1981 06 24 e MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD JUNE 24, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL APPROVED ON l~ 11.111 Members Present: Chairman A. Partridge, J. Thompson, C. Watson M. Thompson, H. Noziska, W. Thompson and L. Conrad. Staff Present: B. Waibel, M. Koegler, and B. Foreman Review Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments: Mark Koegler, from Schoel and Madson, gave a review of where the City is at with regards to getting the MUSA line approved by Metro Council. J. Thompson indicated that he agrees with Metro Council, Chan- hassen has not grown to much in the past. Koegler stated that Eden prairie is in a building boom now and they are right next to Chanhassen. e Waibel asked what about all the development that has already occured with sewer promised. Koegler indicated that the devel- opments that have been approved will h~ve to occur at a slower rate than expected. Koegler explained that Metro Council could take estimated sewer capacity from a city that is not growing as fast as they expected and give it to Chanhassen. He doubted it they would do it. Conrad stated that Chanhassen has only grown 30% in the last 10 years. 90% of the population cannot afford to get into housing with the economy the way it is now. Do we really expect that much growth? Noziska stated that the economy works on a pendelum and he feels that the housing boom will come back. Koegler indicated that at the time of submittal of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan that the Mayor will submit a cover letter to Chairman Weaver and also a plan amendment. Noziska suggested that Chanhassen get together with other cities with the same problem and go to talk to Metro Council together. Should have some developers come along too who will be affected by this change. Partridge stated that Koegler should get a representative from Metro Council to come to the July 15th meeting. 8 Review Victoria Comprehensive Plan: Watson indicated that she does not agree with their plan for Hwy #5. Chanhassen wants it to be an intermediate arterial. Planning Commission Minutes June 24, 1981 Page 2 4It Conrad asked if Victor ids bike paths will line up with ours? Waibel stated that Chanhassen doesn't have any bike trails planned for that area and there are no plans to join them. J. Thompson made a motion to have staff send a letter to Victoria including the comments from the Planning Report. Second by M. Thompson. All voted in favor and t~e motion was carried. Review Proposed Amendments to Carver County Comprehensive Plan: Waibel indicated that with this plan Chanhassen can use their Regional Parks. Watson stated that Carver County shows Hwy 5 as a minor arterial, Chanhassen would like to see it as an intermediate. J. Thompson made a motion, second by M. Thompson to have staff send a letter to Carver County and include the comments in the Planning Report and the comments by the Planning Commission. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. e Sketch Plan Review Continuation, Quady Property, Carver Beach Properties, Inc.: Waibel read the Planning Report to the Planning Commission. Mr. Hess, representative for Quady Property, stated that they do not have a topo for the property yet but it will be done in about 3 weeks. Waibel explained that Lots 25 and 26 are prominant run off areas. Waibel suggested that Lots 25 and 26 could have a man made storm holding system put in or the lots could be left as is with no development and be used as a natural holding pond. Also erosion control will have to be look into. Waibel suggested that the pedestrian path should be vacated from were it is now and moved to be next to the road. Then later the path could be joined with the paths on Kerber Drive. Hess indicated that there are sewer assessments on Lots 25 and 26 and drainage could be put in. Also there is a road access to them. Hess has a 40' right-of-way on the sketch but it could be changed to 50' if tha~s what the Commission wants. I Watson stated that she feels there are to many proposed lots for such a small area. Hess indicated that originally he had pro- psed 29 lots now he only has 26 lots. e Planning Commission Minutes June 24, 1981 Page 3 Hobbs, a neighboring property owner, indicated that he would like to see the lots about the same size as those in the area. He likes how the proposed road is going to line up with Lake Lucy Road. M. Thompson indicated that he would like to see larger more of the area around this property is larger lots. if Mr. Hess had talked with any of the neighbors. Mr. indicated that he hadn't. lots because He asked Hess Mr. Hess indicated that if Summit Drive were vacated take out lot 20 and make the other lots some larger. road were not vacated he would be loosing a lot plus pay for another road. he could If the having to Hess explained that because of the cost squeeze there is a trend coming with smaller lots and larger homes. M. Thompson indicated that the area has at least 20,000 square feet and up, he would like to 18,000 square feet minimum. Hess stated that economically he didn't know about fewer lots, but he indicated that the area with the 11,700 square foot lots would not look bad because they would be shaded with trees. e Watson stated that she would like to 20,000 square foot lots. Conrad was concerned about Lots 25 and 26 if they are buildable? Noziska indicated that Lots 25 and 26 would have to be looked at by the Engineer. M. Thompson made a motion to allow 16 lots on the north portion and 2 more if the south section is buildable. Motion died from lack of a second. Conrad made a motion to allow 18 lots on north section. Seconded by Watson. Conrad, Watson and J. Thompson - aye, Partridge, Noziska, W. Thompson and M. Thompson voted nay. Motion failed. J. Thompson made a motion seconded by W. Thompson to allow 20 lots on the north section with an outlot. J. Thomspon, Noziska, Partridge and W. Thompson voted aye and Watson, Conrad and M. Thompson voted nay. Motion carried. Review 208 Water Quality Management Plan Amendments: Waibel indicated that the Mayor is going to send a letter regarding this matter to the Chairman of Metro Council. Waibel read the Planning Commission parts of what is going to be in the letter. I The Planning Commission endorses the letter being sent. e - e, Planning Commission Minutes June 24, 1981 Page 4 Approval of Minutes: Conrad indicated that the 1st paragraph on the second page of the May 27, 1981 meeting should read "DNR requirements" M. Thompson made a motion seconded by Noziska to accept the minutes of the May 27, 1981 meeting noting that this meeting was very long and a lot of the public didn't identify them- selve it made it hard to take accurate minutes. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Watson made a motion seconded by Conrad to accept the minutes of the June 10, 1981 meeting. Carried. J. Thompson and M. Thompson abstained. Noziska made a motion seconded by W. Thompson to note the minutes of the June 1, 1981 City Council meeting. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 a.m.