1981 03 18 e . . MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD MARCH 18, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL Members Present: Chairman Art Partridge, Carol Watson, Ladd Conrad Howard Noziska, M. Thompson and J. Thompson Members Absent: Walter Thompson Staff Present: Bob Waibel, Mark Koegler Public Hearing on the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: Partridge stated that this is the last formal public hearing to be held on the Comprehensive Plan review. Koegler explained to the public why the City has a Comprehensive Plan and what it involved. He explained that it is basically a guide, not an ordinance for the City to follow in looking at development. Koegler stated that in April 1977, the City received a system statement from the Metropolitan Council, which is the Regional Planning Agency in St. Paul. It discusses park, and transportation issues that are a Metropolitan investment so that they would know what to expect in the future. Koegler pointed out that the population figures from the Metro Council and the City of Chanhassen1s projected population figures do not agree. In 1977, Met Council stated that Chanhassen1s population in 1990 should be 17,000 people, and by the year 2000 - 25,500W In 1978, they did a re~analysis of those numbers and revised the numbers down. The new numbers reflected 11,000 population in 1990 and 15,500 in the year 2000. Chanhassen was never in agree- ment with the revision process, and documented what Chanhassen feels should be a reasonable number for growth, those numbers all point to the original numbers as being more valid than the revised numbers. The Met Council has the authority to make the City make changes to the plan. Koegler explained the differences in opinion between the Metro Council and the City regarding the MUSA Line. Koegler explained further hhat the major elements of the Comp Plan are land use, housing, tranportation, recreation and utilities. Koegler briefly reviewed each of the areas mentioned. Planning Commission Minutes March 18, 1981 Page 2 e Keogler stated that after the City Council has approved this plan, then the Planning Commission will begin to look at the present Zoning structure for the City. The Planning Commission will have to revise the Zoning Ordinance to put it in conformance with the Comp Plan. There was no one present representing the public. Watson made a motion, seconded by Conrad, to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Minnetonka Labs: Present: Ron Whipperman, Minnetonka Labs Whipperman indicated that he is interested in purchasing 120 acres to locate' Minnetonka Labs using a campus type layout. The property is located at Highways 41 and 5. He indicated that they would like to have plenty of room for expansion. Whipperman stated that he is concerned about what is happening with the MUSA Line and the Metro Council. The proposed property is not located in the MUSA line. He asked the Planning Commission if they would consider this application even though it is located outside the MUSA Line. e Partridge s~ated that the property is zoned R-l now and is shown in the Comp Plan as being agricultural land. Whipperman stated that they would be willing to continue the Lake Ann Interceptor to the property at their own expense. Partridge stated that this proposal is not really what the City had in mind for the area. Whipperman presented a rough site plan for the Planning Commission to review. Conrad asked why the company is looking for so much property. Whipperman stated that they wanted to keep with their image and have a rural campus look. They also want to have plenty room for expansion without having to look crowded. The company is now located on approximately 30 acres. The firm has grown dramatically in the last 4 years and plans to keep growing!:at that rate. Watson stated that this proposal should be looked into. Koegler explained that this request will have to go before the Metro Council to request that the MUSA Line be located on that property. - Waibel stated that he suggests that Minnetonka Labs make a formal application to the Planning Commission and discuss with staff the possibility of this request. He further suggested that this should go before the City Council to get their comments on this request. e . e Planning Commission Minutes March 18, 1981 Page 3 The Planning Commission suggested that Minnetonka Labs go before the City Council to get their ideas on this request. The Planning Commission stated that they feel this is a good idea and should make an application to come before the Planning Commission with their proposal. The Planning Commission asked staff to bring this before the Metro Council to see if the MUSA Line can be moved.