04-12-2022 Agenda and PacketA.WORK SESSION B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER C.GENERAL BUSINESS C.1 Economic Development Commission Appointments/Oaths of Office C.2 Election of Chair & Vice Chair C.3 Adopt Economic Development Commission Bylaws (amended) D.APPROVAL OF MINUTES D.1 Approve Economic Development Commission Minutes of March 8, 2022. E.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS F.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION G.ADJOURNMENT AGENDA CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 Economic Development Commission Item April 12, 2022 Subject Economic Development Commission Appointments/Oaths of Office Section GENERAL BUSINESS Item No: C.1 Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: SUMMARY City Council has appointed the following Commissioners to the Economic Development Commission for a three-year term ending March 31, 2025: Duke Zurek Chris Freeman Stacy Goff All of the Economic Development Commission members will be required to take an Oath of Office at this meeting. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The Economic Development Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on issues related to economic development. The Economic Development Commission will review ways in which the City can expand existing businesses, attract desirable new business, and revitalize existing businesses and the community as a whole. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Economic Development Commission Oaths of Office 2021 Year in Review and 2022 Work Plan 2 3 4 5 6 7 MEMORANDUM TO:Economic Development Commission FROM:Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE:March 9, 2022 SUBJ:2021 Year in Review and 2022 Recommended Work Plan BACKGROUND As required by the City Code section 2-46.13 (e) Reports: The Commission will produce an annual report for the City Council detailing the community development activities of the past year. The report also provides a summary of residential and commercial construction activities and outlines the progress that has been made toward achieving the goals of all strategic plans. The Economic Development Commission (EDC) is an advisory body to the City Council and the Economic Development Authority charged with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on issues related to economic development. The EDC will review ways in which the City can expand existing businesses, attract desirable new business, and revitalize existing businesses and the community as a whole. Below is a summary of items the EDC reviewed in 2020 as well as possible work projects for 2021 2021 REVIEW In 2021, the City issued building permits for 208 dwelling units, which was approximately 104 percent of our projected housing growth for 2021. We are projecting a two percent (2%) increase (approximately 200 units) in total housing stock for 2022. As can be seen in the average residential building permit data (72 single-family and 50 attached units), there is currently sufficient approved single-family residential lots available for development with a lot inventory of 92 platted single-family lots, but a deficiency of attached single-family lots with 14 lots available. With the approval of the Lake Place at Powers Ridge project, 110 apartment units were approved for development of which 50 units will be affordable. The Economic Development Commission had the following work program for 2021: 8 2021 Year in Review & 2022 Recommended Work Plan March 9, 2022 Page 2 Develop a strategic plan for economic development for the city. This item was started, with the EDC reviewing City strengths and weaknesses (3/9/21 and 4/11/21), but with the City Council adoption of a Strategic Plan (6/8/21 presentation) for the City, it was not finished as a separate item. Cooperate and coordinate with Buy Chanhassen and the Southwest Area Chamber of Commerce on promoting business retention, expansion and recruitment to Chanhassen. Vernelle Clayton discussed the Lodging Tax and Visitors bureau with the EDC (1/12/21). Create a feedback survey for developers and business owners to be used to understand and improve City interaction with the development and business community. Still a desired outcome (6/8/21). We had Ari Lyksette, Communication Manager, discuss communications initiatives and opportunities through the City (10/12/21). Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager, also presented communication options the City was reviewing (1/12/21). Investigate a signage idea/plan for the promotion of businesses in the downtown. This morphed into preliminary discussions regarding revisions to the City’s sign ordinance (10/12/21), which will come back in 2022. Work with the school district and Chanhassen businesses to market job opportunities and support the creation of local jobs. Not pursued. Financial Incentives. The EDC discussed elements of providing Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) credits. City Code Staff shall submit City Code amendments to the EDC for comments relative to economic development, Food Trucks (5/11/21). A preliminary discussion of sign code amendments was presented to the EDC (10/12/21). Specific ordinance changes will be presented to the EDC for review and comment. Educational Opportunities The Commission investigated various economic development programs for local businesses as well as City initiatives: Lee Hall, Next Stage, MN (12/15/21), ULI Takeaway (10/12/21 and 9/14/21), Downtown Vision Plan (9/14/21), Downtown Capital Improvements (9/14/21), MetroNet Fiber Optics (2/9/21), CARES Fundings (3/9/21), CDA Update (6/8/21). 2022 WORK PROGRAM The EDC recommended that the work program be divided into two sections: Work Projects and Normal Business Items (Tasks). The work projects will be a reasonable number of larger projects 9 2021 Year in Review & 2022 Recommended Work Plan March 9, 2022 Page 3 that will further economic development opportunities within the community. The work projects will have multiple components and inputs. Tasks will be continuing items that the EDC will undertake on an ad hoc basis. Work Projects 1. Communication: a. Develop communication mechanisms for feedback and surveys for developers, business owners, and residents to understand and improve City interaction with the development and business community. b. Investigate what stakeholders believe are necessary to attract, expand and retain businesses. c. Work with the Economic Development Manager, when hired, to create partnerships and communication avenues. d. Cooperate and coordinate with Buy Chanhassen and the Southwest Area Chamber of Commerce on promoting business retention, expansion and recruitment to Chanhassen. 2. Develop Vision: a. Work with City Council and Planning Commission on a vision for economic development in the community. b. Review role of economic development in the City’s Strategic Plan. c. Promote economic development incentives: financial, zoning, density, etc. d. Work to establish the EDC as a credible and viable commission for the furtherance of economic development in Chanhassen. Tasks a. Work with City staff to review City Code amendments relative to economic development and make recommendations. b. Continue education efforts including housing demand and trends, demographic statistics, mixed use development, sustainable development, development trends, redevelopment issues, transportation projects, senior-friendly cities, etc. c. Participate in joint meetings/discussions with the City Council and other Commissions. d. Review Carver County Community Development Agency (CDA) and other assistance and resources available to Chanhassen businesses. ACTION Staff recommends approval of the annual report and 2022 work program. The EDC may suggest additional items that they may review/research in 2022. Any other suggestions that the Commission would like to see staff address will be added to the list. Subject to Economic Development Commission concurrence, staff will forward this report to the City Council. g:\plan\economic development\edc\2022\memo 2021 year and 2022 work plan.docx 10 Economic Development Commission Item April 12, 2022 Subject Election of Chair & Vice Chair Section GENERAL BUSINESS Item No: C.2 Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: SUMMARY At the first meeting in April of each year, the Economic Development Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect from its membership a Chair and Vice Chair. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he or she wishes to be chosen for Chair. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member receives the majority support. Vice Chair shall be elected from the remaining numbers of the same proceeding. BACKGROUND Members: Eric Anderson, Chris Freeman, Stacy Goff, David Kressler, and Duke Zurek DISCUSSION The Chair, or in his or her absence, the Vice Chair, shall preside at meetings and perform other such duties as ordered by the Economic Development Commission. RECOMMENDATION The Economic Development Commission shall elect a chair and vice chair of the commission. ATTACHMENTS 11 Economic Development Commission Item April 12, 2022 Subject Adopt Economic Development Commission Bylaws (amended) Section GENERAL BUSINESS Item No: C.3 Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: SUMMARY At the first meeting in April of each year, these bylaws shall be read and adopted by the Economic Development Commission. BACKGROUND On March 21, 2022, the Chanhassen City Council approved the amended ordinance and bylaws creating three-year terms for all commissioners. The bylaws and ordinance had originally established three 2- year terms and two 3-year terms to create a staggered appointment schedule. With this round of appointments, the commission terms will be staggered. DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Economic Development Commission adopt the Bylaws for 2022. ATTACHMENTS EDC BYLAWS 2022 12 1 BYLAWS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CITY OF CHANHASSEN The following bylaws are adopted by the Economic Development Commission to facilitate the performance of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a commission established by the City Council on June 10, 2019. SECTION 1 - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: 1.1 The Economic Development Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on issues related to economic development. The Economic Development Commission will review ways in which the city can expand existing businesses, attract desirable new business, and revitalize existing businesses and the community as a whole. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council. 1.2 The Economic Development Commission shall prepare an annual report for the City Council detailing the community development activities of the past year. The report will also provide a summary of residential and commercial construction activities and outline the progress that has been made toward achieving the goals of all strategic plans. 1.3 The Economic Development Commission shall review the Comprehensive Plan and have an understanding of the impacts the Comprehensive Plan has on economic development and commercial/industrial land uses. In addition the Economic Development Commission will review zoning ordinance changes that could impact businesses (commercial, industrial, and mixed-use districts) and all other studies that have an impact on local businesses. 1.4 The Economic Development Commission shall review fee policies as they relate to businesses. 1.5 The Economic Development Commission shall review and consider new or revised approaches to the city’s Economic Development policy. 13 2 1.6 The Economic Development Commission will review TIF and Tax Abatement applications approved by city council. 1.7 The Economic Development Commission shall review grant applications approved by city council and provide support where needed. 1.8 The City Council at its discretion will set agenda items and goals as deemed necessary by the City Council. SECTION 2 - MEETINGS: 2.1 - Time Regular meetings of the Economic Development Commission shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard, unless otherwise directed by the Chairperson, in which case at least 24 hours’ notice will be given to all members. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular Economic Development Commission meeting. When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no Economic Development Commission meeting. 2.2 - Special Meetings Special meetings shall be held upon a call by the Chairperson or any other member with the concurrence of two other members of the Economic Development Commission, and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members. Notice of all special meetings shall also be posted on the official city bulletin board. 2.3 - Attendance Economic Development Commission members shall attend not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of all regular and special meetings held during a given (calendar) year, and shall not be absent from three (3) consecutive meetings. Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement will result in removal from the Economic Development Commission. SECTION 3 - COMMISSION COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCIES: 3.1 - Composition 14 3 The Economic Development Commission shall consist of five (5) voting members. Five (5) members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the City Council. All members of the Economic Development Commission will have resided or owned a business a minimum of two years in the City of Chanhassen. 3.2 - Terms and Vacancies The City Council shall appoint five (5) members for staggered 3-year terms expiring on March 31 of each year. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired portion of the term. All members shall serve without compensation. 3.3 - Quorum Three Economic Development Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be taken at such meeting. 3.4 - City Council Liaison The Mayor or his/her City Council designee shall act as Liaison and attend all Economic Development Commission meetings when possible. The City Council Liaison will not have voting rights. SECTION 4 - ORGANIZATION: 4.1 –Election of Officers At the first meeting in April of each year, the Economic Development Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect from its membership a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he wishes to be chosen for Chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member receives the majority support. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining numbers of the same proceeding. 4.2 - Duties of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson The Chairperson or in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings and perform other such duties as ordered by the Economic Development Commission. The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving rapidly and as efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and others to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions. SECTION 5 - PROCEDURE: 15 4 5.1 - Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary Procedure governed by Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall be followed at all regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the Economic Development Commission may hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary procedures except when motions are before the Economic Development Commission. SECTION 6 - MISCELLANEOUS: 6.1 - Economic Development Commission Discussion a.Matters for discussion, which do not appear on the agenda, may be considered and discussed by the Economic Development Commission under the On-going Items section. b.Matters which appear on the agenda as open discussion items will not be recorded as minutes. 6.2 - Suspension of Rules The Economic Development Commission may suspend any of these rules by a unanimous vote of the members present. 6.3 - Amendments Amendment of these bylaws may be made only by the City Council. 6.4 - Review At the first meeting in April of each year, these bylaws shall be read and adopted by the Economic Development Commission. Chairperson:__________________________________Date: _______________________ g:\plan\economic development\edc\2022\edc bylaws 2022 clean.docx 16 Economic Development Commission Item April 12, 2022 Subject Approve Economic Development Commission Minutes of March 8, 2022. Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item No: D.1 Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Economic Development Commission approve the March 8, 2022, commission minutes. ATTACHMENTS March 8, 2022 Economic Development Commission Minutes 17 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 8, 2022 Vice Chair Ebeling called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Sanford, Ryan Soller, James Ebeling, and David Kressler MEMBERS ABSENT: Eric Anderson STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner PUBLIC PRESENT: Chris Freeman APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 8, 2022 Member Kressler moved, Member Sanford seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated February 8, 2022 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: ADOPT 2022 WORK PLAN Senior Planner Bob Generous presented the 2022 work plan, noting the Commissioners had wanted to divide the list between long-term items and ongoing items. Member Sanford suggested a tone adjustment in some areas to be more persuasive rather than directive. He asked Member Kressler if they directed the work program to be divided into two sections. Member Kressler replied they discussed and possibly recommended it. He would support that change. Member Sanford moved, Member Kressler seconded to adopt the 2022 Work Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION: None. 18 Economic Development Commission – March 8, 2022 2 CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: 1. BIO-INNOVATION, GREATER MSP GRANT APPLICATION Mr. Generous attended a bio-innovation presentation from MSP and noted they are looking for partnerships with cities, businesses, and educational programs in the community that would provide financial support or be allies in the development of bio-innovation activity. He is presenting this item informationally. Mr. Generous stated there are four specific programs in which MSP is looking for support and that MSP is a finalist for funding, however it is nationwide so they are competing with other communities. The grant request would be for $75,000,000 and with an additional $20,000,000 in local funding which could be from a business or in-kind bio-innovation work. ADJOURNMENT: The Commissioners noted the two most helpful things for them would be to hire someone for the Economic position very soon and to have a joint meeting with City Council. The Commission recognized that it was Members Sanford and Ebeling final meeting and thanked them for their contributions. Member Sanford moved, Member Kressler seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Submitted by Bob Generous Senior Planner Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 19