04-26-2022 PRC MinutesCHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 26, 2022 Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. OATHS OF OFFICE The Commissioners were lead in the Oath of Office. Chair Tsuchiya welcomed Dan Eidsmo who is filling Sandy Sweetser’s seat and welcomed Matt Kutz on his reappointment to a second term. MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Tsuchiya, Dan Eidsmo, Jim Peck, Don Vasatka, Scott Fischer, Matt Kutz, and Heather Markert. MEMBERS ABSENT: Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor; Adam Beers, Park Superintendent. PUBLIC PRESENT: Beth Johnson, Chaska Chanhassen Hockey Association. 1. Nomination and Appointment of 2022/2023 Chair and Vice-Chair Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Peck seconded, to nominate Mr. Tsuchiya for another term as Chairman. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Fischer seconded to nominate Heather Markert as Vice Chairman. Commissioner Markert moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to nominate Don Vasatka as Vice Chairman. After a voice vote, Commissioner Markert was nominated as Vice Chair with Commissioners Fischer, Eidsmo, Peck, and Vasatka voting for Commissioner Markert; Commissioners Kutz and Markert voted for Commissioner Vasatka. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Mr. Ruegemer asked to add item 3 under General Business: Referendum Task Force Update Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – April 26, 2022 2 Commissioner Markert moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. None. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. APPROVE PARK & RECREATION MINUTES DATED MARCH 22, 2022 Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated March 22, 2022 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS. 1. Youth Association Presentation Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor, introduced the Chaska Chanhassen Hockey Association (CCHA). Beth Johnson gave an update on Youth Hockey, noting the CCHA was established in 1978, they are a non-profit, and are 99% volunteer run. With just over 800 players the Association is one of the top 10 associations for volume in the State. There are 31 upper teams (4th -5th grade and up) with 25 lower teams including boys and girls, and they have strong community partners. Ms. Johnson noted about four years ago the Association tried to split but Minnesota Hockey would not allow it as at the time they felt it was not in their best interest. Now they are re-evaluating the splitting of associations as they are getting too big. 2. Approve Purchase, Park Equipment Replacement Schedule for Roundhouse Park and North Lotus Lake Park. Adam Beers, Park Superintendent gave a presentation. He noted remaining funds will be used to rehab North Lotus noting they came about $15,000 over as lumber prices are still astronomical. For example, in 2020 it was about $50,000 for materials and now it is over $100,000. The budgets have not adjusted entirely to the increase but they are able to utilize some of the leftover funds from the previous year. Commissioner Eidsmo noted he was looking at a bid earlier and it had a big allowance because of the lumber prices and asked if that is what was driving it up. Mr. Beers replied in the affirmative. He stated he tried to break out some of the removals so if numbers did not come in as anticipated, Staff would try to bridge that gap a bit. Chair Tsuchiya asked if Staff is able to do much of that work. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – April 26, 2022 3 Mr. Beers replied Staff is going to assist with about three weeks of work and they would still have to take it all away, haul away the bituminous, and have the company come in and do all the grading. It did not make sense investment-wise for all the things Staff would not be doing in trying to tackle that project to save $19,000. That is why they were able to utilize some of the money from the previous year. Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Markert seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council award quotes to DMJ Asphalt for $69,607.60, Northland Recreation for $60,000, and Becker Area Products for $114,519 for the equipment replacement at Roundhouse Park and North Lotus Lake Park. Funds for the project are included in the 2022 Capital Improvements Program. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. 3. Referendum Task Force Update Mr. Ruegemer updated the Commissioners, noting the third meeting of the task force will be on Monday, May 2, 2022. There is a facilitating team from WSB who have been extremely helpful in setting expectations and goals. They are building the framework and foundation to build a high-functioning task force as it could be up to 20+ people with youth association representatives, elected officials, appointees from Commissions, and at-large members. Normally there are 12-16 people in attendance and those who attend are very actively participating and engaged. They have discussed referendum history and are looking forward in how to develop ballot language and how to get things to the finish line. Mr. Ruegemer shared other discussions of the task force including facilities and conditions of facilities within the City, infrastructure, heating/cooling systems, building technologies, and current/future staffing needs within City facilities. He spoke about a survey from 2017 on what the community would like to see within the City. Chair Tsuchiya noted Chanhassen’s taxes compared to other cities are quite a bit lower. REPORTS. 1. Easter Egg Candy Hunt Evaluation Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator, gave an update, noting the 39th annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt was held on Saturday, April 16th, at 9am at City Center Park. Over 1,600 people (828 children) attended the event this year. The previous high-attendance was 471children in 2019. Adjustments were made as pre-registrations came in the week prior including purchasing additional supplies, candy, recruiting additional volunteers, expanding the candy hunt area, and check-in stations to accommodate the kids and families. Ms. Tandon noted they also utilized the Square system technology for card-reading to process day-of registrations with debit and credit cards. They anticipate being able to use the Square technology for future events to create easier day-of registrations. Ms. Tandon gave special thanks to sponsors including Culver’s, kiddywampus, and a variety of other restaurants and businesses within Chanhassen, Ms. Tandon noted the Chanhassen Fire Department was a huge help in terms of volunteers, and the Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – April 26, 2022 4 Chanhassen Key Club sent many volunteers, as well. Paired with the candy hunt was the coloring contest. A total of 114 entries were submitted this year. Ms. Tandon noted the expense report is attached, as well as recommendations for 2023. Chair Tsuchiya asked if there is a way to tell what percentage of attendees were from within the community versus outside the community. Ms. Tandon replied they could find that out. Based on scrolling through the registrants, there were quite a few from outside the community. She thought it was approximately 50/50. Commissioner Markert saw at 9:25 a.m. people were already done and leaving. She wonders how they can incorporate ways to expand the event to keep people within the community longer, such as a pancake breakfast or Farmer’s Market vendors. Commissioner Kutz likes the idea of a coffee/doughnut truck, as well. He noted the problem is parking. The Commissioners discussed parking options within the City, encouraging business sponsorships, and coordinating with the Lion’s to do cross-advertising. Ms. Tandon replied the event definitely has room for expansion and they receive comments from people asking what else they can do. Staff welcomes ideas and can look at ways to expand. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. Commissioner Vasatka noted Arbor Day is Saturday, May 7, 2022 and they will gather at Curry Farms Park to plant trees this year. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Markert moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director