CountyPWReview_10002 Erhart Farm_2021-06-04_Updated-2022-01-10Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Office (952) 466-5200 | Fax (952) 466-5223 | www.co.carver.mn.us CARVER COUNTY Review comments from the December 2021 preliminary site plan submittal are made in blue italic font. Comments updated January 10, 2022. June 22, 2021 City of Chanhassen c/o Bob Generous AICP Senior Planner 952-227-1131 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development / Access Review Comments: Erhart Farm Preliminary Plat – FINAL PLAT – located at PID# 251550022 adjacent to County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 101 (Great Plains Blvd.) and CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.) Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, and other official controls of the County, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project. 1. Regarding access onto the County Highways – a. A Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) is required based on the number of proposed units for the full development of the parcel and potential traffic impacts to CSAH 101 and CSAH 17. The TIA will need to evaluate the operations at the following intersections: CSAH 17/Proposed local road intersection, CSAH 101/96th St., and CSAH 101/Eagle Ridge Rd. intersections. See the attachment titled Appendix A: Traffic Impact Analysis Process for requirements. Based on TIA findings, County may impose reasonable conditions to mitigate development driven traffic impacts at these intersections. i. Condition applies. TIA required prior to final plat approval. b. Future access is proposed at CSAH 17 for the full buildout of the development. The proposed access to CSAH 17 is located 0.15 miles from the CSAH 17/TH 212 ramp intersection to the north and 0.29 miles from the CSAH 17/CSAH 14 intersection to the south. Turn lanes have already been constructed at the proposed access point. i. The County’s Access Spacing Map in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Figure 4.14) identifies this segment of CSAH 17 as Category 5B, which guides full access intersection spacing at ¼ mile intervals and secondary (limited) intersection spacing at 1/8 mile intervals. As proposed, the distance to the CSAH 17/TH 212 ramp intersection meets the spacing guidance for secondary (limited) access consideration and the distance to the CSAH 17/CSAH 14 intersection meets the spacing guidance for full access consideration. More information and review of operations and safety analysis from the TIA is needed to determine the recommended and allowable intersection type at the CSAH 17 connection point. 1. Condition applies. No access to CSAH 17 will be allowed or approved until all conditions are met. c. No additional direct access to CSAH 101 is proposed. Additional County review and approval will be required if this condition changes. i. Information. 2. Regarding highway right of way – a. CSAH 17 at this location is a 4-lane divided urban roadway facility with a trail on both sides. The existing right of way adjacent to the parcel varies but is approximately 50 ft. from the centerline of the roadway plus a State-owned outlot with a variable width. The right of way and combined State-owned outlot for CSAH 17 appear to meet the right of way guidance for consistency with the County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Figure B.6), but further review of preliminary plat and survey documents is required to confirm this. i. Condition applies. Right of way appears consistent with planning guidance. b. CSAH 101 at this location is a 4-lane divided urban roadway facility with a trail on both sides. The existing right of way adjacent to the parcel varies but is approximately 75 ft. from the centerline of the roadway. The right of way for CSAH 101 appears to meet the right of way guidance for consistency with the County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Figure B.6), but further review of preliminary plat and survey documents is required to confirm this. i. Condition applies. Right of way appears consistent with planning guidance. c. Review of plat documents is needed to ensure existing right of way around the two stormwater ponds adjacent to CSAH 101 is shown on the drawings. i. Condition applies. Revision required. There is a Drainage and Utility easement missing in Outlot B for the triangle shaped stormwater pond on the west side of CSAH 101. d. County recommends all new, dedicated outlots adjacent to the County right of way be owned by the City. i. Condition applies. Request to confirm Outlot B ownership ahead of final plat approval. 3. Noise mitigation along CSAH 17 and CSAH 101 is recommended via increased setback, berm, and/or other screening of planned dwellings adjacent to CSAH 17 or CSAH 101. i. Condition applies. Request for information regarding proposed noise mitigation measures. 4. The County will need to review and approve the final grading plans for properties adjacent to CSAH 101 and CSAH 17. A grading permit will be required for grading work within the highway right of way. i. Condition applies. Additional review and coordination needed for permit approval. 5. The technical details of the final plat, its boundaries and form(s) will need to be reviewed and approved by the County Surveyor. i. Condition applies for final approval. 6. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain an Access, Utility, or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/public-works/quick-links/permits). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. i. Condition applies. Additional review and coordination needed for permit approval. 7. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. i. Information. These are the County’s comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact staff noted below: Joan Guthmiller Administrative Technician Carver County Public Works 952.466.5201 jguthmiller@co.carver.mn.us Angie Stenson AICP Sr. Transportation Planner Carver County Public Works 952.466.5273 astenson@co.carver.mn.us Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Traffic Services Supervisor Carver County Public Works 952.466.5208 dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us