Certificate of Survey 11x17Certificate of Survey Prepared for. - Ben Campion Site Address: 204 77th Street West Chanhassen, MN 55317 Boundary Description (per Doc. No. T222984) That part of the SW 114 of the SE 114 of Section 12-116-23, described as follows: Commencing at a point where the East line of the said 114 114 intersects the North line of St. Aloys Street; thence West along said North line 184.0 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing West along said North line 122.9 feet to its intersection with the Southeasterly line of St. Joseph Street; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly line of 160.0 feet; thence Southeasterly at right angles 25.0 feet to the intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 184.0 feet West of the East line of said 114 1/4; thence South along said parallel line 105.45 feet to the point of beginning, Carver County, Minnesota. / Legend • Found Iron Monument SCALE 20 10 0 20 1 inch = 20 feet Bearings based on assumed datum. _ Perl t� "vi>7j1 p�;vacyCyCa -Intersection of N. line of N. line of St. Aloys St. St, Aloys St. & SE ly line of St. Joseph St. � - Cen terlin e - Curb s 77th Street West (a.k.a. St. Aloys St.) - - - - - - 184.00 ------ � N tf- I co '~ O V/7- 0 LO WS W o 10.6 v °' LLJ N o o ° O ° o 4.i 589 5344"W 184.00 r, rlIntersection of E. line of --- SW 114 of SE 114 and N. line of St. Aloys St. o o, c 3 3 •� a) aZ 0 0 � 3 a c q) o U � C U G y- oL�° off:) E � �agi�oa) Q o ° tr, LIA OM 1 O Cc �7V W ~ rVn v , q �00 h ce U° 6 N cy)_o CIDO t4