1981 07 01 e e e MINUTES OF THE CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD JULY 1, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS APPROVED ON ~7-~;j.-~/' -... Members Present: Chairman A. Partridge, W. Thompson, J. Thompson L. Conrad, M. Thompson, H. Noziska and C. Watson Members Absent: None Staff Present: B. Waibel, M. Koegler and B. Foreman Review Comprehensive Plan Changes: Mark Koegler presented the changes in the Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Commission regarding socio-economic, land use, housing and transportation. Koegler indicated that on page 1u-57 Metro Council feels that the City has proposed too much MUSA line. Koegler stated that he doesn't see where they can cut back any more than they have already. M. Thompson asked if it would be possible to remove A, C, and D. Minnetonka Inc. has not been approved by the City Council yet. Koegler stated that City Council wants to have Minnetonka in this plan, C & D are included in this plan because they will probably be one of the first places developed. Partridge indicated that if anything should be removed he felt that A should go first then E, C & D. A. Partridge stated that he feels that this map is the best attempt that the City has made to accommodate what Metro Council has asked for. The only thing that could really be removed would be E and that doesn't make too much difference. Koegler stated that Metro Council wants to have Highway #5 as a minor arterial. Chanhassen wants it to be classified as an intermediate arterial. A. Partridge made a motion seconded by M. Thompson that subject to review of existing agreements with the various powers no extent ion be shown of County #18 west of old highway 17 or east of 101, and that highway #17 be shown as a collector street from Excelsior to where it is proposed. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. A. Partridge made a motion seconded by J. Thompson that all roads not in existance shall be represented as not in existance on this map. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. e e e Planning Commission Meeting July 1, 1981 Page 2 A Partridge made a motion seconded by L. Conrad recognizing that the City Council desires to downplay the importance in Highway #5 by designating it as a minor arterial in hope that it will expidite plan review by Metropolitan Council decision but that the Planning Commission reiderates Council position that highway #5 be shown as an intermediate arterial on this plan. We recognize that when 169 and 212 are built that they will relieve the traffic problems but in the absence of both roads highway #5 is the only access to Chanhassen from the west. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Planning Commission is requesting that someone from Metropolitan Council come to their meeting on July 15, 1981. W. Thompson suggested that the City Council be notified to come to this meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.