04-11-2022 Agenda and PacketA.5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Note: Unless otherwise noted, work sessions are held in the Fountain Conference Room in the lower level of City Hall and are open to the public. If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A.1 Facility Study Discussion (continued) A.2 Future Work Session Schedule B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS C.1 Invitation to 2022 Easter Egg Candy Hunt D.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. D.1 Approve City Council Minutes dated March 14, 2022 D.2 Approve City Council Minutes dated March 21, 2022 D.3 Receive Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 25, 2022 D.4 Receive Senior Commission minutes dated February 18, 2022 D.5 Approve Claims Paid dated April 11, 2022 D.6 Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, St. Hubert Catholic Community, Spring Gala AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 on April 29, 2022 D.7 Resolution 2022-XX: Accept Quote and Award Contract for the 2022 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Project D.8 Resolution 2022-XX: Award Contract for 2022 Pothole Patching E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda). E.1 State of the Library - Heidi Hoks and Patrick Jones E.2 Joseph Zasadzinski Citizen Action Request F.PUBLIC HEARINGS G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Approve Amendment to Dakota Retail Site Plan Agreement 2014-11 H.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS I.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS I.1 Receive 2021 Park & Recreation Department Annual Report J.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION J.1 2022 Building Permit Activity March Year to Date K.ADJOURNMENT GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. 2 Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Facility Study Discussion (continued) File No.21-12 Item No: A.1 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION Discussion Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY A follow-up discussion based on the 3/21/22 workshop. BACKGROUND The consultant's PowerPoint presentation from the last workshop is attached. DISCUSSION Staff will provide some additional information and the consultant will be on hand to answer any questions. Here are a few questions to consider in preparation for the discussion: 1. Knowing the approximate costs that were shown during the last workshop (see attached presentation), what’s your interest in building a brand new Community Center on a new site 4 (knowing we don’t own the land or have any leads)? 2. If there is an appetite for a brand new Community Center, what amenities are a must and what are non-starters? 3. In the scenario of expanding the existing Rec Center, what amenities are a must and what are non-starters? 4. Any interest with the concept of remodeling and expanding existing City Hall? 5. What are your thoughts on the optimal location for the Senior Center (does it need to be downtown, does it need to be located in City Hall, etc.)? 6. If a new City Hall were to be constructed north of the existing and the existing building is demolished, what would be your vision for the use of the remnant space? Bring your exciting, imaginative and innovative ideas. 7. If the preference is to build a new City Hall, how much investment should we plan on continuing operations of the existing building improvements (in other words, how long should we plan to stay in the existing building)? 1. 0-3 years 2. 4-8 years 3. 9-15+ years BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 3/21/22 Facilities Study Presentation 5 City of Chanhassen Facilities Planning Study Council Work Session Presentation 21 March 2022 6 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 2 AGENDA -Executive Summary -Review of Master Plan Process -Summary of Information for each facility »City Hall »Rec Center »Fire Station #1 »Fire Station #2 »Old Village Hall -Cost Data / Next Steps -Questions / Discussion 7 SCHEDULE 8 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 4 Team Process & Timeline INVENTORY AND ASSESS NEEDS TASKS 1.0 KICK-OFF MEETING 1.1 RECEIVE CITY PROVIDED DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS FOR REVIEW 1.2 LEARNING SITE TOURS 1.3 USER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY PROCESS 1.4 DETAILED REVIEW OF ASSESSMENT DATA 1.5 MEET WITH CITY STAFF USER GROUPS 1.6 REVIEW SURVEY DATA 1.7 CREATE PROJECT SPACE NEEDS PROGRAM DOCUMENTS 1.8 PREPARE FOR CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP 1.9 REVIEW PROGRESS AT CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AUGUST - DECEMBER 2021 JANUARY - MARCH 2022 PHASE ONE - INVENTORY AND ASSESS NEEDS PHASE TWO - SYNTHESIS AND CONCEPT MARCHFEBRUARY 2022JANUARY 2022AUGUST - SEPTEMBER OCTOBER - NOVEMBER DECEMBER PROCESS MILESTONES JAN 3 JAN 10 JAN 17 JAN 24 FEB 1 FEB 7 FEB 14 FEB 21 MAR 1 1.0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.71.6 1.8 1.91.9 SYNTHESIS AND CONCEPT TASKS 2.0 PRESENTATION OF PHASE ONE FINDINGS TO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (#2) 2.1 REVIEW AND CONFIRM GOALS 2.2 CONCEPT SITE PLAN STUDIES 2.3 CONCEPT INTERIOR LAYOUT / BUILDING STUDIES BASED ON PROGRAM AND USER FEEDBACK 2.4 USER EXPERIENCE STUDIES 2.5 ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE (ROM) CONCEPTUAL COST ESTIMATING 2.6 TEST CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO CONFIRM ALIGNMENT WITH GOALS 2.7 CONFIRM ROM PRICING 2.8 MEET WITH PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (#3) 2.9 SUMMARY OF RESULTS : MARCH 21, 2022 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 6 Executive Summary • City hall has considerable adequacy issues that may complicate reinvestment for its intended use based on the original design • The Recreation Center is unable to meet the growing demand and shifts of current recreational needs for the city population • Fire station #1 has limitations for space, but overall facility in fair condition • FireStation#2maynolongerservethecityinabeneficialmanner for its intended purposes • Old Village Hall: Limited investment, serves current needs 11 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 7 Master Plan Process: • Evaluate current and potential alternate locations for Facilities • Explore options to accommodate future needs and changing demographics »Evaluate pros / cons of re-using existing facility structures, remodeling or adding new building additions »Evaluate pros / cons of building new replacement facilities • IdentifyCitygoalsforsustainabilityandoperationalefficiency »Evaluate pros / cons to identify strategies that can align with City mission, goals, and long term plans • Generate cost estimates for alternatives that can be compared with FacilityAssessmentcostdatatoinformCitylongtermfinancial planning and investments 12 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 8 Executive Summary CITY HALL FIRE STATION #1 FIRE STATION #2RECREATION CENTER OLD VILAGE HALL • ExploreMasterPlanOptionsforfive(5)CityFacilities • Stay in Place: Remodel / Building Addition • New Facility on City Owned Property • New Facility at alternate location(new CityCampus) • Stay in Place: Remodel / Building Addition • New Facility at alternate location(new CityCampus) • Stay in Place: Remodel / Building Addition • New Facility on City Owned Property • New Facility at alternate location(new CityCampus) • Prepare for alternate use: Remodel/fix accessibility issues and deferred maintenance projects • Maintain current use: Deferred maintenance project(s) 13 MASTER PLAN PROCESS 14 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 10 Master Plan Process CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY02.23.2022 14 Main Level: +/- 10,500 gsf Lower Level: +/- 4,600 gsf TRAINING ROOM LOCKERS STORAGE APPARATUS AIR PACK TOOLS LNDRY DISPATCHL.CL. CREW CREW ELEV.ELEV. EQUIP.OFFICEOFFICEOFFICE OFFICE CONFERENCE ENTRY STORAGE CREWKITCHENLOUNGE OFFICE HOSE TOWER STORAGE APPARATUS FITNESS STORAGE OFFICE Potential Project Scope: Office Remodel 1. Office (x3) = 130 SF 2. Chief Office = 200 SF 3. Elevator = 150 SF 4. Conference = 250 SF Training / Storage Addition 5. New Space = +/- 800-900 SF Revised Entrance 6. Public Entry »Reorganize towards City Hall 7. Reception Area CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.11.2022 13 CONF. ROOM CONF.ROOM RESTROOM STORAGE LOCKERS LOCKERS / STORAGE MULTI-PURPOSE GYMNASIUM+ BLEACHERS GYMNASIUM + BLEACHERS DANCE ROOM FITNESS ROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM REC.VENDOFF. OFF.OFF. Potential Project Scope: Office Remodel1. Office = 100 SF2. Office = 150 SF3. Small Conference = 200 SF Building Addition 4. Gymnasium = +/- 7,500 SF 5. Conference = 500 SF 6. Expanded Lockers and Restrooms = 1,400 SF 7. Multi-Purpose Room = 1,000 SF CITY HALL FIRE STATION #1 FIRE STATION #2RECREATION CENTER OLD VILAGE HALL CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY02.23.2022 23 Potential Project Scope: Light Remodel 1. Laundry / Tool = 130 SF »Finish updates »New equipment 2. Apparatus Bay = 1,800 SF »Finish updates »New epoxy flooring 3. Hallway = 75 SF »Finish updates Medium Remodel 4. Mechanical = 100 SF »Deferred Maintenance Updates Heavy Remodel 5. Storage = 90 SF »Finish updates »New walls and doors »Demo hose tower and repair roofing 6. Lounge = 500 SF & Office = 130 SF »Finish updates »New casework »New furniture 7. Restrooms = 150 SF »Finish updates »New fixtures »New furniture KITCHENETTE FURNACE LOUNGEA107 MENA105 APPARATUSBAYA100 LAUNDRY /TOOLA101STORAGEA102 OFFICEA103 WOMENA104 MECHANICALA108 J.C.A106 HALLWAYA109 6'-9"7'-0"5'-0" CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.11.2022 17 Lower Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES Upper Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES BUILDING STORAGE SENIOR CRAFTS SENIORS SENIORS 2 STORY PUBLIC LOBBY OPEN TO BELOW VESTIBULE VESTIBULE BELOWNEW PUBLIC RESTROOMS NEW ELEVATOR LOWER LEVEL NEW MAIN ENTRY UPPER LEVEL NEW MAIN ENTRY SHARED CONF. SHARED CONF. OPEN WORK (4) SHARED CONF. OFF. OFF. OFF. COPY OFF. OFF.OPEN WORK OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF.STOR.STOR.OFF.OFF.OFF.OFF.OFF.OFF.OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. OFF. STOR. OFF.OFF.OFF. E. STOR. OPEN WORK OFF.OFF. OFF. PLOTTER / PLAN ROOM COPY STOR.STOR.COPY OFF. CONF. CONF.RECEPTION / OPEN WORKRECEPTION / OPEN WORKCOUNTER / OPEN WORKMAIN ADMIN LOBBY OPEN WORK AREA OPEN WORK AREA KITCHEN SERVER ROOM IT DEPARTMENT FACILITIES OFFICE COUNCIL CHAMBERSCOUNCIL LOBBY Proposed Space Utilization / Layout: STOR. (FUT. OFF.) STOR. (FUT. OFF.) STOR. (FUT. OFF.) STOR. (FUT. OFF.) STOR. (FUT. OFF.) • Work completed January - March 2022 »Create space needs program documents to evaluate current use, facility efficiency, and plan for future expansion needs »Explore site plan options for each facility (stay in place vs. move to new location) »Explore building plan options to evaluate the pros and cons of remodeling vs. building new »Generate a series of Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost estimates to help budget and plan future projects based on City priorities` • Identifiedpotentialprojectoptionsforevaluation/prioritization • Transferredknowledge,Estimated10-yearprojectplansforallfive properties HISTORICALSOCIETYA100 JAILA101 TOILETA103 CANDY COUNTER FURNACE 15 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 11 Master Plan Process What do we investigate? WAYFINDING CODE & ACCESSIBILITY PARKING CONSTITUENT EXPERIENCE ENVIRONMENT STAFF EXPERIENCE GREEN SPACE PROJECT PLANNING & BUDGET 16 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 12 Master Plan Process Deliverables • Notes from user engagement meetings and discussions • Detailed site and building space program documents for each facility • Digital plan drawings to show conceptual approaches to each facility • Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)costrangestoinform budgeting for future projects • Knowledge Transfer 129 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 26890 NSF 130 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.19 131 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 31935 GSF 132 AREA BY DEPARTMENT # OF STAFF NET AREA (SF) % TOTAL 133 SUPPORT 5971 22.21% 134 CIRCULATION 6902 25.67% 135 CITY ADMINISTRATION 12 2879 10.71% 136 SUPPORT / IT 3 555 2.06% 137 PARKS & REC 6 658 2.45% 138 PLANNING 5 765 2.84% 139 FINANCE 4 711 2.64% 140 ENGINEERING 13 1593 5.92% 141 SHERIFF 8 903 3.36% 142 BUILDING 9 2015 7.49% 143 FIRE DEPARTMENT 5 548 2.04% 144 SENIOR COMMISSION 3 3390 12.61% 145 TOTAL FTE 68 26890 100.00% 146 POTENTIAL NEW PROGRAM AREAS QTY TOTAL NSF 147 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES CITY ADMINISTRATION 2 130 260 148 IT OFFICES SUPPORT / IT 2 130 260149 FINANCE OFFICES FINANCE 2 130 260 150 BUILDING OFFICES BUILDING 1 130 130 151 PLANNING OFFICES PLANNING 1 130 65 152 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & REC 2 130 260 153 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 2 130 260 154 FIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 130 260 155 SENIOR SENIOR COMMISSION 1 130 130 156 SHERIFF SHERIFF 4 130 520 157 CONFERENCE ROOM SUPPORT 800 158 EXPANDED COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY ADMINISTRATION 800 159 RESTROOMS SUPPORT 1000 160 STORAGE SUPPORT 1200 161 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 6205 NSF 162 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.30 163 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 8067 GSF 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Planning Study 4 of 4 130 AREA BY DEPARTMENT # OF STAFF NET AREA (SF) % TOTAL 131 SUPPORT 5971 22.64% 132 CIRCULATION 6902 26.17% 133 CITY ADMINISTRATION 12 2879 10.92% 134 SUPPORT / IT 3 555 2.10% 135 PARKS & REC 6 658 2.49% 136 PLANNING 5 765 2.90% 137 FINANCE 4 711 2.70% 138 ENGINEERING 13 1593 6.04% 139 SHERIFF 8 903 3.42% 140 BUILDING 9 2015 7.64% 141 FIRE DEPARTMENT 5 548 2.08% 142 SENIOR COMMISSION 3 2875 10.90% 143 TOTAL FTE 68 26375 100.00% 144 POTENTIAL NEW PROGRAM AREAS QTY TOTAL NSF 145 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES CITY ADMINISTRATION 2 130 260 146 IT OFFICES SUPPORT / IT 2 130 260 147 FINANCE OFFICES FINANCE 2 130 260 148 BUILDING OFFICES BUILDING 1 130 130 149 PLANNING OFFICES PLANNING 1 130 65 150 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & REC 2 130 260 151 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 2 130 260 152 FIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 130 260 153 SENIOR SENIOR COMMISSION 1 130 130 154 SHERIFF SHERIFF 4 130 520 155 CONFERENCE ROOM SUPPORT 800 156 EXPANDED COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY ADMINISTRATION 800 157 RESTROOMS SUPPORT 1000 158 STORAGE SUPPORT 1200 159 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 6205 NSF 160 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.30 161 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 8067 GSF 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Planning Study 4 of 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITY MASTER PLAN SUMMARY REPORT REVISED March 16, 2022 10:01 AM SNOW KREILICH ARCHITECTS, INC. 219 NORTH SECOND STREET, SUITE 120 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 612 359 9430SNOWKREILICH.COM CITY HALLCITY HALL FIRE STATION #1 FIRE STATION #2 RECREATION CENTERRECREATION CENTER OLD VILAGE HALL UP ADAPTIVEGYMNASIUM STORAGE CORRIDOR STORAGE ISDGYMNASIUM CONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE COMMUNITYGYMNASIUM LOCKERS STORAGE MULTI-PURPOSEROOM CONFERENCE RESTROOMS CORRIDOR COMMUNITYGYMNASIUM LOBBY RECEPTIONOFFICE HALL STAIR JANITOR STORAGE SHOWERS LOCKERROOM LCKR ENTRY TOILET TOILET LCKR ENTRY LOCKERROOM SHOWERS CORRIDOR DANCE ROOM FITNESSROOM MEETINGROOM MEETINGROOM MEETINGROOM MEETINGROOM VENDING VESTIBULE 8'16'4'2'0' Potential Project Scope EXISTING REMODEL NEW CONSTRUCTION 17 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 13 Master Plan Cost Estimate Process • Understand a rough estimate cost range to budget for each facility »Hard Costs - “Often referred to as “brick-and-mortar costs,” and refer to any costs associated with the physical construction of the building or project,Under any equipment used, and any labor associated with the construction of the project.” »Soft Costs - “An expense item that is not considered direct construction cost. Soft costs can include architectural,engineering,financing,andlegalfees,andotherpre-andpost-constructionexpenses. »Owner Costs -“Includeslandacquisitioncosts,financialcost(fundingcost),owner’sthirdpartycostsincludingengineering studies, permits, licensing fees, training, insurance, etc.” »Project Cost - “The complete investment cost which includes hard costs, soft costs, owner costs and escalation” »Escalation - “The term most often used in a construction cost estimate to represent anticipated future change in costs over time.” 18 CITY HALL FIRE STATION #1 FIRE STATION #2RECREATION CENTER OLD VILAGE HALL FACILITY REVIEW 19 CITY HALL 20 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 16 01 FCI = (0.36)CRITICAL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE $4M (5 years)$700k (10 years)0.3620General Information: -Built in 1980 -Major remodel / building projects: »1988 »1996 »2004 Current Use: -City services and administration -Council chambers -Sheriff’s Department -Senior Center Building Area: -+/-32,000 GSF Deferred Maintenance: -HVAC »Replace furnaces »Fix ventilation issue (Vey humid during the day) »Replace Aircon fancoil unit in server room -Exterior Enclosure »Exterior windows need to be replaced »Kalwall skylights need to be replaced -Roof »Roof is scheduled to be replaced in 2023 -Interior Construction »New flooring, casework and wall touch up in multiple spaces »Remove high density file storage racks »Update restrooms -Site Work »Replace stone pavers around the facility. »Mill and overlay of the parking lots »Review joints and sealant in parking ramp (leaking) -Plumbing »Replace some water heaters »Domestic water main entering the building City Hall 21 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 17 Experience: -Site wayfinding -Entrances / security -Complicated interior circulation -User comfort (heating and cooling) -User privacy and acoustics -Council chambers layout and public accessibility Projected Growth (5-15 years): -Department needs • Admin • IT • Finance • Building • Planning • Parks • Engineering • Fire • Senior • Sheriff Total = +1-2 FTE +2 FTE +1-2 FTE +1 FTE +.5 FTE +1-2 FTE + 2 FTE +2 FTE +1 FTE +2-4 FTE +13.5 - 18.5 Observations: -General maintenance -ADA compliance -Moisture intrusion / water leaks -Equipment upgrades -Functional updates -Cosmetic updates City Hall Summary and Projected Growth: 22 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 18 City Hall - Site Program Analysis CHANHASSEN CITY HALL CAMPUS LINE SITE PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT AREA (SF) AREA (ACRES) Capacity Notes CITY HALL CAMPUS - GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT A 16,800 0.39 2 GREEN SPACE B 110,500 2.54 Includes some drive lane area (approximated) 3 PARK / OUTDOOR PLAZA C 51,200 1.18 4 SKATE PARK D 26,000 0.60 5 OUTDOOR RINK E 20,000 0.46 6 EAST PARKING LOT (Lower Level)F 20,500 0.47 52 CARS 7 EAST PARKING LOT (Upper Level)G 8,500 0.20 24 CARS 8 WEST PARKING LOT (Upper Level)H 37,300 0.86 93 CARS 9 WEST PARKING LOT (Lower Level)H 37,300 0.86 26 CARS Library covered parking 10 TOTAL SITE AREA 328,100 7.53 195 PARCEL SIZE BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 11 SITE AREA RATIO 66.32%33.68%Green space / 67.00% impervious LINE BUILDING PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT ROOM NUMBER AREA (SF)Capacity Area / Person Notes CITY HALL CAMPUS - BUILDING DETAILED PROGRAM 12 LOWER LEVEL 13 ELEVATOR CIRCULATION 105 14 STAIR #1 CIRCULATION 115 15 STAIR #2 CIRCULATION 107 16 STAIR #3 CIRCULATION 115 16 RESTROOMS #1 SUPPORT 232 17 RESTROOMS #2 SUPPORT 272 18 RESTROOMS #3 SUPPORT 91 19 JANITORS CLOSET #1 SUPPORT 58 20 JANITORS CLOSET #2 SUPPORT 35 21 MECHANICAL #1 SUPPORT 205 22 ELECTRICAL / IT #1 SUPPORT / IT 268 23 MECHANICAL #2 SUPPORT 100 24 ELECTRICAL #2 SUPPORT 70 25 ELECTRICAL #3 SUPPORT 150 26 MAIN BUILDING STORAGE SUPPORT 2175 27 STORAGE SUPPORT 320 28 FACILITIES OFFICE CITY ADMINISTRATION 240 1 240 29 COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY ADMINISTRATION 1275 30 STAFF BREAK ROOM AREA SUPPORT 150 31 SENIOR CENTER SENIOR COMMISSION 1550 50 31 32 SENIOR CENTER OFFICE SENIOR COMMISSION 95 1 95 33 SENIOR CENTER KITCHENETTE SENIOR COMMISSION 145 2 72.5 34 FOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ROOM SUPPORT 870 35 MAPLE ROOM SENIOR COMMISSION 900 20 45 36 MAPLE ROOM OFFICE SENIOR COMMISSION 85 1 85 37 MAPLE ROOM CLOSET SENIOR COMMISSION 15 38 MAPLE ROOM KITCHENETTE SENIOR COMMISSION 85 2 42.5 39 KITCHEN SENIOR COMMISSION 515 40 VESTIBULE CIRCULATION 145 41 VESTIBULE CIRCULATION 145 42 HALLWAY CIRCULATION 630 43 HALLWAY CIRCULATION 900 44 IT HALLWAY CIRCULATION 109 45 HALLWAY CIRCULATION 513 46 BASEMENT FLOOR LEVEL SUBTOTAL 12785 47 LOWER LEVEL GROSS SQUARE FEET 15375 GSF PROGRAM SUMMARY 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Planning Study 1 of 4 Goals: -Clearly identified / simplified main entrances -Parking +100 additional parking stalls based on proposed building expansion / future growth Summary Data: -~7.5 Acres -~17,000 SF Building footprint -195 Parking stalls -33% Open space, 67% impervious 23 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 19 Potential Remodel / Site Improvement Project Scope: 1 1 Building Area 1. 16,800 SF Site Area 1. 6.68 acres (290,800 SF) Site Parking 1. New Parking »City Hall Calculated Need = 137 »Library Calculated Need = 76 »Total Required = 213 »Total Provided = 195 Potential Improvements 1. Major Remodel 2. New Building Addition 3. Public Area and New Entry 4. New Parking »Projected Need = 288 »+93 Stall Increase 2 2 4 3 24 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 20 FUTURE CITY HALL FIRE #1 GREEN SPACE Potential New Campus Reorganization (option 1): Building Footprint Area 1. 18,000 SF Site Area 1. 6.68 acres (290,800 SF) Site Parking 1. New Parking »City Hall Calculated Need = 137 »Library Calculated Need = 76 »Total Required = 213 »Total Provided = 195 Potential Improvements 1. New Building »2-3 Story City Hall / Senior Center »+/-45 stalls below grade parking 2. Below grade parking / loading entrance 3. New Surface Parking »+/- 50 stalls 40 102 POTENTIAL NEW ACCESS ROAD 25 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 21 FIRE #1 FUTURE CITY HALL GREEN SPACE Potential New Campus Reorganization (option 2): 50 Building Footprint Area 1. 18,000 SF Site Area 1. 6.68 acres (290,800 SF) Site Parking 1. New Parking »City Hall Calculated Need = 137 »Library Calculated Need = 76 »Total Required = 213 »Total Provided = 195 Potential Improvements 1. New Building »2-3 Story City Hall / Senior Center »+/-45 stalls below grade parking 2. Below grade parking / loading entrance 3. New Surface Parking »+/- 50 stalls 2 26 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 22 City Hall - Building Program Analysis 129 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 26890 NSF 130 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.19 131 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 31935 GSF 132 AREA BY DEPARTMENT # OF STAFF NET AREA (SF) % TOTAL 133 SUPPORT 5971 22.21% 134 CIRCULATION 6902 25.67% 135 CITY ADMINISTRATION 12 2879 10.71% 136 SUPPORT / IT 3 555 2.06% 137 PARKS & REC 6 658 2.45% 138 PLANNING 5 765 2.84% 139 FINANCE 4 711 2.64% 140 ENGINEERING 13 1593 5.92% 141 SHERIFF 8 903 3.36% 142 BUILDING 9 2015 7.49% 143 FIRE DEPARTMENT 5 548 2.04% 144 SENIOR COMMISSION 3 3390 12.61% 145 TOTAL FTE 68 26890 100.00% 146 POTENTIAL NEW PROGRAM AREAS QTY TOTAL NSF 147 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES CITY ADMINISTRATION 2 130 260 148 IT OFFICES SUPPORT / IT 2 130 260 149 FINANCE OFFICES FINANCE 2 130 260 150 BUILDING OFFICES BUILDING 1 130 130 151 PLANNING OFFICES PLANNING 1 130 65 152 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & REC 2 130 260 153 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 2 130 260 154 FIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 130 260 155 SENIOR SENIOR COMMISSION 1 130 130 156 SHERIFF SHERIFF 4 130 520 157 CONFERENCE ROOM SUPPORT 800 158 EXPANDED COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY ADMINISTRATION 800 159 RESTROOMS SUPPORT 1000 160 STORAGE SUPPORT 1200 161 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 6205 NSF 162 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.30 163 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 8067 GSF 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Planning Study 4 of 4 27 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 23 Lower Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES Upper Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES BUILDING STORAGE SENIOR CRAFTS SENIORS SENIORSSHARED CONFERENCE SHARED CONF. KITCHEN SERVER ROOM FACILITIES OFFICE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. IT DEPT. PARKS & RECREATION Existing Space Utilization / Layout (By Department): 28 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 24 UP UP REF.REF.REF.UP UNEXCAVATED LOWERLOBBY STAIR B JANITOR FACILITIESOFFICE STORAGE BUILDING STORAGE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STAIR C ELEV MECH CORRIDOR ELEC ELECMECH MAPLE ROOM OFFICEVESTIBULE CORRIDOR KITCHENETTE WOMENS MENS VESTIBULE KITCHEN KITCHEN STORAGE MENS WOMENS FOUNTAINROOM CLOSET CORRIDOR SENIOR CENTER OFFICE VESTIBULE CORRIDOR STAFF BREAK ROOM STAIR A COUNCIL CHAMBERS MECH TECH ROOM IT SERVERS FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR CLOSET CLOSET SENIORWORKSHOP DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT SENIOR CENTER SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0'CORRIDORCORRIDORKITCHENETTEUP UP REF.REF.REF.UP UNEXCAVATED LOWER LOBBY STAIR B JANITOR FACILITIES OFFICE STORAGE BUILDING STORAGE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STAIR C ELEV MECH CORRIDOR ELEC ELECMECH MAPLE ROOM OFFICEVESTIBULE CORRIDOR KITCHENETTE WOMENS MENS VESTIBULE KITCHEN KITCHENSTORAGE MENS WOMENS FOUNTAIN ROOM CLOSET CORRIDOR SENIORCENTER OFFICE VESTIBULE CORRIDOR STAFF BREAK ROOM STAIR A COUNCILCHAMBERS MECH TECH ROOM IT SERVERS FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR CLOSET CLOSET SENIOR WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT SENIOR CENTER SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0'CORRIDORCORRIDORKITCHENETTEDN DN DN DN DN DN DN ROOF BELOW ROOF BELOW VESTIBULE STAIR B LOBBY OPEN WORK (3)EVIDENCEFIRE CHIEFFIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS)) VESTIBULE CORRIDOR CLOSET FIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS) WOMENS MENS BUILDINGINSPECTION (5 WORK STATIONS) CORRIDOR COPY INTERVIEW STORAGE SHERIFF OFFICE CORRIDOR PLAN ROOM OFFICE SHERIFFOPEN WORK(2) TRAINING /OPEN WORK(4) OFFICE OFFICE ENG CONFERENCE STAIR C COPY CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK (2) CORRIDOR OFFICE MANAGER OFFICE ENG / FINLOBBY OPEN WORK (4) HIGHDENSITY FILES OFFICE PLANNING CONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (2) MAIN LOBBY LOBBY RECEPTION VESTIBULESTAIR A OFFICE (2WORK STATIONS) OFFICE OPEN OFFICE(4) OFFICE COPY MENS WOMENS CORRIDOR COURTYARD COURTYARD CONFERENCE FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR PLANTER PLANTER IT DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' COPY OFFICE STORAGE OPEN WORK (2) OFFICE COUNTER FILES KITCHENFILES DN DN DN DN DN DN DN ROOFBELOW ROOF BELOW VESTIBULE STAIR B LOBBY OPEN WORK (3)EVIDENCEFIRE CHIEFFIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS)) VESTIBULE CORRIDOR CLOSET FIRE OFFICE(2 DESKS) WOMENS MENS BUILDING INSPECTION (5 WORK STATIONS) CORRIDOR COPY INTERVIEW STORAGE SHERIFFOFFICE CORRIDOR PLAN ROOM OFFICE SHERIFFOPEN WORK (2) TRAINING /OPEN WORK (4) OFFICE OFFICE ENG CONFERENCE STAIR C COPY CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK (2) CORRIDOR OFFICE MANAGER OFFICE ENG / FINLOBBY OPEN WORK (4) HIGH DENSITY FILES OFFICE PLANNING CONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (2) MAIN LOBBY LOBBY RECEPTION VESTIBULESTAIR A OFFICE (2 WORK STATIONS) OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (4) OFFICE COPY MENS WOMENS CORRIDOR COURTYARD COURTYARDCONFERENCE FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR PLANTER PLANTER IT DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' COPY OFFICE STORAGE OPEN WORK(2) OFFICE COUNTER FILES KITCHENFILES DN DN DN DN DN DN DN ROOF BELOW ROOF BELOW VESTIBULE STAIR B LOBBY OPEN WORK (3)EVIDENCEFIRE CHIEFFIRE OFFICE(2 DESKS)) VESTIBULE CORRIDOR CLOSET FIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS) WOMENS MENS BUILDINGINSPECTION (5 WORK STATIONS) CORRIDOR COPY INTERVIEW STORAGE SHERIFF OFFICE CORRIDOR PLAN ROOM OFFICE SHERIFFOPEN WORK(2) TRAINING /OPEN WORK(4) OFFICE OFFICE ENG CONFERENCE STAIR C COPY CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK (2) CORRIDOR OFFICE MANAGER OFFICE ENG / FINLOBBY OPEN WORK (4) HIGHDENSITY FILES OFFICE PLANNING CONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (2) MAIN LOBBY LOBBY RECEPTION VESTIBULESTAIR A OFFICE (2WORK STATIONS) OFFICE OPEN OFFICE(4) OFFICE COPY MENS WOMENS CORRIDOR COURTYARD COURTYARD CONFERENCE FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR PLANTER PLANTER IT DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' COPY OFFICE STORAGE OPEN WORK (2) OFFICE COUNTER FILES KITCHENFILES Lower Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES Upper Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES Existing Space Utilization / Layout: 29 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 25 UP UP REF.REF.REF.UP UNEXCAVATED LOWER LOBBY STAIR B JANITOR FACILITIES OFFICE STORAGE BUILDING STORAGE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STAIR C ELEV MECH CORRIDOR ELEC ELECMECH MAPLE ROOM OFFICEVESTIBULE CORRIDOR KITCHENETTE WOMENS MENS VESTIBULE KITCHEN KITCHEN STORAGE MENS WOMENS FOUNTAINROOM CLOSET CORRIDOR SENIOR CENTER OFFICE VESTIBULE CORRIDOR STAFF BREAKROOM STAIR A COUNCIL CHAMBERS MECH TECH ROOM IT SERVERS FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR CLOSET CLOSET SENIORWORKSHOP DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT SENIOR CENTER SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0'CORRIDORCORRIDORKITCHENETTEDN DN DN DN DN DN DN ROOF BELOW ROOFBELOW VESTIBULE STAIR B LOBBY OPEN WORK(3)EVIDENCEFIRE CHIEFFIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS)) VESTIBULE CORRIDOR CLOSET FIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS) WOMENS MENS BUILDING INSPECTION (5 WORKSTATIONS) CORRIDOR COPY INTERVIEW STORAGE SHERIFF OFFICE CORRIDOR PLAN ROOM OFFICE SHERIFF OPEN WORK (2) TRAINING / OPEN WORK (4) OFFICE OFFICE ENGCONFERENCE STAIR C COPY CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK(2) CORRIDOR OFFICE MANAGEROFFICE ENG / FIN LOBBY OPEN WORK(4) HIGH DENSITY FILES OFFICE PLANNINGCONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE(2) MAIN LOBBY LOBBYRECEPTION VESTIBULESTAIR A OFFICE (2 WORK STATIONS) OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (4) OFFICE COPY MENS WOMENS CORRIDOR COURTYARD COURTYARD CONFERENCE FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR PLANTER PLANTER IT DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' COPY OFFICE STORAGE OPEN WORK (2) OFFICE COUNTER FILES KITCHENFILES DN DN DN DN DN DN DN ROOFBELOW ROOF BELOW VESTIBULE STAIR B LOBBY OPEN WORK (3)EVIDENCEFIRE CHIEFFIRE OFFICE (2 DESKS)) VESTIBULE CORRIDOR CLOSET FIRE OFFICE(2 DESKS) WOMENS MENS BUILDING INSPECTION (5 WORK STATIONS) CORRIDOR COPY INTERVIEW STORAGE SHERIFFOFFICE CORRIDOR PLAN ROOM OFFICE SHERIFF OPEN WORK (2) TRAINING / OPEN WORK (4) OFFICE OFFICE ENG CONFERENCE STAIR C COPY CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK (2) CORRIDOR OFFICE MANAGER OFFICE ENG / FIN LOBBY OPEN WORK (4) HIGH DENSITY FILES OFFICE PLANNING CONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (2) MAIN LOBBY LOBBY RECEPTION VESTIBULESTAIR A OFFICE (2 WORK STATIONS) OFFICE OPEN OFFICE (4) OFFICE COPY MENS WOMENS CORRIDOR COURTYARD COURTYARDCONFERENCE FOYER WOMENS MENS JANITOR ELEVATOR PLANTER PLANTER IT DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SHARED CONFERENCE STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' COPY OFFICE STORAGE OPEN WORK(2) OFFICE COUNTER FILES KITCHENFILES Lower Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES Upper Level DEPARTMENT ADJACENCIES DN DN DN DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SHARED CONFERENCE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE PLOTTER /PLAN ROOM COPY OPEN WORK AREA COUNTER / OPEN WORK STORAGE CONFERENCE RECEPTION / OPEN WORK COPY Room OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE COURTYARD OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE INTERVIEW EVIDENCE STORAGE OPEN WORKAREA OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE CONFERENCERECEPTION / OPEN WORK STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE MAIN ADMINLOBBY OPEN WORKAREA COPY OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK AREA STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN WORK AREA OFFICEOFFICE STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE STORAGE STORAGE SHARED CONFERENCE SHARED CONFERENCE SHARED CONFERENCE STAIR B CORRIDOR VESTIBULE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STAIR A CORRIDOR CORRIDORCORRIDOR CORRIDORVESTIBULE ELEVATOR IT ROOM IT ROOM STAIR C WOMENS MENS WOMENS MENS WOMENS MENS STAIR D IT ROOM JANITOR OPEN TO LOBBY BELOW VESTIBULEBELOW OPEN TO BELOW (FUT. OFFICE) (FUT. OFFICE)(FUT. OFFICE) (FUT. OFFICE) (FUT. OFFICE) DOWN TO LOWER LEVELCORRIDOR STORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGE(FUT. OFFICE)REF.REF.UP UP DEPARTMENT LEGEND ADMINISTRATION IT SENIOR CENTER STORAGE SUPPORT RESTROOMS CIRCULATION 8'16'4'2'0' COUNCILCHAMBER A/V & STORAGE COUNCILCHAMBERS COUNCIL LOBBY IT SERVERROOM FACILITIESOFFICE SENIOR CENTER SENIORCENTER SENIORCRAFTS KITCHEN BUILDING STORAGE STORAGE ELEC MECH ELEC MECH WOMENS MENS MENS WOMENS STORAGE KITCHEN STORAGE JANITOR JANITOR STORAGE STAIR D PUBLIC LOBBY CORRIDOR STAIR C CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STAIR B VESTIBULE ELEVATOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR VESTIBULE WOMENS MENS STAIR A (2 STORY) UNEXCAVATED CORRIDORCORRIDORProposed Remodel + Addition Utilization / Layout: 30 RECREATION CENTER 31 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 27 OHW 877.0 OHW 699.2 OHW 896.3 OHW 865.3 OHW 944.5 OHW 956.1 OHW 881.8 OHW 955.5 OHW 993.6 OHW945.2 OHW 932.77 OHW 929.8 Lotus Lake Lake Riley Lake Minnewashta Lake Lucy Rice Lake Lake Susan Lake Ann Lake Virginia Lake Harrison Rice Marsh Lake Clasen Lake Lake St Joe Christmas Lake Ly man B l v d (CSAH18) Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18)Pion e e r Trail (C S AH 14) (C S A H 6 1 )F ly in g C lo u d D riv ePowersBlvd(C.R.17)AudubonRoad(CSAH15)S tate Hig h w a y 1 0 1Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvd Hwy 101Gr e at Pl ainsBlvdState Hwy 5 S ta te H w y 5Arboretum Boulevard Highway 41GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)State Hwy 5 S ta te H w y 7 Hazeltine Blvd (Hwy 41)Chanhassen Rd. Hwy. 101AudubonRoad(C S A H 6 1 )F ly in g C l o u d D rMinnewashtaPkwyGalpinBlvd(C.R.15)£¤212 £¤212 £¤212 PowersBlvd(C.R.17)Bluff Creek DrBluffCreekBlvd Ü Legend City Owned Property Greater than an Acre Date: 7/19/2018 K:\NickLH\Projects\PW\Engineering\ForVanessa\2018\July\City_Owned_Property.mxd City owned Property over an Acre 0 4,000 8,0002,000 Feet CITY HALL / PARKS & RECREATION OFFICES & SENIOR CENTER REC CENTER 32 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 28 Eden Prairie: 184,000 SF - pop. 63,000 -Ice arena, aquatics, gymnasium, fitness center, meeting rooms Replacement Chanhassen: 135,000 SF - pop. 26,000 -Ice arena, walking track, senior gathering, fitness, gymnasium, meeting rooms Chaska: 128,000 SF - pop. 24,500 -Ice arena, aquatics, senior gathering, theater, gallery, fitness, gymnasium Victoria: 112,000 SF - pop. 11,000 -Ice arena, gymnasium, walking track, fitness center, meeting space Minnetonka: 64,000 SF - pop. 53,100 -Banquet facilities, senior gathering, meeting rooms, craft rooms Expanded Chanhassen: 40,000 SF - pop. 26,000 -Meeting rooms, fitness, gymnasium (expansion + walking track) Chanhassen: 23,000 SF - pop. 26,000 -Meeting rooms, fitness, gymnasium Relevant Similar Facilities 33 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 29 FCI = (0.23)POOR DEFERRED MAINTENANCE $1.9M (5 years)$250k (10 years) 01 0.2249General Information: -Built in 1995 -Major remodel / building projects: »N/A Current Use: -ISD 112 partnership -Community resource Building Area: -+/-22,800 GSF Deferred Maintenance: -Exterior Enclosure »Replace handicap doors in front entrance »Replacement of windows -Roof »Replace roof for the warming house (ballasted portion only) -HVAC »Replace condensing units »Boiler replacement »Replace Air Handling Units -Special Construction »Replace basketball hoists »Replace non –functioning dividing wall in the gym -Interior Construction »Refurbish of gym, locker rooms, aerobics room, fitness room and meeting rooms »Ceiling replacement throughout »Replace interior doors -Sitework/Building Earthwork »Update skating rink lighting »Mill and overlay of parking lot »Assess the drainage issue onsite »Repair of tennis and pickle ball courts Recreation Center 34 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 30 Recreation Center Goals: -Expanded parking -Expanded pickleball -Refrigerated outdoor ice sheet -Gymnasium, locker and fitness program area expansion -Office remodeling -Stormwater issues addressed Summary Data: -~30 Acres • 14.77 = ISD 112 • 16.02 = City -~22,600 SF Rec Center building footprint -288 Parking stalls • 125 Stalls = ISD 112 • 163 Stalls = City -75% Open space, 25% impervious CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER LINE SITE PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT AREA (SF) AREA (ACRES) Capacity Notes CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER - GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 22,600 0.52 2 WARMING HOUSE 2,000 0.05 3 GREEN SPACE 76,000 1.74 3 MULTI-PURPOSE FIELDS 633,000 14.53 4 OUTDOOR RINKS 100,000 2.30 5 TENNIS / PICKLE BALL 60,000 1.38 3 CARS 6 PARKING LOT 50,270 1.15 160 CARS 7 TOTAL SITE AREA 943,870 21.67 PARCEL SIZE BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 8 SITE AREA RATIO 24.88%75.12%Green space / 24.88% impervious LINE BUILDING PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT ROOM NUMBER Capacity Area / Person Notes CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER - BUILDING DETAILED PROGRAM LINE BUILDING PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT ROOM NUMBER AREA (SF)Capacity Area / Person Notes 9 MAIN FLOOR LEVEL 10 COMMUNITY GYMNASIUM RECREATION 200 7325 300 24.41667 11 RECEPTION OPERATIONS 206 115 3 38.33333 12 OFFICE OPERATIONS 206.1 80 1 80 13 CONFERENCE OPERATIONS 207 435 8 54.375 14 SHIPS LADDER CIRCULATION 208 60 15 JANITOR CLOSET SUPPORT 209 125 16 STORAGE SUPPORT 210 300 17 SHOWER SUPPORT 212 100 18 LOCKER SUPPORT 213 225 19 TOILET SUPPORT 214 290 20 TOILET SUPPORT 215 290 21 LOCKER SUPPORT 216 225 22 SHOWER SUPPORT 217 100 23 CORRIDOR CIRCULATION 218 1600 24 VENDING SUPPORT 219 100 25 AEROBICS / DANCE RECREATION 220 1485 26 FITNESS RECREATION 221 1360 27 MEETING ROOM COMMUNITY 222 1050 28 MEETING ROOM COMMUNITY 223 1050 29 MEETING ROOM COMMUNITY 224 1050 30 MEETING ROOM COMMUNITY 225 1050 31 FOYER CIRCULATION 226 1650 32 VESTIBULE CIRCULATION 227 100 33 MAIN FLOOR LEVEL SUBTOTAL 20165 34 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 20165 NSF 35 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.12 36 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 22600 GSF PROGRAM SUMMARY 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Master Plan Study 1 of 2 35 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 31 WARMING HOUSE / PICNIC SHELTER ICE RINK ICE RINK PARKING 30 STALLS (+5 HC) PARKING 130 STALLS TENNIS PICKLE BALL MULTI- PURPOSE FIELDS DIAMOND FIELD DIAMOND FIELDDIAMOND FIELD DIAMOND FIELD DIAMOND FIELD DIAMOND FIELD RECREATION CENTER 4 5 6 2 3 Potential Remodel / Site Improvement Project Scope: Building Area 1. 22,600 SF 2. 2,000 SF (Warming House) Green Space 2. 76,000 SF 3. 633,000 SF (Play Fields) Parking / Impervious Area 3. 50,270 SF (Rec Center Parking +/-160 stalls) 4. 100,000 SF (Ice Rinks) 5. 60,000 SF (Pickle Ball) Site Area 6. 21.67 acres (943,870 SF) Site Area Ratio 7. +/-75% green space 8. +/-25% impervious Potential Improvements 1. Expanded Parking (+25 Stalls) 2. Expanded Pickleball 3. Ice Refrigeration Building 4. Gymnasium Recreation Center Addition 5. Operations Remodeling 6. Regrade site and realign athletic field areas 1 36 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 32 Recreation Center - Building Program Analysis 34 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 20165 NSF 35 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.12 36 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 22600 GSF 37 AREA BY DEPARTMENT # OF STAFF NET AREA (SF) % TOTAL AREA / STAFF 38 OPERATIONS 4 630 3.12%157.5 39 SUPPORT 1755 8.70% 40 RECREATION 10170 50.43% 41 COMMUNITY 4200 20.83% 41 CIRCULATION 3410 16.91% 42 TOTAL FTE 4 20165 100.00% 0 43 POTENTIAL NEW PROGRAM AREAS QTY 44 EXPANDED GYMNASIUM 1 7500 Expanded Gym, 1 competition court, 2 cross courts, Indoor Pickleball equipment 45 STAFF OFFICE 1 150 46 STAFF OFFICE 1 100 47 CONFERENCE ROOM 1 500 48 EXPANDED LOCKER AREA 1 800 49 RESTROOMS 1 600 50 MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM 1 1000 50 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 11250 NSF 51 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.20 52 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 13500 GSF 03.17.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Master Plan Study 2 of 2 37 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 33 UP COMMUNITYGYMNASIUM LOBBY RECEPTIONOFFICE HALL CONFERENCE STAIR JANITOR STORAGE SHOWERS LOCKER ROOM LCKR ENTRY TOILET TOILET LCKR ENTRY LOCKERROOM SHOWERS CORRIDOR DANCE ROOM FITNESSROOM MEETINGROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM VENDING VESTIBULE ADAPTIVEGYMNASIUM STORAGE CORRIDOR STORAGE ISD GYMNASIUM 8'16'4'2'0' Projected Growth: -Additional Gymnasium space -Pickle ball (indoor and outdoor demand) -Staff increase Desired Growth: -Outdoor Ice rink (refrigerated) -Splash Pad / Pool -Possible consolidation with senior center Space Utilization / Layout: 38 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 34 UP ADAPTIVEGYMNASIUM STORAGE CORRIDOR STORAGE ISD GYMNASIUM CONFERENCE OFFICE OFFICE COMMUNITY GYMNASIUM LOCKERS STORAGE MULTI-PURPOSEROOM CONFERENCE RESTROOMS CORRIDOR COMMUNITY GYMNASIUM LOBBY RECEPTIONOFFICE HALL STAIR JANITOR STORAGE SHOWERS LOCKER ROOM LCKR ENTRY TOILET TOILET LCKR ENTRY LOCKERROOM SHOWERS CORRIDOR DANCE ROOM FITNESSROOM MEETINGROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM VENDING VESTIBULE 8'16'4'2'0' Potential Project Scope EXISTING REMODEL NEW CONSTRUCTIONOffice Remodel -Office = 100 SF -Office = 150 SF -Small Conference = 200 SF Building Addition -Gymnasium = +/- 7,500 SF -Conference = 500 SF -Expanded Lockers and Restrooms = 1,400 SF -Multi-Purpose Room = 1,000 SF Potential Remodel Project: 39 NEW COMMUNITY CENTER 40 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 36 Site Program Key Components WARMING HOUSE TENNIS / PICKLEBALL NEW BUILDING ICE SKATING PLAZA BASEBALL / SOFTBALL PARKING SOCCER / FOOTBALL PARK / OPEN SPACE OUTDOOR AQUATICS 41 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 37 New Community Center Goals: -Better Serve the Community -Expanded Programming -Tailored to the specific needs of the users -Owned and Operated by the City of Chanhassen New Site Components: -Turf Field(s) -Skate Park -Outdoor Aquatics Program -Outdoor trails (walking / ice trail options) Summary Data: -~50 Acres -~130,000 SF Rec Center Building Footprint -300 Parking Stalls -70% Open Space, 30% Impervious CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY CENTER (FUTURE) LINE SITE PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT AREA (SF) AREA (ACRES) Capacity Notes CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY CENTER - GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 127,936 2.94 2 WARMING HOUSE 2,000 0.05 3 GREEN SPACE / STORMWATER POND 700,000 16.07 4 TURF SOCCER / FOOTBALL FIELD 86,400 1.98 5 MULTI-PURPOSE FIELDS 633,000 14.53 Replacement area to match existing 6 MULTI-PURPOSE FIELDS (30% EXPANSION)189,900 4.36 7 OUTDOOR SKATE PARK 30,000 0.69 1 refrigerated outdoor sheet, 1 seasonal sheet 8 OUTDOOR RINKS 100,000 2.30 1 refrigerated outdoor sheet, 1 seasonal sheet 9 OUTDOOR ICE TRAIL / WALKING PATH 80,000 1.84 Seasonal refrigerated trail 10 TENNIS / PICKLE BALL 60,000 1.38 Replacement area to match existing 11 TENNIS / PICKLE BALL (50% EXPANSION)30,000 0.69 12 OUTDOOR AQUATICS PROGRAM 38,000 0.87 Splash pad, lazy river, two large water slides 13 PLAZA AREA - OUTDOOR GATHERING SPACE 3,000 0.07 14 PARKING LOT AREAS 100,000 2.30 300 CARS 15 TOTAL SITE AREA 2,180,236 50.05 PARCEL SIZE ESTIMATED 16 SITE AREA RATIO 30.15%69.85%Green space / 30% impervious PROGRAM SUMMARY 03.14.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Master Plan Study 1 of 4 42 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 38 New Community Center - Building Program Key Components GYMNASIUM RECREATION FACILITY ADMIN COMMUNITY SPACE SENIOR PROGRAMS ICE ARENA YOUTH PROGRAMS GYMNASIUM AUXILIARY GYMNASIUM TRACK FITNESS CARDIO PLAY STUDIO STUDIO STOR. OFF. MULTI PURPOSE SENIOR CENTER WORKSHOP SMALL MEETING LARGE MEETING MEDIUM MEETING KITCHEN KITCHEN STOR.STOR. STOR. CAFE KITCHENETTE CHILD CAREOPEN OFFICES MNGR. OFFICE STAFF OFFICES STAFF OFFICES CONF.RECPT. NHL ICE SHEETBLEACHER / MEZZANINEZ.STOR. ICE MECH.PARTY TEAM LCKR. TEAM LCKR. TEAM LCKR. TEAM LCKR. LOUNGE 43 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 39 New Community Center - Building Program Key Components 70 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 113780 NSF 71 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.20 72 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 136536 GSF 73 AREA BY DEPARTMENT NET AREA (SF) % TOTAL 74 RECREATION 51980 45.68% 75 SUPPORT 1740 1.53% 76 CIRCULATION 1700 1.49% 77 COMMUNITY 14450 12.70% 78 ADMINISTRATION 1550 1.36% 79 CHILD CARE 1570 1.38% 80 SENIOR COMMISSION 6740 5.92% 81 ICE ARENA 34050 29.93% 82 TOTAL NET AREA 113780 100.00% 03.14.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Master Plan Study 4 of 4 GYMNASIUM RECREATION FACILITY ADMIN COMMUNITY SPACE SENIOR PROGRAMS ICE ARENA YOUTH PROGRAMS 44 FIRE DEPARTMENT 45 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 41 OHW 877.0 OHW 699.2 OHW 896.3 OHW 865.3 OHW 944.5 OHW 956.1 OHW 881.8 OHW 955.5 OHW 993.6 OHW945.2 OHW 932.77 OHW 929.8 Lotus Lake Lake Riley Lake Minnewashta Lake Lucy Rice Lake Lake Susan Lake Ann Lake Virginia Lake Harrison Rice Marsh Lake Clasen Lake Lake St Joe Christmas Lake Ly man B l v d (CSAH18) Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18)Pion e e r Trail (C S AH 14) (C S A H 6 1 )F ly in g C lo u d D riv ePowersBlvd(C.R.17)AudubonRoad(CSAH15)S tate Hig h w a y 1 0 1Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvd Hwy 101Gr e at Pl ainsBlvdState Hwy 5 S ta te H w y 5Arboretum Boulevard Highway 41GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)State Hwy 5 S ta te H w y 7 Hazeltine Blvd (Hwy 41)Chanhassen Rd. Hwy. 101AudubonRoad(C S A H 6 1 )F ly in g C l o u d D rMinnewashtaPkwyGalpinBlvd(C.R.15)£¤212 £¤212 £¤212 PowersBlvd(C.R.17)Bluff Creek DrBluffCreekBlvd Ü Legend City Owned Property Greater than an Acre Date: 7/19/2018 K:\NickLH\Projects\PW\Engineering\ForVanessa\2018\July\City_Owned_Property.mxd City owned Property over an Acre 0 4,000 8,0002,000 Feet CITY HALL / FIRE #1 2013 FIRE STUDY PROPOSED STATION #3 LOCATION 2013 FIRE STUDY PROPOSED HEADQUARTERS FIRE #2 PUBLIC WORKS LOCATION 46 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 42 01 0.0882FCI = (0.09)FAIR DEFERRED MAINTENANCE $875K (5 years)$260k (10 years) General Information: -Built in 1973 -Major remodel / building projects: »1988 »2020 Current Use: -Fire Department Building Area: -+/-15,100 GSF Deferred Maintenance: -Roof »Roof has been replaced recently. Next replacement later in the plan -Exterior Enclosure »Clean and seal of exterior brickwork »Replace main entry doors and aluminum windows »Kalwall skylight replacement -Interior Construction »Recoat bay flooring »Update racquetball court to LED lighting »Replace flooring and ceiling tiles throughout -Site Work »Replace concrete drive for trucks to enter and exit the station »Mill and overlay of parking lot »Regrade north side of the building (Water pooling up) -Building Structure »Cracking in the hose tower »Equipment Furniture »Replace pneumatic compressor »Replace washing equipment »Replace furniture and casework -HVAC »Replace antiquated Roof Top Units »Add Destrat fans in bays 3 & 4 Fire Station #1 47 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 43 Goals: -Repurpose racquetball court -Provide Fire Admin Offices at station -Address accessiblity requirements -Provide additional storage CHANHASSEN FIRE STATION #1 LINE SITE PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT AREA (SF) AREA (ACRES) Capacity Notes FIRE STATION 1 - GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT A 11,600 0.27 2 GREEN SPACE B 18,000 0.41 Includes some sidewalk area (approximated) 3 WEST PARKING LOT C 9,640 0.22 6 CARS 4 EAST PARKING LOT (ACCESS APRON)G 14,500 0.33 12 CARS 5 SOUTH PARKING LOT H 5,230 0.12 13 CARS 6 TOTAL SITE AREA 58,970 1.35 PARCEL SIZE BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 7 SITE AREA RATIO 69.48%30.52%Green space / 69.48% impervious LINE BUILDING PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT ROOM NUMBER Capacity Area / Person Notes FIRE STATION 1 - BUILDING DETAILED PROGRAM 7 LOWER LEVEL 8 STAIR #1 CIRCULATION 111 65 9 STAIR #2 CIRCULATION 214 100 10 OFFICE OPERATIONS 101 165 2 82.5 11 FILE STORAGE SUPPORT 102 200 12 JANITORS CLOSET #1 SUPPORT 103 70 13 RACQUETBALL SUPPORT 104 800 14 FITNESS SUPPORT 105 450 15 WOMENS LOCKER OPERATIONS 106 150 16 MENS LOCKER OPERATIONS 107 200 17 CORRIDOR CIRCULATION 108 335 18 TRAINING OPERATIONS 109 1100 30 36.66667 19 MECHANICAL SUPPORT 110 175 20 BASEMENT FLOOR LEVEL SUBTOTAL 3810 PROGRAM SUMMARY 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Master Plan Study 1 of 3 Fire #1 - Site Program Analysis Summary Data: -~1.35 Acres -~11,600 SF Building Footprint -31 Parking Stalls -31% Open Space, 69% Impervious Observations: -General maintenance -ADA compliance -Equipment upgrades -Site grading / drainage -Skylight repair -Functional updates -Cosmetic updates 48 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 44 CITY HALL OFFICES FIRE #1 1 FUTURE CITY HALL?2 3 Potential Remodel / Site Improvement Project Scope: Building Area 1. 11,700 SF Green Space 2. 18,000 SF Parking Area 3. West 6 stalls (9,640 SF) 4. East 12 stalls (14,500 SF) 5. South 13 stalls (5,230 SF) Site Area 6. 1.35 acres (58,970 SF) Site Area Ratio 7. +/-31% green space 8. +/-69% impervious Potential Improvements 1. Office Remodel 2. New Public Entrance 3. Storage / Training Addition 49 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 45 Main Level: +/- 10,500 gsf Lower Level: +/- 4,600 gsf Projected Growth: -Review location and response time implications -Additional office spaces -Storage + training program space -Full time staff increase -Review 2013 Fire Department Study and long term operational plans Space Utilization / Layout: UP UP TRAINING MECHANICAL CORRIDOR STAIR 2 OFFICE FILESTORAGE STAIR 1 MENSLOCKERWOMENSLOCKER RACQUETBALL FITNESS JANITOR /MECH FOYER 8'16'4'2'0' REF. REF. UP DN DN RACQUET BALL COURT BELOW APPARATUS STORAGE LOUNGE KITCHEN CREW ROOM CREW ROOM COMMANDOFFICE DISPATCH CLOSET RESTROOMRESTROOM STORAGE CORRIDOR LOBBY CREW ROOM VESTIBULE STORAGE STAIR 2 STORAGE HOSE TOWER COMPRESSOR STAIR 1 AIR PACK STORAGE EMERGENCYGENERATOR APPARATUSSTORAGE STORAGE VESTIBULE 8'16'4'2'0' 50 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 46 Main Level: +/- 10,500 gsf Lower Level: +/- 4,600 gsf Potential Remodel Project: OfficeRemodel 1. Office (x3) = 130 SF 2. Chief Office = 200 SF 3. Elevator = 150 SF 4. Conference = 250 SF Training / Storage Addition 5. New Space = +/- 800-900 SF Revised Entrance 6. Public Entry »Reorganize towards City Hall 7. Reception Area UP UP ELEVATOR MECH STORAGE TRAINING MECHANICAL CORRIDOR STAIR 2 OFFICE FILESTORAGE STAIR 1 MENSLOCKERWOMENSLOCKER FITNESS JANITOR /MECH 8'16'4'2'0' REF. REF. UP DN DN 8'16'4'2'0' OFFICE CONFERENCE ELEVATOR OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE ENTRY STORAGE APPARATUSSTORAGE LOUNGE KITCHEN CREW ROOM CREW ROOM COMMAND OFFICE DISPATCH CLOSET RESTROOMRESTROOM STORAGE CORRIDOR LOBBY CREW ROOM VESTIBULE STORAGE STAIR 2 STORAGE HOSE TOWER COMPRESSOR STAIR 1 AIR PACK STORAGE EMERGENCYGENERATOR APPARATUS STORAGE STORAGE VESTIBULE Potential Project Scope EXISTING REMODEL NEW CONSTRUCTION 51 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 47 Potential Remodel / Site Improvement Project Scope: 40'80'20'10'0' Building Area 1. 11,700 SF Green Space 2. 18,000 SF Parking Area 3. West 6 stalls (9,640 SF) 4. East 12 stalls (14,500 SF) 5. South 13 stalls (5,230 SF) Site Area 6. 1.35 acres (58,970 SF) Site Area Ratio 7. +/-31% green space 8. +/-69% impervious Potential Improvements 1. Office Remodel 2. New Public Entrance 3. Storage / Training Addition 1 2 3 52 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 48 010.3014FCI = (0.31)CRITICAL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE $275K (5 years)$10k (10 years) General Information: -Built in 1980 -Major remodel / building projects: »N/A Current Use: -Fire Department Building Area: -+/-3,000 GSF Deferred Maintenance: -Site Work »Sealcoat of parking lot -HVAC »Replace unit heaters and condenser unit -Exterior Enclosure »Repair frame of garage door »Replace exterior door from bay -Interior Construction »Polished/Epoxy flooring in the fire hall »Update living room space »Update restrooms -Roof »Asphalt roof in good shape -Plumbing »Irrigation is original to building »Replace some water heaters and water softeners Fire Station #2 53 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 49 Goals: -Update functional limitations -Address accessiblity requirements -Update finishes and interior to modern standards -Prepare facility for alternate use Fire #2 - Program Analysis Summary Data: -~1 Acres -~3,000 SF Building Footprint -12 Parking Stalls -29% Open Space, 71% Impervious Observations: -General maintenance -ADA compliance -Hose tower safety concerns -Equipment upgrades -Functional updates -Cosmetic updates CHANHASSEN FIRE STATION #2 LINE SITE PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT AREA (SF) AREA (ACRES) Capacity Notes FIRE STATION 2 - GENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT A 3,000 0.07 2 GREEN SPACE B 32,375 0.74 3 PUBLIC SIDEWALK C 1,310 0.03 4 SOUTH PARKING LOT (ACCESS APRON) G 3,385 0.08 3 CARS 5 SOUTHWEST PARKING LOT H 5,230 0.12 9 CARS 6 TOTAL SITE AREA 45,300 1.04 PARCEL SIZE BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 7 SITE AREA RATIO 28.53%71.47%Green space / 28.53% impervious LINE BUILDING PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT ROOM NUMBER Capacity Area / Person Notes FIRE STATION 2 - BUILDING DETAILED PROGRAM LINE BUILDING PROGRAM ELEMENT SPACE TYPE / DEPARTMENT ROOM NUMBER AREA (SF)Capacity Area / Person Notes 8 MAIN FLOOR LEVEL 9 APPARATUS BAY OPERATIONS A100 1800 N/A Functional updates recommended 10 LAUNDRY / TOOL OPERATIONS A101 130 2 65 Remodeling project recommended 11 HOSE TOWER OPERATIONS A102 90 N/A Demolition and conversion to storage space recommended 12 OFFICE OPERATIONS A103 130 2 65 Remodeling project recommended 13 WOMEN SUPPORT A104 75 1 75 ADA compliance - remodeling recommended 14 MEN SUPPORT A105 75 1 75 ADA compliance - remodeling recommended 15 JANITOR CLOSET SUPPORT A106 5 N/A Remodeling project recommended 16 LOUNGE FIRE STAFF / PRIVATE A107 500 10 50 Remodeling project recommended 17 MECHANICAL BUILDING SERVICES A108 100 1 100 See facility assessment for deferred maintenance recommended 18 HALLWAY SUPPORT A109 75 Remodeling project recommended 19 MAIN FLOOR LEVEL SUBTOTAL 2980 20 TOTAL NET SQUARE FEET 2980 NSF 21 NET TO GROSS MULTIPLIER 1.06 22 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET 3150 GSF PROGRAM SUMMARY 02.23.2022 Chanhassen Facilities Master Plan Study 1 of 2 54 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 50 40'80'20'10'0' Building Area 1. 3,000 SF Green Space 2. 32,375 SF Sidewalk 3. 1,310 SF Parking Area 4. West 9 stalls (5,230 SF) 5. South 3 stalls (3,385 SF) Site Area 6. 1.04 acres (45,300 SF) Site Area Ratio 7. +/-71% green space 8. +/-29% impervious Minnewas ht a P a r k w a y High w a y 7 Site Overview: 1 54 2 3 55 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 51 Projected Growth: -Review 2013 Fire Department Study and long term operational plans -No growth anticipated at this station Space Utilization / Layout: KITCHENETTE FURNACE 5'-9"6'-9"KITCHENETTE LOUNGE MEN APPARATUS BAY LAUNDRY / TOOLSTORAGE OFFICE WOMEN MECHANICAL HALLWAY 4'8'2'1'0' J.C. 56 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 52 Potential Remodel Project: Light Remodel 1. Laundry / Tool = 130 SF »Finish updates »New equipment 2. Apparatus Bay = 1,800 SF »Finish updates »New epoxy flooring 3. Hallway = 75 SF »Finish updates Medium Remodel 4. Mechanical = 100 SF »Deferred Maintenance Updates Heavy Remodel 5. Storage = 90 SF »Finish updates »New walls and doors »Demo hose tower and repair roofing 6. Lounge = 500 SF & Office = 130 SF »Finish updates »New casework »New furniture 7. Restrooms = 150 SF »Finish updates »New fixtures »New furniture KITCHENETTE FURNACE LOUNGE MEN APPARATUS BAY LAUNDRY / TOOLSTORAGE OFFICE WOMEN MECHANICAL J.C. HALLWAY 6'-9"7'-0"5'-0" 4'8'2'1'0' Remodel Intensity LIGHT MEDIUM HEAVY KITCHENETTE FURNACE LOUNGE MEN APPARATUS BAY LAUNDRY / TOOLSTORAGE OFFICE WOMEN MECHANICAL J.C. HALLWAY 6'-9"7'-0"5'-0" 4'8'2'1'0' Remodel Intensity LIGHT MEDIUM HEAVY 57 COST DATA / NEXT STEPS 58 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 54 City Hall Summary and Budget Data: Option One: Remodel & Addition Project (at existing property) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $11M - $13M 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $3M - $4M 3. Land Acquisition $0M 4. Total Costs Range $14M - $17M Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $16M - $19M Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $17M - $21M *Project costs only - does not include costs for temporary relocation / leased space required during construction Option Two: New Building Project (on City Owned Land) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $16M - $19M 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $4M - $5M 3. Land Acquisition $0M 4. Total Costs Range $20M - $24M Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $22M - $27M Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $25M - $30M 59 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 55 Community Center Summary and Budget Data: Option One: Remodel & Addition Project (at existing property) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $5.5M - $6.5M 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $1.5M - $2.5M 3. Land Acquisition $0M 4. Total Costs Range $7M - $9M Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $8M - $10M Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $9M - $11M Option Two: New Building Project (at new property) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $42M - $89M 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $13M - $16M 3. Land Acquisition $12M - $14M 4. Total Costs Range $67M - $119M Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $75M - $133M Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $83M - $147M 60 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 56 Fire #1 Summary and Budget Data: Option One: Remodel & Addition Project (at existing property) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $3M - $3.5M 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $1M - $1.5M 3. Land Acquisition $0 4. Total Costs Range $4M - $5M Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $4.5M - $5.6M Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $5M - $6.2M Option Two: New Building Project (on City Owned Land) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $7M - $8M 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $1.5M - $2.5M 3. Land Acquisition $0 4. Total Costs Range $8.5M - $10.5M Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $9.5M - $12M Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $10.5M - $13M 61 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 57 Fire #2 Summary and Budget Data: Option One: Remodel Project (at existing property) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Hard Costs Range $350,000 - $400,000 2. Soft / Owner Costs Range $100,000 - 150,000 3. Land Acquisition $0M 4. Total Costs Range $450,000 - $550,000 Escalation [2027 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 12% (0.12) 2. Total Costs Range $500,000 - $615,000 Escalation [2030 project cost] 1. Percentage Increase 24% (0.24) 2. Total Costs Range $560,000 - $685,000 Option Two: Divest (no action) ROMProjectCost(2024) 1. Total Costs Range $0M 62 CITY OF CHANHASSEN FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY03.21.2022 58 Discussion / Next Steps: • Reviewandconfirmtheproposedprojectscope(s)alignswiththe City’sgoalsandpriorities • City Hall »Retrofit vs. Build New? • Recreation Center » Referendum Task Force to clarify and review the scope • Fire Stations » To Be Determined: Pending other decisions • FinalizeMasterPlanStudyforCouncilAction 63 THANK YOU 64 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Future Work Session Schedule File No.Item No: A.2 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold the following work sessions: April 25, 2022 1. Short-Term, Rental, and Business Licensing 2. City Council Roundtable May 9, 2022 1. Park Referendum Update May 23, 2022 1. Southern Chanhassen and Lower Bluff Development Planning 65 BACKGROUND Staff or the City Council may suggest topics for work sessions. Dates are tentative until the meeting agenda is published. Work sessions are typically held at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month in conjunction with the regular City Council meeting, but may be scheduled for other times as needed. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 66 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Invitation to 2022 Easter Egg Candy Hunt File No.Item No: C.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City of Chanhassen, with the support of our local Community Event Sponsors, is proud to announce the second community event of 2022 - the 39th annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt. Area residents, their families, and friends are invited to join us on Saturday, April 16th at 9am in City Center Park for a morning of fun! Children ages 12 and under will participate in a candy and egg hunt, have the chance to win special prizes, and visit with the Easter Bunny. For more information on the Easter Egg Candy Hunt and to register, visit us online at www.chanrec.com/easter. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION 67 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Easter Egg Candy Hunt Flyer 2022 68 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Details Hunt for candy in three different age categories! Each participant will receive a bag (with goodies!) for gathering candy and eggs, as well as the chance to find special eggs that are redeemable for prizes. Bring your camera for an eggstra-special photo with the Easter Bunny! The Candy Hunt is held rain or shine at City Center Park, North of Chanhassen City Hall at 7700 Market Blvd. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Pre-registration closes Friday, April 15 at 4pm. Day-of registration will be available, cash or check only. Register online at ww.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/easter Easter ColoringContest Rules Easter Contest coloring pages are available at City Hall, the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/easter Completed entries may be dropped off at Chanhassen City Hall or the Chan Rec Center (by 3pm Friday, April 15), brought to the Egg Hunt, or submitted online (by 11:59pm Sunday, April 17) to the above link. Ages 12 and under. FREE! Easter E ggCity of Chanhassen’s 39th Annual A Very Special Thank You To Our Egg-Cellent Sponsors! Logos pictured indicate community sponsor contributions of $1,000+ Saturday, April 16 , 9 am City Center Park AGES 12 & UNDER • $6 PER CHILD Want to become a sponsor? Visit us at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/sponsorship COLORINGCONTESTTOO! CANDY HUNT ! PURPLE LEAF Corporate: Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Business: Americana Community Bank; Automotive Unlimited; Bongards Premium Cheese; Chanhassen American Legion Post 580; Charter Bank Chanhassen; Chick-fil-A Chanhassen; Culver's Chanhassen; Eden Trace Corp; J&R Complete Auto Repair; kiddywampus; Merlin’s Ace Hardware; Pizzaioli; TGK Automotive Specialists; The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center; and Wink Family Eye Care Individual: Debra Michels Insurance SILVER LEAF Corporate: Old National Bank Business: Electrical Production Services, Inc. GREEN LEAF Corporate: Ridgeview Business: Brown’s Tire & Auto; Chanhassen Chiropractic; Chanhassen Dental; Dentistry on the Ponds; Houlihan’s; Park Dental Eden Prairie; Power Systems AHS; Roberts Automatic; Waytek; and Xcel Energy CONTRIBUTING Corporate: Lunds & Byerlys Chanhassen and Noodles & Company Business: Berne Scale; Brian Reister State Farm Insurance; Cabin Fever Sporting Goods; CFC Athletics; CHI Companies; Lake Minnetonka Orthodontics; Leeann Chin; Metropolitan Supply; Peak Heating and Cooling, Inc.; Pilgrim Dry Cleaners; Seedlings Gifts & Books; Subway Chanhassen; Turbo Nail Inc., Chanhassen; and V. Clayton & Associates 952.445.6555 GRAB YOURCRAYONS &HAVE FUN! 69 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated March 14, 2022 File No.Item No: D.1 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council Minutes dated March 14, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Work Session Minutes dated March 14, 2022 70 City Council Meeting Minutes dated March 14, 2022 71 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES MARCH 14, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Schubert. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Mark von Oven, Planning Commission Karl Tsuchiya, Park & Recreation Commission Greg Hawks, Environmental Commission Jerry Cerchia, Senior Commission Eric Anderson, Economic Development Commission COMMISSION APPLICANT INTERVIEWS The City Council interviewed the following commission applicants: Bala Chintaginjala Perry Schwartz Aaron Brady Jeremy Whiteman Scott Grefe Stacy Goff Bhakti Modi Kara Cassidy Ruth Lunde Following the interviews, the City Council reviewed and rated all of the applicants. Commissioners will be appointed on the regular agenda under General Business. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE 03/21/2022 – Facilities Study Discussion, City Manager Performance Review (closed session after regular meeting 04/11/2022 – Fire Department/Public Safety Staffing Update, ARPA Discussion 04/25/2022 – Short-Term, Rental, and Business Licensing, City Council Roundtable 05/09/2022 – Park Referendum Update 05/23/2022 – Southern Chanhassen and Lower Bluff Development Planning 72 City Council Work Session Minutes – March 14, 2022 2 The meeting adjourned at ______ p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 73 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 14, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman Campion, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilwoman Schubert, Councilman McDonald. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; and Andrea McDowell-Poehler, City Attorney. PUBLIC PRESENT:None. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1.Approve City Council Minutes dated February 28, 2022 2.Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 15, 2022 3.Approve Claims Paid dated March 14, 2022 4.Approve 2022 Liquor License Renewals 5.Award Low Quote, 2022 4th of July Tents, Tables, and Chairs 6.Resolution 2022-21:Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for the 2022 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 22-01 7.Resolution 2022-22:Approve Quit Claim Deeds, Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary, City of Chanhassen and Eastern Carver County School District 8.Resolution 2022-23:Accept Public Streets, Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements in Fawn Hill, Project No. 2017-07 74 City Council Minutes – March 14, 2022 2 9.Resolution 2022-2:Authorize Replacement Purchase of Fire Department Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) and to amend the budget for the Fleet Capital Fund 10.Resolution 2022-25:Accept Donation of $500 from Balakrishna Chintaginjala 11.Ordinance 686:Approve Amendment to Chapter 20 (Zoning) of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Notification Requirements and Public Hearing Timelines All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. PUBLIC HEARING: None. GENERAL BUSINESS:None. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. 1. 2022 Building Permit Activity February Year to Date 2. Mediacom Programming Changes and Rate Adjustments Mayor Ryan noted that the next City Council meeting will be on Monday, March 21, 2022. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 75 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated March 21, 2022 File No.Item No: D.2 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council Minutes dated March 21, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Work Session Minutes dated March 21, 2022 76 City Council Meeting Minutes dated March 21, 2022 77 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES MARCH 21, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Schubert. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director; Kelly Strey, Finance Director; Don Johnson, Fire Chief; Rick Rice, IT Manager; Lt. Lance Pearce, Carver County Sheriff’s Office; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: James Howarth, Snow Kreilich Architects Tim Kitella, Kraus-Anderson Mayor Ryan provided an overview of the work session agenda items along with a time schedule for each item. OUTDOOR STORAGE OF BOATS City Manager Hokkanen provided the City Council with a brief synopsis of the item for discussion. Specifically, potentially allowing seasonal storage of watercraft (jet skis, boats, kayaks, paddleboards, etc.) in driveways. Mayor Ryan invited Councilmembers to provide their input in this item. Councilmember Rehm would like to specifically look at boats and trailers allowing one watercraft vehicle to be parked in a driveway for a limited amount of time, i.e. from April 1 to October 1. This will accommodate residents’ desires and seems reasonable. Mayor Ryan asked Councilmember Rehm for clarification of trailers. Councilmember Rehm responded that it would be limited to a watercraft on a trailer. Councilmember Campion has similar feelings to what Councilmember Rehm proposed by limiting it to watercraft only. Also, there are so many lakes in Chanhassen and a lot of residents own watercraft. Councilmember Schubert is also in favor of allowing watercraft parking in driveways as long as setback and sight line rules are followed. 78 City Council Work Session Minutes – March 21, 2022 2 Councilmember Campion added that allowing watercraft parking in driveways would reduce the need for enforcement from resident complaints. Councilman McDonald is not in favor of allowing watercraft parking in driveways because Council previously reviewed this and it was very devisive. If only watercraft parking is allowed, the residents who own recreational vehicles would get upset because it would be the same footprint and during the same season. Residents were already given an opportunity to express their views during public meetings. Mayor Ryan agreed with Councilman McDonald. She didn’t support it previously and reiterated that it is a devisive issue and would be a challenge to defend limiting driveway parking to watercraft only. However, if this does move forward she would like to recommend shortening the allowed storage period from April to October to Memorial Day to Labor Day or something in that timeframe. She anticipates that residents who own winter vehicles such as snowmobiles would be asking for the same thing. Councilmember Rehm replied that people tend to take their boats out in mid-April to start preparing them for the boating season and a six-month timeframe would be a clean beginning and end. Many residents already keep their watercraft in their driveway and it would make it easier for staff to deal with enforcement issues. Will it be harder for staff to enforce if the time period is shorter? Community Development Director Kate Aanenson suggested that that the Planning Commission weigh in on this issue and put in some parameters on this issue and provide feedback. Some people will launch their boats but still keep the empty trailers in their driveways so there are some nuances to be discussed. Councilman McDonald asked if the City has conducted a FlashVote on this issue. City Manager Hokkanen responded that we have not but it is something we could use FlashVote for. We typically use FlashVote when public opinion would be very help to make a decision. In cases like this where the City Council has a pretty good idea of how they feel about it, it’s often not as helpful. Also, what we saw through the emails we would probably see the same thing in FlashVote. Community Development Director Kate Aanenson stated that the Planning Commission could review it at their April 19th meeting. Mayor Ryan requested that the staff report include the parameters discussed. City Manager Hokkanen suggested that the staff report provide information on specifically what the Council is considering and not that we are starting over with the process. Councilmember Rehm added that if the ordinance is passed that public education be provided. Mayor Ryan recessed the Work Session at 5:20 p.m. 79 City Council Work Session Minutes – March 21, 2022 3 Mayor Ryan reconvened the Work Session at 5:30 p.m. FACILITIES STUDY DISCUSSION City Engineer/Public Works Director Howley introduced Phase II of the facilities study and displayed a PowerPoint Presentation. James Howarth from Snow Kreilich Architects and Tim Kitella from Kraus-Anderson introduced themselves. Mr. Howarth went over tonight’s agenda and reviewed what occurred in Phase I and the schedule for Phase II. Executive Summary Mr. Kitella reviewed the findings of the five City facilities: City Hall has adequacy issues that may complicate reinvestment for its intended use based on the original design Recreation Center is unable to meet the growing demand and shifts of current recreational needs for the city population Fire Station #1 has limitations for space, but overall facility is in fair condition Fire Station #2 may no longer serve the city in a beneficial manner for its intended purposes Old Village serves current needs and requires a limited investment The focus tonight will be on City Hall. Mr. Howarth reviewed the Master Plan process: Evaluate current and potential alternate locations for Facilities Explore options to accommodate future needs and changing demographics o Evaluate pros / cons of re-using existing facility structures, remodeling or adding new building additions o Evaluate pros / cons of building new replacement facilities Identify City goals for sustainability and operational efficiency o Evaluate pros / cons to identify strategies that can align with City mission, goals,and long term plans Generate cost estimates for alternatives that can be compared with Facility Assessment cost data to inform City long term financial planning and investments The following Master Plan Options were presented: City Hall Stay in place: Remodel / Building Addition New facility on City-owned property New facility at alternate location (new City campus) 80 City Council Work Session Minutes – March 21, 2022 4 Recreation Center Stay in place: Remodel / Building Addition New Facility at alternate location (new City campus) Fire Station #1 Stay in place: Remodel / Building Addition New facility on City-owned property New facility at alternate location (new City campus) Fire Station #2 Prepare for alternate use: Remodel / fix accessibility issues and deferred maintenance projects Old Village Hall Maintain current use: Deferred maintenance project(s) Work completed between January and March, 2022 was reviewed. Project cost estimates were calculated to include hard costs, soft costs, owner costs, project cost, and cost escalations for anticipated future change in costs over time. Mr. Howarth reviewed each facility that included the following information: General information (includes year built and major remodel /building projects) Current use Facility comparisons (Recreation Center) Building area Deferred maintenance (includes HVAC, exterior enclosure, roof, interior construction, site work, plumbing, etc.) A summary and site program analysis was provided for each facility which included goals for each facility. Cost data for each facility option along with next steps was presented. Finance Director Strey reviewed budget impacts. Discussion/Next Steps Review and confirm the proposed project scope(s) aligns with the City’s goals and priorities City Hall – Retrofit versus build new Recreation Center – Referendum Task Force to clarify and review the scope Fire Stations – To be determined pending other decisions Finalize Master Plan Study for City Council action 81 City Council Work Session Minutes – March 21, 2022 5 Mayor Ryan asked when the next facilities discussion would take place. City Manager Hokkanen provided an update on the future work session schedule as well as upcoming Referendum Task Force meetings. The future work session schedule was rearranged so that the facilities discussion could continue at the April 11, 2022 Work Session. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE The future City Council Work Session schedule was updated as shown below: 04/11/2022:Facilities Study Discussion 04/25/2022:Fire Department/Public Safety Staffing Update, ARPA Discussion, Short-Term, Rental, and Business Licensing, City Council Roundtable 05/09/2022:Park Referendum Update 05/23/2022:Southern Chanhassen and Lower Bluff Development Planning The meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 82 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 21, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman Campion, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilwoman Schubert, Councilman McDonald. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director; George Bender, Assistant City Engineer; Don Johnson, Fire Chief; Lt. Lance Pearce, Carver County Sheriff’s Office; and Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director. PUBLIC PRESENT: Detective Josh Baker, Carver County Sheriff’s Office Rob Schatzle, RSI Marine Jon Rausch, Cushman and Wakefield PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campion moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Degler Farm: Approve a Request to Amend Interim Use Permit #2021-13 to Extend the Termination Date of the Permit 2. DOT Drug and Alcohol Policy for Commercial Drivers and the Non-DOT Drug Testing and Drug Free Workplace Policy for City Employees 3.Resolution 2022-26:Accept 2022 Community Events Sponsorship Donations from Area Businesses 4.Resolution 2022-27:Approve Proposal with Parrott Contracting to add Water Hydrant at Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetery 83 City Council Minutes – March 21, 2022 2 5.Resolution 2022-28:Support for entering into a Host Site Agreement with the MPCA for a Minnesota GreenCorps Member in the 2022-2023 Program Year 6.Ordinance 687:Amend Economic Development Commission terms; and Resolution 2022- 29: Amend Economic Development Commission Bylaws relative to Commissioners' Terms 7. City Commission and Park & Recreation Referendum Task Force Appointments All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. FIRE DEPARTMENT/LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATE 1. Fire Department Update Fire Chief Johnson gave an update noting they have 33 paid on-call firefighters with two on medical leave. The seven new candidates are at various stages of the hiring process and should be ready to go by April 4,2022. On March 10 Captain interviews were held with offers extended to three internal candidates; one of the external candidates will also be taking a Captain’s position. Chief Johnson stated the department responded to 65 calls in February with 21 general alarms, 5 fire calls, and 49 EMS calls. He shared about the new SCBA equipment, CPR training, and fire inspections and code violations. 2. Law Enforcement Update and 2021 Annual Report Lieutenant Pearce presented the 2021 Annual Report, noting total criminal offenses included 609 crimes, 1,026 medical calls, and 179 mental health calls. The police are spending on average 2.28 hours on each call, which does not include follow-up duties. Lieutenant Pearce spoke about the Sherriff’s Office initiative and goals to address mental health including training in the second year of employment, mental health and de-escalation resolution with autism training, the addition of a mental health co-responder, and mental health crisis staff embedded within the dispatch center. Lieutenant Pearce shared information and graphs on burglary and robbery, theft and vehicle theft, fraud, assault and sex crimes, DUI and drug offenses, domestics, and arrests. Investigator Josh Baker shared about a larger burglary ring that occurred on August 5, 2021 with multiple addresses which had been burglarized within the City and surrounding cities. He spoke about the process of investigating and detective involvement with muti-jurisdictional meetings to identify the perpetrators. Lieutenant Pearce shared about policing and public safety trends Statewide, fatal crashes, stolen vehicles, police pursuits, and water safety incidents noting stats have increased. He noted they 84 City Council Minutes – March 21, 2022 3 are seeing some public safety hiring and retention challenges with retirements and some who are simply quitting their jobs and saying “I’m done” with no plan on what they will do next. He shared difficulties found in less people coming into law enforcement and noted the department is trying to find alternate ways to recruit. The 2022 vision for the department is to continue building on community partnerships, to build on training requirements as they evolve, to continue building on mental wellness both inside and outside the agency, and to build a foundation with hiring and retention. Mayor Ryan, on behalf of the City Council, expressed appreciation for the hard work and dedication the department gives for the community. 3. 2021/2022 Law Enforcement Contract Overview & Highlights Mayor Ryan asked the City Council to look through this item noting they would speak about it at a future time. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Resolution 2022-30: Conduct Public Improvement Hearing, Order the Project, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Authorize the Advertisement for Bids for the 2022 Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project No. 20-03 Assistant City Engineer Bender gave a presentation on the item. He gave history on the proposed project and shared about geotechnical reports, bituminous layer thickness and pavement depths, and explained the modified re-striping of the street including a white fog line. Mr. Bender noted they will be improving the pedestrian crossings with updated signage and shared about the trail rehabilitation with full depth reclamation and an ADA–compliant trail section. He spoke about water main and sanitary sewer rehabilitation and repairs, as well as storm water improvements within the project. Mr. Bender shared the total budgeted amount for the project is $875,000 with the estimated amount of the project coming in slightly over budget at $892,000. The preliminary assessment amount for the project area is $4,040 per unit and Mr. Bender shared calculations on screen noting there are 20 assessable units along the road. Staff recommends the City Council order the improvements, approve the plan specifications, and authorize the advertisement for bid. Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing.There were no public comments. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the City Council adopts a resolution ordering the improvements, approving the plan and specifications, and authorizing advertisement for bids for the 2022 Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project No. 20-03. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 85 City Council Minutes – March 21, 2022 4 GENERAL BUSINESS 1. 10500 and 10520 Great Plains Boulevard: Approve a Request for Conceptual PUD for a Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning on approximately 8.3 Acres with a Land Use Ms. Aanenson gave a presentation on Planning Case 2022-04 RSI Marine Concept Planned Unit Development (PUD) which went before the Planning Commission on March 1, 2022 and was recommended with a 4-0 approval. The property would be rezoned to PUD which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The use would be warehousing for boat storage for the marine business and allows for future redevelopment as a mixed-use district. The project allows the area to function as a transition between the intersections of Highway 101 and 61 and the high-density residential to the east. Ms. Aanenson shared about public utilities, noting sanitary and potable water services are not yet available to the site but that non-potable water can be used for fire suppression needs. Staff recommends approval with conditions listed in the Staff Report. Mayor Ryan asked about the access asking if it is a right-in and right-out. Mr. Bender clarified because it is a County Road all access must be reviewed and approved by the County. In their review, if the County has concerns they will need to be addressed. Rob Schatzle, Applicant, also owns a shop in Shakopee and clarified the Chanhassen location will strictly be storage and he is open to suggestions for the future. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the Concept PUD 2022-04 subject to the conditions of approval. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 2. Resolution 2022-31: Establish Election Precincts and Designate Polling Places City Manager Hokkanen said the City looks at population when drawing precincts and are looking to reduce from 7 polling places to 6 polling places due to the increase in absentee or early voting. The City believes it can provide a quality voting experience by going to 6 precincts which will reduce demand on Staff, the amount of election workers hired, and the amount of capital equipment needed. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution establishing election precincts and designating polling places. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. 86 City Council Minutes – March 21, 2022 5 ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. 1. Planning Department 2021 Year-End Review and 2022 Work Plan Ms. Aanenson shared a report with the City Council and stated they had a busy year in 2021 and in 2022 she anticipates Avienda coming forward as well as some other projects. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. 1. MnDOT State Aid for Local Transportation Brochure 2. SouthWest Transit Commission Letter of Support dated March 14, 2022 CLOSED SESSION Mayor Ryan closed the session at 9:01 p.m. as permitted by State Statute 13D.05, Subd. 3(a)to evaluate the performance of an individual who is subject to its authority. 1. City Manager Performance Review The meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 87 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Receive Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 25, 2022 File No.Item No: D.3 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Christine Lusian, Administrative Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Receives the Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 25, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 88 January 25, 2022 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes 89 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2022 Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The meeting was conducted via teleconference. MEMBERS PRESENT VIA ZOOM: Karl Tsuchiya, Sandy Sweetser, Jim Peck, Don Vasatka, Scott Fischer, Matt Kutz, Heather Markert, Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee (left the meeting early due to prior commitment). MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator. PUBLIC PRESENT:None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Park and Recreation Director Ruegemer would like to add an item regarding selecting three questions for the interview process for the PRC to be added as item 2 under General Business. Commissioner Sweetser moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. None. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. APPROVE PARK & RECREATION MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 14, 2021 Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Sweetser seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated December 24, 2021 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Parks Referendum Discussion Mr. Ruegemer gave a presentation noting it was shared the previous night at the City Council work session. The City Council indicated they are on board for a November 8, 2022 Park 90 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – January 25, 2022 2 Referendum. Guiding principles include stewardship of natural resources, connectivity within parks and trails, engagement with the community, and adaptability. He shared about results of a 2019 Community Survey, the Parks and Recreation System Plan from 2017, and the Lake Ann Park Preserve Feasibility Study from 2019. Mr. Ruegemer showed a referendum timeline on screen showing key dates throughout the year, including creation of a task force, ballot language, and advertising all leading up to election day on November 8, 2022. The task force would be made up of 1-2 City Council members, 2 PRC Members, 1 Planning Commission Member, 1 Environmental Commission Member, 1 Senior Commission Member, and 6 at-Large Members (2 from each geographic zone), as well as liaisons from local athletic associations. Mr. Ruegemer walked through financing which could include bonds, cash reserves, and shared interest rate estimates. Details on neighboring cities’ Community Centers as well as the Park and Recreation System Plan Priorities were shown and options for the referendum including adding an aquatic facility, expanding ice, permanent bathrooms at parks, an amphitheater, art center, indoor park/playground, or additional gym space. Moving forward, Mr. Ruegemer noted the City Council will designate the Task Force members who will work with Staff to define parameters of project scope and capital investment and identify grant opportunities and project partners. The Commissioners discussed the item and asked clarifying questions of Staff regarding timeline, the Task Force, and interest rates. 2. Interview Questions Mr. Ruegemer shared the historic process of appointing Commission members within the City, noting they are now looking at doing video interviews for Park and Recreation Commission members and he is looking to pare down the list to three interview questions. The Commissioners discussed which questions would be most beneficial for interviewing and finalized draft language for those questions: 1. What qualities, strengths, and experiences do you have that make you a strong candidate for this Commission? 2. What do you and your community members feel are the biggest opportunities for Chanhassen Park and Recreation? 3. If you’re selected, what would you like the Park and Recreation Commission to accomplish during your term? Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the Interview Questions for Park and Recreation Candidate interviews. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. REPORTS. 1. 2022 February Festival Preview 91 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – January 25, 2022 3 Recreation Coordinator Priya Tandon gave a presentation highlighting events at the 2022 February Festival coming up on Saturday, February 5 at Lake Ann. Events include a medallion hunt, ice fishing contest, free activities, music and concessions, snow-shoeing, dog-sled rides, ice skating, horse-drawn wagon rides, and drawings for door prizes. Ms. Tandon walked through other details of the event including ticket sales, volunteers, event sponsors, contests, and prizes. Ms. Tandon thanked the Rotary Club, the Chanhassen Lions, the Watershed District, Chanhassen Fire, and Carver County Sherriff, as well as Key Clubs, National Honor Societies, and Students Today Leaders Forever for helping with the event. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. None. ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Sweetser moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director 92 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Receive Senior Commission minutes dated February 18, 2022 File No.Item No: D.4 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Receives the Senior Commission minutes dated February 18, 2022." Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Senior Commission Minutes dated February 18, 2022 93 1 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES February 18, 2022 MEMBERS PRESENT:Bhakti Modi, Linda Haight, Dorina Tipton, Ruth Lunde, Lisa Lyon, Jim Camarata, Susan Kibler, Jerry Cerchia. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner, and Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator. GUESTS PRESENT:Heather Tran, UNITE US Executive Director, Allison Alstrin, UNITE US Community Engagement Manager, Linnéa Fonnest, Adults Services Librarian, Carver County Library, Councilwoman Lucy Rehm. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Lunde moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Tipton moved to approve the minutes dated January 21, 2022. Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. UNITE US PRESENTATION (HEATHER TRAN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ALLISON ALSTRIN, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MANAGER) Unite Us builds healthier communities by addressing all determinants of health in a community. It coordinates care across clinical, social, and behavioral health. Unite Us is a program that was started in 2013 by two veterans. It arrived to Minnesota last year. It’s a bridge between health and social services. Information was handed out to the commission addressing: What is a coordinated care network? How the network works How to join a network 94 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – February 18, 2022 2 95 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – February 18, 2022 3 96 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – February 18, 2022 4 97 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – February 18, 2022 5 4TH OF JULY PRIZES-TO DO LIST Commissioners chose businesses to contact for donations to raise funds for Project Delta through the 4th of July Bingo event. 1 American Legion Post 580 290 Lake Drive East Jerry Cerchia 2 Axel's Bonfire 560 West 78th Street Dorina Tipton 3 Bluff Creek Course 1025 Creekwood Drive 4 Board & Brush Creative Studio 7882 Market Boulevard Susan Kibler 5 Bonsai Sushi & Korean Cuisine 420 Pond Promenade 6 Brindisi's Pub 501 West 78th Street Jerry Cerchia 7 Buffalo Wild Wings #88 550 West 79th Street Jerry Cerchia 8 Burger King 7765 Century Blvd 9 Café Thyme 7850 Market Boulevard Dorina Tipton 10 Caribou Coffee 800 W 78th Street Dorina Tipton 11 Caribou Coffee 920 W 78th Street 12 Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 501 West 78th Street Ruth Lunde 13 Chick-fil-A 445 West 79th Street Susan Kibler 14 Chipotle Mexican Grill #431 560 West 79th Street Linda Haight 15 Crisp and Green Linda Haight 16 Culver's 450 Pond Promenade Linda Haight 17 Davanni's Pizza and Hot Hoagies 464 Lake Drive, Suite 100 Linda Haight 18 Dog Park Gourmet Hot Dogs 7828 Market Blvd Susan Kibler 19 Domino's Pizza 400 West 78th Street Bhakti Modi 20 Greek Grill and Fry Susan Kibler 21 Gina Maria's Pizza 330 Lake Drive E Ruth Lunde 22 Halla Greens Executive Golf Course & Drive Range 495 Pioneer Trail Jim Cmarata 23 Happy Garden II 2443 Highway 7 Susan Kibler 24 High Timbers Lounge/ Meeting Rooms 591 West 78th Street Linda Haight 25 Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar 530 Pond Promenade Jerry Cerchia 26 Jersey Mike's Subs 945 West 78th Street, Suite 120 Dorina Tipton 27 Jimmy John's 7851 Market Blvd Linda Haight 28 Jimmy John's 2635 West 78th Street Linda Haight 29 Jungle Kitchen 406 Lake Drive, Suite 150 Susan Kibler 30 Kai's Sushi & Grill 586 West 78th Street Dorina Tipton 31 Leeann Chin 963 West 78th Street 98 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – February 18, 2022 6 32 Life Time Fitness 2901 Corporate Place 33 Lunds & Byerlys 800 West 78th Street Susan Kibler 34 Med Box Grill Linda Haight 35 McDonald's 90 Lake Drive E 36 McDonald's 8971 Crossroads Blvd 37 Na’s Thai Cafe 566 West 78th Street Dorina Tipton 38 Noodles and Company 945 West 78th Street Bhakti Modi 39 North Coop 2401 Highway 7 Susan Kibler 40 Panera Bread 531 West 79th Street Jim Cmarata 41 Papa Murphay's Take 'N' Bake Pizza 7878 Market Blvd Susan Kibler 42 From Scratch Bakery 500 West 79th Street, Suite 105 Linda Haight 43 Pizzaioli 588 West 78th Street Bhakti Modi 44 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 464 Lake Drive Jim Cmarata 45 Red's Savoy Jim Camarata 46 Rey Azteca 7874 Market Boulevard Susan Kibler 47 Soya Sushi & Grill 530 West 79th Street, Suite 120 Dorina Tipton 48 Starbucks 851 West 78th Street Bhakti Modi 49 Starbucks 190 Lake Drive E, Suite 140 Bhakti Modi 50 Subway 7836 Market Blvd Susan Kibler 51 Subway 8971 Crossroads Blvd, Suite 150 52 Taco Bell 975 West 78th Street Bhakti Modi 53 Taza Jim Camarata 54 Tequila Butcher 590 West 79th Street Jim Camarata 55 The Cookie Cups Chanhassen 600 Market Street #105 56 Wendy's 7820 Market Blvd Susan Kibler 57 Cub 7900 Market Blvd Susan Kibler 58 Byerly’s 800 W 78th St Susan Kibler 59 Fire Truck Visit Sharmeen Al- Jaff 60 Carver County Regional Parks Pass Sharmeen Al- Jaff 61 Senior Center Event Mary Blazanin 62 Rec Center Sharmeen Al- Jaff 63 Dandy Lion Coffee 64 Lotus Lake Gifts Alison 99 Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – February 18, 2022 7 65 Seedlings 66 Chuck and Dons Susan Kibler 67 Spalon Montage 68 Nail Gallery 60 Cheesecake Funk https://cheesecakefunk.com 61 Paisley Park DEMENTIA FRIENDS TRAINING – 2/17/2022, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM. SENIOR CENTER. FREE OF CHARGE. Commissioner Tipton headed the training which took place on February 17, 2022. The total number of attendees was 13. The training went very well. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS RELATING TO AGING ADULTS TECHNOLOGY: Carver county library programs: Linnéa Fonnest stated that the library is holding events to honor Women’s History Month including Women’s HerStory Month. A Winter and Spring Programs booklets were distributed to the commission. A winter reading for adults program has been introduced as well as a MinneSNOWta Authors Bingo program. Both programs award prizes. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Camara moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Haight seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff 100 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Approve Claims Paid dated April 11, 2022 File No.Item No: D.5 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Danielle Washburn, Assistant Finance Director Reviewed By Kelly Strey SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Approves Claims Paid dated April 11, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The following claims are submitted for review and approval on April 11, 2022: Check Numbers Amounts 177138 - 177245 $1,818,245.37 ACH Payments $741,427.39 Total All Claims $2,559,672.76 101 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Check Summary Check Summary ACH Check Detail Check Detail ACH 102 Accounts Payable User: Printed: dwashburn 4/1/2022 8:56 AM Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount ALAINC Aladtec, Inc 03/10/2022 0.00 3,600.00177138 Alliance Alliance Parts Truck and Trailer 03/10/2022 0.00 130.80177139 ARAMAR ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 03/10/2022 0.00 816.19177140 BCATRA BCA 03/10/2022 0.00 15.00177141 BCATRA BCA 03/10/2022 0.00 99.75177142 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 03/10/2022 0.00 7,905.73177143 EmbMinn CENTURYLINK 03/10/2022 0.00 1,093.50177144 CROCOL CROWN COLLEGE 03/10/2022 0.00 350.00177145 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 03/10/2022 0.00 225,484.00177146 GREMEA GREEN MEADOWS INC 03/10/2022 0.00 1,100.00177147 InteAsso International Association of Fire Chiefs 03/10/2022 0.00 265.00177148 Loc49 IUOE Local #49 03/10/2022 0.00 630.00177149 LEAMIN LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 03/10/2022 0.00 575.00177150 LEAINS LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 03/10/2022 0.00 97,837.00177151 LorLyn Lynn Lord 03/10/2022 0.00 50.00177152 MetGar Metro Garage Door Company 03/10/2022 0.00 537.16177153 METCO2 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 03/10/2022 0.00 217,038.58177154 NCPERS MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 03/10/2022 0.00 112.00177155 NORTLAS NORTHWEST LASERS & INSTRUMENTS03/10/2022 0.00 598.79177156 NOVSOL NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 03/10/2022 0.00 5,831.47177157 PILDRY PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 03/10/2022 0.00 482.13177158 PULPLU PULLTABS PLUS INC 03/10/2022 0.00 305.82177159 SevRya Ryan Severson 03/10/2022 0.00 100.00177160 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 03/10/2022 0.00 2,580.00177161 SOUSUB Southwest Suburban Publishing 03/10/2022 0.00 701.63177162 TheHart The Hartford 03/10/2022 0.00 1,513.28177163 OSSCON The Osseo Construction Company LLC 03/10/2022 0.00 34,273.10177164 WastMana Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 03/10/2022 0.00 1,722.40177165 WesSide West Side Properties, LLC 03/10/2022 0.00 122,689.30177166 Alliance Alliance Parts Truck and Trailer 03/17/2022 0.00 830.31177167 ASPMIL ASPEN MILLS 03/17/2022 0.00 43.75177168 BCATRA BCA 03/17/2022 0.00 15.00177169 BCATRA BCA 03/17/2022 0.00 66.50177170 BLAMAN Blackburn Manufacturing Company 03/17/2022 0.00 507.30177171 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 03/17/2022 0.00 7,600.80177172 EmbMinn CENTURYLINK 03/17/2022 0.00 64.00177173 CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA 03/17/2022 0.00 9,625.00177174 DELTOO DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 03/17/2022 0.00 59.42177175 DEMCON DEM-CON LANDFILL 03/17/2022 0.00 27.50177176 FerEnt Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 03/17/2022 0.00 317.66177177 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 03/17/2022 0.00 86.65177178 FitExc Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc 03/17/2022 0.00 417,948.70177179 HeaPar HealthPartners, Inc.03/17/2022 0.00 80,026.18177180 INDSCH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 03/17/2022 0.00 6,546.02177181 IndSig Indigo Signs 03/17/2022 0.00 3,400.50177182 LamSon Lametti & Sons Inc 03/17/2022 0.00 19,142.07177183 MetHol Metronet Holdings, LLC 03/17/2022 0.00 55.41177184 Page 1AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (4/1/2022 8:56 AM) 103 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount MNSaf Minnesota Safety Council 03/17/2022 0.00 644.00177185 MNTRAN MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 03/17/2022 0.00 200.00177186 PATMES PATCHIN MESSNER & DODD 03/17/2022 0.00 637.50177187 PinPes Pinnacle Pest Control 03/17/2022 0.00 1,125.00177188 PitBow Pitney Bowes Inc.03/17/2022 0.00 105.00177189 PowLif Power Lift, Inc.03/17/2022 0.00 18.92177190 POWOIB POWERPLAN OIB 03/17/2022 0.00 119.25177191 ROAANI ROADKILL ANIMAL CONTROL 03/17/2022 0.00 95.00177192 StanCons Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.03/17/2022 0.00 74.50177193 TimSav TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 03/17/2022 0.00 571.50177194 triedeea DeeAnn Triethart 03/17/2022 0.00 26.59177195 VIKELE VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 03/17/2022 0.00 47.11177196 WatInMot Water In Motion, Inc.03/17/2022 0.00 4,890.00177197 ABMEQU ABM Equipment, LLC 03/24/2022 0.00 126.17177198 ArpJam James Arps 03/24/2022 0.00 50.00177199 BRINKM BRINKMAN'S INC 03/24/2022 0.00 7,395.00177200 CARLIC CARVER COUNTY LICENSE CENTER 03/24/2022 0.00 6,893.72177201 CenLin CenturyLink 03/24/2022 0.00 59.51177202 DecBaseC Deck and Basement Co 03/24/2022 0.00 66.50177203 UB*02489 KYLE DUEA 03/24/2022 0.00 266.90177204 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 03/24/2022 0.00 97,254.00177205 GOGYMN Go Gymnastics 03/24/2022 0.00 1,627.50177206 GYMWOR GYM WORKS INC 03/24/2022 0.00 1,682.00177207 HillPau Paul Hill 03/24/2022 0.00 50.00177208 JulQua Julee Quarve Peterson Inc 03/24/2022 0.00 668.05177209 KEOGJEFF JEFF KEOGH 03/24/2022 0.00 199.99177210 KeyDav David Keys 03/24/2022 0.00 123.78177211 LawPro Lawson Products, Inc.03/24/2022 0.00 103.65177212 LEAINS LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 03/24/2022 0.00 51,526.00177213 MetGar Metro Garage Door Company 03/24/2022 0.00 439.95177214 MNStaCom Minnesota State Community & Technical College03/24/2022 0.00 140.00177215 NEWSIG NEWMAN SIGNS INC 03/24/2022 0.00 509.31177216 NexGe NexGen 03/24/2022 0.00 154.50177217 NORPOW NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP CO 03/24/2022 0.00 12,292.24177218 POST POSTMASTER 03/24/2022 0.00 643.19177219 PulEle Pulse Electric 03/24/2022 0.00 323.00177220 ShaMde SMSC Organics Recycling Facility 03/24/2022 0.00 860.50177221 SnoKre Snow Kreilich Architects 03/24/2022 0.00 1,634.00177222 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 03/24/2022 0.00 193.74177223 TeeJay Tee Jay North, Inc.03/24/2022 0.00 910.00177224 VALRIC VALLEY-RICH CO INC 03/24/2022 0.00 20,119.97177225 WCEC WCEC Inc 03/24/2022 0.00 250.00177226 APAGRO APACHE GROUP 03/31/2022 0.00 1,127.52177227 Apres Apres, Inc.03/31/2022 0.00 15,200.41177228 ASPMIL ASPEN MILLS 03/31/2022 0.00 528.06177229 BCATRA BCA 03/31/2022 0.00 33.25177230 BjoCyc Bjorn Cycling, LLC 03/31/2022 0.00 295.00177231 CABFEV CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOODS 03/31/2022 0.00 1,800.00177232 EmbMinn CENTURYLINK 03/31/2022 0.00 1,815.31177233 SHAKOP CITY OF SHAKOPEE 03/31/2022 0.00 2,100.00177234 EHLERS EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 03/31/2022 0.00 15,000.00177235 EmeTec Emergency Technical Decon 03/31/2022 0.00 204.00177236 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 03/31/2022 0.00 211,336.40177237 GolLak Golf Lakes Condos 03/31/2022 0.00 73,331.92177238 LacSal Lacount Sales, LLC 03/31/2022 0.00 64.95177239 LocJos Joseph & Debra Lochner 03/31/2022 0.00 100.00177240 OttTrav Travis Ott 03/31/2022 0.00 689.55177241 Page 2AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (4/1/2022 8:56 AM) 104 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount PULTGROU Pulte Group Pulte Homes of MN LLC 03/31/2022 0.00 27.33177242 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 03/31/2022 0.00 1,380.00177243 TSGSer TSG Server & Storage, Inc 03/31/2022 0.00 2,880.00177244 DoaJen Jennifer Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen 03/31/2022 0.00 413.73177245 Report Total (108 checks): 1,818,245.37 0.00 Page 3AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (4/1/2022 8:56 AM) 105 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check User:dwashburn Printed: 4/1/2022 8:57 AM Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH ALEAIR ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 03/10/2022 0.00 465.00 ACH CAMKNU CAMPBELL KNUTSON 03/10/2022 0.00 29,417.59 ACH CAMBAR CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 03/10/2022 0.00 540.00 ACH CRYINF Crystal Infosystems LLC 03/10/2022 0.00 805.76 ACH GOPSTA GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 03/10/2022 0.00 141.75 ACH HeaStr Health Strategies 03/10/2022 0.00 373.00 ACH HOIKOE HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 03/10/2022 0.00 3,715.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 03/10/2022 0.00 58.82 ACH Marco Marco Inc 03/10/2022 0.00 494.33 ACH MERACE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 03/10/2022 0.00 741.44 ACH METCO Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 03/10/2022 0.00 29,521.80 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 03/10/2022 0.00 4,230.02 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 03/10/2022 0.00 7,277.29 ACH OREAUT O'Reilly Automotive Inc 03/10/2022 0.00 120.00 ACH SunLif Sun Life Financial 03/10/2022 0.00 1,736.75 ACH VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS 03/10/2022 0.00 73.50 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 03/10/2022 0.00 1,260.25 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 03/10/2022 0.00 418.25 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 03/17/2022 0.00 352.20 ACH engwat Engel Water Testing Inc 03/17/2022 0.00 625.00 ACH FASCOM FASTENAL COMPANY 03/17/2022 0.00 38.76 ACH HANTHO HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 03/17/2022 0.00 758.50 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 03/17/2022 0.00 3,717.77 ACH HOOPTHRE Hoops & Threads LLC 03/17/2022 0.00 20.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 03/17/2022 0.00 18.00 ACH AlHiJuli Juli Al-Hilwani 03/17/2022 0.00 137.50 ACH BENSKAYE KAYE L BENSON 03/17/2022 0.00 588.00 ACH KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 03/17/2022 0.00 13,217.50 ACH K TECH K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 03/17/2022 0.00 742.78 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 03/17/2022 0.00 120.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 03/17/2022 0.00 257.74 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 03/17/2022 0.00 269.79 ACH NusEqu Nuss Truck & Equipment 03/17/2022 0.00 105,211.00 ACH NYSPUB NYSTROM PUBLISHING COMPANY INC 03/17/2022 0.00 10,533.84 ACH ONSMED On-Site Medical Services Inc 03/17/2022 0.00 950.00 ACH PotMN Potentia MN Solar 03/17/2022 0.00 4,769.96 ACH PREMRM PRECISE MRM LLC 03/17/2022 0.00 325.00 ACH PreWat Premium Waters, Inc 03/17/2022 0.00 4.00 ACH IMPPOR Rent N Save Portable Services 03/17/2022 0.00 1,278.00 ACH SPRPCS SPRINT PCS 03/17/2022 0.00 103.44 ACH MINCON SUMMIT COMPANIES 03/17/2022 0.00 1,847.00 ACH 3RDLAI 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 03/24/2022 0.00 500.00 ACH AdvEng Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 03/24/2022 0.00 5,146.48 ACH AllTra All Traffic Solutions 03/24/2022 0.00 72.50 ACH carcou Carver County 03/24/2022 0.00 147,885.00 ACH CCPNIM CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 03/24/2022 0.00 3,885.86 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 03/24/2022 0.00 190.00 Page 1 of 2 106 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH DelDen Delta Dental 03/24/2022 0.00 4,001.40 ACH FASCOM FASTENAL COMPANY 03/24/2022 0.00 257.80 ACH Avesis Fidelity Security Life 03/24/2022 0.00 296.38 ACH HANTHO HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 03/24/2022 0.00 77.25 ACH HeaStr Health Strategies 03/24/2022 0.00 746.00 ACH HOIKOE HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 03/24/2022 0.00 900.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 03/24/2022 0.00 19.30 ACH AlHiJuli Juli Al-Hilwani 03/24/2022 0.00 146.25 ACH Marco Marco Inc 03/24/2022 0.00 735.00 ACH MRPA MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 03/24/2022 0.00 1,349.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 03/24/2022 0.00 117.16 ACH MUNCOD MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 03/24/2022 0.00 3,400.00 ACH napa NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 03/24/2022 0.00 813.02 ACH PACANA PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 03/24/2022 0.00 670.00 ACH QUAFLO Quality Flow Systems Inc 03/24/2022 0.00 27,909.00 ACH TBEI TBEI, Inc 03/24/2022 0.00 104,245.00 ACH VIKIND VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 03/24/2022 0.00 649.25 ACH WAYTEK WAYTEK INC 03/24/2022 0.00 163.99 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 03/24/2022 0.00 9,877.01 ACH ZEEMED ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 03/24/2022 0.00 38.90 ACH ZIEGLE ZIEGLER INC 03/24/2022 0.00 19.71 ACH AMEENG AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING 03/31/2022 0.00 864.00 ACH AFLAC American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 03/31/2022 0.00 39.78 ACH BOLMEN BOLTON & MENK INC 03/31/2022 0.00 14,605.00 ACH carcou Carver County 03/31/2022 0.00 400.00 ACH CivPlu CivicPlus 03/31/2022 0.00 3,014.62 ACH ColLif Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 03/31/2022 0.00 67.80 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 03/31/2022 0.00 740.00 ACH HeaStr Health Strategies 03/31/2022 0.00 1,432.50 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 03/31/2022 0.00 35.69 ACH KIMHOR KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 03/31/2022 0.00 38,380.81 ACH HokkLaur Laurie A. Hokkanen 03/31/2022 0.00 499.13 ACH MacEme Macqueen Emergency Group 03/31/2022 0.00 41,000.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 03/31/2022 0.00 169.76 ACH MOSBAR MOSS & BARNETT 03/31/2022 0.00 747.50 ACH HLBTAU REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 03/31/2022 0.00 9,000.00 ACH SafVeh Safety Vehicle Solutions 03/31/2022 0.00 4,330.00 ACH Spring Springbrook 03/31/2022 0.00 19,517.96 ACH PedTay Taylor Pederson 03/31/2022 0.00 1,654.92 ACH VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS 03/31/2022 0.00 40.01 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 03/31/2022 0.00 22,931.75 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 03/31/2022 0.00 40,568.57 Report Total:0.00 741,427.39 Page 2 of 2 107 AP Check Detail-Checks User: dwashburn Printed: 4/1/2022 9:41:57 AM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ABM Equipment, LLC 101-1320-4120 126.17 3/24/2022 Supplies 126.17 3/24/2022 ABM Equipment, LLC 126.17 Aladtec, Inc 101-1220-4300 3,600.00 3/10/2022 Professional Services 3,600.00 3/10/2022 Aladtec, Inc 3,600.00 Alliance Parts Truck and Trailer 101-1320-4140 130.80 3/10/2022 Supplies 130.80 3/10/2022 Alliance Parts Truck and Trailer 101-1320-4120 203.97 3/17/2022 Supplies Alliance Parts Truck and Trailer 101-1320-4140 626.34 3/17/2022 Motor 830.31 3/17/2022 Alliance Parts Truck and Trailer 961.11 APACHE GROUP 101-1170-4110 1,127.52 3/31/2022 Office Supplies 1,127.52 3/31/2022 APACHE GROUP 1,127.52 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 1 of 20 108 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Apres, Inc.101-1613-4410 15,200.41 3/31/2022 4th of July Tent, Tables, & Chairs Deposit 15,200.41 3/31/2022 Apres, Inc. 15,200.41 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 206.50 3/10/2022 Supplies ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 132.46 3/10/2022 Office Supplies ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 61.15 3/10/2022 Supplies ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 416.08 3/10/2022 Supplies 816.19 3/10/2022 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 816.19 Arps James 700-7204-4901 50.00 3/24/2022 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 3/24/2022 Arps James 50.00 ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 43.75 3/17/2022 Uniform 43.75 3/17/2022 ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 11.56 3/31/2022 Shipping for orders ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 137.00 3/31/2022 Uniform ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 242.50 3/31/2022 Uniform ASPEN MILLS 101-1220-4240 137.00 3/31/2022 Uniform 528.06 3/31/2022 ASPEN MILLS 571.81 BCA 101-1120-4300 15.00 3/10/2022 Background Investigation BCA 101-1220-4300 99.75 3/10/2022 Background Investigation 114.75 3/10/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 2 of 20 109 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description BCA 101-1120-4300 15.00 3/17/2022 Background Investigation BCA 101-1220-4300 66.50 3/17/2022 Background Investigation 81.50 3/17/2022 BCA 101-1220-4300 33.25 3/31/2022 Background Investigation 33.25 3/31/2022 BCA 229.50 Bjorn Cycling, LLC 101-1539-4300 295.00 3/31/2022 Bicycle Repair & Maintenance 295.00 3/31/2022 Bjorn Cycling, LLC 295.00 Blackburn Manufacturing Company 701-0000-4150 253.65 3/17/2022 Flags Blackburn Manufacturing Company 700-0000-4150 253.65 3/17/2022 Flags 507.30 3/17/2022 Blackburn Manufacturing Company 507.30 BRINKMAN'S INC 400-4135-4704 7,395.00 3/24/2022 Trailer 7,395.00 3/24/2022 BRINKMAN'S INC 7,395.00 CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOODS 101-1600-4130 600.00 3/31/2022 Supplies CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOODS 101-1540-4130 600.00 3/31/2022 Supplies CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOODS 101-1550-4120 600.00 3/31/2022 Supplies 1,800.00 3/31/2022 CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOODS 1,800.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 3 of 20 110 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description CARVER COUNTY LICENSE CENTER 400-0000-4705 6,893.72 3/24/2022 License & Registration 6,893.72 3/24/2022 CARVER COUNTY LICENSE CENTER 6,893.72 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-7043-4320 1,760.46 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 6401707746-8 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-7019-4320 653.64 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 6897956-6 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1190-4320 2,923.83 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 5283301-9 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1170-4320 1,701.22 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 5159341-6 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1600-4320 142.66 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 10158852-3 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 701-0000-4320 25.50 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 7252436-6 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-0000-4320 87.33 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 5181799-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1550-4320 611.09 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 5269128-4 7,905.73 3/10/2022 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1370-4320 3,459.64 3/17/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 8428130-2 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 701-0000-4320 432.46 3/17/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 8428130-2 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1530-4320 509.14 3/17/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 8000015717-4 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1220-4320 2,619.82 3/17/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 8000015717-4 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1171-4320 147.29 3/17/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 8000015717-4 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-0000-4320 432.45 3/17/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 8428130-2 7,600.80 3/17/2022 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 15,506.53 CENTURYLINK 701-0000-4310 6.01 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 101-1170-4310 815.30 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 101-1220-4310 33.04 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 101-1550-4310 30.04 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 101-1160-4320 125.00 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 700-0000-4310 6.01 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 101-1370-4310 48.06 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 CENTURYLINK 101-1350-4310 30.04 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 202000002 1,093.50 3/10/2022 CENTURYLINK 700-0000-4310 32.00 3/17/2022 Monthly Service CENTURYLINK 701-0000-4310 32.00 3/17/2022 Monthly Service AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 4 of 20 111 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 64.00 3/17/2022 CenturyLink 700-7043-4310 59.51 3/24/2022 Monthly Service 59.51 3/24/2022 CENTURYLINK 101-1220-4310 33.04 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1160-4320 250.00 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 700-7019-4310 210.27 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1550-4310 30.04 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 700-0000-4310 6.01 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1170-4310 836.30 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 701-0000-4310 6.01 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 701-0000-4310 15.13 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 700-0000-4310 15.13 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1370-4310 48.06 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1160-4320 125.00 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1540-4310 90.12 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1350-4310 30.04 3/31/2022 March Services CENTURYLINK 101-1190-4310 120.16 3/31/2022 March Services 1,815.31 3/31/2022 CENTURYLINK 3,032.32 CITY OF CHASKA 101-1110-4300 9,625.00 3/17/2022 Dispatch Study 9,625.00 3/17/2022 CITY OF CHASKA 9,625.00 CITY OF SHAKOPEE 101-1110-4360 2,100.00 3/31/2022 Southwest Metro Drug Task Force Membership 2,100.00 3/31/2022 CITY OF SHAKOPEE 2,100.00 CROWN COLLEGE 101-1220-4370 350.00 3/10/2022 EMR Training AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 5 of 20 112 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 350.00 3/10/2022 CROWN COLLEGE 350.00 Deck and Basement Co 101-0000-2033 66.50 3/24/2022 Refund Overpayment - 2129 Paisley Path - Permit 2022-00519 66.50 3/24/2022 Deck and Basement Co 66.50 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 101-1370-4260 59.42 3/17/2022 Tools 59.42 3/17/2022 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 59.42 DEM-CON LANDFILL 101-1320-4350 27.50 3/17/2022 Disposal 27.50 3/17/2022 DEM-CON LANDFILL 27.50 DUEA KYLE 700-0000-2020 82.64 3/24/2022 Refund Check 019703-001, 7341 CACTUS CURVE DUEA KYLE 700-0000-2020 5.12 3/24/2022 Refund Check 019703-001, 7341 CACTUS CURVE DUEA KYLE 720-0000-2020 37.17 3/24/2022 Refund Check 019703-001, 7341 CACTUS CURVE DUEA KYLE 701-0000-2020 141.97 3/24/2022 Refund Check 019703-001, 7341 CACTUS CURVE 266.90 3/24/2022 DUEA KYLE 266.90 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 481-1420-4309 7,500.00 3/31/2022 TIF District creation EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 481-1420-4309 7,500.00 3/31/2022 TIF District creation 15,000.00 3/31/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 6 of 20 113 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 15,000.00 Emergency Technical Decon 101-1220-4530 204.00 3/31/2022 Equipment 204.00 3/31/2022 Emergency Technical Decon 204.00 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 101-1370-4510 317.66 3/17/2022 Materials 317.66 3/17/2022 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 317.66 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4250 180,360.00 3/10/2022 Meters Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4250 45,124.00 3/10/2022 Meter Installs 225,484.00 3/10/2022 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 86.65 3/17/2022 Parts 86.65 3/17/2022 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4150 54.00 3/24/2022 Asphalt Patch Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4250 97,200.00 3/24/2022 Meters 97,254.00 3/24/2022 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-0000-4300 8,490.70 3/31/2022 Professional Services Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4250 97,200.00 3/31/2022 Upgrade Fee Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4300 8,490.70 3/31/2022 Professional Services Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4250 97,155.00 3/31/2022 Upgrade Fee 211,336.40 3/31/2022 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 534,161.05 Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc 720-7025-4751 417,948.70 3/17/2022 2021 Pond Maintenance Project AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 7 of 20 114 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 417,948.70 3/17/2022 Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc 417,948.70 Go Gymnastics 101-1538-4300 525.00 3/24/2022 Classes Go Gymnastics 101-1537-4300 1,102.50 3/24/2022 Classes 1,627.50 3/24/2022 Go Gymnastics 1,627.50 Golf Lakes Condos 101-0000-2076 73,331.92 3/31/2022 Security Escrow - Arbor Glen 73,331.92 3/31/2022 Golf Lakes Condos 73,331.92 GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1550-1193 1,100.00 3/10/2022 Snow Plowing 1,100.00 3/10/2022 GREEN MEADOWS INC 1,100.00 GYM WORKS INC 101-1530-4530 1,682.00 3/24/2022 Repair of equipment 1,682.00 3/24/2022 GYM WORKS INC 1,682.00 HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2012 5,173.47 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2012 1,724.49 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2012 1,035.01 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 36,214.29 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 24,840.36 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 1,380.02 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2012 1,380.02 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2012 5,173.47 3/17/2022 April Insurance AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 8 of 20 115 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HealthPartners, Inc.210-0000-2012 690.01 3/17/2022 April Insurance HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2012 2,415.04 3/17/2022 April Insurance 80,026.18 3/17/2022 HealthPartners, Inc. 80,026.18 Hill Paul 700-7204-4901 50.00 3/24/2022 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 3/24/2022 Hill Paul 50.00 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 101-1530-4320 6,546.02 3/17/2022 Utilities 6,546.02 3/17/2022 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 6,546.02 Indigo Signs 101-1220-4120 169.00 3/17/2022 Vinyl Graphics Indigo Signs 101-1120-4300 3,231.50 3/17/2022 Banners 3,400.50 3/17/2022 Indigo Signs 3,400.50 International Association of Fire Chiefs 101-1220-4360 265.00 3/10/2022 Membership 265.00 3/10/2022 International Association of Fire Chiefs 265.00 IUOE Local #49 101-0000-2004 460.88 3/10/2022 PR Batch 00410.03.2022 Local 49 dues IUOE Local #49 701-0000-2004 76.70 3/10/2022 PR Batch 00410.03.2022 Local 49 dues IUOE Local #49 700-0000-2004 92.42 3/10/2022 PR Batch 00410.03.2022 Local 49 dues 630.00 3/10/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 9 of 20 116 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description IUOE Local #49 630.00 Julee Quarve Peterson Inc 101-1520-4300 668.05 3/24/2022 Professional Services 668.05 3/24/2022 Julee Quarve Peterson Inc 668.05 KEOGH JEFF 101-1250-4240 199.99 3/24/2022 Safety Boots 199.99 3/24/2022 KEOGH JEFF 199.99 Keys David 101-1806-4130 61.89 3/24/2022 End of Session Treats Keys David 101-1807-4130 61.89 3/24/2022 End of Session Treats 123.78 3/24/2022 Keys David 123.78 Lacount Sales, LLC 700-0000-4120 64.95 3/31/2022 Supplies 64.95 3/31/2022 Lacount Sales, LLC 64.95 Lametti & Sons Inc 601-6043-4751 19,142.07 3/17/2022 Minnewashta parkway rehab 19,142.07 3/17/2022 Lametti & Sons Inc 19,142.07 Lawson Products, Inc.101-1320-4120 -34.69 3/24/2022 Supplies Return Lawson Products, Inc.101-1320-4120 138.34 3/24/2022 Supplies AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 10 of 20 117 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 103.65 3/24/2022 Lawson Products, Inc. 103.65 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 101-1120-4370 575.00 3/10/2022 Annual Conference 575.00 3/10/2022 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 575.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 780-1145-4483 97,837.00 3/10/2022 Insurance 97,837.00 3/10/2022 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 101-0000-2017 51,526.00 3/24/2022 Workers' Comp 51,526.00 3/24/2022 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 149,363.00 Lochner Joseph & Debra 700-7204-4901 100.00 3/31/2022 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/31/2022 Lochner Joseph & Debra 100.00 Lord Lynn 700-7204-4901 50.00 3/10/2022 Waterwise Rebate 50.00 3/10/2022 Lord Lynn 50.00 Metro Garage Door Company 101-1370-4510 537.16 3/10/2022 Service Work 537.16 3/10/2022 Metro Garage Door Company 101-1370-4510 439.95 3/24/2022 Service Work AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 11 of 20 118 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 439.95 3/24/2022 Metro Garage Door Company 977.11 Metronet Holdings, LLC 700-7043-4310 55.41 3/17/2022 Monthly Service 55.41 3/17/2022 Metronet Holdings, LLC 55.41 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 701-0000-4509 217,038.58 3/10/2022 Waste Water 217,038.58 3/10/2022 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 217,038.58 Minnesota Safety Council 101-1560-4300 552.00 3/17/2022 Senior Driving Class Minnesota Safety Council 101-1560-4300 92.00 3/17/2022 Senior Driving Class 644.00 3/17/2022 Minnesota Safety Council 644.00 Minnesota State Community & Technical College 101-1220-4370 140.00 3/24/2022 Detroit Lakes Fire School 140.00 3/24/2022 Minnesota State Community & Technical College 140.00 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 101-1320-4370 100.00 3/17/2022 Training - Josh Girard MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 101-1320-4370 100.00 3/17/2022 Training - Ryan Lannon 200.00 3/17/2022 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 200.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 12 of 20 119 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 101-0000-2037 96.00 3/10/2022 PR Batch 00410.03.2022 NCPERS-Life Insurance MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 701-0000-2037 8.00 3/10/2022 PR Batch 00410.03.2022 NCPERS-Life Insurance MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 700-0000-2037 8.00 3/10/2022 PR Batch 00410.03.2022 NCPERS-Life Insurance 112.00 3/10/2022 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 112.00 NEWMAN SIGNS INC 101-1320-4560 509.31 3/24/2022 Signs 509.31 3/24/2022 NEWMAN SIGNS INC 509.31 NexGen 101-0000-2022 4.50 3/24/2022 Permit 2022-00162 - 4101 White Oak Lane - Duplicate Permit NexGen 101-1250-3301 150.00 3/24/2022 Permit 2022-00162 - 4101 White Oak Lane - Duplicate Permit 154.50 3/24/2022 NexGen 154.50 NORTHWEST LASERS & INSTRUMENTS 101-1310-4120 598.79 3/10/2022 Supplies 598.79 3/10/2022 NORTHWEST LASERS & INSTRUMENTS 598.79 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP CO 701-7025-4751 12,292.24 3/24/2022 Lift Station 24 12,292.24 3/24/2022 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP CO 12,292.24 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 701-0000-4320 1,989.88 3/10/2022 Utilities NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 700-0000-4320 3,746.23 3/10/2022 Utilities NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 101-1350-4320 95.36 3/10/2022 Utilities AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 13 of 20 120 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 5,831.47 3/10/2022 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 5,831.47 Ott Travis 101-1539-4300 689.55 3/31/2022 Instruction 689.55 3/31/2022 Ott Travis 689.55 PATCHIN MESSNER & DODD 605-6502-4300 637.50 3/17/2022 Professional Services 637.50 3/17/2022 PATCHIN MESSNER & DODD 637.50 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 101-1220-4300 482.13 3/10/2022 Monthly dry cleaning service 482.13 3/10/2022 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 482.13 Pinnacle Pest Control 700-7019-4300 125.00 3/17/2022 Professional Services Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1190-4300 225.00 3/17/2022 Professional Services Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1170-4300 200.00 3/17/2022 Professional Services Pinnacle Pest Control 700-7043-4300 125.00 3/17/2022 Professional Services Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1220-4300 200.00 3/17/2022 Professional Services Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1370-4300 250.00 3/17/2022 Professional Services 1,125.00 3/17/2022 Pinnacle Pest Control 1,125.00 Pitney Bowes Inc.101-1120-4410 105.00 3/17/2022 Equipment Rental 105.00 3/17/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 14 of 20 121 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Pitney Bowes Inc. 105.00 POSTMASTER 720-1130-4330 214.39 3/24/2022 Permit #14 - Postage POSTMASTER 700-1130-4330 214.40 3/24/2022 Permit #14 - Postage POSTMASTER 701-1130-4330 214.40 3/24/2022 Permit #14 - Postage 643.19 3/24/2022 POSTMASTER 643.19 Power Lift, Inc.101-1370-4140 18.92 3/17/2022 Parts 18.92 3/17/2022 Power Lift, Inc. 18.92 POWERPLAN OIB 101-1320-4120 119.25 3/17/2022 Supplies 119.25 3/17/2022 POWERPLAN OIB 119.25 PULLTABS PLUS INC 101-1560-4130 169.23 3/10/2022 Bingo Supplies PULLTABS PLUS INC 101-1560-4130 136.59 3/10/2022 Bingo Supplies 305.82 3/10/2022 PULLTABS PLUS INC 305.82 Pulse Electric 101-1190-4510 323.00 3/24/2022 Library Door Strike 323.00 3/24/2022 Pulse Electric 323.00 Pulte Group Pulte Homes of MN LLC 400-0000-1155 444.00 3/31/2022 Refund for overpayment Pulte Group Pulte Homes of MN LLC 101-0000-2073 -416.67 3/31/2022 Duplicate payment on 728 Wildflower Lane - Erosion Control AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 15 of 20 122 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 27.33 3/31/2022 Pulte Group Pulte Homes of MN LLC 27.33 ROADKILL ANIMAL CONTROL 101-1320-4350 95.00 3/17/2022 Disposal 95.00 3/17/2022 ROADKILL ANIMAL CONTROL 95.00 Severson Ryan 700-7204-4901 100.00 3/10/2022 Waterwise Rebate 100.00 3/10/2022 Severson Ryan 100.00 SMSC Organics Recycling Facility 101-1320-4150 860.50 3/24/2022 Organics Recycling 860.50 3/24/2022 SMSC Organics Recycling Facility 860.50 Snow Kreilich Architects 300-0000-4300 1,634.00 3/24/2022 Professional Services - Chan Facilities Study 1,634.00 3/24/2022 Snow Kreilich Architects 1,634.00 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 400-4117-4703 2,580.00 3/10/2022 MS Windows Datacenter License Renewal 2,580.00 3/10/2022 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 400-4117-4703 193.74 3/24/2022 Bluebeam Revu Std Annual Renewal 193.74 3/24/2022 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 400-4117-4703 1,380.00 3/31/2022 Windows Std Serv SA, Renewals AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 16 of 20 123 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 1,380.00 3/31/2022 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 4,153.74 Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1110-4340 25.73 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1110-4340 29.40 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1611-4340 290.00 3/10/2022 Advertising Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1410-4340 36.75 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1410-4340 36.75 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1110-4340 55.13 3/10/2022 Legal Notices Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1310-4340 124.96 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1410-4340 36.75 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1410-4340 33.08 3/10/2022 Legal Notice Southwest Suburban Publishing 101-1110-4340 33.08 3/10/2022 Legal Notices 701.63 3/10/2022 Southwest Suburban Publishing 701.63 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.720-7025-4300 74.50 3/17/2022 Professional Services 74.50 3/17/2022 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 74.50 Tee Jay North, Inc.101-1190-4510 910.00 3/24/2022 Service Work 910.00 3/24/2022 Tee Jay North, Inc. 910.00 The Hartford 210-0000-2015 19.20 3/10/2022 Insurance - March The Hartford 701-0000-2015 67.62 3/10/2022 Insurance - March The Hartford 101-0000-2015 1,267.10 3/10/2022 Insurance - March The Hartford 720-0000-2015 57.18 3/10/2022 Insurance - March The Hartford 700-0000-2015 102.18 3/10/2022 Insurance - March AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 17 of 20 124 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 1,513.28 3/10/2022 The Hartford 1,513.28 The Osseo Construction Company LLC 700-7051-4751 34,273.10 3/10/2022 Water Tower #3 Rehab 34,273.10 3/10/2022 The Osseo Construction Company LLC 34,273.10 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 210-0000-4300 571.50 3/17/2022 Meeting Minutes 571.50 3/17/2022 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 571.50 Triethart DeeAnn 101-1170-4110 26.59 3/17/2022 Forks 26.59 3/17/2022 Triethart DeeAnn 26.59 TSG Server & Storage, Inc 101-1160-4220 2,880.00 3/31/2022 Veeam Backup Essentials Annual Renewal 2,880.00 3/31/2022 TSG Server & Storage, Inc 2,880.00 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 700-0000-4552 20,119.97 3/24/2022 Professional Services 20,119.97 3/24/2022 VALLEY-RICH CO INC 20,119.97 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 701-0000-4551 47.11 3/17/2022 Materials AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 18 of 20 125 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 47.11 3/17/2022 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 47.11 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1190-4350 258.38 3/10/2022 Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1220-4350 32.63 3/10/2022 Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1170-4350 220.88 3/10/2022 Rental Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 701-0000-4350 16.31 3/10/2022 Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1611-4410 450.33 3/10/2022 Rental Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1550-4350 513.36 3/10/2022 Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1370-4350 130.46 3/10/2022 Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 700-0000-4350 16.31 3/10/2022 Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1220-4350 83.74 3/10/2022 Monthly Service 1,722.40 3/10/2022 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 1,722.40 Water In Motion, Inc.720-7204-4901 4,890.00 3/17/2022 Irrigation Audits 4,890.00 3/17/2022 Water In Motion, Inc. 4,890.00 WCEC Inc 700-0000-4300 250.00 3/24/2022 Annual Emergency Response 250.00 3/24/2022 WCEC Inc 250.00 West Side Properties, LLC 101-0000-2076 122,689.30 3/10/2022 Security Escrow - Deer Haven 122,689.30 3/10/2022 West Side Properties, LLC 122,689.30 Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen Jennifer 101-1539-4300 184.65 3/31/2022 Instruction AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 19 of 20 126 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen Jennifer 101-1538-4300 229.08 3/31/2022 Instruction 413.73 3/31/2022 Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen Jennifer 413.73 1,818,245.37 AP - Check Detail-Checks (4/1/2022)Page 20 of 20 127 AP Check Detail-ACH User: dwashburn Printed: 4/1/2022 9:36:51 AM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 101-1613-4300 500.00 3/24/2022 Summer Series at Chan Skatepark 500.00 3/24/2022 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 500.00 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 700-0000-4300 1,437.49 3/24/2022 Professional Services Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 700-0000-4300 1,135.75 3/24/2022 Professional Services Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 701-0000-4300 1,437.49 3/24/2022 Professional Services Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 701-0000-4300 1,135.75 3/24/2022 Professional Services 5,146.48 3/24/2022 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 5,146.48 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 101-1220-4260 465.00 3/10/2022 Equipment 465.00 3/10/2022 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 465.00 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1539-4300 103.00 3/17/2022 Training Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1533-4300 34.50 3/17/2022 Personal Training 137.50 3/17/2022 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1533-4300 146.25 3/24/2022 Personal Training 146.25 3/24/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 1 of 18 128 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Al-Hilwani Juli 283.75 All Traffic Solutions 101-1320-4530 72.50 3/24/2022 Supplies 72.50 3/24/2022 All Traffic Solutions 72.50 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING 605-6502-4300 864.00 3/31/2022 CSAH 101 864.00 3/31/2022 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING 864.00 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 101-0000-2008 39.78 3/31/2022 March Insurance 39.78 3/31/2022 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 39.78 BENSON KAYE L 101-1539-4300 588.00 3/17/2022 Fit for Life Instructor 588.00 3/17/2022 BENSON KAYE L 588.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6049-4300 14,605.00 3/31/2022 Chanhassen/2022 Street Rehab (22-01) 14,605.00 3/31/2022 BOLTON & MENK INC 14,605.00 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 101-1140-4302 13,291.74 3/10/2022 Professional Services - Acct 594C CAMPBELL KNUTSON 101-1140-4302 16,125.85 3/10/2022 Professional Services - Acct 594C 29,417.59 3/10/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 2 of 18 129 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description CAMPBELL KNUTSON 29,417.59 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 101-1220-4300 540.00 3/10/2022 Professional Services 540.00 3/10/2022 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 540.00 Carver County 700-7043-4320 650.00 3/24/2022 Carver Fiber - WWTP Carver County 601-6303-4801 145,000.00 3/24/2022 CSAH 18 Reconstruction Carver County 700-7043-4320 650.00 3/24/2022 Carver Fiber - WWTP Carver County 101-1160-4320 575.00 3/24/2022 CarverLink Internet / Fiber - March Billing Carver County 700-7043-4320 435.00 3/24/2022 Annual Fiber Lateral Maint Fee Carver County 101-1160-4320 575.00 3/24/2022 CarverLink Internet 147,885.00 3/24/2022 Carver County 101-1210-4300 400.00 3/31/2022 Investigation on Liquor License 400.00 3/31/2022 Carver County 148,285.00 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1350-4320 1,700.63 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 701-0000-4320 694.15 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-7019-4320 954.48 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-0000-4320 60.27 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1600-4320 15.63 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1220-4320 65.16 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1550-4320 204.12 3/24/2022 March Services CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1540-4320 191.42 3/24/2022 March Services 3,885.86 3/24/2022 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 3,885.86 CivicPlus 101-1120-4300 3,014.62 3/31/2022 Services AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 3 of 18 130 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 3,014.62 3/31/2022 CivicPlus 3,014.62 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 101-0000-2008 37.20 3/31/2022 March Insurance Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 700-0000-2008 15.30 3/31/2022 March Insurance Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 701-0000-2008 15.30 3/31/2022 March Insurance 67.80 3/31/2022 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 67.80 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4300 9.00 3/17/2022 Office365 Azure AD Prem P2 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4300 343.20 3/17/2022 Office365 Backup Service 352.20 3/17/2022 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4300 95.00 3/24/2022 Cartegraph OMS SSL Cert Renewal COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4220 95.00 3/24/2022 Cartegraph CGAPP SSL Cert Renewal 190.00 3/24/2022 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4300 672.00 3/31/2022 Service Fee, SSL Certificate Installation COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4220 68.00 3/31/2022 SSL Certificate- Laserfiche Web Services 740.00 3/31/2022 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 1,282.20 Crystal Infosystems LLC 101-1170-4110 805.76 3/10/2022 Toner 805.76 3/10/2022 Crystal Infosystems LLC 805.76 Delta Dental 210-0000-2013 45.00 3/24/2022 April Dental Delta Dental 101-0000-2013 3,130.65 3/24/2022 April Dental Delta Dental 701-0000-2013 258.31 3/24/2022 April Dental AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 4 of 18 131 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Delta Dental 700-0000-2013 348.29 3/24/2022 April Dental Delta Dental 720-0000-2013 219.15 3/24/2022 April Dental 4,001.40 3/24/2022 Delta Dental 4,001.40 Engel Water Testing Inc 700-0000-4300 625.00 3/17/2022 Water Samples 625.00 3/17/2022 Engel Water Testing Inc 625.00 FASTENAL COMPANY 701-0000-4551 38.76 3/17/2022 Materials 38.76 3/17/2022 FASTENAL COMPANY 101-1320-4260 257.80 3/24/2022 Tools 257.80 3/24/2022 FASTENAL COMPANY 296.56 Fidelity Security Life 700-0000-2007 12.07 3/24/2022 April Vision Fidelity Security Life 101-0000-2007 272.24 3/24/2022 April Vision Fidelity Security Life 701-0000-2007 5.63 3/24/2022 April Vision Fidelity Security Life 720-0000-2007 6.44 3/24/2022 April Vision 296.38 3/24/2022 Fidelity Security Life 296.38 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 400-0000-4300 141.75 3/10/2022 Service Calls 141.75 3/10/2022 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 141.75 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 5 of 18 132 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 720-7025-4300 758.50 3/17/2022 Crane's Vineyard 758.50 3/17/2022 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 77.25 3/24/2022 Deer Haven 77.25 3/24/2022 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 835.75 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 3,717.77 3/17/2022 Chemicals 3,717.77 3/17/2022 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 3,717.77 Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 373.00 3/10/2022 Professional Services 373.00 3/10/2022 Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 339.00 3/24/2022 Medical Exam Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 34.00 3/24/2022 Mask Fit Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 373.00 3/24/2022 Medical Exam 746.00 3/24/2022 Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 424.00 3/31/2022 Medical Exam Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 876.00 3/31/2022 Medical Exam Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 132.50 3/31/2022 Medical Exam 1,432.50 3/31/2022 Health Strategies 2,551.50 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 101-1420-4300 3,715.00 3/10/2022 Professional Services 3,715.00 3/10/2022 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 401-0000-4706 900.00 3/24/2022 Park Equipment Replacement AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 6 of 18 133 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 900.00 3/24/2022 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 4,615.00 Hokkanen Laurie A.101-1120-4380 31.82 3/31/2022 Mileage Hokkanen Laurie A.101-1120-4370 407.20 3/31/2022 Drucker Hokkanen Laurie A.101-1110-4300 60.11 3/31/2022 Drucker Breakfast 499.13 3/31/2022 Hokkanen Laurie A. 499.13 Hoops & Threads LLC 701-0000-4240 10.00 3/17/2022 Custom Embroidery Hoops & Threads LLC 700-0000-4240 10.00 3/17/2022 Custom Embroidery 20.00 3/17/2022 Hoops & Threads LLC 20.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 10.58 3/10/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 26.46 3/10/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 21.78 3/10/2022 Office Supplies 58.82 3/10/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 18.00 3/17/2022 Office Supplies 18.00 3/17/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 19.30 3/24/2022 Office Supplies 19.30 3/24/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 4.74 3/31/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 23.12 3/31/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 5.35 3/31/2022 Office Supplies Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 2.48 3/31/2022 Office Supplies AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 7 of 18 134 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 35.69 3/31/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 131.81 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 605-6502-4300 13,217.50 3/17/2022 Professional Services 13,217.50 3/17/2022 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 13,217.50 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 605-6503-4300 1,287.30 3/31/2022 TH 101 Reconstruction KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 601-6043-4300 22,195.11 3/31/2022 Minnewashta Parkway Rehab KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 605-6502-4300 11,433.04 3/31/2022 TH 101 Reconstruction KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 601-6047-4300 3,465.36 3/31/2022 2020 Pavement Rehab 38,380.81 3/31/2022 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 38,380.81 K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 101-1320-4150 742.78 3/17/2022 Materials 742.78 3/17/2022 K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 742.78 Macqueen Emergency Group 400-4135-4704 41,000.00 3/31/2022 Polaris UTV with EJ Metals pump skid 41,000.00 3/31/2022 Macqueen Emergency Group 41,000.00 Marco Inc 400-4109-4703 735.00 3/10/2022 Copiers Marco Inc 101-1170-4410 -920.04 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment Marco Inc 701-0000-4410 101.00 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment Marco Inc 720-0000-4410 -66.13 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment Marco Inc 101-1170-4410 757.50 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment Marco Inc 700-0000-4410 101.00 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 8 of 18 135 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Marco Inc 701-0000-4410 -132.25 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment Marco Inc 700-0000-4410 -132.25 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment Marco Inc 720-0000-4410 50.50 3/10/2022 Rental Equipment 494.33 3/10/2022 Marco Inc 400-4109-4703 735.00 3/24/2022 Konica Copiers Lease Fee 735.00 3/24/2022 Marco Inc 1,229.33 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1220-4290 77.00 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4550 6.83 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4150 66.18 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1170-4510 36.08 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4120 65.24 3/10/2022 Supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4510 25.14 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1600-4130 49.49 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4350 7.65 3/10/2022 Cleaning Supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4170 8.99 3/10/2022 Lubricants MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7043-4120 143.67 3/10/2022 Supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4120 130.11 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1611-4130 19.75 3/10/2022 Supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 701-0000-4350 7.64 3/10/2022 Cleaning Supplies MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4510 11.31 3/10/2022 Materials MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1370-4510 86.36 3/10/2022 Materials 741.44 3/10/2022 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 741.44 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 701-0000-2023 29,820.00 3/10/2022 February, 2022 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 101-1250-3816 -298.20 3/10/2022 February, 2022 29,521.80 3/10/2022 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 29,521.80 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1250-3818 4,316.35 3/10/2022 February Permit Surcharge AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 9 of 18 136 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-0000-2022 -86.33 3/10/2022 February Permit Surcharge 4,230.02 3/10/2022 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1190-4530 20.00 3/17/2022 Pressure Vessel, Boiler MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1170-4530 100.00 3/17/2022 Elevator Annual 120.00 3/17/2022 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 4,350.02 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC.101-1520-4360 1,349.00 3/24/2022 Membership - Jerry, Priya, Jodi, Mary & Adam 1,349.00 3/24/2022 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 1,349.00 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 605-6502-4300 23.65 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778020500 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 700-0000-4320 253.18 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778020500 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 5,505.48 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778020500 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 222.87 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778268900 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 102.36 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 779284000 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 701-0000-4320 501.63 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778020500 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 30.14 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778259800 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 41.69 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 780459000 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1600-4320 596.29 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 778020500 7,277.29 3/10/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 257.74 3/17/2022 Monthly Service 257.74 3/17/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 117.16 3/24/2022 Monthly Service 117.16 3/24/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 131.68 3/31/2022 Monthly Service MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 38.08 3/31/2022 Monthly Service AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 10 of 18 137 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 169.76 3/31/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 7,821.95 MOSS & BARNETT 210-0000-1193 747.50 3/31/2022 Professional Fees 747.50 3/31/2022 MOSS & BARNETT 747.50 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 101-1160-4300 3,400.00 3/24/2022 Annual Self-Publication Software License Renewal 3,400.00 3/24/2022 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 3,400.00 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1320-4120 151.79 3/17/2022 Supplies NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4140 90.47 3/17/2022 Supplies NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1320-4120 27.53 3/17/2022 Supplies 269.79 3/17/2022 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 701-0000-4140 122.56 3/24/2022 Supplies NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 701-0000-4140 576.48 3/24/2022 Supplies NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1220-4140 113.98 3/24/2022 Supplies 813.02 3/24/2022 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 1,082.81 Nuss Truck & Equipment 400-0000-4705 105,211.00 3/17/2022 Equipment 105,211.00 3/17/2022 Nuss Truck & Equipment 105,211.00 NYSTROM PUBLISHING COMPANY INC 101-1120-4330 1,975.22 3/17/2022 Postage AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 11 of 18 138 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description NYSTROM PUBLISHING COMPANY INC 101-1110-4340 8,558.62 3/17/2022 Printing 10,533.84 3/17/2022 NYSTROM PUBLISHING COMPANY INC 10,533.84 On-Site Medical Services Inc 700-0000-4300 147.38 3/17/2022 Services On-Site Medical Services Inc 101-1320-4300 262.10 3/17/2022 Services On-Site Medical Services Inc 101-1170-4300 32.77 3/17/2022 Services On-Site Medical Services Inc 101-1370-4300 98.26 3/17/2022 Services On-Site Medical Services Inc 701-0000-4300 147.38 3/17/2022 Services On-Site Medical Services Inc 101-1550-4300 262.11 3/17/2022 Services 950.00 3/17/2022 On-Site Medical Services Inc 950.00 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 101-1550-4140 99.81 3/10/2022 Supplies O'Reilly Automotive Inc 101-1170-4140 20.19 3/10/2022 Supplies 120.00 3/10/2022 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 120.00 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 700-0000-4300 670.00 3/24/2022 Services 670.00 3/24/2022 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 670.00 Pederson Taylor 101-1538-4300 1,654.92 3/31/2022 Instruction 1,654.92 3/31/2022 Pederson Taylor 1,654.92 Potentia MN Solar 700-0000-4320 1,002.98 3/17/2022 Utilities - Acct # CS00008 Potentia MN Solar 101-1190-4320 2,106.39 3/17/2022 Utilities - Acct # CS00008 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 12 of 18 139 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Potentia MN Solar 101-1170-4320 1,660.59 3/17/2022 Utilities - Acct # CS00008 4,769.96 3/17/2022 Potentia MN Solar 4,769.96 PRECISE MRM LLC 101-1320-4310 325.00 3/17/2022 Subscription 325.00 3/17/2022 PRECISE MRM LLC 325.00 Premium Waters, Inc 101-1550-4120 4.00 3/17/2022 Supplies 4.00 3/17/2022 Premium Waters, Inc 4.00 Quality Flow Systems Inc 701-7025-4751 8,450.00 3/24/2022 Equipment Quality Flow Systems Inc 701-0000-4551 9,980.00 3/24/2022 Materials Quality Flow Systems Inc 701-7025-4751 9,479.00 3/24/2022 Equipment 27,909.00 3/24/2022 Quality Flow Systems Inc 27,909.00 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 101-1130-4301 9,000.00 3/31/2022 Professional Services 9,000.00 3/31/2022 REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD 9,000.00 Rent N Save Portable Services 101-1550-4400 1,278.00 3/17/2022 Portable Restrooms 1,278.00 3/17/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 13 of 18 140 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Rent N Save Portable Services 1,278.00 Safety Vehicle Solutions 400-1220-4704 4,330.00 3/31/2022 Equipment 4,330.00 3/31/2022 Safety Vehicle Solutions 4,330.00 Springbrook 400-0000-4300 1,075.00 3/31/2022 Migration Professional Services Springbrook 700-0000-4300 1,345.19 3/31/2022 Subcription Springbrook 400-4117-4703 54,530.59 3/31/2022 Subcription Springbrook 701-0000-4300 1,345.19 3/31/2022 Subcription Springbrook 400-4117-4703 -1,259.47 3/31/2022 Subcription Springbrook 400-4117-4703 -6,230.00 3/31/2022 Subcription Springbrook 720-0000-4300 1,345.19 3/31/2022 Subcription Springbrook 400-4117-4703 -32,633.73 3/31/2022 Subcription 19,517.96 3/31/2022 Springbrook 19,517.96 SPRINT PCS 701-0000-4310 51.72 3/17/2022 Monthly Service SPRINT PCS 700-0000-4310 51.72 3/17/2022 Monthly Service 103.44 3/17/2022 SPRINT PCS 103.44 SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1220-4510 109.75 3/17/2022 Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1550-4510 47.00 3/17/2022 Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1370-4510 1,091.00 3/17/2022 Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 700-7019-4530 78.00 3/17/2022 Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1170-4510 362.75 3/17/2022 Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1190-4510 94.00 3/17/2022 Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 700-7043-4510 64.50 3/17/2022 Inspection 1,847.00 3/17/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 14 of 18 141 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description SUMMIT COMPANIES 1,847.00 Sun Life Financial 101-0000-2011 543.14 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 101-0000-2011 17.03 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March - Cobra Sun Life Financial 701-0000-2011 28.97 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 210-0000-2011 8.22 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 701-0000-2037 158.64 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 720-0000-2011 24.54 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 700-0000-2037 158.64 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 700-0000-2011 43.83 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March Sun Life Financial 101-0000-2037 753.74 3/10/2022 Life Insurance - March 1,736.75 3/10/2022 Sun Life Financial 1,736.75 TBEI, Inc 400-0000-4705 104,245.00 3/24/2022 Equipment 104,245.00 3/24/2022 TBEI, Inc 104,245.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 36.75 3/10/2022 Monthly Service VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 36.75 3/10/2022 Monthly Service 73.50 3/10/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1220-4310 40.01 3/31/2022 Monthly Service 40.01 3/31/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS 113.51 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 701-0000-4240 324.63 3/24/2022 Safety Equipment VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 700-0000-4240 324.62 3/24/2022 Safety Equipment 649.25 3/24/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 15 of 18 142 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER 649.25 WAYTEK INC 101-1320-4120 163.99 3/24/2022 Supplies 163.99 3/24/2022 WAYTEK INC 163.99 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6046-4300 1,134.00 3/10/2022 Lake Lucy Road Rehab WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6047-4300 77.00 3/10/2022 CIty Pavement Rehab WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6047-4300 49.25 3/10/2022 2021 City Pavement Rehab 1,260.25 3/10/2022 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-0000-4300 115.20 3/31/2022 2022 GIS/AMS Support Services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 700-0000-4300 206.00 3/31/2022 WTP Radon and Humidity Mitigation Study WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6046-4300 8,563.50 3/31/2022 Lake Lucy Road Rehab WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 700-0000-4300 115.20 3/31/2022 2022 GIS/AMS Support Services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-7025-4300 13,586.25 3/31/2022 2021 Pond Maintenance Project WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 101-1320-4300 115.20 3/31/2022 2022 GIS/AMS Support Services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 701-0000-4300 115.20 3/31/2022 2022 GIS/AMS Support Services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 101-1310-4300 115.20 3/31/2022 2022 GIS/AMS Support Services 22,931.75 3/31/2022 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 24,192.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 54.70 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 51-0677038-7 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 48.82 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 51-0370259-4 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 26.97 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 51-0010665417-4 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 287.76 3/10/2022 Monthly Service - Acct 51-0881494-2 418.25 3/10/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 2,204.38 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-0010754175-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 194.45 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-9183644-3 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 36.93 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-0010665417-4 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.13 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-0010132446-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 34.31 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-0013533354-2 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 27.13 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-0010888203-8 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 16 of 18 143 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 55.30 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-0370259-4 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 7,297.38 3/24/2022 Monthly Service - Acct # 51-6260763-8 9,877.01 3/24/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7019-4320 3,550.44 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 564.80 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 43.94 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 22.22 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 215.09 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1370-4320 1,720.73 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 27.13 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 187.54 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1220-4320 1,352.55 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1540-4320 972.31 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 77.75 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1190-4320 432.81 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1170-4320 571.25 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 23,498.02 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1171-4320 43.31 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 215.09 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1550-4320 248.19 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 42.82 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 174.49 3/31/2022 Monthly Service XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7043-4320 6,608.09 3/31/2022 Monthly Service 40,568.57 3/31/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 50,863.83 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 101-1550-4300 38.90 3/24/2022 Medical Supplies 38.90 3/24/2022 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 38.90 ZIEGLER INC 101-1550-4120 19.71 3/24/2022 Parts 19.71 3/24/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 17 of 18 144 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ZIEGLER INC 19.71 741,427.39 AP - Check Detail-ACH (4/1/2022)Page 18 of 18 145 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, St. Hubert Catholic Community, Spring Gala on April 29, 2022 File No.Item No: D.6 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the request from St. Hubert Catholic Community for a temporary on-sale liquor license for their annual Spring Gala on April 29, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY St. Hubert Catholic Community has submitted an application for a temporary on-sale liquor license for their annual Spring Gala on April 29, 2022. The event will be held at the church and they intend to sell beer and wine with dinner. Liquor liability insurance has been provided for the event. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET 146 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request from St. Hubert Catholic Community for a temporary on-sale liquor license for their Spring Gala on April 29, 2022. The fee is $1.00. ATTACHMENTS Application for a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License 147 $1.00 City of Chanhassen Mach 16, 2022 April 29, 2022 April 11, 2022 clerk@ci.chanhassen.mn.us 9522-227-1107 Kim T. Meuwissen, MCMC 148 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Accept Quote and Award Contract for the 2022 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Project File No.2022-02 Item No: D.7 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The City Council awards a construction contract for the 2022 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) project to Visu-Sewer, Inc. in the amount of $140,000.00" Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY BACKGROUND The Metropolitan Council monitors the flow of sanitary sewer from each city in their service area to determine the amount of inflow and infiltration (I/I) to their wastewater treatment plants. If a city exceeds the allowance set by the Metropolitan Council, the city is charged a surcharge fee based on the amount of flow above the allowed amount. The City of Chanhassen continues to meet the expectations of the Metropolitan Council's I/I program by reducing I/I through local projects aimed at rehabilitating the municipal sanitary sewer system. Typical rehabilitation projects the City completes in meeting the expectations of the Met Council's I/I program include pipe lining and replacement, pipe joint sealing and chimney sealing, manhole lining or replacement, casting and cover retrofits, and more. By completing these types of projects, the City can 149 mitigate the risk of having to pay surcharge fees (which can range in the millions of dollars) while also meeting the City's strategic priorities of Asset Management by maintaining essential public infrastructure, Financial Sustainability by prolonging the life cycle of the asset while avoiding additional surcharge fees, and Operational Excellence by supplying the residents of Chanhassen a robust and resilient municipal sewerage system. DISCUSSION The 2022 I/I project is designed to help prevent I/I from entering the sanitary sewer system. The project's base bid consists of rehabilitating an approximately 950 linear foot section of 27" sanitary sewer main made of reinforced concrete pipe in the Park Road area with a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining method along with grouting other spot leaks at pipe joints and manhole sections. CIPP lining is a trenchless rehabilitation method that requires little to no excavation or ground disturbance. It involves inserting a flexible liner inside the existing sanitary sewer pipe by way of the existing manholes, inflating the liner, and exposing it to heat or ultraviolet light to dry and harden the liner inside the pipe. After the curing is complete, the liner essentially forms a smooth surface inside the existing pipe, restoring it to a near-new condition. The area prioritized to undergo CIPP rehabilitated this year includes an area originally planned to be completed in 2018, which was pulled from the 2018 project due to budgetary constraints. Two alternative quote areas located in the Longacres and Canyon Curve neighborhoods were also selected for the 2022 project in order to abandon existing sanitary sewer mains and manholes that were extended in anticipation of future development. As development in these areas have been fully built out, the extensions are no longer necessary and will be abandoned in-place. BUDGET The original engineering estimate for the base bid on this project was approximately $155,000 which is within a reasonable range to issue Request for Quotes (RFQ) in accordance with the City's purchasing policy and also aligned with the the available budget. Four contractors (Visu-Sewer, Hydro-Klean, Veit, and Michels) responded to the RFQ and provided quotes as follows: Contractor Total Base Bid Amount Visu-Sewer $179,425.00* Hydro-Klean $204,142.40 Veit $214,325.00 Michels $258,724.00 Engineer's Estimate $156,575.00 *Lowest Quote Due to the higher than anticipated quotes, staff reached out to all contractors to survey the discrepancy between the estimate and the quotes received. Unanimously contractors responded that due to supply issues of materials required in the CIPP process (e.g. resins, liners, etc.), staffing, and market conditions over the past two years, prices have increased approximately 20-40% throughout the industry. Due to 150 this shift in market conditions of CIPP rehabilitation and with no indication that these conditions will improve for future projects, coupled with the need to continue meeting the goals of the Met Council and the City to abate I/I issues and improve the resiliency of the municipal sewerage system, staff entered into direct negotiations with the low bidder, Visu-Sewer. The City and Visu-Sewer came to an agreement to reduce the length of targeted areas of the CIPP portion of the project by approximately 55% which resulted in an approximately 45% reduction in the cost of the base bid. Due to the scope reduction the City was also able to accept the two alternative quoted areas in the Longacres and Canyon Curve neighborhoods while adding sanitary sewer televising work in order to begin effective planning for necessary downstream CIPP lining from the base bid area. The revised quote for all the work described is $133,589.00. In order to plan for any potential quantity contingencies or unexpected site conditions, staff is recommending award of a Not-To-Exceed construction contract in the amount of $140,000.00, which is an approximate 5% contingency from the negotiated revised quote. Visu-Sewer has completed work in Chanhassen in the past and their work was acceptable. Funding for the project is proposed from the Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund and was budgeted in the 2022 CIP #SS-012. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Council award a construction contract for the 2022 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) project to Visu-Sewer, Inc. in the amount of $140,000.00. ATTACHMENTS Project Locations CIP Sheet - SS-012 22-02 Form of Agreement-Construction Contract Visu-Sewer Revised Quote Resolution 151 ;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;Up l a n d C i r Mal l oryCtPark Dr Park R d Pa r k P l Lake Susan Park 8170 8205 8185 0 1501 8110 8140 8145 8160 1480 1371 8020 1455 1401 8100 1340 1270 1250 1001 7901 28-034 28-029 28-024 28-019 28-017 28-012 28-015 28-028 28-026 28-027 28-014 28-018 28-033 28-031 28-037 28-038 28-009 44-036 28-071 Document Path: K:\Departments\Engineering\Projects\22-01 Local Streets\22-01 Local Street Project\Sewer Modifications\Sewer Modifications.aprxDate Created: 4/4/2022 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department µ0 150 Feet 0 0.03 Mile 27" CIPP Lining City of Chanhassen Legend ;27" CIPP Lining Sewer Manholes MCES Structures ;Sewer Gravity Mains ;MCES Interceptor Exhibit A Approximately 400 feet Seal Joints 1+51 1+74 2+23 2+72 2+97 3+28 Grout Manhole & Doghouses 152 153 154 155 1 175881v1 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND CONTRACTOR FOR 2022 SANITARY SEWER I&I PROJECT NO. 22-02 THIS AGREEMENT, made this 11th day of April, 2022, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Owner”) and VISU-SEWER, INC. (“Contractor”). Owner and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents”, all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement; B. Project Special Provisions dated January 20, 2022; C. City of Chanhassen General Conditions of the Construction Contract; D. City of Chanhassen Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Specifications E. Quote/Bid dated March 18, 2022. In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts with Contract Document “A” having the first priority and Contract Document “E” having the last priority. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. CONTRACT PRICE. Owner shall pay Contractor for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents the amount of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00). 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the General Conditions. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. Owner shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. C. Payments to Subcontractor. 156 2 175881v1 (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1 ½ percent per month or any part of a month to the Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 (attached) required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Chanhassen obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Upon final completion of the Work, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by Engineer. 5. COMPLETION DATE/LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. A. The Work associated with the 27” CIPP Lining must be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions by December 16, 2022. The Work associated with Alternates 1 and 2 must be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions by June 30, 2023. B. Contract and Owner recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that Owner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in Paragraph 5.A. above, plus any extensions thereof allowed. The parties also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by Owner if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay Owner $500.00 for each calendar day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 5.A. for Completion until the Work is complete. 157 3 175881v1 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional 158 4 175881v1 examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Subcontracts: (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the Owner the names of the Subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the Owner. (2) The Contractor is responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the Owner, the Engineer, and any Subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every Subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WORKER’S COMPENSATION. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this Contract, statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance as required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY. Contractor shall obtain the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract, with the City included as an additional name insured on a primary and non- contributory basis. The Contractor shall furnish the City a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the City evidencing the required coverage: Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate products and completed operations 159 5 175881v1 Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Contractual Liability (identifying the contract): Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $2,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence 9. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the quote shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the Cit y, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 10. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. Owner and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and 160 6 175881v1 enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Software License. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. F. Patented devices, materials and processes. If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the Owner. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the Project agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the Owner for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement G. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. H. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Contract by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Contract 161 7 175881v1 by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. I. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Contract. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County. J. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Contract is found to be or become unenforceable or invalid, it shall not affect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Contract, unless such invalid or unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Contract impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire contract. K. Entire Agreement. This Contract represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. L. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of- way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. M. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the Owner, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN VISU-SEWER, INC.: BY: BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor Its BY: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager 162 Page 1 of 2 QUOTATION CITY PROJECT NO. 22-02 SANITARY SEWER I&I CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MN March 18, 2022 To: Erik Henricksen, PE From: Brian Baumann City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1165 Division Manager Visu-Sewer, Inc. 3155 104th Lane NE Blain, MN 55449 763-252-0004 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Visu-Sewer is pleased to submit this update to our quotation for the above-referenced project dated February 18, 2022, which was prepared pursuant to the Request for Quote dated January 20, 2022. The scope of work has been revised as follows based on subsequent conversations with the City of Chanhassen:  The quantity of 27-inch sanitary sewer cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) has been reduced to approximately 400 LF (Manhole 28-024 to 28-026).  Approximately 1,750 LF of 27-inch sanitary sewer televising has been added (Manhole 38-026 to 34-113). Proposed pricing is as follows: Item No. Description Quantity Units Unit Price Extended Price 27" CIPP Lining - Park Road Area 1 Mobilization 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 2 Joint Sealing (27" RCP) 6 EA $1,150.00 $6,900.00 3 Grout Manhole 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 4 Chemical Grout 40 GAL $10.00 $400.00 5 27" Cured-in-Place System 400 LF $185.00 $74,000.00 6 Traffic Control 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 7 Bypass 1 LS $12,500.00 $12,500.00 8 27" Sanitary Sewer Televising (28-026 to 34-113) 1,750 LF $4.25 $7,437.50 Base Bid Total $107,237.50 Alternate 1: Canyon Curve Area - Abandon 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer & Appurtenances 1 Abandon 8" PVC Sanitary Main 190 LF $11.10 $2,109.00 2 Abandon Sanitary Manhole 1 EA $7,500.00 $7,500.00 3 Sediment Control Log 400 LF $3.50 $1,400.00 4 Seeding (Mix 34-171) 250 SY $5.25 $1,312.50 5 Seeding (Mix 25-151) 250 SY $5.00 $1,250.00 Alternate 1 Total $13,571.50 163 Page 2 of 2 Alternate 2: Long Acres Area - Abandon 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer & Appurtenances 1 Abandon 8" PVC Sanitary Main 240 LF $11.00 $2,640.00 2 Abandon Sanitary Manhole 1 EA $7,500.00 $7,500.00 3 Sediment Control Log 100 LF $3.50 $350.00 4 Seeding (Mix 25-151) 250 SY $5.00 $1,250.00 5 Topsoil 20 CY $52.00 $1,040.00 Alternate 2 Total $12,780.00 Televising notes:  Televising from Manhole 28-026 to 28-034 will be conducted under bypass (likely following CIPP installation).  Televising from Manhole 28-034 to 34-113 will likely be floated due to significant flow from the sideline at 38-034. Bypassing of the sideline is not included.  Cleaning is not included. If cleaning is necessary to complete the televising, it will be conducted at a time and material rate of $255.00/HR. Thank you for the opportunity to quote on this project. If you have any questions please contact Brian Baumann at 800-876-8478. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ All material guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days of issue. Time and material rates are charges "port to port". Terms - Net 30 days. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Visu-Sewer, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified. Date: _________________ Signature: ______________________________________ 164 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: April 11, 2022 RESOLUTION NO: 2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING QUOTE AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE 2022 INFLOW AND INFILTRATION (I/I) PROJECT NO. 22-02 WHEREAS,quotes were received for the 2022 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Project No. 22- 02; and WHEREAS,the lowest quote received for the base bid was from Visu-Sewer, Inc. at $179,425.00; and WHEREAS,after negotiations with Visu-Sewer, Inc., along with a reduction in the project scope, the original quote for the base bid was reduced to $99,800; and WHEREAS,the bid for the alternative work remained the same at a total of $26,351.50 and additional televising was agreed to at $7,437.50; and WHEREAS,the total for the project after negotiations is $133,589.00; and WHEREAS,to plan for any potential quantity contingencies or unexpected site conditions city staff recommends an increase in the construction contract authorization amount of approximately 5%, for a total construction contract amount of $140,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with Visu-Sewer, Inc. in the name of the City of Chanhassen for the 2020 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Project No. 22-02 in the amount of $140,000.00, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 11 th day of April, 2022. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 165 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Resolution 2022-XX: Award Contract for 2022 Pothole Patching File No.Item No: D.8 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Alison Albrecht, Public Works Support Specialist Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves a Not-To-Exceed Contract of $50,000 to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. for 2022 pothole patching." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Every year, the City performs pothole patching on our bituminous streets in the spring and summer as a maintenance activity in order to provide a level of service expected by our citizens and other traveling public. The streets with potholes are typically in line for rehabilitation/reconstruction, but may be a few years away and therefore temporary filling of the potholes is necessary. BACKGROUND N/A DISCUSSION The use of a contractor to supplement the City's self performed pothole patching work was begun in 2020 with great cost effectiveness and timeliness of completion. Northwest Asphalt was the contractor we utilized the last few years and they performed the services to our satisfaction. The City uses the 166 contractor for the mainline streets along with neighborhood streets requiring a lot of work. BUDGET The Streets Division of the Public Works Department solicited quotes for a daily rate for performing pothole patching based on completing repairs on the streets as shown on the attached map. Two (2) quotes were returned, as summarized below. Northwest Asphalt was the low quote. Contractor Quote Northwest Asphalt $5,552.00/Day + $121.50/Ton of Mix Bituminous Roadways $7,600.00/Day + $95.00/Ton of Mix The funding for this work comes from the Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance Fund. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends awarding the 2022 pothole patching contract to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. ATTACHMENTS Project Map Contract Resolution 167 ST117 ST101 ST101 ST15 ST17 ST14 ST18 ST17 ST61 L a k o t a L n RedCedar Pt Rd Nez PerceD r Corporate Pl Commonwea l t hBlvd RiverRockDrNL y manBl vdPowers BlvdPowers BlvdW 7 9 t h S tMarket Blv d Chanhassen RdW 192nd AveA r b o r e t u m BlvdDogwoodRd Laredo DrPearlDr HazeltineBlvdPioneer TrlGalpinBlvdK erb e r Bl vdCarver Beach Rd Highway212P heasant D r W 77th St Stoug h to nAveB lu ff C r e e k D r P leasantV i ew R dWashtaBayRd H o lly L nCree DrGalpinBlvd Ponderosa DrHazeltineBlvd ChoctawCir S a n d p iperTrlC a m d enR dg Dr Kings Rd LucyR dgLnKurver s PtRd Eagle CtMurrayHillRdDogwoodAveCenturyBlvdRuby LnFaw nHillRdMinnewashtaPkwyPi n t a i l C i r Lake Lucy R dTern Ct Lak e Susa n Dr Lind e n Cir C haskaRdAudubon RdS a n t a VeraD rYosemiteAveWoodDuck L nNearM o u ntainBlvd Leslee Curv eW 86th St Sprin gfieldDrLakewayDrDeglerCirManchesterDr Thrush CtPinehurstDr Wi ndmillDrMulberr y Cir Ce ntur y Trl Koehnen Cir E Fox Hollo wD r Foxtail Ct Lo ng a cre s DrLakeAnnPa r k DrP re a k ness Ln Comm erceD rCountry Oak sDrB igh o rnD r D akot a LnMarsh Dr River Rock DrSTo p azDr CastleRdgMoc casinTrl Lakeview R dE Sandy H o o k Rd Lake S usanHillsDrDevo n s hireDr FrontierTrlPicha Dr W atersEdgeDrIthilien ErieAveFox Ct Si e rra TrlBramble D r R e d wingL nS t one CreekDrUticaLn Osp reyLnStratford Ln Fl a m ingo D rTecumseh Ln SaratogaDr Pa i sle y P a t hGunflintTrl L oneC e darCir Te t o nLnHighland Dr Egret CtPelican Ct Vasserma n Trl Creekwood DrChanhassenHillsD r NKiowa CirLak e DrWDerbyD rHighoverDrO xbow BendSwanCtL akeHarrisonCir Fo xPath77th St WPurple P k wyValley Rdg T rlSPrai ri eFlo werBlv dUtica CirS Cedar Dr M e lo dyLnKiowaTrlO r c hard L n H e mlockWayT im b erwoodDrLodgepolePt CheyenneAveAcorn LnAlisa LnHiddenCtS a d d lebr ookTr lGreenbriarAvePimaLnFawnHillCt TrailsE n d RdJeurissen LnF o x DrW 78th St Gray F oxCurveRidgevie wW a y Crestview Cir Lym a n Blvd Chan View Brinker StArrowheadLn Oaksid e C i r Peaceful LnHorsesho eCurveBriarwood CtLakeridg e R d Ma ll oryCtHigho verTrlLilac Ln WLakeDrI bi sCtHeron D rRedman LnIndian Hill RdPark Ct Valley Rdg Pl Stelle r C t 63rd St W S u n nyvaleDrM a r i g o ld C tEagleRdgRdParkDrChurch RdCrossroadsBlvd D art m o u t h D r LakeLucy Ln Fox fordRd Ramp Pineview CtTroendle CirValleyR d g Trl N DelR io D r S S h o reCtLyman Ct F ly in g C lo u d D r CheyenneTrlCascadePass Arb o r e t u m D rKnobHill LnWhite Oak Ln DakotaAv e Cany onCurveReflectionsRdPim licoLnBluffC r e e kBlvdPont iac CirPenamintCt C o n e s t o gaTrlHi ll sd a l eCt T r a p l ineLn Stratton Ct Ch a parra l LnCimarron Cir Glendale Dr UticaTe r L a nd in g sDrUpland C i r BruleCirTrotters CirM o hawkDrW 78th St 82nd St E IroquoisPipewoo d Ln 6 4 th S tWMcGlynn Dr Co u n ty R d 1 0 1Quinn RdP a r k R d Lukewood DrRed Oak Ln EastwoodCtHuronT i g u a LnStone Cre e kLnEHiawatha Dr KiowaFox Hill Dr Dell RdPark P l Big WoodsBlvdPointeLakeLucyWoodhill Dr F ly in g C lo u d D rAlphabet StBrendenCt WLak e CtChesMarDr LakeRileyBlvdSunridg eC t Homestea dLnB utte Ct Lot u sTrl Galpin C t Crestview Dr FirTreeAveSunsetTrlL a ke DrShawneeLn Cr imsonBayRdWater TowerPl Preserv eC t W 96th St D ella Dr TanadoonaDr 78th St W S t onefieldLnElmTreeAveMead o wlarkLnSu mme rfie ldDr Highway 7 GreatPlainsBlvdDeerb ro o kD rLake Dr ECoulterBlvd GreatPlainsBlvdBridl e C reekTrlB o u lderR dW82ndSt+,169 +,212 +,212 +,169 ?A@5 ?A@101 ?A@7 ?A@7 ?A@41 ?A@41 ?A@7 ?A@41 ?A@41 ?A@5 ?A@5 ³CH ±City Hall "F)Fire Station Pothole Patching Railroad Rivers Lakes Parks Parcel Boundaries City of Chanhassen 2022 Pothole Patching Contract Areas µ0 4,000 Feet 0 0.5 Mile Document Path: K:\Departments\PW\Streets\Maintenance\PotholePatching\2021\Pothole Patching Maps 2022.aprxDate Created: 2/8/2022 Created By: City of Chanhassen - Engineering Department 168 1 175881v1 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND CONTRACTOR FOR 2022 POTHOLE PATCHING THIS AGREEMENT, made this 25th day of March, 2022, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Owner”) and NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. (“Contractor”). Owner and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents”, all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement; B. Request for quotes, email dated March 2, 2022; C. City of Chanhassen General Conditions of the Construction Contract; D. Current edition of City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications & Detail Plates. E. Quote/Bid dated March 18, 2022. In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts with Contract Document “A” having the first priority and Contract Document “D” having the last priority. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. CONTRACT PRICE. Owner shall pay Contractor for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents a Not-To-Exceed amount of Fifty Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($50,000.00). 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the General Conditions. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. Owner shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. 169 2 175881v1 C. Payments to Subcontractor. (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1 ½ percent per month or any part of a month to the Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 (attached) required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Chanhassen obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Upon final completion of the Work, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by Engineer. 5. COMPLETION DATE A. The Work must be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions by July 31, 2022. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. 170 3 175881v1 D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Subcontracts: 171 4 175881v1 (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the Owner the names of the Subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the Owner. (2) The Contractor is responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the Owner, the Engineer, and any Subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every Subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WORKER’S COMPENSATION. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this Contract, statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance as required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY. Contractor shall obtain the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract, with the City included as an additional name insured on a primary and non- contributory basis. The Contractor shall furnish the City a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the City evidencing the required coverage: Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate products and completed operations Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Contractual Liability (identifying the contract): Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $2,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): 172 5 175881v1 Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence 9. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the quote shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 10. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. Owner and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. 173 6 175881v1 (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Software License. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. F. Patented devices, materials and processes. If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the Owner. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the Project agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the Owner for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement G. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. H. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Contract by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Contract by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. I. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Contract. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County. J. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Contract is found to be or become unenforceable or invalid, it shall not affect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Contract, unless such invalid or 174 7 175881v1 unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Contract impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire contract. K. Entire Agreement. This Contract represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. L. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of- way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. M. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the Owner, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CONTRACTOR: BY: BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor Its BY: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager 175 176 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: April 11, 2022 RESOLUTION NO: 2022-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. FOR 2022 POTHOLE PATCHING SERVICES WHEREAS,pothole patching is an annual maintenance activity for the City; and WHEREAS,the volume of patching required exceeds the amount that internal City forces can complete in a timely fashion; and WHEREAS,patching of the streets is a primary level of service provided to our residents; and WHEREAS,the City obtained competitive quotes for the work; and WHEREAS,the quoted work will be contracted with a not-to-exceed fee of $50,000 funded by the Transportation Infrastructure Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes entering into a contract with Northwest Asphalt, Inc. for 2022 pothole patching services. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 11 th day of April, 2022. ATTEST: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 177 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item State of the Library - Heidi Hoks and Patrick Jones File No.Item No: E.1 Agenda Section VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS State of the Library 2022 Presentation 178 Public Services –Library Carver County Library Chanhassen Branch 179 Public Services –Library 180 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 181 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 182 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 183 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 184 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 185 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 186 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 187 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 188 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 189 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 190 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 191 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 192 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 193 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library 194 C A R V E R C O U N T Y C A R V E R C O U N T Y Public Services –Library Contact us… Heidi Hoks, County Library Director hhoks@co.carver.mn.us Patrick Jones, Chanhassen Branch manager pjones@co.carver.mn.us 195 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Joseph Zasadzinski Citizen Action Request File No.Item No: E.2 Agenda Section VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Joseph Zasadzinski Citizen Action Request Form 196 197 198 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Approve Amendment to Dakota Retail Site Plan Agreement 2014-11 File No.Planning Case No. 2014-11 Item No: G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves an amendment to Dakota Retail Site Plan Agreement 2014- 11." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY On April 28, 2014, the City Council approved a site plan for an 8,000 square-foot multi-tenant building. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Site Plan Agreement to reconfigure the parking lot and improve traffic circulation for the property. The required number of parking spaces per ordinance is 65. The applicant is providing 55 spaces. The applicant is requesting deferment of adding the 10 parking spaces if the need presents itself. When the City, in its sole discretion, determines that the parking demand exceeds the number of constructed parking spaces, the City may terminate the parking deferment and require the applicant to provide the parking. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION 199 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached Amendment to Dakota Retail Site Plan Agreement 2014-11. ATTACHMENTS Amendment to Dakota Retail Site Plan Agreement 2014-11 200 SP-1 221306v2 (reserved for recording information) CITY OF CHANHASSEN AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN AGREEMENT 2014-11 SPECIAL PROVISIONS THIS AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN AGREEMENT (the "Amendment") dated April 11, 2022, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"), and Dakota Retail, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership (the "Developer"). WHEREAS,the City and Chanhassen Dakota Retail One, LLC (“Original Developer”), entered into a Site Plan Agreement, dated November 21, 2014, and recorded in the Office of Carver County November 24, 2014, as Document No. A602480 (“Agreement”) for the property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (“Property”); WHEREAS,the Developer is the successor to the Original Developer in title to the Property; WHEREAS,Developer is requesting an amendment to the Site Plan Agreement to reconfigure the parking lot and traffic circulation for the Property; WHEREAS,the reconfiguration of the parking lot and traffic circulation requires approval of a Parking Deferment which requires revisions to the private stormwater utility on the Property and a stormwater maintenance agreement in the event the deferred parking is required to be installed. NOW, THEREFORE,the parties agree as follows: 1.Request for Site Plan Amendment. The Developer has asked the City to approve an amendment to the Agreement for reconfiguring the parking lot and traffic circulation serving an 8,000 square-foot multi-tenant building (Dakota Retail), Planning Case 2014-11 (referred to in this Site Plan Agreement as the "Project"). 2.Conditions of Site Plan Approval. The City hereby approves the amendment to the site plan on condition that the Developer enters into this Amendment. 201 SP-2 221306v2 3.Development Plans. Section 3 of the Agreement is hereby amended to add the following plans: Plan A: (C000) Cover Sheet dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan B: (C100) General notes dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan C: (C300) Demo & Erosion Control Plan Phase 1 dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan D: (C302) Erosion and Sediment Control dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan E: (C400)Site Plan dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan F: (C401) Site Details dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan G: (C500) Grading and Erosion control Phase II dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan H: (C502) Grading Details dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan I:(L100) Landscaping Plan dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. Plan K: (L101) Landscape Details dated February 22, 2022, prepared by Kimley Horn. 4.Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required screening and landscaping by July 31, 2022. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. 5.Notices. Paragraph 6 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Mr. Dario Klasic, Managing Partner 905 Jefferson Avenue Unit 101 Saint Paul MN 55102 p: 651.356.6226 m: 612.214.2069 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, Telephone (952) 227-1100. 202 SP-3 221306v2 6.Other Special Conditions. The Property shall be constructed pursuant to this Amendment, subject to the following conditions: Environmental Resources Specialist Conditions 1. Existing trees to be preserved within the construction area shall be protected by tree fencing installed with metal stakes at the edge of the driplines or as far away from the trunk as possible. 2. Autumn Blaze maple in landscape peninsula shall be changed to an ornamental such as Japanese tree lilac. 3. Removal plan shows existing trees south of parking area to be removed, while landscape plan shows 2 of them preserved. Submit corrected plans and show replacement trees if removed. 4. Remove one honeylocust from the boulevard along Lake Drive East to increase spacing between trees 5. Add one crabapple to the area between the patio and the garbage/drive thru aisle. Fire Marshal Conditions 1.Access into the site shall not be blocked at any time. Signage shall be posted at the entrance into the site. The Developer shall submit a signage plan including location and wording to be reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshal Engineering Conditions 1. If additional parking is required to be constructed by the Developer in accordance with the Parking Deferment Agreement, all improvements must meet the City’s and all other State and local government current rules and regulations, including but not limited to surface water management and erosion control requirements. 2. All surface water management improvements will be required to have a private stormwater operation and maintenance agreement between the City and the Developer in accordance with the City’s standard form. Planning Conditions 1.The Developer shall execute the Parking Deferment Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit B to be recorded with this Amendment. 7.Effect of Agreement. Except as otherwise specifically amended herein, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be binding on the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall be recorded against the Property in the Carver County Recorder’s Office as promptly as possible after it has been executed by the parties. 203 SP-4 221306v2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: Elise Ryan, Mayor (SEAL) And: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and by Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC 204 SP-5 221306v2 DEVELOPER: Dakota Retail, LLLP By, MVK Capital, LLC Its General Partner BY: Dario Klasic, Managing Partner STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Dario Klasic, the Managing Partner of MVK Capital, LLC, a _________________________, the General Partner of Dakota Retail, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership, on behalf of the entity. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 205 6 EXHIBIT A Lot 1, Block 1, Dakota Retail, according to the plat of record, Carver County, Minnesota. 206 7 EXHIBIT B PARKING DEFERMENT AGREEMENT THIS PARKING DEFERMENT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) dated April 11, 2022, is entered into by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN,a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and Dakota Retail, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership (hereinafter referred to as “Developer"). RECITALS A.Developer is the fee owner of certain real property located at 190 Lake Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota and legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Dakota Retail (the "Subject Property"). B.Developer owns the 7,984 square foot existing building on the Subject Property which is used as a multi-tenant building. Developer is requesting to convert the westerly 2,753 square feet of the existing building into a restaurant. C.Pursuant to Section 20-1124 of the City Code, 65 parking spaces are required on the Subject Property. Dakota Retail, LLLP is proposing to provide 55 parking spaces and has requested a deferment for 10 parking spaces. D.Developer has demonstrated that: (i) the proposed use of the Subject Property will have a parking demand less than the required parking under Section 20-1124 of the City Code; and (ii) the Subject Property has sufficient property area under the same ownership to accommodate expansion of parking facilities to meet minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance if the parking demand exceeds the actual on-site supply. 207 8 NOW, THEREFORE,in consideration of the recitals set forth above and the terms and conditions herein, Developer and the City agree as follows: 1.Parking shall only occur in areas designated and constructed for parking in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2.Developer hereby unconditionally guarantees to City that it shall construct additional parking spaces upon the Subject Property in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and this Agreement if the parking demand for the Subject Property exceeds the actual on-site parking supply and that concrete curb and gutter must be installed at the time the additional spaces are striped for parking. All improvements must meet the City’s and all other State and local government rules and regulations, including but not limited to, surface water management and erosion control requirements and be consistent with the approved Site Plan for the Property, as amended. Developer shall also execute a private stormwater operation and maintenance agreement for any private stormwater facilities required to be constructed with the additional parking spaces in accordance with the City’s standard form of agreement. 3.If, within one year of the date of this Agreement, the City determines, in its sole discretion, that the parking demand exceeds the number of constructed parking spaces, the City may terminate the parking deferment granted herein and require Developer, upon written notice from the City, to construct 10 additional parking spaces, the construction of which has been deferred pursuant to this Agreement, and install concrete curb and gutter at the time those additional 10 spaces are striped for parking. If Developer fails to construct the 10 deferred parking spaces, additional improvements required under Paragraph 3 of this Agreement, or fails to execute the private stormwater maintenance agreement required under Paragraph 2 within six (6) months after so 208 9 requested by the City, the City may rescind the certificate of occupancy for the building located on the Subject Property. 4.Miscellaneous. A.Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Agreement. B.If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, sentence, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. 5.The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or release of any term or condition herein. 6.This Agreement shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. 7.Required notices shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to Developer, its successors and assigns, or mailed to Developer by certified mail at the following address: 905 Jefferson Avenue, Unit 101, Saint Paul MN 55102. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager or mailed by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard P.O Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow. 209 10 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: ______________________________ (CITY SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of __________________, 2022 by __________________________ of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. ___________________________________ Notary Public 210 11 DEVELOPER: Dakota Retail, LLLP By, MVK Capital, LLC Its General Partner By: Dario Klasic, Its Managing Partner STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Dario Klasic, the Managing Partner of MVK Capital, LLC,a ____________________________, the General Partner of Dakota Retail, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 210 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 AMP/smt 211 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO PARKING DEFERMENT AGREEMENT HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK, a ____________________, which holds a mortgage on all or part of the real property more particularly described in the foregoing Parking Deferment Agreement, which mortgage is dated October 1, 2021 and recorded November 22, 2021 with the Carver County Recorder as document number A737561, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby join in, consents to, and is subject to the foregoing Parking Deferment Agreement. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2022. HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK By: ______________________________________ ____________________________[print name] Its ____________________________[title] STATE OF ______________) )ss. COUNTY OF ____________) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2022, by ______________________________, the ______________________________ of Hiawatha National Bank, a __________________________, on behalf of the entity. ________________________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL,KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 212 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN AGREEMENT HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK, a ____________________, which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Amendment to Site Plan Agreement 2014-11 (“Site Plan”), which mortgage is dated October 1, 2021 and recorded November 22, 2021 with the Carver County Recorder as document number A737561, agrees that the Site Plan shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2022. HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK By: ______________________________________ ____________________________[print name] Its ____________________________[title] STATE OF ______________) )ss. COUNTY OF ____________) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2022, by ______________________________, the ______________________________ of Hiawatha National Bank, a __________________________, on behalf of the entity. ________________________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL,KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 213 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item Receive 2021 Park & Recreation Department Annual Report File No.Item No: I.1 Agenda Section ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the 2021 Park and Recreation Annual Report." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY At their March 22, 2022 meeting the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the 2021 Park and Recreation Department's Annual Report. After discussion, Commissioner Vasatka made a motion recommending the City Council approve the 2021 Park and Recreation Annual Report. Commissioner Peck seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. BACKGROUND The 2021 Park & Recreation Annual Report identifies accomplishments and information relating to all divisions within our department. The information is used to evaluate performance in order to deliver quality programs, facilities, and customer service to the Chanhassen community. Some revenue, expenses, program offerings, and participation numbers in this report are substantially lower than typical years, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions placed on recreation programming of all types. 214 The majority of the financial information included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the economic data used in this report from the city's General Ledger Accounting System was unaudited when this report was published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). 2021 highlights are listed below: Response to COVID-19 Almost 3,000 lbs. of food and $300 collected for local food shelves State of Minnesota pop-up COVID-19 testing at the Recreation Center 185 seniors connected with local resources Park, Trail, & Facility Projects TH 5 Regional Trail Project was completed, creating a trail segment running from the Carver/Hennepin county line to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in Victoria Replaced basketball court at Lake Susan Park; new playgrounds at Carver Beach and Pheasant Hills Parks Senior Center & Recreation Center improvements Facilities $26,058.04 concession stand & boat rental revenue ($10,401.22 total profit) 11,100 recorded picnic shelter users (126 reservations) Community Events 10 community events were hosted with over 80,000+ attendees ages birth-99 200+ volunteer hours Senior Center Over 9,000 cumulative participants in 2021 3,417 people attended weekly and monthly game groups & social clubs 1,752 people participated in trips, lifelong-learning programs, special events, & educational speakers 308 people took part in health, wellness, & financial education focused programs. Recreation Center Over 15,000+ patrons in 2021 3,590.25 non-billable hours valued at $69,528.75 77 youth activities and 67 adult activities Over 5,000 fitness center & open gym visits Youth Programs 250+ programs with 3,500+ cumulative participants 920 Rec Center Sports participants 215 453 Dance for Fun participants 694 Summer Discovery & Lake Ann Camp participants Adult Programs 443 Rec Center adult program participants 14 adult softball teams with 210 people participating Adaptive Recreation 133 hours of inclusion support logged Program offerings include social clubs, special events, holiday parties, and dances Park Maintenance Maintained 66 miles of pedestrian trails and sidewalks Maintained 28 parks & 14 preserves Maintained downtown and all greenscapes Partners & Sponsors Maintained 123 partnerships & sponsorships that involve all divisions of our department DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Park & Recreation Annual Report 2021 216 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1100 2021PARKS &RECREATIONANNUAL REPORT 217 2 CONTENTS 3 4 5 6 8 14 16 18 20 23 24 25 26 ELECTED OFFICIALS & STAFF FAST FACTS RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PARK, TRAIL, & FACILITY PROJECTS FACILITIES COMMUNITY EVENTS SENIOR CENTER RECREATION CENTER YOUTH PROGRAMS ADULT PROGRAMS ADAPTIVE RECREATION PARK MAINTENANCE PARTNERS & SPONSORS 218 3 OUR MISSION ELECTED OFFICIALS & STAFF MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATION MAINTENANCE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Elise Ryan, Mayor Haley Schubert, Councilmember Dan Campion, Councilmember Lucy Rehm, Councilmember Jerry McDonald, Councilmember Jim Boettcher, Chair (Jan-Mar) Karl Tsuchiya, Vice-Chair (Jan-Mar) Chair (Apr-Dec) Sandy Sweetser, Commissioner (Jan-Mar) Vice Chair (Apr-Dec) Matt Kutz, Commissioner Jim Peck, Commissioner Joe Scanlon, Commissioner (Jan-Mar) Scott Fischer, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Heather Markert, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Don Vasatka, Commissioner (Apr-Dec) Chaehyun Lee, Youth Commissioner (Apr-Sept) Alexandra Jerdee, Youth Commissioner (Oct-Dec) Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager (Jan-Mar) Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager (Mar-Dec) Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager (Jan-Sept) Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager (Sept-Dec) Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor (Jan-Jun); Recreation Coordinator (Jul-Dec) Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor (Apr-Dec) Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Adam Beers, Park Superintendent Gary Berg, Park Maintenance Lead (Jan-Apr) Park Foreman (June-Dec) Rob Heinen, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Jason Koehnen, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Josh Hargrove, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Kyle Brazil, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Nick Jacobson, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator Ryan Lannon, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator (Jan) Payton Neuville, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator (Mar-Dec) “The City of Chanhassen emphasizes parks, open space, trails, and recreation. The Parks & Recreation department strives to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Chanhassen residents through quality recreation programs, community events, trails, and facilities in the community. Chanhassen is a community for life, providing for today and planning for tomorrow.” Some revenue, expense, program offering, and participation numbers in this report are substantially lower than typical years, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions placed on recreation programming of all types. **The majority of the financial information included in this report should be substantially accurate. However, the economic data used in this report from the city’s General Ledger Accounting System is unaudited when this report is published and could be subject to adjustments up to the final issuance date of the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). NOTE: 219 FAST FACTS 10 COMMUNITY EVENTS 80,000+ SPECIAL EVENT ATTENDEES 9,000+ SENIOR CENTER PARTICIPANTS 15,000+ RECREATION CENTER VISITORS 28 PARKS 66 MILES OF TRAILS 22 PICNIC SHELTERS 1 RECREATION CENTER 1 SENIOR CENTER 123 PARTNERSHIPS 13 FULL-TIME STAFF 82 PART-TIME & SEASONAL STAFF 11,000+ HOURS OF ATHLETIC GAMES & PRACTICES 300+ PROGRAMS OFFERED 4 Awarded “#1 Best Place to Live in the U.S. 2021” by Money Magazine! 220 5 RESPONSE TO COVID-19 As the COVID-19 pandemic continued in 2021, the Chanhassen Parks & Recreation Department was able to present both new and modified programs for the Chanhassen community. Below are summaries of the new programs and support initiatives held in 2021. “Love Your CommunitY” month CoviD-19 PoP-uP testing soCiaLLY-DistanCeD aLL-ages Programming vaCCination sCheDuLing assistanCe &outreaCh for seniors During February, various events and opportunities were promoted to lend a hand to those in need. Five hundred and fifty handmade Valentine’s Day cards were collected and distributed to housebound seniors. The virtual gift card drive allowed individuals to send gas and grocery gift cards to schools and organizations, distributing them directly to those in need. A listing of community volunteer opportunities was developed to connect volunteers with organizations looking for support. Over 2,000 lbs. of food donations were collected for the local PROP Food Shelf as part of the Great Start community food drive, held at Lunds & Byerlys and Cub Foods in Chanhassen and supported by volunteers from local schools and non- profits. A second Great Start community food drive was held in June, which collected $300.00 and 990 lbs. of food donations for the local Bountiful Basket Food Shelf. As local COVID-19 cases surged in March 2021, The Minnesota Department of Health staged a pop-up COVID-19 testing site at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Saliva testing was available Thursdays-Saturdays, March 11-20. The testing site was a coordinated effort between the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota National Guard, Carver County, the City of Chanhassen, and Vault Health. A Zoom trivia program was offered on February 11. Participants were encouraged to form a team, pick up a meal from a local establishment, and enjoy an hour of trivia. Prizes were given from local restaurants. 10 teams participated in the trivia challenge. In March, two gold-painted stones with shamrocks were hidden in each of eight parks: Bandimere, Pioneer Pass, City Center, Rice Marsh, Lake Ann, Roundhouse, North Lotus Lake, and Lake Susan. Prizes were awarded for community members who found and returned the “Blarney Stones” to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Through a partnership with the local Chuck & Don’s pet store, 10 wooden bone signs were placed along trails throughout Chanhassen. Participants took photos of their dogs with the bones, and upon bringing the photos to Chuck & Don’s, they were entered into a drawing for a prize pack. Each dog received a special treat. During the spring months, over 150 seniors with technology barriers were connected to a Carver County outreach team by Senior Center staff. Over 35 seniors received assistance scheduling initial, early doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. February 2021 March 2021 CHAN REC TRIVIA CHALLENGE BLARNEY STONE HUNT BONE ADVENTURE April 2021 221 6 PARK, TRAIL, & FACILITY PROJECTS TH 5 REGIONAL TRAIL PROJECT COMPLETION The TH 5 Regional Recreation Trail and Underpass project, approved by the Chanhassen City Council in June 2020, was completed in November 2021. The new 1.8-mile trail link runs from Century Boulevard in Chanhassen, through the Highway 41 underpass, passes over the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum property, and connects to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in Victoria. The now completed TH 5 Regional Trail extends 8.9 miles from the Carver County/Hennepin County line in Chanhassen to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in Victoria. The funding of this project was a joint effort between the City of Chanhassen (25%), Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (25%), and Carver County (50%). Close to $1.2 million in federal grants were received, as well as private support. Life Time Fitness also supported the project and provided the right-of-way through their corporate headquarters in Chanhassen. 8.9 Miles of Total Trail 222 7 LAKE ANN FISHING PIER REPLACEMENT 2021 PARK & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) STATE GRANT FUNDED ITEMS RANGING IN COST FROM $7,390 TO $245,000 & TOTALING $333,277 PARK EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: $245,000 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER WALL PARTITION REPLACEMENT: $80,000 SENIOR CENTER KITCHENETTE UPDATES: $8,277.00 The fishing pier at Lake Ann Park was replaced in 2021. A grant from the Minnesota DNR covered costs for this replacement. »The Park Equipment Replacement fund was established in 2019 as an annual fund to replace park amenities that are no longer serviceable. 2021 projects included replacing the basketball court at Lake Susan Park and playground and container replacements at Carver Beach Park and Pheasant Hills Park. »Dividing wall partitions in the Recreation Center community rooms were removed in May 2021. The wall partitions will be replaced with functional, sound- proof partitions in 2022 to allow for more versatile use of the Rec Center community space. »The galley style, 20+-year-old utility kitchens in the Main Senior Center and the Maple Corner Room were updated late fall of 2021. The work included new laminate countertops, vinyl slip-free flooring, single bowl stainless sinks, hands-free soap and faucet dispensers, and a new garbage disposal. 223 8 FACILITIES The City of Chanhassen offers quality active and passive recreation opportunities by providing a variety of recreational spaces for people of all ages to enjoy in every season. 66 Miles of Trail 28 Parks 28 Playgrounds 4 Community Parks 24 Neighborhood Parks 14 Preserves 1 Senior Center 1 Recreation Center 466 Acres of Park Space 26 Basketball Courts 4 Sand Volleyball Courts 4 Youth/Adult Baseball Fields 528 Acres of Open Space 16 Tennis Courts 19 Soccer Fields 3 Adult Softball Fields 10 Fishing Piers 22 Picnic Shelters 10 Pickleball Courts 20 Youth Baseball/Softball Fields 5 Public Beaches 3 Boat Launches 11 Seasonal Ice Rinks 5 Sledding Hills 1 Skate Park 1 Disc Golf Course 224 9 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER SKATE PARK AT CITY CENTER PARK SENIOR CENTER 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD Built in 1995, the Chanhassen Recreation Center is a year-round facility that hosts over 15,000 patrons annually. Facilities at the Rec Center include a single- court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, a conference room, two hockey rinks (winter), family rink (winter), warming house, tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. The Rec Center hosts a wide variety of adult, senior, and youth programming and city-sponsored and external special events. SNOW MELT-LATE FALL (WEATHER DEPENDENT) The Skate Park at City Center Park is open snowmelt through late fall and hosts over 5,000 users annually. The facility provides a variety of permanent obstacles no larger than 48 inches for skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and in-line skates. The Skate Park was initially constructed in 1999 and was most recently refurbished in 2003. Dedicated in 1992, the Senior Center provides educational and social activities, trips, and meeting spaces for active older adults ages 55+. The Center includes two kitchenettes, a large group gethering and dining space, the Maple Corner for smaller groups and events, and a large workshop for wood carving projects. 225 10 5 101Powers Blvd.Ma r k e t B l v d .Powers Blvd.Lyman Blvd. 212 W 78th St. K e r b e r B l v d . COMMUNITY PARKS LAKE ANN PARK 1456 West 78th street LAKE SUSAN PARK 903 Lake Drive BANDIMERE PARK 9405 great PLains BouLevarD CITY CENTER PARK 7700 market BouLevarD Amenities include two picnic shelters, six ballfields, one soccer field, one tennis court, one sand volleyball court, two playgrounds, a fishing pier, a swimming beach, non- motorized boat access, seasonal watercraft rentals & concessions, grills, picnic tables, and an internal trail system. »Lake Ann Park hosts various special events and programs, including February Festival, 4th of July celebration, the annual senior picnic, adult softball leagues, and youth athletic practices & tournaments. Amenities include one picnic shelter, one baseball field, two tennis courts, one basketball court, one sand volleyball court, one playground, a fishing pier, boat access, grills, and picnic tables. Amenities include three ballfields, three soccer fields, one seasonal hockey rink, one seasonal family skating rink, a disc golf course, a playground, grills, picnic tables, and an internal trail system. Amenities include four ballfields, five soccer fields, four tennis courts, three basketball courts, one seasonal hockey rink, one seasonal family skating rink, one playground, the Skate Park, and the City Center Park Plaza. »City Center Park hosts various special events and programs, including the 4th of July Celebration, Summer Concert Series sponsored by Old National Bank, and the Chanhassen Farmers’ Market. Chanhassen City Hall, the Senior Center, and the Chanhassen Library are also located here. 226 11 OUTDOOR ICE RINKS & WARMING HOUSES *reCreation Center (1 famiLY, 2 hoCkeY) *rounDhouse Park (1 famiLY) +CitY Center Park ( 1 famiLY, 1 hoCkeY) +n. Lotus Lake Park (1 famiLY, 1 hoCkeY) +BanDimere Park (1 famiLY, 1 hoCkeY) Pioneer Pass Park (1 famiLY) 4,000+ users seasonaLLY JANUARY 11, 2021 – MARCH 1, 2021 *DENOTES PERMANENT WARMING HOUSE; + DENOTES TEMPORARY WARMING HOUSE EXPENSES: $10,470.23 Seasonal attendant wages & rink maintenance. Daily Operating Cost: $232.67 There are five beaches in Chanhassen: Lake Ann Park, Greenwood Shores Park, Carver Beach Park, Roundhouse Park, and Minnewashta Park (operated by Carver County Parks). Chanhassen contracts lifeguard services at the Lake Ann Park beach through Minnetonka School District’s Minnetonka Aquatics. In 2021, lifeguards were on duty from June 5 – August 15 from 11 AM - 6 PM daily. ESTIMATED LAKE ANN SWIMMERS: 12,952 (RECORDED WHEN LIFEGUARDS ON DUTY) Lake ann Park 1456 W 78TH ST. Lifeguards on Duty: June 5 - August 15; 9AM - 6PM Daily greenWooD shores Park 7110 UTICA LN. Located on Lake Ann Carver BeaCh Park 6891 LOTUS TRL. Located on Lotus Lake rounDhouse Park 3950 KINGS RD. Located on Lake Minnewashta Lake minneWashta regionaL Park 6900 HAZELTINE BLVD. Operated by Carver County Parks Temporary outdoor skating rinks are flooded seasonally on asphalt and grass surfaces at six Chanhassen parks: the Chanhassen Recreation Center, City Center, North Lotus Lake, Bandimere, Roundhouse, and Pioneer Pass Park. In typical years, permanent or temporary warming houses are provided at many rink locations, attended by part-time seasonal staff. »Due to state restrictions surrounding COVID-19 safety, temporary and permanent warming houses were unavailable for the 2021 rink season. 12 rink attendants were hired on a part-time/seasonal basis to turn the outdoor rink lights on and off during typical warming house hours. 2021 LAKE ANN CONTRACT LIFEGUARD EXPENSES: $34,262.33 BEACHES 227 12 LAKE ANN PARK WATERCRAFT RENTAL & CONCESSIONS The Lake Ann Concession Stand offers concessions & watercraft rentals to patrons at Lake Ann Park, Memorial Day through mid-August. Watercraft rental options include: »Paddleboards »Paddleboats »Canoes »Kayaks »Rowboats 32 Canoe and Kayak rental racks are available at Lake Ann and Lotus Lake parks and can be rented from April through October. BOAT RENTAL RACKS Total Boat Rentals Revenue Concessions & Rental Expenses Total Profit 1,308 $1,676.37 $26,058.04 $15,656.82 $10,401.22 Concessions & Rental Revenue 228 13 The City of Chanhassen has 22 total picnic shelters: three at community parks that can be rented and 19 neighborhood shelters available on a first-come, first- serve basis. The Lakeside Pavilion and Klingelhutz Pavilion are at Lake Ann Park, and the Lake Susan Picnic Shelter is at Lake Susan Park. Both community and neighborhood picnic shelters are used to host city programs and special events. PICNIC SHELTERS Revenue $19,357 11,100 USERS 126 RENTALS $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 2013 $15,000 $17,200 $15,200 $16,600 $16,400 $3,080 $15,445 $19,357 $15,200 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021RENTAL REVENUEKlingelhutz Pavilion - 48 Lakeside Pavilion - 46 Lake Susan Pavilion - 32 2021 Pavilion Reservations 126 Total Reservations 229 14 COMMUNITY EVENTS feBruarY festivaL SPONSORED BY T-MOBILE easter egg CanDY hunt memoriaL DaY CeremonY PRESENTED BY THE CHANHASSEN AMERICAN LEGION POST 580 Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this outdoor winter festival and ice fishing contest was modified to a virtual event in 2021. This event includes a candy and egg hunt, a coloring contest, and a visit from the Easter bunny. Presented by the Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 and the City of Chanhassen, the Memorial Day Ceremony honors soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our country’s freedom. Monday, February 1 - Saturday, February 6, 2021 228 VIRTUAL ATTENDEES REVENUE: $5,840.00 | EXPENSES: $2,626.00 Saturday, April 3, 2021 1,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $2,784.00 | EXPENSES: $1,568.29 Monday, May 31, 2021 500 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $2,212.76 summer ConCert series In this three-month series, nine bands from various genres perform free evening concerts in City Center Park. Thursdays, June 10 - August 12, 2021 2,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $3,696.05 | EXPENSES: $4,850.00 4th of JuLY CeLeBration This three-day festival includes over 30 activities and performances including carnival rides, live music, family activities, food vendors, street dance, parade, fireworks display, and more. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Chanhassen for presenting the beer garden, food vendors, classic car show, and parade as part of the celebration. Friday - Sunday, July 2, 3, & 4, 2021 OVER 70,000 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $17,692.07 | EXPENSES: $79,254.80 TOTALEXPENSES: $141,543.03 Expenses: $96,543.03 Full-Time Wage (Est.): $45,000 Revenue: $38,512.12 BY THE NUMBERS »10 community events »80,000+ attendees ages birth-99 »200+ volunteer hours BarnYarD Boogie CO-HOSTED WITH VICTORIA PARKS & RECREATION An evening of barnyard-themed family fun including a petting zoo, dance, crafts, games, and refreshments. Friday, September 10, 2021 253 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $1,250.00 | EXPENSES: $537.12 230 15 hoLiDaY BoutiquehaLLoWeen PartY SPONSORED BY T-MOBILE tree Lighting CeremonYartisan fair Handcrafted and commercial items are featured in this annual holiday shopping event. A total of $121 in cash and 191 lbs. of food donations were collected for Bountiful Basket Food Shelf. A delightfully spooky night filled with trick-or-treating, carnival games, activities, live entertainment, and refreshments for children and their families. This event features bonfires, carolers, refreshments, live reindeer, a visit from Santa, and marks the official lighting of the holiday lights at City Center Park. Kicking off the holiday shopping season, local artisans sell handcrafted items. $25 and 264 lbs. of food were collected for PROP Food Shelf as part of this event. Saturday, December 4, 2021 OVER 400 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $1,070.00 | EXPENSES: $450.00 Saturday, October 30, 2021 800 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $5,340.00 | EXPENSES: $3,730.12 Saturday, December 4, 2021 800 ATTENDEES EXPENSES: $1,313.94 Saturday, November 6, 2021 OVER 600 ATTENDEES REVENUE: $840.00 COMMUNITY EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM In 2020 and 2021, 52 local businesses contributed to the annual Community Events Sponsorship program, generously donating $66,677.12 towards Chanhassen’s Community Events. The entire Chanhassen community is grateful to our community event sponsors for making these events possible! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of most special events in 2020, 2020 sponsor contributions were applied to 2021 programs. Sponsorship numbers above reflect sponsor contributions in both 2020 and 2021. CashDonations Local Businesses $43,070 Donated Merchandise $22,607.1252 231 16 SENIOR CENTER The Chanhassen Senior Center is a community engagement facility that offers programs, trips, meals, activities, education, and wellness services for patrons 55 and older. The Senior Center is staffed by one full-time coordinator. 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD NO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE VOLUNTEERS COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPLICATIONS PANDEMIC COMMUNITY RESPONSE GRANTS & DONATIONS The Senior Center relies on over 100 volunteers to maintain quaility programming. Volunteer coordinators run weekly and monthly groups. Senior Center Advisory Board members devote time to special events. Local government and non-profit agencies provide free, valuable information and resources during educational outreach and individual meetings with patrons. The Senior Center continues strong partnerships with the Chanhassen Senior Commission, Carver County Health and Human Services, local civic organizations and businesses, and senior housing complexes, all of whom add resources, value, and volunteer hours for successful program outcomes. »Senior Center staff connected over 150 seniors experiencing technology barriers to Carver County’s outreach team. Over 35 seniors received assistance scheduling initial, early doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. »The Martha Walker Memorial Fund was created in 2021 through initial donations from the Walker family. $1,125.00 in gifts provided program scholarships for fixed-income seniors. »Two Carver County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) grants, totaling $5,000, funded two professionally scripted, community-wide educational events: (1) Fortune Cookies, A One-Act Play about Memory Loss; and (2) Aging with Gusto: Fighting Ageism While Aging Well. Over 225 individuals participated across both programs. »JANUARY 2021: SMALL GROUPS ONLY; MASKS »FEBRUARY 2021: 25% CAPACITY; MASKS »MARCH 2021: 50% CAPACITY; MASKS »MAY 29, 2021: EXPIRATION OF STATEWIDE HEALTH & SAFETY MANDATES: RESTRICTIONS LIFTED. Including wages Memorial gifts, sponsorship donations Grants & donations, program & registration fees, cell phone recycling reimbursment, & group supply fees TOTAL PROGRAMEXPENSES: $27,268Total Program Operating Expenses: $112,461 GRANTS & DONATIONS: $6,725 Total Program Revenue: $32,412 BY THE NUMBERS »Over 9,000 cumulative participants in 2021 232 PAGE 17 WeekLY & monthLY game grouPs & soCiaL CLuBs meaLs Program With CaP agenCY Chan-o-Laires Chorus This singing group performs at various retirement facilities, special events, nursing/assisted living homes, & community events throughout the year 3,417 CUMULATIVE ATTENDANCE | 18 GROUPS 3,511 MEALS DELIVERED | 456 VOLUNTEER HOURS SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMMING DaY triPs Includes Dinner Theatre shows, baseball games, and river cruises. 166 PARTICIPANTS | 6 TRIPS Large grouP sPeCiaL events Entertainment, special events and speakers, holiday celebrations, and luncheons. 763 PARTICIPANTS | 11 EVENTS LifeLong Learning & eDuCationaL sPeakers Historic presentations, age well in place workshops, tech education, dementia awareness, music history, author talks, and resource awareness. 423 PARTICIPANTS | 16 INDIVIDUAL CLASSES outDoor summer CLasses & fun Nordic pole walking, kayaking, coffee and rolls on the plaza, woodcarving in the park, and Chan-o-laires concerts in the park. 400 PARTICIPANTS 40 ACTIVE MEMBERS PhYsiCaL heaLth, emotionaL WeLLness, & finanCiaL eDuCation Caregiver support services, health insurance counseling, Trellis and AARP informational sessions, foot care clinics, vaccination clinics, and tax prep help. 308 CLIENTS | 15 OUTREACH & EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 267 ADULT LEARNERS | 16 CLASSES 55+ aLive Driver safetY Course Participants sharpen their skills and improve upon their road knowledge, earning a 10% discount on car insurance. Book Club, BINGO, bridge, cribbage,mah-jongg, Scrabble, woodcarving, & Coffee with the Cops. Meals continue to be delivered to homebound Chanhassen seniors. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, CAP Agency suspended all congregate, in-house meals in 2021. 233 18 RECREATION CENTER The Chanhassen Recreation Center is a multi-purpose facility that allows for a wide range of sports and fitness activities, tournaments, leisure programs, meetings, classes, and events. It also serves as a site for critical information, registrations, and events for many of the city’s parks and recreation programs. Facilities at the Rec Center include a single-court gymnasium, fitness center, dance studio, meeting and party rooms, a conference room, two hockey rinks (winter), family rink (winter), warming house, tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball fields, and soccer fields. 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD NO ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE fitness Center & oPen gYm The Chanhassen Rec Center fitness room & open gym are available on a drop-in basis; no membership required. Through partnerships with the Renew Active and Silver Sneakers programs, free access is available to Medicare participants through their insurance. aDuLt aCtivities Youth aCtivities PersonaL training Physical, mind, & body classes and leisure activities are offered at the Recreation Center, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Fit for Life, and pickleball lessons. The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers a wide variety of youth programming, including the Rec Cen-ter Sports program for kids ages 3-6, Dance for Fun program for ages 0-adult, Go Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, and more. Contracted certified personal trainers offer high-quality, customizable personal training sessions. 443 PARTICIPANTS | 67 ACTIVITIES OVER 5,000 VISITS 2,056 PARTICIPANTS | 77 ACTIVITIES 43 SESSIONS COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPLICATIONS »JANUARY 2021: 25% CAPACITY; MASKS REQUIRED. »FEBRUARY 2021: 50% CAPACITY; MASKS REQUIRED. »MARCH 8 - 21, 2021: IN-PERSON YOUTH ACTIVITIES SUSPENDED. »MAY 29, 2021: EXPIRATION OF STATEWIDE HEALTH & SAFETY MANDATES; CAPACITY, & MASK RESTRICTIONS LIFTED. TOTALEXPENSES: $298,098.72 Staff time, contractual services, materials & supplies State grants, food concessions, fitness, dance, preschool activities, room rentals, personal training, youth activities Revenue: $161,695.85 BY THE NUMBERS »Over 15,000 patrons • 920 Rec Sports Participants • 453 Dance for Fun Participants »148 programs & events »2,167 hours of athletic games & practices »3590.25 non-billable hours »$69,528.75 value of non-billable hours 234 19 rentaLs athLetiC fieLD & rink usage sPeCiaL event venue The Chanhassen Rec Center hosts a wide variety of City & Community organization sponsored events throughout the year, including: »Artisan Fair »Barnyard Boogie »Bluff Creek Elementary Concerts »Carver County COVID-19 Question & Answer session »COVID-19 Community Testing Event »Rotary Club of Chanhassen Breakfast with Santa »Halloween Party »Holiday Boutique »Dance for Fun recital »Sweetheart Dance »Public open houses for Engineering, Parks, & Pavement Management departments »U.S. Naval Academy picnic During typical years, the Chanhassen Recreation Center has a variety of spaces available for public reservation: four meeting rooms, one conference room, one gymnasium, and a studio fitness center. During 2021, rental spaces and reservations were limited due to capital improvement projects, construction delays, and COVID-19 related capacity restrictions. In 2021, there were 2,167 permitted hours of athletic games and practices held by local youth athletic associations on the Rec Center’s ballfields, soccer fields, and ice skating rinks. 2021 Recreation Center Non-Billable Hours Value $69,528.75 City of Chanhassen - $62,352.50 MN Department of Health - $1,680.00 Community Organizations - $1,120.00 District 112 - $3,258.75 Carver County - $675.00 U.S. Naval Academy - $330.00 Minnetonka Schools - $112.50 2021 Recreation Center Expenses $298,098.72 Contractual Services - $77,287.29 Staffing Services - $210,702.66 Materials & Supplies - $10,108.77 2021 Recreation Center Revenue $161,695.85 Dance - $35,695.97 Dance Costumes - $18,493.26 Preschool Activities - $8,392.60 Fitness - $38,393.89 Adult Activities - $18,933.73 Personal Training - $1,455.86 Room Rentals - $16,786.82 State Grant - $790.00 Youth Activities - $22,678.79 Food Concessions - $199.13 235 20 YOUTH PROGRAMS Chanhassen’s Parks and Recreation youth programs aim to develop and enhance the quality of life for ages birth-17 physically, socially, and emotionally through traditional playground programs, sports, and social events. Chanhassen reC Center sPorts smaLL frY sPorts LiL’ star sPorts The Rec Center Sports program provides affordable recreational youth sports programs that teach children the fundamentals of various sports in a positive and stress-free environment. These include Small Fry Sports and Lil’ Star Sports. Small Fry Sports offers three-week programs designed to provide 3 & 4 year olds the opportunity to develop large motor skills & learn about sports. Lil’ Star Sports offers 5 & 6 year olds six-week programs that focus on skill development, teamwork, & sportsmanship. EXPENSES: $18,716.91 | REVENUE: $34,473.34 920 PARTICIPANTS | 6 STAFF 497 PARTICIPANTS | 32 SESSIONS 423 PARTICIPANTS | 33 SESSIONS TOTALEXPENSES: $138,955.68TotalRevenue: $195,430.09 BY THE NUMBERS »250+ programs »3,500+ participants »Age birth-17 236 21 DanCe for fun The Dance for Fun program completed its 24th year at the Chanhassen Recreation Center in 2021. Classes offer dance instruction in a supportive setting focusing on self-esteem and personal development. Styles include Parent/Tot, Ballet/Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap, Jazz, Jazz/Lyrical, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, Hip Hop, and Competitive Teams. Dues to the COVID-19 pandemic, classes were held both in-person or via Zoom with a free dance recital at the end of the year. Chanhassen Recreation Center 81 CLASSES | 453 DANCERS; 3 STAFF safe kiDs 101 & BaBYsitting training Both the Safe Kids 101 and Babysitting Training certification programs offer older children and teens the opportunity to develop responsibility and gain applicable life skills. A total of 137 children and teens received their Babysitter and Safe Kids certifications in 2021. Chanhassen Recreation Center 137 CERTIFICATIONS reC Center Youth Programs The Chanhassen Recreation Center provides a wide variety of additional programming options for youth, including the Go Gymnastics program, Tae Kwon Do program, day camp programs, and special events. 683 PARTICIPANTS | 74 PROGRAMS EXPENSES: $20,714.81 Revenue: $41,612.52 EXPENSES: $38,580.18 Revenue: $54,189.23 237 22 summer DisCoverY PLaYgrounD Program Lake ann aDventure CamP sPeCiaL events teen voLunteer Program The Summer Discovery Playground Program is offered at 11 park locations weekly for 8-weeks during the summer. Participants 4-12 enjoy activities, games, sports, and crafts, led by seasonal staff and volunteers. Lake Ann Adventure Camp comprises two one-week camp sessions that include outdoor games, adventures, activities, crafts, cooking, and more, led by seasonal staff and volunteers. The Parks & Recreation Department presents some special events specifically geared towards youth, such as the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, Royal Ball, Sweetheart Dance, Barnyard Boogie, and Halloween Party. The summer Teen Volunteer Program provides teens the opportunity to grow in leadership and responsibility by volunteering at youth programs, sports classes, special events, park projects, and more. 534 PARTICIPANTS; 13 STAFF 14 SESSIONS, 2 AGE GROUPS 160 PARTICIPANTS; 13 STAFF 2 SESSIONS 1,500 PARTICIPANTS 21 VOLUNTEERS 830 VOLUNTEER HOURS EXPENSES: $44,320.97 Includes seasonal staff wages Revenue: $39,315.00 EXPENSES: $16,622.81 Revenue: $25,840.00 238 23 ADULT PROGRAMS Chanhassen Parks and Recreation aims to enhance the overall physical and recreational needs of our adult community by providing opportunities for positive competition and social interaction via various facilities, athletic, and class activities. aDuLt CLasses The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers physical, mind, & body classes and leisure activities, including Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Fit for Life, and pickleball lessons. Chanhassen Recreation Center 443 PARTICIPANTS | OVER 70 ACTIVITIES aDuLt softBaLL The adult softball program offers a summer and fall league to adults in Chanhassen and the surrounding areas. Games are played at the Lake Ann ballfields on Thursday evenings during the summer and fall. 210 PARTICIPANTS | 14 TEAMS EXPENSES: $12,370.26 Including estimated full time wages Revenue: $9,433.02 senior Center Programs The Chanhassen Senior Center offers a wide variety of activities for active older adults 55+ and seniors, weekly and monthly game groups, social clubs, day trips, large group special events, outdoor summer classes, lifelong learning, educational speakers, health assisstance clinics, emotional wellness support, financial education classes, and drivers safety courses. Senior Center OVER 9,000 PARTICIPANTS 239 24 ADAPTIVE RECREATION Chanhassen’s adaptive recreation program is a cooperative effort between the City of Chanhassen, Reach for Resources, and the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Chaska, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, Plymouth, and St. Louis Park. Reach for Resources provides programs specifically designed for individuals with disabilities, including social clubs, athletic leagues, special events, holiday parties, and dances. Reach for Resources also provides inclusion support at no cost to the participating children or adults in any Chanhassen Parks & Recreation programs and inclusion training to Chanhassen Parks & Recreation seasonal staff at the beginning of each summer camp season. TOTALEXPENSES: $9,353.50 133 HOURS OF INCLUSION SUPPORT PROVIDED BY 240 25 PARK MAINTENANCE The City of Chanhassen’s Park Maintenance department provides safe, clean, and beautiful city parks and facilities along with high-quality leisure activities for all Chanhassen residents and visitors to enjoy. 8 FULL TIME STAFF 18 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF Winter maintenanCe summer maintenanCe SNOWPLOWING TRAILS & SIDEWALKS »Snow is cleared from 58 miles of public trails, 12 miles of downtown sidewalks, sidewalk & stairways at 10 public buildings, six public parking lots, & 15 park parking lots. SKATING RINK FLOODING & MAINTENANCE »Outdoor skating rinks are flooded on grass (family rink) & asphalt (hockey rink) bases as soon as air temperatures & ground frost allow. Two flood trucks run 24-hours/day for approximately 10-days to build the initial ice base. Once built, rinks are swept & flooded Monday-Saturday as needed. TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL »Regular tree & brush trimming takes place during the winter, with easier access to trails & less damage to the surrounding area. TURF MOWING »Parks are mowed once per week, athletic fields are mowed twice per week. FERTILIZING »Athletic fields only are fertilized in May, September, & October. BALL FIELD GROOMING »Community park ball fields are groomed daily, & neighborhood fields are groomed weekly. TRAIL SWEEPING »Occurs after snow & ice melt. All trails are swept three times; two additional times for wooded trails. GARBAGE PICKUP »Occurs daily for larger parks & twice per week for neighborhood parks. BEACH MAINTENANCE »Beaches are checked daily, & groomed daily during peak times & twice during off-peak times. Aquatic vegetation control is used at Greenwood Shores, Carver Beach, Roundhouse, & Lake Ann Parks to control vegetation in the swimming, picnic, & boat rental areas. PICNIC PAVILIONS »Community pavilions are cleaned daily May 15-August 15, & neighborhood shelters are cleaned twice per week. Neighborhood shelters cleaned as needed after August 15. DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION »Over 2,000 annual flowers were planted in the downtown area in 2021 FACILITY INSTALLATION REMOVAL Aeration System (Lake Susan)Feb. 1 March 20 Baseball/Softball Bases April 1 Oct. 15 Portable Toilets April 1 Oct. 26 Volleyball Nets April 15 Oct. 15 Tennis Nets April 1 Nov. 15 Pickleball Nets April 1 Nov. 15 Soccer Goals/Nets April 1 Nov. 1 Fishing Piers April 15 Nov. 1 Docks April 15 Nov. 1 Picnic Shelters April 15 Oct. 15 Lake Ann Ball Field Concession April 15 Oct.15 Irrigation Systems April 15 Oct. 15 Swimming Buoys May 1 Sept. 20 Holiday Lights 1st Saturday in December Jan. 15 241 26 PARTNERS The City of Chanhassen’s Parks & Recreation Department partnered with 123 organizations, nonprofits, and clubs on various activities and events in 2021. Our partners provide programming, volunteers, financial support, access to facilities, event support, and more to make our programs possible. Thank you to all of our partners and all you do for the Chanhassen community! Partners listed alphabetically & include area of partnership. OVER 120 PARTNERS 3rd Lair Skate Park - 4th of July AARP - Volunteer Speakers (Senior Center) American Legion Auxiliary 580- Annual Senior Center Pancake Breakfast American Legion Post 580 - Memorial Day; community events American Red Cross - Community Blood Drives Americana Community Bank - Community events Automotive Unlimited - Community events Benedictine Care (Shakopee) - Senior Center special events Blizzard Ski & Snowboard Club - Youth programs Bluff Creek Dental - Community events Bluff Creek Elementary - Chan Rec Center facility partnership for school day activities, interviews, & events ACT on Alzheimer’s Team - Senior Center support Best Buy Geek Squad - Tech class for seniors American Family Insurance, Debra Michels Agency - Community Events BuyChanhassen - Tree Lighting Cabin Fever Sporting Goods - February Festival; 4th of July Café Thyme - Community events CAP Agency - Meals on Wheels Carver County - Park and trail projects; Chan Rec Center facility partnership for Public Health and Sheriff Department meetings Brown’s Tire & Auto - Community events Brian Reister, State Farm Insurance - Community events Carver County HHS SHIP - Grants for Aging Well programming Carver County Public Health - COVID-19 testing programs Carver County Parks - Youth & family programs Carver County Resilience Team - Community response to pandemic Carver County Sheriff’s Office - Community events Chanhassen Dental - Community events Chanhassen Dinner Theatres - Community events Chanhassen Farmers’ Market - Summer farmers’ market Chanhassen Fire Department - Community events Carver County Veterans Services - Resources & assistance for veterans Chanhassen Library & Carver County Library System - Youth & family programs Chanhassen High School - Year-round facility partnership; Rec Center facility partnership for debate team Chanhassen High School Key Club - Community events 242 27 Chanhassen Lion’s Club - Senior Picnic; community events Chanhassen Red Birds - Rec Center facility partnership for meeting space Chanhassen Students Today, Leaders Forever - Halloween; community events Charter Bank Chanhassen - February Festival; community events Chaska High School Key Club - Community events Chick-fil-A Chanhassen - Community events City of Chaska: The Lodge - Program & trip partnerships for older adults City of Victoria - Co-host of Barnyard Boogie; youth programs Code Ninjas - Halloween Party Country Inn & Suites - Community events Cub Foods of Chanhassen - Blarney Stone Hunt; community events Chuck & Don’s - Bone Adventure IWCO Direct - Community events J&R Complete Auto Repair - Community events kiddywampus Chanhassen - Easter; 4th of July Kwik Trip - Community events Landmark Tours - Travel education Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar - Community events Culver’s Chanhassen - Community events Dugout Club/CAA - Baseball facilities Dunsmore Asphalt - Community events Eastern Carver County Schools - Joint facility partnership; elections Eden Prairie High School Key Club - Community events Eastern Carver County Schools Community Education - Rec Center facility partnership for training & Star graduation Dan Revsbech, RE/MAX Results - Community events LifeTime Fitness - TH 5 Regional Trail Project Love Inc. of ECC & Furnishare of Chanhassen - Maple Corner updates Lunds & Byerly’s Chanhassen - Great Start food drive; community events Luv’s Kitchen - Senior Center events MAAA (MN Area on Aging) Trellis - Speakers; insurance counseling; resources McDonald’s - Community events Mathnasium Chanhassen - Halloween Party Living Christ Lutheran Church - Tree Lighting Ceremony McPhail Center for Music - Virtual Music History programs (Senior Center) Metropolitan Supply - Community events Merlin’s Ace Hardware - February Festival Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - TH 5 Regional Trail Project Minnesota National Guard - COVID-19 testing clinic Minnesota Twins - 4th of July Minnetonka Community Education & Services - Rec Center facility partnership for Tour de Tonka & Fall de Tonka Emerson - Community events 243 28 Park Dental Eden Prairie - Community events Pilgrim Dry Cleaners - Community events Pizzaioli - Community events PMT Corporation - Community events Retail Tech - Community events Old National Bank - Summer Concert series Renew Active - Rec Center access program Roberts Automatic Products - Community events Power Systems - Community events Ridgeview - Community events REACH for Resources - Adaptive Recreation programs Riley Crossing Senior Living - Senior Center special events Minnetonka School Districts - Rec Center facility partnership for elementary retreats Peak Heating & Cooling - Community events Rosie the Riveter Foundation - Senior Center special events Rotary Club Chanhassen - February Festival; 4th of July Seedlings Gifts & Books - Community events Senior Commission Members - Senior Center Senior Community Services - Memory Care support services Silver Sneakers - Rec Center access program Southwest Transit - Tree Lighting Ceremony; Great Start Donation Drive; Senior Center program transportation Shakopee Parks & Recreation - Senior Center program collaborations Southwest Publishing - 4th of July Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce - 4th of July; Tree Lighting Ceremony Sentance to Serve (Adults) - Park projects Skyhawks Sports - Youth programs Shakopee Heritage Society - Local History speaker Southwest Christian High School - Park projects Scouting Groups - Park projects TGK Automotive - Community events The Garden by the Woods - Community events Stevie Ray’s Improv - Family programs Storm Boosters - Community events T-Mobile - February Festival; Halloween; community events The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center - Tree Lighting Ceremony; community events Tom Papas, Farmers Insurance - Community events Tonka Serves - Community events Twin City Paddle Boards - Watercraft rentals Turbo Nails - Community events U.S. Naval Academy - Rec Center facility partnership for sendoff picnic Tweet Pediatric Dentistry - Community events V. Clayton & Associates - Community events Wink Family Eye Care - Community events Xcel Energy - Community events Work Experience Program - Rec Center Work program partnership Waytek - Community events West Metro Warriors - Rec Center facility partnership; Special Olympics MN 244 29 SPONSORS With the help and contributions of these businesses and organizations, the City of Chanhassen can offer our special events, February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4th of July Celebration, and Halloween Party. Logo indicates sponsor contributions of $1,000+ 952.445.6555 GREEN LEAF CORPORATE »Ridgeview Medical Center and Clinics BUSINESS »Waytek »Power Systems »Roberts Automatic Products »Xcel Energy »Seedlings Gifts & Books »Chanhassen Dental »Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar CONTRIBUTING CORPORATE »Lunds & Byerlys Chanhassen »IWCO Direct BUSINESS »Chuck & Don’s »Turbo Nails »Metropolitan Supply »Storm Boosters »Brown’s Tire & Auto »Brian Reister - State Farm »Pilgrim Dry Cleaners »Dunsmore Asphalt »Peak Heating & Cooling, Inc. INDIVIDUAL »In honor of John and Lisa Drevlow »In honor of Noah Rogney SILVER LEAF CORPORATE »T-Mobile »Emerson »Old National Bank BUSINESS »EPS Inc. PURPLE LEAF CORPORATE »Retail Tech Inc. »Chanhassen Dinner Theatres BUSINESS »Charter Bank »Eden Trace Corp »Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 »The Garden By The Woods »The Mustard Seed Landscaping »& Garden Center »Merlin’s Ace Hardware »kiddywampus »Pizzaioli »Bluff Creek Dental »J&R Complete Auto Repair »Kwik Trip »Café Thyme »Country Inn & Suites Chanhassen »Culver’s Chanhassen »TGK Automotive Specialists »Wink Family Eye Care »Automotive Unlimited »Chick-fil-A Chanhassen »PMT Corporation »Park Dental Eden Prairie »SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce »Tweet Pediatric Dentistry INDIVIDUAL »American Family Insurance - Debra Michels Agency »Tom Papas - Farmers Insurance »V. Clayton & Associates »Dan Revsbech - RE/MAX Results 245 City Council Item April 11, 2022 Item 2022 Building Permit Activity March Year to Date File No.Item No: J.1 Agenda Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION None Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Development & Redevelopment SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Building Permit Activity March Year to date 246 247 248