CountyPWReview_2022-03-01Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Office (952) 466-5200 | Fax (952) 466-5223 | www.co.carver.mn.us CARVER COUNTY March 1, 2022 City of Chanhassen c/o MacKenzie Young-Walters, AICP Associate Planner 952-227-1132 mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development / Access Review Comments: 10500 and 10520 Great Plains Boulevard Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) located at PID#s 256010010 and 256010020 adjacent to County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 101 (Great Plains Blvd.) and CSAH 61 (Flying Cloud Dr.) Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, and other official controls of the County, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project. 1. Regarding access to the County highway a. The proposed driveway access onto CSAH 61 was built with the County’s Flying Cloud Dr. project and the proposed driveway location appears consistent with the access that was constructed. b. Provide an estimate of the maximum number of vehicles that may make a left turn into the site during an hour to evaluate the potential operational and safety risk of vehicles and any towed trailers obstructing eastbound CSAH 61 traffic. Additional improvements may be needed to mitigate any operational or safety risks that are identified. 2. Regarding County highway right of way a. The property boundaries shall match the existing County highway right of way. The proposed boundary appears to match the highway right of way as modified by CR RW Plat No. 29. 3. Regarding grading adjacent to the County highway a. County requests drainage calculations and data for the proposed development. Revision is likely needed regarding the outlet for the proposed stormwater treatment ponds, which is not in a good location due to the flow outlet being up gradient from the trail which is below. Drainage should be carried and directed further to the east into the roadside ditch that currently exists instead of to the west side of the development on the steep slopes and directly pointed at the trail embankment. b. Confirm the proposed drainage will not create an adverse impact to the County right of way. c. Proposed grading shall tie-in and be compatible with the existing ground in the County right of way. 4. Regarding final approvals and required permits - a. The County will need to review and approve the final grading plans for properties adjacent to CSAH 101 and CSAH 61. A grading permit will be required for grading work within the highway right of way. b. An access permit will be required for access to CSAH 61 due to this change in use and connection of the site improvements to CSAH 61. c. The technical details of any final plat, its boundaries and form(s) will need to be reviewed and approved by the County Surveyor. d. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility, Access, or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/public-works/quick-links/permits). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. e. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are the County’s comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact staff noted below: Joan Guthmiller Administrative Technician Carver County Public Works 952.466.5201 jguthmiller@co.carver.mn.us Angie Stenson AICP Sr. Transportation Planner Carver County Public Works 952.466.5273 astenson@co.carver.mn.us Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Traffic Services Supervisor Carver County Public Works 952.466.5208 dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us