1980 12 10 APPROVED ON ..Ir.::?!;::.t:t e MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD DECEMBER 10, 1980, AT 8:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN'COUNCIL CHAMBERS AMENDED ON t; 7~efL. Members Present: Chairman C. Horn, T. Hamilton, W. Thompson, and A. Partridge. Members Present: W. Johnson, J. Thompson, and M. Thompson. Staff Present: M. Koegler, B. Waibel, C. Mertz, and N. Rust. Approval of the November 19, 1980, Planning Commission Minutes: Mr. Partridge moved toapprove the November 19, 1980, Planning Com- mission Minutes. Mr. Hamilton seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion, Comprehensive Plan Draft: r- Mr. Koegler presented a schedule for the completion of the Comp- rehensive Plan with the final adopti'on proposed to occur on April 1, 1981. The Commission revi'ewed that portion of the Comprehens i ve P1 an up to the Land Use Section and made selected word changes within the contents. Cha;'rman Horn expressed concern about the maintenance of park and recreatton areas and Mr. Koegler responded to him that a portion of that informat;'on on maintenance would be fncluded within the Capital Improvements Program, whi'ch was not yet completed. Concern was also expressed on plans for adequate ftre protectton wtthin the city and Mr. Koegler stated the ComprehensiVe Plan made provtsion for two fire stati'ons, the existing stati'on and th.e satel1 He fi're station proposed for the northwest sectton of the ci'ty'; he further stated it was expected thos'e two facilities woul d b-e adequate for the next ten-year period. Pi'scus'ston occurred on the pl acement of s'ol ar energy withtn publ ic bui'ldfngs and on th,e prese~att0n of fram land. Discussion closed with no motion necessary. e Park I, Municipal Development District and Tax Increment District: Mr. Mertz explained the background for the Park I tax increment distrtct proposal. He said there were seven different statues in the state whtch allowed cities to estaBlish tax increment districts. The developer, i'n tilt's case, was proposing the use of the Municipal Develop- ment District Act rath~r than the H.R.A. statute which was being used for the downtown project, thus this project would not be an H.R.A. project I:}ut would be th'e responsit5'f'lity of the City Council. Mr. Mertz noted that thi~ act did not require the estab1fshed district be blighted. ( - Minutes of the 12-10-80 Pl anni'ng Commi ss ion Meeting Page 2 .. Mr. Mertz indicated that there were actually two statutes which must be dealt with in this si'tuation: (1) the Municipal Development Act which authori'zes the district and (2) Chapter 273, which is comparable to a set of safeguards the State Legis1aturel1as imposed upon all newly created tax increment distrfcts. Thus. any value created i'nthat district would be shared in the Metropolitan Fiscal Disparities Pool and the City was obl i'gated to send a copy of the District plan to the Hennepin County Board and the Eden Prai'rie School Distri'ct for their comments. He conti nued that once the dts'trtct was. created, there were certain rpeorts on performance whtch would lTave to 'be prepared on an annual Basi's. This dtstrict could only exi'st a period of eight (8) years. Mr. Mertz said tneMuni'ci'pal Development Dtstri'ct s'f1'euld Be vtewed as the total long range plan and the tax, tncrement df'strtct sh.oul d Be vtewed as' tfl~ short run development plan fQt" tlTe needs' of "'Tne P.res's}l' only. Ere then proceeded to di'scuss the elements i'ncluded wf'th each dtstri'ct des-i'gnati'on and to relay the goals of the developers' for Ute Muni'ci'pal Develepment Di'strict. Dtscuss-ton occurred on the exi'stf'ng traffi'c probl em with the i:nter- secti,'0n of lJi'ghway\101 and tl1e nlllrth, frontage road.1'4r.Mertz then explatned th,e, map of the preposed 11uni'ci'pal Development Di'stri'ct and the tmprovements;wi'tlti'n i't, wh i'ch, were: C1 I 184 th, Avenue Becoming a 4- la,nd t'oad an~, ending in the Milwaukee Road right-of-:way; (2) construction of West 77th Street behind "The Press" building; (3) construction of the new internal road; and (4) the extens i on of the south frontage road easterly of the Eden Prairie line. Chairman Horn disagreed with the P1anls statement that "there are no i,mprovements programmed for tf5ghway 5 in the vicinity of the develop- ment area," and sai'd i't was his understanding that Eden Prairie had praposed a four-lane ef Highway 5 west of Chanhassen in their Comprel1en- si,ve Plan. Di'scusston occurred on the numBer of employment opportunities which would result from thi's project and ef tIle transportation plan for the area, t.e., stgnallfng. Mr. Mertz stated that two different consultants worked on the expend- i'ture pertton of the Iplan, B.R.W~, whose responstbtltty was to work out the fi'nances, and Sdioe 11 and Madson, whose responsibi 1 ity was to do the engi'neeri'ng and cost estimates for the actua 1 construction. He said there was a slfgnt variatton Between the fi'gures prepared By the two consul tants But that vari'atton was' not stgntftcant. He further said that accordi'ng to B.R.W. project costs would be patd 80 percent tl1rough tax i'ncrement with the remaining 20 percent coming from special assess- ments. Accordtng to the Schoell and Madson study, 74 percent of the project costs would be covered by tax tncrement and 26 percent through specfal ass'es's,ments. e - Minutes of the 12-10-80 Planning Commission Meeting Page 3 Mr. Mertz reviewed the assumptions made in the B.R.W. report on the cash flow and said the conclusion was that if these assumptions were correct, there would be adequate funds to pay for the improvements at the end of the eight-year period. Discussion occurred on the modification process of an adopted plan such as the proposed and Mr. Mertz explained the process was es- sentiallya review by the Planning Commissionand a final decision by the City Council. . Chairman Horn noted that his concern was with the transportation section of the proposal and that it should be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Waibel noted that both the Comprehensive Plan of 1968 and that under draft at the present time indicated the subject property to ass'ume and maintain an industrial identity; the current zoning was P-4, Planned Industrial District. He further said the pro- posed plan was consistent with previous plans on the Park I site. Chairman Horn said he would not like to see a signal at 184th Street prior to the removal of the Dakota Avenue signal lights. Dis- cussion occurred on the1raffic flow into the SUbject area. Mr. Frank Bedore, the applicant, discussed the background of the propos'a 1 with the Commissi'on. Mr. Hamilton moved the Planning Commission resolve the Municipal Development District No. 1 and Tax Increment District No. 2 Plan was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Chanhassen relati.'Ve to land use, sewer, water, and storm sewer. However, the Commtss;'on found some discrepancy in the transportation portion, such di'screpanci'es Being the stoplight at 184th Street and the stoplight at Dakota Avenue. The Commission felt tl1e issue of how they would tie 184th Street into Highway 101 had not yet been resolved, also, and shoUld be taken into consideration. The Commission wisl1ed to note that the stoplight at Dakota Avenue would have a bearing on the frontage road south of IHgnway' 5. Motion was seconded By Mr. Partridge. All voted aye. Moti.on carri'ed. Adjournment Meeti'ng adjourned at approximately 11:00 p.m. .