03-22-2022 PRC Agenda Packet A.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER B.ROLL CALL C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may add or delete items at this time. D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. F.APPROVAL OF MINUTES F.1 Meeting Minutes: January 25, 2022 G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Receive 2021 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report H.REPORTS H.1 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Preview H.2 February Festival Evaluation H.3 Recreation Center Quarterly Report H.4 Park Maintenance Quarterly Update AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 H.5 Senior Center Quarterly Report H.6 2021-2022 Ice Rink Season Evaluation I.COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS J.COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS K.ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET L.ADJOURNMENT 2 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item Meeting Minutes: January 25, 2022 Item No:F.1 Agenda Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Christine Lusian, Administrative Support Specialist SUGGESTED ACTION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated January 25, 2022. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated January 25, 2022. ATTACHMENTS 01-25-2022 PRC Minutes.docx 3 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2022 Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The meeting was conducted via teleconference. MEMBERS PRESENT VIA ZOOM: Karl Tsuchiya, Sandy Sweetser, Jim Peck, Don Vasatka, Scott Fischer, Matt Kutz, Heather Markert, Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee (left the meeting early due to prior commitment). MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator. PUBLIC PRESENT:None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Park and Recreation Director Ruegemer would like to add an item regarding selecting three questions for the interview process for the PRC to be added as item 2 under General Business. Commissioner Sweetser moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. None. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. APPROVE PARK & RECREATION MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 14, 2021 Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Sweetser seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated December 24, 2021 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Parks Referendum Discussion Mr. Ruegemer gave a presentation noting it was shared the previous night at the City Council work session. The City Council indicated they are on board for a November 8, 2022 Park 4 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – January 25, 2022 2 Referendum. Guiding principles include stewardship of natural resources, connectivity within parks and trails, engagement with the community, and adaptability. He shared about results of a 2019 Community Survey, the Parks and Recreation System Plan from 2017, and the Lake Ann Park Preserve Feasibility Study from 2019. Mr. Ruegemer showed a referendum timeline on screen showing key dates throughout the year, including creation of a task force, ballot language, and advertising all leading up to election day on November 8, 2022. The task force would be made up of 1-2 City Council members, 2 PRC Members, 1 Planning Commission Member, 1 Environmental Commission Member, 1 Senior Commission Member, and 6 at-Large Members (2 from each geographic zone), as well as liaisons from local athletic associations. Mr. Ruegemer walked through financing which could include bonds, cash reserves, and shared interest rate estimates. Details on neighboring cities’ Community Centers as well as the Park and Recreation System Plan Priorities were shown and options for the referendum including adding an aquatic facility, expanding ice, permanent bathrooms at parks, an amphitheater, art center, indoor park/playground, or additional gym space. Moving forward, Mr. Ruegemer noted the City Council will designate the Task Force members who will work with Staff to define parameters of project scope and capital investment and identify grant opportunities and project partners. The Commissioners discussed the item and asked clarifying questions of Staff regarding timeline, the Task Force, and interest rates. 2. Interview Questions Mr. Ruegemer shared the historic process of appointing Commission members within the City, noting they are now looking at doing video interviews for Park and Recreation Commission members and he is looking to pare down the list to three interview questions. The Commissioners discussed which questions would be most beneficial for interviewing and finalized draft language for those questions: 1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for this Commission? 2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen Park and Recreation? 3. If you’re selected, what would you like the Park and Recreation Commission to accomplish during your term? Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the Interview Questions for Park and Recreation Candidate interviews. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. REPORTS. 1. 2022 February Festival Preview 5 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – January 25, 2022 3 Recreation Coordinator Priya Tandon gave a presentation highlighting events at the 2022 February Festival coming up on Saturday, February 5 at Lake Ann. Events include a medallion hunt, ice fishing contest, free activities, music and concessions, snow-shoeing, dog-sled rides, ice skating, horse-drawn wagon rides, and drawings for door prizes. Ms. Tandon walked through other details of the event including ticket sales, volunteers, event sponsors, contests, and prizes. Ms. Tandon thanked the Rotary Club, the Chanhassen Lions, the Watershed District, Chanhassen Fire, and Carver County Sherriff, as well as Key Clubs, National Honor Societies, and Students Today Leaders Forever for helping with the event. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. None. ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Sweetser moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director 6 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item Receive 2021 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report Item No:G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION "The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council receive and approve the 2021 Park & Recreation Annual Report." SUMMARY The 2021 Park & Recreation Annual Report identifies accomplishments and information relating to all divisions within our department. The information is used to evaluate performance in order to deliver quality programs, facilities, and customer service to the Chanhassen community. Some revenue, expense, program offering, and participation numbers in this report are substantially lower than typical years, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions placed on recreation programming of all types. The majority of the financial information included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the economic data used in this report from the city's General Ledger Accounting System is unaudited when this report is published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the city's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). 2021 highlights are listed below. Response to COVID-19 Almost 3,000 lbs. of food and $300 collected for local food shelves State of Minnesota pop-up COVID-19 testing at the Recreation Center 185 seniors connected with local resources Park, Trail, & Facility Projects TH 5 Regional Trail Project was completed, creating a trail segment running from the 7 Carver/Hennepin county line to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in Victoria Replaced basketball court at Lake Susan Park; new playgrounds at Carver Beach and Pheasant Hills Parks Senior Center & Recreation Center improvements Facilities $26,058.04 concession stand & boat rental revenue ($10,401.22 total profit) 11,100 recorded picnic shelter users (126 reservations) Community Events 10 community events were hosted with over 80,000+ attendees ages birth-99 200+ volunteer hours Senior Center Over 9,000 cumulative participants in 2021 3,417 people attended weekly and monthly game groups & social clubs 1,752 people participated in trips, lifelong-learning programs, special events, & educational speakers. 308 people took part in health, wellness, & financial education focused programs. Recreation Center Over 15,000+ patrons in 2021 3,590.25 non-billable hours valued at $69,528.75 77 youth activities and 67 adult activities Over 5,000 fitness center & open gym visits Youth Programs 250+ programs with 3,500+ cumulative participants 920 Rec Center Sports participants 453 Dance for Fun participants 694 Summer Discovery & Lake Ann Camp participants Adult Programs 443 Rec Center adult program participants 14 adult softball teams with 210 people participating Adaptive Recreation 133 hours of inclusion support logged Program offerings include social clubs, special events, holiday parties, and dances Park Maintenance Maintained 66 miles of pedestrian trails and sidewalks Maintained 28 parks & 14 preserves Maintained downtown and all greenscapes Partners & Sponsors Maintained 123 partnerships & sponsorships that involve all divisions of our department BACKGROUND 8 DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2021 Park & Recreation Annual Report 9 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1100 2021PARKS &RECREATIONANNUAL REPORT 10 2 CONTENTS 3 4 5 6 8 14 16 18 20 23 24 25 26 ELECTED OFFICIALS & STAFF FAST FACTS RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PARK, TRAIL, & FACILITY PROJECTS FACILITIES COMMUNITY EVENTS SENIOR CENTER RECREATION CENTER YOUTH PROGRAMS ADULT PROGRAMS ADAPTIVE RECREATION PARK MAINTENANCE PARTNERS & SPONSORS 11 3 OUR MISSION ELECTED OFFICIALS & STAFF MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATION MAINTENANCE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Elise Ryan, Mayor Haley Schubert, Councilmember Dan Campion, Councilmember Lucy Rehm, Councilmember Jerry McDonald, Councilmember Jim Boettcher, Chair (Jan-Mar) Karl Tsuchiya, Vice-Chair (Jan-Mar) Chair (Apr-Dec) Sandy Sweetser, Commissioner (Jan-Mar) Vice Chair (Apr-Dec) Matt Kutz, Commissioner Jim Peck, Commissioner Joe Scanlon, Commissioner (Jan-Mar) Scott Fischer, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Heather Markert, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Don Vasatka, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Chaehyun Lee, Youth Commissioner (Apr-Sept) Alexandra Jerdee, Youth Commissioner (Oct-Dec) Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager (Jan-Mar) Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager (Mar-Dec) Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager (Jan-Sept) Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager (Sept-Dec) Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor (Jan-Jun); Recreation Coordinator (Jul-Dec) Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor (Apr-Dec) Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Adam Beers, Park Superintendent Gary Berg, Park Maintenance Lead (Jan-Apr) Park Foreman (June-Dec) Rob Heinen, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Jason Koehnen, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Josh Hargrove, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Kyle Brazil, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Nick Jacobson, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Ryan Lannon, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator (Jan) Payton Neuville, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator (Mar-Dec) “The City of Chanhassen emphasizes parks, open space, trails, and recreation. The Parks & Recreation department strives to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Chanhassen residents through quality recreation programs, community events, trails, and facilities in the community. Chanhassen is a community for life, providing for today and planning for tomorrow.” Some revenue, expense, program offering, and participation numbers in this report are substantially lower than typical years, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions placed on recreation programming of all types. **The majority of the financial information included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the economic data used in this report from the city’s General Ledger Accounting System is unaudited when this report is published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). NOTE: 12 FAST FACTS 10 COMMUNITY EVENTS 80,000+ SPECIAL EVENT ATTENDEES 9,000+ SENIOR CENTER PARTICIPANTS 15,000+ RECREATION CENTER VISITORS 28 PARKS 66 MILES OF TRAILS 22 PICNIC SHELTERS 1 RECREATION CENTER 1 SENIOR CENTER 123 PARTNERSHIPS 13 FULL-TIME STAFF 82 PART-TIME & SEASONAL STAFF 11,000+ HOURS OF ATHLETIC GAMES & PRACTICES 300+ PROGRAMS OFFERED 4 13 5 RESPONSE TO COVID-19 As the COVID-19 pandemic continued in 2021, the Chanhassen Parks & Recreation Department was able to present both new and modified programs for the Chanhassen community. Below are summaries of the new programs and support initiatives held in 2021. “Love Your CommunitY” month CoviD-19 PoP-uP testing soCiaLLY-DistanCeD aLL-ages Programming vaCCination sCheDuLing assistanCe &outreaCh for seniors During February, various events and opportunities were promoted to lend a hand to those in need. Five hundred and fifty handmade Valentine’s Day cards were collected and distributed to housebound seniors. The virtual gift card drive allowed individuals to send gas and grocery gift cards to schools and organizations, distributing them directly to those in need. A listing of community volunteer opportunities was developed to connect volunteers with organizations looking for support. Over 2,000 lbs. of food donations were collected for the local PROP Food Shelf as part of the Great Start community food drive, held at Lunds & Byerlys and Cub Foods in Chanhassen and supported by volunteers from local schools and non- profits. A second Great Start community food drive was held in June, which collected $300.00 and 990 lbs. of food donations for the local Bountiful Basket Food Shelf. As local COVID-19 cases surged in March 2021, The Minnesota Department of Health staged a pop-up COVID-19 testing site at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Saliva testing was available Thursdays-Saturdays, March 11-20. The testing site was a coordinated effort between the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota National Guard, Carver County, the City of Chanhassen, and Vault Health. A Zoom trivia program was offered on February 11. Participants were encouraged to form a team, pick up a meal from a local establishment, and enjoy an hour of trivia. Prizes were given from local restaurants. 10 teams participated in the trivia challenge. In March, two gold-painted stones with shamrocks were hidden in each of eight parks: Bandimere, Pioneer Pass, City Center, Rice Marsh, Lake Ann, Roundhouse, North Lotus Lake, and Lake Susan. Prizes were awarded for community members who found and returned the “Blarney Stones” to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Through a partnership with the local Chuck & Don’s pet store, 10 wooden bone signs were placed along trails throughout Chanhassen. Participants took photos of their dogs with the bones, and upon bringing the photos to Chuck & Don’s, they were entered into a drawing for a prize pack. Each dog received a special treat. During the spring months, over 150 seniors with technology barriers were connected to a Carver County outreach team by Senior Center staff. Over 35 seniors received assistance scheduling initial, early doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. February 2021 March 2021 CHAN REC TRIVIA CHALLENGE BLARNEY STONE HUNT BONE ADVENTURE April 2021 14 6 PARK, TRAIL, & FACILITY PROJECTS TH 5 REGIONAL TRAIL PROJECT COMPLETION The TH 5 Regional Recreation Trail and Underpass project, approved by the Chanhassen City Council in June 2020, was completed in November 2021. The new 1.8-mile trail link runs from Century Boulevard in Chanhassen, through the Highway 41 underpass, passes over the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum property, and connects to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in Victoria. The now completed TH 5 Regional Trail extends 8.9 miles from the Carver County/Hennepin County line in Chanhassen to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in Victoria. The funding of this project was a joint effort between the City of Chanhassen (25%), Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (25%), and Carver County (50%). Close to $1.2 million in federal grants were received, as well as private support. Life Time Fitness also supported the project and provided the right-of-way through their corporate headquarters in Chanhassen. 8.9 Miles of Total Trail 15 7 LAKE ANN FISHING PIER REPLACEMENT 2021 PARK & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) STATE GRANT FUNDED ITEMS RANGING IN COST FROM $7,390 TO $245,000 & TOTALING $333,277 PARK EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: $245,000 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER WALL PARTITION REPLACEMENT: $80,000 SENIOR CENTER KITCHENETTE UPDATES: $8,277.00 The fishing pier at Lake Ann Park was replaced in 2021. A grant from the Minnesota DNR covered costs for this replacement. »The Park Equipment Replacement fund was established in 2019 as an annual fund to replace park amenities that are no longer serviceable. 2021 projects included replacing the basketball court at Lake Susan Park and playground and container replacements at Carver Beach Park and Pheasant Hills Park. »Dividing wall partitions in the Recreation Center community rooms were removed in May 2021. The wall partitions will be replaced with functional, sound- proof partitions in 2022 to allow for more versatile use of the Rec Center community space. »The galley style, 20+-year-old utility kitchens in the Main Senior Center and the Maple Corner Room were updated late fall of 2021. The work included new laminate countertops, vinyl slip-free flooring, single bowl stainless sinks, hands-free soap and faucet dispensers, and a new garbage disposal. 16 8 FACILITIES The City of Chanhassen offers quality active and passive recreation opportunities by providing a variety of recreational spaces for people of all ages to enjoy in every season. 66 Miles of Trail 28 Parks 28 Playgrounds 4 Community Parks 24 Neighborhood Parks 14 Preserves 1 Senior Center 1 Recreation Center 466 Acres of Park Space 26 Basketball Courts 4 Sand Volleyball Courts 4 Youth/Adult Baseball Fields 528 Acres of Open Space 16 Tennis Courts 19 Soccer Fields 3 Adult Softball Fields 10 Fishing Piers 22 Picnic Shelters 10 Pickleball Courts 20 Youth Baseball/Softball Fields 5 Public Beaches 3 Boat Launches 11 Seasonal Ice Rinks 5 Sledding Hills 1 Skate Park 1 Disc Golf Course 17 9 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER SKATE PARK AT CITY CENTER PARK SENIOR CENTER 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD Built in 1995, the Chanhassen Recreation Center is a year-round facility that hosts over 15,000 patrons annually. Facilities at the Rec Center include a single- court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, a conference room, two hockey rinks (winter), family rink (winter), warming house, tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. The Rec Center hosts a wide variety of adult, senior, and youth programming and city-sponsored and external special events. SNOW MELT-LATE FALL (WEATHER DEPENDENT) The Skate Park at City Center Park is open snowmelt through late fall and hosts over 5,000 users annually. The facility provides a variety of permanent obstacles no larger than 48 inches for skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and in-line skates. The Skate Park was initially constructed in 1999 and was most recently refurbished in 2003. Dedicated in 1992, the Senior Center provides educational and social activities, trips, and meeting spaces for active older adults ages 55+. The Center includes two kitchenettes, a large group gethering and dining space, the Maple Corner for smaller groups and events, and a large workshop for wood carving projects. 18 10 5 101Powers Blvd.Ma r k e t B l v d .Powers Blvd.Lyman Blvd. 212 W 78th St. K e r b e r B l v d . COMMUNITY PARKS LAKE ANN PARK 1456 West 78th street LAKE SUSAN PARK 903 Lake Drive BANDIMERE PARK 9405 great PLains BouLevarD CITY CENTER PARK 7700 market BouLevarD Amenities include two picnic shelters, six ballfields, one soccer field, one tennis court, one sand volleyball court, two playgrounds, a fishing pier, a swimming beach, non- motorized boat access, seasonal watercraft rentals & concessions, grills, picnic tables, and an internal trail system. »Lake Ann Park hosts various special events and programs, including February Festival, 4th of July celebration, the annual senior picnic, adult softball leagues, and youth athletic practices & tournaments. Amenities include one picnic shelter, one baseball field, two tennis courts, one basketball court, one sand volleyball court, one playground, a fishing pier, boat access, grills, and picnic tables. Amenities include three ballfields, three soccer fields, one seasonal hockey rink, one seasonal family skating rink, a disc golf course, a playground, grills, picnic tables, and an internal trail system. Amenities include four ballfields, five soccer fields, four tennis courts, three basketball courts, one seasonal hockey rink, one seasonal family skating rink, one playground, the Skate Park, and the City Center Park Plaza. »City Center Park hosts various special events and programs, including the 4th of July Celebration, Summer Concert Series sponsored by Old National Bank, and the Chanhassen Farmers’ Market. Chanhassen City Hall, the Senior Center, and the Chanhassen Library are also located here. 19 11 OUTDOOR ICE RINKS & WARMING HOUSES *reCreation Center (1 famiLY, 2 hoCkeY) *rounDhouse Park (1 famiLY) +CitY Center Park ( 1 famiLY, 1 hoCkeY) +n. Lotus Lake Park (1 famiLY, 1 hoCkeY) +BanDimere Park (1 famiLY, 1 hoCkeY) Pioneer Pass Park (1 famiLY) 4,000+ users seasonaLLY JANUARY 11, 2021 – MARCH 1, 2021 *DENOTES PERMANENT WARMING HOUSE; + DENOTES TEMPORARY WARMING HOUSE EXPENSES: $10,470.23 Seasonal attendant wages & rink maintenance. Daily Operating Cost: $232.67 There are five beaches in Chanhassen: Lake Ann Park, Greenwood Shores Park, Carver Beach Park, Roundhouse Park, and Minnewashta Park (operated by Carver County Parks). Chanhassen contracts lifeguard services at the Lake Ann Park beach through Minnetonka School District’s Minnetonka Aquatics. In 2021, lifeguards were on duty from June 5 – August 15 from 11 AM - 6 PM daily. ESTIMATED LAKE ANN SWIMMERS: 12,952 (RECORDED WHEN LIFEGUARDS ON DUTY) Lake ann Park 1456 W 78TH ST. Lifeguards on Duty: June 5 - August 15; 9AM - 6PM Daily greenWooD shores Park 7110 UTICA LN. Located on Lake Ann Carver BeaCh Park 6891 LOTUS TRL. Located on Lotus Lake rounDhouse Park 3950 KINGS RD. Located on Lake Minnewashta Lake minneWashta regionaL Park 6900 HAZELTINE BLVD. Operated by Carver County Parks Temporary outdoor skating rinks are flooded seasonally on asphalt and grass surfaces at six Chanhassen parks: the Chanhassen Recreation Center, City Center, North Lotus Lake, Bandimere, Roundhouse, and Pioneer Pass Park. In typical years, permanent or temporary warming houses are provided at many rink locations, attended by part-time seasonal staff. »Due to state restrictions surrounding COVID-19 safety, temporary and permanent warming houses were unavailable for the 2021 rink season. 12 rink attendants were hired on a part-time/seasonal basis to turn the outdoor rink lights on and off during typical warming house hours. 2021 LAKE ANN CONTRACT LIFEGUARD EXPENSES: $34,262.33 BEACHES 20 12 LAKE ANN PARK WATERCRAFT RENTAL & CONCESSIONS The Lake Ann Concession Stand offers concessions & watercraft rentals to patrons at Lake Ann Park, Memorial Day through mid-August. Watercraft rental options include: »Paddleboards »Paddleboats »Canoes »Kayaks »Rowboats 32 Canoe and Kayak rental racks are available at Lake Ann and Lotus Lake parks and can be rented from April through October. BOAT RENTAL RACKS Total Boat Rentals Revenue Concessions & Rental Expenses Total Profit 1,308 $1,676.37 $26,058.04 $15,656.82 $10,401.22 Concessions & Rental Revenue 21 13 The City of Chanhassen has 22 total picnic shelters: three at community parks that can be rented and 19 neighborhood shelters available on a first-come, first- serve basis. The Lakeside Pavilion and Klingelhutz Pavilion are at Lake Ann Park, and the Lake Susan Picnic Shelter is at Lake Susan Park. Both community and neighborhood picnic shelters are used to host city programs and special events. PICNIC SHELTERS Revenue $19,357 11,100 USERS 126 RENTALS $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 2013 $15,000 $17,200 $15,200 $16,600 $16,400 $3,080 $15,445 $19,357 $15,200 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021RENTAL REVENUEKlingelhutz Pavilion - 48 Lakeside Pavilion - 46 Lake Susan Pavilion - 32 2021 Pavilion Reservations 126 Total Reservations 22 14 COMMUNITY EVENTS feBruarY festivaL SPONSORED BY T-MOBILE easter egg CanDY hunt memoriaL DaY CeremonY PRESENTED BY THE CHANHASSEN AMERICAN LEGION POST 580 Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this outdoor winter festival and ice fishing contest was modified to a virtual event in 2021. This event includes a candy and egg hunt, a coloring contest, and a visit from the Easter bunny. Presented by the Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 and the City of Chanhassen, the Memorial Day Ceremony honors soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our country’s freedom. Monday, February 1 - Saturday, February 6, 2021 228 VIRTUAL ATTENDEES REVENUE: $5,840.00 | EXPENSES: $2,626.00 Saturday, April 3, 2021 1,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $2,784.00 | EXPENSES: $1,568.29 Monday, May 31, 2021 500 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $2,212.76 summer ConCert series In this three-month series, nine bands from various genres perform free evening concerts in City Center Park. Thursdays, June 10 - August 12, 2021 2,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $3,696.05 | EXPENSES: $4,850.00 4th of JuLY CeLeBration This three-day festival includes over 30 activities and performances including carnival rides, live music, family activities, food vendors, street dance, parade, fireworks display, and more. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for presenting the beer garden, food vendors, classic car show, and parade as part of the celebration. Friday - Sunday, July 2, 3, & 4, 2021 OVER 70,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $17,692.07 | EXPENSES: $79,254.80 TOTALEXPENSES: $141,543.03 Expenses: $96,543.03 Full-Time Wage (Est.): $45,000 Revenue: $38,512.12 BY THE NUMBERS »10 community events »80,000+ attendees ages birth-99 »200+ volunteer hours BarnYarD Boogie CO-HOSTED WITH VICTORIA PARKS & RECREATION An evening of barnyard-themed family fun including a petting zoo, dance, crafts, games, and refreshments. Friday, September 10, 2021 253 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $1,250.00 | EXPENSES: $537.12 23 15 hoLiDaY BoutiquehaLLoWeen PartY SPONSORED BY T-MOBILE tree Lighting CeremonYartisan fair Handcrafted and commercial items are featured in this annual holiday shopping event. A total of $121 in cash and 191 lbs. of food donations were collected for Bountiful Basket Food Shelf. A delightfully spooky night filled with trick-or-treating, carnival games, activities, live entertainment, and refreshments for children and their families. This event features bonfires, carolers, refreshments, live reindeer, a visit from Santa, and marks the official lighting of the holiday lights at City Center Park. Kicking off the holiday shopping season, local artisans sell handcrafted items. $25 and 264 lbs. of food were collected for PROP Food Shelf as part of this event. Saturday, December 4, 2021 OVER 400 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $1,070.00 | EXPENSES: $450.00 Saturday, October 30, 2021 800 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $5,340.00 | EXPENSES: $3,730.12 Saturday, December 4, 2021 800 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $1,313.94 Saturday, November 6, 2021 OVER 600 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $840.00 COMMUNITY EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM In 2020 and 2021, 52 local businesses contributed to the annual Community Events Sponsorship program, generously donating $66,677.12 towards Chanhassen’s Community Events. The entire Chanhassen community is grateful to our community event sponsors for making these events possible! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of most special events in 2020, 2020 sponsor contributions were applied to 2021 programs. Sponsorship numbers above reflect sponsor contributions in both 2020 and 2021. CashDonations Local Businesses $43,070 Donated Merchandise $22,607.1252 24 16 SENIOR CENTER The Chanhassen Senior Center is a community engagement facility that offers programs, trips, meals, activities, education, and wellness services for patrons 55 and older. The Senior Center is staffed by one full-time coordinator. 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD NO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE VOLUNTEERS COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPLICATIONS PANDEMIC COMMUNITY RESPONSE GRANTS & DONATIONS The Senior Center relies on over 100 volunteers to maintain quaility programming. Volunteer coordinators run weekly and monthly groups. Senior Center Advisory Board members devote time to special events. Local government and non-profit agencies provide free, valuable information and resources during educational outreach and individual meetings with patrons. The Senior Center continues strong partnerships with the Chanhassen Senior Commission, Carver County Health and Human Services, local civic organizations and businesses, and senior housing complexes, all of whom add resources, value, and volunteer hours for successful program outcomes. »Senior Center staff connected over 150 seniors experiencing technology barriers to Carver County’s outreach team. Over 35 seniors received assistance scheduling initial, early doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. »The Martha Walker Memorial Fund was created in 2021 through initial donations from the Walker family. $1,125.00 in gifts provided program scholarships for fixed-income seniors. »Two Carver County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) grants, totaling $5,000, funded two professionally scripted, community-wide educational events: (1) Fortune Cookies, A One-Act Play about Memory Loss; and (2) Aging with Gusto: Fighting Ageism While Aging Well. Over 225 individuals participated across both programs. »JANUARY 2021: SMALL GROUPS ONLY; MASKS »FEBRUARY 2021: 25% CAPACITY; MASKS »MARCH 2021: 50% CAPACITY; MASKS »MAY 29, 2021: EXPIRATION OF STATEWIDE HEALTH & SAFETY MANDATES: RESTRICTIONS LIFTED. Including wages Memorial gifts, sponsorship donations Grants & donations, program & registration fees, cell phone recycling reimbursment, & group supply fees TOTAL PROGRAMEXPENSES: $27,268Total Program Operating Expenses: $112,461 GRANTS & DONATIONS: $6,725 Total Program Revenue: $32,412 BY THE NUMBERS »Over 9,000 cumulative participants in 2021 25 PAGE 17 WeekLY & monthLY game grouPs & soCiaL CLuBs meaLs Program With CaP agenCY Chan-o-Laires Chorus This singing group performs at various retirement facilities, special events, nursing/assisted living homes, & community events throughout the year 3,417 CUMULATIVE ATTENDANCE | 18 GROUPS 3,511 MEALS DELIVERED | 456 VOLUNTEER HOURS SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMMING DaY triPs Includes Dinner Theatre shows, baseball games, and river cruises. 166 PARTICIPANTS | 6 TRIPS Large grouP sPeCiaL events Entertainment, special events and speakers, holiday celebrations, and luncheons. 763 PARTICIPANTS | 11 EVENTS LifeLong Learning & eDuCationaL sPeakers Historic presentations, age well in place workshops, tech education, dementia awareness, music history, author talks, and resource awareness. 423 PARTICIPANTS | 16 INDIVIDUAL CLASSES outDoor summer CLasses & fun Nordic pole walking, kayaking, coffee and rolls on the plaza, woodcarving in the park, and Chan-o-laires concerts in the park. 400 PARTICIPANTS 40 ACTIVE MEMBERS PhYsiCaL heaLth, emotionaL WeLLness, & finanCiaL eDuCation Caregiver support services, health insurance counseling, Trellis and AARP informational sessions, foot care clinics, vaccination clinics, and tax prep help. 308 CLIENTS | 15 OUTREACH & EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 267 ADULT LEARNERS | 16 CLASSES 55+ aLive Driver safetY Course Participants sharpen their skills and improve upon their road knowledge, earning a 10% discount on car insurance. Book Club, BINGO, bridge, cribbage,mah-jongg, Scrabble, woodcarving, & Coffee with the Cops. Meals continue to be delivered to homebound Chanhassen seniors. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, CAP Agency suspended all congregate, in-house meals in 2021. 26 18 RECREATION CENTER The Chanhassen Recreation Center is a multi-purpose facility that allows for a wide range of sports and fitness activities, tournaments, leisure programs, meetings, classes, and events. It also serves as a site for critical information, registrations, and events for many of the city’s parks and recreation programs. Facilities at the Rec Center include a single-court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, a conference room, two hockey rinks (winter), family rink (winter), warming house, tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD NO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE fitness Center & oPen gYm The Chanhassen Rec Center fitness room & open gym are available on a drop-in basis; no membership required. Through partnerships with the Renew Active and Silver Sneakers programs, free access is available to Medicare participants through their insurance. aDuLt aCtivities Youth aCtivities PersonaL training Physical, mind, & body classes and leisure activities are offered at the Recreation Center, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Fit for Life, and pickleball lessons. The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers a wide variety of youth programming, including the Rec Cen-ter Sports program for kids ages 3-6, Dance for Fun program for ages 0-adult, Go Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, and more. Contracted certified personal trainers offer high-quality, customizable personal training sessions. 443 PARTICIPANTS | 67 ACTIVITIES OVER 5,000 VISITS 2,056 PARTICIPANTS | 77 ACTIVITIES 43 SESSIONS COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPLICATIONS »JANUARY 2021: 25% CAPACITY; MASKS REQUIRED. »FEBRUARY 2021: 50% CAPACITY; MASKS REQUIRED. »MARCH 8 - 21, 2021: IN-PERSON YOUTH ACTIVITIES SUSPENDED. »MAY 29, 2021: EXPIRATION OF STATEWIDE HEALTH & SAFETY MANDATES; CAPACITY, & MASK RESTRICTIONS LIFTED. TOTALEXPENSES: $298,098.72 Staff time, contractual services, materials & supplies State grants, food concessions, fitness, dance, preschool activities, room rentals, personal training, youth activities Revenue: $161,695.85 BY THE NUMBERS »Over 15,000 patrons • 920 Rec Sports Participants • 453 Dance for Fun Participants »148 programs & events »2,167 hours of athletic games & practices »3590.25 non-billable hours »$69,528.75 value of non-billable hours 27 19 rentaLs athLetiC fieLD & rink usage sPeCiaL event venue The Chanhassen Rec Center hosts a wide variety of City & Community organization sponsored events throughout the year, including: »Artisan Fair »Barnyard Boogie »Bluff Creek Elementary Concerts »Carver County COVID-19 Question & Answer session »COVID-19 Community Testing Event »Rotary Club of Chanhassen Breakfast with Santa »Halloween Party »Holiday Boutique »Dance for Fun recital »Sweetheart Dance »Public open houses for Engineering, Parks, & Pavement Management departments »U.S. Naval Academy picnic During typical years, the Chanhassen Recreation Center has a variety of spaces available for public reservation: four meeting rooms, one conference room, one gymnasium, and a studio fitness center. During 2021, rental spaces and reservations were limited due to capital improvement projects, construction delays, and COVID-19 related capacity restrictions. In 2021, there were 2,167 permitted hours of athletic games and practices held by local youth athletic associations on the Rec Center’s ballfields, soccer fields, and ice skating rinks. 2021 Recreation Center Non-Billable Hours Value $69,528.75 City of Chanhassen - $62,352.50 MN Department of Health - $1,680.00 Community Organizations - $1,120.00 District 112 - $3,258.75 Carver County - $675.00 U.S. Naval Academy - $330.00 Minnetonka Schools - $112.50 2021 Recreation Center Expenses $298,098.72 Contractual Services - $77,287.29 Staffing Services - $210,702.66 Materials & Supplies - $10,108.77 2021 Recreation Center Revenue $161,695.85 Dance - $35,695.97 Dance Costumes - $18,493.26 Preschool Activities - $8,392.60 Fitness - $38,393.89 Adult Activities - $18,933.73 Personal Training - $1,455.86 Room Rentals - $16,786.82 State Grant - $790.00 Youth Activities - $22,678.79 Food Concessions - $199.13 28 20 YOUTH PROGRAMS Chanhassen’s Parks and Recreation youth programs aim to develop and enhance the quality of life for ages birth-17 physically, socially, and emotionally through traditional playground programs, sports, and social events. Chanhassen reC Center sPorts smaLL frY sPorts LiL’ star sPorts The Rec Center Sports program provides affordable recreational youth sports programs that teach children the fundamentals of various sports in a positive and stress-free environment. These include Small Fry Sports and Lil’ Star Sports. Small Fry Sports offers three-week programs designed to provide 3 & 4 year olds the opportunity to develop large motor skills & learn about sports. Lil’ Star Sports offers 5 & 6 year olds six-week programs that focus on skill development, teamwork, & sportsmanship. EXPENSES: $18,716.91 | REVENUE: $34,473.34 920 PARTICIPANTS | 6 STAFF 497 PARTICIPANTS | 32 SESSIONS 423 PARTICIPANTS | 33 SESSIONS TOTALEXPENSES: $138,955.68TotalRevenue: $195,430.09 BY THE NUMBERS »250+ programs »3,500+ participants »Age birth-17 29 21 DanCe for fun The Dance for Fun program completed its 24th year at the Chanhassen Recreation Center in 2021. Classes offer dance instruction in a supportive setting focusing on self-esteem and personal development. Styles include Parent/Tot, Ballet/Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap, Jazz, Jazz/Lyrical, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, Hip Hop, and Competitive Teams. Dues to the COVID-19 pandemic, classes were held both in-person or via Zoom with a free dance recital at the end of the year. Chanhassen Recreation Center 81 CLASSES | 453 DANCERS; 3 STAFF safe kiDs 101 & BaBYsitting training Both the Safe Kids 101 and Babysitting Training certification programs offer older children and teens the opportunity to develop responsibility and gain applicable life skills. A total of 137 children and teens received their Babysitter and Safe Kids certifications in 2021. Chanhassen Recreation Center 137 CERTIFICATIONS reC Center Youth Programs The Chanhassen Recreation Center provides a wide variety of additional programming options for youth, including the Go Gymnastics program, Tae Kwon Do program, day camp programs, and special events. 683 PARTICIPANTS | 74 PROGRAMS EXPENSES: $20,714.81 Revenue: $41,612.52 EXPENSES: $38,580.18 Revenue: $54,189.23 30 22 summer DisCoverY PLaYgrounD Program Lake ann aDventure CamP sPeCiaL events teen voLunteer Program The Summer Discovery Playground Program is offered at 11 park locations weekly for 8-weeks during the summer. Participants 4-12 enjoy activities, games, sports, and crafts, led by seasonal staff and volunteers. Lake Ann Adventure Camp comprises two one-week camp sessions that include outdoor games, adventures, activities, crafts, cooking, and more, led by seasonal staff and volunteers. The Parks & Recreation Department presents some special events specifically geared towards youth, such as the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, Royal Ball, Sweetheart Dance, Barnyard Boogie, and Halloween Party. The summer Teen Volunteer Program provides teens the opportunity to grow in leadership and responsibility by volunteering at youth programs, sports classes, special events, park projects, and more. 534 PARTICIPANTS; 13 STAFF 14 SESSIONS, 2 AGE GROUPS 160 PARTICIPANTS; 13 STAFF 2 SESSIONS 1,500 PARTICIPANTS 21 VOLUNTEERS 830 VOLUNTEER HOURS EXPENSES: $44,320.97 Includes seasonal staff wages Revenue: $39,315.00 EXPENSES: $16,622.81 Revenue: $25,840.00 31 23 ADULT PROGRAMS Chanhassen Parks and Recreation aims to enhance the overall physical and recreational needs of our adult community by providing opportunities for positive competition and social interaction via various facilities, athletic, and class activities. aDuLt CLasses The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers physical, mind, & body classes and leisure activities, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Fit for Life, and pickleball lessons. Chanhassen Recreation Center 443 PARTICIPANTS | OVER 70 ACTIVITIES aDuLt softBaLL The adult softball program offers a summer and fall league to adults in Chanhassen and the surrounding areas. Games are played at the Lake Ann ballfields on Thursday evenings during the summer and fall. 210 PARTICIPANTS | 14 TEAMS EXPENSES: $12,370.26 Including estimated full time wages Revenue: $9,433.02 senior Center Programs The Chanhassen Senior Center offers a wide variety of activities for active older adults 55+ and seniors, weekly and monthly game groups, social clubs, day trips, large group special events, outdoor summer classes, lifelong learning, educational speakers, health assisstance clinics, emotional wellness support, financial education classes, and drivers safety courses. Senior Center OVER 9,000 PARTICIPANTS 32 24 ADAPTIVE RECREATION Chanhassen’s adaptive recreation program is a cooperative effort between the City of Chanhassen, Reach for Resources, and the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Chaska, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, Plymouth, and St. Louis Park. Reach for Resources provides programs specifically designed for individuals with disabilities, including social clubs, athletic leagues, special events, holiday parties, and dances. Reach for Resources also provides inclusion support at no cost to the participating children or adults in any Chanhassen Parks & Recreation programs and inclusion training to Chanhassen Parks & Recreation seasonal staff at the beginning of each summer camp season. TOTALEXPENSES: $9,353.50 133 HOURS OF INCLUSION SUPPORT PROVIDED BY 33 25 PARK MAINTENANCE The City of Chanhassen’s Park Maintenance department provides safe, clean, and beautiful city parks and facilities along with high-quality leisure activities for all Chanhassen residents and visitors to enjoy. 8 FULL TIME STAFF 18 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF Winter maintenanCe summer maintenanCe SNOWPLOWING TRAILS & SIDEWALKS »Snow is cleared from 58 miles of public trails, 12 miles of downtown sidewalks, sidewalk & stairways at 10 public buildings, six public parking lots, & 15 park parking lots. SKATING RINK FLOODING & MAINTENANCE »Outdoor skating rinks are flooded on grass (family rink) & asphalt (hockey rink) bases as soon as air temperatures & ground frost allow. Two flood trucks run 24-hours/day for approximately 10-days to build the initial ice base. Once built, rinks are swept & flooded Monday-Saturday as needed. TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL »Regular tree & brush trimming takes place during the winter, with easier access to trails & less damage to the surrounding area. TURF MOWING »Parks are mowed once per week, athletic fields are mowed twice per week. FERTILIZING »Athletic fields only are fertilized in May, September, & October. BALL FIELD GROOMING »Community park ball fields are groomed daily, & neighborhood fields are groomed weekly. TRAIL SWEEPING »Occurs after snow & ice melt. All trails are swept three times; two additional times for wooded trails. GARBAGE PICKUP »Occurs daily for larger parks & twice per week for neighborhood parks. BEACH MAINTENANCE »Beaches are checked daily, & groomed daily during peak times & twice during off-peak times. Aquatic vegetation control is used at Greenwood Shores, Carver Beach, Roundhouse, & Lake Ann Parks to control vegetation in the swimming, picnic, & boat rental areas. PICNIC PAVILIONS »Community pavilions are cleaned daily May 15-August 15, & neighborhood shelters are cleaned twice per week. Neighborhood shelters cleaned as needed after August 15. DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION »Over 2,000 annual flowers were planted in the downtown area in 2021 FACILITY INSTALLATION REMOVAL Aeration System (Lake Susan)Feb. 1 March 20 Baseball/Softball Bases April 1 Oct. 15 Portable Toilets April 1 Oct. 26 Volleyball Nets April 15 Oct. 15 Tennis Nets April 1 Nov. 15 Pickleball Nets April 1 Nov. 15 Soccer Goals/Nets April 1 Nov. 1 Fishing Piers April 15 Nov. 1 Docks April 15 Nov. 1 Picnic Shelters April 15 Oct. 15 Lake Ann Ball Field Concession April 15 Oct.15 Irrigation Systems April 15 Oct. 15 Swimming Buoys May 1 Sept. 20 Holiday Lights 1st Saturday in December Jan. 15 34 26 PARTNERS The City of Chanhassen’s Parks & Recreation Department partnered with 123 organizations, nonprofits, and clubs on various activities and events in 2021. Our partners provide programming, volunteers, financial support, access to facilities, event support, and more to make our programs possible. Thank you to all of our partners and all you do for the Chanhassen community! Partners listed alphabetically & include area of partnership. OVER 120 PARTNERS 3rd Lair Skate Park - 4th of July AARP - Volunteer Speakers (Senior Center) American Legion Auxiliary 580- Annual Senior Center Pancake Breakfast American Legion Post 580 - Memorial Day; community events American Red Cross - Community Blood Drives Americana Community Bank - Community events Automotive Unlimited - Community events Benedictine Care (Shakopee) - Senior Center special events Blizzard Ski & Snowboard Club - Youth programs Bluff Creek Dental - Community events Bluff Creek Elementary - Chan Rec Center facility partnership for school day activities, interviews, & events ACT on Alzheimer’s Team - Senior Center support Best Buy Geek Squad - Tech class for seniors American Family Insurance, Debra Michels Agency - Community Events BuyChanhassen - Tree Lighting Cabin Fever Sporting Goods - February Festival; 4th of July Café Thyme - Community events CAP Agency - Meals on Wheels Carver County - Park and trail projects; Chan Rec Center facility partnership for Public Health and Sheriff Department meetings Brown’s Tire & Auto - Community events Brian Reister, State Farm Insurance - Community events Carver County HHS SHIP - Grants for Aging Well programming Carver County Public Health - COVID-19 testing programs Carver County Parks - Youth & family programs Carver County Resilience Team - Community response to pandemic Carver County Sheriff’s Office - Community events Chanhassen Dental - Community events Chanhassen Dinner Theatres - Community events Chanhassen Farmers’ Market - Summer farmers’ market Chanhassen Fire Department - Community events Carver County Veterans Services - Resources & assistance for veterans Chanhassen Library & Carver County Library System - Youth & family programs Chanhassen High School - Year-round facility partnership; Rec Center facility partnership for debate team Chanhassen High School Key Club - Community events 35 27 Chanhassen Lion’s Club - Senior Picnic; community events Chanhassen Red Birds - Rec Center facility partnership for meeting space Chanhassen Students Today, Leaders Forever - Halloween; community events Charter Bank Chanhassen - February Festival; community events Chaska High School Key Club - Community events Chick-fil-A Chanhassen - Community events City of Chaska: The Lodge - Program & trip partnerships for older adults City of Victoria - Co-host of Barnyard Boogie; youth programs Code Ninjas - Halloween Party Country Inn & Suites - Community events Cub Foods of Chanhassen - Blarney Stone Hunt; community events Chuck & Don’s - Bone Adventure IWCO Direct - Community events J&R Complete Auto Repair - Community events kiddywampus Chanhassen - Easter; 4th of July Kwik Trip - Community events Landmark Tours - Travel education Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar - Community events Culver’s Chanhassen - Community events Dugout Club/CAA - Baseball facilities Dunsmore Asphalt - Community events Eastern Carver County Schools - Joint facility partnership; elections Eden Prairie High School Key Club - Community events Eastern Carver County Schools Community Education - Rec Center facility partnership for training & Star graduation Dan Revsbech, RE/MAX Results - Community events LifeTime Fitness - TH 5 Regional Trail Project Love Inc. of ECC & Furnishare of Chanhassen - Maple Corner updates Lunds & Byerly’s Chanhassen - Great Start food drive; community events Luv’s Kitchen - Senior Center events MAAA (MN Area on Aging) Trellis - Speakers; insurance counseling; resources McDonald’s - Community events Mathnasium Chanhassen - Halloween Party Living Christ Lutheran Church - Tree Lighting Ceremony McPhail Center for Music - Virtual Music History programs (Senior Center) Metropolitan Supply - Community events Merlin’s Ace Hardware - February Festival Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - TH 5 Regional Trail Project Minnesota National Guard - COVID-19 testing clinic Minnesota Twins - 4th of July Minnetonka Community Education & Services - Rec Center facility partnership for Tour de Tonka & Fall de Tonka Emerson - Community events 36 28 Park Dental Eden Prairie - Community events Pilgrim Dry Cleaners - Community events Pizzaioli - Community events PMT Corporation - Community events Retail Tech - Community events Old National Bank - Summer Concert series Renew Active - Rec Center access program Roberts Automatic Products - Community events Power Systems - Community events Ridgeview - Community events REACH for Resources - Adaptive Recreation programs Riley Crossing Senior Living - Senior Center special events Minnetonka School Districts - Rec Center facility partnership for elementary retreats Peak Heating & Cooling - Community events Rosie the Riveter Foundation - Senior Center special events Rotary Club Chanhassen - February Festival; 4th of July Seedlings Gifts & Books - Community events Senior Commission Members - Senior Center Senior Community Services - Memory Care support services Silver Sneakers - Rec Center access program Southwest Transit - Tree Lighting Ceremony; Great Start Donation Drive; Senior Center program transportation Shakopee Parks & Recreation - Senior Center program collaborations Southwest Publishing - 4th of July Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce - 4th of July; Tree Lighting Ceremony Sentance to Serve (Adults) - Park projects Skyhawks Sports - Youth programs Shakopee Heritage Society - Local History speaker Southwest Christian High School - Park projects Scouting Groups - Park projects TGK Automotive - Community events The Garden by the Woods - Community events Stevie Ray’s Improv - Family programs Storm Boosters - Community events T-Mobile - February Festival; Halloween; community events The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center - Tree Lighting Ceremony; community events Tom Papas, Farmers Insurance - Community events Tonka Serves - Community events Twin City Paddle Boards - Watercraft rentals Turbo Nails - Community events U.S. Naval Academy - Rec Center facility partnership for sendoff picnic Tweet Pediatric Dentistry - Community events V. Clayton & Associates - Community events Wink Family Eye Care - Community events Xcel Energy - Community events Work Experience Program - Rec Center Work program partnership Waytek - Community events West Metro Warriors - Rec Center facility partnership; Special Olympics MN 37 29 SPONSORS With the help and contributions of these businesses and organizations, the City of Chanhassen can offer our special events, February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4th of July Celebration, and Halloween Party. Logo indicates sponsor contributions of $1,000+ 952.445.6555 GREEN LEAF CORPORATE »Ridgeview Medical Center and Clinics BUSINESS »Waytek »Power Systems »Roberts Automatic Products »Xcel Energy »Seedlings Gifts & Books »Chanhassen Dental »Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar CONTRIBUTING CORPORATE »Lunds & Byerlys Chanhassen »IWCO Direct BUSINESS »Chuck & Don’s »Turbo Nails »Metropolitan Supply »Storm Boosters »Brown’s Tire & Auto »Brian Reister - State Farm »Pilgrim Dry Cleaners »Dunsmore Asphalt »Peak Heating & Cooling, Inc. INDIVIDUAL »In honor of John and Lisa Drevlow »In honor of Noah Rogney SILVER LEAF CORPORATE »T-Mobile »Emerson »Old National Bank BUSINESS »EPS Inc. PURPLE LEAF CORPORATE »Retail Tech Inc. »Chanhassen Dinner Theatres BUSINESS »Charter Bank »Eden Trace Corp »Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 »The Garden By The Woods »The Mustard Seed Landscaping »& Garden Center »Merlin’s Ace Hardware »kiddywampus »Pizzaioli »Bluff Creek Dental »J&R Complete Auto Repair »Kwik Trip »Café Thyme »Country Inn & Suites Chanhassen »Culver’s Chanhassen »TGK Automotive Specialists »Wink Family Eye Care »Automotive Unlimited »Chick-fil-A Chanhassen »PMT Corporation »Park Dental Eden Prairie »SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce »Tweet Pediatric Dentistry INDIVIDUAL »American Family Insurance - Debra Michels Agency »Tom Papas - Farmers Insurance »V. Clayton & Associates »Dan Revsbech - RE/MAX Results 38 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item Easter Egg Candy Hunt Preview Item No:H.1 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY The City of Chanhassen's annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt is held each year at City Center Park and typically draws between 400-800 kids and their families. The 2022 hunt will be held on Saturday, April 16th, at 9am in City Center Park. Kids ages 12 & under will hunt for candy and eggs in three different age categories: 4 & under, 5-8, and 9-12. Each participant will receive a bag with goodies for gathering candy and eggs, and will have the opportunity to find special eggs that are redeemable for prizes. Participants will also be able to take a photo with the Easter Bunny. Special thanks to the Chanhassen Fire Department and the Chanhassen, Chaska, and Eden Prairie High School Key Clubs for supporting and volunteering at this event. Tickets are $6/child, accompanying adults free. Online pre-registration is strongly encouraged for participants and day-of registration will be available at the event. The Easter Coloring Contest is running now through Sunday, April 17th. Entry forms are available online at ci.chanhassen.mn.us/easter, at Chanhassen City Hall, and the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Kids ages 0-12 can submit their entry in those same places as well, or bring them to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt. Prize baskets, generously donated by community event sponsor kiddywampus in Chanhassen, will be awarded to winners by age category, age 3 & under through age 12. Participation in the coloring contest is free. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION 39 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS EasterColoringPageDoubleSidedFlyer_2022.pdf 40 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Details Hunt for candy in three different age categories! Each participant will receive a bag (with goodies!) for gathering candy and eggs, as well as the chance to find special eggs that are redeemable for prizes. Bring your camera for an eggstra-special photo with the Easter Bunny! The Candy Hunt is held rain or shine at City Center Park, North of Chanhassen City Hall at 7700 Market Blvd. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Pre-registration closes Friday, April 15 at 4pm. Day-of registration will be available, cash or check only. Register online at ww.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/easter Easter ColoringContest Rules Easter Contest coloring pages are available at City Hall, the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/easter Completed entries may be dropped off at Chanhassen City Hall or the Chan Rec Center (by 3pm Friday, April 15), brought to the Egg Hunt, or submitted online (by 11:59pm Sunday, April 17) to the above link. Ages 12 and under. FREE! Easter E ggCity of Chanhassen’s 39th Annual A Very Special Thank You To Our Egg-Cellent Sponsors! Logos pictured indicate community sponsor contributions of $1,000+ Saturday, April 16 , 9 am City Center Park AGES 12 & UNDER • $6 PER CHILD Want to become a sponsor? Visit us at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/sponsorship COLORINGCONTESTTOO! CANDY HUNT ! PURPLE LEAF Corporate: Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Business: Americana Community Bank; Automotive Unlimited; Bongards Premium Cheese; Chanhassen American Legion Post 580; Charter Bank Chanhassen; Chick-fil-A Chanhassen; Culver's Chanhassen; Eden Trace Corp; J&R Complete Auto Repair; kiddywampus; Merlin’s Ace Hardware; Pizzaioli; TGK Automotive Specialists; The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center; and Wink Family Eye Care Individual: Debra Michels Insurance SILVER LEAF Corporate: Old National Bank Business: Electrical Production Services, Inc. GREEN LEAF Corporate: Ridgeview Business: Brown’s Tire & Auto; Chanhassen Chiropractic; Chanhassen Dental; Dentistry on the Ponds; Houlihan’s; Park Dental Eden Prairie; Power Systems AHS; Roberts Automatic; Waytek; and Xcel Energy CONTRIBUTING Corporate: Lunds & Byerlys Chanhassen and Noodles & Company Business: Berne Scale; Brian Reister State Farm Insurance; Cabin Fever Sporting Goods; CFC Athletics; CHI Companies; Lake Minnetonka Orthodontics; Leeann Chin; Metropolitan Supply; Peak Heating and Cooling, Inc.; Pilgrim Dry Cleaners; Seedlings Gifts & Books; Subway Chanhassen; Turbo Nail Inc., Chanhassen; and V. Clayton & Associates 952.445.6555 GRAB YOURCRAYONS &HAVE FUN! 41 Prizes awarded in separate age categories. Pictures are judged on originality and neatness. Artists may use crayons, pencils, ink, markers, glitter, etc. Completed coloring entries may be dropped off at City Hall or the Rec Center by 3PM, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, be brought to the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, or submitted online by 11:59PM ON SUNDAY, APRIL 17 at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/easter Chanhassen City Hall • 7700 Market Blvd. • 952.227.1100 • Chan Rec Center • 2310 Coulter Blvd. • 952.227.1400 First Name: E-mail: Age: Chanhassen Easter Egg Candy Hunt Coloring Contest 42 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item February Festival Evaluation Item No:H.2 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY The City of Chanhassen's 29th annual February Festival was held on Saturday, February 5 from 12-3pm on Lake Ann in Lake Ann Park. It is estimated that 1,500 people attended this year's event. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION Ice Fishing Contest A total of 688 ice fishing contest tickets were sold in 2022, 276 of which were pre-registrations and 412 of which were day-of. Overall ticket sales and pre-registrations slightly below, but generally on track with 2020 sales. A total of 54 fish were caught during the contest, so all top 50 fish prizes were given away. The largest fish by weight went to John Lynch of Eden Prairie, who caught a 2.34 lb. Northern Pike, and won a 24V Strikemaster Auger donated by Automotive Unlimited in Chanhassen. Over $6,000 in total fish prizes were given away as part of the contest with contributions coming from 9 local businesses. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for drilling over 1,000 holes for the ice fishing contest. Fishing Contest Marshals Twelve Chanhassen Lions Club members volunteered their time as ice fishing contest marshals again this year. They helped at the event by checking fish participants as they entered the contest area, educating participants of special regulations and contest rules, and weighing fish at the weigh station. Staff hope to continue working with the Lions Club in future February Festivals as they do a fantastic job as contest marshals and are a huge asset to the event. 43 Food and Drink Concessions The Rotary Club of Chanhassen coordinated and operated the concessions at this year's festival. The Rotary sold a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as snacks, and Grill Star Catering sold burgers, fries, and custard. We appreciate the service of the Rotary Club of Chanhassen and Grill Star Catering and are looking forward to partnering with them at future FebFests. In the future, an additional outside food vendor may be secured by the Rotary to sell hot concessions on the ice to provide options for attendees and to minimize lines. Door Prizes Each person in attendance at the festival could register for one door prize ticket for a chance to win over $3,000 in prizes. The door prize tickets are separate from the ice fishing contest tickets and were free to all participants. Thirteen local businesses contributed to the 2022 door prizes. Bonfires Two bonfires were placed on opposite ends of the festival area. Both were very popular throughout the day, especially as it was fairly cold outside. It is recommended that we continue to have to fires to ensure an area to warm up and roast marshmallows. S'mores and Bait Sales Chanhassen BSA Scout Troop #330 sold s'mores kits and live bait on the ice. Many people take advantage of the bait sales on the ice and we appreciate the annual service of Troop #330. One thing to consider for 2023 would be expanding the options of bait available. Snowshoeing Demo Hikes and Kids' Bingo The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) returned to February Festival this year and offered free snowshoeing demo hikes, a kids' Bingo activity, and educational information about the watershed district. The snowshoeing demo hikes are very popular and it is recommended that we continue inviting the RPBCWD back to offer this activity. Skating Rink A few event attendees utilized the skating rink for ice skating with many children using the area to run around and play. Carver County Park kick sled demos are usually in this area, but were unable to attend this year due to staffing issues. It is recommended that staff reach out early and bring this activity back to FebFest in 2023. Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides The horse-drawn wagon rides provided by Ken-Mar Farms continues to be extremely popular and provides another activity not related to the fishing contest. It is a fun family event that should continue in the future. Dog Sled Rides The city contracted with Silent Run Adventures to offer dog sled rides again this year. The rides were extremely popular and two volunteers were present to help load/unload riders, take photos, and move along the line. Medallion Hunt The FebFest medallion was found on Wednesday, February 2nd by Brian, Julia, Erica, and Andrew Rodenz of Chanhassen. The medallion was found buried in the snow under the large evergreen tree near the City Center Park sign. The Rodenz family received a prize basket from Charter Bank in Chanhassen 44 valued at over $500. Charter Bank Chanhassen has been the title sponsor of the medallion hunt since 2020. Comments for Next Year Due to staffing and supply chain issues, Carver County Parks' kicksled demos and Michael's Cycles fat-tire bike demos were absent at FebFest this year. Staff should work with both organizations early to ensure their presence at FebFest 2023 as they are both popular activities. Initiate 'ice games' on the ice for participants to enjoy, such as ice beanbag toss and ice bowling. Some other cities incorporate these aspects in their events and they appear to be popular. Research options to display real-time fishing contest results that participants can view throughout the contest. This would be a beneficial aspect to the contest and would also decrease time between the fishing contest end and price announcements. RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Expense Report 2022.pdf All Fish Caught FebFest 2022.pdf Yearly Temperatures and Ticket Sales.pdf 45 REVENUE AMOUNT Ticket Sales $6,880.00 Total $6,880.00 EXPENDITURES 101-1611-4130 (Budget: $2,600) Cabin Fever Sporting Goods (Fishing Contest Prizes) $2,425.84 Minnesota Trophies (Medallion) $46.67 Amazon (Handwarmers) $75.98 Miscellaneous supplies $141.52 Total $2,690.01 101-1611-4300 (Budget: $2,850) Silent Run Adventures (Dog Sled Rides)$1,060.00 Ken-Mar Farms (Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides)$850.00 Midwest Sound (DJ Services)$845.00 Digital Impact Solutions (Fishing Contest Tickets)$149.00 MNDNR (Fishing Contest Permit) $35.00 Total $2,939.00 101-1611-4340 (Budget: $1,300) Southwest Publishing (Print Ads)$1,415.00 Total $1,415.00 101-1611-4400 (Budget: $700) Rent-N-Save (Portable Restrooms) (est.)$400.00 Total $400.00 101-1611-4410 (Budget: $1,700) Warning Lites (Cones)$346.00 Waste Management (Garbage Bins) (est.)$374.64 Epic Event Rental (Stage & Beanbag Toss)$196.20 Ultimate Events (Tent & Tables)$1,277.75 Total $2,194.59 TOTAL REVENUE: $6,880.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $9,638.60 BALANCE: -$2,758.60 2022 February Festival Expense Report *February Festival is the first of four events under the Community Event Sponsorship Program. Forty-four businesses have pledged $33,385.00 in cash and goods for 2022 to support these four events. 46 Top 55 Fish By Weight Wednesday, February 9, 2022 8:40:58 AM Entry Number First Name Last Name Hometown Fish Species Weight Entry TimeRank 62 John Lynch Eden Prairie Northern Pike 2.34 2/5/2022 2:44:36 PM1 33 Todd Carlson Chanhassen Northern Pike 2.08 2/5/2022 1:44:26 PM2 44 lucas lininger Watertown Northern Pike 1.67 2/5/2022 1:57:34 PM3 49 Vince Corbin Silver Lake Northern Pike 1.56 2/5/2022 2:25:35 PM4 47 Todd Hesse Victoria Northern Pike 1.52 2/5/2022 2:24:57 PM5 68 Ivan Cordona Shakopee Northern Pike 1.5 2/5/2022 2:59:45 PM6 26 Scott Frost Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.44 2/5/2022 1:41:37 PM7 7 Daryl Schmieg Victoria Northern Pike 1.42 2/5/2022 1:15:01 PM8 14 Frank Zellner Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.38 2/5/2022 1:30:52 PM9 55 Gretchen Pogge Eden Prairie Northern Pike 1.34 2/5/2022 2:27:16 PM10 25 Maren Jecha Excelsior Northern Pike 1.27 2/5/2022 1:40:59 PM11 31 Will Bierden Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.24 2/5/2022 1:43:52 PM12 36 Dan Weanberger Fairbault Northern Pike 1.24 2/5/2022 1:45:41 PM13 43 ally huot Belle Plaine Northern Pike 1.22 2/5/2022 1:57:11 PM14 53 Tony Robling Jordan Northern Pike 1.22 2/5/2022 2:26:44 PM15 54 Dustin Hoen Norwood Young America Northern Pike 1.18 2/5/2022 2:27:01 PM16 11 Bobby Renss Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.16 2/5/2022 1:16:14 PM17 51 Jake Norwick Richfield Northern Pike 1.12 2/5/2022 2:26:14 PM18 Page 1 of 3 47 Wednesday, February 9, 2022 8:40:58 AM Entry Time 2/5/2022 2:44:36 PM 2/5/2022 1:44:26 PM 2/5/2022 1:57:34 PM 2/5/2022 2:25:35 PM 2/5/2022 2:24:57 PM 2/5/2022 2:59:45 PM 2/5/2022 1:41:37 PM 2/5/2022 1:15:01 PM 2/5/2022 1:30:52 PM 2/5/2022 2:27:16 PM 2/5/2022 1:40:59 PM 2/5/2022 1:43:52 PM 2/5/2022 1:45:41 PM 2/5/2022 1:57:11 PM 2/5/2022 2:26:44 PM 2/5/2022 2:27:01 PM 2/5/2022 1:16:14 PM 2/5/2022 2:26:14 PM 48 Entry Number First Name Last Name Hometown Fish Species Weight Entry TimeRank 17 Ken Fricke Minnetonka Northern Pike 1.11 2/5/2022 1:31:57 PM19 39 kyle victorian Chanhassen Northern Pike 1.11 2/5/2022 1:55:13 PM20 50 Steve Robling Chaska Northern Pike 1.09 2/5/2022 2:25:54 PM21 24 Ruben Pedroza Costa Mesa Northern Pike 1.04 2/5/2022 1:35:47 PM22 64 Neil hannah Crystal Northern Pike 1.01 2/5/2022 2:54:03 PM23 67 Dean Peterson Newport Northern Pike 0.94 2/5/2022 2:59:04 PM24 61 Neil Zimmermann Shakopee Northern Pike 0.91 2/5/2022 2:44:18 PM25 28 Pete Mccollum Bloomington Northern Pike 0.86 2/5/2022 1:42:25 PM26 6 Marty Johnson Chanhassen Northern Pike 0.85 2/5/2022 1:14:34 PM27 45 ryan sandberg Burnsville Northern Pike 0.84 2/5/2022 1:58:01 PM28 56 Ryan Lynch Chanhassen Sunfish 0.49 2/5/2022 2:27:36 PM29 10 Ivan Cardona Shakopee Sunfish 0.47 2/5/2022 1:16:00 PM30 30 Jeff Oberman Excelsior Sunfish 0.47 2/5/2022 1:43:38 PM31 34 Jim Murphy Chanhassen Sunfish 0.42 2/5/2022 1:44:56 PM32 9 Tim Anderson Champlin Sunfish 0.4 2/5/2022 1:15:37 PM33 38 ben hanson Waconia Sunfish 0.36 2/5/2022 1:54:54 PM34 1 Megan Arlt Chanhassen Perch 0.3 2/5/2022 1:12:39 PM35 27 Tim Murphy Norwood Young America Sunfish 0.28 2/5/2022 1:41:58 PM36 4 Bryan Vos Waconia Perch 0.26 2/5/2022 1:13:40 PM37 66 Grant Friendshin Jordan Perch 0.1 2/5/2022 2:58:11 PM38 23 Nate Meger Shakopee Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 1:34:00 PM39 Page 2 of 3 49 Entry Time 2/5/2022 1:31:57 PM 2/5/2022 1:55:13 PM 2/5/2022 2:25:54 PM 2/5/2022 1:35:47 PM 2/5/2022 2:54:03 PM 2/5/2022 2:59:04 PM 2/5/2022 2:44:18 PM 2/5/2022 1:42:25 PM 2/5/2022 1:14:34 PM 2/5/2022 1:58:01 PM 2/5/2022 2:27:36 PM 2/5/2022 1:16:00 PM 2/5/2022 1:43:38 PM 2/5/2022 1:44:56 PM 2/5/2022 1:15:37 PM 2/5/2022 1:54:54 PM 2/5/2022 1:12:39 PM 2/5/2022 1:41:58 PM 2/5/2022 1:13:40 PM 2/5/2022 2:58:11 PM 2/5/2022 1:34:00 PM 50 Entry Number First Name Last Name Hometown Fish Species Weight Entry TimeRank 35 Darren Anderson Chanhassen Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 1:45:11 PM40 46 John Molencand Shakopee Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 2:24:42 PM41 58 Tessa Simon Chicago Perch 0.04 2/5/2022 2:28:50 PM42 13 Matt Strand Eden Prairie Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:30:32 PM43 16 Jeff Costello Chanhassen Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:31:37 PM44 18 Jodie Johnson Chaska Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:32:14 PM45 40 luke jayer Chanhassen Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:55:50 PM46 42 josh costello Victoria Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 1:56:54 PM47 65 Peng Yang Hudson Perch 0.03 2/5/2022 2:54:24 PM48 2 Matt Curtis Shakopee Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:13:01 PM49 8 Mike Farrell Chanhassen Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:15:19 PM50 22 Steve Yarger Chaska Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:33:43 PM51 41 chris homan Woodbury Perch 0.02 2/5/2022 1:56:18 PM52 5 Wesley Koepp Jordan Perch 0.01 2/5/2022 1:14:01 PM53 59 Andrew Schroep Chanhassen Perch 0.01 2/5/2022 2:43:29 PM54 57 0 2/5/2022 2:27:47 PM55 Page 3 of 3 51 Entry Time 2/5/2022 1:45:11 PM 2/5/2022 2:24:42 PM 2/5/2022 2:28:50 PM 2/5/2022 1:30:32 PM 2/5/2022 1:31:37 PM 2/5/2022 1:32:14 PM 2/5/2022 1:55:50 PM 2/5/2022 1:56:54 PM 2/5/2022 2:54:24 PM 2/5/2022 1:13:01 PM 2/5/2022 1:15:19 PM 2/5/2022 1:33:43 PM 2/5/2022 1:56:18 PM 2/5/2022 1:14:01 PM 2/5/2022 2:43:29 PM 2/5/2022 2:27:47 PM 52 Year Lake Date Daily High Total Tickets Pre-registrations Day-of Column1 Inaugural Lake Susan February 19, 1994 49 °F No data No data No data 2nd Annual Lake Susan February 18, 1995 43 °F No data No data No data 3rd Annual Lake Ann February 17, 1996 25 °F No data No data No data 4th Annual Lake Ann February 15, 1997 19 °F No data No data No data 5th Annual Lake Ann February 14, 1998 35 °F 632 249 383 6th Annual Lake Ann February 6, 1999 28 °F 895 268 627 7th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2000 30 °F 1094 325 769 8th Annual Lake Ann February 3, 2001 23 °F 918 277 641 9th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2002 32 °F 744 205 539 10th Annual Lake Ann February 1, 2003 38 °F 998 267 731 11th Annual Lake Ann February 7, 2004 21 °F 1032 224 808 12th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2005 53 °F 1061 213 848 13th Annual Lake Ann February 4, 2006 18 °F 1061 162 899 14th Annual Lake Ann February 3, 2007 -1 °F 821 316 505 15th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2008 28 °F 1275 293 982 16th Annual Lake Ann February 7, 2009 35 °F 1224 424 800 17th Annual Lake Ann February 6, 2010 28 °F 594 136 458 18th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2011 28 °F 709 139 570 19th Annual Lake Ann February 4, 2012 30 °F 602 114 488 20th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2013 12 °F 509 72 437 21st Annual Lake Ann February 1, 2014 19 °F 518 73 445 22nd Annual Lake Ann February 7, 2015 36 °F No data No data No data 23rd Annual Lake Ann February 6, 2016 36 °F 635 97 538 24th Annual Lake Ann February 4, 2017 34 °F 779 127 652 25th Annual Lake Ann February 3, 2018 36 °F 662 112 550 26th Annual Lake Ann February 2, 2019 34 °F 664 113 551 27th Annual Lake Ann February 1, 2020 36 °F 780 291 489 28th Annual Virtual February 1-6, 2021 (-10) - 30 °F 284 223 61 *Virtual contest 29th Annual Lake Ann February 5, 2022 28 °F 688 276 412 *event cancellation occurs when wind chill temps are -30 degrees at 10am on event day 53 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item Recreation Center Quarterly Report Item No:H.3 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY Facility Updates The CIP funded wall replacement project has continued into 2022. In late December, Hufcor installed the wall between rooms 3 and 4. Incorrect measurements for the two remaining walls occurred by the manufacturer. This requires one complete wall and one end section be reproduced. At this time, there is no completion date scheduled. A side backboard was broken by a youth dunking during an open gym session. The family will help pay a portion of the replacement backboard. There will be a total of five baskets until the backboard arrives. Rental and Daily Fee Rate Increases In March, rental rates and daily fees increased for the Recreation Center. Room rental fees for our four meeting rooms increased $5 per hour and gymnasium rentals increased $10 per hour. Studio and Conference Room rentals remained the same. Daily user fees increased to $4 per day for Chanhassen Residents and $4.50 for non-residents. 10, 20, and 40 punch cards remain at the current rate. Rec Center Events Royal Ball This event was co-sponsored with Victoria Recreation Center and was held at Lions Park Pavilion on January 28. Local families had the opportunity to meet and take photos with Anna and Elsa and hear their stories, have dinner, dance and play games. Volunteers from Chanhassen and Chaska Key Clubs assisted with the event. This program filled with 102 people attending. 54 Blarney Stone Hunt March 11-17, this was a hunt for gold stones in eight Chanhassen Parks. Successful hunters returned the stones to the Rec Center for a prize pack. Cub Foods, Brown's Car Wash, Subway and Kiddywampus generously donated prizes for the 16 winners. This event encourages people to visit different parks and also drives traffic to the Park & Rec Facebook page. Program Updates Dance for Fun The Spring session is underway. Dancers in our competition program will participate in two local competitions in April. The season will end with a recital in the Chanhassen High School Auditorium on May 7. Rec Center Sports David Keys was hired as the Rec Center Sports Coordinator in December. David received his degree in 2021 from the University of North Dakota. He is a tennis player and has coached youth tennis for 10 years. David's leadership has brought creativity and enthusiasm to our program. We have hosted sessions of Floor Hockey, Basketball and Sports Sampler in 2022. To date, 133 children have participated. Tae Kwon Do This program has been offered at the Rec Center for over 25 years. Classes are offered for both youth and adults and students can achieve black belt rankings. In 2021, the instructors created a Mother/Daughter Self Defense Seminar that has been extremely popular. In the two sessions offered, 37 pairs have participated. Upcoming Events Super Hero Party, Friday, April 8, 5:30-7pm at Victoria Rec Center. Families may come dressed as their favorite super hero. We will have a bounce house, 60' inflatable obstacle course, mask making station, and a dance. The fee for the event is $5 per person attending. Bunny Yoga - Recreation Center and Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society are collaborating to provide this event on Saturday, April 9, 10-11am. Registration is $20 Residents/$22 Non-residents and includes a donation to MCRS. Hoppy Hour, Saturday, April 9m 11:15am-12:15pm, free. Meet, photograph and play with bunnies. Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society will be on hand to help inform about rabbit care and adoption. Freewill donations accepted. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION 55 ATTACHMENTS 56 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item Park Maintenance Quarterly Update Item No:H.4 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Adam Beers, Park Superintendent SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY Park staff has completed all routine maintenance on our small equipment fleet, which includes all mowers, weed whips, back pack blowers and ball field tractors. Maintenance crews have been busy getting ready for spring start up preparing tennis nets, ball field bases, aeration equipment and prepping concession buildings for spring. Each spring the city is able to utilize outside groups to help with routine maintenance task. Sentence to Serve (STS) will be assisting with spring trash collection around the City Hall and Library campus. Mild March temperatures have allowed staff to start our spring maintenance program much earlier that anticipated. We were able to open the skate park and pickleball courts early allowing residents to get out and enjoy the weather! We are in the process of hiring seasonal staff for the upcoming summer season. Typically the park maintenance division hires 18-20 seasonal workers that help assist with daily maintenance tasks such as trash collection, field preparation, mowing/weed whipping. The additional labor provides fulltime staff to focus on bigger maintenance projects. Park Department staff has been working with the Planning Department, specifically Jill Sinclair, to secure grant money through the RPBCWD to upgrade the irrigation system on 78th Street. We are happy to report the grant request has been approved and work will begin this spring. Please see attachment for further detail. 57 BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Agreement - groundwater conservation 58 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek City of Chanhassen Watershed District Groundwater Program agreement 1 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District and City of Chanhassen Groundwater Conservation Cost-Share Funding agreement The parties to this grant agreement are Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, a public body with purposes and powers set forth at Minnesota Statutes Chapters 103B and 103D (RPBCWD), and the City of Chanhassen, a governmental subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of Minnesota (Chanhassen). The purpose of this agreement is to provide funding assistance for a groundwater-conservation program demonstrating options to reduce demand on groundwater resources. RPBCWD has determined that it will contribute grant funding for the purchase of water- efficient technology to demonstrate reduction in impact on groundwater resources. RPBCWD commits to reimburse Chanhassen in accordance with the terms and on satisfaction of the conditions of this agreement. 1. Scope of Work Chanhassen will provide for purchase and installation of water-efficient irrigation equipment in accordance with the program design and budget document attached to and incorporated into this agreement as Exhibit A (the Project). Project costs eligible for reimbursement under this agreement include only costs of the purchase of equipment and technology as described in Exhibit A (Eligible Costs). In the event of conflict or disparity between a term or terms of this agreement and Exhibit A, the language in this agreement will prevail. Chanhassen will submit to RPBCWD reports that include receipts documenting Eligible Costs incurred and a description of activities undertaken to demonostrate water conservation , including but not limited to calculations of groundwater savings (Project Report). A Project Report must be submitted to RPBCWD on or before July 31, 2022, and a final Project Report must submitted within 30 days of project closeout. Eligible Costs must be incurred and the Project close-out must occur no later than November 30, 2022. Chanhassen will maintain a copy of Project records for six years after Project closeout. RPBCWD may examine, audit or copy any such records on reasonable notice to Chanhassen. 2. Contractor Chanhassen will select supplier(s) and contractor(s) for the Project and implement the Project in accordance with Exhibit A. In contracting for the Project, Chanhassen will ensure that no person is excluded from full employment rights or participation in or benefits of any program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, public-assistance status or national origin, and that no person protected by applicable federal or state laws, rules or regulations against discrimination is subject to discrimination 59 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek City of Chanhassen Watershed District Groundwater Program agreement 2 3. Reimbursement On receipt and approval of the Project Report, including but not limited to documentation of Eligible Costs, RPBCWD will reimburse Chanhassen 75 percent of Eligible Costs of the Project, not to exceed a total of $15,058. RPBCWD has determined that partial performance of oblig ations under section 1 of this agreement may confer no or limited benefit on RPBCWD. As a result: a. RPBCWD may withhold 10 percent of any reimbursement under this section 3 until RPBCWD has confirmed substantial completion of the Project; and b. if implementation of the Project is not substantially completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications within two (2) years of the date this agreement is fully executed, subject to delays outside of Chanhassen’s control, RPBCWD will not be obligated to provide reimbursement to Chanhassen under this agreement and may declare this agreement rescinded and no longer of effect. Notwithstanding, the parties will consult before RPBCWD makes a decision to deny reimbursement or rescind the agreement. 4. Acknowledgment and Publicity Any publicly distributed or display ed printed or electronic documents or other text display regarding the Project will properly acknowledge the funding provided by RPBCWD. Chanhassen will cooperate with RPBCWD to seek publicity and media coverage of the Project. Chanhassen will permit RPBCWD, at its cost and discretion, to place reasonable signage on Chanhassen’s property informing the general public about the Project and RPBCWD’s cost-share program. 5. Independent Relationship; Indemnification RPBCWD's role under this agreement is solely to provide funds to support the performance of voluntary work by Chanhassen that furthers the purposes of RPBCWD. This agreement is not a joint powers agreement under Minnesota Statutes section 471.59. Chanhassen acts independently and selects the means, method and manner of implementing the Project. No employee, representative, contractor or consultant of any party to this agreement has acted or may act in any respect as the agent or representative of the other party. Any right to review or approve a design, work in progress or a constructed facility provided by the agreement to RPBCWD is solely for RPBCWD’s purpose of accounting for RPBCWD funds expended. Chanhassen is not the agent, representative, employee or contractor of RPBCWD. Chanhassen will hold RPBCWD, its officers, board members, employees and agents harmless, and will defend and indemnify RPBCWD, with respect to all actions, costs, damages and liabilities of any nature arising from: (a) Chanhassen’s negligent or otherwise wrongful act or omission, or breach of a specific contractual duty; or (b) a subcontractor’s negligent or otherwise wrongful act or omission, or breach of a specific contractual duty owed by Chanhassen to RPBCWD. No action or inaction of RPBCWD or Chanhassen under this agreement creates a duty of care on the part of RPBCWD or Chanhassen for the benefit of any third party. 60 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek City of Chanhassen Watershed District Groundwater Program agreement 3 6. Remedies; Immunities Only contractual remedies are available for a party’s failure to fulfill the terms of this agreement. Notwithstanding any other term of this agreement, the District and the Partner waive no immunities in tort. No action or inaction of a party under this agreement creates a duty of care for the benefit of any third party. This agreement creates no right in and waives no immunity, defense or liability limitation with respect to any third party. 7. Effective Date; Termination; Survival of Obligations This agreement is effective when fully executed by all parties and expires two years thereafter. Upon issuance by RPBCWD of notice of RPBCWD’s determination to void this agreement under the terms hereof, Chanhassen will not receive any further reimbursement for work subject to this agreement, unless RPBCWD extends the Project-completion period. All obligations that have come into being before termination, specifically including obligations under paragraphs 3 and 4 will survive expiration. 8. Compliance With Laws Chanhassen is responsible to secure all permits and comply with all other legal requirements applicable to the Project. 9. Notices Any written communication required under this agreement shall be addressed to the other party as follows: To RPBCWD : Administrator Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District 18681 Lake Drive East Chanhassen, MN 55317 To Chanhassen: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 10. Waiver; Merger RPBCWD’s failure to insist on the performance of any obligation under this agreement does not waive its right in the future to insist on strict performance of that or any other obligation. Notwithstanding any other term of this agreement, RPBCWD waives no immunities in tort. This agreement creates no rights in and waives no immunities with respect to any third party or a party to this agreement. This agreement, as it may be amended in writing, contains the complete and entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, 61 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek City of Chanhassen Watershed District Groundwater Program agreement 4 agreements, representations and understandings, if any, between the part ies respecting such matters. The recitals stated at the outset are incorporated into and made a part of the agreement. 11. Venue and Jurisdiction The agreement will be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The appropriate venue and jurisdiction for any legal action hereunder will be Carver County, Minnesota. Intending to be bound, the parties hereto execute and deliver this agreement. Chanhassen __________________________________ Date ___________________ Name____________________________ Its ____________________________ Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District ______________________________ _______ Date ___________________ David Ziegler Its president 62 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek City of Chanhassen Watershed District Groundwater Program agreement 5 Exhibit A Program Design and Budget 63 Outdoor Water Use, Reuse, Design, Consulting & Water Management 175 James Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55405 | 763 -559-1010 | www.watermotion.com Water in Motion, Inc. proudly employs EPA WaterSense® Partners January 26, 2022 Ms. Jill Sinclair Environmental Resources Specialist City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Proposal to improve the City of Chanhassen streetscape irrigation a.k.a the “Byerly’s streescape irrigation system” Water in Motion proposes to conduct and overse the conduct of improvements to the above listed City of Chanhassen-owned streestscape landscape irrigation system. Work will include: 1. Exchange approximately 250 sprinklers with US EPA WaterSense labeled sprinkler bodies with appropriate nozzles and adjusted to operate efficiently 2. Update the SMART-ready irrigation controls and controller to conform to US EPA WaterSense label controller specification including: a. Weather sensing elements including a weather station and a local rain sensor to enable localized weather based SMART scheduling of the irrigation system b. Flow sensing elements with system master valve to enable SMART based system performance monitoring Proposed budget to conduct the above-listed work is $20,077.00 Section 1 = ….. ….. $13,691.10; Section 2 = ….. ….. $ 4,789.50 Minor incidental parts are included. This proposal assumes no interference from supply chain delays or substantial parts or labor pricing changes. Should unforeseen issues arise at the time of installation, the project budget may be affected. OneCall utility locates will be called-in prior to commencing work. The owner is repsonsible for locating and repair of private utilities not located by the OneCall system. APPROVAL: Water in Motion, Inc. is authorized to proceed with the above-listed project: ____________________________________ _________________ Authorized signature on behalf of the City of Chanhassen, MN Date ____________________________________ _________________ _____________ Printed Name Phone Email 64 Proposed Project Area in Downtown Chanhassen 65 Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District 1/27/2022 Watershed Stewardship Grant OFFER Calculation APPLICANT PROJECT TYPE/NAME City of Chanhassen Groundwater conservation 7700 Market Boulevard Improve water efficiency of W. 78th Street irrigation system Chanhassen 55317 Notes Project cost estimate $20,077 City cost-share 25%$5,019.25 Requested cost-share 75%$15,057.75 Applicant must provide: 1.Itemized cost of project (see "Project Estimate" below) 2. Map/drawing of project area 3. Estimated benefit to water conservation (e.g. water savings in gallons or percent) Project Estimate GRANT VENDOR QUANTITY PRICE/ITEM COST ELIGIBLE COST 140 $51.57 $7,219.80 $7,219.80 110 $58.83 $6,471.30 $6,471.30 1 $570.00 $570.00 $570.00 1 $2,418.00 $2,418.00 $2,418.00 1 $3,398.00 $3,398.00 $3,398.00 $20,077.10 ↓ ELIGIBLE GRAND TOTAL $20,077.10 75% $15,057.83 Not-to-exceed value (rounded)$15,058.00 Applicant's estimate of water consumption reduction: 20% ITEM DESCRIPTION/PURPOSE WaterSense labeled spray bodies with spray nozzles WaterSense labeled spray bodies with MSMT/rotor nozzles Controls Flow sensors and related Weather station for controller - data applicable to all connected city irrigation systems.TOTAL COST Cost-share award from RPBCWD Not-to-exceed value (raw data) City has already purchased 250 rotor sprinklers. Grant coordinator will seek approval at BOM meeting on Feb. 2 (packet materials due no later than 1/28/22). 66 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item Senior Center Quarterly Report Item No:H.5 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY The Senior Center is a welcoming place for our 55+ community to gather, play games and socialize, but also to explore new hobbies, listen to interesting speakers, enjoy a delicious meal on occasion, and receive assistance services for a variety of age related issues and needs. Historically, in the first quarter of the year we see a lower number of attendance with this age group due to weather, illnesses, snow-birds, etc. This year was especially slow to start due to COVID infection rates and caution toward group gatherings. In spite of these challenges, we served over 350 participants in the following programs and activities: Local theater productions: We continue to partner with Chaska's Active Older Adult group at The Lodge for day trips and performance outings. This is a longstanding partnership which helps tie our senior communities together and maintains positive social interactions between the groups. The Play That Goes Wrong, Old Log Theater, January Footloose, Chanhassen Dinner Theater, February Bright Star, Chaska Community Theater, March Monthly 55+ Alive Defensive Driver classes provided by The MN Safety Council. Now offered both by Zoom and in-person. Holiday and historical speaker programs and lunches: Valentine's Day Luncheon with singer Monroe Wright, February. Luck o' the Irish Potato Bar Luncheon with the Hibernium Irish Duo, March. Lunch & Speaker, The Battle of Shakopee in 1858 , speaker from the Shakopee Heritage Society Lunch & Speaker, The Lincoln Assassination: A Troubled Time, historical speaker David 67 Jones. Educational workshops and classes: Mah Jongg for Beginners, 6-week class Organizing 101: The 10 Most Important Documents Dementia Friends Training Combatting Ageism: A Virtual Workshop Medicare 101: What You Need to Know Before Age 65 Community gathering programs: Monthly Coffee with the Cops Bi-weekly Friday Matinee Movies Other services: Footcare Clinics Individual Medicare Counseling Free Tax Aide with AARP Caregiver Support and Counseling Additionally, during the first quarter of 2022 over 1250 individuals (cumulative) utilized our space to participate in weekly activity groups. These include regular card and game groups (Bridge, Cribbage, Mah Jongg, Bingo, Scrabble, etc.) as well as the Chan-o-laires Senior Choir and Woodcarvers. The updates to our two utility kitchens, which service the Main Senior Center space and the Maple Corner room, were completed. This includes new vinyl plank flooring, as well as new countertops, sinks, and disposals. We are adding three new Advisory Board Members in March, and retiring four of our longstanding Members. This group of hardworking volunteers are critical to our work at the Center, dedicating their time and energies to help plan and serve at our events. With Covid numbers declining and mandates lifting, we are hopeful our participation numbers will continue to return to pre-pandemic levels. We are continuing to pursue new programs which appeal to younger retirees, as well as classes and programs which can be offered as multi-generational. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Senior Events Flyer 68 Some sessions allow for walk-in and last minute attendees. Unless noted otherwise, registration deadlines are 7-days prior to class. Email mblazanin@ci.chanhassen.mn.us to register for email updates. SENIOR CENTERUpcoming Events The Battle of Shakopee in 1858 Thursday, March 10, 2pm$5 Speaker w/coffee & dessert CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER A delicious light meal followed by speaker Dave Schleper on the 1858 battle between the Anishinaabe and Dakota people, changing the indigenous dynamic of the region. Strengthen & Stretch: Chair Yoga Fridays, 12:30-1:30pm (3 sessions) April 8-May 20, June 3-July 22,and August 5-September 9$12 Drop-in | $69 per sesssion CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Val from Olivine Yoga helps strengthen your core, improve balance, and reduce muscle stress in this weekly class by using both seated and standing movements. Soup, Salad, & Speaker:A Minnesota Road Tripwith Dan & Kory Tuesday, April 19, 11am-1pm$12/$13 with lunch$5/$6 with Speaker only CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Minnesota may be a state of 10,000 lakes, but it also boasts over 800 cities and towns. For 10 years, Kory and Dan Everson hit the road to visit every single one of those Minnesota cities. Now they have stories to tell! Join us for this fun presentation with a light lunch. Woodcarving for Women 101 Tuesdays, April 5-May 10, 9:30-11am $69 Resident/$72 Non-Resident CHAN SENIOR CENTER - WOODCARVING ROOM This 6-session class covers basic carving techniques, knife care, safe- ty, & wood types. Create a simple project, including a handmade spoon, and jewelry making options. Fee includes a professional carving knife, safety gloves, wood, and supplies. Clutter Control & Rightsizing Tips Thursday, April 14, 3pm | $10 CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Anytime your life shifts, you can plan for the future, rethink your spaces, and organize or rightsize your home! Learn practical solutions. Coffee and treats served. Mah Jongg for Beginners Wednesdays, April 20-May 252:30-4pm | $56 CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER During this 6-week class, instructor Melinda Colwell teaches a fun and effective method of learning American Mah Jongg. Luck o’ the Irish Luncheon Thursday, March 17, 11am-1pm | $13 CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER The Hibernium Duo returns with tales and tunes from Ireland to celebrate St. Patty’s. Enjoy a baked potato bar with all the fixings. Meal includes beverages and dessert. Dessert Theatre: Bright Star Saturday, March 26, 12:30pm $15 per person (dessert & admission) THE LODGE: 1661 PARK RIDGE DRIVE, CHASKA Enjoy a delightful dessert at The Lodge prior to the production, Bright Star, presented by Chaska Valley Family Theatre. Inspired by a true story and featuring a Tony®-nominated musical score. Treasure Island Casino Tuesday, April 26, 8:30am-4pm$23 Resident/$25 Non-Resident BUS LEAVES FROM CHASKA LODGE Travel with friends and enjoy round- trip bus transportation to Treasure Island. Each person receives a $15 play on their casino card, plus a $3 food coupon for the restaurant. Please provide your casino number (if applicable) when registering. Wicked Orpheum Theater Thursday, July 28, 11:40am-5:15pm$102 (incl. show, travel, & bus snack) BUS LEAVES FROM CHAN REC CENTER Wicked, the untold story of the unlikeliest of friendships of the Witches of Oz, is an original Broad- way musical “that will make you laugh, cry, and think.” Join our bus trip from the Chan Rec Center to the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis. Beverages and snacks are available for purchase at the theater. Registration Deadline: Friday, April 22 DAY TRIPS QUESTIONS? Call 952.227.1124 Registration formsavailable by request. 69 Monday Bridge 12:30pm ScrabbleEvery 2nd & 4th Monday, 1pm Tuesday Chan-o-laires 12:30pm Wednesday Mah Jongg9:30am Woodcarving Club9am-12pm Bingo 12:30-3:30pm Thursday Open play game time 500 Cards, Hand & Foot, or games of choice 1pm Friday Cribbage10am Movie Matinee’s Every 2nd & 4th Friday, 1:30pm Snacks available for a donation SENIORWeekly Events Call, email, or stop by the Chanhassen Senior Center. Walk-ins welcome! Chanhassen Senior Center 7700 Market Blvd.,Chanhassen (Downstairs at City Hall) Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator: Mary Blazanin Call | 952.227.1124 Email | mblazanin@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Online | www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/seniorcenter Ongoing/MonthlyCARE & SUPPORT Free Medicare Insurance Counseling Every 2nd Thursday | FREE CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Appointments required 7 days in advance. Call 952.227.1124 or go online to https://trellisconnects.org/get-help/medicare/ Footcare Nurses On SiteMarch 4, 17 and April 1 & 21 | $39-$45 CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Call 952.227.1124 for an appointment. Caregiver Support Group Every 1st Thursday | 1:30pm | FREE CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER For caregivers of every kind, including dementia care, health care, aging or ill family support, and more. For more information, please call 952.934.3370 or go online to https://seniorcommunity.org/services/caregiver-support/ 55+ Alive Driver Safety Courses CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER 8-hour initial and 4-hour refresher sessions available. Please call 952.227.1124 for class schedule and enrollment. Free AARP Tax Help March 18 & 25 | 9am-12pm | FREE CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Appointment required. Call 952.227.1124. Medicare 101 for Newcomers March 31 | 3-4PM | FREE CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER Understand enrollment and options for parts A, B, C,& D. Coffee with the Cops | FREE Every 2nd Tuesday in Mar., Jul., Sept., & Nov. | 2:30pm Every 2nd Thursday in Apr., June, Aug., Oct., & Dec. | 10am CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER - NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED Registration forms available by request. 70 Park & Recreation Commission Item March 22, 2022 Item 2021-2022 Ice Rink Season Evaluation Item No:H.6 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY This year's ice skating rink season ran from December 30, 2021 to February 28, 2022. During the season, the warming houses were open 58 days and closed 4 days due to low temperatures and large amounts of snow. Roughly 5,844 participants were recorded during supervised hours. Warming houses were available at City Center Park, North Lotus Park, Chanhassen Recreation Center, Roundhouse Park, and Bandimere Park. The warming house at Roundhouse Park was staffed with reduced hours on weekends and selected holidays. A family rink was also flooded and maintained at Pioneer Pass Park for the duration of the season, but there was not a warming house available. Warming house trailers were rented from Mobile Mini for North Lotus Park, City Center Park, and Bandimere Park. 2021-2022 Recorded Participants December January February Rink Totals City Center 45 916 467 1,428 Rec Center 227 1,389 716 2,332 North Lotus 53 569 406 1,028 Roundhouse 2 36 12 50 Bandimere 50 580 376 1,006 Totals 377 3,490 1,977 5,844 A total of 15 rink attendants were hired on a part-time/seasonal basis to staff the warming houses. Rink 71 attendant wages totaled $16,676.13 with a total of 1,445.25 hours worked. Expenses: Amount: Temporary and Seasonal Wages: $ 16,676.13 Warming House Rentals: $ 5,760.00 Rink Maintenance: $ 22,921.36 TOTAL: $ 45,357.49 BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Rink Usage Past 5 Years.pdf 2021-2022 Rink Usage Totals.pdf Ice Skating Rink History.pdf 72 Ice Rink Use Totals & Expenses 2021/2022 OPEN: Dec. 30, 2021 CLOSED: Mar. 1, 2022 DAYS OPEN: 58 2020/2021 OPEN: Jan. 11, 2021 CLOSED: Mar. 1, 2021 DAYS OPEN: 45 2019/2020 OPEN: Dec. 17, 2019 CLOSED: February 22, 2020 DAYS OPEN: 62 2018/2019 OPEN: Dec. 14, 2018 CLOSED: March 9, 2019 DAYS OPEN: 67 Expenses Seasonal Wages $16,676.13 Warming Houses $5,760.00 Rink Maintenance $22,921.36 TOTAL $45,357.49 December January February March TOTAL City Center - No data No data No data No data Rec Center - No data No data No data No data N. Lotus - No data No data No data No data Roundhouse - No data No data No data No data Bandimere - No data No data No data No data Total Usage - No data No data No data No data Expenses Seasonal Wages $1,135.03 Warming Houses $0.00 Rink Maintenance $9,335.20 TOTAL $10,470.23 December January February March TOTAL City Center - No data No data No data No data Rec Center - No data No data No data No data N. Lotus - No data No data No data No data Roundhouse - No data No data No data No data Bandimere - No data No data No data No data Total Usage - No data No data No data No data Expenses Seasonal Wages $19,719.69 Warming Houses $6,060.88 Rink Maintenance $18,000.72 TOTAL $43,781.29 December January February March TOTAL City Center 338 596 173 0 1,107 Rec Center 950 2,143 689 0 3,782 N. Lotus 280 636 326 0 1,242 Roundhouse 97 102 35 0 234 Bandimere 376 638 201 0 1,215 Total Usage 2,041 4,115 1,424 0 7,580 Expenses Seasonal Wages $19,203.50 Warming Houses $8,557.78 Rink Maintenance $18,087.50 TOTAL $45,848.78 December January February March TOTAL City Center 143 403 257 38 841 Rec Center 439 849 430 117 1,835 N. Lotus 156 526 236 59 977 Roundhouse 36 22 12 3 73 Bandimere 255 446 230 25 956 Total Usage 1,029 1,800 1,165 242 4,682 73 2017/2018 OPEN: Dec. 22, 2017 CLOSED: March 1, 2018 DAYS OPEN: 61 Expenses Seasonal Wages $17,904.88 Warming Houses $6,019.45 Rink Maintenance $19,118.00 TOTAL $43,042.33 December January February March TOTAL City Center 365 487 216 1,068 Rec Center 438 1,411 714 2,563 N. Lotus 208 549 238 2 997 Roundhouse 52 52 41 145 Bandimere 312 644 199 1,155 Total Usage 1,375 2,499 1,408 2 5,928 74 Month December January February March Rink Totals City Center 45 916 467 - 1,428 Rec Center 227 1,389 716 - 2,332 North Lotus 53 569 406 - 1,028 Roundhouse 2 36 12 - 50 Bandimere 50 580 376 - 1,006 Totals 377 3,490 1,977 - 5,844 Year Total 5,844 Day City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals Monday 284 299 92 2 166 843 Tuesday 214 341 187 0 201 943 Wednesday 181 346 158 0 77 762 Thursday 200 396 188 0 169 953 Friday 49 163 51 2 80 345 Saturday 281 516 247 25 212 1281 Sunday 219 271 105 21 101 717 Totals 1,428 2,332 1,028 50 1,006 5,844 Year Total 5,844 2021-2022 Rink Usage by Day 2021-2022 Rink Usage by Month 75 Weekday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals 10:00 AM 0 25 0 2 27 11:00 AM 10 33 6 23 72 12:00 PM 15 64 11 0 16 106 1:00 PM 18 57 19 0 17 111 2:00 PM 13 72 20 4 22 131 3:00 PM 16 63 16 0 15 110 4:00 PM 149 167 74 0 73 463 5:00 PM 177 312 118 0 106 713 6:00 PM 259 309 210 198 976 7:00 PM 213 260 168 160 801 8:00 PM 58 183 34 61 336 Totals 928 1,545 676 4 693 3,846 Saturday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals 10:00 AM 7 14 18 5 44 11:00 AM 2 37 17 2 58 12:00 PM 7 26 20 2 15 70 1:00 PM 17 49 34 0 15 115 2:00 PM 54 84 18 3 21 180 3:00 PM 36 65 31 10 26 168 4:00 PM 77 57 46 8 35 223 5:00 PM 42 76 26 2 25 171 6:00 PM 28 43 14 29 114 7:00 PM 3 33 18 24 78 8:00 PM 8325 1560 Totals 281 516 247 25 212 1,281 Sunday City Center Rec Center North Lotus Roundhouse Bandimere Totals 1:00 PM 47 33 10 2 24 116 2:00 PM 52 62 9 9 33 165 3:00 PM 45 51 28 3 15 142 4:00 PM 38 51 30 2 17 138 5:00 PM 20 34 26 5 2 87 6:00 PM 17 40 2 0 10 69 Totals 219 271 105 21 101 717 Year Total 5,844 2021-2022 Rink Usage by Time 76 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day1982‐83 Dec. 17, 1982 Feb. 16, 1983 n/a 621983‐84 Dec. 22, 1983 Feb. 21, 1984 n/a 621984‐85 Dec. 25, 1984 Feb. 19, 1985 n/a 571985‐86 Dec. 20, 1985 Feb. 18, 1986 n/a 611986‐87 Dec. 18, 1986 Feb. 7, 1987 n/a 521987‐88 Dec. 19, 1987 Feb. 15, 1988 n/a 591988‐89 Dec. 9, 1988 March 8, 1989 n/a 901989‐90 Dec. 16, 1989 Feb. 8, 1990 n/a 551990‐91 Dec. 21, 1990 Feb. 2, 1991 n/a 441991‐92 Dec. 21, 1991 Jan. 29, 1992 n/a 401992‐93 Dec. 19, 1992 Feb. 12, 1993 n/a 561993‐94 Dec. 27, 1993 Feb. 18, 1994 n/a 54Ice Skating Rink History77 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day1994‐95 Dec. 16, 1994 Feb. 17, 1995 n/a 641995‐95 Dec. 16, 1995 Feb. 19, 1996 n/a 661996‐97 Dec. 23, 1996 Feb. 19, 1997 n/a 591997‐98 Jan. 12, 1998 Feb. 9, 1998 n/a 291998‐99 Dec. 26, 1998 Feb. 10, 1999 n/a 47 n/a n/a $18,212.27$18,212.27$387.501999‐00 Dec. 23, 1999 Feb. 20, 2000 n/a 60 n/a n/a $27,914.63$27,914.63$465.242000‐01 Dec. 15, 2000 March 6, 2001 n/a 82 $15,143.05 n/a $34,743.16$49,886.21$608.372001‐02 Dec. 29, 2001 Feb. 13, 2002 n/a 47 $5,519.25n/a$16,814.30$22,333.55$475.182002‐03 Jan. 12, 2003 March 12, 2003 n/a 60 $11,534.90 n/a $23,409.47$34,944.37$582.412003‐04 Jan. 1, 2004 Feb. 19, 2004 n/a 50 n/a n/a $18,382.01$18,382.01$367.642004‐05 Dec. 24, 2004 Feb. 14, 2005 n/a 53 $6,333.13 n/a $22,818.55$29,151.68$550.032005‐06 Dec. 16, 2005 Feb. 27, 2006 18 54 $10,572.64 $2,797.77 $32,501.45$45,871.86$849.482006‐07 Jan. 15, 2007 Feb. 22, 2007 5 34 $6,325.33 $2,390.52 $26,109.76$34,825.61$1,024.2878 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day2007‐08 Dec. 14, 2007 March 11, 2008 7 83 $15,422.69 $3,283.41 $40,461.09$59,167.19$712.862008‐09 Dec. 18, 2008 March 2, 2009 12 62 $12,818.75 $1,685.22 $39,710.38$54,214.35$874.432009‐10 Dec. 18, 2009 Feb. 28, 2010 5 67 $11,842.63 $2,840.57 $38,359.02$53,042.22$791.672010‐11 Dec. 17, 2010 Feb. 21, 2011 17 50 $8,963.94 $2,991.07 $32,256.99$44,212.00$884.242011‐12 Dec. 24, 2011 Feb. 15, 2012 27 28 $5,015.88 $3,028.76 $12,092.00$20,136.64$719.172012‐13 Dec. 24, 2012 Feb. 28, 2013 8 59 $9,843.69 $2,897.75 $32,113.76$44,855.20$760.262013‐14 Dec. 13, 2013 Feb. 20, 2014 8 60 $11,394.56 $3,461.78 $30,420.03$45,276.37$754.612014‐15 Jan. 1, 2015 March 3, 2015 5 62 $9,900.00 $3,526.00 $29,212.86$42,638.86$687.722015‐16 Jan. 6, 2016 Feb. 19, 2016 4 40 $8,053.75 $3,452.00 $19,076.56$30,592.31$764.812016‐17 Dec. 20, 2015 Feb. 13 2017 8 47 $11,624.51 $5,358.00 $13,449.58$30,432.08$647.492017‐18 Dec. 22, 2017 Mar. 1, 2018 9 61 $17,904.88 $6,019.45 $19,118.00$43,043.33$705.612018‐19 Dec. 14, 2018 Mar. 9, 2019 19 67 $19,203.50 $8,557.78 $18,087.50$45,848.78$684.212019‐20 Dec. 17, 2019 Feb. 22, 2020 6 62 $19,719.69 $6,060.88 $18,000.72$43,781.29$706.152020‐21 Jan. 11, 2021 Mar. 1, 2021 5 45 $1,135.03 $0.00 $9,335.20$10,470.23$232.6779 Year Open CloseDays ClosedDays OpenSeasonal WagesWarming House RentalsMaintenance CostTotal Cost Cost/Day2021‐22 Dec. 30, 2021 Feb. 28, 2022 4 58 $16,676.13 $5,760.00 $22,921.36$45,357.49$782.0380