1981 04 08
HELD APRIL 8, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M.
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Members Present: Chairman A. Partridge, C. Watson, J.
Thompson, L. Conrad, H. Noziska and M.
Members Absent: W. Thompson
Staff Present: B. Waibel, B. Foreman
Site Plan Amendment Request, Dayco Concrete, Inc.:
speaking with
explained to
pressure Sodium
the plan he is to
Mr. Waibel told the Committee that in
the representative from Dayco Concrete he had
him that the City is planning to use all high
Shielded Amber Lighting and that should be in
submit to the City Engineer.
. Mr. Waibel also advised the repre-
sentative that he should prepare to file a Land Scaping Bond soon
so it will not delay their building permit.
Ms. Watson asked how the Site Plan change would effect Park
Drive? Would it become a dead end street? Mr. Waibel explained
that the changed site plan would change Dayco's access to Hwy 5
but that the site needed both accesses. Park Road would be the
main road to Dayco in the future.
Mr. J. Thompson asked if by moving the building to the
East will it affect visability coming down Park Drive. Mr. Waibel
stated that the Dayco building would be setback 30 feet from the
right of way and that the building is setback the same distance as
Mr. J. Thompson made a motion to recommend to the City
Council to approve the new Site Plan drawn on 2/27/81 by Bob Davis
(Planning Commission Exhibit A) recommended by the City Council on
December 22, 1980. Second w~s made by Ms. Watson. Motion carried,
all ayes.
Site Plan Amendment Request, Lyman Lumber:
Mr. Waibel presented a drawing of the new site plan.
The new building will not add to any run off problems. Mr. M.
Thompson asked if the new site plan could be explained. Mr. P.
Throhdahl, a representative from Lyman Lumber pOinted out that
Lyman Lumber wanted to build a storage shed. It would be an
4-8-81 Planning Commission Minutes
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aluminum sided building that would match the rest of the building
on their property. The building would be 241 x 601 and would be
used for short term storage. This building was not in the original
site plan because Lyman Lumber did not forsee the use for that
much storage space when the plan was first drawn up.
Mr. Waibel stated that the new building would be
totally screened, there is high ground in the East and the
other buildings are in front of this one. Mr. H. Noziska asked
if the building would be heated. It was answered no, the
building is just for storage and no heating would be needed.
Mr. L. Conrad made a motion to recommend approval of
this site plan request (Exhibit 4/8/81). Seconded by J. Thompson.
Motion carried, Ayes-6.
Easement Vacation Request, Lots 7 j 8, Block 3, Chanhassen
Mr. Randy Trivolia explained that Lots 7 & 8 had
been replatted. There was a property line dispute that
is cleared up now but would like to ask that the Com-
mission would approve his request to vacate the easement on this
property. Mr. A. Partridge explained some of the background
of this case. There is a building on top of the easement already.
The lot is able to meet all the setback requirements and would
still be a buildable lot. There were no problems with any of
the neighbors.
Mr. M. Thompson made a motion to recommend to the City
Council to hold necessary public hearings to vacate the ease-
ment on Lots 7 & 8, Block 3, Chanhassen Estates. Mr. H. Noziska
seconded the motion. All in favor.
Visitor Presentation, Mr. Rod Hardy, Lake Susan West:
Mr. Hardy, a representative for Lake Susan West, withdrew
their application for the Subdivision at Lake Susan, and requested
that this item be tabled indefinately. No action was taken.
C has k a C om p re hen si ve P 1 an:
Mr. Waibel went thru the report of April 6, 1981
4-8-81 Planning Commission Minutes
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and discussing Land Use, Transportation, Parks and Open Space
and Utility Elements of their Comprehensive Plan. The Planning
Commission agreed that the City of Chanhassen should go on record
in the review of the Chaska Plan as to having concerns about
the Industrial area in the Southeast corner of Chaska, the
coordination of Parks and trail facilities between both com-
munities, the alienment of North Jonathan Blvd and the overall
compatability of the Chaska Comprehensive Sewer Plan relative
to the 208 Water Quality Management plan and the plans of
Open Discussion:
The members of the Planning Commission indicated that
they might not be able to make a quorum at the April 22, 1981
Discussion, Ordinance Review:
The Planning Commission discussed ways in which to
revise the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance.
It was suggested that each member look over the Ordinance and
Comprehensive plan and come up with items that should be changed.
They should bring their comments to the next meeting.
On motion by Ms. Watson and second by Mr. J. Thompson,
the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m.