ALTA Settlement StatementCr)J"afS Description Borrower/B uyer Credlt Financlal Sale Price of Property 221,975.00 Loan Amount 215,300.00 5,000.00 Prorations/AdjustmenG Taxes/xxp<roooo<xxxro<xxrxCounty 't2130121 - 01101t22 't'1.40 Loan Charges to Wi ngs Financial Credit Unlon % of Loan Amount (Points)950.00 Appraisal Fee to Parkway Appraisals 450.00 Credit Report to Credit Plus 29.75 Flood Certification to ServiceLink 8.00 Tax Certification to Lereta 92.00 Prepaid lnterest $20.65 per day from 1?/3021 to 01lO1l22 Wings Financial Credit Union 41 .29 lm ounds ALTA Setflement Statement - Bonowsr/BuyBr Adopted offi1_201S American Land Ttfle Association Trademark Tltle Services, lnc. ALTA Uniyersal tD: 1026947 13875 Highway 13 South Suite ,26 Savag., llN 55328 File No./Escrow No. : 21-8358 Print Date & Time: Oscomb€r 29, 2021 .l fficer/Escrow Oficer : Jackie Frschette Settlement Location : REFER TO CLOSTNG Property Address: 204 TZth Street W Chanhasson, MN 553.1 l, ngs Financial Credit Union 7 17 204 77th Street W Chanha Bonower: Seller: Settlement Date: Disbursemenl Date: December 30, 2021 December 30, 2021 :08 pm NOTIFICATION Benlamin Joel Campion Alec K. Nord CopyIlghl m15 &n€rjcao LEnd Title Aslodato.l Al rlghb rer€rsd Page 1 of 3 Fir6#21.83SE/69 Print€d on 122921 at 1:0E:18pM by Jackte,fre.h6tte t\l) 0 Lender: Debit Seller Credit Oescription BoFower/Buyer CreditDeblt 874.20 349.73 Homeowne/s lnsurance to Wngs Financial Credit Union 3.000 months at $156.45/month Property Taxes to Wings Financial Credit Union 5.000 months at $174.84/month Aggregate Adjustment to Wings Financial Credit Union lmpounds (continued Title Charges and Escrodsettlement Charges 50.00ALTA Endorsement G06 (Variable Rate Mortgage) to Trademark'[iUe Services, lnc. 550.00 100.00Lende/s Title lnsurance to Trademark Tite Services, lnc Coveraqe: 215,300.00 Premium: 100.00 340.00Settlement Fee - Buyer Side to Trademark 'l-itle Services, lnc Owneis Title lnsurance to Tradsmark Title SeMces, lnc. Coveraqe: 221,975.00 Premium: 723.00 723.OO Government Recording and Transfer Charges 92.00Recording Fees to carver county Recorder 5.00Mortgage Conservation Fee to Carver County Treasurer Mortgage Registration Tax to Carver County Treasurer 495.19 Miscellaneous 1 ,877 .35Homeownefs lnsurance Premium to Homesite Insurance Company 12 months Debit Credit 220,649.73229,133.53Subtotals 8,483.80Due from Borrower 229,133.53229,133.53Totals Copfbht 2015 An€tlcaJl Land Trie Asodation All dghB tase',/sd Fil6# 214358 / 69 Printed on 12912'1 at 1:08:18PM by jackie.frechette 469.35 Examination Fee to Trademark Title Services, lnc. Page 2 of 3 AcknowledgEment We/l have ca;fulv revewed the ALTA Setuement Statement and find it to be a true and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements made on my account or by me in this transaction and further certify that I have received a copy ot the ALTA Settlement Statement. We/l authorize Trademark Title Services, lnc. to cause the funds to be disbursed in ac@rdan( with this statement. Josl Campion Jackie F Copyright 2015 Anslcs! Land Td€ Assei.ton All rlghB rEs.rv€d Page 3 of 3 Fil6#214358/69 Pi]n!@d on 12129t21 al 'l :08:'l8PM by jac{de.ftsctEtte Escrow (Top 3 lncho. r!3o.vod for Bcording dd) }VARRANW DEED lndlvidual(s) to lndividual(s) Minnesota Unifom Conveyancing Blanks Form 10.1.1 (2016) DATE o FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Alec K. Nord, a single person ("Granto/'), hereby conveys and wanants to BBnjamin Joel Campion ("Grantoe'), ag (Chcck only onc box) rsal pmperly in Caner County, Minnesota, legElly described as follor/s: Legal descnplion attached hereto and made a part hereof malked Exhibit -A' Chack here if atl or Nd d Up descibd real prcpafty is Registered (Tonens) E log€ther with all her€ditaments and appurtenanc6 belmging theEto, subject to the following exceptions - Ct/ck qplicable box: V fn" Seller certifies that the Seller does not knov of \ any wells on the described r€al property. E R urelt disclosure certificate accomPanies this document or has b€en electronically filed. (lf eloctronielly filed, insert WDC number: -----J.E I an familiar wih the proPetty described in this instrument and I certifo that the status and number of wells on the describ€d rsal propedy have not changed since lhe last previously filed well disclosure c€rtificata. E Tenants in Common E Joint Tenants (f morc Uan @c C,Enlao k nanad abow and althar no box ls chacked or both boxes aD chacked, this aonvcydncc is fiacle lo tia naficcl G/r,nlees as t''na/i/s ln cannpn.) e-CRV No.: DEED TAX DUE: - t State of County of This instrument was acknorrledged before me on THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DMFTED BY: TEdemark Trtle Services, lnc. 13875 Highway 13 South, Suite 126 Savage, MN 55378 File No. 21-8358 Vlq I A tryArrsc K. Nord, a eingre person. Alec Nord TiUe (and My cormi8slon o)qi Bt: (nw1t lt.ylra.rl TAX STATEMENTS FOR THE REAL PROPERW DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE SENT TO: Benjamin Joel CBmpion 20,1 77th Street W Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lt\Jrv_,J?^ FRECHETTE Atr. EXHIBIT "A'' That pad ofthe SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section '12-l'l&23, described as follo,B: Commencing at a point wh€re lhe Easl line ot the said 1/4 l/4 intersects the North line of St Ablrs Streeq thenc€ West along said Norlh lin€ 184.0 feet to th6 actual point of beginning: thence continuing West along said North line 122.9 feet to its interection wih the Southeasterty line of St. Joseph Street thence Northeasterly along said Southoasterly lins of 160.0 fed; thence Southeasterly at right angl€s 25.0 f6et to th€ intersection with a lina dr6 n parallel to and 164.0 fed West of the East line of said 1/4 'll4; thence South along said parallel lin€ 105.45 fe€t to ths point of beginning, Carver County, Minnesota. Tonens Prop€rty - Cedificate of T ls No. 36062.0 Parcel lO: 25-0122500