01-11-2022 MinutesCHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 11, 2022 Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Sanford (virtual), James Ebeling (virtual), Eric Anderson (in- person), and David Kressler (virtual). MEMBERS ABSENT: Ryan Soller. STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner. Chair Anderson and Mr. Generous were present in chambers with the other Commissioners attending via Zoom teleconference. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 15, 2021 Member Kressler moved, Member Sanford seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated December 15, 2021 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. REVIEW SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGE (SAC) CREDIT Mr. Generous noted the Commissioners looked at this the previous month. He summarized notes from the last meeting, including limiting the availability of SACs and prioritizing it to expand existing businesses; bringing newer, unique businesses to the community; providing additional employment opportunities (quality and quantity); and targeting small business rather than using it for larger developments. Member Sanford asked if this is going across all SAC credits or only with regards to the credits they have because they have been returned? Mr. Generous replied it is only the ones that the City has control over. Chair Anderson would love to see an opportunity for the City to help a business “buy down” the SAC credits on redevelopment. He understands they must find a funding source for that. Economic Development Commission – January 11, 2022 2 Mr. Generous noted that could be an item for discussion at a later time. The Commissioners discussed additions and changes to the document. Member Sanford moved revised language, Member Kressler seconded to approve the Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Credit. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. 2. DISCUSS 2022 WORK PLAN Mr. Generous noted this is an initial discussion with a final decision in March to guide the Commission as it moves forward in 2022 and into 2023. Chair Anderson asked if the plan assumes that an economic development staff position will be added in 2022. Mr. Generous replied that is the plan. Chair Anderson would suggest adding that the success of the plan requires the hiring of an economic development coordinator who can deal with the day-to-day things that the Commissioners are unable to. That person would also be able to bring forward the important things to prioritize to the City. The items Staff recommended the EDC discuss and evaluate are as follows: • Develop a strategic plan for economic development for the city. • Cooperate and coordinate with Buy Chanhassen and the Southwest Area Chamber of Commerce on promoting business retention, expansion, and recruitment to Chanhassen. • Work with Planning Staff to review and recommend City Code amendments relative to economic development. • Review Carver County Community Development Agency (CDA) assistance and resources available to Chanhassen Businesses. • Upon hiring an Economic Development Manager, the EDC will work to increase partnerships with the business community. • Continuing education including housing demand and trends, demographic statistics, mixed-use development, sustainable development, development trends, redevelopment issues, transportation projects, senior-friendly cities, etc. • Participate in joint meetings/discussion with City Council and other commissions. The Commission discussed the 2022 work plan, which items to prioritize and how to move forward. The commission eliminated some of the items and combined others as one item. Economic Development Commission – January 11, 2022 3 Mr. Generous noted the Commissioners can think about the list and discuss adding additional items before a final decision. He is also working on getting the joint meeting between the EDC, Planning Commission, and City Council on the calendar. NEW BUSINESS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION: None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: 2022 Economic Development Commission Meeting Schedule Mr. Generous noted there are some outliers in meeting on the second Tuesday of the month and he wants to make the Commissioners aware. He noted Commission applications are due by January 28, 2022 and they have three positions that will come up for reapplication: Ryan Soller, James Ebeling, and James Sanford. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Anderson moved to adjourn. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m. Submitted by Bob Generous Senior Planner Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk