1981 01 21 e MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD JANUARY 21, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCfL CHAMBERS Members Present: Chairman Partridge, Mr. J. Thompson, Mr. W. Johnson, Mr. H. Noziska, Ms. C. Watson, and Mr. M. Thompson. Members Absent: Mr. W. Thompson. Staff Present: Mr. B. Waibel, Mr. M. Koegler, and Ms. N. Rust. Approval of Minutes: Mr. M. Thompson noted his name had been excluded in the minutes from the names of those sworn in as new or re-appointed members. He asked that his name be added to that 1 i st. Ms. Watson moved for approval of the January 7, 1981, minutes as amended. Mr. M. Thompson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. e Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan: Mr. Scott Harri of Schoell and Madson was present and discussed the proposed local sewer policy and the metropolttan sewer policy and their comparisons. He dis- cussed the necessity to control on-site sewer systems within the city and the capacity level of existing city sewer systems. Dis'cuss'ion occurred on the timing for the instal- lation of the LaRe Riley i'nterceptor. Mr. Harri noted he was not c e r t a l' n 0 f the t fm i' n g 0 fit sin s tal 1 a t ion b e c a use it was not programmed. Mr. Harri noted the amount of area to insure proper functiontng of on-site sewer systems depended upon the soil conditions and could be determined through perculation tests. Discussion occurred on the adoption of WCP-40 into city ordinances and plans. Discussion on infiltration and inflow occurred and Mr. Harrf estimated that it accounted for approximately 30 percent of th~ sewer1s capacity flow. Discussion closed with no motion necessary. e It 1-21-81 Planning Commission Mtnutes Page 2 Capital Improvement Plan, Discussion: Mr. Koegler explained the capital improvement section included a 5-year schedule of phystcal activities. He said it was not an annual budget But was an i'nstrument for long-range planning. A capital improvement program involved threeessenttal steps: (1) an analysis of existing financial conditions, (2) the formation of fiscal policies, and (3) the schedultng of improvements over the next five-year period. Mr. Koegler reviewed figures which summarized Chanhassen1s past and projected financial condition. Dis- cussion closed with no motion necessary. e Comprehensive Plan DraftJ Discussion: Discussion occurred on the Transportation section of the plan and Mr. Koegler presented an option 3 for Htghway 5 and Dakota Avenue. The Commission asked that option 3 be included within the plan. Mr. Koegler discussed possible methods of noti- fying residents of the hearings on the Comprehensive Plan Draft and those mentfoned were local newspapers, the newsletter, and through the homeowner1s associations. The Commtssion dectded to hold neighborhood meetings on the plan on February 25, 1981, and M~rch4, 1981. Dis- cussion closed. Adjournment: Ms. Watson moved to adjourn the 1-21-81 Planning Commi.ssion at approxi'mately 10:30 p.m. Motion w'as seconded by Mr. M. Thompson. All voted aye. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned. e