03-18-20221 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES March 18, 2022 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bhakti Modi, Linda Haight, Dorina Tipton, Ruth Lunde, Jim Camarata, Susan Kibler, Jerry Cerchia. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lisa Lyon. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner, and Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator. GUESTS PRESENT: Dawn Plumer, Public Health Program Specialist. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Camarata moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Tipton seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Lunde moved to approve the minutes dated February 18, 2022. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REVIEW OF ANNUAL GOALS: The commission updated the annual goals. All new information is highlighted below in green. 1. CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC AREA: HOUSING Goal: Expand connections to the Senior Housing Community and promote the options available for older adults in Chanhassen. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will continue to be informed about housing needs and preferences of those aged 55 and over in Chanhassen. They will provide educational resources. Commission members will advocate for and educate community members regarding All Commission Members All Commission Members Sharmeen Al-Jaff Ongoing Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – March 18, 2022 2 future market rate and affordable housing needs Update the Chanhassen Resource Guide Stay Connected with the Management of the Senior Housing Community via monthly meetings. Offer educational classes on renovating homes and providing services to age in place. AARP, Carver County, Neighboring Cities, Carver County CDA, Habitat for Humanity. Mary Blazanin Ruth Lunde Ongoing 2018-2022 Objectives Information through an easy to follow website Bhakti Modi Linda Haight Mary Blazanin Sharmeen Al-Jaff Ongoing STRATEGIC AREA: TRANSPORTATION AND MOBILITY Goal: Create a higher quality of life in Chanhassen by increasing and enhancing the mobility options for older adults. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Monitor, enhance, and promote existing resources that facilitate mobility within the community. All Commission Members 2013 -2022 Objectives 1. Host an informational Session for all Southwest Transit Mary Blazanin Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – March 18, 2022 3 transportation options for Seniors. The session will provide information on enrollment and the types of services they provide. 2. Accessibility (sidewalks, street crossings, highway crossings, bike crossings) 3. Advertise and promote the available transit options through the Chanhassen Connection and the City Website. Prime & Prime MD WeCAB Carver County Public Health, MNDOT, Chanhassen Public Works staff Mary Blazanin Sharmeen Al-Jaff Ongoing Ongoing Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – March 18, 2022 4 STRATEGIC AREA: INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Goal: Maximize the use of local media, networks and other systems to inform people about the resources that are available to them to support health and wellbeing of older adults by providing relevant programs through the Senior and Recreational Center . Monitor the long- term demographic changes that may affect the quality of life in Chanhassen. + Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will support and participate in activities that foster greater understanding and interaction on various relevant topics; promote different generational cohorts. Schools and Senior Center All Commission members Ongoing Objectives 2022 1. Proactively participate and support appropriate programs that provide relevant information to seniors. 2. Continue working with Schools and have Senior Commissioners participate as needed. 3. Promote and increase number of teens participating in the Carving workshop at the Senior Center. 4. Commission members will participate in the Strive program as available and needed. 5. Promote Senior Center intergenerational programs (e.g. Grandparent and Me, Senior center, Community Education, Home School Coops, Recreational Center. Dorina Jerry Mary Blazanin Sharmeen Al-Jaff Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – March 18, 2022 5 Technology assistance) events. 1. Update the Chanhassen Website to allow access to senior related services within three clicks. City Admin Bhakti Modi Linda Haight Mary Blazanin Sharmeen Al-Jaff Ongoing as development continues in the City STRATEGIC AREA: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE TO INTERACT Goal: Improve overall mental and physical health, quality of life, and reduce isolation of older adults in (community) Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will collaborate with other community organizations to expand, enhance, and promote opportunities for older adults and their caregivers in Chanhassen to interact, connect and be fully engaged in the community Schools Senior Center Recreational Center Feed My Starving Children WeCab Faith Communities All Senior Commissioners Ongoing 2022 Objectives Add possible objective here – such as: 1. Offer and participate in programs to enhance overall mental and physical health for seniors. - Nutrition - Fitness - Meditation, mindfulness - Financial assistance - Caregiver support - Memory Cafe Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – March 18, 2022 6 STRATEGIC AREA: MAINTAIN AND FOSTER A SENSE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY FOR SENIORS Goal: Safety and Security. Ongoing/Long Term Objectives Description Partners Accountability Status Commission members will collaborate with other community organizations to expand, enhance, and promote opportunities for older adults in Chanhassen to interact and be fully engaged in the community All Commission Members Ongoing 2022 Objectives The Senior Center offers regular safety and education seminars on: 1. General Senior Safety 2. Scams/Internet Safety 3. Dementia Care 4. Financial Issues 5. Driving Safety 6. Home Safety City Council Mayor Other City Commissions Carver County Deputies Fire Department MN Safety Council Senior Corps All Commission Members Ongoing SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS: Chairman Cerchia reminded the Commission that next meeting will focus on housekeeping items. Commissioner Camarata thanked Mary Blazanin for the e-mail blast that she sends out. He described it as informative and educational. Dawn Plumer presented the following information which was praised by the commission. Office of Aging Support in COVID Response March -July 2020: Supplying Personal Protective Equipment for Assisted Living facilities, Health Care Systems, and Child Care Providers. Chanhassen Senior Commission Minutes – March 18, 2022 7 July –December 2020: Contact Tracing and Investigation calls for those with a positive COVID test. March -July 2021: COVID Vaccine role out for the 65+ population mass clinics 99% of Carver County population 65+ is fully vaccinated. April 2021 –Present: Strike Team to Senior Living Buildings, in the community, and homebound; First, Second, Booster; 300 + people served . October 2021-March 2022: Free Community Saliva Testing Site at Waconia Event Center Over 7,000 people tested January –March 2022: Home test kits and Masks from the federal government distribution Three Phases: 7,000 home tests, 5,000 masks. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Camara moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Haight seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff