1981 02 11 - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CHANHASSEN PLANNING CDMMISSION HElD FEBRUARY 11, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: Cha:i.rmm A. Partridge, Mr. J. Thanpson, Mr. L. Conrad, Ms. C. Watson, Mr. H. Noziska, and Mr. M. Thaupson. Members Absent: Mr. W. Thanpson. Staff Present: Mr. B. Waibel, Mr. C. Mertz, and Ms. N. Rust. The Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz, swore in Mr. Conrad as the newly appointed Planning Camnission member. Chainnan Partridge made note of an upcauing hearing on alternative land fill sites for Carver County which was to be held on February 18, 1981, at the Courthouse. He said Chanhassen was being considered and urged all to attend. Preliminary Plat Amendment Request, Fox Chase Addition, Derrick Land Company: e Mr. Mertz said the request before the Camnission was a request to amend the preliminary plat which was, in effect, a request to amend the plan. He recalled the City Council had last considered the subject developnent on July 21, 1980, and minutes for that meeting had indicated that final developnent plan approval was granted on a 4-1 vote. In section 14.06 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 47, there was a provision which required a new public hearing in this instance before the Camnission if the developer decided to pursue his request for an amendment to the fonrerly approved development plan. Mr. Mertz indicated to the Camnission that their action should be to either grant or decline the applicant's request for a public hearing on the anended plan. Mr. Waibel presented his planning report. He noted he had discussed the request with the City Attorney's office and it was decided that, although ordinance no. 47 permitted staff to discretionarily approve minor changes to prel.iminill:Y plats, it would be best for the Planning Camnission to review the amendment and detennine if a public hearing would be necessary. e Mr. Waibel explained that the proposed amendment essentially involved the northerly 700 feet of roadway accessing the subject proPerty wherein the middle 400 feet was proposed to be shifted west to an area of higher elevations and better soils. This new road alignment would add an additional two lots thus creating a total of 54 lots in the developnent. Mr. Waibel noted tWo concerns: (1) is the proposed change in the road alignment and two additional lots material enough to warrant further review or an additional public hearing and (2) does the proposed change canply with acceptable engineering standards. - 2-11-81 Planning Camnission Minutes Page 2 Mr. Waibel stated that fran a development standpoint, the proposed re-alignment of the road should: (1) Present rrore suitable soil conditions for the construction on the easterly side of the plat, and (2) present greater visual variety to the develop:nent through the curvilinear street section as opposed to the previously proposed street pattern alignment. Mr. Waibel said the City Engineer recanrrended the devloPer soften the curves at Lot 4, Block 2, and Lot 1, Block 1, super-elevate the curve to specifications on Lot 1, Block 1, and construct the grade at the northerly entrance to provide for better stacking. Mr. Mertz explained past plans and the nunber of lots requested in each. e Mr. Curt Laughinghouse was present frau Derrick Land Caupany and said there were two issues to look at: (1) the movement of the road and (2) the addition of two lots. He said that if outlot area was different on the proposed, it ~'1Ouldbe noprcblem to change that to meet that of the fonnerly approved plan. He further said their design engineer had talked with the City Engineer and they would meet the su:Jgestions made by the City Enginer in the 2-5-81 Planning Report. Mr. Laughinghouse noted that, in regard to the issue of an increase of two lots, they were in confonnance with the R-1 single family dwelling district zoning restrictions and said the question of suitable density was only due to the PRD zoning. He said they had reduced frontage fran 100 feet to 90 feet, which was the cause of the two additional lots. Mr. J. Thaupson stated that allOW'ing the applicant to add two additional lots after final developuent plan approval would create an undesirable prece:ient, and they may have to allOW' the same for other developers. In response to Ms. Watson, Mr. Laughinghouse said the proposed amendment was the result of further study which showed it would be best to move the road west frau a development and engineering standpoint. Mr. Waibel explained studies had been done on the feasibility of a second access for emergency purposes and said it was determined that a second access at that time would be of marginal benefit; therefore, t.he northerly proposed single access was to be constructed with a 36 foot wide roadway to assist in solving the prcblem of emergency access. e - 2-11-81 Planning Carrmission Minutes Page 3 Discussion occurred on the possible future continuation of the southerly portion of the access road which ended at the west property line. Mr. Phil Goetz, representative of the neighbors of Pleasant View Road, was present on their behalf and reviewed the city's PRD approval process as he understood it. He felt the option was not to decline or order a public hearing. He reviewed the history of the developuent and noted it was his understanding that a secondary access and 50 lots had been approved at the public hearing and the final developnent plan was approved with 52 lots and no secondary access. He wished to note this discrepancy. He felt the developer was violating the zoning ordinance and that a new public hearing should be held due to the above noted discrepancy. Mr. John Edwards, 6270 Ridge Road, noted his concern about the steepness of the proposed road. Ms. Joyce Bennett, Pleasant View Road, stated she agreed a second access was important but she felt threatened with the proposed road ending at her property line. Mrs. Kathleen Schwartz, Pleasant View, felt the developllent was not consistent with the neighborhood character due to lot size. e Mr. Frank Beddor, 910 Pleasant View Road, did not agree with plaCEment of smaller lot developuents in areas such as Pleasant View because they were not appropriate. The President of the Christmas Lake association felt the developuent should be diligently analyzed because it oordered Hennepin County,which still had rural characteristics. In response to Mr. Beddor, Mr. Jim Orr, City Engineer, said no road feasibility study had been done since the original one at the beginning of the developnent discussions. No feasibility study had been done for the existing proposal. Mr. M. Thompson noted there was a discrepancy in the developllent plan presented to the Planning Camnission and that presented to the City Council. Mr. Bud Osgood, 745 Pleasant View Road, expressed concern about the single access for the developnent. e In response to 1>"li. Roger Derrick, the applicant, Mr. Mertz said that if another public hearing were held, he could not guarantee that any of his proposals would be approved because it would be the beginning of a new process. Mr. Derrick said he wished to decline his request for an amendment to his preliminary plat and his final developuent plan. Mr. Derrick wished it noted that the reason for fluctuation of lot numbers was a road which was proposed for the Western side of the property but did not actually occur. - 2-11-81 Planning Camnission Minutes Page 4 Ms. Bennett felt the south end of the access should not dead end at her property but should connect to the City's southern road easement. Mr. Edwards felt the withdrawal of the applicant should be rejected and a public hearing should be held to eliminate any discrepancies in plans presented to~the Planning Comnission and City Council. Mr. J. Thanpson indicated that the neighborhood could possibly get together with the applicant to work out a more desirable plan. Mr. Derrick said he was open to talk with both the neighbors and staff but that, if possible, he would like to begin construction just after the spring thaw. Mr. M. Thanpson moved to recorrrnend to the City Council that they negate their final developnent approval based upon the fact that the plan viewed by them was not the same plan viewed at the public hearing . Motion failed due to the lack of a second. Ms. Watson moved that staff work with Derrick Land Company and the neighborbood to attEmpt to solve problems of road lay-out, lot numbers, and secondary access. Mr. Noziska seconded the motion. All voted aye except for Mr. M. Thanpson who voted nay. M:>tion passed. Mr. Noziska noted he felt the curvi -linear street was more appealing than the straight street. e Review Alignment Alternatives forNew Carver County Road No. 18 Pat Murphy, County Engineer explained the history of the County Road 18 c.orridor. He said they were requesting state aid for t:h~ construction, which would require City Council approval, of the cities inv61ved,of-tne road construction plans. He said the county wished input from Chanhassen and Chaska before they prepared the actual construction plans because some land use implications were involved both long tenn and short tenn. Mr. Murphy said the proposed road vrould provide a connection to trunk Highway No. 212 and would be another east-west road which could divert traffic from Highway No. 5 Mr. Don Wisniewski, assistant County Engineer, reviewed the four al ternati ve Road Plans the county had prepared. He said the road would have a rural - like appearance and would be a two-lane highway. It may potentially beccme a four lane highway. Below are his conments on each of the al ternati ves : (1) This al ternati ve would connect the two industrial parks in Chaska. Because of this, the County Road may result in taking on a collector function, which is not a positive aspect. Also the road would go through peat soils, and a ravine, which, again, are not posi ti ve aspects. e (2) This al ternati ve is similar to al ternati ve (1) and has the same pros and cons. It can be constructed with the least cost to the county. e 2-11-81 Planning Conmission Minutes Page 5 (3) (a) and (3) (b) These alternatives are the same with the exception that (3) (a) goes through a marsh area and (3) (b) is more on the edge of the marsh area. They limit any severance of land from Chanhassen. They use the existing railroad crossing and do not serve to connect the industrial parks in Chaska, which were posi ti ve aspects. (4) This al ternati ve has the greatest construction costs because it involves the longest length. This alignment involves the least amount of severance of land from Chanhassen, and it does not encounter peat soil. There may be a slight problem of the way the industrial parks in Chaska could connect to the road. In response to Mr. M Thompson, JYT..r. Wisniewski said they had only talked with the affected property owners in a general aspect to make them aware that a new county road would at some time be constructed in that area. Mr. Waibel noted the proposed road corridor was included in the 1968 City Plan. e In response to Mr. Conrad, Mr. Murphy stated the short range goals were to connect the industrial parks, and it would provide an al ternati ve route in and out of the industrial parks. The mid-range goal was to provide a connection to Highway 212; and the long range goal is to take traffic from Highway 5 and have an extension to Victoria. Mr. Jim Orr, City Engineer, said the northern two alternatives (3 & 4) best served Chanhassen' s needs which related to traffic on Highway 5. Mr. J. Thompson felt the affected property owners should be shown the al ternati ves and stated he felt the best road location would be south of the industrial parks in Chaska. Of the alternatives, however, he felt options 3 and 4 were the most favorable. Mr. Conrad felt alternative No. 4 was the most favorable because it met Chanhassens needs best. Ms. Watson felt alternative No. 4 was the most favorable. Mr. M. Thanpson felt alternative No. 1 was the most appropriate. Mr. Noziska felt alternative No. 1 was best from an imnediate standpoint but No. 4 was best from a long-tenn standpoint. Chainnan Partridge felt alternatives 3 and 4 were best because he did not feel the road should go through the industrial parks. JYT..r. M. Thompson moved to recoImlend the first priority be alternative No.1. M:>tion failed for lack of a second. e Mr. Conrad moved to reconmend to the City Council that first priority be alternative No. 4 with number 3 as an alternative to NO.4. M:>tion failed due to the lack of a second. e 2-11-81 Planning Comnission Minutes Page 6 Mr. M. Thanpson IrOVed to notify the City Council that the Conmission had been exposed to the alternative road alignments and that, based on infonnation seen, had no specific reconmendation. Ms. Watson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. Subdivision Request, 7554 Frontier Trail, Sketch Plan Review, David Almich: Mr. Waibel explained the request and noted it was request to subdivide a single parcel into two lots at approximately 33,190 square feet and 38,650 square feet. There was access to both sewer and water; However, an easement would be necessary to provide access to the westerly rrost lot. Discussion occurred on the reassessments which could occur on the property follOW'ing an approval of the subdivision. Ms. Watson moved to hold a public hearing on the subject request P-746. Mr. J. Thonpson seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Discussion, 1981 Commmity Developnent Block Grant Program:, e Ms. Rust reviewed the program guidelines and noted the projects selected must meet the following criteria: 1-3 l. principally benefit low-and moderate-incane persons; 2. prevent or eliminate slums and blight; or 3. meet a need having a particular urgency . She noted that through staff discussions the follOW'ing suggestions evolved: l. Partial subsidy of land and site improvements for senior citizen housing. 2. Housing rehabilitation for low-and moderate-incaue households. 3. Partial subsidy of land or site improvements for new home construction of low-and moderate- incane households. 4. Senior and handicap camnunity center construction as integral part of downtown redevelopnent plan. Mr. J Thonpson rroved to accept staff's suggestions as laid out in their memorandum of February 6, 1981. Motion was seconded by Mr. M Thanpson. All voted aye. Motion passed. e e 2-11-81 Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 Approval of Minutes: Mr. M. Thorrpson moved to approve the 1-14-81 Planning Comnission minutes as submitted. Ms. Watson seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Mr. M. Tharrpson moved to noted the January 5, 1981, City Council minutes. Mr. Noziska seconded. All voted aye. M:>tion carried. Open Discussion: Discussion occurred on Ordinance No. 28 and on the actual authority of the Planning Camnission. Mr. J. Thorrpson noted that the services of Nancy Rust as secretary were greatly appreciated during her time with them. Adjournmant: J:.1r. M. Thonpson moved to adjourn the 2-11-81 meeting at 11:45. Mr. Noziska seccnded. All voted aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. e e \