03-14-2022 Agenda and PacketA.5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Note: Unless otherwise noted, work sessions are held in the Fountain Conference Room in the lower level of City Hall and are open to the public. If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A.1 Commission Applicant Interviews A.2 Future Work Session Schedule B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS D.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. D.1 Approve City Council Minutes dated February 28, 2022 D.2 Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 15, 2022 D.3 Approve Claims Paid dated March 14, 2022 D.4 Approve 2022 Liquor License Renewals D.5 Award Low Quote, 2022 4th of July Tents, Tables, and Chairs D.6 Resolution 2022-XX: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 22-01 AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 D.7 Resolution 2022-XX: Approve Quit Claim Deeds, Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary, City of Chanhassen and Eastern Carver County School District D.8 Resolution 2022-XX: Accept Public Streets, Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements in Fawn Hill, Project No. 2017-07 D.9 Resolution 2022-XX: Authorize Replacement Purchase of Fire Department Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) and to amend the budget for the Fleet Capital Fund. D.10 Resolution 2022-XX: Accept Donation of $500 from Balakrishna Chintaginjala D.11 Ordinance XXX: Approve Amendment to Chapter 20 (Zoning) of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Notification Requirements and Public Hearing Timelines E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda). F.PUBLIC HEARINGS G.GENERAL BUSINESS H.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS I.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS J.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION J.1 2022 Building Permit Activity February Year to Date J.2 Mediacom Programming Changes and Rate Adjustments K.ADJOURNMENT GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a 2 spokesperson that can summarize the issue. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Commission Applicant Interviews File No.Item No: A.1 Agenda Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION Interview commission applicants. Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY 5:00pm - Planning Commission Bala Chintaginjala (PC) Perry Schartz (PC/EC) 5:25pm - Park & Recreation Commission Aaron Brady (PRC/EDC) Jeremy Whiteman (PRC) Scott Grefe (PRC/EDC) Stacy Goff (PRC/EDC) 5:50pm - Senior Commission *Bhakti Modi (SC) Kara Cassidy (SC/PRC) *Ruth Lunde (SC/PC) 4 6:15pm - Discuss Applicants *Incumbent BACKGROUND Planning Commission Three 3-year positions The terms of Commissioners Laura Skistad, Steven Weick, and Douglas Reeder are expiring. Douglas Reeder applied for reappointment. Three (3) first choice applications have been received. Four (4) second choice applications have been received. Park & Recreation Commission Three 3-year positions The terms of Commissioners Matt Kutz and Sandy Sweetser are expiring. Matt Kutz applied for reappointment. Six (6) first choice applications have been received. Two (2) second choice applications have been received. Senior Commission Two or Three 3-year positions* The terms of Commissioners Bhakti Modi, Lisa Lyon, and Ruth Lunde are expiring. Ruth Lunde and Bhakti Modi applied for reappointments. Three (3) first choice applications have been received. Zero (0) second choice applications have been received. *The Senior Commission bylaws allow for the appointment of 7 or 8 commissioners. Incumbent information: Incumbent Commission Terms Served 2021 Attendance Ryan Soller Economic Development 0.5 100% Matthew Kutz Park & Recreation 1 75% Douglas Reeder Planning 1 83% Bhakti Modi Senior 1 100% Ruth Lunde Senior 1 90% DISCUSSION Group commission interviews are scheduled for February 28 and March 14. All commission and 5 Referendum Task Force appointments will take place at the March 21 City Council meeting under the General Business portion of the agenda. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Applicant Location Map Balakrishna Chintaginjala Perry Schwartz Aaron Brady Jeremy Whiteman Scott Grefe Stacy Goff Bhakti Modi Kara Cassidy Ruth Lunde 6 0 0 0 0 0 ST15 ST18 ST14 ST17 ST61 SA5 SA7 SA5 SA101 SA41 )212 GreatPlainsBlvdPowersBlvdAudubonRdLyman Blvd Pio n e e r T r lGalpinBlvdMarketBl vdPowersBlvdF ly in g C l o u d D rST101 ST101 GH117 Document Path: K:\Departments\Admin\CommissionsMaps\Commissions Maps\Commissions Maps.aprxDate Created: 2/23/2022 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 0.5 Mile 0 3,000 Feet Commission Applicants City of Chanhassen Commission Applicants Commission Desired Economic Development Commission Environmental Commission Park & Recreation Commission Planning Commission Senior Commission 0 Incumbant 7 1 Lusian, Christine From:Balakrishna Chintaginjala <balakrishna_chintaginjala@yahoo.com> Sent:Sunday, February 6, 2022 12:56 PM To:Lusian, Christine Subject:Re: Interview - Planning - March 14 @ 5:00 Attachments:Q & A for Planning commission selection.docx CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Christine, I have attached my answers in the word doc, attached to this email. Please, review and let me know if any further clarification/any questions if needed. Thank you Bala Chintaginjala 8982 SW Village loop Chanhassen MN 55317 Phone # 952-994-4815 (M) Personal email: balakrishna_chintaginjala@yahoo.com On Friday, February 4, 2022, 11:06:34 AM CST, Lusian, Christine <clusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> wrote: Thanks Bala! Have a wonderful weekend! From: Balakrishna Chintaginjala <balakrishna_chintaginjala@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022 11:02 AM To: Lusian, Christine <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Lusian, Christine <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: Re: Interview - Planning - March 14 @ 5:00 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Thank you, Christine It will work. 8 2 Thank you Bala Chintaginjala 8982 SW Village loop Chanhassen MN 55317 Phone # 952-994-4815 (M) Personal email: balakrishna_chintaginjala@yahoo.com On Friday, February 4, 2022, 10:25:44 AM CST, Lusian, Christine <clusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> wrote: Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission! We have you scheduled for a 25-minute group interview with City Council on Monday, March 14 at 5:00pm. Fountain Conference Room City Hall - Lower Level, Council Chamber/Senior Center entrance 7700 Market Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Very Respectfully, Christine 9 3 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 10 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Planning Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* None Name * Balakrishna Chintaginjala Home Address* City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Preferred Contact Phone *Alternate Contact Phone If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5353 Date Submitted: 1/20/2022 11 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 7 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* 4-Year Bachelor's of Technology degree, in Civil Engineering Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* I completed Civil Engineering in 1986 in India. 1987 - 1997: Worked in Civil construction projects in India, both Residential and Industrial Projects. 1997 - 2000: Worked in IT, in India 2000 - Till date: Working in IT in USA. IT Resume attached Attach resume (if desired) Bala.doc Reasons for seeking this position* As I have Civil Engineering Degree, with 10 years of Construction experience, I want to serve in the Planning commission to contribute my skills and experience to the city development Specific qualifications for this position* Civil Engineering degree and 10 years of construction experience. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee in the past?* Yes No If yes, please list Environmental in 2015, for a year. 12 Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* N/A Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Anything re la te d to Civil Engine e ring Construction a nd IT. How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 13 1 Lusian, Christine From:Perry Schwartz <pschwartz@me.com> Sent:Thursday, February 3, 2022 9:22 AM To:Lusian, Christine Subject:Re: Commission app: Planning - follow-up Q&A CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, Christine Below are the questions posed by the council, and my responses. 1. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? The planning commission is responsible for the orderly and beneficial development of land use to benefit the city’s residents. To guide its work, the planning commission develops and then executes a comprehensive plan that includes maintaining and improving the physical environment, transportation, and infrastructure within the city and the appropriate tactics, goals, and policies to execute that plan. Ideally, the comprehensive plan should be periodically reviewed and modified to meet the changing needs of the city and its residents. 2. Which of your life experiences do you believe has best prepared you to be a member of the Planning  Commission and why? In my world, we measure success is by two criteria: A successful outcome and a functional process. Did the project meet its objective(s) (which must be defined and agreed upon before commencement)? Was the process of completing the project functional, i.e., efficient, well-managed, easy to understand, and measure? My career choices and participation in various civic boards have allowed me to hone my project management, critical thinking, and consensus-building skills. There is a direct line between those skill sets and the role of a planning commissioner. 3. Variances play a large role in the regular decision‐making for the Planning Commission. What goes  through your mind as you consider the conflict between a comprehensive city plan for all and  developers/residents requesting individual variances? Why is the variance being requested? Does the variance meet the criteria for justifying a variance? Is the variance in keeping with the intent of the comprehensive plan? Will the variance create harmony and consistency in the area? Will the variance negatively affect neighbors in proximity to the variance or the city at large? Thank you for your consideration. ——————————— Regards, Perry Schwatz +1 612.868.6199 On 31Jan, 2022, at 10:58, Lusian, Christine <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> wrote: 14 2 Good morning!     Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission!     City Council would like to review your responses to the following questions:     1. What do you believe the Planning Commission does?   2. Which of your life experiences do you believe has best prepared you to be a member of the  Planning Commission and why?  3. Variances play a large role in the regular decision‐making for the Planning Commission. What  goes through your mind as you consider the conflict between a comprehensive city plan for all  and developers/residents requesting individual variances?     Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14.     I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or  March 14.     Very Respectfully,  Christine                                           www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us                                          This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 15 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Planning Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* Environmental Commission Name * Perry Schwartz Home Address* City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Preferred Contact Phone *Alternate Contact Phone If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5366 Date Submitted: 1/28/2022 16 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 2 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* BA, University of Minnesota Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* Kinetic Learning, Inc. 1999-Present President and Creative Director As president I am responsible for business development and matters. As creative director I lead the creative team that develops the online learning programs we create for our clients. Clients include Nestlé HealthCare Nutrition, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Minnesota, WindConnect, Biosite Diagnostics, Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Vascular Solutions, Inc., Cirrus Design Corporation, Children’s Hospital of Minnesota, SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories, Bristol Myers Squibb, Mead Johnson Pharmaceuticals, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women, Care Choice Cooperative, and Minnesota Certification Board. Attach resume (if desired) No file selectedChoose File Reasons for seeking this position* During my career I have been blessed with many opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives. Using the skills and experiences I acquired in the fields of journalism, television and film production; and business theater and live event production, I have acquired a body of knowledge. As I wind down my career as a business owner, I am committed to paying it forward by sharing what I know, and am eager to do so for the residents of Chanhassen. Specific qualifications for this position* Life. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee in the past?* Yes No 17 I f ye s, ple a se li st Se rve d on the Minne tonka Public S chools school boa rd for I S D #276, Mi nne tonka , Mi nn. Se rve d on va ri ous ci vic comm itte e s for the ci ty of Mi nne tonka , Mi nn. Volunte e r, NAMI Minne sota Cha i r, ArtsCe nte r on 7 Advisory Com mitte e , a joint ve nture be tw e e n the city of Minne tonka a nd the Minne tonka Publi c Schools Le cture r in a dult me dia e duca tion Me rit Ba dge I nstructor, Boy Scouts of Am e ri ca Author of thre e books â €” tw o on film a nd te le vision production; a nd Ca rolynâ €™s Story: A Book a bout a n Adopte d Girl (Le rne r Publi ca tions, 1996), the story of our fa m il yâ €™s a doption e x pe ri e nce Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* Se rve d on the Minne tonka Public S chools school boa rd for I S D #276, Mi nne tonka , Mi nn. Se rve d on va ri ous ci vic comm itte e s for the ci ty of Mi nne tonka , Mi nn. Volunte e r, NAMI Minne sota Cha i r, ArtsCe nte r on 7 Advisory Com mitte e , a joint ve nture be tw e e n the city of Minne tonka a nd the Minne tonka Publi c Schools Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Stra te gic pla nning a nd colla bora tive de li be ra ti on. How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 18 From:Aaron Brady To:Lusian, Christine Subject:Re: Commission app: Park - follow-up Q&A Date:Wednesday, March 9, 2022 7:42:53 PM Attachments:image001.png image002.png image003.png Hi Christine, I am looking forward to meeting with the city council on Monday. Below are my answers to your questions in green. 1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for the Park & Recreation Commission? [AB] As 17 year resident of Chanhassen, my family and I have enjoyed the benefits of the park facilities and recreational programs. I am an avid outdoorsman that utilizes our walking paths, trails, outdoor courts, beaches, and wonderful parks. My passion for these activities motivates me to continue to promote Chanhassen's efforts to enjoy our parks and live a healthy lifestyle. Not only do these programs enrich the lives of the citizens of Chanhassen but increases the property values by making Chanhassen one of the best cities to live in. 2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen Parks and Recreation? [AB] The number one fastest growing sport is pickleball. Pickleball is a great way to stay active, be social, and is accessible to all ages. We have a great opportunity to convert rarely used tennis courts into additional pickleball courts. Our trail system is another great way to promote a healthy lifestyle and I would like to continue to look for more areas to extend or expand the trails we currently have. The programs offered through the rec center allow residents of all ages to enjoy enrichment activities. 3. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreation Commission to accomplish during your term? [AB] It is important that as a commission we identify used and unused parks to understand how we can better optimize the areas. I would also partner with residents to understand gaps in services and programs to make us competitive with neighboring communities. Thanks, Aaron Brady From: Lusian, Christine Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 11:06 AM To: Lusian, Christine <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> 19 Subject: Commission app: Park - follow-up Q&A Good morning! Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission! City Council would like to review your responses to the following questions: 1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for the Park & Recreation Commission? 2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen Parks and Recreation? 3. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreation Commission to accomplish during your term? Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14. I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or March 14. Very Respectfully, Christine www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 20 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Park & Recreation Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* Economic Development Commission Name * Aaron Brady Home Address* City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Alternate Contact Phone none If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5344 Date Submitted: 1/12/2022 21 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 15 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* MBA, Digital Marketing Concordia University of Chicago Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* Director of Medication Adherence, United Healthcare Medicare & Retirement I currently lead the efforts of medication adherence for United Healthcare members that are on medication for chronic conditions of Diabetes, High Cholesterol, and Hypertension. I work closely with retail pharmacies to develop various strategies to engage with our members who are at risk for non-adherence. Attach resume (if desired) No file selectedChoose File Reasons for seeking this position* I have been a resident for 15 years. I have a deep love for this community and love our parks and trails. As an avid runner I have utilized the many trails throughout the city. I also play pickle ball regularly at the Chanhassen Rec Center. I would like to participate in local government to ensure that our city of Chanhassen continues to be a great model of other communities to follow. Specific qualifications for this position* As an undergrad, I worked with Brigham Young University's Intramural Program which has tradition that dates back to the early 1900's and is one of the largest programs in the country with over 10,000 participants each year. The Intramural Program includes over 50 activities annually. I oversaw various leagues and officiating. In my career I have worked with professional sports teams and leagues. I have participated and volunteered for many different roles that included coaching, officiating, and directing various sporting events and competitions. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee in the past?* Yes No 22 I f ye s, ple a se li st Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* Boy Scout Le a de r Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Running Pi ckl e Ba ll Ba ske tba ll Ca mping Hiking How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 23 2/11/22, 4:22 PM Mail - Lusian, Christine - Outlook https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAMkAGY2NzBmNTU2LTdiN2YtNGRlZS1iNTFlLTg5Y2RmNjhiYTg0OQBGAAAAAABTEr%2FMuWt6Srt4O…1/2 Re: Commission app: Park - follow-up Q&A Jeremy Whiteman <jjwhiteman@hotmail.com> Fri 2/11/2022 3:15 PM To: Lusian, Christine <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Jeremy Whiteman <jjwhiteman@hotmail.com> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Chrisne, Please see below as requested: What qualies, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for the Park & Recreaon Commission? I'm a Chanhassen resident and a frequent user of Chanhassen Park and Rec resources. Whether I'm coaching soccer on one of the fields, running or walking my dog on the trails, or watching my son parcipate in a Cross-Country running event at Lake Ann Park, I have a personal interest in protecng, preserving, and opmizing these resources for our community I have 20+ years professional experience working in teams, driving large complex projects I'm an advocate of a healthy lifestyle that includes using the Park & Rec facilies and programs available to residents What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunies for Chanhassen Parks and Recreaon? Balance conservaon with growth. I believe Chanhassen should look to grow its Park resources as its community grows, but in balance with preserving green spaces and open areas. Align Park and Rec offerings with what the community wants. We need to keep modern and current on what our Park and Rec programs and facilies are. As new acvies, trends and Leveraging the Park & Rec resources to help foster community inclusion and a sense of pride in Chanhassen. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreaon Commission to accomplish during your term? I applied for the role and not two hours later the announcement about the Parks Referendum (Fall 2022) hit my in-box. Helping drive awareness of the referendum, building support and ulmately passing would be one of the inial targets I'd like to help accomplish I don't have an agenda other than a strong desire to help shape the future of Chanhassen Parks & Recreaon resources Thank you, Jeremy Whiteman From: Lusian, Chrisne <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 11:06 AM To: Lusian, Chrisne <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: Commission app: Park - follow-up Q&A   Good morning! Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission! 24 2/11/22, 4:22 PM Mail - Lusian, Christine - Outlook https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAMkAGY2NzBmNTU2LTdiN2YtNGRlZS1iNTFlLTg5Y2RmNjhiYTg0OQBGAAAAAABTEr%2FMuWt6Srt4O…2/2 City Council would like to review your responses to the following quesons: 1. What qualies, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for the Park & Recreaon Commission? 2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunies for Chanhassen Parks and Recreaon? 3. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreaon Commission to accomplish during your term? Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14. I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or March 14. Very Respecully, Chrisne www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us   This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 25 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Park & Recreation Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* None Name * Jeremy Whiteman Home Address* City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Alternate Contact Phone none If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5367 Date Submitted: 1/28/2022 26 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 34 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* MBA - Masters of Business Administration MMFM - Mini Masters Financial Management BA - Bachelor of Arts, Organizational Communication Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* Senior Director, Sales Operations - Resideo Technologies - 4+ years leading commercial excellence, business operations, and sales operations in a large, international, publicly traded company Director, Sales Operations - Entrust Datacard - 4+ years leading sales operations in a medium size privately held company Sales Finance Manager - TE Connectivity (formerly ADC Telecommunications) 9+ years in variety of rolls including Sales Finance, Sales Operations, Inside Sales Mgmt, Customer Experience Data Analytics and Project Manager - Sleep Number - 2 years in data analytics and project management role Account Management - Lifetouch - 2 years field sales and account management Attach resume (if desired) No file selectedChoose File Reasons for seeking this position* Chanhassen has been my home for most of my life. I grew up here, then my family and I lived in Chaska for a few years, but have been back in Chanhassen since 2013. My extended family lives in the area and this is HOME. I've been looking for a way to get involved, and help shape how the city moves forward with its Park and Rec resources. As a frequent user of the trail system, Lake Ann Park, Chanhassen City Park, the skate park (my boys not me!), and other Park and Rec facilities, I want to help maximize these resources for our residents. Specific qualifications for this position* General business acumen Frequent user of Chanhassen Park and Rec resources Longtime Chanhassen resident Passion for getting outside and enjoying MN life Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list 27 Ha ve you se rve d on a Boa rd, Comm i ssion, or Comm itte e in the pa st?* Ye s No I f ye s, ple a se li st Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* None re le va nt to a Pa rk a nd Re cre a tion comm i ssion role Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* CC Unite d Socce r Coa ch (9+ ye a rs) Toa stm a ste rs He a lth a nd W e llne ss How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 28 1 Lusian, Christine From:grefereller <grefereller@mchsi.com> Sent:Monday, February 14, 2022 9:09 AM To:Lusian, Christine Subject:FW: Commission app: Park - follow-up Q&A CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.     Sent from Mail for Windows    From: grefereller  Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 9:04 AM  To: Scott Grefe  Subject: RE: Commission app: Park ‐ follow‐up Q&A    1. While I find it hard to enumerate my own qualities and strengths,(I prefer others to see them in me), I believe I  have the ability to take complex issues and problems and break them down to their fundamental level so as to  make them more understandable to myself and others. As far as experience I have a 26 year tenure as a  resident, and had a son that went through the different baseball programs from the pee‐wee level to post high  school.   2. Chanhassen has the luxury of space, and that can/could translate into making our ample parks and trails a  destination for the SW metro area.    3. I envision more and better trail connectability.  Taking the parks within the city that have the basic amenities  and using the available resources to enhance them to make them into destinations.     Thanks,                  Scott Grefe  Sent from Mail for Windows    From: Scott Grefe  Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 11:12 AM  To: Scott Grefe  Subject: Fwd: Commission app: Park ‐ follow‐up Q&A      Scott Grefe    Begin forwarded message:  From: "Lusian, Christine" <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>  Date: January 31, 2022 at 11:06:32 AM CST  To: "Lusian, Christine" <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>  Subject: Commission app: Park ‐ follow‐up Q&A     29 2 Good morning!     Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission!      City Council would like to review your responses to the following questions:     1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for  the Park & Recreation Commission?  2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen  Parks and Recreation?  3. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreation Commission to accomplish during  your term?     Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14.      I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or  March 14.     Very Respectfully,  Christine                                           www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us                                                 This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 30 1 Lusian, Christine From:grefereller <grefereller@mchsi.com> Sent:Monday, February 14, 2022 9:26 AM To:Scott Grefe; Lusian, Christine Subject:RE: Commission app: Environmental - follow-up Q&A CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1. Landfills are becoming a prominent feature of the Minnesota landscape, some are becoming so high that they  are easy to spot even at a distance. Continuing to refine  reducing, reusing and recycling through continued  analysis of what works (and doesn’t) is imperative. One example being that there is currently no viable  economically feasible alternative to disposing of Styrofoam products.  2. I feel that being kind to our environment serves all citizens well.  Highlighting our past successes and failures,  and their consequences can/could make environmental education more real.  3. I am not schooled enough in the current outreach provided to give a qualified answer>      Sent from Mail for Windows    From: Scott Grefe  Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 11:12 AM  To: Scott Grefe  Subject: Fwd: Commission app: Environmental ‐ follow‐up Q&A      Scott Grefe    Begin forwarded message:  From: "Lusian, Christine" <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>  Date: January 31, 2022 at 11:21:51 AM CST  To: "Lusian, Christine" <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>  Subject: Commission app: Environmental ‐ follow‐up Q&A     Good morning!     Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission!      City Council would like to review your responses to the following questions:     1. What environmental issues concern you nationally and what can we do locally to help?  2. The Environmental Commission is always looking for new ways to educate the public and  communicate ideas. What ideas do you have to promote environmental education?  3. Is there environmental education that the City should be providing that’s currently not  promoted?     Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14.      31 2 I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or  March 14.     Very Respectfully,  Christine                                           www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us                                               This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 32 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Park & Recreation Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* Environmental Commission Name * Scott Grefe Home Address* City* Excelsior (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55331 (for mailing address) Preferred Contact Phone *Alternate Contact Phone If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5365 Date Submitted: 1/27/2022 33 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 26 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* Bachelor of Science Law Enforcement/Psychology Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* State of MN/Minnesota Security Hospital 1988 -2015 Attach resume (if desired) No file selectedChoose File Reasons for seeking this position* I would like to become more “civically “ involved with my city. Specific qualifications for this position* Extensive history in negotiations, labor contracts in particular. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee in the past?* Yes No If yes, please list Co-chair of the Chemical and Mental Health Services Transformation Advisory Task Force. July-December 2010. Please list organization memberships and positions held* Member of AFSCME Council 5. Held various positions from 1988-2015. 34 Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Boa ti ng, fishing, hunting, sports, a nd fa m ily. How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 35 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Park & Recreation Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* Economic Development Commission Name * Stacy Goff Home Address* City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Preferred Contact Phone *Alternate Contact Phone If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5359 Date Submitted: 1/25/2022 36 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 19 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* Graduate Degree Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Philosophy Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, Supervisory Management and Program Analyst. Duties include providing human capital support to the office of international affairs. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, Customs and Border Protection Hiring Center, Mission Support Branch Chief. Duties include oversight of human resource professionals and performing recruitment and staffing for a 60,000 person organization. Peace Corps Minneapolis Office Recruitment Coordinator Attach resume (if desired) Stacy Goff Resume.pdf Reasons for seeking this position* I've lived in Chanhassen for the past year, however I was born and raised in Chanhassen and spent the first 18 years of my life here. I care about my community and want to give back. Community service is important to me; I spent 2 years serving in Nepal as a Peace Corps volunteer. Specific qualifications for this position* I work with a large federal government organization and have been in a leadership role for the past 20 years. While serving in the Peace Corps in Nepal, I was assigned to the local municipality to work on urban planning and community development issues. I am an avid outdoors person and spend time walking, biking, hiking, and exploring our local parks and green spaces. I want to be at steward for these critical resources for our community. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee in the past?* Yes No 37 I f ye s, ple a se li st Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* Re turn Pe a ce Corps Volunte e rs of Minne sota m e mbe r Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Hobbie s incl ude outdoor a ctivitie s in a ll se a sons such a s hiking, boa ting, ca mping, biking, snow shoe ing, dog w a l king, cross-country skiing, a nd ice ska ti ng. How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 38 1 Lusian, Christine From:Stacy Goff <stacygoff@outlook.com> Sent:Tuesday, February 1, 2022 1:57 PM To:Lusian, Christine Subject:Re: Commission app: Park - follow-up Q&A CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you  recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Good afternoon‐ please find my responses below to your follow‐up questions:     1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for the Park &  Recreation Commission?     I have 25 years of professional work experience that has prepared me for this opportunity. I have spent many years  as an HR manager in the Federal government, in an organization that is highly politicized. The ability to negotiate,  persuade, and provide solutions while exercising diplomacy and political savvy has been critical to the success of my  career. I have also served at the local municipal level, navigating through language and cultural barriers to conduct  needs assessments and develop and implement plans as a community organizer focused on urban planning. My  graduate degree in counseling prepared me to read people well and work with a very diverse group of individuals to  identify and accomplish common goals. Lastly, I was born and raised in Chanhassen and last year moved back into  my childhood home with my husband.     2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen Parks and  Recreation?     I think one of the biggest opportunities is to meet the needs and desires for constantly evolving fitness trends. For  example, pickleball is one of the fastest growing fitness activities and it’s reach has extended much beyond seniors.  It is easy to learn, accessible for most fitness levels, and the equipment is inexpensive. Our parks and rec centers  should provide space and opportunities for play. Given our climate, we need to adjust to our seasons and our ever  fluctuating weather to have activities available year‐round and embrace the winter rather than having people feel  like they are cooped up indoors. In these uncertain times of the Pandemic, there should be a primary focus on  activities that are safe and adhere to CDC guidelines. Our lakes are some of our biggest assets and we should ensure  accessibility to lake activities for people of all socioeconomic levels. All parks and rec activities should ensure a focus  on diversity and inclusion. We need to remain flexible and be willing to adjust to meet the evolving needs of our  community members. We do this by seeking community input, listening, maintaining an online presence to include  social media, staying flexible and continuing to evolve.     3. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreation Commission to accomplish during your term?    39 2 My understanding is that the Park & Recreation Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council, reviewing  all recreation, leisure and park‐related issues. These issues include park development and implementation of the  Recreation Section of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Our goals should be in line to support the larger goals of the  city of Chanhassen. We would want to work in conjunction with other Commissions so ensure our goals are in sync  but not duplicative of those of our partners. My personal goal would be to leave the Commission in a better place  than when I arrived – to see progress and ensure equality.    Thank you again for this opportunity to serve my community.    Respectfully,  Stacy Goff    On Jan 31, 2022, at 11:06 AM, Lusian, Christine <CLusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> wrote:    Good morning!     Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission!      City Council would like to review your responses to the following questions:     1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for the Park &  Recreation Commission?  2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen Parks and  Recreation?  3. If appointed, what would you like the Park & Recreation Commission to accomplish during your term?     Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14.      I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or March 14.     Very Respectfully,  Christine                                           www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us                                             This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 40 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Senior Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* None Name * Bhakti Modi City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Preferred Contact Phone *Alternate Contact Phone none If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5360 Date Submitted: 1/25/2022 41 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 5 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* Master of Science, Health Informatics and Analytics Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* MatrixCare – Analytics (Research & Development), Business Analyst 04/19 - Present -Analytics report authoring and product management MatrixCare – Implementation Services, Data Conversion Analyst 06/18 – 04/19 -Data conversion management for new client onboarding MatrixCare – Skilled Nursing Solutions Client Services, Software Support Analyst 11/15 – 06/18 -Support financial side of SNF billing and business operations software. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Answering Service, Location Supervisor 04/14 – 07/15 -Managed department of 25+ employees University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Answering Service, Access Lead 10/13 â €“ 04/14 -Created reports of performance and action plans, for improvement of patient care. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Answering Service, Contact Center Specialist II 05/12 – 09/13 -Trained new employees on office protocols, Epic Systems, and Microsoft CRM. Attach resume (if desired) No file selectedChoose File Reasons for seeking this position* I have thoroughly enjoyed working on the Senior Commission for the past 3 years. The team is doing excellent work and I am looking forward to continuing my work in the different task forces: education material/website update project, adopt-a-senior project, technology training project. Specific qualifications for this position* History of working with various senior organizations and professionally working in the senior care industry for past 6 years. Also focused my Undergraduate and Graduate education on senior care and community needs. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list Senior Commission Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee in the past?* Yes No 42 I f ye s, ple a se li st Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* Hindu Soci e ty of Minne sota - Hindu Ame rica n Te mple School Dire ctor Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Se nior ca re , e duca tion m a na ge m e nt, w e bsite de ve lopm e nt, tra i ning progra ms. How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 43 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Senior Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* Park & Recreation Commission Name * Kara Cassidy Home Address* City* Excelsior (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55331 (for mailing address) Alternate Contact Phone If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5351 Date Submitted: 1/19/2022 44 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 4.5 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* Master of Public Administration, Public Policy concentration Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in Public Speaking Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* Please see attached resume Attach resume (if desired) Kara Cassidy 2022 Resume.pdf Reasons for seeking this position* My family moved to Chanhassen from Denver, Colorado nearly five years ago. Since that time, I have been managing our family while volunteering in the community and joining the "gig economy." I am hoping, in 2022, to find new opportunities where I can bring my passion for helping others and my non-profit and foundation experience. When I received the Message from the Mayor email last week about the Commission openings, I knew this is what I wanted to do. I have been contemplating working with seniors for some time, and this would be a great first step. My reasons for choosing the Senior Commission revolve around my personal experience, my calls through the BeMyEyes app, and my age (52). First, my personal experience. My first job out of college, I shared a cubicle with an 85 year old woman who had macular degeneration. We became wonderful friends and for nearly ten years I helped her pay bills, grocery shop, handle mail, etc so she could live independently. This was before caring for seniors at home became a big business and I did it because I loved my friend and I loved being able to help her. Fast forward to 2020 when both my husband and I lost parents who were receiving different levels of care in different settings (two at home and one in assisted living) and who needed help with everything. Making the house livable for a person with limited mobility, hiring caretakers, moving assisted living facilities, handling finances, etc all fell to our family. Now, my mother has Parkinson’s Disease and, after my step father passed away, needed to be moved across the country during a pandemic so she could continue living independently. These life events give you practical experience and insight into the world of seniors and their needs. Second, my calls through the BeMyEyes app. Many months ago, I read an article about this app. Basically, people with limited sight can call (for free) to anyone who has the app if they need help. It is an amazing and wonderful way to help people. Whenever my phone rings from this app, I am excited to help and to have a conversation with whoever is on the other end of the call. Third, my age. As a 50+ person who has teenage sons and deceased or ill parents, I see what’s coming. Not just for me, but for the Baby Boomers who are retiring and those who will follow. I want to help build the future for all people as they age or as they face challenges in living independently. This includes mobility, income, housing, and so many other issues. I want to help create a world that is inclusive and forward thinking. Finally, a brief word on my second choice, the Park & Recreation Commission. I am the mother of two teenage boys who play a lot of lacrosse locally and around the nation. Much of my volunteer work today focuses on boys' lacrosse. My interest in the Park & Recreation Commission stems from this. I love sports and I love the parks, trails, and sports available in Chanhassen and Carver County. I spend a lot of time throughout the year outside in these wonderful areas (just today I walked the new Arboretum path) and would love to see them thrive for generations to come. 45 Spe cific qua lifi ca tions for this position* For a comple te list of m y qua lifica ti ons, includi ng my com m unity a ctivitie s, ple a se se e m y a tta che d re sum e . As a prove n le a de r, I posse ss m a ny ye a rs of e x pe rie nce w orking w ith nonprofit orga niza tions of a ll si z e s. I w ould like nothi ng more tha n to bring this e x pe rie nce to the S e nior Comm i ssion or the Pa rk & Re cre a tion Com m ission. I w orke d a t The De nve r Founda tion a s the Dire ctor of Ope ra ti ons a nd Com munica tions for Socia l Ve nture Pa rtne rs (SVP) De nve r. He re , I a dva nce d a nd m a na ge d the infra structure a nd syste m s ne e de d to support S VPâ €™s stra te gic obje ctive s including fina nce , a ccounting, inform a tion te chnol ogy, outcome s m e a sure m e nt a nd re porti ng. Additiona ll y, I w a s re sponsible for the succe ss of SVPâ €™s da y-to-da y ope ra tions, incl uding e duca tiona l progra m s, gra nt m a king, coll a bora ti ve te a m ma na ge m e nt, proje ct de li ve ry, a nd inte gra tion w ith SVPâ €™s globa l ne tw ork a nd othe r progra m a re a s. Si nce 2006 I ha ve , a l so, w orke d inde pe nde ntly w i th non-profi ts. From buildi ng a nd m a i nta ini ng w e b site s a nd da ta ba se s, to a na lyzing da ta a nd w riting re ports, to budge t pre pa ra ti on, to comm unica tions stra te gie s a nd e ve nt pl a nning, I a m ofte n the pe rson orga niza ti ons ca l l w he n the y w a nt to sta rt a ne w proje ct or ha ve proble m s com pl e ting a curre nt one . I a m know n a s some one w ho ca n ta ckl e a ny proje ct a nd succe ssfully com ple te it. Pre viously, I se rve d a s Chi e f Ope ra ting Office r for The Fund for Col ora do's Future , a ne w Gove rnor's e duca tion non-profi t. As the first e m ploye e , I w a s re sponsible for a ll the le ga l a nd fina nci a l a spe cts of sta rting a 501(c)(3) orga niz a tion, a s w e ll a s, for de ve l oping a nd imple m e nting syste ms, ope ra tions, a nd progra m s. My role a s COO w a s to be the impe tus tha t drove the a ge nda a nd my dutie s w e re va rie d a nd include d form ul a ting ne w proje cts, de ve l oping orga niz a tiona l a nd proje ct budge ts, de signing a nd im pl e me nting gra nt-ma king progra m s, se curing progra m a nd ge ne ra l ope ra ti ng funding, hiring a nd tra ining sta ff a nd volunte e rs, a nd se rving a s spoke spe rson for the orga niza tion. During my ca re e r, I ha ve re lie d on my a bility to ca lml y w e a r diffe re nt ha ts w hile m a na ging se ve ra l proj e cts a t once , m y love of col la bora ting w ith pe opl e , m y se nse of humor, a nd m y fondne ss for te chnology a nd m e a ni ngful com munica ti ons to a ccomplish the ta sks I unde rta ke . Are you curre ntly se rving on othe r Boa rds, Com m issions, or Comm itte e s?* Ye s No I f ye s, ple a se li st Ha ve you se rve d on a Boa rd, Comm i ssion, or Comm itte e in the pa st?* Ye s No I f ye s, ple a se li st Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* Volunte e r Ope n Arm s, 2021-Pre se nt Mi nne sota La ndsca pe Arbore tum, 2018-Pre se nt Mi nne w a shta Ele me nta ry Me dia Ce nte r, 2018-2019 Sta nle y British Prim a ry School Libra ry, 2015-2017 Minne tonka La crosse Associa tion Minne tonka HS Fa stBre a k Club, 2021-Pre se nt Boa rd of Dire ctors, Vice Pre side nt, 2018-2020 Boa rd of Dire ctors, Se cre ta ry Clothe s to Kids De nve r, 2014-2017 Ma ste r Comm uni ty Ga rde ne r De nve r Urba n Ga rde ns, 2013-2017 St. Johnâ €™s Luthe ra n Church a nd School Le ctor, 2013-2016 School Boa rd Me m be r, 2009-2013 Me m be r, 2007-2017 Ste e le Ele m e nta ry School Afte r School Enrichme nt Le a d, 2014 Prospe ctive Stude nt Fa mily Tour Guide , 2012-2014 Ga rde n to Ca fe te ria Le a d, 2012 Rose da le Comm uni ty Ga rde n Ga rde ne r, 2012-2014 Com m unica tions Le a d, 2013 Com posti ng Te a m , 2012 W om e n W i th A Ca use Pla y It Forw a rd Ta l e nt Show Me dia Com mitte e , 2011 Ci ty of De nve r a nd Ashoka Cha nge Your City De nve r Eve nts Cha i r, 2010 46 Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Se niors - Inde pe nde nt li ving, qua l ity a ssiste d livi ng fa cilitie s, mobil ity, food se curi ty, sa fe ty, socia l inte ra cti on Pa rk & Re cre a tion - Multi-use pa rks a nd e qua l-opportunity sche duling, tra il m a inte na nce a nd e x pa nsion, cle a n l a ke s, re cre a tion opportunitie s for a ll How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 47 Kara Cassidy 7391 Ridge Hill Rd, Excelsior, MN 55331 | 720-382-6141 | kscassidy@gmail.com Thank you for the opportunity to answer these interesting questions. I look forward to speaking with you about my answers and hearing the questions you may have. 1. What are you most passionate/enthusiastic about and how do you achieve this or demonstrate this in your daily life? I am a person with many passions, so this is a tough question . After much consideration, my answer is…food. This is not to say that I’m a foodie who is always looking for the best restaurant or eating whatever is trendy. It is much different. It is about understanding food - where it comes from, how to grow and harvest it, how what you eat affects your performance, how food is fuel and medicine. It all started when I had children. We lived in Denver and had a small backyard. We were fortunate to have an apple tree and a peach tree. I very much wanted my children to be able to go outside and have a snack from our yard. With raspberry bushes, grape tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables added to the yard, we created a backyard where fresh, heathy snacks were available. From here, I discovered Denver Urban Gardens and their Master Community Garde ner Program. This program trains volunteers to run the nearly 150 community gardens in metro Denver. In 2011 I applied for the program and was not chosen. So, I applied for a plot in a community garden, was awarded a plot in a nearby garden, and went to work on a larger garden with my young sons. They loved digging, planting, watering, and harvesting. In 2012, I applied again to join the Master Community Gardener Program and was accepted. After many hours of classroom instruction and volunteer opportunities, I became a Master Community Gardener in 2013. This is a wonderful program that includes teaching basic gardening when requested and, for me, a spot on my community garden board where I ran communications. Next, my son’s elementary school had a garden and a community garden on the property. I jumped in and received training to become the lead of the Garden to Cafeteria program. Here, I would take about five 1st or 2nd grade students each week out to the gardens and harvest whatever was ready – plums, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. Then, the students would go into the cafeteria, weigh everything they picked, log the produce and weight, then present the fruits and vegetables to the head of the school kitchen. Denver Public Schools have scratch kitchens, so the kitchen staff was able to incorporate all the fruits and ve getables into lunches. Additionally, I started the after-school garden club with a friend of mine. We did everything from plant carrots and flower “bombs” to seed art and smoothies. Helping students understand where their food comes from and how they can make delicious , nutritious food – like avocado chocolate pudding, black bean brownies, or fruit smoothies – is a gift that will last a lifetime. 48 Kara Cassidy 7391 Ridge Hill Rd, Excelsior, MN 55331 | 720-382-6141 | kscassidy@gmail.com Fast forward a few years and my children ha d become very involved in sports. I happened to see a fantastic documentary on the chef who cooks for the Australian Tour de France team. A whole new world of performance nutrition was opened for me. I started reading and researching performance nutrition for young athletes. Because of this, I was better able to nourish my growing sons while they participated in multiple high level sports. Today, I like sourcing local food and putting the best ingredients into our bodies. Suppor ting local farms is high on my list of priorities . Pre-pandemic I, also, volunteered in the MN Landscape Arboretum children education center during field trips that teach children about food. Lastly, I volunteer when I can in the kitchen or bakery at Open Arms. Helping prepare food for those who have medical conditions a nd can’t prepare their own is a great joy. For almost 20 years, I have developed my passion for food. Today, if you walk into my kitchen, I love to work with you and make anything you request. 2. Provide an example of how you collaborated within a team environment to achieve the team’s goals? What were the goals and results of your collaboration? In early 2021, when the pandemic had taken hold but there was a bit of a positive swing, I was approached to put together a 14U box lacrosse team for our local association. The association wasn’t going to offer the program, but many of us felt it would be great for our children (mentally and physically) to play sports. With the help of two other parents (who needed to remain behind the scen es) I went about putting together a lacrosse team and getting them into the winter league. We had an overwhelming response after I reached out to the lacrosse community, and we ended up forming two teams. Team selection, jersey design, practice times, etc. all needed to be coordinated among the three of us who were forming the teams. I focused on the admin part - jersey design finalized and order placed, money collected, contact information and waivers completed, communications, etc. My partner parents focused on balancing players on two teams, running practices, and coaching. Together, we were able to provide a safe team sports experience for our middle school sons during a time when many sports were on hold. 3. Describe a time when personal issues pulled you away from completing a task you had to complete. How did you handle the conflict? Did you ultimately complete the task? I have two sons and a husband who, pre-pandemic, travelled out-of-state 80% of the time. I, also, work. This means every time a child gets hurt or sick or needs help, I am the first responder. I’ve had sick children, a son who fell out of a tree at recess, a child who super glued his eyelid shut, forgotten items, broken noses while sledding, a sister who went into premature labor with kids at home, pare nts who need help. 49 Kara Cassidy 7391 Ridge Hill Rd, Excelsior, MN 55331 | 720-382-6141 | kscassidy@gmail.com I don’t remember one time where these incidents have kept me from completing an important task. That’s not my nature. In general, I strive to be very organized and to surround myself with people who believe in the same goal and outcome as I do. When I receive the call, I made sure I have everything in place to proceed without me, I communicate with my co-workers that I had to leave, and I made a list of contingency plans should anything go wrong while I am absent. I believe we live in amazing times. The ability to communicate has never been better and there is no reason why a person shouldn ’t be able to handle an occasional crisis without creating a huge hole. I once read a book that referenced teaching your children to navigate their lives in the same way a master mariner navigates the ocean. I believe this. Know what needs to be done, learn to read the maps and signs, expect strong winds and big waves, and navigate to the destination. In other words, if you have a job to do, figure out how to get it done with the people, money, time, and tools that you have available. The path to completion is rarely a straight one, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. 50 1 Lusian, Christine From:Ruth Lunde <lundeworld@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, February 7, 2022 1:59 PM To:Lusian, Christine Subject:Re: Commission app: Senior - follow-up Q&A Attachments:Responses to questions 2022.docx CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Christine, Please see the attached, answers to the questions. If you need anything else, please let me know. Thanks. Ruth Lunde On Monday, January 31, 2022, 11:10:50 AM CST, Lusian, Christine <clusian@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> wrote: Good morning! Thank you for your interest in serving on a Chanhassen commission! City Council would like to review your responses to the following questions: 1. What are you most passionate/enthusiastic about and how do you achieve this or demonstrate this in your daily life? 2. Provide an example of how you collaborated within a team environment to achieve the team’s goals? What were the goals and results of your collaboration? 3. Describe a time when personal issues pulled you away from completing a task you had to complete. How did you handle the conflict? Did you ultimately complete the task? Take the next week or so and please reply with your answers by Monday, February 14. I will be reaching out to you again next week to schedule an interview for the evening of February 28 or March 14. 51 2 Very Respectfully, Christine www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 52 1. What are you most passionate/enthusiastic about and how do you achieve this or demonstrate this in your daily life? a. I’ll share a few things that I am passionate/enthusiastic about (not a complete list). b. For more than two decades, I have been enthusiastic about Affordable Housing and Habitat for Humanity. This comes out in my daily life in examples such as: i. Helping the seniors explore options of affordable housing, when I have been in the role of their Senior Companion volunteer ii. When there was interest from multiple people of the Chanhassen Senior Commission: 1. Setting up a speaker regarding Age Well at Home 2. Researching the topic of Affordable Housing, with this being the focus for discussion in multiple Senior Commission meetings iii. Leading Habitat for Humanity teams to build affordable housing c. I am passionate/enthusiastic about Volunteering, Giving Back in various ways in my daily life i. Organizations I volunteer with regularly include the Chanhassen Senior Commission, Chanhassen Rotary, my Church, the Humanity Alliance, Habitat for Humanity, Braver Angels, the Red Cross, Memorial Blood Center, Children’s Shelter of Cebu, Phase Two Cebu, and as a Senior Companion. ii. It has been a blessing for me in retirement to have more time for volunteering, to live out my faith, to give back. I find it quite fulfilling to help in whatever ways I can, to give of my time and resources. 2. Provide an example of how you collaborated within a team environment to achieve the team’s goals? What were the goals and results of your collaboration? a. With the Chanhassen Senior Commission and city staff, I was introduced to the Carver County CDA. For more than two years, I have served on two groups/teams led by the CDA. One of those is CHIP (County Health Improvement Program). As a member of the team, we have worked on and developed a presentation on Affordable Housing which has been given to a few groups already. Discussions on Affordable Housing are important throughout Carver County. We hope that presentations/discussions can be scheduled with elected leaders, city staff, civic groups, and others who might be interested. b. For two+ years, I have been a State Coordinator for Braver Angels. For many communities in MN and across the nation, the increasing signs of political division and toxicity have been troubling to me. Braver Angels is a grass roots organization that helps us to bridge the political divide. I am an active 53 participant in our MN Steering Team so that free workshops, debates, and other events are offered to anyone interested. There has been a good turnout in our community and across MN. 3. Describe a time when personal issues pulled you away from completing a task you had to complete. How did you handle the conflict? Did you ultimately complete the task? a. There have been times during covid that my commitment to family has resulted in other things needing to wait. When those came up, I contacted affected people to let them know what was happening and when I could get back to them. In some cases, others handled the item, and no follow up was needed by me. In other cases, I completed the task in a revised timeframe. b. I try to take the same level of Responsibility for volunteer roles as what I had in my career, working for pay. I see directly how important it is that volunteers deliver on commitments, and I aim to be reliable. 54 Chanhassen Logo Commission Application Form Please complete and submit the online form below. You will be able to print a copy of the completed form when it is submitted. Application deadline is Friday, January 28, 2021. Commission Information Notice of Commission Vacancies For additional information regarding each commission and the number of available vacancies, view the Notice of Commission Vacancies via the above link. City Council Interview Dates Applicants are required to interview with the City Council. Interview date(s) and times will be determined at the January 24, 2022 City Council work session. Commission Desired* Senior Commission Alternate Commission Choice-Optional* Planning Commission Name * Ruth Lunde Home Address* City* Chanhassen (for mailing address) Zip Code * 55317 (for mailing address) Preferred Contact Phone *Alternate Contact Phone If no alternate phone, enter "none" Print Commission Application Form - Submission #5355 Date Submitted: 1/24/2022 55 Email*Number of years lived in Chanhassen* 20 Highest level of education attained, plus degrees, if any* MBA from University of St Thomas BA from Gustavus Adolphus College Employment History (position, employer & brief description of duties)* - Western National Insurance, Director of Project Office & Manager of Application Development (see resume) - Delta Dental of MN/DeCare, Senior Manager Information Technology (see resume) - Assurant, Vice President and other positions (see resume) Attach resume (if desired) RL Resume.doc Reasons for seeking this position* I have served on the Chanhassen Senior Commission for 3 years, and have found it very interesting and worthwhile. It's great to serve with such a talented team of people, working together to address needs of seniors in Chanhassen. I appreciate the chance to keep learning and to contribute in whatever all ways. If I would be appointed to another term for the Senior Commission, I would be happy to continue to work on the important items underway. Or if I would be appointed to the Planning Commission, it would be a chance to learn new things, and to contribute to the objectives of the Planning Commission. Specific qualifications for this position* - I have been heavily engaged with the Senior Commission in the past 3 years. Not only the monthly meetings of the full group, but also task force/subgroups approved by the Senior Commission (e.g. Affordable housing for seniors and Adopt-a-Senior). Feel free to check with Jerry Cerchia (chair, Senior Commission) or Sharmeen (city staff) regarding my involvement with the Senior Commission. - Regarding the Planning Commission, I realize that there would be things I need to learn, however I welcome the challenges of learning new things, building new relationships, finding ways to contribute to important goals. For more than two years, I have been actively involved with two groups led by the Carver County CDA. An issue I am quite interested in is Affordable Housing. This is important to me not only from the standpoint of Seniors, but across demographic categories. A good mix of both market rate housing and affordable housing is something that both political parties can support, from my perspective. Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?* Yes No If yes, please list - Chanhassen Senior Commission - Habitat for Humanity of MN board - Chanhassen Rotary Foundation board - Children's Shelter of Cebu board - Phase Two Cebu board 56 Ha ve you se rve d on a Boa rd, Comm i ssion, or Comm itte e in the pa st?* Ye s No I f ye s, ple a se li st Se e l ist a bove for boa rds tha t I continue to se rve on Also, boa rds I've se rve d i n the pa st, but not curre ntly: - Thrive nt Cha pte r Boa rd - Com monHe a lth Clinic - Hope Adoption a nd Fa mil y Se rvice s Pl e a se list orga niza tion m e m be rships a nd positi ons he l d* - Cha nha sse n Rota ry: l e a d the Se rvice Schola rships com m itte e , se rve on the Founda ti on boa rd, Te chnology te a m, Inte rna tiona l com m itte e , incoming Progra m Le a d - For my Church, le a d Ha bi ta t for Hum a nity volunte e r te a m s, l e a d volunte e rs for the Huma nity All ia nce - Bra ve r Ange ls, Minne sota sta te Coordina tor a nd orga niz e r - Re d Cross, volunte e r, Disa ste r Re l ie f, l oca l ly in the Tw in Citi e s a nd a cross the US Pl e a se list a re a s of spe cia l i nte re st* Bringing pe ople of dive rse opinions/ba ckgrounds toge the r, re spe ctful conve rsa tions, looking for Comm on Ground. Ma king the comm uni ty a nd the w orld a be tte r pla ce . How did you he a r a bout com m ission va ca ncie s?* Select all that apply Cha nha sse n Conne ction Ne w sl e tte r City W e bsi te Fa ce book Tw itte r Cha nha sse n Vi lla ge r Othe r 57 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Future Work Session Schedule File No.Item No: A.2 Agenda Section 5:00 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold the following work sessions: March 14, 2022 1. Commission Interviews March 21, 2022 (Note meeting date change from March 28, 2022) 1. Facilities Study Discussion 2. City Manager Performance Review (closed session after regular meeting) April 11, 2022 1. Fire Department/Public Safety Staffing Update 2. ARPA Discussion 58 April 25, 2022 1. Short-Term, Rental, and Business Licensing 2. City Council Roundtable May 9, 2022 1. Park Referendum Update May 23, 2022 1. Southern Chanhassen and Lower Bluff Development Planning BACKGROUND Staff or the City Council may suggest topics for work sessions. Dates are tentative until the meeting agenda is published. Work sessions are typically held at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month in conjunction with the regular City Council meeting, but may be scheduled for other times as needed. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 59 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated February 28, 2022 File No.Item No: D.1 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council Minutes dated February 28, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Work Session Minutes dated February 28, 2022 60 City Council Minutes dated February 28, 2022 61 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilman McDonald, and Councilwoman Schubert. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Campion. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Eric Anderson, Economic Development Commission Karl Tsuchiya, Park & Recreation Commission Greg Hawks, Environmental Commission, Mark von Oven, Planning Commission Gary Swanson, Carbon Solutions Group Jody McDevitt, Carbon Solutions Group (via Zoom) CONSIDER ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION OFFER FROM CARBON SOLUTIONS GROUP City Manager Laurie Hokkanen provided a detailed update regarding a reduction in the scope of the offer from Carbon Solutions Group to 10 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at 8 City locations and no vehicles. Council was asked to provide direction on whether or not to move forward with the reduced proposal. After some discussion, the City Council concensus was to move forward with approving the revised proposal on the regular agenda. COMMISSION APPLICANT INTERVIEWS The City Council interviewed the following commission applicants: Chris Freeman Douglas Ahmann Duke Zurek Ryan Soller Dan Eidsmo Matthew Kutz Kaisa Buckholz Edward Goff 62 City Council Work Session Minutes – February 28, 2022 2 FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE 03/14/2022 – Commission interviews and City Manager performance review 03/21/2022 – Facilities Study Discussion 04/11/2022 – Fire Department/Public Safety Staffing Update, ARPA Discussion 04/25/2022 – Short-Term, Rental, and Business Licensing, City Council Roundtable 05/09/2022 – Park Referendum Update 05/23/2022 – Lower Bluff Development Planning The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 63 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilwoman Schubert, Councilman McDonald. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Campion. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Don Johnson, Fire Chief; Lt. Lance Pearce, Carver County Sheriff’s Office; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk; and Andrea McDowell-Poehler, City Attorney. PUBLIC PRESENT: JoAnn Syverson 489 Pleasant View Road Andy Sandberg 7501 Erie Avenue John Colford 7470 Chanhassen Road Tim Koupal 608 Pleasant View Road Mayor Ryan asked the City Council if there were any modifications or additions to the agenda. There were no changes to the published agenda. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS:None. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Ryan noted that item 10 has been deleted from the Consent Agenda. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Rehm seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated February 14, 2022 2. Receive Planning Commission minutes dated January 4, 2022 3. Receive Senior Commission Minutes dated January 21, 2022 4. Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated January 19, 2022 64 City Council Minutes – February 28, 2022 2 5. Approve Claims Paid February 28, 2022 6.Resolution 2022-16:Authorize Design Services Consultant Agreement for Galpin Boulevard Improvement Project 7.Resolution 2022-17:Approve 2022 Fleet/Equipment Purchases 8.Resolution 2022-18:Approve Rehabilitation Work for Sanitary Sewer Lift Station #24 Improvements 9.Resolution 2022-19:Accept Feasibility Study and Call Public Hearing for the 2022 Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project No. 20-03. 10.ITEM DELETED - Resolution 2022-XX: Approve Maintenance Agreement with Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District 11.Resolution 2022-20: Approve Quote from Shadywood Tree Experts for Ash Tree Removal and Stump Grinding 12. Approve License Agreement with Carbon Solutions Group for Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. 1. JoAnn Syverson Citizen Action Request JoAnn Syverson presented the results of a University of Minnesota study that researched differences between wakesurf boat wakes and other types of boat wakes. The study was conducted because there is controversy about the effects of wake boat wakes on lake property and the safety of others, and the U of M was receiving complaints. They initiated the Healthy Waters Initiative which was crowdfunded and the research findings are unbiased, peer-reviewed, and published. After a six-week field study, review of four boats (two were wakesurfing boats, two were not) it was found that wakesurfing boats need 2.5 times the distance from shore than non-wakesurfing boats. In other words, if the State agrees to a 200-foot buffer between a boat and the shore, wakesurfing boats need additional space to equal the same harms that would appear at 200 feet. Ms. Syverson shared about wakesurfing boats, noting they plow through the water at 10mph or slower, and the boats displace more water which causes bigger wakes. Wakesurf boats produced maximum wake heights that were 2-3 times larger than non-surf wakes and the total wake energy is 6.9 times larger than non-wakesurf boats. Wave powers of wakesurfing boats are 6-12 times larger and this is the energy the boat puts out in traveling along its path in the water. According to the DNR, wakesurfing boats are lumped together with all other kinds of recreational boats with the same laws of being 100 feet from shore. Ms. Syverson shared she lives on Lotus Lake which is a long, narrow lake and is a favorite for wakesurfers 65 City Council Minutes – February 28, 2022 3 because of the long ride. She noted that 36 homeowners on the lake own wakesurfing boats and on the weekends the lake looks like the ocean. Ms. Syverson is recommending that buoys are allowed to be placed along the lakeshore to show boaters where the boundary or distance is. If the boundary is raised to 200 feet from shore, how will the boaters know where the boundary is? Ms. Syverson asked that the very narrowest section of the lake across from Carver Park where there are trees down and sea walls are washed away becomes a non wakesurfing area. The lake there is only 431.5 feet across and that area needs protection. Andy Sandberg knows the topic of wakesurfing has generated quite a bit of interest from some people. He pointed out that the boats and the sports existed before people, such as Ms. Syverson, purchased their homes. This was a known issue, people are trying to buy property where this already existed and then come in and get everyone else to change the rules for them. Ms. Syverson is talking about one topic today but has been pushing for the restriction of these boats and trying to get them banned entirely. He is a little bit sick of hearing about it and does not know where they draw the line, and if it is to choose other people’s recreational activities. He said if it is this topic now, what is next? No ice fishing or cross country skiing on the lake? If they make further restrictions on the lake it will also affect property values which in turn will affect property taxes. Mr. Sandberg noted there are others who would have been here to talk about the subject if they’d known it was a topic tonight. For every person like Ms. Syverson, he believes there are many that would speak out against her preferred restrictions on this topic. John Colford commented on the U of M study, noting it was done in a deep water lake and it is well-established that waves dissipate faster in shallow water so it does not apply to Lotus Lake which is shallow. Waves will dissipate faster and all of the distances are overestimates for a shallow lake. He said between a Malibu Response (a flat-bottomed ski boat) engineered to minimize wake and a wakesurfing boat which is ballasted, trim-tabbed, and surf-gated to maximize waves, the difference in wave height in the study was 2 inches at 200 feet. He said it is incredibly powerful right behind the boat, but it dissipates. He clarified again that the difference between a boat engineered to minimize wake and one designed to maximize wake was 2 inches at 200 feet. The study’s conclusion was that a wakesurf boat needs to be 500 feet from shore, and Mr. Colford stated that wave is 4-6 inches. There was not a study about erosion, they just defined a referenced condition that a Malibu Response or Larson inboard/outboard was traveling in a straight line parallel to shore. Mr. Colford is on Lotus Lake all the time and when there is a deck boat loaded down while tubing and it makes a turn it is a bigger wake than he can put out. Going to a typical lake on any weekend, one boat going 20 mph is not the reference condition. This is all an arbitrary definition to make wakesurfing boats look bad. He shared that the best wake is in the middle of the lake and not near shore so wakesurf boats are already self-motivated to be as far from the shore as possible. Mayor Ryan explained the process, noting if a Council Member feels that this is something they want to add to an agenda or work session, they will bring it forward and it must have the support of three other Council Members to be added. The process happens at roundtables and the next roundtable is April 25, 2022. This applies to all resident initiatives or topics they want the City 66 City Council Minutes – February 28, 2022 4 Council to consider. Mayor Ryan noted this issue was before the City Council in 2020 and the decision was made to follow the recommendations of the DNR. FIRE DEPARTMENT AND LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATE 1. Law Enforcement Update Lieutenant Pearce reported on January activities, noting they had 752 patrol activity calls, 48 Class A offenses of which 33 were fraud and theft complaints and they continue to be higher than they have seen over the last couple of years. He stated they had 361 non-crime calls for service and 336 in the traffic category; 157 traffic stops resulted in 33 citations, and the department saw 51 crashes of which 6 were personal injury crashes. He shared that domestics continue to be on the increase, arrests have remained even, and mental health is also on the increase. All deputies went through a bias and autism class the previous week and they have a new canine that will be named this week. Councilwoman Rehm asked about the autism class. Lieutenant Pearce shared it was taught by Minnesota Crisis Intervention Team and it was a four- hour class in which they went through statistics of why the number of people with autism has increased, gave some methodologies on better ways to interact with people with autism, and gave explanations about why behaviors might be different. 2. Fire Department Update Fire Chief Johnson reported on January activities, noting they have 33 paid on-call firefighters with 2 on extended medical leave. Two of the paid on-call captains accepted the full-time firefighter position and will start on April 4. They interviewed the first group of 16 and invited 10 applicants back, then offered 7 candidates a position: 3 non-traditional candidates are experienced firefighters from other departments and 4 are traditional Chanhassen residents that require extensive training prior to work. They will begin medical training in April/May and fire academy will take them through December/January before they will be on the schedule. The other 3 will likely be on the schedule within 4-6 weeks with on-the-job training. Chief Johnson noted January was a busy month with 94 calls for service of which 25 were general alarms and 69 were covered by staff crews. Chief Johnson noted 2 were fire response calls and one was an auto-aid response in Victoria for a residential house fire. He noted Truck 1 (the auto-aid response truck) was staffed at the station and beat the City of Victoria to the fire. He shared this not with anything against the Victoria fire service, but rather it is the fire department’s ability to cover their own City and borders pretty quickly. PUBLIC HEARINGS.None. GENERAL BUSINESS.None. 67 City Council Minutes – February 28, 2022 5 COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS.None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS.None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION 1. Code Enforcement Activities ADJOURNMENT Councilwoman Schubert moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 68 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 15, 2022 File No.Item No: D.2 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jean Steckling, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By Jean Steckling SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Planning Commission meeting minutes dated February 15, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 69 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated February 15, 2022 70 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman von Oven called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, Mark von Oven, Erik Johnson, and Kelsey Alto. MEMBERS ABSENT: Doug Reeder, Steven Weick. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; MacKenzie Young- Walters, Associate Planner PUBLIC PRESENT: Grant Dattilo 3703 South Cedar Drive (on behalf of the applicant) Chairman von Oven reviewed guidelines for conducting the Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: 3703 SOUTH CEDAR DRIVE VARIANCE Associate Planner Young-Walters presented the staff report on this item, noting this first appeared before the Planning Commission in November. At the time it was tabled, the Applicant and staff have worked together to address some of the Commissioner’s comments. The variance is for front yard, side yard, and shoreland setbacks, and lot cover maximum for construction of a single-family house located at 3703 South Cedar Drive. The Applicant is proposing to demolish an existing cabin and build a single-family home on a substandard lot. In November, the Applicant expressed concern with a staff condition to create a 20-foot wide vegetative buffer across the width of the parcel, noting that there is a beach area and a very small side yard. The Planning Commission directed staff and the Applicant to work together to develop a compromise addressing the City’s concern on the impact to the lake’s water quality while preserving as much of the Applicant’s beach as possible. Working with the Water Resources Engineer, they developed a solution that meets the minimum intent of the surface water management plan and gives the Applicant as much use of the yard space as possible. Mr. Young-Walters showed the proposed plan on screen with the 400-square foot buffer with a French drain system for runoff. Grant Dattilo, son of the Applicants, noted his parents were unable to attend the meeting and asked him to tell the Commissioners that they agree with what the City is proposing and thanks the City Staff for working with them to make it happen. Chairman von Oven opened the public hearing. 71 Planning Commission Minutes – February 15, 2022 2 Chairman von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Noyes moved, Commissioner Skistad seconded that the Chanhassen Board of appeals and adjustments approves 34.2-foot shoreland setback, 3-foot east and west side yard setback, 1.3-foot front yard setback, and 19 percent lot cover variances, subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT Mr. Young-Walters stated this is an amendment for the variance timeline. Staff is proposing an amendment to require a 500-foot mailed notification for appeals of administrative decisions and to clarify the public hearing timeline for appeals and variances. City Code requires a mailed notice to properties within 500 feet of a property requesting a variance but does not have a similar requirement when a property appeals an administrative decision or code enforcement action. The City Statute does not align with the State Statute in terms of review time for a zoning request. Mr. Young-Walters clarified that this request would address both of those. Staff wants to be sure individuals who may be impacted by these matters are notified and have a chance to come to a public hearing and speak. There is a statutory 60-day review period and City Code has a 45-day clause to set up a hearing with the Applicant; State law allows extension of up to 60 days and is not reflected in City Code. This would make it clear that the City has that authority and increase transparency. Chairman von Oven opened the public hearing. Chairman von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Alto moved, Commissioner Johnson seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 20 concerning appeal notification and public hearing timeline requirements. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JANUARY 4, 2022 Commissioner Noyes noted the summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated January 4, 2022 as presented. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Community Development Director Aanenson stated City Code says that by the end of March the Planning Commission must review the Annual Report. She gave a presentation showing the 2021 year-in-review and a look forward to what is coming up in 2022 for the City. She shared that the City had record building permit activity, lots of redevelopment and remodeling, and inspections. She walked through planning cases by type, subdivisions, site plan reviews, and population numbers. Ms. Aanenson stated 2022 work projects anticipate 2% residential growth, some development reviews, the Avienda Lifestyle Center, revisions of the wetland ordinance and 72 Planning Commission Minutes – February 15, 2022 3 surface water management requirements of City Code, minor code corrections and revisions, and a Joint Commissions’ Tour. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE: None. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Skistad moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Jean Steckling Sr. Admin. Support Specialist 73 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Approve Claims Paid dated March 14, 2022 File No.Item No: D.3 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Danielle Washburn, Assistant Finance Director Reviewed By Kelly Strey SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Approves Claims Paid dated March 14, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The following claims are submitted for review and approval on March 14, 2022: Check Numbers Amounts 177065 - 177137 $118,063.46 ACH Payments $274,752.17 Total All Claims $392,815.63 74 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Check Summary Check Summary ACH Check Detail Check Detail ACH 75 Accounts Payable User: Printed: dwashburn 3/6/2022 11:31 AM Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount AE2SCON Advanced Elements Operational Technology, LLC02/24/2022 0.00 500.00177065 AmeFla American Flag & Banner Company, Inc 02/24/2022 0.00 145.33177066 BCATRA BCA 02/24/2022 0.00 30.00177067 BurdDean Dean Burdick 02/24/2022 0.00 337.50177068 CenLin CenturyLink 02/24/2022 0.00 59.51177069 EGACOM EGAN COMPANY 02/24/2022 0.00 2,160.00177070 EllPat Patricia Ellsworth 02/24/2022 0.00 100.00177071 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 02/24/2022 0.00 105.74177072 HENCHE HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSN02/24/2022 0.00 200.00177073 HENHEA Hennepin Healthcare 02/24/2022 0.00 300.00177074 JasSer Jasper Services, LLC 02/24/2022 0.00 800.00177075 MetGar Metro Garage Door Company 02/24/2022 0.00 31,300.00177076 MNPOL MN Pollution Control Agency 02/24/2022 0.00 1,000.00177077 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 02/24/2022 0.00 786.00177078 SOULOC SOUTHWEST LOCK & KEY 02/24/2022 0.00 503.00177079 StanCons Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.02/24/2022 0.00 1,168.75177080 SUBRAT SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY 02/24/2022 0.00 1,410.00177081 TimSav TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 02/24/2022 0.00 154.00177082 POST POSTMASTER 02/28/2022 0.00 645.16177083 AheEli Elizabeth Ahern 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177084 ALLSTR ALLSTREAM 03/03/2022 0.00 490.84177085 UB*02469 JEREL & JANE ALSLEBEN 03/03/2022 0.00 109.42177086 UB*02485 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 03/03/2022 0.00 79.15177087 BCATRA BCA 03/03/2022 0.00 33.25177088 UB*02475 ALAN BEARDER 03/03/2022 0.00 47.18177089 UB*02478 BURNET TITLE 03/03/2022 0.00 55.23177090 UB*02472 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT 03/03/2022 0.00 35.21177091 EmbMinn CENTURYLINK 03/03/2022 0.00 700.81177092 CleSol Cleaning Solutions Services 03/03/2022 0.00 7,620.00177093 COLWMELI Melinda Colwell 03/03/2022 0.00 315.00177094 UB*02479 CREEK FIVE ASSOCIATES 03/03/2022 0.00 8.01177095 DulSal Dultmeier Sales LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 43.87177096 EARAND Earl F Andersen Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 180.75177097 UB*02477 EDINA REALTY TITLE 03/03/2022 0.00 30.17177098 EKHOPAUL PAUL EKHOLM 03/03/2022 0.00 23.98177099 UB*02473 KEITH & KRISTIN ELLENBERG 03/03/2022 0.00 70.54177100 UB*02484 TROY & BETH EMERSON 03/03/2022 0.00 76.27177101 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 03/03/2022 0.00 25,056.00177102 GorTam Tammy Gorsuch 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177103 GYMWOR GYM WORKS INC 03/03/2022 0.00 400.00177104 HerNor Herfort Norby Golf Course Architects, LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 4,760.00177105 HerBar Barbara Hernandez 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177106 InnTite Inner-Tite 03/03/2022 0.00 1,925.46177107 UB*02476 RICHARD JI 03/03/2022 0.00 85.22177108 UB*02483 SCOTT JOHNSON 03/03/2022 0.00 126.50177109 JoneDavi David Jones 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177110 KaiJul Julie Kaiser 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177111 Page 1AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (3/6/2022 11:31 AM) 76 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount UB*02470 LOIS KLUG 03/03/2022 0.00 8.30177112 KorKat Kathy Korth 03/03/2022 0.00 150.00177113 UB*02486 LAKE TITLE LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 31.87177114 UB*02488 LEGACY TITLE 03/03/2022 0.00 15.73177115 UB*02480 CHRISTOPHER LENHART, PERS REP FOR ESTATE03/03/2022 0.00 27.61177116 MacLyn Lyn Machacek 03/03/2022 0.00 50.00177117 METCO2 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 03/03/2022 0.00 3,580.09177118 MNSaf Minnesota Safety Council 03/03/2022 0.00 46.00177119 MNTITLE Minnesota Title 03/03/2022 0.00 19.14177120 MNHEAL MN DEPT OF HEALTH 03/03/2022 0.00 20,693.00177121 MNUtiCo MN Utility Contractors Association 03/03/2022 0.00 200.00177122 OluMar Mark Olufson 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177123 UB*02474 PARTNER TITLE 03/03/2022 0.00 7.61177124 ResEnv Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 2,903.00177125 rindray Ray Rindahl 03/03/2022 0.00 96.00177126 RudTim Tim Rude 03/03/2022 0.00 100.00177127 UB*02487 THOMAS & ALI SAUDER 03/03/2022 0.00 24.50177128 SHEWIL SHERWIN WILLIAMS 03/03/2022 0.00 259.16177129 UB*02481 BONITA SKAJA 03/03/2022 0.00 142.27177130 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 03/03/2022 0.00 4,370.00177131 Southwes Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 03/03/2022 0.00 40.00177132 StrDway Dwayne Strand 03/03/2022 0.00 25.00177133 TimSav TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 344.50177134 UB*02482 TRADEMARK TITLE SERICES 03/03/2022 0.00 89.98177135 WATCOM WATEROUS COMPANY 03/03/2022 0.00 237.25177136 UB*02471 Zillow Homes Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 24.60177137 Report Total (73 checks): 118,063.46 0.00 Page 2AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (3/6/2022 11:31 AM) 77 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check User:dwashburn Printed: 3/6/2022 11:34 AM Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH z-adobe Adobe 01/19/2022 0.00 128.84 ACH z-amazon Amazon 01/19/2022 0.00 4,311.02 ACH z-ameleg American Legion 01/19/2022 0.00 175.60 ACH z-awwa American Water Works Association 01/19/2022 0.00 405.53 ACH z-antisy Antisyphon 01/19/2022 0.00 206.78 ACH z-apple Apple.com 01/19/2022 0.00 1.98 ACH z-winzip CBI-WINZIP 01/19/2022 0.00 10.10 ACH z-chifil Chick-Fil-A 01/19/2022 0.00 133.22 ACH Z-CHIMEX Chipotle Mexican Grill 01/19/2022 0.00 672.40 ACH z-ChrDes Christmas Designers, 01/19/2022 0.00 4,887.50 ACH Z-CROPIN Crooked Pint 01/19/2022 0.00 48.76 ACH z-cubfoo Cub Foods 01/19/2022 0.00 24.81 ACH z-doltre Dollar Tree Stores Inc 01/19/2022 0.00 67.54 ACH z-epieve Epic Event Rental 01/19/2022 0.00 264.45 ACH z-facboo Facebook 01/19/2022 0.00 10.00 ACH z-FirRob Fireman Rob 01/19/2022 0.00 60.00 ACH z-flefar Fleet Farm 01/19/2022 0.00 37.57 ACH Z-FroScr From Scratch Baking 01/19/2022 0.00 267.49 ACH z-grain Grainger 01/19/2022 0.00 74.97 ACH z-grunde Grundens USA 01/19/2022 0.00 169.99 ACH Z-HOMDEP Home Depot 01/19/2022 0.00 2,053.11 ACH z-iapmo IAPMO 01/19/2022 0.00 215.98 ACH z-intcod International Code Council 01/19/2022 0.00 245.00 ACH z-jamsof Jamf Software, LLC 01/19/2022 0.00 102.00 ACH z-Lyncar Lynn Card Company 01/19/2022 0.00 65.46 ACH z-mcmcar McMaster-Carr 01/19/2022 0.00 139.90 ACH z-medbox Med Box Grill 01/19/2022 0.00 121.84 ACH z-menard Menards 01/19/2022 0.00 393.23 ACH z-merlin Merlins Ace Hardware 01/19/2022 0.00 33.90 ACH Z-MNSTA Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 01/19/2022 0.00 495.00 ACH z-mntran MN Department of Transportation 01/19/2022 0.00 45.00 ACH z-Mnlabo MN Dept of Labor and Industry 01/19/2022 0.00 85.00 ACH z-mono Monoprice.com 01/19/2022 0.00 343.58 ACH Z-NRPA National Recreation and Park Association 01/19/2022 0.00 270.00 ACH z-offmax Office Max/Office Depot 01/19/2022 0.00 162.03 ACH z-paypal PayPal 01/19/2022 0.00 68.40 ACH z-peajar PeachJar.Com 01/19/2022 0.00 75.00 ACH z-piccen Pickleball Central 01/19/2022 0.00 102.12 ACH z-post Postmaster 01/19/2022 0.00 5.10 ACH z-revdan Revolution Dancewear 01/19/2022 0.00 865.43 ACH Z-SOUMET Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 01/19/2022 0.00 40.00 ACH z-strat Stratoguard, LLC 01/19/2022 0.00 185.60 ACH Z-TARGET Target 01/19/2022 0.00 146.84 ACH Z-TEQBUT TEQUILA BUTCHER 01/19/2022 0.00 99.83 ACH Z-UOFM U of M Contlearning 01/19/2022 0.00 560.00 ACH Z-USreba US Bank Rebate 01/19/2022 0.00 (1,296.62) ACH z-USABlu USABlueBook 01/19/2022 0.00 988.15 ACH z-valwor Valworx, Inc 01/19/2022 0.00 1,056.00 ACH z-vecsto VectorStock 01/19/2022 0.00 32.21 Page 1 of 4 78 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH z-vikele Viking Electric Supply 01/19/2022 0.00 88.56 ACH z-walgre Walgreens 01/19/2022 0.00 26.24 ACH z-weissm WEISSMAN 01/19/2022 0.00 3,672.10 ACH z-WheFle Wheeler Fleet Solutions 01/19/2022 0.00 60.30 ACH z-zoom Zoom 01/19/2022 0.00 85.90 ACH z-aescr AEScripts 02/16/2022 0.00 42.94 ACH z-amazon Amazon 02/16/2022 0.00 900.64 ACH z-amasso American Association of Notaries 02/16/2022 0.00 42.90 ACH Z-AMELEG American Legion 02/16/2022 0.00 100.74 ACH z-amepla American Planning Association 02/16/2022 0.00 517.00 ACH z-apple Apple.com 02/16/2022 0.00 1.98 ACH z-BravNe Brave New Look 02/16/2022 0.00 682.80 ACH z-bridg Bridgetower Media 02/16/2022 0.00 329.00 ACH Z-CABFEV Cabin Fever Sporting Goods 02/16/2022 0.00 428.84 ACH z-cdwg CDW Government 02/16/2022 0.00 69.19 ACH z-chandi Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 02/16/2022 0.00 1,580.53 ACH Z-CHIFIL Chick-Fil-A 02/16/2022 0.00 506.81 ACH z-citrix Citrix System, Inc 02/16/2022 0.00 2,142.00 ACH z-cubfoo Cub Foods 02/16/2022 0.00 208.13 ACH z-elemot Electric Motor Repair 02/16/2022 0.00 2,398.56 ACH z-enki ENKI Brewing Company 02/16/2022 0.00 1,240.55 ACH z-facboo Facebook 02/16/2022 0.00 53.66 ACH z-flefar Fleet Farm 02/16/2022 0.00 31.49 ACH z-fuslea Fusion Learning Partners 02/16/2022 0.00 1,125.00 ACH z-glomus Global Music Rights 02/16/2022 0.00 850.00 ACH z-Gramm Grammarly 02/16/2022 0.00 144.00 ACH z-gumroa Gumroad, Inc 02/16/2022 0.00 45.00 ACH Z-HACCOM Hach Company 02/16/2022 0.00 1,630.48 ACH z-halcom Hallock Company 02/16/2022 0.00 303.53 ACH z-homdep Home Depot 02/16/2022 0.00 722.52 ACH z-hsem Homeland Security and Emergency Management 02/16/2022 0.00 128.11 ACH Z-HOULIH Houlihan's 02/16/2022 0.00 129.68 ACH Z-INTCOD International Code Council 02/16/2022 0.00 450.00 ACH z-irlndu IR Industrial 02/16/2022 0.00 442.04 ACH z-jamsof Jamf Software, LLC 02/16/2022 0.00 106.00 ACH z-jimjoh Jimmy Johns 02/16/2022 0.00 34.73 ACH z-kwitri Kwik Trip 02/16/2022 0.00 87.31 ACH z-LeaMin League of Minnesota Cities 02/16/2022 0.00 330.00 ACH z-lunbye Lunds & Byerly's 02/16/2022 0.00 40.76 ACH z-menard Menards 02/16/2022 0.00 49.00 ACH Z-MINSTA Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 02/16/2022 0.00 1,710.00 ACH z-Mnlabo MN Dept of Labor and Industry 02/16/2022 0.00 139.00 ACH z-mnrec MN Recreation and Park Association 02/16/2022 0.00 210.00 ACH z-MNUtil MN Utility Contractors Association 02/16/2022 0.00 1,000.00 ACH z-natmah National Mahjongg League 02/16/2022 0.00 100.00 ACH Z-OFFMAX Office Max/Office Depot 02/16/2022 0.00 292.82 ACH z-papamu Papa Murphy's 02/16/2022 0.00 39.10 ACH z-paypal PayPal 02/16/2022 0.00 560.00 ACH z-post Postmaster 02/16/2022 0.00 36.18 ACH z-reatru RealTruck.com 02/16/2022 0.00 405.87 ACH z-resind Residence Inn Duluth 02/16/2022 0.00 1,107.05 ACH z-sche Scheels 02/16/2022 0.00 179.91 ACH z-senlan Sensible Land Use Coalition 02/16/2022 0.00 250.00 ACH z-shafil ShareFile 02/16/2022 0.00 (195.00) ACH z-smasig SmartSign 02/16/2022 0.00 57.77 ACH z-strat Stratoguard, LLC 02/16/2022 0.00 1,807.50 ACH z-suphou SupplyHouse.com 02/16/2022 0.00 348.26 ACH z-TobSta Tobies Station Inc 02/16/2022 0.00 60.01 ACH z-tptoo TP Tools & Equipment 02/16/2022 0.00 51.32 Page 2 of 4 79 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH z-trunor True North Controls 02/16/2022 0.00 85.00 ACH z-UofMBo U of M Bookstore 02/16/2022 0.00 57.00 ACH z-UPS United Parcel Service 02/16/2022 0.00 25.60 ACH Z-USABLU USABlueBook 02/16/2022 0.00 942.13 ACH z-weissm WEISSMAN 02/16/2022 0.00 2,788.02 ACH z-whenIw When I work 02/16/2022 0.00 30.00 ACH z-win911 Win-911 02/16/2022 0.00 660.00 ACH z-zoom Zoom 02/16/2022 0.00 85.90 ACH AdvEng Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 02/24/2022 0.00 1,243.00 ACH BATPLU BATTERIES PLUS 02/24/2022 0.00 599.80 ACH BOLMEN BOLTON & MENK INC 02/24/2022 0.00 41,324.00 ACH carcou Carver County 02/24/2022 0.00 3,475.00 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 02/24/2022 0.00 2,831.00 ACH Avesis Fidelity Security Life 02/24/2022 0.00 296.38 ACH HeaStr Health Strategies 02/24/2022 0.00 750.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 02/24/2022 0.00 48.84 ACH ICC INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 02/24/2022 0.00 150.00 ACH AlHiJuli Juli Al-Hilwani 02/24/2022 0.00 75.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 02/24/2022 0.00 139.81 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 02/24/2022 0.00 152.90 ACH NorAmerS North American Safety, Inc. 02/24/2022 0.00 119.88 ACH OPG-3 OPG-3, Inc 02/24/2022 0.00 18,630.00 ACH PACANA PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 02/24/2022 0.00 2,820.00 ACH IMPPOR Rent N Save Portable Services 02/24/2022 0.00 928.00 ACH RoaMac Road Machinery & Supplies 02/24/2022 0.00 157.71 ACH SafVeh Safety Vehicle Solutions 02/24/2022 0.00 11,586.40 ACH SPRPCS SPRINT PCS 02/24/2022 0.00 103.44 ACH TouPoi TouchPoint Logic LLC 02/24/2022 0.00 387.50 ACH VESSCO VESSCO INC 02/24/2022 0.00 596.00 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 02/24/2022 0.00 12,204.75 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 02/24/2022 0.00 14,879.00 ACH AFLAC American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 03/03/2022 0.00 39.78 ACH BOYTRU Boyer Ford Trucks 03/03/2022 130.80 0.00 ACH carcou Carver County 03/03/2022 0.00 35.00 ACH CCPNIM CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 2,888.13 ACH ColLif Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 03/03/2022 0.00 67.80 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 03/03/2022 0.00 301.60 ACH DOLLIF DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 03/03/2022 0.00 23,239.00 ACH FASCOM FASTENAL COMPANY 03/03/2022 0.00 26.50 ACH FORAME FORCE AMERICA INC 03/03/2022 0.00 292.78 ACH HOOPTHRE Hoops & Threads LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 10.00 ACH INDLAN Indoor Landscapes Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 187.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 03/03/2022 0.00 229.21 ACH KATFUE KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 03/03/2022 0.00 23,687.20 ACH KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 03/03/2022 0.00 1,257.75 ACH KIMHOR KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 03/03/2022 0.00 3,304.56 ACH K TECH K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 03/03/2022 0.00 830.17 ACH METFOR METROPOLITAN FORD 03/03/2022 0.00 90.94 ACH MinEqu Minnesota Equipment 03/03/2022 0.00 1,036.52 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 03/03/2022 0.00 204.58 ACH MobMin Mobile Mini, Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 1,620.00 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 03/03/2022 0.00 95.91 ACH NusEqu Nuss Truck & Equipment 03/03/2022 0.00 247.91 ACH QUAFLO Quality Flow Systems Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 450.00 ACH DaniReem Reem Danial 03/03/2022 0.00 319.20 ACH SNATOO SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 03/03/2022 0.00 63.37 ACH TBEI TBEI, Inc 03/03/2022 0.00 2,775.90 ACH VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS 03/03/2022 0.00 4,462.83 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 03/03/2022 0.00 39,022.43 Page 3 of 4 80 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH ZIEGLE ZIEGLER INC 03/03/2022 0.00 147.59 Report Total:130.80 274,752.17 Page 4 of 4 81 AP Check Detail-Checks User: dwashburn Printed: 3/6/2022 11:34:50 AM Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount Advanced Elements Operational Technology, LLC 2/24/2022 700-0000-4300 Software and Hosting/Maintenance 500.00 2/24/2022 500.00 Advanced Elements Operational Technology, LLC 500.00 Ahern Elizabeth 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/3/2022 100.00 Ahern Elizabeth 100.00 ALLSTREAM 3/3/2022 101-1160-4300 Mitel Phone System Maintenance 490.84 3/3/2022 490.84 ALLSTREAM 490.84 ALSLEBEN JEREL & JANE 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 101061-000, 528 MISSION HILLS DRIVE 60.68 ALSLEBEN JEREL & JANE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 101061-000, 528 MISSION HILLS DRIVE 37.50 ALSLEBEN JEREL & JANE 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 101061-000, 528 MISSION HILLS DRIVE 7.25 ALSLEBEN JEREL & JANE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 101061-000, 528 MISSION HILLS DRIVE 3.99 3/3/2022 109.42 ALSLEBEN JEREL & JANE 109.42 American Flag & Banner Company, Inc 2/24/2022 700-7043-4120 Supplies 145.33 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 1 of 14 82 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount 2/24/2022 145.33 American Flag & Banner Company, Inc 145.33 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 095598-000, 1833 COTTONGRASS COURT 0.30 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 095598-000, 1833 COTTONGRASS COURT 77.56 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 095598-000, 1833 COTTONGRASS COURT 1.29 3/3/2022 79.15 ANCONA TITLE & ESCROW 79.15 BCA 2/24/2022 101-1120-4300 Background Investigation 30.00 2/24/2022 30.00 BCA 3/3/2022 101-1220-4300 Background Investigation 33.25 3/3/2022 33.25 BCA 63.25 BEARDER ALAN 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 010364-000, 6851 UTICA LANE 9.91 BEARDER ALAN 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 010364-000, 6851 UTICA LANE 26.49 BEARDER ALAN 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 010364-000, 6851 UTICA LANE 9.43 BEARDER ALAN 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 010364-000, 6851 UTICA LANE 1.35 3/3/2022 47.18 BEARDER ALAN 47.18 Burdick Dean 2/24/2022 701-0000-4553 Service Work 337.50 2/24/2022 337.50 Burdick Dean 337.50 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 2 of 14 83 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount BURNET TITLE 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 018456-003, 8162 STONE CREEK DRIVE 5.33 BURNET TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 018456-003, 8162 STONE CREEK DRIVE 0.89 BURNET TITLE 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 018456-003, 8162 STONE CREEK DRIVE 26.86 BURNET TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 018456-003, 8162 STONE CREEK DRIVE 22.15 3/3/2022 55.23 BURNET TITLE 55.23 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 099744-007, 720 CROSSROADS COURT 35.21 3/3/2022 35.21 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT 35.21 CenturyLink 2/24/2022 700-7043-4310 Monthly Service 59.51 2/24/2022 59.51 CENTURYLINK 3/3/2022 701-0000-4310 Monthly Service - Acct # 408885285 15.12 CENTURYLINK 3/3/2022 101-1160-4320 Monthly Service - Acct # 408885285 250.00 CENTURYLINK 3/3/2022 700-7019-4310 Monthly Service - Acct # 408885285 210.28 CENTURYLINK 3/3/2022 700-0000-4310 Monthly Service - Acct # 408885285 15.13 CENTURYLINK 3/3/2022 101-1190-4310 Monthly Service - Acct # 430212154 120.16 CENTURYLINK 3/3/2022 101-1540-4310 Monthly Service - Acct # 437033333 90.12 3/3/2022 700.81 CENTURYLINK 760.32 Cleaning Solutions Services 3/3/2022 101-1370-4350 Cleaning Service - Chan Public Works 480.00 Cleaning Solutions Services 3/3/2022 700-0000-4350 Cleaning Service - Chan Public Works 60.00 Cleaning Solutions Services 3/3/2022 101-1170-4350 Cleaning Service - Chan City Hall 3,000.00 Cleaning Solutions Services 3/3/2022 101-1220-4350 Cleaning Service - Chan Fire Station #1 240.00 Cleaning Solutions Services 3/3/2022 101-1190-4350 Cleaning Service - Chan Library 3,780.00 Cleaning Solutions Services 3/3/2022 701-0000-4350 Cleaning Service - Chan Public Works 60.00 3/3/2022 7,620.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 3 of 14 84 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount Cleaning Solutions Services 7,620.00 Colwell Melinda 3/3/2022 101-1560-4300 Mah Jongg for beginners 315.00 3/3/2022 315.00 Colwell Melinda 315.00 CREEK FIVE ASSOCIATES 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 017431-000, 1891 ARBORETUM BLVD 8.01 3/3/2022 8.01 CREEK FIVE ASSOCIATES 8.01 Dultmeier Sales LLC 3/3/2022 101-1320-4120 Supplies 43.87 3/3/2022 43.87 Dultmeier Sales LLC 43.87 Earl F Andersen Inc 3/3/2022 101-1320-4560 Safety Signs 180.75 3/3/2022 180.75 Earl F Andersen Inc 180.75 EDINA REALTY TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 101716-000, 6629 POINTE LAKE LUCY 1.34 EDINA REALTY TITLE 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 101716-000, 6629 POINTE LAKE LUCY 10.96 EDINA REALTY TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 101716-000, 6629 POINTE LAKE LUCY 7.90 EDINA REALTY TITLE 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 101716-000, 6629 POINTE LAKE LUCY 9.97 3/3/2022 30.17 EDINA REALTY TITLE 30.17 EGAN COMPANY 2/24/2022 101-1190-4510 Service Work 2,160.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 4 of 14 85 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount 2/24/2022 2,160.00 EGAN COMPANY 2,160.00 EKHOLM PAUL 3/3/2022 101-1250-4370 Travel - Seminar - Brooklyn Park 23.98 3/3/2022 23.98 EKHOLM PAUL 23.98 ELLENBERG KEITH & KRISTIN 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 019806-000, 7495 SARATOGA DRIVE 5.47 ELLENBERG KEITH & KRISTIN 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 019806-000, 7495 SARATOGA DRIVE 40.81 ELLENBERG KEITH & KRISTIN 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 019806-000, 7495 SARATOGA DRIVE 0.74 ELLENBERG KEITH & KRISTIN 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 019806-000, 7495 SARATOGA DRIVE 23.52 3/3/2022 70.54 ELLENBERG KEITH & KRISTIN 70.54 Ellsworth Patricia 2/24/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 2/24/2022 100.00 Ellsworth Patricia 100.00 EMERSON TROY & BETH 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 017639-000, 6504 GRAY FOX CURVE 41.45 EMERSON TROY & BETH 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 017639-000, 6504 GRAY FOX CURVE 1.39 EMERSON TROY & BETH 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 017639-000, 6504 GRAY FOX CURVE 10.32 EMERSON TROY & BETH 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 017639-000, 6504 GRAY FOX CURVE 23.11 3/3/2022 76.27 EMERSON TROY & BETH 76.27 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 2/24/2022 700-0000-4550 Materials 105.74 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 5 of 14 86 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount 2/24/2022 105.74 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 3/3/2022 700-0000-4250 Water Meter Replacement Project 25,056.00 3/3/2022 25,056.00 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 25,161.74 Gorsuch Tammy 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/3/2022 100.00 Gorsuch Tammy 100.00 GYM WORKS INC 3/3/2022 101-1530-4530 Preventative Maintenance 400.00 3/3/2022 400.00 GYM WORKS INC 400.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSN 2/24/2022 101-1220-4360 2022 Dues & Records Updates 200.00 2/24/2022 200.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSN 200.00 Hennepin Healthcare 2/24/2022 101-1220-4300 Covid-19 Test 300.00 2/24/2022 300.00 Hennepin Healthcare 300.00 Herfort Norby Golf Course Architects, LLC 3/3/2022 605-6502-4300 Professional Services 4,760.00 3/3/2022 4,760.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 6 of 14 87 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount Herfort Norby Golf Course Architects, LLC 4,760.00 Hernandez Barbara 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/3/2022 100.00 Hernandez Barbara 100.00 Inner-Tite 3/3/2022 700-0000-4250 Supplies 1,925.46 3/3/2022 1,925.46 Inner-Tite 1,925.46 Jasper Services, LLC 2/24/2022 101-1731-4300 Ice Fish Camp 800.00 2/24/2022 800.00 Jasper Services, LLC 800.00 JI RICHARD 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 099994-002, 2398 HARVEST WAY 3.35 JI RICHARD 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 099994-002, 2398 HARVEST WAY 46.10 JI RICHARD 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 099994-002, 2398 HARVEST WAY 33.74 JI RICHARD 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 099994-002, 2398 HARVEST WAY 2.03 3/3/2022 85.22 JI RICHARD 85.22 JOHNSON SCOTT 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 020670-000, 2585 HIGHCREST CIRCLE 0.82 JOHNSON SCOTT 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 020670-000, 2585 HIGHCREST CIRCLE 4.89 JOHNSON SCOTT 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 020670-000, 2585 HIGHCREST CIRCLE 118.75 JOHNSON SCOTT 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 020670-000, 2585 HIGHCREST CIRCLE 2.04 3/3/2022 126.50 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 7 of 14 88 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount JOHNSON SCOTT 126.50 Jones David 3/3/2022 101-1560-4300 Speaker Fee 100.00 3/3/2022 100.00 Jones David 100.00 Kaiser Julie 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/3/2022 100.00 Kaiser Julie 100.00 KLUG LOIS 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 015928-000, 8047 AUTUMN RIDGE WAY 0.89 KLUG LOIS 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 015928-000, 8047 AUTUMN RIDGE WAY 1.37 KLUG LOIS 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 015928-000, 8047 AUTUMN RIDGE WAY 2.71 KLUG LOIS 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 015928-000, 8047 AUTUMN RIDGE WAY 3.33 3/3/2022 8.30 KLUG LOIS 8.30 Korth Kathy 3/3/2022 101-0000-2021 Picnic Reservation Refund 10.30 Korth Kathy 3/3/2022 101-1541-3634 Picnic Reservation Refund 139.70 3/3/2022 150.00 Korth Kathy 150.00 LAKE TITLE LLC 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 016076-000, 7893 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 2.19 LAKE TITLE LLC 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 016076-000, 7893 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 18.98 LAKE TITLE LLC 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 016076-000, 7893 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 1.33 LAKE TITLE LLC 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 016076-000, 7893 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 9.37 3/3/2022 31.87 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 8 of 14 89 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount LAKE TITLE LLC 31.87 LEGACY TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 020374-000, 7627 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 0.74 LEGACY TITLE 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 020374-000, 7627 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 2.03 LEGACY TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 020374-000, 7627 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 6.87 LEGACY TITLE 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 020374-000, 7627 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD 6.09 3/3/2022 15.73 LEGACY TITLE 15.73 LENHART, PERS REP FOR ESTATE CHRISTOPHER 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 013435-000, 7210 JUNIPER AVENUE 27.61 3/3/2022 27.61 LENHART, PERS REP FOR ESTATE CHRISTOPHER 27.61 Machacek Lyn 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 3/3/2022 50.00 Machacek Lyn 50.00 Metro Garage Door Company 2/24/2022 101-1370-4510 Service Work 31,300.00 2/24/2022 31,300.00 Metro Garage Door Company 31,300.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 3/3/2022 700-7019-4509 Strength Charge 846.30 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 3/3/2022 700-7043-4509 ICC 2,077.44 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 3/3/2022 700-7019-4509 ICC 656.35 3/3/2022 3,580.09 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 3,580.09 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 9 of 14 90 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount Minnesota Safety Council 3/3/2022 101-1560-4300 Class 46.00 3/3/2022 46.00 Minnesota Safety Council 46.00 Minnesota Title 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 098420-000, 3530 Maplewood Circle 10.39 Minnesota Title 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 098420-000, 3530 Maplewood Circle 6.18 Minnesota Title 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 098420-000, 3530 Maplewood Circle 2.57 3/3/2022 19.14 Minnesota Title 19.14 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 3/3/2022 700-0000-4509 Community Water Supply Service Fee 20,693.00 3/3/2022 20,693.00 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 20,693.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 2/24/2022 701-0000-4370 Jerry Johnson - Training 200.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 2/24/2022 701-0000-4370 Charles Chihos - Training 200.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 2/24/2022 701-0000-4370 Joseph Gillen - Training 200.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 2/24/2022 701-0000-4370 William Kistner - Training 200.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 2/24/2022 701-0000-4370 Brett Martinson - Training 200.00 2/24/2022 1,000.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 1,000.00 MN Utility Contractors Association 3/3/2022 101-1320-4370 Online Training - Chris Pratley 200.00 3/3/2022 200.00 MN Utility Contractors Association 200.00 Olufson Mark 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 10 of 14 91 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount 3/3/2022 100.00 Olufson Mark 100.00 PARTNER TITLE 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 100642-003, 2563 BRIDLE CREEK TRL 1.06 PARTNER TITLE 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 100642-003, 2563 BRIDLE CREEK TRL 6.55 3/3/2022 7.61 PARTNER TITLE 7.61 POSTMASTER 2/28/2022 720-1130-4330 Utility Statement Postage 129.03 POSTMASTER 2/28/2022 701-1130-4330 Utility Statement Postage 258.06 POSTMASTER 2/28/2022 700-1130-4330 Utility Statement Postage 258.07 2/28/2022 645.16 POSTMASTER 645.16 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 3/3/2022 720-7202-4300 The Preserve Prairie Mgmt 1,204.00 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 3/3/2022 720-7202-4300 The Preserve Prairie Mgmt 1,699.00 3/3/2022 2,903.00 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 2,903.00 Rindahl Ray 3/3/2022 101-1220-4300 Patching & Stiching 96.00 3/3/2022 96.00 Rindahl Ray 96.00 Rude Tim 3/3/2022 700-7204-4901 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/3/2022 100.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 11 of 14 92 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount Rude Tim 100.00 SAUDER THOMAS & ALI 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 100684-000, 7531 ERIE AVENUE 11.49 SAUDER THOMAS & ALI 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 100684-000, 7531 ERIE AVENUE 3.99 SAUDER THOMAS & ALI 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 100684-000, 7531 ERIE AVENUE 8.49 SAUDER THOMAS & ALI 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 100684-000, 7531 ERIE AVENUE 0.53 3/3/2022 24.50 SAUDER THOMAS & ALI 24.50 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 3/3/2022 701-0000-4150 Materials 129.58 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 3/3/2022 700-0000-4150 Materials 129.58 3/3/2022 259.16 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 259.16 SKAJA BONITA 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 019038-000, 8410 BURLWOOD DRIVE 11.69 SKAJA BONITA 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 019038-000, 8410 BURLWOOD DRIVE 6.48 SKAJA BONITA 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 019038-000, 8410 BURLWOOD DRIVE 67.90 SKAJA BONITA 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 019038-000, 8410 BURLWOOD DRIVE 56.20 3/3/2022 142.27 SKAJA BONITA 142.27 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 2/24/2022 400-4117-4703 MS Office365 G3 786.00 2/24/2022 786.00 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 3/3/2022 101-1160-4220 Adobe Acrobat Pro 51.00 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 3/3/2022 101-1160-4220 Vmware Center / Vsphere Annual Renewal 4,319.00 3/3/2022 4,370.00 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 5,156.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 12 of 14 93 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount SOUTHWEST LOCK & KEY 2/24/2022 101-1190-4510 Service Work 503.00 2/24/2022 503.00 SOUTHWEST LOCK & KEY 503.00 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 3/3/2022 101-1120-4370 Annual Mayors Membership 40.00 3/3/2022 40.00 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 40.00 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.2/24/2022 720-7025-4300 Cranes Vineyard 1,168.75 2/24/2022 1,168.75 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 1,168.75 Strand Dwayne 3/3/2022 720-7202-3640 Community Garden Plot Refund 25.00 3/3/2022 25.00 Strand Dwayne 25.00 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY 2/24/2022 101-1310-4360 Membership 1,410.00 2/24/2022 1,410.00 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY 1,410.00 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 2/24/2022 210-0000-4300 Meeting Minutes 154.00 2/24/2022 154.00 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 3/3/2022 210-0000-4300 Meetings 344.50 3/3/2022 344.50 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 13 of 14 94 Last Name Check Date Acct 1 Description Amount TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 498.50 TRADEMARK TITLE SERICES 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 099720-000, 7617 NICHOLAS WAY 47.28 TRADEMARK TITLE SERICES 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 099720-000, 7617 NICHOLAS WAY 5.41 TRADEMARK TITLE SERICES 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 099720-000, 7617 NICHOLAS WAY 33.49 TRADEMARK TITLE SERICES 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 099720-000, 7617 NICHOLAS WAY 3.80 3/3/2022 89.98 TRADEMARK TITLE SERICES 89.98 WATEROUS COMPANY 3/3/2022 101-1220-4120 Supplies 237.25 3/3/2022 237.25 WATEROUS COMPANY 237.25 Zillow Homes Inc 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 102500-002, 8581 CHAN HILLS DR SO 3.34 Zillow Homes Inc 3/3/2022 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 102500-002, 8581 CHAN HILLS DR SO 7.69 Zillow Homes Inc 3/3/2022 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 102500-002, 8581 CHAN HILLS DR SO 1.73 Zillow Homes Inc 3/3/2022 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 102500-002, 8581 CHAN HILLS DR SO 11.84 3/3/2022 24.60 Zillow Homes Inc 24.60 118,063.46 AP - Check Detail-Checks (3/6/2022)Page 14 of 14 95 AP Check Detail-ACH User: dwashburn Printed: 3/6/2022 11:54:51 AM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Adobe 101-1160-4220 128.84 1/19/2022 Adobe Photoshop / Premier Elements Renewal 128.84 1/19/2022 Adobe 128.84 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 701-0000-4300 448.50 2/24/2022 Professional Services Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 700-0000-4300 448.50 2/24/2022 Professional Services Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 701-0000-4300 346.00 2/24/2022 Professional Services 1,243.00 2/24/2022 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 1,243.00 AEScripts 101-1120-4360 42.94 2/16/2022 Add on for Adobe Premier Pro 42.94 2/16/2022 AEScripts 42.94 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1539-4300 75.00 2/24/2022 Pickleball Lessons 75.00 2/24/2022 Al-Hilwani Juli 75.00 Amazon 400-4126-4703 73.66 1/19/2022 Cat 6 cables for switches Admin area Amazon 700-0000-4310 5.90 1/19/2022 BM Belt Clip Holster for Phone Amazon 400-4126-4703 1,053.80 1/19/2022 surface LTE/pen/keyboard for new hire inspections Brian F AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 1 of 31 96 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Amazon 400-4126-4703 19.99 1/19/2022 Flash drives for rapid recovery servers to expand storage so upd Amazon 400-4126-4703 18.69 1/19/2022 patch cables for admin switch area Amazon 101-1160-4300 7.58 1/19/2022 Sewer Televising Access Fee - Nov Amazon 101-1170-4110 286.22 1/19/2022 council workshop fountain conference room Amazon 700-7043-4120 1,274.50 1/19/2022 MW Scaffold Tower Package Amazon 101-1530-4120 39.87 1/19/2022 Pickleball Paddles Amazon 700-7043-4150 41.74 1/19/2022 MW Thermostat Amazon 101-1220-4120 53.82 1/19/2022 Battery & Label Tape Amazon 701-0000-4310 5.90 1/19/2022 BM Belt Clip Holster for Phone Amazon 700-7043-4150 49.18 1/19/2022 MW Chemical and Temperature Resistant Labels Amazon 101-1220-4290 60.73 1/19/2022 Frames for Awards Amazon 101-1170-4110 19.89 1/19/2022 ID badge clips Amazon 701-0000-4240 20.39 1/19/2022 BM Ear Defenders Amazon 101-1170-4110 23.26 1/19/2022 highlighters for eric maps Amazon 700-7043-4150 24.93 1/19/2022 MW Ice Melt Dispenser Amazon 101-1160-4530 39.98 1/19/2022 Replacement AV/Lightning adapter for TV in FS1 bay Ipad/ Plus sp Amazon 700-7043-4120 41.74 1/19/2022 MW Thermostat Amazon 101-1170-4110 6.49 1/19/2022 ink for bldg insp Amazon 101-1160-4530 10.29 1/19/2022 Replacement Mouse Apple Pencil Cap and Charge Adapter Amazon 101-1530-4150 10.08 1/19/2022 spray bottles Amazon 101-1170-4110 96.06 1/19/2022 organizer for front desk procedures and business card holder Amazon 700-0000-4240 20.39 1/19/2022 BM Ear Defenders Amazon 101-1530-4120 44.97 1/19/2022 Pickleball paddles Amazon 101-1530-4120 299.47 1/19/2022 replacement white board Amazon 400-4126-4703 169.98 1/19/2022 Surface docking station Brian F Inspections new hire Amazon 101-1170-4110 353.70 1/19/2022 Toner Rec center Amazon 101-1170-4110 73.99 1/19/2022 coffeecupsbldg/colleen Amazon 700-7043-4150 25.99 1/19/2022 MW Nylon Label Amazon 101-1170-4110 37.84 1/19/2022 meeting/agenda notebooks 4,311.02 1/19/2022 Amazon 101-1537-4130 14.99 2/16/2022 Royal Ball Decor Amazon 101-1530-4130 87.44 2/16/2022 Dodgeballs Amazon 101-1170-4110 46.17 2/16/2022 soap/kitchen sink for engineering admin and lower level Amazon 101-1170-4110 301.89 2/16/2022 Toner finance printer Amazon 101-1160-4530 29.26 2/16/2022 Repairs and Maintenance Amazon 700-0000-4150 189.99 2/16/2022 JC Drive Master Impact Socket Set Amazon 101-1170-4110 39.89 2/16/2022 Office Supplies Amazon 400-4126-4703 29.99 2/16/2022 Computers Network Projects Amazon 101-1530-4130 26.99 2/16/2022 KN95 masks Amazon 101-1160-4300 7.36 2/16/2022 Sewer Televising Access Fees Dec Amazon 101-1160-4530 33.37 2/16/2022 Repair and Maintenance Expenses AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 2 of 31 97 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Amazon 101-1170-4110 59.26 2/16/2022 BM Plastic Forks and Spoons Amazon 101-1220-4210 147.44 2/16/2022 MN Fire Code Book Amazon 700-7043-4510 91.59 2/16/2022 MW Paper Towels and Toilet Paper Amazon 400-4126-4703 -447.99 2/16/2022 Returned video switcher that did not work Amazon 700-7019-4150 59.99 2/16/2022 JC Socket Set Amazon 101-1530-4150 62.48 2/16/2022 Fitness Towels Amazon 101-1170-4110 9.57 2/16/2022 jean planning stamp Amazon 101-1530-4150 99.97 2/16/2022 Drinking fountain filters Amazon 101-1537-4130 10.99 2/16/2022 Royal Ball Decor 900.64 2/16/2022 Amazon 5,211.66 American Association of Notaries 101-1170-4110 42.90 2/16/2022 notary stamp for 2022 2027 42.90 2/16/2022 American Association of Notaries 42.90 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 101-0000-2008 39.78 3/3/2022 February 39.78 3/3/2022 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 39.78 American Legion 101-1430-4370 121.58 1/19/2022 Senior Commission Meeting American Legion 101-1220-4290 54.02 1/19/2022 Discuss upcoming hiring and assign tasks to team members meeting 175.60 1/19/2022 American Legion 101-1560-4370 61.06 2/16/2022 Advisory Bd Annual Mtg and Training brunch American Legion 101-1220-4290 39.68 2/16/2022 Crew Breakfast 100.74 2/16/2022 American Legion 276.34 American Planning Association 101-1420-4360 517.00 2/16/2022 APA membership MacKenzie AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 3 of 31 98 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 517.00 2/16/2022 American Planning Association 517.00 American Water Works Association 700-0000-4370 405.53 1/19/2022 JC American Water Works Association 405.53 1/19/2022 American Water Works Association 405.53 Antisyphon 101-1160-4370 206.78 1/19/2022 Info sec training 206.78 1/19/2022 Antisyphon 206.78 Apple.com 700-0000-4310 0.49 1/19/2022 BM iCloud Storage Apple.com 101-1220-4310 0.99 1/19/2022 iCloud Storage Apple.com 701-0000-4310 0.50 1/19/2022 BM iCloud Storage 1.98 1/19/2022 Apple.com 101-1220-4310 0.99 2/16/2022 Apple Bill Apple.com 700-0000-4310 0.99 2/16/2022 BM iCloud Storage 1.98 2/16/2022 Apple.com 3.96 BATTERIES PLUS 700-0000-4150 299.90 2/24/2022 Materials BATTERIES PLUS 701-0000-4150 299.90 2/24/2022 Materials 599.80 2/24/2022 BATTERIES PLUS 599.80 BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6049-4300 41,324.00 2/24/2022 Professional Services AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 4 of 31 99 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 41,324.00 2/24/2022 BOLTON & MENK INC 41,324.00 Brave New Look 101-1110-4300 682.80 2/16/2022 KN95 Masks 682.80 2/16/2022 Brave New Look 682.80 Bridgetower Media 101-1120-4360 329.00 2/16/2022 Subscription 329.00 2/16/2022 Bridgetower Media 329.00 Cabin Fever Sporting Goods 101-1611-4130 428.84 2/16/2022 FebFest Prizes 428.84 2/16/2022 Cabin Fever Sporting Goods 428.84 Carver County 101-1150-4300 2,250.00 2/24/2022 Special Assessment Carver County 101-1160-4320 575.00 2/24/2022 CarverLink Internet Carver County 700-7043-4320 650.00 2/24/2022 Carver Fiber 3,475.00 2/24/2022 Carver County 101-1370-4300 35.00 3/3/2022 Annual Fee 35.00 3/3/2022 Carver County 3,510.00 CBI-WINZIP 101-1160-4220 10.10 1/19/2022 WinZip Annual Renewal - Rice AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 5 of 31 100 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 10.10 1/19/2022 CBI-WINZIP 10.10 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 701-0000-4320 513.82 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-7019-4320 705.23 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1220-4320 48.69 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1550-4320 150.15 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-0000-4320 42.15 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1540-4320 142.42 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1600-4320 11.62 3/3/2022 February CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1350-4320 1,274.05 3/3/2022 February 2,888.13 3/3/2022 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 2,888.13 CDW Government 400-4126-4703 69.19 2/16/2022 Computers Network Projects 69.19 2/16/2022 CDW Government 69.19 Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 101-1560-4300 790.53 2/16/2022 Tickets Footloose Chan Dinner Theater Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 101-1560-4300 790.00 2/16/2022 Tickets Footloose Chan Dinner Theater 1,580.53 2/16/2022 Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 1,580.53 Chick-Fil-A 101-1110-4370 133.22 1/19/2022 council workshop 133.22 1/19/2022 Chick-Fil-A 101-1110-4300 506.81 2/16/2022 Annual holiday training 506.81 2/16/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 6 of 31 101 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Chick-Fil-A 640.03 Chipotle Mexican Grill 101-1120-4300 672.40 1/19/2022 Employee Training 672.40 1/19/2022 Chipotle Mexican Grill 672.40 Christmas Designers,101-1110-4300 4,887.50 1/19/2022 GB Ferris Wheel Display for Tree Lighting (Addition) 4,887.50 1/19/2022 Christmas Designers, 4,887.50 Citrix System, Inc 101-1160-4300 2,142.00 2/16/2022 Sharefile Service Annual Renewal 2,142.00 2/16/2022 Citrix System, Inc 2,142.00 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 701-0000-2008 15.30 3/3/2022 February Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 700-0000-2008 15.30 3/3/2022 February Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 101-0000-2008 37.20 3/3/2022 February 67.80 3/3/2022 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 67.80 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4220 2,705.00 2/24/2022 Sonicwall Security Suite Annual Renewal COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4300 126.00 2/24/2022 Network Service - SCADA Dialer Config 2,831.00 2/24/2022 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4300 301.60 3/3/2022 Office365 Backup Service - March 301.60 3/3/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 7 of 31 102 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 3,132.60 Crooked Pint 101-1120-4370 48.76 1/19/2022 Dispatch Study Meeting with Chaska 48.76 1/19/2022 Crooked Pint 48.76 Cub Foods 101-1220-4290 24.81 1/19/2022 Food for Crew Working on Holiday 24.81 1/19/2022 Cub Foods 101-1170-4110 15.53 2/16/2022 Thank you cards for cleaners and Dish soap for Engineering Cub Foods 101-1560-4300 143.15 2/16/2022 Food & Paper products for Dec 21 Soup Salad Event Cub Foods 101-1560-4300 49.45 2/16/2022 Dec 21 Luncheon paper prod Movie Matinee snacks 208.13 2/16/2022 Cub Foods 232.94 Danial Reem 101-1539-4300 319.20 3/3/2022 Zumba Instructor 319.20 3/3/2022 Danial Reem 319.20 Dollar Tree Stores Inc 101-1560-4130 54.86 1/19/2022 Decoration/table supplies for Annual Holiday Party Dollar Tree Stores Inc 101-1560-4130 12.68 1/19/2022 Decoration/table supplies for Annual Holiday Party 67.54 1/19/2022 Dollar Tree Stores Inc 67.54 DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 101-1170-4483 23,000.00 3/3/2022 Renew Policy DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 101-1170-4483 239.00 3/3/2022 Travelers Insurance Company 23,239.00 3/3/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 8 of 31 103 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 23,239.00 Electric Motor Repair 101-1220-4120 2,398.56 2/16/2022 CS Spline Shaft Adapter 2,398.56 2/16/2022 Electric Motor Repair 2,398.56 ENKI Brewing Company 101-1110-4300 1,240.55 2/16/2022 City annual training 1,240.55 2/16/2022 ENKI Brewing Company 1,240.55 Epic Event Rental 101-1600-4410 99.52 1/19/2022 Treelighting Stage Epic Event Rental 101-1600-4410 164.93 1/19/2022 Tree Lighting Ceremony stage 264.45 1/19/2022 Epic Event Rental 264.45 Facebook 101-1600-4340 10.00 1/19/2022 Advertising for Sponsorships 10.00 1/19/2022 Facebook 101-1530-4375 10.00 2/16/2022 Advertising for Rec Center Facebook 101-1530-4375 15.00 2/16/2022 Advertising for Rec Center Facebook 101-1600-4340 4.00 2/16/2022 Advertising for Sponsorships Facebook 101-1530-4375 6.00 2/16/2022 Advertising for Rec Center Facebook 101-1600-4340 7.50 2/16/2022 Advertising for Parks FB Page Facebook 101-1530-4375 3.66 2/16/2022 Advertising for Rec Center Facebook 101-1530-4375 7.50 2/16/2022 Advertising for Parks FB Page 53.66 2/16/2022 Facebook 63.66 FASTENAL COMPANY 101-1370-4510 26.50 3/3/2022 Materials AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 9 of 31 104 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 26.50 3/3/2022 FASTENAL COMPANY 26.50 Fidelity Security Life 720-0000-2007 6.44 2/24/2022 March Vision Fidelity Security Life 701-0000-2007 5.63 2/24/2022 March Vision Fidelity Security Life 700-0000-2007 12.07 2/24/2022 March Vision Fidelity Security Life 101-0000-2007 272.24 2/24/2022 March Vision 296.38 2/24/2022 Fidelity Security Life 296.38 Fireman Rob 101-1220-4370 60.00 1/19/2022 Outside training Class for White, Coyne 60.00 1/19/2022 Fireman Rob 60.00 Fleet Farm 701-0000-4120 37.57 1/19/2022 JG Hunting Duffle 37.57 1/19/2022 Fleet Farm 101-1320-4240 31.49 2/16/2022 CB Winter Gloves 31.49 2/16/2022 Fleet Farm 69.06 FORCE AMERICA INC 101-1320-4120 409.50 3/3/2022 Supplies FORCE AMERICA INC 101-1320-4120 292.78 3/3/2022 Supplies FORCE AMERICA INC 101-1320-4120 -409.50 3/3/2022 Supplies - Return 292.78 3/3/2022 FORCE AMERICA INC 292.78 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 10 of 31 105 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description From Scratch Baking 101-1120-4300 267.49 1/19/2022 Employee Training 267.49 1/19/2022 From Scratch Baking 267.49 Fusion Learning Partners 101-1310-4370 1,125.00 2/16/2022 CEAM Conference & Membership for CH GB EH 1,125.00 2/16/2022 Fusion Learning Partners 1,125.00 Global Music Rights 101-1530-4300 850.00 2/16/2022 Music rights 850.00 2/16/2022 Global Music Rights 850.00 Grainger 701-7025-4751 74.97 1/19/2022 JJ LS #13 Strut Channel 74.97 1/19/2022 Grainger 74.97 Grammarly 101-1120-4300 144.00 2/16/2022 12 month subscription 144.00 2/16/2022 Grammarly 144.00 Grundens USA 101-1550-4120 169.99 1/19/2022 AB Ballast Insulated Jacket 169.99 1/19/2022 Grundens USA 169.99 Gumroad, Inc 101-1170-4120 45.00 2/16/2022 Video Production Digital Tool assists with creative suite AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 11 of 31 106 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 45.00 2/16/2022 Gumroad, Inc 45.00 Hach Company 700-7019-4160 1,147.20 2/16/2022 JC Reagent Set Chemkey Ammonia Chemkey Chlorine Hach Company 700-7019-4160 383.69 2/16/2022 JC Chemkey Hach Company 700-7019-4160 99.59 2/16/2022 JC Fluoride Reagent Set 1,630.48 2/16/2022 Hach Company 1,630.48 Hallock Company 701-7025-4751 303.53 2/16/2022 JJ Alternating Relay 303.53 2/16/2022 Hallock Company 303.53 Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 750.00 2/24/2022 Testing 750.00 2/24/2022 Health Strategies 750.00 Home Depot 720-7207-4150 136.72 1/19/2022 JG Cleanout Plug Adapter Long Turn Tee Wye Sewer Drain Adapter R Home Depot 700-7043-4530 202.94 1/19/2022 JC Fuel Packout Wet/Dry Vac Home Depot 700-0000-4150 33.25 1/19/2022 CC Natural Cable Tie Home Depot 700-7043-4120 21.09 1/19/2022 MW 38 Gallon Tough Tote Heavy Duty Tarp Home Depot 700-0000-4550 223.68 1/19/2022 JC Grinder with Paddle Switch Home Depot 700-7043-4150 651.67 1/19/2022 MW Gallon Tough Tote Titanium Bit Set Husky Ratchet Strap 120AH Home Depot 101-1170-4300 211.90 1/19/2022 Drop Ceiling Acoustic - Laurie's office Home Depot 101-1560-4130 67.29 1/19/2022 Table Centerpieces - Annual Holiday Party Home Depot 101-1370-4120 -32.18 1/19/2022 CS Credit Ridgid Gen Debris Filter Kit Home Depot 101-1160-4150 45.03 1/19/2022 Humidifier Filters - Server Room Home Depot 101-1170-4120 129.00 1/19/2022 JC Cordless W/D Vac-Bare Tool Home Depot 101-1550-4150 272.81 1/19/2022 GB Mini Lights for City Hall Tree Lighting (Replacement/Addition Home Depot 700-7043-4530 -106.31 1/19/2022 JC Home Depot Credit Home Depot 101-1220-4375 90.01 1/19/2022 toys for tots supplies AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 12 of 31 107 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Home Depot 101-1550-4120 106.21 1/19/2022 GB Trail Marking Flags for Snow Plowing 2,053.11 1/19/2022 Home Depot 701-0000-4551 21.90 2/16/2022 JJ AWG Single Hole Wire Lug Home Depot 700-7019-4510 50.20 2/16/2022 JC Ice Melt Shrink Kit Press Couplin Press Adapters Press Ball V Home Depot 700-7019-4120 82.30 2/16/2022 JC Ice Melt Shrink Kit Press Couplin Press Adapters Press Ball V Home Depot 101-1550-4260 356.22 2/16/2022 GB Vacuum with Hepa Filter for Particle Collection Addition Home Depot 101-1170-4510 211.90 2/16/2022 Acoustic/Thermal Insulation 722.52 2/16/2022 Home Depot 2,775.63 Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-0000-4310 25.00 2/16/2022 JC DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees EPCRA TIER II Annual Fees Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-0000-4310 0.62 2/16/2022 JC DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees Service Fee Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-0000-4310 2.49 2/16/2022 JC DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees Service Fee Homeland Security and Emergency Management 700-0000-4310 100.00 2/16/2022 JC DPS HSEM EPCRA Fees EPCRA TIER II Annual Fees 128.11 2/16/2022 Homeland Security and Emergency Management 128.11 Hoops & Threads LLC 101-1310-4240 10.00 3/3/2022 Custom Embroidery 10.00 3/3/2022 Hoops & Threads LLC 10.00 Houlihan's 101-1510-4370 129.68 2/16/2022 P&R Comm Holiday Party 129.68 2/16/2022 Houlihan's 129.68 IAPMO 101-1250-4210 215.98 1/19/2022 MN Plumbing Code eBook 215.98 1/19/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 13 of 31 108 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description IAPMO 215.98 Indoor Landscapes Inc 101-1170-4300 187.00 3/3/2022 March Plant Service 187.00 3/3/2022 Indoor Landscapes Inc 187.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 40.78 2/24/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 8.06 2/24/2022 Office Supplies 48.84 2/24/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 193.30 3/3/2022 Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 17.36 3/3/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 18.55 3/3/2022 Supplies 229.21 3/3/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 278.05 International Code Council 101-1250-4370 150.00 1/19/2022 Training - Jeff International Code Council 101-1250-4370 95.00 1/19/2022 Single Certificate Renewal Dave Ding 245.00 1/19/2022 International Code Council 101-1250-4370 300.00 2/16/2022 materials International Code Council 101-1250-4370 150.00 2/16/2022 Training 450.00 2/16/2022 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 101-1250-4370 150.00 2/24/2022 Training 150.00 2/24/2022 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 845.00 IR Industrial 700-7043-4550 442.04 2/16/2022 MW Travel Labor for Service Visit AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 14 of 31 109 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 442.04 2/16/2022 IR Industrial 442.04 Jamf Software, LLC 101-1160-4300 102.00 1/19/2022 Monthly MDM charge for ipads 102.00 1/19/2022 Jamf Software, LLC 101-1160-4220 106.00 2/16/2022 Monthly MDM charge for ipads 106.00 2/16/2022 Jamf Software, LLC 208.00 Jimmy Johns 101-1120-4370 34.73 2/16/2022 Lunch for Union Meeting 34.73 2/16/2022 Jimmy Johns 34.73 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 101-1370-4170 23,687.20 3/3/2022 Fuel 23,687.20 3/3/2022 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 23,687.20 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 101-1140-4302 1,257.75 3/3/2022 Legal Services 1,257.75 3/3/2022 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 1,257.75 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 605-6502-4300 2,763.86 3/3/2022 TH 101 Reconstruction KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 400-0000-1155 229.50 3/3/2022 Private Development - Avienda KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 605-6503-4300 311.20 3/3/2022 TH 101 Reconstruction AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 15 of 31 110 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 3,304.56 3/3/2022 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 3,304.56 K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 101-1320-4150 830.17 3/3/2022 Materials 830.17 3/3/2022 K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 830.17 Kwik Trip 101-1220-4370 59.04 2/16/2022 fuel and car wash for city vehicle while at class in Duluth Kwik Trip 700-0000-4170 18.31 2/16/2022 BM Fuel for Small Eng Snow Blower Kwik Trip 101-1120-4370 9.96 2/16/2022 Employee Holiday Party 87.31 2/16/2022 Kwik Trip 87.31 League of Minnesota Cities 101-1120-4370 225.00 2/16/2022 MCMA Winter Workshop - LH & MU League of Minnesota Cities 101-1120-4370 105.00 2/16/2022 LMC Training Data Practices for City Staff KM CL RR MU DT CM AF 330.00 2/16/2022 League of Minnesota Cities 330.00 Lunds & Byerly's 101-1220-4370 40.76 2/16/2022 Holiday Dinner for crews working Holiday hours at Station 40.76 2/16/2022 Lunds & Byerly's 40.76 Lynn Card Company 101-1220-4290 65.46 1/19/2022 Birthday Cards 65.46 1/19/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 16 of 31 111 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Lynn Card Company 65.46 McMaster-Carr 700-7019-4530 42.36 1/19/2022 JC UV Resistant Polypropylene for Chemicals McMaster-Carr 700-0000-4550 97.54 1/19/2022 JC Low-Pressure Forged Steel Pipe Flange 139.90 1/19/2022 McMaster-Carr 139.90 Med Box Grill 720-7201-4370 121.84 1/19/2022 Meeting dinner 121.84 1/19/2022 Med Box Grill 121.84 Menards 101-1550-4150 107.40 1/19/2022 GB Twig Stake White & LED Smooth Mini Menards 700-7043-4120 285.83 1/19/2022 MW Dual Handle Hand Truck Masterforce Tape Screwdriver Programma 393.23 1/19/2022 Menards 700-7019-4120 49.00 2/16/2022 MW Metal Light 2PC Cnctr 2PC Cnctr Utility Gate Pull 49.00 2/16/2022 Menards 442.23 Merlins Ace Hardware 101-1310-4120 33.90 1/19/2022 staple gun and staples 33.90 1/19/2022 Merlins Ace Hardware 33.90 METROPOLITAN FORD 101-1550-4140 90.94 3/3/2022 Supplies 90.94 3/3/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 17 of 31 112 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description METROPOLITAN FORD 90.94 Minnesota Equipment 101-1550-4120 1,036.52 3/3/2022 Supplies 1,036.52 3/3/2022 Minnesota Equipment 1,036.52 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 101-1220-4370 495.00 1/19/2022 Training- Fire Inspector II - Ana Fatturi 495.00 1/19/2022 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 495.00 Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 101-1220-4370 285.00 2/16/2022 Class reg for 1 depart member Duluth Fire School Rindahl Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 101-1220-4370 1,425.00 2/16/2022 Class reg for 5 depart member Duluth Fire School 1,710.00 2/16/2022 Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 1,710.00 MN Department of Transportation 101-1310-4360 45.00 1/19/2022 Transportation Alliance Workshop 45.00 1/19/2022 MN Department of Transportation 45.00 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 101-1250-4360 65.00 1/19/2022 License Fee Dave Ding MN Dept of Labor and Industry 101-1170-4370 20.00 1/19/2022 Boilers license Fee 85.00 1/19/2022 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 700-0000-4360 9.50 2/16/2022 AA Jerry Johnson Electrical License Fees MN Dept of Labor and Industry 101-1250-4360 20.00 2/16/2022 License Fees MN Dept of Labor and Industry 700-0000-4360 50.00 2/16/2022 AA Employer Electrical Registration Fees MN Dept of Labor and Industry 701-0000-4360 9.50 2/16/2022 AA Jerry Johnson Electrical License Fees MN Dept of Labor and Industry 701-0000-4360 50.00 2/16/2022 AA Employer Electrical Registration Fees AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 18 of 31 113 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 139.00 2/16/2022 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 224.00 MN Recreation and Park Association 101-1800-4375 125.00 2/16/2022 Coordinator Job Posting MN Recreation and Park Association 101-1520-4370 55.00 2/16/2022 Annual General Meeting and Awards Luncheon MN Recreation and Park Association 101-1530-4370 30.00 2/16/2022 MRPA Demographics Meeting 210.00 2/16/2022 MN Recreation and Park Association 210.00 MN Utility Contractors Association 700-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 BK Online Pipelayers Training Course MN Utility Contractors Association 701-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 JC Jake Casebeer online pipelayers training course MN Utility Contractors Association 700-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 JC Jake Casebeer online pipelayers training course MN Utility Contractors Association 700-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 JG Online Pipelayers Training Course MN Utility Contractors Association 701-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 MW Online Pipelayers Training Course MN Utility Contractors Association 701-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 BK Online Pipelayers Training Course MN Utility Contractors Association 701-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 JC Tim Monnens online pipelayers training course MN Utility Contractors Association 700-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 JC Tim Monnens online pipelayers training course MN Utility Contractors Association 701-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 JG Online Pipelayers Training Course MN Utility Contractors Association 700-0000-4370 100.00 2/16/2022 MW Online Pipelayers Training Course 1,000.00 2/16/2022 MN Utility Contractors Association 1,000.00 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 139.81 2/24/2022 Monthly Service 139.81 2/24/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 44.51 3/3/2022 Utilities - Acct 780458900 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 160.07 3/3/2022 Utilities - Acct 780430600 204.58 3/3/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 344.39 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 19 of 31 114 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Mobile Mini, Inc 101-1617-4410 540.00 3/3/2022 Warming Houses - Rental Mobile Mini, Inc 101-1617-4410 540.00 3/3/2022 Warming Houses - Rental Mobile Mini, Inc 101-1617-4410 540.00 3/3/2022 Warming Houses - Rental 1,620.00 3/3/2022 Mobile Mini, Inc 1,620.00 Monoprice.com 101-1170-4110 343.58 1/19/2022 Stand up desks for Priya and Mitch 343.58 1/19/2022 Monoprice.com 343.58 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1320-4120 152.90 2/24/2022 Supplies 152.90 2/24/2022 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4120 143.09 3/3/2022 Supplies NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1320-4120 -47.18 3/3/2022 Supplies - Return 95.91 3/3/2022 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 248.81 National Mahjongg League 101-1560-4300 100.00 2/16/2022 MahJongg Class 2022 Player Cards 100.00 2/16/2022 National Mahjongg League 100.00 National Recreation and Park Association 101-1520-4370 270.00 1/19/2022 CPRP Exam Registration 270.00 1/19/2022 National Recreation and Park Association 270.00 North American Safety, Inc.700-0000-4240 119.88 2/24/2022 Safety Vest AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 20 of 31 115 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 119.88 2/24/2022 North American Safety, Inc. 119.88 Nuss Truck & Equipment 101-1320-4140 247.91 3/3/2022 Supplies 247.91 3/3/2022 Nuss Truck & Equipment 247.91 Office Max/Office Depot 701-0000-4150 4.82 1/19/2022 BM LBL RND 3/4 Office Max/Office Depot 700-7043-4120 80.17 1/19/2022 MW Correction Tape Boom Spker BT Charger 18W Cable USB-C Office Max/Office Depot 700-7043-4120 64.38 1/19/2022 JC Expo Marker Wall Calendar Gel Pens Office Max/Office Depot 720-7207-4150 7.83 1/19/2022 JG Clipboard Office Max/Office Depot 700-0000-4150 4.83 1/19/2022 BM LBL RND 3/4 162.03 1/19/2022 Office Max/Office Depot 101-1160-4150 87.80 2/16/2022 Parts for CC backup Broadcast - Digital Camera Office Max/Office Depot 700-0000-4340 75.15 2/16/2022 JC Paper Office Max/Office Depot 700-0000-4340 75.15 2/16/2022 MW Copy Paper Office Max/Office Depot 700-7043-4120 54.72 2/16/2022 MW Cable Cat 5E 292.82 2/16/2022 Office Max/Office Depot 454.85 OPG-3, Inc 400-4117-4703 18,630.00 2/24/2022 Laserfiche Annual License - Support Renew 18,630.00 2/24/2022 OPG-3, Inc 18,630.00 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 700-0000-4300 2,820.00 2/24/2022 Service 2,820.00 2/24/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 21 of 31 116 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 2,820.00 Papa Murphy's 101-1220-4290 39.10 2/16/2022 Holiday Dinner for crews working Holiday hours at Station 39.10 2/16/2022 Papa Murphy's 39.10 PayPal 700-7043-4150 68.40 1/19/2022 MW Reindeer Outdoor Figures 68.40 1/19/2022 PayPal 101-1611-4300 195.00 2/16/2022 FebFest DJ Services PayPal 101-1700-4300 150.00 2/16/2022 Sweetheart Dance photo booth deposit PayPal 101-1120-4370 215.00 2/16/2022 Ehlers Finance Conference registration fee 560.00 2/16/2022 PayPal 628.40 PeachJar.Com 101-1220-4375 75.00 1/19/2022 Ad for Fire Fighters 75.00 1/19/2022 PeachJar.Com 75.00 Pickleball Central 101-1530-4120 102.12 1/19/2022 Pickleball nets 102.12 1/19/2022 Pickleball Central 102.12 Postmaster 700-0000-4330 5.10 1/19/2022 AA Mail Water Sample 5.10 1/19/2022 Postmaster 101-1120-4330 5.08 2/16/2022 receive mail for bender and howley Postmaster 701-0000-4330 16.10 2/16/2022 AA Jerry Johnson Mail Return AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 22 of 31 117 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Postmaster 700-0000-4330 5.10 2/16/2022 AA Mail Water Sample Postmaster 101-1320-4120 9.90 2/16/2022 AA Greg Schmieg Mail Return 36.18 2/16/2022 Postmaster 41.28 Quality Flow Systems Inc 701-0000-4551 450.00 3/3/2022 Materials 450.00 3/3/2022 Quality Flow Systems Inc 450.00 RealTruck.com 101-1320-4140 405.87 2/16/2022 CS Raptor 6 405.87 2/16/2022 RealTruck.com 405.87 Rent N Save Portable Services 101-1550-4400 928.00 2/24/2022 Portable Restrooms 928.00 2/24/2022 Rent N Save Portable Services 928.00 Residence Inn Duluth 101-1220-4370 1,107.05 2/16/2022 hotel stay for weeklong class in Duluth i Blue Card Nutter 1,107.05 2/16/2022 Residence Inn Duluth 1,107.05 Revolution Dancewear 101-1535-4130 865.43 1/19/2022 Dance costumes 865.43 1/19/2022 Revolution Dancewear 865.43 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 23 of 31 118 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Road Machinery & Supplies 101-1320-4120 157.71 2/24/2022 Supplies 157.71 2/24/2022 Road Machinery & Supplies 157.71 Safety Vehicle Solutions 400-4135-4704 11,586.40 2/24/2022 Safety Equipment - 2022 Yukon 11,586.40 2/24/2022 Safety Vehicle Solutions 11,586.40 Scheels 101-1550-4120 179.91 2/16/2022 GB Winter Gloves for Park Staff 179.91 2/16/2022 Scheels 179.91 Sensible Land Use Coalition 101-1420-4360 250.00 2/16/2022 Sensible Laund Use Membership Planning Staff 250.00 2/16/2022 Sensible Land Use Coalition 250.00 ShareFile 101-1160-4300 390.00 2/16/2022 Sharefile Q4 Fee New Plan Discount Applied ShareFile 101-1160-4300 -585.00 2/16/2022 Sharefile Q4 Billing Credit See Note on PO -195.00 2/16/2022 ShareFile -195.00 SmartSign 700-0000-4240 57.77 2/16/2022 JC Engineer Grade Reflective Label 57.77 2/16/2022 SmartSign 57.77 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 24 of 31 119 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 101-1370-4260 63.37 3/3/2022 Tools 63.37 3/3/2022 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 63.37 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 101-1120-4370 40.00 1/19/2022 Ari training 40.00 1/19/2022 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 40.00 SPRINT PCS 701-0000-4310 51.72 2/24/2022 Monthly Service SPRINT PCS 700-0000-4310 51.72 2/24/2022 Monthly Service 103.44 2/24/2022 SPRINT PCS 103.44 Stratoguard, LLC 101-1160-4300 185.60 1/19/2022 Proofpoint Email Filter Service - Nov 185.60 1/19/2022 Stratoguard, LLC 101-1160-4300 185.60 2/16/2022 Proofpoint Email Filter Service Dec Stratoguard, LLC 101-1160-4220 1,621.90 2/16/2022 Ivanti Patch Managment Annual Renewal License and Support 1,807.50 2/16/2022 Stratoguard, LLC 1,993.10 SupplyHouse.com 700-7043-4550 40.50 2/16/2022 MW 17 5 Amp Dual Element Time Delay Class RK5 Power Fuse SupplyHouse.com 700-7043-4550 307.76 2/16/2022 MW 3 Phase Form C Adjustable Line Voltage Monitor 348.26 2/16/2022 SupplyHouse.com 348.26 Target 101-1530-4150 13.93 1/19/2022 Cleaning supplies AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 25 of 31 120 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Target 101-1120-4370 70.36 1/19/2022 Employee Holiday Party Target 101-1120-4300 8.58 1/19/2022 Headphones for zoom calls Target 101-1220-4375 15.03 1/19/2022 toys for tots supplies Target 101-1600-4130 38.94 1/19/2022 Tree Lighting Ceremony candy canes 146.84 1/19/2022 Target 146.84 TBEI, Inc 101-1320-4120 2,775.90 3/3/2022 Supplies 2,775.90 3/3/2022 TBEI, Inc 2,775.90 TEQUILA BUTCHER 101-1110-4370 99.83 1/19/2022 End of year meal CC Meeting 99.83 1/19/2022 TEQUILA BUTCHER 99.83 Tobies Station Inc 101-1220-4370 60.01 2/16/2022 Fuel for City vehicle during weeklong class in Duluth 60.01 2/16/2022 Tobies Station Inc 60.01 TouchPoint Logic LLC 210-0000-4300 387.50 2/24/2022 Service Call - Audio Issues Firmware Update 387.50 2/24/2022 TouchPoint Logic LLC 387.50 TP Tools & Equipment 700-7019-4120 51.32 2/16/2022 JC Compressor Oil 51.32 2/16/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 26 of 31 121 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description TP Tools & Equipment 51.32 True North Controls 701-0000-4310 85.00 2/16/2022 JC Jumper Gable and Rail Mounting Bracket 85.00 2/16/2022 True North Controls 85.00 U of M Bookstore 701-0000-4370 57.00 2/16/2022 JC Training Manuals 57.00 2/16/2022 U of M Bookstore 57.00 U of M Contlearning 101-1120-4370 225.00 1/19/2022 University of MN Economic Training U of M Contlearning 101-1250-4370 145.00 1/19/2022 Conference - Bob Sullivan U of M Contlearning 101-1250-4370 145.00 1/19/2022 Conference - Jeff Keogh U of M Contlearning 101-1320-4370 45.00 1/19/2022 AA Asphalt Pavement Rehab Strategies - Chris Pratley 560.00 1/19/2022 U of M Contlearning 560.00 United Parcel Service 101-1320-4140 19.80 2/16/2022 AA Charlie Siegle Return Package United Parcel Service 101-1320-4140 5.80 2/16/2022 AA Charlie Siegle Return Package 25.60 2/16/2022 United Parcel Service 25.60 US Bank Rebate 101-1130-3903 -1,296.62 1/19/2022 US Bank Rebate -1,296.62 1/19/2022 US Bank Rebate -1,296.62 USABlueBook 700-7043-4160 427.34 1/19/2022 MW Tubing Kit and Ashcroft Back-Connect AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 27 of 31 122 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description USABlueBook 700-7043-4160 560.81 1/19/2022 "MW Tubing Kit for CL17 and Ashcroft Back-Connect 2-1/2""" 988.15 1/19/2022 USABlueBook 700-7019-4160 613.73 2/16/2022 MW Fluoride and Chemkeys USABlueBook 700-7019-4160 328.40 2/16/2022 MW Fluoride and Chemkeys 942.13 2/16/2022 USABlueBook 1,930.28 Valworx, Inc 700-0000-4530 1,056.00 1/19/2022 JC Valworx Electric Actuated Lead Free Brass Ball Valve and Cond 1,056.00 1/19/2022 Valworx, Inc 1,056.00 VectorStock 101-1120-4360 32.21 1/19/2022 Graphic & photo membership 32.21 1/19/2022 VectorStock 32.21 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1600-4310 184.00 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1220-4310 40.01 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 720-0000-4310 606.59 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1550-4310 488.22 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1520-4310 41.22 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1120-4310 192.47 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1530-4310 41.22 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 210-0000-4310 31.22 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1320-4310 329.19 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1260-4310 76.23 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-0000-2033 11.08 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1370-4310 89.50 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1110-4300 40.01 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1220-4310 533.78 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1250-4310 358.72 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1310-4310 166.00 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1170-4310 36.22 3/3/2022 Monthly Service AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 28 of 31 123 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1160-4310 128.66 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 461.88 3/3/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 606.61 3/3/2022 Monthly Service 4,462.83 3/3/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS 4,462.83 VESSCO INC 700-7043-4120 596.00 2/24/2022 Supplies 596.00 2/24/2022 VESSCO INC 596.00 Viking Electric Supply 701-7025-4751 88.56 1/19/2022 JJ LS #13 Cord Conn & Steel Locknut 88.56 1/19/2022 Viking Electric Supply 88.56 Walgreens 101-1560-4130 26.24 1/19/2022 Door Prizes - Annual Holiday Party 26.24 1/19/2022 Walgreens 26.24 WEISSMAN 101-1535-4130 3,672.10 1/19/2022 Dance costumes 3,672.10 1/19/2022 WEISSMAN 101-1535-4130 2,788.02 2/16/2022 Dance costumes 2,788.02 2/16/2022 WEISSMAN 6,460.12 Wheeler Fleet Solutions 700-0000-4140 60.30 1/19/2022 CS Shift Indicator AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 29 of 31 124 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 60.30 1/19/2022 Wheeler Fleet Solutions 60.30 When I work 101-1617-4410 30.00 2/16/2022 When I Work for Warming House Staffing 30.00 2/16/2022 When I work 30.00 Win-911 700-0000-4310 660.00 2/16/2022 JC Annual Renewal of Customer Care Subscription 660.00 2/16/2022 Win-911 660.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 420-0000-4300 665.00 2/24/2022 Lake Ann Park Beach Trail WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 700-0000-4300 154.50 2/24/2022 WTP Radon and Humidity Mitigation Study WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-7025-4300 11,385.25 2/24/2022 2021 Pond Maintenance Project 12,204.75 2/24/2022 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 12,204.75 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.13 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-0010132447-1 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 27.13 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-0010888203-8 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7043-4320 7,034.99 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-0012365212-3 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 7,411.48 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-6260763-8 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 106.69 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-815694-4 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.25 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-0010132446-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 209.78 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-9183644-3 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 34.55 2/24/2022 Monthly Service - 51-0013533354-2 14,879.00 2/24/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1190-4320 1,255.09 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 -489.69 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1550-4320 331.20 3/3/2022 Monthly Service AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 30 of 31 125 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7019-4320 3,695.64 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 220.03 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 227.48 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1171-4320 43.87 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1220-4320 1,231.67 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 227.47 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1370-4320 1,819.82 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 828.50 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 3,231.31 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1540-4320 1,017.98 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 24,261.95 3/3/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1170-4320 1,120.11 3/3/2022 Monthly Service 39,022.43 3/3/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 53,901.43 ZIEGLER INC 700-0000-4120 147.59 3/3/2022 Supplies 147.59 3/3/2022 ZIEGLER INC 147.59 Zoom 101-1160-4300 85.90 1/19/2022 Monthly Zoom Webinar charge Rec Center/Admin 85.90 1/19/2022 Zoom 101-1160-4300 85.90 2/16/2022 Monthly Zoom Webinar charge Rec Center Admin 85.90 2/16/2022 Zoom 171.80 274,752.17 AP - Check Detail-ACH (3/6/2022)Page 31 of 31 126 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Approve 2022 Liquor License Renewals File No.Item No: D.4 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the 2022 liquor license renewals as listed on the attached sheet contingent upon receipt of all necessary documentation and satisfactory background investigations of new operating managers." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION Liquor License Renewals Attached is a listing of all of the liquor licenses that are renewed annually by the City Council. This renewal is for the licensing period of May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023. As of this writing, staff has not received all of the necessary documentation from every license holder; however, this is typical and no license will be issued until all documentation is complete. 127 The Carver County Sheriff’s Department is in the process of completing background investigations on any new operating managers of each establishment. This includes criminal history, outstanding warrants, and driving records. If any noteworthy issues are found, the individual license will not be issued and will be brought back to the Council at a future meeting. Staff also reviewed property tax and utility bill records for each applicant and found that all licensees are current. License Updates New licenses in 2022: None Not renewing in 2022: Cafe Thyme, 7850 Market Boulevard BUDGET Total liquor license renewal revenue for 2022 is $89,383. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the 2022 liquor license renewals as listed on the attached sheet, contingent upon receipt of all necessary paperwork and a satisfactory background investigation. Following Council approval, the licenses will be forwarded to the Liquor Control Division at the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for final processing. ATTACHMENTS 2022 Liquor License Renewals 128 2022 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATIONS LICENSE #LICENSE TYPE FEE ON-SALE 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE 2022-01 Golf Zone, 825 Flying Cloud Drive $410 OFF-SALE 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSES 2022-02 Cub Foods, 7900 Market Boulevard $58 2022-03 Kwik-Trip #402, 2201 West 78th Street $58 2022-04 Kwik-Trip #492, 8921 Crossroads Boulevard $58 2022-05 Speedway #4095, 2960 82nd Street $58 ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES (All fees listed include $200 Sunday Sales fee, except High Timbers Lounge) 2022-06 American Legion Post 580, 290 Lake Drive East $9,809 2022-07 Axel s, 560 West 78th Street $6,315 2022-08 Buffalo Wild Wings, 550 West 79th Street $9,809 2022-09 Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, 501 West 78th Street $13,304 2022-10 High Timbers Lounge & Meeting Rooms, 591 West 78th Street (no Sunday Sales)$7,862 2022-11 Houlihan s, 530 Pond Promenade $9,809 2022-12 North Coop, 2401 Highway 7 $9,809 2022-13 Rey Azteca, 7874 Market Boulevard $6,315 2022-14 Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street $9,809 OFF-SALE INTOXICATING LICENSES 2022-15 Lunds & Byerlys Wine & Spirits, 780 West 78th Street $200 2022-16 MGM Wine & Spirits, 7856 Market Boulevard $200 2022-17 Target Store T-0862, 851 West 78th Street $200 2022-18 Top Ten Liquors, 19900 West 78th Street (Hennepin County)$200 2022-19 Total Wine & More, 510 Lake Drive $200 2022-20 The Vintage, 8971 Crossroads Boulevard Suite 160 $200 ON-SALE BEER & WINE LICENSES 2022-21 Bluff Creek Golf Course, 1025 Creekwood Drive $410 2022-22 Board & Brush Creative Studio, 7882 Market Boulevard $410 2022-23 Bonsai Sushi & Korean Cuisine, 420 Pond Promenade $410 2022-24 Davanni's Pizza and Hot Hoagies, 464 Lake Drive, Suite 100 $410 2022-25 Halla Greens Executive Golf Course & Driving Range, 495 Pioneer Trail $410 2022-26 Kai's Sushi & Grill, 586 West 78th Street $410 2022-27 Life Time Fitness, 2901 Corporate Place $410 2022-28 Na s Thai Cafe, 566 West 78th Street $410 2022-29 Soya Sushi & Grill, 530 West 79th Street, Suite 120 $410 2022-30 Med Box Grill, 600 Market Street, Suites 160-170 $410 OFF-SALE BREWER & ON-SALE BREWER TAPROOM LICENSES 2022-31 Chanhassen Brewing Company, 591 West 78th Street $600 TOTAL FEES $89,383 129 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Award Low Quote, 2022 4th of July Tents, Tables, and Chairs File No.Item No: D.5 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the low quote to Apres Event Decor & Tent Rental for $25,000.00 for the 2022 4th of July Celebration tents, tables, and chairs." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Each year, the City of Chanhassen's 4th of July Celebration requires a variety of large tents, tables, and chairs to successfully execute the event. Tents are used to house Taste of Chanhassen vendors on July 3-4 and large events such as the Street Dance and Business Expo on July 3. Tables and chairs are provided to event partners and placed near food vendors for patrons. $26,000.00 is allotted annually in the 1600 budget for 4th of July equipment rentals. Event partners, such as the Rotary Club of Chanhassen and SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce, contribute towards the cost of the tents, tables, and chairs. The total of this contribution is approximately $7,500.00. 2022 4th of July Tents, Tables, & Chairs Quotes were received from the following: *Bolded low quote 130 Apres Event Decor & Tent Rental - $25,000.00 Ultimate Events - $32,485.90.00 BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the low quote to Apres Event Decor & Tent Rental for $25,000.00 for the 2022 4th of July Celebration tents, tables, and chairs. ATTACHMENTS Apres Event Decor & Tent Rental quote Ultimate Events quote Quote comparisons 131 City of Chanhassen July 2-4, 2022 Tent Rentals at City Center Park QUOTE FORM Tent Rentals Company: Après Event Décor & Tent Rental Date:2/25/22 Representative’s Name and Title: Michael Feldbaum, President Authorized Signature: TENTS:QTY:UNIT COST:TOTAL COST: 80 x 130’ Century Tent – 8’ Legs 1 6,851.75$ 6,851.75$ 40 x 120’ Century Tent – 8’ Legs 1 2,850.00$ 2,850.00$ 10 x 10’ Frame Tent – 7’ Legs 1 170.00$ 170.00$ 15 x 60’ Frame Tent – 10’ Legs (weighted)1 850.00$ 850.00$ 10 x 20’ Marquee Tent – 8’ Legs 1 275.00$ 275.00$ 9 – 15 x 15’ Frame Tent – 8’ Legs 9 270.00$ 2,430.00$ SIDEWALLS:QTY:UNIT COST:TOTAL COST: 4 – 8 x 20’ Sidewalls 4 32.00$ 128.00$ 1 – 8 x 80’ Sidewall 1 128.00$ 128.00$ 1 – 7 x 40’ Sidewall 1 64.00$ 64.00$ 28 – 8 x 20’ Sidewall 28 32.00$ 896.00$ LIGHTS & CORDS:QTY:UNIT COST:TOTAL COST: 14 – Halogen 500w Lights 14 50.00$ 700.00$ 28 – 50’ Extension Cords 28 10.75$ 301.00$ TABLES & CHAIRS:QTY:UNIT COST:TOTAL COST: 2,300 Folding Chairs 2,300 1.75$ 4,025.00$ 75 – 8’ Tables 75 11.65$ 873.75$ 350 – 6’ Tables 350 11.45$ 4,007.50$ DELIVERY & PICK UP 1 450.00$ 450.00$ TOTAL 25,000.00$ *Set up on 6/30 and 7/1 and pick up on 7/5 and 7/6 *Delivery / Pickup based on direct access to each tent / drop off location *Customer to set up & tear down all tables and chairs. *Tax and damage waiver not included in above pricing. *Permits not included. Michael Feldbaum, President 952.903.4251 mfeldbaum@apresparty.com 132 133 Apres Event Décor & Tent Rental Ultimate Events 80 X 130 Century Tent $6,851.75 $8,987.00 40 X 120 Century Tent $2,850.00 $3,677.00 10 X 10 Frame Tent $170.00 $260.00 15 X 60 Frame Tent $850.00 $2,043.00 10 X 20 Marquee Tent $275.00 $419.00 15X15 Frame Tent (6/7)$2,430.00 $3,438.00 8 X 20 Sidewalls (28)$896.00 $1,176.00 8 X 20 Sidewalls (4)$128.00 $168.00 8 X 80 Sidewall $128.00 $168.00 7 X 40 Sidewall (1)$64.00 $69.60 Halogen 500w Lights (14)$700.00 $833.00 50' Extension Cords (28)$301.00 $468.00 Folding Chairs (2,300) $4,025.00 $4,600.00 8' Tables (75)$873.75 $1,057.50 6' Tables (350)$4,007.50 $4,830.00 Delivery & Pick Up $450.00 $520.00 Total $25,000.00 $32,485.90 Delivery & Pick Up Total Tents 2022 4th of July Tent Bids Lights and Cords Sidewalls Tables And Chairs 134 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 22-01 File No.22-01 Item No: D.6 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving the plans and specifications and authorizing publication of an advertisement for bids for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 22-01." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Approve the construction documents and authorize an advertisement to bid the project. BACKGROUND As part of the overall Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City annually plans to rehabilitate a section or sections of public streets across the City. The Five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies the near-term streets to be rehabilitated. Key dates and items relative to the project: On May 17, 2021, the Engineering Department released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for 135 geotechnical services for the project. On July 12, 2021, the City Council approved a consultant contract with WSB & Associates for geotechnical exploration and engineering services in preparation for the design contract. On September 29, 2021, the Engineering Department released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for design and construction services for the project. On October 25, 2021, the City Council approved a consultant contract with Bolton & Menk for design and construction services for the project. On December 15, 2021, the Engineering Department hosted an open house relative to the project areas. On January 24, 2022, the City Council accepted the feasibility study and called for a Public Hearing to be held on February 14, 2022. On February 14, 2022, the City Council conducted a public improvement hearing and authorized preparation of plans and specifications. DISCUSSION Staff utilized the City's Pavement Management Program and site investigations to determine the project limits as shown in the attached 5-year CIP map. None of these neighborhood areas have had major rehabilitation performed after the original urbanized street construction. Only minor maintenance activities such as pothole patching, crack sealing, and seal coating have been performed. The three neighborhood areas are listed below: Longacres neighborhood (most streets in the area excluding Longacres Drive itself - which is scheduled to be rehabilitated in 2025) Brinker neighborhood Stone Creek neighborhood An RFP for a geotechnical exploration and pavement evaluation was prepared and distributed by the Engineering Department for the project areas. WSB & Associates was hired to perform the work and prepare the report for these project areas. The geotechnical assessment and pavement evaluation was conducted to aid in the analysis of proper roadway pavement rehabilitation designs for the project. Bolton & Menk was provided the geotechnical report in addition to our asset management data for the neighborhood areas in the project scope to incorporate with the feasibility study and subsequent design. Based on the geotechnical report and the feasibility study, all of the neighborhood areas should be rehabilitated by a full depth reclamation (FDR) technique. This is primarily based on the existing Overall Condition Index (OCI), existing pavement condition, and the supporting soils. There are three short sections of street in the project areas that require full pavement reconstruction. These areas are located at the east end of Stone Creek Drive, the intersection of Brinker Street and Crocus Court, and the east end of Hunter Drive. As with any road rehabilitation project, minor spot repair of curb and gutter and maintenance associated with public utilities are planned. 136 Sidewalks within the project areas will also be maintained. This scope will include diamond grinding misaligned joints that have heaved primarily due to freeze-thaw and replacement of significantly damaged sidewalk panels. Existing pedestrian ramps impacted by the project will be designed to be brought into ADA compliance in accordance with the City's ADA transition plan. City staff performed a condition assessment on the existing utilities within the neighborhoods. The storm sewer pipe network was televised and the storm structures were evaluated to access the need for improvements. All identified needs will be incorporated into the project. There will be minor re-grading incorporated into the project relative to the emergency overflow for stormwater pond BC-P4.2A which is contained by Stone Creek Drive and Boulder Road in the Stone Creek neighborhood. Bolton & Menk also plans to incorporate an alternate into the project documents to add work associated with stormwater pond BC-P4.3 which is on the east end of the Stone Creek neighborhood. This alternate work would include reshaping the pond to increase the dead storage and lower the normal water level associated with the pond. These efforts would greatly improve the freeze-thaw effect this pond has on the stormwater infrastructure that routes water to the pond. In addition, a number of comments from the open house hosted on December 15, 2021 were also related to drainage concerns. As appropriate, these concerns have been addressed in the design. Major replacement of watermain and sanitary sewer mains are not necessary. The valves on the watermain are planned to be rehabilitated by changing out the bolting on the existing valves. The age of the original installation indicates the bolting is likely to be mild steel. The bolts will be replaced with stainless steel to protect them long term from the corrosive soils found in Chanhassen. Minor repairs primarily related to reducing infiltration and inflow are recommended for the sanitary sewer system. Public Engagement Summary and Other Proposed Improvements Engineering distributed a survey to the 417 assessible properties along the streets being rehabilitated by the project. Of those surveys, 164 have been returned which is the highest return rate we are aware of for this type of a mailing. The project also hosted an open house on December 15, 2021 at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. There were 62 people in attendance at the open house and 25 comment cards were completed. The majority of the comment cards were directed to the proposed street connection between Stone Creek Court and Timberhill Drive which is identified as a need in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Property owners were in opposition to this connection and the proposed connection has been removed from this project. Another proposed work item identified in the RFP to be evaluated was the removal of 10 center islands in cul-de-sacs within the Longacres neighborhood. The Longacres Homeowner's Association (HOA) maintains these center islands. Engineering has reached out to the HOA to seek their input regarding this proposed work. We haven't received a conclusive official response at the time of the drafting of this agenda item but a response seems likely to be received in the near future. Engineering has received some input directly regarding this proposed removal. The response has been mixed with some property owners adamantly opposed to the removal of the center island and others indicating they should be removed. At the open house the majority opinion favored removal but recently the majority of the input has been for the center islands to remain in place. Public Works identified the proposed removal of the center islands as an item to be evaluated for the following reasons: improved operation of the cul-de- sac from a mobility and overall service perspective including emergency services and maintenance, street parking, and the fact the center islands are an atypical installation that do not meet City standards. Each of the center islands has a few trees in it and the City Arborist has noted the vast majority of these trees are ash trees. These trees should be treated against Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) if the center islands 137 remain in place. Engineering has also received 14 emails from different property owners since the formal letter went out to the residents a couple of weeks ago identifying the preliminary assessment amount, and approximately 6 phone calls. Funding Budget for the proposed work has been included in the CIP for the project to be constructed in 2022. Funding for the project is proposed to come from the pavement management fund (PMP) including special assessments to benefiting properties for the street improvement costs. The special assessments will be managed per the City's Assessment Policy. City utility enterprise funding will be utilized to cover the rehabilitation needs specific to each utility. The preliminary special assessment amounts for the three neighborhood areas identified to be completed are as follows: Longacres area: $2,934.25 Brinker area: $2,259.76 Stone Creek area: $3,153.18 Schedule Item Date Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bids March 14, 2022 Advertise Project for Bid March - April 2022 Open Bids April 12, 2022 Call for Public (Assessment) Hearing April 25, 2022 Host Open House May 2022 Conduct Public (Assessment) Hearing and Award Project May 23, 2022 Begin Construction June 2022 Substantial Completion October 2022 Final Completion Spring 2023 BUDGET The overall project budget is shown in the table below. The proposed 2022 CIP is including an increase to the PMP fund due to actual franchise fee revenue collected being higher than estimated. The utility funds were slightly increased as well. A complete engineer's estimate was prepared with the study and is included in the report. The street portion of the estimate is projected to be approximately 25% under budget but the associated utility work for the watermain and stormwater infrastructure associated with the project are slightly over budget. Overall, the project is projected to come in under budget. During 138 design, the utility efforts will be re-evaluated and engineered to bring them closer in line with the budgeted amounts, or an increase in funding from the enterprise funds will be sought. Fund Budget Estimate PMP (Street)$4,000,000 $2,951,063 Surface Water $520,000 $686,510 Surface Water Alternate (Pond in Stone Creek area)$0 $110,615 Sanitary Sewer $235,000 $228,000 Water $470,000 $584,445 Total $5,225,000 $4,560,926 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Council adopt a resolution approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement to bid for City Project Number 22-01. ATTACHMENTS Streets 5-Year CIP - 2022-2026 CIP_ST-012 Resolution - Approving Plans and Specifications and Ad for Bids 139 ################################################# # ###################################################################### Lake Virginia Christmas Lake Lotus Lake Brendan Pond Lake Harrison Kerber Pond Lake Susan Rice Marsh Lake Lake Riley Rice Lake Lake St. Joe Lake Minnewashta Lake Ann Lake Lucy ST15 ST18 ST14 ST17 ST61 Minnewashta Regional Park North Lotus Lake Park Meadow Green Park Lake Ann Park Chanhassen Pond Park Chanhassen Nature Preserve Chanhassen Recreation Center Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve Power Hill Park Fox Woods Preserve Bandimere Community Park Bluff Creek Golf Course Hesse Farm Park Preserve Lake Susan Preserve Raguet Wildlife Management Are MN Valley National Wildlife Re MN Landscape Arboretum Seminary Fen Scientific & Nat* Bluff Creek Preserve Independent School District 11 Independent School District 112 Independent School District 276 Riley Ridge Park Lake Ann Park Preserve SA5SA5 SA7 SA7 SA41 SA101 SA5 SA41 )212 )212 PowersBlvdAudubonRdChanhassen RdArboretum Blvd Pioneer TrlGalpinBlvdLyman BlvdHazeltineBlvd Mar ketBlvdPowers BlvdGreatPlai ns Blv d Arboretum Blvd Flying C l o u d D r ST101 ST101 GH117 GH117 Document Path: K:\Departments\Engineering\CIP\2022-2026\CIP_5Year_2022-2026.aprxDate Created: 9/29/2021 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 3,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile 5-Year CIP - Streets (2022-2026) City of Chanhassen Legend 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2022 - Municipal State Aid (MSA) 2023 - Municipal State Aid (MSA)### # ##2023 - County/State Project ######2024 - County/State Project ### # ##2025 - County/State Project 140 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Charlie Howley 2022 2026 thru Department Street Improvements Description Annual project to rehabilitate and/or reconstruct streets in the City. The 5 year Capital Pavement Management Plan identifies the planned streets for the next five years. The Plan is updated every fall to review priorities and needs, but generally intends to keep the overall condition index (OCI) average across all streets at 70 or higher. Project #ST-012 Priority n/a Justification The City uses a Pavement Management System in Cartegraph to monitor the condition of the City streets. While proper preventative maintenance extends the life of the street and is cost effective, a street will eventually deteriorate to a point that major maintenance is required. Rehabilitation projects extend the life of the street. In cases when utilities or poor sub grade needs to be replaced or where streets have deteriorated to a point where rehabilitation will no longer be practical, reconstruction of the street is necessary. A feasibility study is written to consider the merits of the project, scope of work, costs and assessments. Budget Impact/Other The City has an Assessment Policy, last updated in 2014, that identifies what and how much of the project is assessed to benefiting properties. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Pavement Management Program (PMP)Category Street Improvements Type Improvement Account #2 Account #1 601-6xxx-4xxx Account #4 Account #3 Status Active Total2022 2023 2024 2025 2026Expenditures 27,325,0005,075,000 5,225,000 5,475,000 5,675,000 5,875,000Construction 5,075,000 5,225,000 5,475,000 5,675,000 5,875,000 27,325,000Total Total2022 2023 2024 2025 2026Funding Sources 8,380,0001,560,000 1,600,000 1,680,000 1,740,000 1,800,000Streets - PMP Assessments 12,570,0002,340,000 2,400,000 2,520,000 2,610,000 2,700,000Streets - PMP Funds 1,225,000225,000 235,000 245,000 255,000 265,000Utility Fund -Sewer 2,650,000500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 530,000Utility Fund -Surface Wtr 2,500,000450,000 470,000 490,000 510,000 580,000Utility Fund -Water 5,075,000 5,225,000 5,475,000 5,675,000 5,875,000 27,325,000Total 141 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: March 14, 2022 RESOLUTION NO:2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2022 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 22-01 WHEREAS,on February14, 2022, the City Council held a Public Hearing for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 22-01; and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Resolution passed by the City Council on February14, 2022; Bolton & Menk in conjunction with the City Engineer have prepared plans and specifications for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project and has presented such plans and specifications to the City Council for approval. The project area includes the following streets: the improvement of Majestic Way, Windmill Drive, Walnut Curve, Brinker Street, Crocus Court, Tulip Court, Stone Creek Lane West, Stone Creek Lane East, Stone Creek Road, Stone Creek Court, Boulder Road, Stone Creek Drive from Galpin Boulevard to 250 feet east of Boulder Road, Hillsdale Court, Gunflint Court, Gunflint Trail from Longacres Drive to 150 feet north of Gunflint Court, Moccasin Trail, Southern Court, Bent Bow Trail, Hunter Drive, Fawn Hill Court, Fawn Hill Road from Longacres Drive to 225 feet south of Fawn Hill Court, Red Fox Circle, Lodgepole Point and Northwood Court. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bythe Chanhassen City Council: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which can be reviewed at the office of the City Engineer, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official city newspaper and on QuestCDN.com, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published at least three times, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received on-line until 10 a.m. on April 12, 2022, at which time they will be publicly opened and read via conference call by the City Engineer. Bids will be tabulated and the responsibility of the bidders will be considered by the Council at 7:00 PM on Monday, May 23, 2022, for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 22-01, in the Council Chambers at the City Hall. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless appropriately submitted on-line and accompanied by a bid security payable to the clerk for 5% of the amount of such bid. 142 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of March, 2022. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 143 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Approve Quit Claim Deeds, Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary, City of Chanhassen and Eastern Carver County School District File No.Item No: D.7 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving quit claim deeds for clear property title with the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND In 1993 the City of Chanhassen obtained title to the property subsequently platted as Bluff Creek Addition where the Chanhassen Recreation Center and Bluff Creek Elementary are located. The City sold part of the property, now platted as Lot 1, Block 1, Bluff Creek Addition, to the School District in 1994 to build the elementary school. The City and school district platted the property in 2000. Since the time it was platted neither the School District or the City has transferred title. The City owns Lot 2, Block 1 and the School District owns Lot 1, Block 1. To correct and provide clarity to the titles of each entity, the city and school district are processing Quit Claim Deeds that will be recorded with Carver County. 144 At their February 28, 2022 meeting, the Eastern Carver County School Board reviewed and adopted a resolution approving the exchange of a quit claim deed to clear up title of the above-mentioned property. The City also needs to take the same steps for the properties to be recorded accurately. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving quit claim deeds for clear property title with the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School. ATTACHMENTS Resolution and Quit Claim Deed Exchange District 112 & City of Chanhassen City of Chanhassen Quit Claim Deed Bluff Creek Addition Property Document Legal Description City Parcel Legal Description District 112 Parcel Resolution Approving Quit Claim Deed 145 146 147 148 219448v3 (Reserved for Recording Data) QUIT CLAIM DEED STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ 1.65 Dated: ___________________, 2022. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the City of Chanhassen,a Minnesota municipal corporation, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to Independent School District No. 112, an independent school district under the laws of Minnesota, Grantee, real property in Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Bluff Creek Addition together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto subject to the following exceptions: None. Check box if applicable: The Grantor certifies that the Grantor does not know of any wells on the described real property. A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property has not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. This deed transfers real property in exchange for $3,000.00 or less of consideration. Check here if part or all of the land is Registered (Torrens) 149 219448v3 GRANTOR: City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation By Elise Ryan, Mayor By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of , 2022, Elise Ryan and Laura Hokkanen, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen,a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ___________________________________ Notary Public Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should be sent to: Independent School District No. 112 __________________________ __________________________ DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMP 150 151 152 153 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: March 14, 2022 RESOLUTION NO: 2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING EXCHANGE OF QUIT CLAIM DEEDS TO CLEAR TITLE TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen (“City”) and Independent School District No. 112 (“District”) owned separate parcels of property that were platted as Bluff Creek Addition (“Plat”); and WHEREAS,the City and District desired to continue ownership of their parcels following recording of the Plat; and WHEREAS,parties intended that the City would hold fee title to Lot 2, Block 1, Bluff Creek Addition (“City Property”) and the District would hold fee title to Lot 1, Block 1, Bluff Creek Addition (“District Property”) following recording of the Plat and generally consistent with each party’s underlying fee interest in the Plat; and WHEREAS,the parties’ interest in their respective lot is clouded by the interest of the other party following recording of the Plat; and WHEREAS, in order for each party to have clear title to their respective lot within the Plat, it is necessary for each party to convey a quit claim deed to the other party for the other party’s lot within the Plat. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota that a conveyance by quit claim deed to the District for the District Property and acceptance of a quit claim deed from the District for the City Property is hereby approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 154 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Accept Public Streets, Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements in Fawn Hill, Project No. 2017-07 File No.2017-07 Item No: D.8 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Adopts a Resolution Accepting the Public Streets, Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements in Fawn Hill Development for Perpetual Maintenance and Ownership." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY Staff has received a letter from Robert S. Molstad, P.E., the Engineer of Record for the project known as Fawn Hill, requesting the City consider acceptance of the public streets and utility improvements in the above-referenced project. According to Mr. Molstad, the public street and utility improvements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications; however, stormwater improvements, specifically the BMPs installed with the development, will need to be monitored to confirm functionality. As such, the public streets and the sanitary and water utilities are the only public improvements that can be accepted at this time. City staff performed a walk-through inspection of the project regarding the streets and the sanitary and water utilities and found they are in satisfactory condition. Acceptance of the stormwater improvements will be completed once the functionality of the BMPs is confirmed by the Engineer of Record and staff. BACKGROUND 155 DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution accepting the public streets and the sanitary and water utility improvements in Fawn Hill, Project No. 17-07, for perpetual maintenance and ownership. ATTACHMENTS Fawn Hill Area Map Fawn Hill Acceptance Letter Resolution 2022-XX Accept Public Streets and the Sanitary and Water Utility - FAWN HILL 156 157 158 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: March 14, 2022 RESOLUTION NO:2022-XX MOTION BY: _______SECONDED BY: ________ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC STREET AND THE SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN FAWN HILL PROJECT NO. 2017-07 WHEREAS, the City has received a letter from Robert S. Molstad, P.E., of Sathre-Berquist, Inc. indicating the public street and the sanitary and water utilityimprovements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and all testing has been successfully completed; and WHEREAS, staff has performed a walk-through inspection and finds the improvements acceptable for perpetual maintenance and ownership; and WHEREAS, public stormwater utilities will be accepted at a later time once the stormwater BMPs have been verified to be working and functioning in accordance with the approved design. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby accepts the public street and the sanitary and water utility improvements in Fawn Hill, Project No. 17-07, for perpetual maintenance and ownership. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 14 th day of March, 2022. ATTEST: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 159 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Authorize Replacement Purchase of Fire Department Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) and to amend the budget for the Fleet Capital Fund. File No.CIP Project No. F-231 Item No: D.9 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution authorizing the replacement purchase of the Fire Department Utility Terrain Vehicle and to amend the budget for the Fleet Capital Fund." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Replacement of Fire Department Utility Terrain Vehicle. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The current UTV is considered a grass response vehicle, but also is used in the winter, so the name is a misnomer. It is a 2005 Polaris six wheeler with a carbureted gas motor. During summer months, it serves as a grass fire response unit and carries a skid with water tank and pump. It seats a crew of two. In the winter months, the skid is removed and ice rescue equipment is loaded into the vehicle for ice rescue response. 160 This vehicle has been scheduled for replacement for the past five years and is continually passed over based on prioritizing up other projects. Within the past few years, when the vehicle is utilized for long duration incidents, it has failed to operate, requiring repairs. This is becoming more problematic and the vehicle can no longer be trusted to provide the services required. The replacement is currently scheduled for 2023; however, a recent failure while being used at Feb Fest has accelerated the need for immediate replacement. With grass fire season approaching, this purchase needs to be immediate so crews can train on the new equipment prior to deployment. BUDGET This vehicle is identified for replacement next year (2023) in the 2022-2026 CIP with an estimate of $35,000 in the Fleet Capital Fund. The five-year financial plan 2022 fund balance for the Fleet Capital Fund is sufficient to amend the budget to advance the replacement one year from 2023 to 2022 at the current cost of $41,000. Two quotes were obtained, with one of the quotes being a demo model. Both units are Polaris UTVs. Quote #1 $41,000.00 Quote #2 $40,909.91 Although these quotes are nearly identical, Quote #1 is a demo unit that also comes with an after market water pump, which something similar would need to be purchased separately and added to the Quote #2 unit, and therefore is actually a cost savings. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approving the UTV replacement with Quote #1. ATTACHMENTS CIP Project No. F-231 Quote #1 Quote #2 Resolution 161 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Don Johnson 2022 2026 thru Department Fleet - Capital Description 2023 - Replace 2005 Polaris Grass Response Project #F-231 Priority n/a Justification Vehicles are reaching or exceeding useful life standards outlined by NFPA for emergency response front line service. Major apparatus require a two year process to spec, order and manufacture. Budget Impact/Other These are considered front line response vehicles and impact response to fire incidents within the City and to mutual aid partners. Useful Life 10-15 years Project Name Grass Response Rig - 2005 Polaris Ranger 4x4 Category Fire Type Vehicles Account #2 Account #1 400-4135-4704 Account #4 Account #3 Status Active Total2022 2023 2024 2025 2026Expenditures 35,00035,000Vehicles 35,000 35,000Total Total2022 2023 2024 2025 2026Funding Sources 35,00035,000Fleet Capital 35,000 35,000Total 162 SAME AS BELOW 06 - APPLE VALLEY MN 02/24/2022 11:41:08 (O) 1 00 CHANH002 9522271152 Q00222 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPT UTV UHP 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 BRAD WHITE 149 Description ** Q U O T E ** QUOTE VALID FOR THIRTY (30) DAYS Amount POLARIS UTV WITH EJ METALS UHP SKID 41000.00 Subtotal:41000.00 Authorization: _________________________ Quote Total:41000.00 163 Charles SiegleName: Email:csiegle@ci.chanhassen.mn.us 9522271306Phone: Fax: Cage: Tax ID#: 3FP69 123399383 41-1921490 Duns#: Customer#:Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ship To: Bill To:City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Freight Delivery Terms Payment Terms Payment Methods FOB Destination-CONUS US Continental (CONUS) Only 240 Days Net 30 Visa Mastercard Wire Check Item #QTY Description Open Mkt MSRP Discount Price Extended D22P4ED4B4 1 Pro XD Full Size Diesel Crew No $19,899.00 $18,858.01 $18,858.01 2889223 1 Crew 1000's / Pro XD 4000 Poly Sport Roof No $599.99 $599.99 $599.99 2882904 1 1000's / Pro XD Pulse 6 Roof Wire Connection Cable No $104.99 $104.99 $104.99 2883278 1 1000's / Pro XD General Purpose Poly Windshield No $434.99 $434.99 $434.99 2879013 1 1000's / Pro XD Glass Rear Panel No $409.99 $409.99 $409.99 2889243 1 ROPS Mounted Sideview Mirrors No $174.99 $174.99 $174.99 2889324 1 Full Size Rear Bumper No $149.99 $149.99 $149.99 2882784 1 Full Size HWM Poly Front A- Arm Guards No $214.99 $214.99 $214.99 2882787 1 1000's / Pro XD HMW Poly Rear A-Arm Guards No $214.99 $214.99 $214.99 Contact Information Polaris DirectContract Name: Contract #: Expiration Date: Quote Number:QUO-34923-C6Y9P6 Revision #:0 Date:2/22/2022 3:45 PM 3/24/2022Quote Expires: Quote: Page 1 of 2 QUOTE Polaris Sales Inc., Medina, MN 55340 gov.info@polaris.com Phone: 866-468-7783 Fax: 763-847-8288 www.polaris.com/gov 164 Freight Delivery Terms Payment Terms Payment Methods FOB Destination-CONUS US Continental (CONUS) Only 240 Days Net 30 Visa Mastercard Wire Check Item #QTY Description Open Mkt MSRP Discount Price Extended 2889379 1 Pro XD Fire / Rescue Skid w/9 HP electric start engine No $16,609.49 $16,609.49 $16,609.49 2884248 1 Full Size 6000 lb. Winch with Synthetic Rope No $874.99 $849.99 $849.99 Comments: *Installation Pricing is Open Market Vehicle model year and color are subject to change dependent upon delivery date. SUBTOTAL $38,622.41 INSTALL*$787.50 FREIGHT $1,500.00 TAX $0.00 TOTAL $40,909.91 Acceptance and Payment Information If you would like to submit payment via credit card, please call (866) 468-7783 to process payment during our hours of operation from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM CST Monday through Friday. We accept Visa, Mastercard & American Express. To accept the above quotation, please provide a purchase order via email (gov.info@polaris.com) and include the following: •Bill to Address •Billing Phone Number •Ship to Address •Point of Contact for Delivery •Point of Contact E-Mail •Point of Contact Phone •Quote Number •Alternate Point of Contact if applicable Quote: Page 2 of 2 QUOTE Polaris Sales Inc., Medina, MN 55340 gov.info@polaris.com Phone: 866-468-7783 Fax: 763-847-8288 www.polaris.com/gov 165 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: March 14, 2022 RESOLUTION NO: 2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT PURCHASE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT UTILITY TERRAIN RESPONSE VEHICLE AND AMEND THE BUDGET OF THE FLEET CAPITAL FUND WHEREAS,the City manages a fleet of vehicles and equipment; and WHEREAS,the approved 5-year Capital Improvement Plan includes the purchase of a replacement Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) for Fire Department response; and WHEREAS,the existing Fire Department UTV cannot be confidently relied upon for its response duties; and WHEREAS,the City obtained quotes from reputable manufacturer and dealer of the vehicle; and WHEREAS,the vehicle was included for replacement in 2023 in 2022-2026 CIP and the five-year financial plan in the Fleet Capital Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes the replacement purchase of the fire department UTV response vehicle and amend the 2022 budget of the Fleet Capital Fund for the use of $41,000 of fund balance to advance the purchase. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14 th day of March, 2022. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 166 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Accept Donation of $500 from Balakrishna Chintaginjala File No.Item No: D.10 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION “The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution accepting a donation of $500 to the City of Chanhassen from Balakrishna Chintaginjala.” Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY On March 4, 2022, the City received a check from Chanhassen resident Balakrishna Chintaginjala in the amount of $500. Mr. Chintaginjala requested the City accept the donation to be used for City Developmental Activities. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 167 The City Council thanks Mr. Chintaginjala for the donation and directs staff to send a letter expressing our appreciation. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 168 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: March 14, 2022 RESOLUTION NO:2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION TO THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN FROM BALAKRISHNA CHINTAGINJALA FOR CITY DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES WHEREAS,Balakrishna Chintaginjala is a resident of the City of Chanhassen; and WHEREAS,Balakrishna Chintaginjala has made a donation of $500.00 to the City of Chanhassen to be used for City Developmental Activities. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL hereby accepts the $500.00 donation from Balakrishna Chintaginjala to be applied to City Developmental Activities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff is directed to prepare correspondence thanking Balakrishna Chintaginjala for his generous donation. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 14 th day of March, 2022. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 169 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Ordinance XXX: Approve Amendment to Chapter 20 (Zoning) of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Notification Requirements and Public Hearing Timelines File No.Item No: D.11 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts an ordinance amending Chapter 20 (Zoning) of the Chanhassen City Code concerning Notification Requirements and Public Hearing Timelines." Motion Type Majority Vote of the entire Council Strategic Priority Communications SUMMARY The section of the City Code that governs the Board of Appeals and Adjustments’ variance and appeal procedures requires property owners within 500 feet of a variance be notified via mail but does not require similar notice for appeals. Appeals of the interpretation and enforcement of the Zoning Code can have a similar impact on neighborhoods to variances; however, City Code does not require a similar level of notification. This section of the Code also requires that a public hearing be scheduled within 45 days of the filing of an application for an appeal or variance; however, both State law and City policy allow for an extension of review deadline in certain circumstances. BACKGROUND During the February 15, 2022 Planning Commission meeting, a public hearing was held on this item. No member of the public attended or spoke for or against this item. The Planning Commission voted 170 unanimously to recommend that the City Council approve the proposed Code amendment. During the Planning Commission meeting, the following comment was made: 1. The Planning Commission asked for clarification on why the City required a public hearing within 45 days of receiving an application. Staff stated that the 45 days was to allow time for items to be appealed to the City Council in order to ensure that decisions are rendered within 60 days, as stipulated by State law. DISCUSSION The City Code establishes the powers and procedures that govern its various Boards and Commissions. In the case of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, which is also the Planning Commission, it stipulates both notification requirements and timelines for public hearings. As it is currently written, the City Code requires a mailed notice be issued to properties within 500 feet of a parcel requesting a variance but does not require any mailed notice for appeals of administrative orders, requirement, decisions, and/or determinations. Requiring a mailed notice of the hearing is the best way to ensure that the surrounding properties are made aware of the details of a request and have the opportunity to provide feedback. Staff believes that since appeals can have similar impact to variances, they should also be required to provide mailed notice. Regarding the stipulated hearing timeline, it is established to ensure the City’s review process complies with Minnesota’s 60-day rule; a rule that requires communities to issue decisions on zoning requests within 60 days of the application submittal. While the City typically is able to complete its reviews and issue decisions within this timeframe, there are cases where additional time is required. State law allows for both the City and applicant to extend the review timeline but this is not reflected in the City Code. Staff is proposing amending the City Code to clarify the applicant’s and the City’s rights to extend the timeline. A full discussion of these issues can be found in the attached staff report. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the proposed Code amendment. ATTACHMENTS Issue Paper Draft Ordinance Amendment XXX Appeal Notification and Timeline Ordinance 171 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY OT CIIANIIASSXN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow Planning Commission MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner February 15,2022 Appeal Notification and Public Hearing Timeline Requirements DATE: SUBJ: PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed ordinance amending Chapters 20, conceming appeal notification and public hearing timeline requirements." The section of the City Code that govems the Board of Appeals and Adjustments' variance and appeal procedures requires property owners within 500 feet ofa variance be notified via mail but does not require similar notice for appeals. Appeals of the interpretation and enforcement ofthe zoning code can have a similar impact on neighborhoods to variances; however, City Code does not require a similar level ofnotification. This section of the Code also requires that a public hearing be scheduled within 45 days ofthe filing ofan application for an appeal or variance; however, both state law and City policy allow for an extension of review deadline in certain circumstances. Summary: The City Code established the powers and procedures that govem its various boards and commissions. In the case ofthe Board ofAppeals and Adjustments, which is also the Planning Commission, it stipulates both notification requirements and timelines for public hearings. As it is currently written, the City Code requires a mailed notice be issued to properties within 500 feet ofa parcel requesting a variance, but does not require any mailed notice for appeals of administrative orders, requirement, decisions, and/or determinations. Requiring a mailed notice ofthe hearing is the best way to ensure that the surrounding properties are made aware ofthe details ofa request and have the oppornmity to provide feedback. Staflbelieves that since appeals can have similar impact to variances, they should also be required to provide mailed notice. PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 Issues: ,OO MARKET BOULEVARD.PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN .I4INNESOTA 553]7 172 Appeal Notification & Public Hearing Timeline Requirements February 15,2022 Page 2 Regarding the stipulated hearing timeline, it is established to ensure the City's review process complies with Minnesota's 60-day rule, a rule that requires communities to issue decisions on zoning requests within 60 days of the application's submittal. While the City typically is able to complete its reviews and issue decisions within this timeframe, there are cases where additional time is required. The state law allows for both the City and applicant to extend the review timeline, but this is not reflected in the City Code. Staffis proposing amending the City Code to clari$ the applicant and the City's rights to extend the timeline. Releva nt Citv Code: Chapter 20, Article II, Division 1, Section 20-28 "Board ofAppeals and Adjustments": Empowers the Board ofAppeals and Adjustments to hear and decide appeals and variance lequests. Chapter 20, Article II, Division 1, Section 20'29 "BoNd of Appeals and Adjustments Variance and Appeal Procedures": Establishes the procedures for applying for and deciding appeals and variances, including setting notification and timeline requirements. Minnesota Statute $ 15.99, subdivision 3(f): Establishes a timeline for deciding zoning issues, including appeals and variances. Analvsis: Issue 1: Notification Requirement section 20-29 requires the city to provide mailed notice of variance requests to every property within 500 feet ofa parcel requesting a variance. This requirement is designed to ensure that the properties most likely to be impacted by the requested variance are aware of what is being requested and have a chance to voice their questions, concerns, support, and/or opposition to the request. The City believes that since variances represent a deviation from the normal provisions ofthe City Code, it is important to take neighbors perspectives into consideration; however, this requirement is not applied to appeals of a City administrate officer's order, requirement, decision, or determination. In many cases, appeals ofan administrative action have a potential to impact neighborhoods. For example, an individual could appeal stafF s determination that a collection of rusting playground equipment scattered throughout their yard was 'Junk" constituting a nuisance rather than "swings, slides, and other play equipment" which is allowed under the outdoor storage ordinance. The appellant would likely state that all the neighbors enjoyed their collection of old playground equipment, and if no neighbors were aware that this issue was coming before the Planning Commission for consideration, they may not have an opportunity to agree with or contradict the appellant's assessment of their opinions. Either way, the Planning Commission's decision on the appeal would either allow the equipment to stay or require it to be removed, both scenarios having a significant impact on the visual character of the neighborhood. 173 Appeal Notification & Public Hearing Timeline Requirements February 15,2022 Page 3 In some cases, appeals ofan administrative action could have a larger impact on a neighborhood than a variance. For example, the Planning Commission cannot grant a variance to allow a commercial or industrial use in a residential neighborhood, but a resident could appeai staff s determination that they were using their woodshop in a way that violated the City's home occupation standards. If the Planning Commission were to decide that staff s determination was in error, the resulting noise, traffic, and other activities associated with allowing the continued use of the woodshop could have a larger impact on the neighborhood than a reduced yard setback or other item commonly subjected to the public notification requirement. In a few cases, the appeal ofan administrative action could have the exact same impact as a variance request. For example, an owner ofan older irregularly shaped lot could be interested in placing a shed in what staff determined to be the front yard of the property. Since the City Code illows staff to designate altemate front yards in several cases, the owner could appeal this determination. If the Planning Commission were to determine that staff misidentified the front yard, the resulting structure location and impact would be identical to what would have resulted ifthe applicant had requested a variance to place the shed within the staff determined front yard setback. As the above examples show, appeals rarely impact only the property owner appealing staff s orders, requirements, decisions, and/or determinations. The results ofan appeal will typically impact the surrounding properties, often to a similar extent as a variance request. For these reasons, staffbelieves the neighborhood should be plovided with mailed notice when an appeal is filled. This will allow impacted residents to inform themselves ofthe details ofthe case and ensure that they have an opportunity to provide the Planning Commission with their comments. Issue 2: Hearing Timeline Section 20-29 stipulates that upon receipt ofan appeal or variance application a hearing shall be held within 45 days ofthe submittal the application. This 45-day period is designed to ensure that the City adheres to the 60-day rule, a state statute requiring that zoning decisions be rendered within 60 days. While the City always tries to complete reviews and render decisions within this 60-day period, there are circumstances where this is simply not possible. The state statute recognizes that there may be cases or situations where additional time is required and allows City;s to extend the review period for an additional 60 days. The review period can only be extend beyond the cumulative 120-day limit ifthe applicant elects to waive the statutory review timeline. As written, the City Code does not allow for the public hearing to be scheduled more than 45 days after the filing ofan appeal or variance. This creates a situation where the City Code is less flexible than the state statute it was derived from. As a matter of practice, the City has followed the timeline and procedures established by the state law when additional time is needed; however, the City Code should be amended to clarifu both the City and applicant's rights with regard to the timeline for rendering a decision on appeal and variance requests. 174 Appeal Notification & Public Hearing Timeline Requirements February 15,2022 Page 4 Alternatives: 1. Clarifu the timeline but do not require mailed notification for appeals. 2. Clarii/ the timeline and require mailed notification for appeals. Recommendation: Staffrecommends Altemative 2. Since a hearing is required for appeals and appeals can have neighborhood impacts similar to variances, both appeals and variances should have the same notifi cation requirements. Attachment: Proposed Changes glplan\city cod€\2o22\appeal notification and ph timeline notification req\appeal notification issue paper.doo{ 175 Page 1 SECTION 1: A MEND MEN T “Sec 20-29 Board O f Appeals And A djustments Variance A nd A ppeal Procedures” of the Chanhassen Municipal Code is hereby am ended as follows: B E F O R E A M E N D M E N T Sec 20-29 Board O f Appeals And Adjustments Variance And Appeal Procedures (a)Form; fee. Appeals and applications for variances shall be filed w ith the community development director on prescribed forms. A fee, as established by the city council, shall be paid upon the filing of an application. The board of appeals and adjustments may waive the application fee in unusual circumstances. (b)Hearing. U pon the filing of an appeal or application for variance, the community development director shall set a time and place for a hearing before the board of appeals and adjustments on such appeal or application, w hich hearing shall be held within 45 days after the filing of said appeal or application. At the hearing the board shall hear such persons as wish to be heard, either in person or by attorney or agent. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten days before the date of hearing to the person w ho filed the appeal or application for variance, and in the case of an application for variance, to each ow ner of property situated wholly or partially within 500 feet of the property to which the variance application relates. The names and addresses of such ow ners shall be determined by the community development director from records provided by the applicant. (c)Decisions of the board. The board shall be empow ered to decide appeals and grant variances, other than variances in conjunction w ith platting, site plan review, conditional use permits and interim use permits, when the decision of the board is by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members present. A vote of less than three- fourths of the members present or any vote on a variance in conjunction with platting, site plan review, conditional use permits and interim use permits shall serve only as a recommendation to the city council, w ho shall then make the final determination on the appeal or variance request within 30 days after receipt of the board's action. If the board recommends approval, it may also recommend appropriate conditions. The board shall act upon all appeals and variance requests w ithin 15 days after the date of the close of the required hearing. (d)Appeal from decisions of the board. A city council member, the applicant, or any aggrieved person may appeal such decision to the city council by filing an appeal w ith the community development director w ithin four days after the date of the board's decision. (e)Council action. By majority vote, the city council may reverse, affirm or modify, wholly or partly, the decision appealed from the board, and to that end the city council shall have all the pow ers of the board, or the city council may approve or deny the variance request. The council shall decide all appeals w ithin 30 days after the date of the required hearing thereon. In granting any variance, the city council may attach 176 Page 2 conditions to ensure compliance with this chapter and to protect adjacent property. (f)Action without decision. If no decision is transmitted by the board to the city council within 60 days from the date an appeal or variance request is filed w ith the community development director, the council may take action on the request, in accordance with the procedures governing the board, without further awaiting the board's decision or recommendation. (O rd. N o. 80, Art. III, § 1(3-1-4(1)—(5), (7)), 12-15-86; O rd. N o. 131, § 2, 7-9-90; O rd. No. 143, § 1, 3-11-91; O rd. N o. 292, § 2, 4-26-99; O rd. N o. 377, § 5, 5-24-04) State law reference(s)—A ppeals and adjustments, M.S. § 462.357, subd. 6. A F T E R A M E N D M E N T Sec 20-29 Board O f Appeals And Adjustments Variance And Appeal Procedures (a)Form; fee. Appeals and applications for variances shall be filed w ith the community development director on prescribed forms. A fee, as established by the city council, shall be paid upon the filing of an application. The board of appeals and adjustments may waive the application fee in unusual circumstances. (b)Hearing. U pon the filing of an appeal or application for variance, the community development director shall set a time and place for a hearing before the board of appeals and adjustments on such appeal or application, w hich hearing shall be held within 45 days after the filing of said appeal or application unless the applicant w aives the 60 day review period or the City exercises it right to extend the 60 day review period by up to an additional 60 days. A t the hearing the board shall hear such persons as w ish to be heard, either in person or by attorney or agent. N otice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten days before the date of hearing to the person who filed the appeal or application for variance, and in the case of an application for variance, to each ow ner of property situated w holly or partially w ithin 500 feet of the property to which the appeal or variance application relates. The names and addresses of such owners shall be determined by the community development director from records provided by the applicant. (c)Decisions of the board. The board shall be empow ered to decide appeals and grant variances, other than variances in conjunction w ith platting, site plan review, conditional use permits and interim use permits, when the decision of the board is by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members present. A vote of less than three- fourths of the members present or any vote on a variance in conjunction with platting, site plan review, conditional use permits and interim use permits shall serve only as a recommendation to the city council, w ho shall then make the final determination on the appeal or variance request within 30 days after receipt of the board's action. If the board recommends approval, it may also recommend appropriate conditions. The board shall act upon all appeals and variance requests w ithin 15 days after the date of the close of the required hearing. (d)Appeal from decisions of the board. A city council member, the applicant, or any aggrieved person may appeal such decision to the city council by filing an appeal w ith 177 Page 3 the community development director w ithin four days after the date of the board's decision. (e)Council action. By majority vote, the city council may reverse, affirm or modify, wholly or partly, the decision appealed from the board, and to that end the city council shall have all the pow ers of the board, or the city council may approve or deny the variance request. The council shall decide all appeals w ithin 30 days after the date of the required hearing thereon. In granting any variance, the city council may attach conditions to ensure compliance with this chapter and to protect adjacent property. (f)Action without decision. If no decision is transmitted by the board to the city council within 60 days from the date an appeal or variance request is filed w ith the community development director, the council may take action on the request, in accordance with the procedures governing the board, without further awaiting the board's decision or recommendation. (O rd. N o. 80, Art. III, § 1(3-1-4(1)—(5), (7)), 12-15-86; O rd. N o. 131, § 2, 7-9-90; O rd. No. 143, § 1, 3-11-91; O rd. N o. 292, § 2, 4-26-99; O rd. N o. 377, § 5, 5-24-04) State law reference(s)—A ppeals and adjustments, M.S. § 462.357, subd. 6. 178 Page 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20, ZONING, OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA ORDIANS: Section 1. Section 20-29(b) of the Chanhassen City Code is amended to read as follows: (b) Hearing.Upon the filing of an appeal or application for variance, the community development director shall set a time and place for a hearing before the board of appeals and adjustments on such appeal or application, which hearing shall be held within 45 days after the filing of said appeal or application unless the applicant waives the 60 day review period or the City exercises its right to extend the 60 day review period by an additional 60 days. At the hearing the board shall hear such persons as wish to be heard, either in person or by attorney or agent. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten days before the date of hearing to the person who filed the appeal or application for variance, and to each owner of property situated wholly or partially within 500 feet of the property to which the appeal or variance application relates. The names and addresses of such owners shall be determined by the community development director from records provided by the applicant. Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2022 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor (Ordinance XXX published in the Chanhassen Villager on [Insert Date]) g:\plan\city code\2022\2022-02 appeal notification and ph timeline notification req\appeal notification and timeline_ordinance.docx 179 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item 2022 Building Permit Activity February Year to Date File No.Item No: J.1 Agenda Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION None Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Building Permit Activity - February 180 2022 Building Permit Activity FEBRUARYYTDCity of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, NIN 55317 952-227-1100 Residential Single-Family t2 't2 Residential Tounhomes 0 0 Apartments/Senior Facilities 0 0 Total Residential t2 't2 Residential Building Permits l'! Quarter 2d Quarter 3d Querter 4tt Quarter TotEl YTD Neu I I 0 0Redeveloped 8 8Remodeled 9Total Commercial 9 80 Residential To\rnhome Lots 53 Total Available Lots 133 Available Lot Inventory (end of Qurrter)l't Quarter 2d Qurrter 3d Qurrter 4ri Qurrter 55 49 ,+0 68 98 t2Single-Family t2 56 l8 0 0 0 ll0 0Apanments/Senior Facilities 0 268 0 0 67 58 62 66 74 9Commercial Total Number of All'Permits 134 431 120 134 282 2t 2019 2020 2022 B:\adminforms\building p€rmit activiry 2022 ytd.doc \Y [[ \ + 4 S,l 0 Commercial Building Permits l't Querter 2'd Quarter 3d Quarter 4rh Quarter Total YTD Single-Family Lots Total Permit History 20t7 20t8 2021 Tourhomes 181 :: E a z a = .? ,z = 3 a z E = ::.: = = z : i a - E = .9 ! = : E 6 - 2t E a : 5!5 -+s :!s:!182 City Council Item March 14, 2022 Item Mediacom Programming Changes and Rate Adjustments File No.Item No: J.2 Agenda Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Correspondence Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Mediacom Programming Changes and Rate Adjustments Letter dated 03-02-2022 183 184