Development Review ApplicationPc r+-o5 CO f UN]TY OEVELOPTEI{T DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhass€n, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1100 / Fax (952) 227-1110 "o"-o*3)rd la:-PC Oate: .+ APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSII'I s lq I r>*rr*oo,o*Sl]:aLl\l CC Oate: Section l: Application Type (check all that apply) (M. to tE ewq.bE Applirbn ClEcUid lot tcquhd subnittal info'mal*x1thd mus, @irpany this ap{irrdtoo) E Co.npreherEi\re Plan &nendm6r . E Minor MUSA line ior failing on-site seurers fl Conditirnal Use Permit (CUP) E Single-Family Residence $32s il25E lu oners....... E lnterin U$ Pemit 0UP)D ln coniunclion with Single-Family Residence.. $325E ntoners....... ....................$425 El Rezoning (REz)! Planned Unit De\r6lopment (PUD)$750 trtr All Others. Minor Amendment to existing PUD................. $1m E Sign Phn Review.... E Site Ptan Review (SPR) ! Create over 3 bts $600 + $15 per lot(_tds) E U€fes & Born& (2 lots).................................. $300 ! Lot Line Adjustrnent ! Final Plat (lnctudeo $450 escrow br atbmcy coste)' 'Addliil|d cl.I rllly b! ]lqrtd br dE applcrtiqE 0ro0gh t E detdop.rsf confsd. ! Vacation of Easernents/REhtof{rey (VAC)........ $300 (Addfton8l rrcodrE b€! may ACy) $5oo E Variance (VAR)$200 s150 E Wethnd Alteration Permil (WAP) n Single-Family Residence...... ... s600 ...$1m ! Subdivision (SUB) ! Create 3 lds or less $300 $150 $150 $700 n! E Notification Sign (city to irBta{ and tE nore) n zoning Appeal ! Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. !!gIE: Whco multlpb.Dpucdom.D proc-t d concutt [dy, tho approp.Lta tag ghrll b. chrgad ior cach rppllcaUoll. Administrative...... .............. $100 cornmefciaulndustrial Distric$'...................... $500 PIus $10 per 1,000 square feot of building area:( thorsend square feet) 1ncub n nb€. ol !!5@ cmplo}let: 'lndude nu,nber of 4C! erndoye6 ! Resilenthl Districls.$s00 Plus $5 per d,n elling unit ( units) $150 $275 $100 $s00 $200 E Property otrnero' List within sfi)' (ciy !o gnprrb Jrr Flrpprcdion ;il;;i ..$3 per addr*s Use Permit Variance Easements (_ easements) E Site Plan Agreernent ! Wbtland Atteration Permit l-'l oeeos 6rag ree, 5615.00 $50 per document Section 2: Required lnformation Descridbn of PropGal: l'd like to replace and lengthen existing fence with a 6ft tall white vinyl orivacy fence. I would follow current setback angles seen in attached Cert of Survey. 204 W 77th StreetProperty Address or Location: Parcel #: 250122500 See Description on Cert of SuNey Total Acreage:0.19 Wethnds Present? n Yes U No Presenl Zoning:Single-Family Residential Olstrict (RSF)Requested Zoning Select One Present land Use Oesignation:Residential Medium Der Requested Land Use Designation Select One Existing Us€ of Property:Single Family Residence fl Escrow for Recording Oocumonts (ch€ck allthet E Conditional Use Pennit E vffitbn E Metes & Boun& Subdivisbn (3 docs.) Legal Description: Echeck box if separate nanative is attached. Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPUCAI{T OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWilER: ln signing this appllEtion, l, as applicant, reprBent to have obtained authorization from the propeo o^mer to file thas applicdion. I agree to be bound by conditaons of approval, subjec;t only to the right to ob,ect at the hearings on the applicdbn or during the appeal penod. lf this appliSion has not been sitJned by the property owner, I have dtached seperate documentatbn of full leg6l capacity to ftle the applicetion. Thb application should be proc6sed in my neme and I am the party whom the City should contact regardirE any matter penaining to this applkztbn. I will ke€p m)6€[ informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress ol this application. I further understand that additionalfeos may be charg€d for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and corecl. Name: Address: City/Statezip Email: Cell: Fax: Signature: PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this applk:ation, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity lo, and hereby do, authoEe the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subjecl only lo the rigfrt to ob,iect at the hearings or during the appeal p€rbds. I will keep mlaef anformed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this applicatirn. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consutting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an eslimate prbrto any authorization to proceed with the study. I c€rtify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and conect. Name:BENJAMIN CAMPION Contacl: Phone:Address:204 WEST 77TH STREET (952) 217-772s City/State/Zip: Email: CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Cell: Fax:BENJAMINJCAMPION@GMAIL.COM sig n"1ur". Ben Campion Cl'ti.lt 3ln.d !, &. C.hpir Date:3t1612?o3r. 2022 03 16 13 15 05-0500 This +plicatbn must be complet€d in full and must be accornpanied by all infiormatbn and plans Gquired by appliceble City Ordinanco provisions. Bebre filing this applicaton, refer to the appropriate Appli€tion Chedlist and conter with th6 Planning Departrnent to determine the specific ordinance and appli:able procedural rcquirenrenB and fe6. A determinatbn of cornpleteness of the applicdion shall be made withan 15 businBs days of application submittal. A written ndkE of applicetion d€ficiencies shall be mailed to the appli€nt within 15 business da)6 of application. PROTECT ENGINEER (if appli=ble) Contact: Phone: Cell: Fax: Who should r€caive coplss of staff t€ports?'Other Contact lnformation : ! Mailed Paper copy Name:!!tr Maihd Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Addre6s: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, th€n select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your devbe. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital PRINT FORM SUBfIIIT FORII Section 4: Notificataon lnformation E Property Owner Via: E Email E eppn:ant Ma: E Emailn englne€r Ma: E Emailtr otter' Ma: E Email city/s-tatezip: Email: Conbd: _ Phone' - N*o' A#^o' crwrstatezip: Email: SAVE FORMcopy to the city for processing.