plans were to develop at that high
of a density; however, the concept of clustering and some
increased density on the buildable land was desired.
Mr. Sellergren felt the R-IA zoning category did
not fit the site and PUD was the correct usage of the site
with the concept of clustering around the more sensitive
lands. He said that if his clients had to develop the property
with single family dwellings, they would be hard-pressed
to donate 50 percent of that area for recreational and public
Mr. Mertz asked Mr. Sellergren if his clients were
willing to waive any objection that they might have to not
receiving notice of the previous public hearing and, if so,
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was he authorized to bind his client on that point; and, if not,
it was his recommendation that another public hearing be
scheduled by the Planning Commission. Mr. Sellergren said
his client was willing to waive that objection because they
appreciated the opportunity to come before the Commission
that evening and they expect an opportunity to appear before
the City Council as well. He further said he did have the
authority to bind his client to such a waiving.
Mr. Mertz then gave some background information to
the Commission on the site. That information included a
map which was not the map cross-referenced in the contract
but it was a density sketch prepared for the property and
was dated 1969. He explained the key features of the sketch
and reviewed the 1970 contract/agreement with the Commission
as well as the history of the site. Mr. Mertz felt property
owners had entitlement to certain land use categories when
action such as the obtainment of a building permit, significant
construction, or substantial expenditures for development
had been taken on the property.
Mr. Mertz noted that two years ago Partnership Invest-
ments was before the Planning Commission with a different
development plan for the site which requested the establishment
of 26 - 30 single family lots that were a minimum of 2~ acres
in size with the balance of the property in outlots. He
thus felt Partnership Investments abandoned their previous
plan for 2800 units.
Discussion occurred on the amount of land to be dedicated
as parkland. Mr. Mertz recalled the owners of the property
could not go beyond the sketch plan stage because of City
Council Resolution No. 911721, which dates back to early
1972 and says the Planning Commission was not authorized
to process applications beyond the sketch plan unless sewer
is imminent.
Mr. Sellergren said the activity in 1978 with the
proposal for single family lots was irrelevant because nothing
had happened with it. Discussion occurred on the process
the property owners would have to follow to develop the site
and the method of development.
Mr. Johnson moved to reconsider the previous recommen-
dation of the Planning Commission to the City Council to
down-zone the Oakmont property from P-2, Planned Residential
District, to R-IA, Agricultural Residential District. Mr.
Hamilton seconded the motion. All voted nay. Motion failed.
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Mr. Mertz distributed informational booklets to the
Planning Commission on the proposal by frank Bedore and Jerome
Carlson for a new tax increment district surrounding liThe
Press.'1 He said the proposal would be discussed at the December
10, 1980, Planning Commission meeting.
Discussion, Tax Increment Overlay District:
Mr. Waibel recalled the Planning Commission wished
a relay of their responsibilities and the time schedule involved
with the downtown redevelopment overlay district plan. Don
Ashworth, City Manager, was present to give this information.
Mr. Ashworth said that in the year 1977, the H.R.A.
went through the process of looking for ways to carry out re-
development in the downtown area and ways to encourage business
in that area. The only feasible way determined by the H.R.A.
was through tax increment. He said a plan was then prepared
with findings that established the district. As far as how
this area was to be developed, those findings did not include
that information. The plan did adopt land uses and street
patterns. Mr. Ashworth continued that the H.R.A. then tried
to come up with a plan with their only concern being the
downtown area. They came up with names of developers for
the ring road or core area for a specific plan which was
presented to the City Council in May of last year where it
was approved. This was handled as a plan modification that
was filed with the State. Therefore, the issues of land
use, development methods, street configurations, controls,
et~, have not been addressed for outside the ring road area.
Mr. Ashworth said there are two options available
for the redevelopment area: (1) The H.R.A. leaves the plan
in a general format because that area outside the ring road
area is in this format or they could go through the same
process used within the core area and develop a plan. They
would then have to go through a public hearing and submit
it to the Planning Commission for their reaction and then
to the City Council for a decision; or (2) the Planning Commi-
ssion establishes through an overlay zone, rezoning of property,
etc., what the area should look like and the H.R.A. reacts
to their plan. He said the H.R.A. would like to see the
Planning Commission create the plan as in the second option
because it fell within their function. Mr. Ashworth indicated
that the decision of responsibilities between the Planning
Commission and H.R.A. should be determined in a joint meeting
between the H.R.A. and Planning Commission. B.R.W. should
present a schedule to them and both Commissions should decide
upon who should react and who should initiate.
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Brief discussion occurred on issues which the Planning
Commission wished to address in the overlay district plan,
and on the time schedule they were up against.
Approval of November 12, 1980, Minutes:
Mr. Partridge moved for approval of the 11-12-80
Planning Commission Minutes. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Hamilton. All voted aye. Motion passed.
Reappointment of Planning Commission Members:
Mr. M. Thompson was up for reappointment and he notified
the Planning Commission that he wished to resign his positin.
Therefore, there were a total of three (3) positions open
on the Planning Commission.
Mr. Partridge moved to adjourn the 12-3-80 Planning
Commission meeting at 11:40 p.m. Mr. Hamilton seconded the
motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.