Erhart Farm amend rezoning and prelim with varPLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 19, 2022 CITY COUNCIL MAY 9, 2022 APPLICANT: BLACK CHERRY DEVELOPMENT, LLC REQUESTING AMEND REZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT, A2, TO SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, RSF; AMEND SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WITH VARIANCE. Planning Case #2021-12A Erhart Farm Location: 731 and 775 West 96th Street Zoned: Agricultural Estate District (A-2) Guided: Residential Low Density Proposed Density, Phase 1: 1.69 units per net acre 2040 Land Use Parks –Open Space Residential Large Lot Office Large Lot Parks & Space Low Density Residential Existing Site Single-Family homes accessed via a West 96th Street and driveway. Large wetland complex on the eastern edge of the site. Heavily wooded. Rezoning The applicant is requesting an amendment to rezoning from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Single-Family Residential District, RSF, for the additional 1.08 acres on west 96th Street. The proposed rezoning to Single-Family Residential District (RSF) is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation. The most appropriate zoning district to rezone this property since it is the primary zoning for single-family residential properties, is a standard zoning district and permits only single-family homes. Subdivision: Preliminary Plat Create 24 single-family lots. One lot is the existing farmstead. Access via a public street to Eagle Ridge Road and West 96th Street. Extend sewer and water. Provide storm water treatment. Area of Amended Preliminary Plat Tree Preservation and Landscaping Totals for tree stock sizes includes 146 -2.5” B&B, 110 potted nursery stock, 31 on-site transplants, and 27 previously installed transplants. A revised landscape plan with a complete Plant Schedule listing quantities, plant names, sizes and survey symbol and showing the locations of all 314 trees must be submitted to the city for approval prior to a Notice to Proceed. Variance Applicant requests variance to Chap 18 -Overstory trees shall be at least 2½-inch caliper and of certified nursery tree stock. Trees are proposed as reforestation so as to re-create a wooded area. Incorporating standard 2.5” plantings in addition to the potted trees in that area will produce size diversity more characteristic of a native tree stand. Smaller diameter trees potentially have less transplant shock and could have improved survival rates over larger diameter installed trees. The total of 111 wild transplants proposed represents 35% of the total quantity required by code. Staff supports limited exemption from certified nursery stock – no more than 10%. Grading & Drainage •Mass grading to accommodate build-out of public utilities, stormwater basins, and house pads. Lots 4-10 will be custom graded •Tree clearing operations began winter 2021- 2022 in association with the Grading DC approved October 25, 2021 by Council. No mass grading has yet started. •Limits of disturbance shown on Outlot E to facilitate stockpiling of wetland spoils from IUP #2021-03 o Spoils associated with approved IUP #2021-03 must be removed (wetland spoils) •General conformance with Ordinances (3:1 max grades, drainage away from homes, driveway grades feasible, etc.) Public Sanitary and Water Mains •Extension of existing public utilities consists of: o 8” gravity PVC sanitary sewer o 12” PVC trunk water main o Relocation of an existing lift station (Foxwood) o Installation of 4” PVC force main to connect to existing 4” PVC force main (Foxwood) LEGEND d Sanitary Sewer Water Main Force Main •Relocated lift station will become the permanent location •Oversizing of 12” PVC trunk water main and lift station will be reimbursed by the City Proposed Lift Station (to replace existing) Existing Lift Station (to be removed) Public Storm Sewer •Stormwater volume control and water quality has shown to be feasible through the use of a baffle, catch basin sumps, and the filtration pond. o Preliminary modeling shows reductions of 95% of TSS and 77% of TP LEGEND d Storm Sewer Storm Pond •Improved access to the future public stormwater pond is being coordinated with applicant & city •Stormwater pond is sized to account for only this phase of development Public Streets •Subdivision will extend the 31-foot-wide minor collector Eagle Ridge Road, and eventually to the west to Powers Boulevard •Applicant requested variance from 31-foot-wide street for Eagle Ridge Way (Sec. 18-57.(b)) which was approved by Council 8/9/2021 •Extension of sidewalk to 96th Street for future improvements. o Maintenance of sidewalk is the responsibility of the abutting property owner LEGEND d 31’ Collector 31’ Local Street 26’ Wide Street Sidewalk Potential Future Build-Out: Ghost Plat RECOMMENDATION The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the amended preliminary plat with a variance for the tree replacement requirements subject to the conditions of the staff report, amend the rezoning to include the additional parcel, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation.”