1980 12 17
APPROVED ON /-Jl.j.p 1-
HELD DECEMBER 17, 1980, AT 8: 00 P.M.
Members Present: Chairman C. Horn, J. 'lhompson, W. Johnson, T. Hamil ton,
W. 'lhompson, A. Partridge, and M. 'lhompson.
.M=:rnbers Absent: None.
Staff Present: B. Waibel and N. Rust.
Approval of December 3, 1980, Planning Corrmission Minutes:
Mr. M. 'lhompson wished a clarification be made under the section
liRe-appointment of Planning Ccmnission Members" that he had not resigned
but rather his term had expired and he wished to re-apply for the Planning
Canmission position rather than be re-appointed. Mr. Partridge move to
approve the 12-3-80 Planning Camnission Minutes as amended by Mr. M. 'lhompson.
Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. fution carried.
Site Plan Review, Chanhassen Clinic, Lot 1, Frontier Developnent Park Two:
Mr. Waibel explained that the subject request was essentially
a site plan arnendrrent request to the clinic plans approved by the City
Council in August, 1980. 'lhe applicant was proposing the following changes:
(1) Reduction of the gross floor area of the proposed structure
from 8,000 square feet to approximately 4,000 square feet.
(2) An increase in the parking setback fran 8 feet to 13 feet.
(3) REmoval of any cross easement parking.
Mr. Waibel noted the applicants indicated no irrmediate plans for
expansion of the facility and they were advised that if future expansion
did occur, a demonstration of adequate parking would be required.
Mr. Waibel stated that staff felt the proposed plan was an improve-
ment over the previously approved plan due to the scaling down of the
site plan which resulted in a significantly increased area for landscaping.
He recorrmended that the Planning Coomission recanmend that the City Council
approve the site plan arnendrrent as shown on the Hustad-Pontinen exhibits
with the following conditions:
(1) 'lhat all roof-top TIEchanical equipn.ent be screened.
(2) 'lhat the perimeter of all parking and maneuvering areas have
concrete curb installed.
(3) 'lhat the trash storage area be screened with 100 percent
opaque material of brick or wood with a color compatible
with the proposed color of the clinic building.
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(4) 'lhat the applicant receive grading, drainage, and lighting
plan approval by the City Engineer.
(5) 'lhat payment of all applicable trunk charges for the sewer
and water along West 79th Street be administered.
(6) 'lhat the proposal be subject to the 1980 Building Code as
proposed to be adopted.
(7) 'lhat the proposal receive fire marshall review and approval
of the site plan lay-out.
In response to Mr. Johnson, Dr. Benson, the applicant, said they
are reducing the building to a one-story because they feel a two-story
structure was no longer necessary.
Brief discussion occurred on the building materials and landscaping.
Mr. Partridge rnoved to recorrmend to the City Council approval
of the site plan amendment as shown in the Hustad-Pontinen exhibits subject
to those conditions stated by staff in the planning report. Mr. W. 'lhompson
seconded the motion. All voted aye. fution carried.
Sketch Plan Review, 6270 Ridge Road, John Edwards:
Mr. Waibel explained the location of the subject property and
noted that, due to its location, the property was subject to the Shore land
Management Ordinance and will technically require a variance of subdivision
Ordinance No. 33 in that Ridge Road was not a public street. He recalled
a past proposal approved by the City Council for a subdivision of three
residential lots by James Meyers which was located directly across Ridge
Road from the subject property. He said staff felt the request had merits
due to:
(1) 'lhat the present function of Ridge Road is analogous to a
public street in that it has provided access to a number
of adjoining residential properties over the years.
(2) 'lhe settlement of the area, necessitating the establishment
of Ridge Road, is a product of past planning practices.
(3) 'lhat the base of Ridge Road in the Chanhassen portion was
upgraded to municipal standards when sewer and water improve-
rrents were installed.
(4) 'lhat there is no readily apparent public benefit of making
Ridge Road a public street at this time.
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(5) 'lhat precedent has been set with the Meyer variance directly
across the street from the subject property.
(6) 'lhat there are existing residences and properties along Ridge
Road which have equal or greater interest in ensuring that
the qua Ii ty of access of Ridge Road is maintained.
(7) 'lhat there are certain requirements that the City may place
on this request which would assure that the proposed sub-
division would have no adverse consequences to the resi-
dences along Ridge Road or the residents of Chanhassen. (Examples
of such are (1) recording rights of access, (2) establishing
a no-build line so that setbacks from potential future right-
of-ways can be maintained at ordinance standards, (3) that
additional sewer and water units as per the north service
area project would be assessed as each new lot is created.)
Mr. Waibel said the subject request was compliant with the Shoreland
Management Ordinance. He said staff reccmnended the Planning Comnission
order a public hearing but that such hearing should be contingent upon
the applicant making appropriate escrow deposits with the City to defer
any staff costs involved in the application process.
Mr. John Edwards, the applicant, noted that, with reference to
Ridge Road, there was an easement for right-of-way and road-way purposes
granted in: the deed which they v.ould want to have included in the new
conveyances. Mr. Waibel said Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz, could
be asked prior to the plat filing whether it would be sufficient to plat
the lot only or whether the easement for right-of-way should be included.
In response to Mr. M. 'lharnpson, Mr. Edwards said the existing
parcel would be divided into two lots of 1 ~ acres and 3/4 acres with
a total of 160 feet of shoreline frontage. He said 75 feet of shoreline
v.ould be provided for one lot and 85 feet for the second lot and felt
the lots would be compatible with the surrounding properties.
In reSponse to Chairman Horn, Mr. Edwards said he had discussed
the proposal with surrounding residents, and they had indicated no opposition.
He then explained the first platting of the area and the changes made
since that time.
In response to Mr. W. 'lharnpson, Mr. Waibel said the City would
not be required to maintain Ridge Road because it was a private road.
Mr. Edwards recalled that Egan, Field, and Nowak had suggested
that (1) since it was a simple split of one lot the platting may be done
with a metes and bounds description, and (2) that, because of the fall
of the land which was not unto any other property, the Topo could be waived.
Mr. Waibel believed the Topo could be waived in that situation; however,
policy had been not to allow metes and bounds descriptions unless it was
a rectangular split from another platted lot.
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Mr. Partridge moved to hold a public hearing for the proposed
subdivision. Mr. J. 'lhompson seconded the rnotion. All voted aye. fution
Review Scott County Canprehensi ve Plan:
Mr. Waibel noted that in reviewing the Scott County Comprehensive
Plan, no inconsistencies were found with Chanhassen I s land use and transpor-
tation plans. He recanmended a letter be forwarded to Scott County indi-
eating Chanhassen' s approval. Mr. Waibel discussed the highlights of
the Scott County plan and how they related to Chanhassen.
Mr. Partridge rnoved a letter be sul:mi tted to Scott County saying
Chanhassen had no objection to the plan. Mr. W. 'lhompson seconded the
rnotion. All voted aye. fution carried.
Review P-District Status:
Mr. Waibel said the Planning Ccmnission was asked to review the
P-districts because such a review on a regular basis was required by ordinance.
Each P-district was reviewed individually:
(1) Chanhassen Lakes Business Park: Discussion occurred on Park
Drive and Chairman Horn recalled that Park Drive was permitted to remain
open until the time New Highway 17 was completed. At that time, the old
and new Highway 17 would be used as access from the business park unto
Highway 5. Mr. J. 'lhanpson moved there be no change in the status of the
business park other than that the Ccmnission recomnend to the City Council
the Park Drive access unto Highway 5 be closed within one year of the completion
date of New Highway 17. Mr. Hamil ton seconded the motion. All voted aye.
fution carried.
(2) Chaparral 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Additions: Mr. Waibel described
the developuent in relation to type, size, and status. He recomnended
it be maintained on the annual review list. 'lhe ccmnission generally agreed
with staff's recanmendation. No further canment was made.
(3) Chaparral West: Mr. Waibel explained the status of the developuent
proposal saying it had recently received a recommendation of denial from
the Planning Ccmnission on the final developnent plan and final development
plan review by the City Council was anticipated in January. He recanmended
it be maintained on the annual review list. 'lhe Ccmnission genera=l~y agreed
with the staff recomnendation. No further corrment was made.
(4) Colonial Grove 2nd Addition: Mr. Waibel explained the status
and details of this developnent and noted the developer had requested theoinstallation of improvements be done as a 429 project. He proceeded to
explain the 429 program and recomnended the development be maintained on
an annual review list until the majority of residential units are constructed.
'lhe Corrmission generally agreed with the staff recanmendation. No further
comnent was made.
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(5) lake Susan South: Mr. Wa:iJbe1 described the Lake Susan South
Developnent plan and noted it had received preliminary developnent plan
approval by both the Planning Ccmnission and City Council. He recanmended
it be maintained on the annual review list for a 1981 review. Chai:r:man
Horn felt the status of the aligrurent of Highway 101 should be noted
as it related to the developrrent. The Ccmnission generally agreed with
staff's recanmendation and that Highway 101 should be naintained as
a "watch" item.
(6) Lake Susan West: Mr. Waibel described the developrrent
and said it had received final development approval for the first phase
by the Planning ccmnission. 'lhe City Council had not yet given their
approval because there was a discrepancy as to what plans should be
reviewed in lieu of the Planning Ccmnission's reservations on that multiple
phase area and because there were so rrany conditions set on approval
of the plan. He recanmended the district be maintained on the annual
review list at this time. The Carrnission generally agreed with staff's
(7) Lotus lake Estates 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Additions: Mr. Waibel
explai~ the development and its status and recanmended renoval of
the 1st Addition fran the annual review list, because public iIrprovements
on the addition were corrpleted with 70 percent of the harre construction
canplete. 'lhe 2nd and 3rd Additions should be naintained under active
review status.
The Comnissin felt the entire development should be retained
under annual review until the public improverrents had all been cCiIpleted.
Chairman Horn said he felt this should be done for every developrrent.
(8) Lynan Lumber - Park I: Mr. Waibel described the developrrent,
noted the status and reccmnended that both be rraintained on the annual
review list. Discussion occurred on the financial involvements of Park
1. 'lhe Camnission generally agreed with staff's recanmendation.
(9) Minnewashta Creek 2nd Addition: Mr. Waibel explained the
development and its status noting it included an outlot with a conditional
use permit. He said the public improvements had been canpleted and
approximately 15 percent of the homes were complete. Mr. Wail::el. recarurended
the district be rerroved franilthe annual review list. 'lhe ccmnission
generally agreed with staff I s reccmnendation.
(10) M.T.S.: M. Waibel described the developrrent and said
any construction start was indeterminable at that time. He recanmended
thatany facilities construction proposals be forwarded to the Planning
Comnission for full site plan review and that the district be naintained
on the annual review list. Mr. Hamil ton moved the Comnission ask the
City Council to direct them to hold a public hearing to initiate a down-
zoning of the subject property due to the lack of action on the site
by the developer. Mr. Partridge seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
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(11) Oakmont: Mr. Waibel said the subject district was scheduled
to be heard by the City Council on December 22,1980, for a down-zoning.
'lhe Planning Canrnission had previously reccmtEIlded the City Council
down-zone the property. No further comrents ~re. made.
(12) Near fuuntain: Mr. Waibel said this was a residential proposal
and proceeded to describe it. In response to Mr. M. 'lharnpson, Mr. Waibel
said the Near MJuntain proposal had received preliminary development plan
approval from the Planning Ccmnission and the City Council in the last
year. 'lhe Ccmnission generally agreed with staff's recamlendation that
the project be maintained on an annual review list.
(13) Sunnyslope Addition: Mr. Waibel described the addition
and noted the City Council had seta canpletion deadline of July 1, 1981,
for the public improvements. He reccmnended this district be maintained
on an annual review list until 70 to 80 percent of the building sites were
absorbed and that the completion deadline for the public improvements be
upheld. Discussion occurred on the Addition's road width. 'lhe ccmnission
agreed with staff's recarmendation but felt the district should remain
on the annual review list until fully completed.
(14) Sunrise Beach P.R.D.: Mr. Waibel described the district
and noted the status saying it had received final developnent plan approval
from the City Council but there were various administrative items yet to
be reviewed. He recomnended the district be maintained on an annual review
list until 70 to 80 percent of the building sites were absorbed. Mr. M.
'nlompson noted there was an excessive number of trees being removed from
the site for developnent purposes.'lhe Corrmission~:generally agreeduwith
staff's recomnendation but stated the district should remain on the annual
review list until 100 percent of the building sites were absorbed.
(15) Sinnen Property ( Hidden Valley Estates): Mr. Waibel described
the district proposal and noted the Planning Ccmnission recamlendation
of down-zoning due to absence of developnent taking place was awaiting
City Council review. 'lhe Ccmnission maintained that reccmnendation.
(16) Saratoga Addition: Mr. Waibel described the addition and
its status. He reccmnended the single family and duplex portions of the
plan be removed from annual review because of their percentage of canpletion
and that the apartment portions of the plan be maintained on an annual
review basis. 'lhe Comnission generally agreed with staff's recanmendation.
(17) Waldrip Addition: Mr. Waibel explained the proposed develop-
rrent and made the recomnendation that should the present plans receive
preliminary developnent plan approval, a development deadline such as two
or three years should be placed on the subject property so that down-zoning
can be considered if this deadline is exceeded. Should the present plans
receive denial, down-zoning of the property to R-l, Single Family Residential
District, should occur. 'lhe Ccmnission general I y agreed with staff's reconrnenda-
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(18) Western Hills 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Additions: Mr. Weibel
described the additions and indicated a fourth addition did not exist at
this time. He recomnended Western Hills 1st and 2nd Additions be removed
from the annual review list but that Western Hills 3rd Addition be maintained
on that review list until 70 to 80 percent of the building sites were absorbed.
'lhe Ccmnission generally agreed with staff's recOImlendation but felt that
Western Hills 3rd Addition should remain on the annual review list until
100 percent of the lots were absorbed.
Appointment of Planning comnission Candidates
'lhe Corrmission voted on the individuals who had applied for the
three open positions on the Planning Camnission and the recomnendation for new
members was as follows:
1. Michael 'lhanpson,
-2. Carol Watson
3. Ladd Conrad
For' alternates, the Planning Ccmnission recorrmended:
1. Howard Noziska
2. Charles Robbins
3. Court MacFarland
'lhe 12-17-80 Planning comnission meeting was adjourned at 11: 15 p.m.