1981 01 07 APPROVED ON L-Al- il -- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAD. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD JANUARY 7, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS AMENDED ON L:2;/:li Members Present: Chairman Pro Tern W. Thompson, Mr. J. T~ompson, Mr. W. Johnson, Ms. C. watson, Mr. H. Noziska, Mr. A. Partridge, and Mr. M. Thompson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: B. Waibel, M. Koegler, and N. Rust. Mr. Craig Mertz, Assistant City Attorney, swore in the newly appointed Planning Commission members, Ms. Carol Watson and Mr. Howard Noziska. e Approval of Minutes: Chairman Pro Tern W. Thompson noted that only two members who were present at the December 10, 1980, meeting were present that evening, thus lacking in quorum for approval of the minutes. He said the minutes should be noted but not approved. Mr. Partridge noted the December 10, 1980, minutes with the comment that it be noted the Planning Commission was specifically asked to refrain from commenting on the feasi- bility of the financing of the Park I project and, as far as he was concerned, the Planning Commission was not consulted on the project's feasibility and it should have been tabled. Minutes were noted with no further discussion. Discussion, Comprehensive Plan Draft: Mr. Koegler distributed to the Commission the schedule for the Comprehensive Plan completion and reviewed it. The Commission discussed the contents of the Land Use Section of the plan. In response to Mr. Partridge, Mr. Koegler said it would be possible after the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan to revise ordinance No. 45 and include that revision within the Plan. Discussion occurred on the MUSA line and its definition. e The Commission discussed the Housing Section of the Comprehensive Plan. In response to Mr. Partridge's question on how the City could provide adequate land for projected housing growth, Mr. Koegler said the City could do this in a policy sense wherein it can identify land uses within the City which are varied enough to permit growth and through ordinances such as the Zoning Ordinance No. 47. Discussion occurred on low- and moderate-income housing and its provision within the city. Mr. Koegler said a pos'sible method was to request developers to provide a percentage within their development. This was a planning function and legally possible. e 1-7-81 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 Discussion occurred on the housing goals and the price range of housing within Chanhassen. The Commission dis- cussed the possibility of the County placing a land fill in the city and Mr. Partridge noted he felt land fills should be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan because their occurrence somewhere in the county or city was imminent. Discussion closed. Discussion, Comprehensive Sewer policy Plan: Mr. Koegler displayed graphics of the drainage areas and trunk sewer areas in Chanhassen. He explained the existing sanitary sewer system from a regional and local stand- point and looked at each of the interceptors, their function, timing, and capacity. Mr. Koegler explained the biggest problem currently affecting the Chanhassen sewer system was infiltration and inflow, which was the combined total of all clean water entering the sewer system through cracks in piping, faulty manholes, and other means. He said the p.an is concerned with planning for future facilities and for maintenance of existing facilities. e Discussion occurred on the need for sewer in the north- central area of the city due to possible development occurring. Mr. Koegler noted the sewer expansion estimates for the next ten ClO} years were in relation to the growth expectations referred to in the Comprehensive Plan. Discus'sion occurred on the Lake Ann interceptor with Mr. Koegler saying its expansion would most likely be done by the city if it was done at all. Mr. M. Thompson said he felt a policy should be to encourage development in the currently sewered areas of the city rather than to expand the sewer services. Discussion closed. Discussion, Capital Improvements Program: Mr. Koegler stated the Capital Improvements section would involve capital budget expenditures for the next five- year period dealing with transportation, parks, and utilities. It would also include fiscal policies and some prioritizing of projects. The projects would be tied into a timetable with funding sources noted. Open Discussion: e Discussion occurred on the request of Mr. Merle Volk to continue his earth-moving operation off Galpin Boulevard in an R-lA zoning district and how to deal with requests such as this. The Commission also discussed what was involved in their organizational meeting. e 1-7-81 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 Adjournment: Mr. Partridge moved to adjourn the 1-7-81 Planning Commission meeting at 10:30 p.m. Mr. M. Thompson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned. e e